#home tutor in behala
sandipandg · 4 years
How Do We Create A Positive Atmosphere For Studying?
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A positive classroom environment is essential for students to develop and learn. The study showed that a positive mood promotes academic performance and confidence in students. Creating a positive teaching environment requires the efforts of both teachers and students.
Setting a positive example:
The most important way to create a positive teaching environment is to have a teacher who can set an example for the students. Being optimistic is about dealing with any problem in a positive, constructive way. The best home tutor in Kolkata understands the importance of setting up a positive example for the students.
Showing good social skills:
Your students imitate the way you present yourself. If you act angry when a student is rude, your students will think that this is the best way to deal with stress and they will do the same. On the other hand, if you show self-discipline, your students will do the same.
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rakeshdg · 4 years
Tricks To Help You Remember Maths Formulae
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If you are reading this blog, there is a very high chance that you hate memorizing things. And there is also a chance that you hate math. In that case, we can only guess the memorizing mathematical formulae must give you nightmares. Believe us, you are not alone. But knowing that doesn’t reduce your anxiety, does it? After all, you will HAVE TO memories them. Let the Home Tutor in Behala help you with that.
Tricks on remembering Mathematical Formulae
Given below are few tricks to help you remember mathematical formulae:
Remember the scenario: When it comes to memorizing formulae from the chapters of arithmetic’s such as Profit and Loss, Investment, or     Time-Speed-Distance, the best way to remember is to know the logic or the scenario behind it.
Draw It Out: Mostly appliable for those tricky geometric and trigonometric formulae. The picture helps in the process of memorization. Draw the diagrams again and again.
Going Forward: While remembering algebraic formulae, we tend to start with the formulae and then prove it. This is wrong; first, prove the formulae and then apply it.
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blograkeshlove · 2 years
Which is the best JEE home tutor in Behala, Kolkata?
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I took the JEE this year and thus have some experience in this area. So I'm all too familiar with the search for a good JEE coaching in Kolkata. I've spent a lot of time gathering information, getting feedback from friends, and experimenting. I am proud to say that after two years of battling with books and spending hours in the coaching centre, I have achieved quite an impressive rank. I've never been a particularly bright student, so I'm pleased with my grades. So, here's my review:
Mr. Banerjee Tutors Hub
The recent achievement of this institute is what has most struck me. 17.17 percent of its students scored in the 99th percentile or higher. This indicates how much they pay enough attention to each individual. Well, apart from the data, I am speaking from my experience as well. I took JEE tuitions from Mr. Ranit Dutta and Pallabi Pal whom I got access to with the help of Banerjee Tutors. Though they both have very different teaching style, the combination worked in my favor. 
I highly recomend them as the best home tutor in Behala. 
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teamcaptainkoel · 5 years
Food habits during examination
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Exams are a big part of any student's life. It the day they get to test themselves, how much progress they have meet all through the year. It is the day they get to prove themselves; whether they will be part of the crowd or stand apart. Therefore, it is also one of the most stressful times of their lives. They could spend hours in front of their books without eating, drinking water of even visiting the loo. So, as a parent, you must make sure that they don’t fall sick.
One of the main things to take care of is food habits. No one can study with an empty stomach. Sometimes, your little one would complain that they aren’t feeling hungry. You have to make sure that they get their share of nutrition every single day. The best way to do this is by giving healthy snacks at regular intervals. According to the Home tutors in Jadavpur, apart from a heavy breakfast, lunch and dinner, fruits in the form of snacks are great foods to keep the stomach full. Let’s not keep the little ones hungry and cranky.
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humayunkabirdg · 4 years
Create Your Own Revision Timetable & Stick To It
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Once you are looking forward to create a revision time table, there are two main things you need to do:
Create a schedule that suits your exam needs and daily lifestyle
Stick with it when you've done it
The best home tutor in Kolkata recommends here how to put together a workable exam plan and apply some proven techniques to stick to it.
What should your plan contain?
First of all, you need to pay attention to the subject contents that you need to revise. Just like the other students, you might have some subjects on your mind which are the most difficult ones. You need to take out some extra time to revise the tough chapters again and again.
Secondly, you need to create a specific deadline as per your upcoming exam date. You need to understand by when you can complete the syllabus and how many time will you be able to revise it before giving the final examination on it.
Warning tip: Don’t just make a time table and forget it later. Stick to the timetable till you have revised all the tough parts of your syllabus and you can also revamp the time table from time to time.
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humayunkabirdg · 4 years
How To Study When You Have Lost Motivation?
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Of course, there are days when studying is actually quite enjoyable. In days like these, you feel like you can achieve a lot, you can be extremely productive and you can complete studying different subjects together.  But equally, you have so many bad days when the chapters are very hard, your progress is very slow or you just can’t focus on studies.
The need for the best home tutor in Kolkata occurs on such days when you are struggling to hold your mind and brain together to do your home works.
Follow The Guide Books Of Your Tutor:
 In subjects like English, Biology, History or Psychology, you will need proper guidance from your home tutor.  Often the private tutors tend to teach in an effective process of setting up different questions from a chapter. You have to rely on your tutor’s guidelines more than a random suggestion book.
Cooperate with your tutor so that he/ she understands what works for you and what doesn’t work.
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humayunkabirdg · 4 years
Easy Tricks To Learn English Grammar
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Let’s face it: studying English grammar isn’t always fun. It can be complicated, difficult, sometimes even boring.
However, we are all constantly trying to learn and implement English grammar rules. Knowledge of grammar is essential for communicating in English.
Proper English grammar is one of the foundations of language skills. It is necessary for your writing, speaking and understanding.
But Here’s The Good News
Mastering English grammar is impossible if you the proper guidance. For example, how about hiring the best home tutor in Kolkata?
In fact, with a few essential grammar tips, you can overcome many of the obstacles that English students face.
English grammar may not be your favorite part of learning the language, but it should not be discouraged. Through each step, one thing at a time is how you learn the language. Also seeking the professional help of an experienced tutor will be quite beneficial. Good luck!
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sandipandg · 4 years
How do extracurricular activities help in studies?
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Most parents often ask themselves the following questions: Is extracurricular activity really important? Is it crucial for my child’s education and career? Does it offer some extra skills? Depending on the questions, the answers may be different, but it is clear that extracurricular activities benefit students. In fact, the best home tutor in Behala also believes so.
What are the benefits?
While it is true that improving grades is critical to a successful career, it is important to know that participating in activities outside the classroom helps students learn new activities.
Academic performance
Professional skills
Social circle
Time management
Broader perspective
Enhanced self-esteem
And last but not the least, effective breaks from     studies
 While studies are very important for a bright future, non-academic activities are very important for the healthy development of young minds.  However, every student and parent have different takes on the importance of extra-curricular activities.
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sandipandg · 4 years
Role and Responsibilities of a Tutor
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A tutor guides the students in their career. He/she helps students with their subjects. Tutors may give coaching to students in various places.  There are various responsibilities of the tutors in Kolkata. These include:
· Preparing lessons and assigning and correcting homework
· Working with students to improve their skills in certain subjects
· Preparing and correcting tests
· Evaluating the progress of the students and discussing the results with them as well as their parents
· Identifying the individual learning needs of each student
The role of a tutor is very important. Not only he/she teaches students, but also makes them mentally strong and builds their character. A tutor inspires the students to have a positive outlook on life. The students learn to be honest and caring. To excel in studies is not enough, being a good human being is also important. The students also need to respect a tutor. They should properly learn what a tutor teaches and also clear the doubts that arise in their mind.
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sandipandg · 4 years
Benefits of Solving Sample Papers
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The more you practice, the more perfect you become. This is the main idea behind solving sample papers. It helps you to score good marks in the examination. The best home tutor in Kolkata advises students to solve sample papers before their examination.
The benefits of solving sample papers include:
You must be thorough with all the topics in the curriculum if you want to     score good marks in the examination. By solving sample question papers, you can evaluate your performance. It will show you the areas where you  need to be stronger and you can prepare yourself accordingly.
You will learn how to answer the questions within a given time if you solve the sample papers of previous years. This will help you to complete all     questions within the time when you are giving your examination.
You get an idea of question types that will come in the examination while solving  the sample papers. Your confidence will increase before the examination if you solve many sample papers.
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sandipandg · 4 years
Students Must Remain Physically and Mentally Fit
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Students must be physically and mentally fit as it helps them to concentrate properly on studies. As per the opinion of a home tutor in South Kolkata, physical and mental fitness are more important before an examination because students need to study extensively during that time.
Some tips to maintain your physical fitness are:
·         Have a balanced diet.
·         Drink plenty of water.
·         Exercise regularly.
·         Avoid drinks that contain caffeine.
·         Sleep daily for at least 8 hours.
The following tips will help you to maintain proper mental fitness:
·         Sleep early at night. This will help you to wake up early in the next morning with a fresh mind and body. You can concentrate properly on your studies when your mind is fresh.
·         Finish your daily tasks in time and don’t keep anything for the next day. You will have a relaxed state of mind when there will be no pending tasks for the next day.
·         Try to take a break after some hours of study. This will help to refresh your mind and body and you can continue your studies with new energy.
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rakeshdg · 4 years
Kill Boredom With These Games
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An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. This proverb is equally true for kids as it is for adults. With no school to go to, offline tuitions being converted to online tuitions, your kids will have a lot of time in their hands. What better way to keep them busy than by making them play fun games? But the secret is to choose the right game so that they can learn something while playing.
Games that will provide them the required intellectual stimulation
Chess- This one is pretty obvious. Chess is one of the oldest games in the world. It is known to increase a person’s complex thinking abilities, focus and problem-solving abilities.
Scrabbles- Scrabbles is the best way of teaching your kid new words to increase their vocabulary. Home tutors across the world will advise you will make kids play this game; especially the ones who are bad in English.
Puzzles- It is colorful, it is bright, it is fun. Puzzles are everyone’s all-time favorite childhood game. Not only will it increase a child’s IQ, but it will also improve their memory.
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rakeshdg · 4 years
Keep Your Kids Preoccupied During Quarantine
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Kids do not know how to stay still, that is a fact. Therefore, this quarantine period is bound to make them restless and this in turn will surely drive you crazy. Then, how do we avoid this? We have to make sure that they are preoccupied with various activities.
Fun activities for your kids to enjoy
Here are some great ideas that will surely engage your kid:
Let them read books: It doesn’t matter what book they read, as long as they read, it is a good sign.
Puzzles: Any Private Tutor in Kolkata will tell you that puzzle-solving is a great way to stimulate your kids' brains and in turn increase their focus.
Physical exercise: Running in the roof; cycling; dancing; you name it. A little bit of physical exercise every day is extremely important.
Household work: It can be as small as switching off lights and fans in a room. Making them help you in the house will help them grasp the concept of responsibility sooner.
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rakeshdg · 4 years
Taking Home Tuitions From A Professional Tutor- What Can You Expect?
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In today’s era, where the children seem to be more interested in learning technology than learning lessons of study books, it is quite easy for them to forget the value of basic education.  For instance, some students are too busy learning a new app or game that is interrupting their homework and overall study.  As a parent, what can you do to strike a balance between the studies and technology?  This is when the best home tutor in Kolkata steps in to make a difference.
What Does A Tutor Do?
Mentoring Your Child:
Every child has a different learning pace but proper guidance is required for every student to sail through the end.  
Increases Your Child’s Ability To Think Critically
A tutor also encourages your child to think critically. Keep in mind that learning is not only about absorbing and memorizing everything studied. Rather, it’s about thinking critically and deciding which way to learn and grow.  
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rakeshdg · 4 years
Private Tutoring For Your Child Is A Wise Investment- Learn How
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As a responsible parent, are you trying to find out the best way to invest in your child’s future? There are many ways in which you can help your children to shape a bright future.
Education is the biggest investment:
First and foremost, education is one of the best ways to invest in your child’s future. Just keep in mind that every child learns at a different pace. While some students find it easy to excel in their studies, others often struggle to score even to pass an exam.  However, if your child is falling behind, the best home tutor in Kolkata can come to his/ her rescue.
Investing in your child’s private tuition:
Choosing a private tutor is extremely important for your child who could use additional support. Whether the question is about a particular subject or all the subjects, having a one-on-one tutoring session can have a huge positive impact on every student.
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rakeshdg · 4 years
Why Am I Unable To Concentrate On My Study and what can fix it?
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Concentrating while studying can be quite tough, especially when the study material is not your favorite. While studying has never been the most exciting part of your school life, it doesn’t have to be the most bogus thing it is made out to be. The best home tutor in Kolkata has explained some tricks for better concentration.
What To Do For Better Concentration?
Keep in mind that concentration takes a lot of mental energy.  There are distractions everywhere in your house, making it harder to stay focused on the tasks at hand.
1. Prioritize And Commit To It:
It is quite easier said than done but this one is a must-do. It’s never ideal or healthy to stay in your room and study all day. It will surely make you unsocial, depressed and not to mention, less productive as well. Therefore, prioritize your tasks and finish it within a specific time frame.
2. Study In A Comfortable Place
If your room is too loud or crowded to concentrate, just shift to a quieter place and you will be able to concentrate better there.
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