#honestly i think the idea that pete wentz runs decaydanceredated & andy runs the falloutboy tumblr is. Peak humor actually
polaraffect · 11 months
Oh! I would know about the Pete Wentz thing, it's like you mentioned mainly the coincidence with the Miss Missing You thing, and other minor coincidences like other songs that people wanted getting played at their shows, and the timing of the post hiatus songs after the hate on twitter/influx of love on tumblr about them. Overlapping with Pete historically having been quite fannish and looking things up about the band, and his previous presence on tumblr, as well as previous jokes about the falloutboy tumblr being run by him/him having access to it (like "we have a face to playfully blame when the falloutboy intern does something unexpected" to "this multi platinum band could afford an intern but their lyricist loves social media too much and and went 'i got this.'").
That has a lot of people speculating to what extent fall out boy and particularly Pete are keeping tabs on the fandom-sphere on here, and because the 8 ball songs are kept hush hush it's led to "8 ball coincidences go directly through these 4 and practically nobody else, so it's one of them looking and sometimes deciding with that into consideration, probably pete because he's the fannish charismatic pr dude among them"
Specifically the Pete Wentz has a lurking account/IS the falloutboy intern is definitely widely a joke, it's the allure of the "what if..." combined with being directly seen and the general chaos (positive) of the tour and how we're liveblogging it. Mayybe it's teethering towards unfiction, but less so in the "oh those posts should be tagged unreality they are describing things as if they are truly 100% happening" but in the "it would be funny if this was the situation" way. (Or at least that's my perception of it when comparing and contrasting with the actual unfiction improv game we have going on at the same time with the fake song.)
Hello anon I am in love with you (platonic), you wrote so much for me thank you <3<3 I have realized that I may have been having a bit of a neurodivergent(tm) moment and just fully missed the joke lmaooo. I love 8ball conspiracy theories though!! personally I think we should all subscribe to the idea that it's Andy that's actually causing all of this tbh.... you'd never expect it of him.... and yet...
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