#honestly have never had banana and lime flavour ice cream
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Would you mind answering daisy or wind flower?
windflower: 5 blogs you follow and why
I follow picascribit and professor-riddikulus because they write very good fanfiction and I keep coming back to it, just finished rereading one of pic’s. I think i’ve only read one from each of them, ever, but i really like the way they were written and I enjoy seeing them post anything and having a little insight into their heads, which is hilarious cuz this is tumblr, but nonetheless.I follow you because i like what you post (obviously), i dig all the harry potter and general randomness, you seem like you have a neat sense of humour and are kind. I was trying to recall if your blog was one I had come across while barrelling through fanfic but I honestly can’t recall so sorry about that, if it comes to me I’ll let you know :3 
um I follow a blog for posting inspirational quotes that I really like- planetahmaneI recently started following a gay blog that posts fanart and general miscellaneous mayhem XD I haven’t looked too much through it yet though that was a 3am choice 2? nights ago and i have been too busy reading to pay much attention to anything the last week.
I follow 2 of my friends and a friend of theirs.honestly i’m always surprised by the number of people I follow because it always feels like i follow maybe 5? but its something dumb like 21? and i find that annoying because i like to be aware of what i’m trying to be interested in XP so i’ll filter it down further eventually. I can’t fathom following 200 blogs or something, i need to be aware of content and characterization but maybe that’s just another way i’m weird/old in which case i’m awesome clearly. 
daisy: favourite flavour of cotton candy, ice cream and juice.
i was not aware cotton candy had flavours besides death by sugar and the maple syrup kind? but i live in Canada so maybe it has flavours elsewhere? I didnt like cotton candy until recently and even now i only really want a small taste of a friends, it’s a bit too overbearing for me. I’ve never had the maple one, so I cant say, but I like the normal stuff well enough. Do you know of any flavours by chance?
Ice cream; I grew up with a lot of chocolate ice cream since it’s my moms favourite, but i like vanilla and vanilla mixes, butterscotch ripple, maple walnut, i really love key lime pie ice cream but it isnt a popular flavour and i’ve only encountered twice in my life so… honestly i really like vanilla with jam or fresh cut strawberries. I think all of these are boring, i know cotton candy and tiger tail are hugely popular but i was not one of those kids who liked artificial sweets. Cake has and always will be my go to, but it could also be because I have a sensitivity to lactose so I couldn’t indulge as much as other kids and laughably I probably eat more ice cream in our nice -30 winters than I do in the bloody +20 summers.
Juice: I’m a huge fan of a proper boring strawberry/banana smoothie, i know that isnt juice but it’s delicious. I really like strawberry/guava juice though which I only recently tried and have become quite smitten with. I go through phases of liking orange juice but it’s not something I keep stocked. I’m not a big juice person, I drink a lot of water and a copious amount of tea
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