#home remedies croup
parentingvip · 1 month
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skogenraev · 1 year
Oregano - Herbguide
Oregano is an herb of joy, safety, and lightness of spirit. It can uplift you and help you move forward in your life no matter the pains of your past or the obstacles of your present.
If you have been struggling with negativity lately, try breathing in the aroma of oregano. As you do, you may instantly feel some of the emotional baggage you are carrying fall away. Oregano helps you lighten your mental and spiritual load so you can move more freely into positive emotional states.
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae). It is closely related to marjoram and is sometimes referred to as wild marjoram. The two have similar flavors.
・Oregano earns its name from the combination of two Greek words “oros” meaning mountain and “ganos” meaning “brightness or joy” giving it the common name of joy of the mountain. ・Oregano has a deep and storied heritage in Greece with many references in mythological tales. ・One legend notes Aphrodite (the Goddess of love among other things) created this fragrant herb in her very own garden patch on Mount Olympus as a symbol of joy. ・What’s more, in Ancient Greece it was commonplace to plant oregano around entranceways and surrounding the home to ward off evil spirits. ・Oregano was also the go-to cure for poison and used in poultices to draw out infections under the skin. ・When oregano sprung up on a gravesite it was viewed as a sign the deceased had found happiness in the hereafter. Crowns of oregano worn at weddings ensured the newly married would enjoy a life of joy and happiness. ・Oregano is native to temperate regions in Western and Southern Eurasia and throughout the Mediterranean region. The oregano plant has been used as an herbal remedy for respiratory ailments such as asthma, croup, coughs, and bronchitis as well as a remedy for gastrointestinal issues like heartburn and gas. In addition, oregano oil contains chemicals thought to reduce spasms and coughs as well as help with digestion by combating viruses, fungi, parasites, and bacteria. ・During the Middle Ages, oregano leaves were chewed as a remedy for toothaches, indigestion, coughs, and rheumatism. In China, oregano was frequently used as a herbal treatment to reduce fevers, stop vomiting, and quell upset stomachs. ・ Oregano has long held the symbolic meaning of good fortune, health, and happiness. During Tudor and Elizabethan times oregano was commonly utilized as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Oregano flowers typically bloom in shades of purple and pink which in the language of flowers which are synonymous with dignity, success, admiration, and wisdom (for purple flowering plants) and happiness, gentleness, affection, sensitivity, friendship, trust, innocence, playfulness, grace, and femininity (for pink flowering plants). Uses of Oregano in Witchcraft Oregano has countless uses in Magic, but above all, it is used for crafting love spells, since this herb is associated with Aphrodite and is ruled by the planet Venus. Not only it can be used for love but also to enhance our intuition and psychic powers, to protect our home and our animals, bringing harmony and peace to the home. Another traditional use is to burn some sprigs of dried oregano when a loved one passes away, or to place it on their grave. This will serve as protection and as a liberation from the chains that may remain in this life. A good way to attract love to your life is to create a bag with dried oregano inside and always carry it with you.
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Dealing with your kid's cough? We've got your back! The Emergency Center breaks down the cough code for parents. If it's a dry cough, think infection or allergies – tackle it with some at-home remedies. Hear a wheezy cough? It might be airway stuff; ease it with pain relievers. Barking cough? Probably croup – soothe it with pain relievers and a humidifier. Learn the cough game and when to hit up The Emergency Center for instant relief.
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ainews · 10 months
If your child has been diagnosed with croup, you've likely heard about the benefits of providing them with logs to rest. Logs have long been recognized as a traditional treatment for croup, but why are they so helpful?
Croup is a viral illness that is characterized by a barking cough, hoarseness, wheezing, and difficulty breathing, all of which can be severe enough to warrant a visit to the emergency room in some cases. Those with croup are usually diagnosed with laryngotracheobronchitis, or inflammation of the airways below the vocal cords. Though it is most common in children ages 3-5, adults can also contract croup.
Logs are a simple yet effective home treatment for croup. Studies have shown that using logs to elevate the head and chest while the child is lying on their back can help to reduce the symptoms associated with croup. This is due to the fact that logs provide gentle pressure to the chest which helps to reduce inflammation in the airways, leading to improved breathing and reduced coughing. Logs also allow for air to move more freely in the lungs, and keeping the head elevated helps keep the throat open slightly, preventing blockage that can aggravate breathing difficulty.
In addition, the warmth of the logs helps to reduce pain and can ease the breathing of the child. Similarly, the logs provide comfort and can help the child relax, leading to improved symptoms. For these reasons, many respiratory therapists and physicians recommend the use of logs for children with croup.
Log use is simple and affordable. Logs can typically be purchased at any hardware or home store, and they can be used with any standard size bed. They can also be cleaned and reused. Depending on the type of log chosen, logging should be done every four to six hours for the best results.
Logs are an easy, safe, and affordable remedy to help reduce your child's symptoms of croup. If your child has been diagnosed with croup, ask your doctor or healthcare provider about the use of logs to help provide relief.
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gsdqt · 5 years
101 Valentine Quotes And Wishes For Your Sweet Sister
101 Valentine Quotes And Wishes For Your Sweet Sister
101 Valentine Quotes And Wishes For Your Sweet Sister Harini Natarajan
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Hyderabd040-395603080 January 13, 2020
Sisters are the best thing in the world. They are your mom, dad, and best friend rolled into one. Valentine’s Day does not have to be all about romance. It is also a good time to celebrate the people you love – including your sister. Here is a list of best wishes and quotes…
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The song Days Like This from Falsettos is honestly heartbreaking. So the songs shows all the different ways to help someone fight an illness. But also how, no matter what you do, AIDS will win eventually.
Marvin: "You had to see yourself a few days back. I had a heart attack! Jesus. But today you seem to be on the way to recovery!"
Cordelia sings: "For aches and croup, try my chicken soup!" Then: "So, let's begin. It's medicine! It could be we're both going to cure you!"
Mendel and Trina add: "Go ahead, be good and pissed. 'How can I help?' says the wiry psychiatrist!" "He'll make you well!"
And Jason: "Gee, you look awful! I think you need to play some chess"
Charlotte is providing the best medical care she can. Marvin is the voice of optimism. Cordelia tries home remedies. Mendel offers emotional support. And Jason offers honesty followed by a distraction. While everyone gives him love and support.
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pwlanier · 4 years
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Munyon's Homeopathic Home Remedy Counter Display 1900
The American Art Works of Coshocton, Ohio produced this Munyon Home Remedy Company counter display case during the early 20th century. The metal box features a photograph of James Munyon holding his right index finger aloft and proclaiming in a banner below: “I would rather preserve the health of the nation than be its ruler.” Decorative panels on the sides of the box read: “The World’s best known remedies for over a quarter of a century” and “A separate Munyon Remedy for each disease.”
James M. Munyon (1848 - 1918) established his homeopathic medicine company in the early 1890s. Remedies included in this display box: Constipation Pellets, Morrowbone Nux Iron, Hay Fever Remedy, Bladder Remedy, Blood Remedy, Catarrh Remedy, Cold and Cough Remedy, Female Remedy, General Debility Remedy, Grippe Remedy, Heart Remedy, Kidney Remedy, Liver Remedy, Nerve Remedy, Neuralgia Remedy, Asthma Pellets, Colic and Crying Baby Remedy, Constipation Ointment, Cough Remedy, Croup Remedy, Fever Remedy, Headache Remedy, Laxative Paw-Paw Pills, Leucorrhea Tablets, Malaria and Chills and Fever Remedy, Measles Remedy, Pleurisy Remedy, Remedy for Rheumatic Fever, Sore Throat Remedy, Special Liquid Blood Cure, Stomachic Triturates, Vitalizer, Worm Remedy.
After the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, the Federal Government investigated many of Munyon's products. In 1911 they were judged "misbranded," and subsequently Munyon removed the name "Cure" from his homeopathic remedies.
National Museum of American History
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From the Archives: Greases and Fats
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Oils and greases rendered from various animals and animal parts were well used in the Ozarks to cure a wide variety of ailments. For example skunk oil, or skunk grease, and possum grease were both commonly used alone and mixed with herbs to cure colds and chills. Here are some more examples from our folklorists: Vance Randolph – Ozark Magic and Folklore Goose grease for earache – “Others prefer to pour sweet oil, or skunk oil, or goose grease strained through silk into their ears.” ~Randolph OMF 108 Church bell grease for deafness – “Grease from the mountings of a church bell, put into the ears at intervals, is believed to cure deafness.” ~Randolph OMF 148 Skunk oil for the croup – “Many Ozark youngsters are dosed with large quantities of skunk oil for throat ailments, particularly croup. This stuff is rendered from the fat of skunks trapped in the winter a strong stinking mess which makes many children vomit.” ~Randolph OMF 93 Skunk oil with peppermint for rheumatism – “The grease from skunks or civet cats, mixed with peppermint leaves, is highly praised by some hillfolk as a lubricant for rheumatic joints.” ~Randolph OMF 108 Kay Carter and Bonnie Krause – Home Remedies of the Illinois Ozarks Possum grease in compound applied to chest for colds – “Take kerosene and turpentine and camphor and possum grease if you have it…take this and warm it and put it on a cloth, put that on your chest.” ~Carter and Krause HRIO 2 Possum grease and goose grease in compound for colds – “We used goose grease or possum grease and my father would mix powdered quinine, coal oil, or kerosene and turpentine and camphorated oil and made a thing for our chest or to put around out necks.” ~Carter and Krause HRIO Goose grease rubbed on chest for cold – “Everybody had geese and when they killed geese, they saved the grease. You get a cold and they’d rub your breast with a flannel cloth with that goose grease.” ~Carter and Krause HRIO 3 Mary Celestia Parler – Folk Beliefs from Arkansas Possum grease for chapped hands – “Possum fat was used for chapped hands and feet.” ~Parler FBA II 1690 Bacon grease for chigger bites – “Bacon grease rubbed on chigger welts will kill the chigger.” ~Parler FBA II 1718 Goose grease and pine resin for colds – “Goose grease boiled with pine rosin rubbed on the face is good for colds.” ~Parler FBA II 1801 Hog penis grease for colds and rash – “Take the fat from a butchering hog’s penis and render it and strain it through a clean cloth. This salve is used for rash, cold on the chest, and such (everything).” ~Parler FBA II 1805 Owl grease for colds – “For a cold rub owl grease on the bottom of the feet.” ~Parler FBA II 1807 Skunk grease, turpentine, and kerosene for colds – “Skunk grease, kerosene, and turpentine mixed together is good for bad colds.” ~Parler FBA II 1802 Skunk oil used internally and externally for colds – “Catch a skunk, cook the skunk for oil. Rub the skunk oil on the body, and drink some of it to cure cold.” ~Parler FBA II 1803 “Skunk oil is supposed to be good for a cold. You take a skunk and skin it, be careful that you do not bust the stink bag. After skinning the skunk, you take the fat and then you render it out. The oil you get from this should be given to children for a cold.” ~Parler FBA II 1820
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truthbeetoldmedia · 6 years
10 Best Moments from Season 1 of “Anne with an E”
Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Canadian children’s series, Anne of Green Gables, has been adapted many times in the more than a century since it was first published. When recreating a story that has been part of the childhoods of Canadians and other children around the world for generations, there are certain elements that must remain the same and others that can be invented or updated to keep the story fresh and captivating.
Anne with an E (or just Anne, in Canada) is the CBC’s most recent adaptation of the classic, in partnership with Netflix U.S. It stays true to the essentials of the original work with pristine casting, beautiful cinematography, plotlines and dialogue that are lifted right from the novel. But it also took the chance to modernize the story in a way that makes it relatable and necessary in today’s world, by including a “Progressive Mothers Sewing Circle” and multiple conversations and conflicts around feminism, choice, and education.
Here are 10 of the best moments from Season 1 of Anne with an E:
Anne’s journey to Green Gables - 1x01 “Your Will Shall Decide Your Destiny”
Anne Shirley’s (Amybeth McNulty) romantic descriptions of Prince Edward Island throughout the series made it an ideal place in the hearts and minds of many young readers, and the sweeping shots and attention given to Anne’s enrapturement as she travels with Matthew Cuthbert (R.H. Thomson) from Bright River to Green Gables capture this sense of wonder beautifully.
This journey also introduces us to Anne, through the eyes of Matthew: she’s talkative, full of big words and bigger ideas, and in possession of an imagination of the likes Matthew — nor anyone in Avonlea — has ever seen before.
All of this is perhaps best captured as Anne and Matthew ride down the Avenue, a lane shaded by drooping cherry trees blooming with white blossoms, which Anne promptly renames “The White Way of Delight.”
Of course, Anne’s overwhelming happiness at finding a home in the most beautiful place in the world is overshadowed by the viewer’s knowledge that Matthew and his sister Marilla (Geraldine James) had expected a boy instead, something Anne has not yet realized and is sure to ruin her dreams of feeling wanted and loved.
“She’s my daughter!” - 1x02 “I Am No Bird, and No Net Ensnares Me”
If this moment didn’t melt your heart, you’re made of stone.
After Marilla sends Anne away for theft — which they soon learn was a wrongful accusation — Matthew chases her to Bright River, then to Charlottetown, then across the strait to Nova Scotia; he sustains an injury to the head upon almost spotting her in Charlottetown and he fruitlessly looks for her at the orphanage, before finally finding her at a train station where she’s collecting money by selling stories for a ticket to Halifax.
Anne is unforgiving when she first sees Matthew again, understandably hurt and unwilling to give him a second chance. A well-meaning stranger gets between them, worried that Matthew means her harm, but Matthew quickly dissipates the situation with a single sentence: “She’s my daughter.”
They’re words that Anne has been longing to hear and believe her entire life and she forgives Matthew immediately, wrapping her arms around him in a hug, and together they return to Avonlea.
Marilla talks to Anne - 1x02 “I Am No Bird, and No Net Ensnares Me”
Marilla is not one to wear even a sliver of her heart on her sleeve, and talking openly to Anne — who is so different from Marilla that she doesn’t even know where to begin — doesn’t come easily to her. Anne has no idea how her brief absence affected Marilla and instead assumes that Marilla doesn’t want or even like her, and it’s only because of Matthew that she concedes to keeping the child around.
Marilla does her best to smooth over her rocky beginning with Anne, in a speech made even more sweet by how obviously difficult Marilla finds it. “Anne, will you forgive me? I am very sorry, Anne. [...] You’re a truthful girl, Anne, even now, and that is an admirable quality. This was my fault. And all that you went through because of it. It’s a wonder you came back to Green Gables at all.”
An adult admitting their wrongs and asking a child for forgiveness is refreshing to see, especially given the time period. Proving that she does have a heart, and a heavy sense of remorse, does much to repair Marilla’s relationship with Anne, and although Anne will never feel the same sense of kinship with her as she does with Matthew, they grow to love each other deeply.
The PMSC (Progressive Mothers Sewing Circle) - 1x03 “But What is So Headstrong as Youth?”
Now that she’s adopted Anne, Marilla is invited to join the PMSC by several other mothers of young girls, a society that discusses and believes in progressive matters, such as girls’ education and equality between women and men.
It’s a clever opportunity for the show to discuss modern ideas in a 19th century setting, and Marilla, an older woman with a conservative bent, is a good viewpoint to see it from. At Marilla’s first meeting, the women discuss books and feminism and being a modern women in a modern world. Marilla is quite out of her depth, but is more than willing to listen and learn and even change her own ways of thinking.
Later, Marilla has a lively debate with her neighbour and friend Rachel Lynde (Corrine Koslo) about the PMSC, of which Rachel is no big proponent of, asking if the women “took turns shouting atop a soapbox” (a common misconception of feminism, even today).
“There was a lot of civilized talk about women’s education and social reforms,” Marilla replies.
Even Matthew chimes in on the discussion when he comes in to tea: “I reckon every new idea was modern once, until it wasn’t.”
Gilbert’s introduction - 1x03 “But What is So Headstrong as Youth?”
In almost any iteration of the Anne of Green Gables series, Gilbert Blythe (Lucas Jade Zumann) is nearly as essential to the story as Anne herself is. For generations, his character has been the object of countless fictional crushes and Anne’s relationship with him is a main driving force of the plot; such a character deserves a hero’s introduction.
And a hero’s introduction he receives. Anne’s on her way to school when she’s confronted by Billy Andrews, who threatens her for unintentionally spreading rumours about his sister. That’s when Gilbert appears, who immediately diffuses the situation by greeting Billy as a friend and suggesting they get to school, while Anne looks on in (surprisingly) wordless shock.
Anne runs from Gilbert and they’re not properly introduced until they reach the school, where she finally finds her tongue, tells him her name, and realizes that he’s the famous Gilbert Blythe as he’s immediately swarmed by his admiring classmates.
Gilbert has always seen Anne differently than everyone else, and feels a pull to her from the start. Where everyone else — including Anne — believes her to be homely and judges her harshly for coming from an orphan’s asylum, Gilbert says, “Why do I care where she’s from? A cute girl is a cute girl.”
(Later, when the class laughs at Anne for her dramatic reading of a poem, Gilbert only sees it as admirable: “She’s good. Invested.”)
Anne and Marilla discuss Anne’s future - 1x04 “An Inward Treasure Born”
After several weeks off, Anne is ready to go to school again. But she’s still concerned about what the minister told her earlier in the episode, about her not needing to go to school and becoming a wife instead. Ever since she heard that, Anne has been contemplating what it is she would like to be when she grows up.
Marilla is progressive enough and loves Anne enough to view the minister’s thinking as old-fashioned, and tells Anne that she should decide for herself what she would like to be and set her mind to it.
Gentle moments like this one between Marilla and Anne are rare, which makes them all the more touching when they come along. Marilla is new to parenthood, and while she certainly struggles with some aspects of it (and Anne is no easy child to raise, either), this is something that comes surprisingly natural to her. She always seems to know just what to say to ease Anne’s mind, and her unwavering faith in Anne’s intelligence and goodness is raw and honest, when she chooses to express it.
“You’ve got a good and nimble mind, Anne. I don’t see why you should limit it. In my day, we didn’t get to choose. I think you should make your own decision.” This statement means a lot, especially coming from Marilla, who wasn’t given the opportunity to choose her own path due to her family situation.
Anne saves Minnie May’s life - 1x06 “Remorse is the Poison of Life”
Anne’s experiences as an orphan prior to coming to Green Gables have her poorly adjusted for many things, but have taught her many things no child should be expected to know — including how to deal with croup.
When her dearest friend Diana’s little sister, Minnie May, falls ill on a night when both her parents and half the town are in Charlottetown to see the premier, Diana (Dalila Bela) goes to Anne for help. Anne immediately sends Matthew into town to fetch the doctor, while she accompanies Diana back to the house.
What follows is an extremely tense scene in which Anne does everything in her power to save Minnie May’s life — including employing remedies from old wives’ tales — while Diana and her Aunt Josephine (Deborah Grover) look on in shock.
The moment Minnie May coughs and breathes again after several minutes of choking silently on phlegm is an exceedingly powerful one. Anne’s role in saving the little girl’s life — when the doctor arrives, he confirms that Minnie May would have died otherwise — causes Diana’s mother to forgive her after the unfortunate currant wine incident of a month before and allow the two to be friends again, and raises her esteem greatly in the eyes of Aunt Josephine.
Anne and Gilbert talk about grief - 1x06 “Remorse is the Poison of Life”
For several months after the incident in which Gilbert called Anne “Carrots” and she responded by smashing her slate over his head, Anne holds to her promise not to have anything to do with him unless absolutely necessary. It’s not until Gilbert’s father dies and Anne feels that this is something she can relate to him about — after all, now they’re both orphans — that she makes any effort to actually talk to him.
Unfortunately, Anne isn’t a natural when it comes to sympathizing and not only does she not pick up on the fact that the last thing Gilbert wants is to talk to someone, but she manages to say exactly the wrong thing.
“Being an orphan has its challenges but you already have so many advantages, you’ll be much better off than I was. And...I didn’t know my parents. They died when I was a baby, so I couldn’t fend for myself the way that you can. And I don’t remember my parents at all, but you’ll always be able to remember your father. You know, when you think about it, you’re really very lucky.”
Later, Anne realizes that Gilbert has lost someone in a way she never has since she never knew her parents and thus never mourned them; however, when she arrives at Gilbert’s house to tell him this, he has already gone.
“I choose myself. That way I’ll never be disappointed.” - 1x06 “Remorse is the Poison of Life”
While out on a walk to “take advantage of the winter air,” Aunt Josephine comes upon Anne in her clubhouse, yelling aggrievedly to no one about Gilbert Blythe.
“What you heard just now had nothing to do with romance,” Anne assures the old woman, which leads into a discussion about Anne’s future and how all the other girls at school dream only of becoming a wife, and Anne herself has so many other ambitions.
Aunt Josephine is perhaps uniquely situated to give Anne advice, having never gotten married herself but spent her life living with the woman she loved (a relationship Anne hasn’t yet realized extended far past the realms of friendship).
“I have the following thoughts to offer,” Aunt Josephine says. “First, you can get married any time in your life, if you choose to do so. And two: if you choose a career, you can buy a white dress yourself, have it made to order, and wear it whenever you want.”
Aunt Josephine’s words do much to improve Anne’s mood, and she promptly exclaims, “I’m going to be my own woman.”
Gilbert and Anne meet in Charlottetown - 1x07 “Wherever You Are is My Home”
While in Charlottetown pawning goods in the hopes of saving Green Gables, Anne runs into Gilbert, who’s there to work on the docks. Anne is inexplicably happy to see him again, and the two go for coffee together.
Anne finally gets the chance to apologize to Gilbert for what she said after his father’s death, even if it’s an apology he doesn’t need to hear. The two strike up a truce and at last seem to form the beginnings of a friendship — with Anne even admitting that she’s missed him (although, supposedly, only in school).
Neither of them seem quite prepared to leave the other without knowing when they’ll see each other again (even Jerry notices the long looks that pass between them) and when they do eventually meet again, it’s easy to assume that a fundamental aspect of their relationship will have changed.
Season 2 of Anne With An E premieres September 23 on CBC in Canada, and is already available on Netflix in the U.S.
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parentingvip · 1 month
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themomsandthecity · 6 years
We Had to Give My Son Steroids For Croup, and It Completely Changed His Personality
When my son was 18 months old, we quickly learned that he was going to have respiratory issues. During the Winter months, he (and most children) is much more apt to getting sick, but for him, colds often settle into his lungs. As a mom, this can be terrifying. The barking cough wakes everyone in the middle of the night, and I worry that my little guy can't breathe properly. One of his colds even evolved into pneumonia. And one way doctors often try to remedy this croupy cough is to prescribe a steroid for the child. But, boy, do I wish I would have done my homework before I agreed to this. His eyes would gloss over, and his rage surfaced on an hourly basis. He was so hyped up that it made it difficult for him to sleep. Then his behavior catapulted out of control. Unfortunately, since my son is my firstborn, I always just listened to the doctors. Instead, I should have asked the proper questions and done my research, especially when it came to giving him steroids. In hindsight, I just wish a nurse or doctor would have warned me about the horrendous behavior that could ensue from my adorable and usually content toddler. It didn't take long for the steroid to clear up his cough, but it also turned my sweet boy into a raging lunatic. His eyes would gloss over. He was going through the motions without truly feeling a whole lot. And his rage surfaced on an hourly basis. He was so hyped up that it made it difficult for him to sleep. Then his behavior catapulted out of control. Related: Can We All Please Stop Sending Our Sick Kids to School? I'll never forget one day in particular. He desperately wanted to watch a show on the iPad. As I gave him the device, he tried to get to his beloved Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. His chubby, shaky fingers kept missing the proper button, and he took the iPad and threw it onto the kitchen floor. The screen shattered, quickly resembling a spider web. He immediately started crying, but he wasn't the only one. I wept with my toddler on the kitchen floor while cradling him. He had never acted this way before, and I knew in my gut that this wasn't typical toddler behavior. It wasn't his fault, and I was exhausted. I didn't know how to parent him through what I know was a really scary time for him. His emotions were completely unmanageable, and it scared both of us. After doing a ton of research, I learned that steroids can cause rage and intense emotions in children. I just wish I would have known this before I agreed to give them to my son. I don't understand why a health professional didn't tell a new mother this. Instead, I was left in the dark to navigate my son's intense personality change for two lonely weeks. I felt helpless. I wanted his cough to stop sounding so wheezy, but I wanted my sweet son back, too. I don't think I've ever cried so much in my life. Our whole home seemed to spiral out of control. Finally, we decided to take him off the steroids, and as soon as they exited his system, I got my son back. Related: The Night My Baby Got the Flu Was the Worst Night of My Life This "roid rage" doesn't occur in all children who take them to help their croupy cough. Some aren't negatively affected at all, while others, like my son, are. So, if you're in a similar situation as I was, just be cautious. Ask your doctor questions. Ask about alternatives, too. Now, when my son gets a wheezy cough, we use breathing treatments (those can make him act up, too, but not half as bad) right away so that his respiratory system isn't compromised. But I do everything in my power to avoid giving him steroids again. His physical and mental health are most important, and we were able to find a way to protect both. http://bit.ly/2OVkw2Q
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gsdqt · 5 years
Kareena Kapoor On Being A Successful Working Mother and Dealing With Hateful Comments
Kareena Kapoor On Being A Successful Working Mother and Dealing With Hateful Comments
Kareena Kapoor On Being A Successful Working Mother and Dealing With Hateful Comments Sreethu Sajeev
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Hyderabd040-395603080 December 2, 2019
After a two-year hiatus following the birth of her son Taimur Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan is back in Bollywood for more than just fun. With the box-office success and the positive reception of her comeback film Veere Di Wedding, she is out to…
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sockohealthcare · 4 years
Sore Throat is so common now a days but we need to figure the solution of this.
Sore Throat is basically the kind of throat infection that can be figured with the irritation or pain in the throat region of your body that can happen with or without swelling, it often come up with general infections (i.e. common viral fever or etc.).
The chances of Sore Throat increase by a huge number during the colder months of the year, when there are basically more chances for breathing problems or respiratory diseases.  
The specialist will inspect the patient and search for indications of sore throat or throat infection.
It is essentially difficult to know, at first, regardless of whether it is brought about by an infection or microscopic organisms. Some popular contaminations of the throat may have more regrettable signs than those brought about by streptococcal microbes.
Thusly, the specialist may arrange at least one of the accompanying tests to discover what is causing the infection:
I. Throat culture – A swab is scoured against the rear of the throat and tonsils to test for the real microscopic organisms. It isn't agonizing yet may tickle, and the patient may have an impermanent choking sensation.
II. Quick antigen test – This test can recognize strep microscopic organisms in minutes from the swab test by searching for antigens (portions of the microorganisms) in the throat.
III. Quick DNA test – DNA innovation is utilized to distinguish strep throat disease.
Symptoms can vary with the causes, there are different symptoms for sore throat and that differences are brought up by the causes.
It may include –
A. Any kind of pain or itching sensation in throat, that you can feel more while talking.
B. Swallowing day by day increases around your neck
C. Red tonsils
D. Muffled voice, that got more worse as day passes
E. Liquid flow from Tonsils
Sometimes it may come in the form of
A. Fever
B. Cough
C. Runny nose
D. Headache
E. Vomiting
Sore throat can happen due to injury as well as infections. Viruses illnesses that cause a sore throat include – Common cold, flu, chickenpox, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Croup (a common childhood illness characterized by a harsh, barking cough).
In Bacterial infections, the most common cause of sore throat is Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus), mainly only due to this bacterial infection much of the respiratory diseases take place in human body.
There are some of the other major causes of sore throat –
§  Allergies: The problem may be complicated by postnasal drip, which can irritate and inflame the throat.
§  Tumors: Cancerous spine, tongue, or voice box tumors (larynx) may cause a sore throat. Other signs or symptoms can include heaviness, trouble swallowing, rapid respiration, a lump in the neck and saliva or phlegm blood.
§  Irritants: Outdoor air pollution and indoor emissions such as smoke from cigarettes or chemical compounds can cause persistent sore throat. Your throat will also be scratched by chewing gum, consuming alcohol and eating spicy foods.
It can be prevented by various small steps, such as by wash your hands thoroughly and regularly before eating and after sneezing or coughing, particularly after using the toilet, never share bread, drink cups, or utensils, Cough or sneeze in and take out a towel. Sneeze onto the elbow if need be, using alcohol-based hand sanitizers as an alternative to hand washing where there is no soap and no water and try to ignore the contact from public telephones.
The treatment for sore throat is really very easy and can be done at home only, if the risk factor is low.
A sore throat caused by a viral infection normally lasts between five and seven days and needs no medical attention.
A number of people resort to acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or other minor pain relievers to treat discomfort and fever.
Try to give rest to your voice and sleep well, drink fluids as much as possible, because it’s going to give rest to your stomach and improve your throat earlier.
Try food and drinks for convenience. Hot drinks — milk, caffeine-free tea, or honey-free hot chocolate — and frozen snacks like ice pops can soothe a sore throat.
Stop irritations. Keep your home clean of tobacco smoke and things which can irritate your throat.
v Although a range of natural medicines are widely used to soothe a sore throat, information on what works is limited. If you or your child wants an antibiotic for a bacterial infection, do not focus exclusively on natural therapies.
Before trying any herbal products, consult with the doctor as they can interfere with prescription medications and may not be suitable for infants, pregnant and breast-feeding women and people with certain health conditions.
Herbal or herbal medicines often sold as teas, sprays, or lozenges for a sore throat. Other traditional remedies include:
1. Slippery owl
2. Wrinkle root
3. The Root of Marshmallow
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opediahealth-blog · 4 years
Reasons Why Individuals Call Home Specialists?
On finishes of the week and weeknights, most family practices are closed. At such events and wherever it's hard to travel visit a pro, like seniors, patients call house call authorities fortification worth to have a stack of extreme, indirect diseases which won't be hazardous anyway require critical clinical thought.
Here may be a lively gander at 10 commonest reasons why people call house call authorities.
Respiratory illnesses: Respiratory ailments are ordinary inside the winter months. The parcel is powerless against viral or bacterial illness, especially when it's cold and others spend longer inside, in closeness.
Respiratory pollutions can impact the upper (URTI) or lower bundle (LRTI). URTI infections join pollutions that impact the throat, tonsils, larynx, and tympanic pit. Head colds, influenza, and pertussis similarly fall in the URTI order. LRTI impacts the (windpipe) or lungs. LRTI fuses defilements like bronchitis, bronchiolitis, croup, and pneumonia. Influenza may be an unlimited tainting that may impact both the upper and lower plot.
Symptoms for these illnesses are essentially equivalent to - runny nose, pharyngitis, hacking, wheezing, fever, and cerebral agony. Your home call expert will assess the symptoms and should prescribe medications to fight any bacterial illness. In any case, hostile to microbials don't kill contaminations. When in doubt, fresh and flu remedies near to various fluids and rest can help alleviate appearances.
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You can shield the sickness from spreading by totally washing your hands periodically.
Asthma: The flight courses in Asthma casualties react to triggers like plot infections, cigarette smoking, and hypersensitivities. Ordinary reactions are wheezing, hacking, and several difficulties in unwinding. Coziness inside the chest and shortness of breath can moreover be felt.
Your home call master can examine your emit as smooth or moderate, and style a treatment plan. S/he will recognize and treat any triggers, adjust any remedies, and genius a resulting alongside your general expert, differing.
Regardless, if you or a dear is experiencing genuine asthma signs, you ought to speedily call either 911 or go straightforwardly to a facility emergency room.
Skin ailments and rashes: Skin maladies and rashes in like manner are treated by house call specialists dallas texas. They treat patients affected by urticarial disturbances (or hives), ordinarily achieved by a touchiness, mosquito eat like rashes.
Urinary Lot Diseases: Urinary parcel pollutions are standard in women, youngsters, and seniors. Signs fuse a craving to pee even more oftentimes and frantically, if only a few drops, a devouring sensation while peeing, torture over the pubis, or blood inside the pee. A house call master can give brief lightening to such patients.
Gastrointestinal Grievances: Gastroenteritis impacts the nutritious channel. It's much of the time made thanks diseases. Symptoms join heaving, free insides, nausea, stomach hurt, fever, and a lack of appetite. The signs typically last 1-2 days anyway the most trouble of gastroenteritis is parchedness. It's basic for patients to stay taking various fluids.
For more data: - Local urgent House Call Doctor in Dallas
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johnandrasjaqobis · 7 years
Do the ones you got for Carly and Joseph for Nicole and Thomas
yaaaaaay the slightly less detailed kids, thankk
1. A little-known talent of your SS?She’s really good at the whole home-remedies thing -- being sick on a pretty regular basis made it kind of necessary if she didn’t want to drive into town for an appointment every other week.
10. Would your SS prefer to live in the Sanctuary Hills, Diamond City, or the on their own somewhere?She technically has a place in Sanctuary, but she spends most of her time in Hangman’s Alley once the place is established.
20. A obscure/ridiculous fear your SS has?Nicole hates Behemoths. Like, really hates them. Something about how ridiculously huge and seemingly untouchable they are makes her freeze up.
27. Most despicable thing your SS has ever done?I......do not know, honestly, she has a very peaceful ending all things considered, not a whole lot really goes wrong.
1. A little-known talent of your SS?When he’s in a good state of mind, he can speed read.
10. Would your SS prefer to live in the Sanctuary Hills, Diamond City, or the on their own somewhere?He stays in the Institute most of the time -- being Director kind of requires it. He does fix up Croup Manor eventually, and has been known to spend some stretches out there when he wants to see the sun for more than a few hours at a time.
20. A obscure/ridiculous fear your SS has?The bugs. He’s definitely with X6 regarding the bugs.
27. Most despicable thing your SS has ever done?Probably wiping out the Railroad -- at least the Brotherhood had something of a fighting chance, but the Railroad was taken out by Thomas and a couple of Coursers. Glory was the only one to put up much of a fight, and it still only took a few minutes.
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generoustaledreamer · 7 years
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