#homemade soap crazylife ADD smell-o-vision soksoaps
saracusic · 9 years
Soap.. Soap and Yup More Soap
Soap is all I feel like my life is revolving around.  My brain is filled with sudz bubbles and crazy soap smells.  Who would have ever thought that running your own business would be soooooooooooooooooo exhausting.   I don't think I ever worked this hard a day in my life and I worked retail..... with black Friday.   The work hours suck booty (censor for the kiddos), dear 8 to 5 come back I didn't mean to make you mad!!  This soap idea won't leave me alone.  Its there when I wake to when I close my eyes and even then I am dreaming of soap.  My laundry, which BTW was completely caught up, wait,  who am I kidding that laundry is still the same.  Moving on.  I know it seems so early to complain.  I mean didn't I just do a whole blog about change and accepting it.  I am accepting and gladly taking this challenge on.  I just need a moment to vent. 
I guess I always thought owning ones own business would be all sunshine and roses.  That I wouldn't even think of how much inventory i have, which reminds me did I make more green tea soap, or how my logo is my brand and I can't screw that up.   Writing a description is pure torture.  How does one describe green tea smell.... it smells like green tea.  Instead I need to add something about butterflies and happy memories...  Ugh I need to take a class for writing description or maybe just get a book of descriptive words. I read some descriptions and think lies all lies but I want to buy the product anyway.  Pictures that are so perfect you wonder if they are real.  I try to study their perfect ways but my ADD kicks in and Im... wait what was I saying.  Anyway I am a train wreck waiting to happen. 
 Thank goodness for wine and a family that is willing to put up with my crazy ideas and moment to moment changes.    
Poor Craig.  This Sunday Funday was filled with soap making and Sara’s ADD moments.   The day started with a great idea of lets just find the cost for making plain soap and ended with 4 new favors and a failed attempt at a logo.   Several confused looks later and him saying “this isn't what we talked about” or “this isn't at all what we planned to do today.”   I feel like he is getting a clear understanding of what its like to work with me.    Never knowing from one moment to the next what would be happening.  Today he tried to very sweetly inform me that a to do list/priority list might help me stay on track.   God love him.   I use to teach about organization and to do list... I am sure I have a book on that. Figures 
Let me just wrap this all up by saying I am living a hot mess of a life right now but it could be one of the most awesome times.   While soap making is ruling my brain and my ADD if in full effect I couldn't be clearer in my purpose or direction I am going.
Now if I could just figure out how to make smell-o-vison for the computer I could get rid of descriptions all together!  Wouldn't  be amazing! Hmmm could be another idea brewing...
New soaps (of course) in the shop.  Swing by for a look
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