#honestly atelier banners are. so cool
yandere-daze · 2 years
🖼️ anon dumping more asks here! actually just let me know if I'm dumping too much by now wahaha
I'M JUST KINDA DROPPING BY TO TALK ABT HOW MUCH I LOVE VALKYRIE TBH... like I don't have any self aware thoughts in stock rn but I got my first non initial shumika 5*s for the first time today!! I'm so happy!!! and like somehow they're the exact 5* I've been freaking out about since the past 12 hours..!! even if they're separated (link click mika in eng and atelier shu in jp) I will cherish them properly...
the rng god has favored me today and I hope they will favor you too! or anyone reading this!!
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OOH hello hello! I´m more than happy to talk about non-content related stuff like this!☺️
Valkyrie is so good! I love these two so much so please feel free to gush here!! Actually this reminds me of a twitter thread I saw today where people would vote on the weirdest member of every enstars unit. And usually there would be one or two people in a unit that would get most of the votes ( Rei for example had like 70% of the votes for undead and Hinata like 80% from 2wink)
And then I got to the Valkyrie poll. And I kid you not, I was laughing so hard when I voted on that poll and they both had 50% of the votes, a completely even split😭 People looked at them and thought "yeah, they´re both weirdos" and honestly they´re right skjfks This doesn´t really have anything to do with your ask, I just thought it was worth sharing
Congrats on dragging them both home! They might be separated but it´s still really cool! On my jp account the only reason I had a Mika 5 star card was because I went for both him and Kohaku in their tour event. He was definitely not kind to me in gacha, I saved up for his birthday and then kept pulling on the revival banners for the butterfly card and he just didn´t want to come home. Then one day I randomly got him off-banner and you better believe I was super happy that day!
Meanwhile Shu just randomly came home one day ( I think it´s the same card you got? I have to admit I don´t really know the names of any cards sjnefls) and I was very thankful for that
On my en account I actually chose Shu for my starter account ( chose Rei on jp) so I have his initial there and I also pulled for link click Mika and got him within 20 pulls , which was all I had anyway sfbslbf
So I´m pretty happy with my Valkyrie haul right now💕
I hope luck will continue to be on our sides!
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
blue hours
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salamispots · 6 years
Hi! What are your favorite artists and influences? And what are your favorite mythical creatures? :)
hi! and mythology creatures you say
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and griffin hippogriff sphinx things. and merfolk (but yall already know that one haha)
OK so I always keep saying there’s too many artists/influences and whatnot but for once I’m going to (try) list all of the main ones -cracks knuckles-
Amei Zhao (I love her comics/stories/flowyness)
Atelier Sentô  (gorgeous watercolor comics and art)
Victorin Ripert (really playful art and shapes also there’s a giant mola mola banner art what’s not to love)
Shaun Tan (super dreamlike idk everything is beautiful period; their comic/book The Arrival is one of my top favs honestly)
reykat (everything is so strange and mysterious and beautiful)
nephelomancer (also very beautiful and strange and mysterious)
Natalie Andrewson (I love how effortless the lines feel and how playful/colorful)
Jen Wang (graphic novels and comics; work is gesturey and lovely)
Emily Carroll (I love her use of comic layouts -esp. online- and stories; mostly horror/creepy things)
Matt Rockefeller (every illustration is so chock full of story and moods)
Jonathan Mathiasen (really unique gorgeous style and thoughtful/mindful way of approaching art in general)
Zoé B. Simpson (beautiful solid style)
Heather Penn (beautiful comics and colors)
Hwei Lim (effortless feeling and elegant art)
Florian Aupetit (really intriguing illustrations and his lighting/colors are killer)
pixelpchan (tasty paintings; really interesting how he translates things into gouache)
Manu Arenas (sketches/style/shapes/comics are magical and natural)
Joy Ang (art shapes are really precise and lovely)
Arthur Fong (inks and style are really cool)
Kellan Jett (plein air and nice shape language)
Enrique Fernández (comics and shapes/style are amazing; I have his comic L’ile sans sourire and I still can’t believe it’s digital)
Tyler Crook (moody watercolor/painty style; worked on Harrow County comics!)
Daryl Toh ( I love the digital-ness feeling of his work and his comics/stories; there was an old comic called The Dreamwalker Chronicles and that influenced me a ton/stuck with me)
Yvan Duque (everything feels like a fairy tale and a lot of his stuff is from gouache; art shapes)
Veikka Somerma (beautiful environments and shapes/colors)
Thomas Scholes (ornate and colors)
Tobias Kwan (everything is greaat sketches/paintings are dark moody and gorgeous)
Clio Chiang (how she draws/sketches people and uses different mediums)
Kei Acedera (really neat concepts/kinda dreamy and soft -honestly makes me think of cotton candy haha)
Dani Diez (beautiful shapes and colors; love his sketchbook stuff as well)
heikala (so effortless feeling and nice; also the videos of her processes are really relaxing and fun to watch)
loiclocatelli (beautiful gesturey and flowy art and I love his comics/compositions)
Alan Cortes (beautiful inky monstersss)
Sophie Li ( lovely art shapes/characters
Uwe Heidschötter (character style/shape language is really nice and balanced)
Kazu Kibuishi (what made me want to start making comics was his comic anthology called Flight; found a ton of artists through those comics)
Amy Kibuishi (one of the first webcomics I ever read online; I think right now she’s working on that same webcomic and it’s getting published next year?)
https://claystorks.tumblr.com/ (soft style and really good comics/stories)
Four Eyes by Joe Kelly and Max Fiumara (comic about dragon fighting rings and a boy who’s raising one? it’s great)
East by Edith Pattou (idk I found this book in junior high and it’s always going to have a soft spot in my heart; basically a retelling of East of the Sun and West of the Moon).
I, Coriander by Sally Gardner and The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale (haha all my books/influences are ones I found in highschool/junior high; basically fairy tale-esque stories)
The Fisherman by John Langan (very good horror I think it’s one of my favorites)
Fairy Tales by Berlie Doherty and Jane Ray (my mom got me this book when I was a kid and the illustrations def. influenced my style).
Coraline by Neil Gaiman (drawings were really cool and I think that’s where I get the slight creepiness sometimes in my art from)
Laird Barron (recently found his work and they’re very good; horror story stuff)
The Screams of Dragons by Kelley Armstrong
Harrow County by Cullen Bunn and Tyler Crook (mentioned it earlier but it’s very good)
Immortal Rain (Meteor Methuselah) by Kaori Ozaki (favorite manga, story is beautiful and so is the art)
Ancient Magus Bride by Kore Yamazaki (beautiful art and stories, also a favorite)
Kuutei Dragons (Drifting Dragons) by Taku Kuwabara  (the story/world is fun)
Ao no Flag by Kaito (story is very good/thoughtful)
Houseki no Kuni by Haruko Ichikawa (I love how fluid the lines are)
Sing No Evil by Jp Ahonen and KP Alare (art is great, story is interesting too, it involves music bands and a talking bear and …a possible accidental demon contract thing that makes you a little uh hungry in exchange for playing bangin’ music?)
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang (coming of age story in a way, it’s very good)
Most of the Ghibli movies haha (Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Tales from Earthsea, Porco Rosso, and esp. On Your Mark music video
Rise of the Guardians movie (idk haha this movie just got stuck in my head after I first watched it)
ps: will be adding more/editing every once in a while
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