#honestly Joe Machin encapsulates every centrist who claims to be above party politics and is too enlightened to choose
transistoric · 2 years
angry political rant under the cut
okay this week the latest govt official up for assassination should be fucking joe manchin. mf toxic-waste stuffed tumor standing in for a person really went and teased that he might let a bill to combat climate change go through then doomed it bc it’ll tax the wealthy including the dirty energy sector CEOs AND had the shit dripping gall to claim it was in the interests of families suffering from inflation? LOL MF. you’re talking about protecting the wealthiest tax-payers not the families who can’t afford inflation and literally the very corporations behind the inflation. LOL PLUS?? inflation’s gonna go up anyway for all the damage climate change is dealing on the vulnerable, under-resourced, poverty-stricken populations like it has been doing for decades. but no. the class that CAN more-than absorb the costs (and is responsible for the conditions resulting in climate change in the first place) needs to keep sitting pretty bc that’s where you’re getting your (and this isn’t an exaggeration) blood-soaked donations from. yeah you care about families joe manchin
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