#honestly I may just shorten her name to fiori. it suits her better. but then if I do that I lose the reference of it being a musical term
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 7 months
#fiori sounds cool ! is crop haven likeee a farming life sim ? i#wonder what camellia being her rival means 🤔
In response to these tags left by @dmclr on the render I posted last night: Crop Haven is indeed a farming lifesim! It's inspired by the older Harvest-Moon-that-are-now-Story-of-Seasons games - if you'd like to know more, it has a Tumblr blog which I can link below for you!
The game is still very in-development, but it is available for download if you wanted to try it out - it's a very sweet little game so far, snd even though it is very about monsters it's definitely very light-hearted in a lot of ways~
Regarding me listing Camellia as Fiori's rival, this is simply because I was trying to replicate the format of the reference pictures that the actual in-game characters have on the wiki, as if Fiori was an NPC in the game itself. You as the player are able to marry many of the characters in the game, but there are also a number of "rival pairings" that can arise over time in the following years after that, where the characters will marry each other instead. So, in this case, it just means that if Fiori was actually in the game but the player didn't decide to pursue her romantically, then she would end up marrying Camellia instead, by default! So, Camellia would technically function as the player's rival for Fiori's affection, so to speak.
(According to the wiki, some characters will have multiple potential pairing options depending on the player's actions - for example, Martin will tend to marry Surge by default if you don't do anything, but you can potentially get her to end up with Ao instead, or even Jade if you really put in the work. For Fiori, I think her alternative option would be Polly, because I think she's adorable and both are monsters tied to the water in some way.)
I hope that this helps explain things!!
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