#honestly I'm surprised how popular jason and tim are when their first title books are the worst comics ive ever read
danny-chase · 3 years
ok need to know (haven't read rhato): Is rhato 2011 legit the worst comic you've ever read? what is the worst comic you've ever read
*this got really long so warning for incoming rant*
It might be a tie for Robin 1993, because Tim is so freaking boring the entire time. He literally is so boring and I'm at the point where the art is so bad the panels are incomprehensible. The best three issues of the comic are where the main character isn't the title character which i think says so much
Like no offense to Tim stans but he comes off like a "nice guy" tm, he literally watches his girlfriend sleep from the rafters, he cheats on his girlfriend and I'm supposed to like him? He yells at his alcoholic roommate and that magically cures him? I find Tim so unlikable he's literally just a "nice guy" and the narrative doesn't recognize that or treat any of his behavior as problamatic, and it's literally just a reflection of Dixon's political beliefs.
It's saving grace is that I can actually follow Dixon's writing whereas Lobdell is incomprehensible, and Dixon gave Dick and Tim bonding moments, which despite everything else being awful, was cute. Idk who picked up Tim's run but the issues after were so wordy i wanted to poke my eyes out and then the art got so bad i can't look at it after that.
I read three issues of Pirds of Prey rebirth and that's also in the running because it was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life and it is literally a crime that they gave up disabled babs for babsgirl
Batman and Robin Eternal is also on this list because dear lord, i read it the first time and hadn't read Batgirl 2000 yet, but they completely destroyed Cass's characterization and obliterated any hopes to recover her character because now fans like the new character (which rhato 2011 did to Roy). AND LITERALLY THERE WAS NO POINT SYNDER WANTED TO INTRODUCE CASS BUT NO DIDIO WAS LIKE SHE'S BANNED BECAUSE GOD FORBID WE HAVE STRONG FEMALE LEGACY CHARACTERS
Also all of the guys characters were so flat it's not hard to see where the 1 dimensional view of the characters Robins draws upon is coming from. Literally you describe each character in that comic with one word.
Hmm what else should i shit on
The jasonbabs scenes in Batman eternal were so freaking cursed, i read Nightwing #93 and dear lord was that bad, I read the Mirage storyline too. And the 1 year later stuff (Brothers in Blood was funny bad) but that whole comic absolutely made Dick a playboy and i hate it so much (give me back demi Dick Grayson DC i know you have him somewhere)
Nightwing 1996 wasn't much better than Robin 1993, but at least i wasn't bored out of my mind the entire time because the pacing was halfway decent and Dick came off as likeable, despite the abysmal content
Titans 1999 had a plot line where they tried fostering children together and they thought one girl was autistic but it turned out there was a man from another dimension living in her head that made her appear autistic and i... WHAT????
I read the Rise of Arsenal and some of the story continued in Titans 2008 (which dear lord they draw Kory like she's missing ever internal organ) and oh my god it was so bad. There's an issue where they retcon everyone into hating Roy as children and it was so bad. Like seriously what was the point? AND LIAN DYING WAS SO FUCKING STUPID she was literally the bright spot in so many comics i refuse to forgive DC
Outsiders 2003 is just blatantly outdated and has racist sayings littered all over the place and Young Justice 98 treats Anita so racistly i can't it was so light hearted there was no need, Cissie and Cassie are straight up cruel to her for no reason, and then she uses "voodoo" magic and has to get naked -- whhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyy
I also tried reading Morrisons Batman Incorporated 2011 to get context on Damian's death arc and oh my god it's the worst. Catwoman kept unironically saying meow in the most objectifying way possible and i had to meow meow my way out of there
I read Frank Millers Batman and Robin Allstar. A mistake. And I now know how bad Batman and Robin 2009 was to Talia (i didn't know anything about her from before Dixon era Talia - which isn't as bad as Morrison Talia, but is still pretty bad).
I'm sure there's more but i can't think of specific criticisms right now. I think Robin 1993 and RHATO 2011 are tied for worst place comics, because RHATO is so bad i literally can't understand it, and Robin is so bad i find it painful to read
*cries* I've read so many awful comics i can't even scale them on levels of bad anymore
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