#holy shit i have like what? 3 girl f/os? 4?
happy girlfriend day to my lovely girlfriends annie and luisa and mai and yin yang
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ohtheseboysilove · 5 years
The life ahead of us I/III [Billy/Four x F!Reader]
Words : 4, 200 K +
Warnings : fluff, smut, angst, blood…
Summary : Billy and reader decided to quit the Six Underground team after three years fighting the bad guys. They agreed to help them finish this last job before starting their new life. Only three more missions to go for a life of freedom.
Note : Hiyyaaa, first 6 Underground writing and I’m beyond excited ! (and bloody nervous too!!!) I had this idea few days ago and I didn’t want to start writing it because I have a lot of other stuffs to finish/edit but I just couldn’t stop thinking about it so…The whole story is already clear in my mind, divided in 3 parts (was supposed to be a simple OS but I got carried away as usual…). Anyway, I hope you’re gonna like it as much as I do and don’t forget to tell me what you think (even if it’s just a meme or a heart emoji, I’m surviving on these little comments!). Lots of love xx
x Masterlist x
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General Headquarters of the 6 Underground team.
His mouth was hot, almost burning against yours, tongues and legs intertwined together in a passionate and lustful mess.
His thrusts were becoming sloppy as he was coming closer to his orgasm, his fingers quickly working on your clit to bring you with him and he was doing an amazing job as usual.
“Fuck…baby I’m so close” He breathed against your face before devouring your neck with light bites and small kisses.
“Me too, babe” You whined and sunk your nails into the skin on his shoulders, a low grunt escaping his throat at the gesture. “Come for me, Billy” You murmured and grabbed his face, your teeth tugging on his bottom lip as his whole body tensed, his strong orgasm washing over him followed by yours few seconds later.
“Holy shit” The blond moaned as he rested on top of you, still inside you, too lazy to move immediately. “I got—”
“Are you done fucking in here ? We’re leaving in ten !” A loud bang echoed through Billy’s trailer and the sweet and melodious voice of One could be heard. “If you’re late again, I will shoot the both of you myself !”
“Give us a minute !” The blond yelled back, his voice slightly croaky as he still breathless from his previous activities. “Fucking wanker”
“I heard you, Four !” You giggled quietly at One’s answer and sighed when you could hear his footsteps on the sand, signalling he was walking away from the trailer.
“We better get dress” You whispered and pressed a single, loving kiss on Billy’s swollen lips, earning a little groaning. Sex before a mission was probably your favourite. You were both giddy and full of good nerves, fucking them out in the best way possible. “Come on, babe” You pushes away few sweaty locks from his forehead and he gently kissed the inside of your wrist, mouth hiking up higher on your arm. “Billy” Instead of sounding like a warning, it was more like a desperate moan and it made him smirked proudly.
“In few months, we will finally be able to have as much sex as we want…” He dropped his mouth above your chest, his tongue lazily lapping between the valley of breasts, your throat going dry at the incredible feeling. “…without any disturbances…“ He cockily sucked on the love bite he made earlier under your right boob, just on the little mole which he found insanely sexy. You hissed, fingers grabbing his roots roughly. ”…no One…or Two…or Three…zero fucking numbers…“ His lips came back on yours for long, lazy kiss which always made your head spin. ”…just you and me, baby" You sighed loudly, the idea bringing butterflies in your belly.
You and Billy had decide to quit the team at the end of this major mission. It wasn’t an easy decision but it was the right thing to do. You arrived few months after Billy in the team as Eight and the both of you immediately clicked. It was the last thing you excepted when you integrated One’s little team. But only few weeks after you arrived, Billy and you started seeing each other and you never stopped since. You didn’t have family or close friends and you were quite good with a gun and especially with explosives, he made you an offer and you didn’t even think twice before accepting. You never regretted your choice once.
But now, three years later, Billy and you agreed that it was time for a change. But you couldn’t just quit and let the others handle the rest of the job by themselves. You would first finish this job, three more missions were planned to wrap the operation. But the desire to leave was itching through your veins a little bit more everyday. Everything was ready. Passports and new identities. Flights ticket toward Costa Rica. A beautiful house right on the beach. A good amount of cash to survive few years without raising a single finger.
“Three more missions, babe” You whispered, his smile matching yours immediately.
“Three more missions” He repeated with dreamy eyes.
You couldn’t wait to start your new life with Billy by your side.
Mission 1/3.
“Eight, how it’s going ?” You breathed slowly as the voice of One echoing in your earbud, your fingers perfectly stable as your worked on the explosive device.
“Slowly but surely” You murmured quietly as if you spoke louder everything could explode. Which wasn’t possible of course, but you needed all your concentration for the job. “Two more wires to go” You added as you carefully cut a black wire, Five next to you was holding a flash light right on the bomb.
“Copy that. Four and Seven, how is looking up there ?”
Five immediately plugged out your earbud and you murmured a quick thank you. It was one of your rule for this kind of job, you couldn’t listen to Billy because you would just be distracted and then risking stupidly yours and everyone’s life. Sometimes your heart would beat so strongly because of the blond that you couldn’t hear anything else and it was the last thing you needed.
Few more agonisingly long minutes later, you switched back on your earbud and murmured Billy’s favourite words : The bomb is disconnected.
It was for him the most stressful moments of these missions, waiting for you to confirm everything was fine. He was always worried to, instead of hearing you, hear the loud explosion which would result if you failed your mission.
But you never failed.
Your bigger job was over, the bomb wasn’t a danger anymore and you made peoples evacuated the building without really being noticed. Everything was going as it was planned.
“I have my eyes on the target” Three announced with his thick and easily recognisable accent. “Two, mi amor, do you see this hijo de puta ? Leaving through the second elevator”
“I got a visual” The french girl confirmed. “But call me like that one more time and the next bullet is for you, imbecile”
“You never complain when I call you like that in bed, mamacita” Javier was pushing his luck and One let out a little groan, ordering him to focus.
You couldn’t repress a little giggle at their familiar teasing. Javier and Camille were adorably cute and domestic at the base but during mission, Two was dead serious and you knew that Three loved to tease her about that.
Your heart ached a little at their kind of cute interaction and you couldn’t help yourself but checked on your amor.
“Billy, everything’s good on the roof ?” You didn’t let your voice betrayed your worry even if it was obvious for everyone.
“All clear, babe. Seven and his rifle can be quite useful” He always had this cheerful tone and sometimes it was driving you mad because he sounded so reckless. But he also always managed to come back to you.
“I save your ass at least a thousand time, you ungrateful wanker” Blaine chimed in.
“I bet you did, hiding away from the real danger” Billy teased gently and you could hear his quick breathing, indicating that he was running or doing some parkour shits.
“Oh shut the fuck up” Seven groaned and the blond chuckled loudly.
“Alright, Blaine stopped distracting him, he need to focus” You murmured and you could guess Seven was rolling his eyes at your comment.
“Yes, mom” He replied sarcastically.
“You heard the lady, Sniper ? Stop bothering me”
"Enough, the three of you” One cleared his throat and you immediately complained, claiming your innocence in this stupid quarrel. “Especially you Eight, you’re the one distracting Four” One added, completely ignoring your previous words.
You humphed with annoyance and Billy laughed quietly.
"Can’t argue with that one. She can be very distracting”
You grimaced, the throbbing pain on your cheekbone was making your head spin and you almost throw up at the feeling. Your ankle was also slightly touched, swollen and red but hopefully nothing too serious that few days of rest couldn’t fix. But you didn’t have time for any of that right now, the mission was done but more and more guards were deployed on the building and it was time for you to evacuated quickly.
You were the last one with Five. You lost her somewhere between the third and fourth floor, after a man assaulted you, knocking the butt of his gun right in your face. You managed to take care of him but Amelia was nowhere to be seen. You hoped she was okay, your earbud had fall somewhere during your fight, you couldn’t imagined how Billy must be worried.
“One more floor, come on” You encouraged yourself as all your muscles were sore and begging you to just stop and lay there.
The evacuation was on the roof, a zip line carefully installed by Billy and he already evacuated everyone except the both of you. His worry was growing as you still weren’t here, the sound of shotguns echoed through all the building, not helping his nervousness.
When you finally reached the roof, your gaze frankly searched everywhere for Billy, a relieved sigh leaving your mouth when you saw him, waiting patiently next to the zip line.
"Took you fucking forever, was about to leave” He falsely complained, the relived smile on his face was contradicting his words.
“You wouldn’t dare” You said as you quickly walked toward him before stopping net at the sight of large man right behind him. “BILLY !” You yelled and barely registered his surprise face as the man jumped on him, both of them falling loudly on the floor.
You grimaced as Billy’s head knocked painfully loudly on the concrete, the sound seeming to echoed through your head as you made your best to reach him. You weak ankle was slowing down drastically.
One punch.
Two punch.
At the third punch Billy’s head fell on his side as he spat blood on the floor, his eyes watching you as you came closer.
You didn’t have any more bullet or this fucking asshole would already be dead. The blond tried to take back the control of the situation but he was clearly still a bit dazed from the violent punches he just received. He was struggling to hit him back as his arms were stuck under the big guy, a groan of exasperation and pain falling from his mouth.
When you saw the man grabbing a large knife from his belt, a rush of adrenaline courses through your veins. You literally sprinted there just in time to see the man roughly throwing his weapon toward Billy’s chest, trying to stab him. And he almost did. You let at a strangle cry at the gesture and almost tripped over but thankfully the blond rolled on himself at the last second, avoiding the – probably – deadly stab.
“Don’t touch him, you sick fuck !” You threw yourself on his back, not really your smartest move but you couldn’t think straight when Billy was in danger.
“Get off me, bitch !“ The man tried to dodge him from his back but you didn’t budge and quickly grabbed the thin rope from your belt, wrapped it around his neck and putting as much as pressure as you could.
The man started chocking immediately and Billy didn’t lose a second, pushing himself off the ground and stabbing the man with his own knife, right through his heart. A weak gasp escaped his throat as blood started dripping from the corner of his mouth, Billy quickly helping you get off from under his back.
"You’re okay ?” You immediately cradled his face, checking the bruises already forming on his beautiful face.
“Peachy” He mumbled, hissing quietly as he wiped the fresh blood from the scrap of his forehead. “Thanks to you. Would be dead without you” He added with a little smile as you both walked to the zip line, your hands still shaking at the previous events.
You could have lost him so easily. That was also why you both wanted to stop being part of the team. Always worried about your other significant, wondering if he would make it alive today.
“You scared the shit out of me, Billy” You whined as he quickly and skilfully hooking you to the zip line from the belt you were already wearing. "I thought he was going to…"A sniffle fell from your mouth and you immediately cleared your throat, it wasn’t the time to let the emotions drowned you.
"I know babe” The blond pressed a short kiss on your hairs and hooked himself to the line too as you took a deep breath. You weren’t safe yet. “Let’s go home” You both walked to the edge of the building and you hugged tightly Billy as he jumped off the roof, sliding fast down the safe place where the other were waiting.
General Headquarters of the 6 Underground team.
“How you’re feeling, Nick Fury ?” One snorted as soon as you strolled in the HQ, wearing this stupid patch on your left eye.
“Ha-ha, very funny, One” You rolled your eyes, well your eye and took a seat at the large table, slamming of piece of paper in front of your boss.
“What the fuck is this ?” He asked, a spoonful of cereal crushing loudly under his teeth.
“You said you were going shopping later, I need that” You slid it toward him and threw a quick glance without any real interest.
“Why on earth would I do your shopping ?”
“Because I look like a fucking pirate and I practically can’t walk because of this stupid ankle” You glanced angrily at your foot which forced you to stay in bed for the past five days.
“And what about Skywalker ? Too busy doing nothing ?” One groaned exasperatedly.
“In fact, I’m too busy doing my darlin’ girlfriend” Billy chimed in a he walked in the living-room, biting in an apple. “Maybe you should try and get laid too One, couldn’t hurt you”
You pretend to be annoyed by his comment but your amused smile betrayed you. It was hard to resist his cheeky grin, especially when he was looking so good, all sweaty and just back from the gym.
“You’re fucking gross” One stood up and grabbed your shopping list before leaving the room mumbling quietly.
You and Billy exchanged a fond gaze, knowing that under his shell, the big boss considered all of you like family.
“You’re supposed to be in bed” The blond commented as he walked to you, dropping a little peck on your hairs.
“Yeah but I wake up and you weren’t there anymore” You shrugged and giggled stupidly when he crouched down at your level. “Billy, seriously I can walk to the trailer, it’s not that far”
“Up on my back, missy” You shook your head childishly and watched your boyfriend stood back up, brows arched. “You’re not supposed to put pressure on your ankle, back to bed now” He softly pushed few locks of hair behind your hairs, giving you the sweetest look ever.
His way to convince you to go back lay down on your bed.
“I’ve been laying in bed all week Billy” You whined with a pout. “I’m so done staying in this damn freaking bed. It’s boring” You crossed your arms, remembering that you already asked him three times to go buy a new mattress and still nothing.
“Well I don’t know for you…” He tilted his face close to yours, his lips hovering above your mouth but quite not kissing yet. His warm breath gently caressing your face making you momentarily forgetting about his request. “But I, have few ideas to pass time in this damn freaking bed” His cocky and raspy tone sent a wave of electricity directly to your core, your fingers involuntary curling against your palm.
“Oh yeah ?” You grabbed the hem of his tee-shirt, tugging him closer to you and he smirked wider at your receptiveness. “Like what ?” He slid a finger under your chin and tilted your head toward him before pressing a hot, dirty kiss on your desperate mouth.
“Like…"He broke the kiss but didn’t let go of your bottom lip, tugging at it with his teeth until you hissed, feeling him grinned against you. ”…fucking you face down onto this mattress that you love so much…“ You didn’t even mind the irony about this damn mattress, too occupied with the hotness growing inside your body. "Sound good to you, babe ?” His question was useless and you both knew it. The unsteadiness of your breath and the way your hands were tightly clasped around his forearm were enough hints to understand the situation easily.
But he loved hearing you saying it anyway.
“Yes” You breathed out quietly, his digits rubbing dangerously high on your thigh, each of his stroke deliciously burning your skin.
“Yes what ?” He repeated with a teasing smile, earning a little whine from you.
You should have excepted that from this cocky bastard.
“I want you to fuck me with my face down against the mattress Billy” You repeated and internally cringed about your desperation. “Hard, please”
For all answer he gave a predatory, toothy smile which made your core throbbed with need before grabbing you roughly by the waist, throwing you on his shoulder like a rag doll. You gasped loudly, scolding him for his brusqueness and he only chuckled carelessly, delivering a sharp slap on your covered arse, a little moan leaving your parted lips.
“BILLY !” You screamed his name again and again, trying to reach him but you couldn’t move. “Billy…“ You let out a strangled sob at his pleading eyes looking toward you.
He was being tackled against a wall by a man, a hand tightly wrapped around his neck, applying a strong pressure on it. The lack of air in Billy’s lungs were obvious as his head was slowly turning a worrying shade of red. The little vessels on his eyes were bright red, his eyes popping out of their sockets from the urge to breath.
You could see his hands trying to push away the man from him, little desperate gasps chocking out from his parted lips.
The man decided to move away his hand and instead threw him violently on the floor, kicking his ribs roughly.
Billy coughed loudly, thin dash of blood escaping from his mouth.
"Let him go !” You yelled again, forcing your body to move but a sharp pain on your wrists made you looked down. Ropes. So tightly wrapped around your skin that every little move was burning, atrociously scratching your body.
You looked back at Billy and this time he was on his knees. Arms crossed behind his back, his face covered in bruises and dry blood. You opened your mouth to call him but nothing came out, unable to make a single noise.
The same man from earlier came back, holding a gun in his hand, walking straight for Billy. You eyes widened at the sight and you tried your best to wriggle out of your chains, gaze fixed on your boyfriend.
No, no, no.
Please, no.
Everything went horribly slowly as you watched the man raising the hand holding the deadly weapon, tears obscuring your vision. Billy stayed still, his chest straight as he fixed the man, jaw clenching firmly.
“Are you afraid ?” The man whispered dangerously low, gun pointing directly on his head.
For a split second you locked eyes with the blond before he looked back at the man.
“Never” Billy growled before spitting a bit of blood on the floor, gaze fierce and burning with anger.
The man chuckled darkly. Completely useless, you watched the man’s fingers taking off the security of his gun. The unmistakable sound brought shivers down your spine. You barely noticed the spams in Billy’s jaw because of your whole body was shaking violently.
“Liar” The man murmured with a satisfied smirk, slowly pressing the head off the gun on his forehead.
A strangle sob escaped your throat painfully at the gesture. That caught Billy’s attention. His beautiful green eyes fell on yours, tears silently falling on your cheeks. His lips mouthed something to you but you couldn’t understand it. The loud thumbing of your heart against your rib cage was making your head spin.
The deafening sound of a bullet leaving the gun tore the heavy silence, echoed loudly in your head. And then the noise of Billy’s body collapsing on the ground, the thick smell of powder and iron making you sick.
You jolted awake on the mattress, eyes wide opened, sweat dripping from your forehead and heart beating too quickly.
You let out a loud, throaty sob, your whole frame shaking and shivering violently at the vivid memories of Billy’s dead body. You didn’t even notice your movements, rocking yourself in poor attempt of calming your nerves, gaze staring at Billy’s empty side of bed.
You didn’t hear the sound of the door’s trailer opened before two soft hands clasping around your shoulders.
"Baby, what’s going on ? (Y/N), (Y/N) !” You felt someone cradled your face, warm digits stroking your wet cheeks. “Breath with me, baby. Inhale…exhale…just like that, love” You did as he said, feeling your pulse starting to slowing down and your breathing becoming easier.
Several seconds later, you could finally see him. Billy, alive and well, looking worriedly at you.
“You…“ A small cry fell from your mouth and the blond pressed a kiss on his forehead before bringing you against his chest. “You were dead” You breathed out almost painfully, hands desperately grabbing him, the fear that he would disappeared making you sick.
“Still having these nightmares ?” You nodded weakly, nose pressed against his jumper, feeling a little bit more at ease with his familiar scent. “You know I’m not going anywhere, baby. There is no way I’m leaving you alone, love you too much for that” A small hiccup escaped your mouth, bringing Billy to only hug your tighter.
You had absolutely no idea for how long you stayed like that. Minutes ? Hours ? ? All track of time was lost in his strong, safe arms, his lips gently kissed your hairs and murmuring sweet nothing to you until you finally calmed down.
“You were out ?” You mumbled sleepily, head resting in the crook of Billy’s neck, exhaustion growing in your bones.
“Yeah, couldn’t sleep. I went for a run then I heard screaming when I was coming back” He pushed back the bed cover with his free hand and gently moved you under the warm blanket, chuckling softly at your drooping eyelids. “M gonna go for a quick shower, okay ?” He kissed your shoulder as you barely managed to murmur a little okay before settling comfortably in the bed.
Those nightmares weren’t new for neither of you. It was the normal consequences of a constantly dangerous life. Always worrying about each other. About your friends. Wondering if it was your last day truly alive.
For you it was always the same way. You fell asleep and suddenly everything seemed so real that you couldn’t tell if you were awake or no. Usually you were so scared you whole body were just freezing, not able to wake up until either your boyfriend did it or something really intense happened in the dream. Translating by Billy’s death most of the time. Gunshot. Stabbing. Falling. Drowning. And every time you woke up, you were terrified it happened for real one day.
That was mostly why you and Billy were leaving the team. You didn’t want to worry every time you were apart for few hours.
For him, it was different. He couldn’t fall asleep. Someday his mind would race about the dangerousness of the missions you were all doing. The thick tension which wrapped around his body each time you had to take care of explosives. It was a deep, freezing kind of fear running through his veins. He would remember that you would have to do it again and again. He would just lay in bed, making sure you were next to him, keeping his eyes open with the fear of seeing something he didn’t want to if he closed them. So, sometimes he would go for a run, changing his mind or running until he was too exhausted to even think about anything.
Few minutes later, you were fighting the sleepiness drowning you, eyes closing by themselves every two seconds but you wanted to wait for Billy. Too scared to just go back right into this nightmare. You felt the mattress quietly creaked as the blond joined you in bed, switching off the light before sliding under the covers behind you.
“Try to sleep, baby” He murmured lazily, knowing you wouldn’t fall asleep without him. He pressed his chest against your back, one arm sliding under your head and the other one resting gently on your stomach. “Good night, gorgeous” A small kiss dropped on your hairs and you sighed quietly at the gesture, relaxing against his warm frame.
“Two more missions” You quietly said, eyes closed and hand linked with Billy’s one.
“ Two more missions” The blond repeated in a soft sigh, his head resting on top of yours, the sound of his steady heartbeat quickly lulling you to sleep.
2 more missions left.
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fyeahwynonnaearp · 7 years
What Just Happened?!?: She Ain’t Right (S02E04)
So this is late because that episode killed me and I’ve risen from the dead just in time for tonight’s episode to completely slay me. If the cast is freaking out about it, then what the hell is going to happen?!?
Monster(s) of the Week Potential Big Bad Kind
WomanInBlack!Mercedes Gardner (@DaniKind): It was sad to think Wynonna’s sassy friend died, which was a shame because she was an awesome bitch. But, she’s still here! Stolen face, healthy bacon obsession, and Gardner Family creepy-incesty-vibes and all!
WomanInBlack!Beth Gardner (@meghanheffern): “She’s putting on her face.” It was such an innocuous statement...until it wasn’t. 
The Goo™: Likes early morning walks in winter, having fun, and a sucker for shiny things. May or may not have a thing for a certain ‘ginger butch cop’ and might make you kiss your older sister for shits and giggles. A problematic child that has your back if you happen to lose a limb.
Final Thoughts (No Spoilers)
We knew from season one that this show moves fast. They like to dodge,dip,duck,dive,and dodge all of our expectations and theories, but will turn around and give us something that we Earpers joke about and not expect that they will actually do it! This episode was an emotional roller coaster and it wasn’t until I was staring blankly at my TV two hours after it aired that I realized there was no WayHaught...and I was completely okay with it.
The plot of this season is definitely starting to separate itself from the Earp Curse. Some people might hate it and feel that the show is tackling too many things at once and need to focus on killing the Revenants, but I appreciate this. By not focusing on Revenants, this gives justification as to why more seasons are needed (story-wise). Plus, we know there are more than just humans-turned-demons and I like seeing how it develops Wynonna from reluctant hero to actually-wants-to-save-the-day.
The Earp sisters are definitely at the forefront of this episode. In the beginning of the season, I definitely questioned why won’t Waverly just talk to Wynonna about her issues. But then I remembered, Wynonna left Waverly and has been gone for three years before coming back and on-and-off before then. As close and as protective Wynonna is, she did abandon and leave Waverly alone in the past (whether it was by her choice or not). So, it makes sense why Waverly wouldn’t really have heart-to-heart talks with her big sister because in all actuality, how well do they really know each other? Especially since Wynonna might not even know when Waverly’s birthday is.
Read on for spoiler laden rants, freak outs, and (probably) incorrect theories. SO: This is super late because as I was about to post this, my laptop freaked out and shut down. Like, now my Mac HD disk needs repair, had to install OS on my external hard drive, and I needed to do a complete erase/redo of my laptop. Wynonna Earp broke my computer.
10 Things That Happened/I Learned
1. Dolls is a fire-breathing maybe-dragon! (ex?) Deputy Marshall Xavier Dolls from Arizona can breathe fire! This is NOT a drill. Jokes about LizardDemon!Dolls are over. It became real. This is real life.
2. Jeremy Chetri is an adorable gay, even if he can’t start fires with his mind. He has a fanboy!crush on Doc and doesn’t want Dolls to get the wrong impression that he’s straight when Rosita was flirting with him. Because, you know, Dolls helped him do a chin-up one time. So, as of now, The Squad™ is at least half-unicorn: confirmed!Lesbian Officer Nicole Haught, unconfirmed!Bisexual Waverly Earp, confirmed!Gay Jeremy Chetri, and unconfirmed!butwouldn’tbesurprised Bynonna.
3. Ba-Ding! Ba-Ding! And The Mysterious Case of “OMFG! Is That A Hand?! Whose Fucking Hand Is That!?”.  Look Ma! No hand!Waverly Earp. It was the moment when wlw everywhere grieved Nicole and Waverly’s young sex life. Even if The Goo™ didn’t do the ultimate winggoo act and regrew Waverly’s hand, I’m sure she and Nicole are super smart enough to not let a little loss of limb to stop them from having the sex. But seriously, there needs to be a follow-up on Waverly’s hand because is it just there...chilling? Will she get that ring back? It looked like a nice ring.
4. The Women In Black and the face-stealing and holy shit! are the Gardner sisters still wiggling and alive?!? When we first see the Women in Black, I admit to not completely think they were a big deal. Like, oh! there are two of them and cool! she doesn’t have a face and ah! it’s the Lady Gaga hand. But now they have a weird Tucker-obsession and plans to give him whatever he desires. 
5. Tucker Gardner VS Officer Nicole Haught. It’s official, Nicole is facing Tucker this season. At first, I thought it was awesome that Nicole will now get to be an actual cop. But with Tucker teaming up with the Women in Black, I think I will be screaming “Let her in The Squad™, Wynonna! Talk to Nicole!!” at my TV for the rest of the season.
6. “Miss Four Blankets, Plus A Bonus Blanket”. Just gals being pals. Because Nicole is definitely the bonus blanket. Plus, “Tacos are tasty!” and Girls are like guns, you better run when they’re smoking (Haught)...when they’re smoking hot.
7. What is coming?! And it’s not winter. We know from the season 2 trailer that there is this ‘Legion’ thing and buff firefighters in red robes and Black Plague bird masks, but what is going on with the asshole seal and the asshole who broke it and the asshole that broke out of it?! Well, whatever it is, there are theories that it’s connected to Waverly’s origins. Emily Andras hinted earlier that the pictures from the opening titles are clues.
9. WynHaught bro-ship sails(?). Wynonna apologized to Nicole, but they’re talking about two different things. Wynonna is apologizing because Gooverly and Nicole knows Waverly might be acting weird because of the whole not an Earp thing. Dolliday bro-ship is alive and well. Yes, they’re into the same crazy chick with a gun, but that won’t stop them from being bros and respecting each other.
10. The Plate. What is up with the fancy commemorative Purgatory plate? It’s clearly important because people died for it and Black Badge wants it and it belonged to an Earp. It always comes back to the Earps, doesn’t it?
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