#homestuck is harmless compared to this discourse
nyancrimew · 1 year
Is a hotdog a type of taco?
i feel like this is the question that will truly end up getting me cancelled on here depending on how i answer
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betatrolls · 6 months
so i keep getting this post on my feed about how people hate vriska because she's a girl or whatever blah blah blah this is old, but their phrasing was? interesting? they compared her to eridan and gamzee (as usual), so I'm gonna break it down real quick. they said gamzee is worse because he's a serial killer, and eridan is worse because he's a genocide apologist and a ""sexpest"" (good lord, that's a thirteen year old.) let's start with the comparison to gamzee, because girly, vriska is also a serial killer. that's a whole thing. not to mention gamzee was LITERALLY NOT OF SOUND MIND WHILE RAMPAGING. anyway, on to the eridan part. yes, eridan did attempt genocide, we get it. i literally cannot go five minutes on homestuck tumblr without seeing somebody complain about it. obviously, not a cool thing to do, but we can't just completely ignore the fact that vriska also killed people? like, at the scale we're working on, mass murder is mass murder. vriska isn't innocent of being weird about lowbloods, either, which brings us to our next topic. now, do i think it's right to call thirteen year olds sexpests?? no, obviously not, what the fuck. but if we're bringing that up, I'm not gonna shy away from mentioning that vriska sexually harassed tavros quite a few times in canon. concept explored, rant over. they're all bad people to a pretty strong degree (maybe gamzee less so than people make him out to be since, y'know, he was experiencing extreme symptoms of withdrawal), but they're all kids who grew up in a society that practically encouraged them to be that way. extra point, do i like eridan and gamzee more than i like vriska? yes. is that because i hate vriska, or think she's worse than them, or dislike trans women? absolutely not, that's a ludicrous accusation to jump to off of such minimal information. do i have my own unique feelings and opinions on characters that frequently change as i understand them better and are heavily influenced by outside factors as well as canon ones, which have nothing to do with prejudice or blindly following other people's malcontent? yes! I won't say that nobody hates vriska for baseless reasons, of course such a controversy-fueled fandom will breed some strange opinions, but "transmisogynistic murder apologist incapable of forming unique opinions" is a rather harsh label to attach to a mostly harmless preference.
no negativity intended towards the person who made the post I'm referencing, even if i came off a little harsh, although i do have them blocked because of how triggering that post was to me so I doubt they'll actually see this at any point.
(you can really see where in this post kankri forced his way to the front to engage in his favorite kind of discourse, huh. being plural is so funny actually. anyway im letting this post out of the drafts, im sure he wont mind)
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generalherasyndulla · 6 years
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 idk how many that is but that many opinions.
Holy fuck bitch I dont even know if I have 15 unpopular opinions but we're gonna find out. Besides I've got 3 hours on a train atm so I've got nothing better to do.
1. Howl's Moving Castle is a mediocre movie. That animation's super pretty but I sure don't give a shit about the story or characters  (which is a shame since I love the book).
2. The most valid Star Wars fans are prequel fans. They out here talking about Anakin, shit talking the jedi and seeing the beauty in films that others say are bad. Compared to the constant discourse of the sequel films, and the weird gatekeeping you see among original trilogy fans prequel fans are living their best life and I love them.
3. That said the least valid type of star wars fan is the kind who thinks they're so much better than you because they know like all the trivia and read all the expanded universe (those who know me may be asking "hey Cass aren't you that kind of fan?" Which yeah I kinda am, but I never claimed to be valid.
4. The last jedi was an okay movie. There were parts I liked and parts I didn't. Everyone who obsessively hates the movie needs a hobby tho.
5. I hate corn. Idk how unpopular that is as an opinion overall but my entire family loves it so
6. I genuinely loved the movie Venom (enough to see it twice in theatres) but like the critics are right in that it has pacing issues and rushed/kinda offscreen character development. The movie's fun enough that I don't care but yeah.
7. Time for the opposite of loving a movie that critics hate: The Witch  (or vvitch? Idek man) is largely a boring movie until the last 20 minutes or so when things go insane. Even then it's not really scary. I find it more funny than anything else
8. Im counting this all as one since they're similar opinions: Undertale is a great game, Steven Universe is a good show, Homestuck is a good web comic/experience. Fuck cringe culture.
9. I really don't care about shipping in svtfoe like at all. I'm waaaaaaay more invested in the plot and characters' growing and developing than I am about whether starco or startom or whatever is endgame.And it's pretty exhausting to go into the tag after a plot heavy episode airs and 90% of the posts are focused on shipping.
10. Remember that period of time when we all decided that we just really hated frozen. That was annoying: frozen's a harmless and cute movie and I like it.
11. I genuinely do not understand Shion stans, she's so unlikeable in  meakashi. Also Shion stans who hate Satoko are the most invalid
12. Running a discourse or an anti-whatever (whether its a show or a character) blog sounds exhausting and so emotionally draining. Why would you focus so much on shit you hate instead of just enjoying you love. Plz get a life and learn to love yourself.
13. While I get that heteronormativity is incredibly toxic, the idea that only straight relationships are bad as a result of heternormativity is incredibly damaging to the LGBT community since those in abusive relationships might not speak out as a result (it's bad enough there's already like almost no data on abuse in gay relationahips). If your only response to hearing me talk about my fears for a relationship as a result of my parents' divorce is "oh well they're straight so you'll be fine" then you're kinda being shitty and invalidating (why yes that did happen before)
14. Star Wars Resistance has a really neat animation style. I've seen a lot of people say they hate it which I don't get at all. (The show itself is also pretty good so far. People who hate it for being "childish" are exhausting)
15. Why did the Star Wars fandom sleep on Star Wars Lego: The Freemaker Adventures??? It's so fucking funny and genuinely really good. I'd even argue that it's the best star wars show (yes I think it's better than clone wars and rebels. Don't @ me)
AYYYYY I DID IT. Wild. Thanks for the asks but also fuck you
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