#honestly i wouldnt date a bird myself even if i was forced to
lunnybunny12 · 4 years
Severus Snape X Reader (Coffee)
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Request: @noah1986 (IDK why it wont let me tag this person but anyway)  Hiiii hope you are doing well, i would like to request Snape with Y/n meeting in a coffee shop and speak about their interests and treats her so well and is kinda possessive with the way he touches her, then go out on a date and smut if you are okay with that 💕 Im dying for Snape, thank you so muchhhh
Word count: 1042
Warnings: b0ner and snow 
Master list 
It was a cold day. All days had been cold that December and it seemed like it was going to stay that way for a while. The bitter cold pulled heat out of any person that dared to exit their homes and your hands had practically turned to ice.
"I'm sorry" you said politely. "What were you saying?"
"I said, you should've worn gloves," said Severus.
"Oh. yes," you said warming your hands on the steaming mug.
The heat of the coffee shop had condensed on the glass, and a few droplets had grouped into little pools on the windowsill.
"Honestly (Y/N), If I weren't there to assist you the students would eat you alive"
"Oi I never asked you to babysit me, you just walked into my classroom one day and never left. Im perfectly capable of teaching first years by myself,"
The man gave you an all too familiar look. "What about the other years?"
"Shut your hole." you chuckled adjusting yourself to sit comfortably.
You and Severus had gotten into the habit of going out for cups of tea or coffee whenever the school season was over. Whether it be for Christmas or summer the pair of you would make time for one another and talk about your shared interests and things Severus deemed "inappropriate" to speak of in school (like your pasts).
"What do you think to this one then? Personally, I think it's horrid." Severus said taking a sip of his drink.
In all honesty, you could see why he didn't like the cafe you were in. The huge windows spanned from one side of the store to the other, allowing all of the natural light to illuminate the room. It was so cosy in there. It reminded you of American ski lodges you'd seen in muggle media. Stuffed deer heads and taxidermied birds adorned the walls (which you thought Severus would have enjoyed) and a large animal skin rug lay under your feet. What set it apart from the others you had gone to previously was that it was a Muggle owned establishment. Needless to say, it wasn't exactly Severus' scene.
"Other than the seats being a tad bit uncomfortable, I think this place is lovely" your face slowly turning into one of disgust as you took your first sip of tea. "And that's me finished with that"
"add this to your list of cafes to not re-visit"
"Will do."
Time passed and it got darker outside. For hours, the snow fell onto the un-gritted street as the pair of you talked. What about? Whatever came to mind at the time. Words seemed to escape your mouth quicker than you could think of them. The day passed quicker than either of you expected and when the shop assistant approached to tell you they were closing, you saw a glint of possessiveness flash across Severus' face.
Something about that look brought back so many memories you didn't know you had. They swam around in your head like a fish in a shallow pond but to save face you continued to smile.
"WOW, it's freezing!" "I told you to-" "Yea, yea, yea, bring gloves I get it" you said. Sarcasm lacing your tone.
You both held onto each other to avoid slipping on the frosted pathway. You needed a secluded place to apparate and not get caught by a muggle or god forbid a ministry worker. You'd had enough run-ins with them to last 3 lifetimes.
"That reminds me, You need to apparate to my house. I have that book you lent me and I've finished it."
"And why can't you send it later?"
"Because. Cokeworth is too far away for you to apparate in a snowstorm and I don't want you getting sick."
Severus rolled his eyes at you, why you cared at all for his safety hed never know but he was grateful regardless. He'd been more than grateful to have you for a long time and it had taken a long time for him to admit that to himself.
The pair of you walked in silence for a little bit, the thoughts from before slowly returning.
Eventually, you asked, " You find me attractive don't you?"
"excuse me?"
"You find me attractive. I know you do."
"What on earth brought you to that conclusion, may I ask?"
You answered" Oh please, the way you looked at that shop assistant was the same as when anyone would talk to Lily. It isn't just when we're out and about either. You do it when you're babysitting me in class too,"
"That doesn't mean I'm attracted to you"
"So you're telling me that if I had you pinned against the wall, my hands all in your hair, you'd tell me to stop?"
He paused for a second before answering with a quiet "Yes"
At hearing this an evil smile crossed your mind and without a second thought your hands latched onto his shirt as you pinned him against the nearest wall. You saw the snowflakes fall into his dark hair and his eyes went wide with surprise. Your eyes darted to his lips before going back to his eyes. He looked like a deer in headlights and his face burned when he realised that he had gripped on to you to stop himself from falling over.
With a cheeky glint in your eye, you entangled your hands into his hair and leaned yourself closer to his face. Your dry lips ghosted over his.
" Go on Severus... you know you want to" you whispered.
There was no point in trying to say it wasn't true. You saw right through him and he knew that if he didn't he would regret it for the rest of his life.
It was cold at first but the longer it lasted the warmer it got. He was so gentle and slow with the kiss, like you were about to shatter in his arms.
"I'm like an open book to you aren't I?" he smiled looking into your warm eyes.
"Luckily enough for you, you're a book I enjoy reading. So here's my next question Severus... Is that your wand in your pocket or are you happy to kiss me?"
Smut ending...
“Luckily enough for you, you’re a book I enjoy reading. So here’s my next question Severus… Is that your wand in your pocket or are you happy to kiss me?" You asked with a cheeky grin.
With wide eyes, he enclosed the pair of you in his cape and turned to you with angry eyes.
"Why you filthy little..aaaaaaa" Midway through his sentence he cut himself off as he felt your hand palm him through his trousers. He let out a few quiet whimpers into your neck at the sensation and he couldn't have stopped you even if he wanted to.
"A ah ah, now Severus, don't ruin this beautiful moment with your ugly words" You purred into his ear, pulling his head off of your shoulder and dusted another kiss on his lips.
Severus's eyes were glazed with shock and lust. You had never been this bold with him before and he had to admit, he found it extremely arousing. You were teasing him, your hand glided over his cock and he could see on your face that you knew what you were doing.
You leaned into his face and whispered "Now do you want to apparate to mine?" in a dark chuckle.
In an attempt to compose himself, he stood to attention and held both your hands in a vice-like grip. You knew the routine, he would try and be scary and act as if nothing had happened but you also knew that he wouldnt have let go unless he had to.
"I didn't know you could be so evil, (Y/N)"
Without hesitation, you yanked your hands down forcing his face closer to yours and purred into his ear " I'm just getting started darling"
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(le prompt) (soulmate au)
words: 1k
for @fuckthewaveringwood and @glitterytrashhh who wanted me to write it (thank you) :D
itd been years since i defeated the humdrum, since i left watford, and since i moved in with penny. most importantly, itd been years since id had to deal with baz. 
i was finally about to turn 21, and i cant wait to see who’s body i wake up in. the whole idea of switching bodies with my soulmate still freaks me out, but i cant help but pray i end up in my boyfriends flat (i did a lot of figuring out after watford). even if it means an awkward encounter with his mysterious, barely-there flatmate. 
i dont know if sams dorm really counts as a flat, but thats what he calls it.
it was funny to see penny all worked up before her birthday. we all knew she would end up in micahs house. she said the weirdest thing was looking in the mirror and seeing micahs face. she took advantage of the opportunity to shave the pancho villa-style mustache he’d been growing out at the time. i think we all secretly thanked her for that one. 
i was almost too scared to go to bed, but i knew it would have to happen someday. i’d heard stories of people who tried to pull all-nighters to try and avoid their soulmate, and it always seemed that they got accidentally knocked out eventually. 
i’d asked sam what would happen if i woke up and it wasn’t him. he said that we’d cross that barrier when we came to it. we decided to sleep in our respective flats as per usual, even though he did come over to celebrate and eat cake with me and penny. 
he kissed me goodnight, and told me that id see him in the morning, winking. 
it took all of my effort to fall asleep. 
when i woke up in sam’s dorm the next morning, id never been more relieved in my life. i jumped out of bed, running around and hoping i wouldnt wake sam’s weird roommate. finally, i decided to check my reflection. i cautiously opened the bathroom door, and closed my eyes. 
“one, two three, four, five…” i breathed. i opened my eyes. and then, i screamed. 
i would recognize my reflection anywhere. baz. 
i brought my eyes up to baz’s mouth. then, his hair. it was as silky as i always thought it would be. all the sudden, sam burst into the bathroom.
“mate, why the bloody fuck are you screaming?” he yawned, “its six in the morning.” sam said, reaching for his toothbrush. 
“no reason… im curious, has that boyfriend of yours called? wasnt he supposed to switch bodies with you this morning?” 
“how did you know about simon’s 21st?” 
“you bought a cake that said ‘happy 21st birthday, simon’” i responded quickly. (nice save, simon). 
“oh, yeah. well, mustve happened already. honestly, he probably went back to sleep as soon as he switched back.” sam said around a mouthful of toothbrush. 
“oh. so you’re not worried?” i said, twiddling with baz’s hair. it was so soft. but his skin was so cold.
“nah.” sam shrugged, leaving the bathroom. 
i twiddled my thumbs until i found myself in my own body again. the whole ordeal of switching bodies was nauseating. 
“PENELOPE BUNCE!” i screamed, stomping through the apartment until i found penny. she was on the couch reading. 
“how’d it go, si?” she winked. 
“i ended up in sam’s dorm.” i hissed. 
“simon, thats so gre-”
“in his roommates body.” i shrieked. her jaw dropped. i swear, the birds stopped chirping too. 
“that’s a twist, simon…” she winced. “are you going to tell sam?”
“well, ive got to, ri-”
ding dong. my heart skipped a beat.
“simon, open up!” sam called. he knocked again. 
i reluctantly opened the door and dodged his kiss. it didnt feel right. nothing felt right. 
“how’d it go? you never called.” sam said, pulling a glass out from one of the cabinets. penny had slunk out of the room. 
“its… sammy, i woke up in the body of your roommate.” 
sam dropped the cup, and the shatter of glass stopped my breath. 
“oh.” he said. i could hear his tears coming. i put my head in my hands. 
“i think… i think i should go, simon. i-you should be with your soulmate.” he said, grabbing his coat. i snatched his arm. 
“baz is such a good guy, simon. i’ll text you his number, okay? it’s okay, my 21st is in a few months anyways. it’s all going to work out.” he winked, forcing a tear down his face. 
my stomach twisted over when a new number appeared in my inbox later that afternoon. after the number, there was a message.
sammy <3 : good luck, si. by the way, baz is a tough nut to crack. says he’s still in love with his roommate from school, or something. im not at my flat now, if you get my drift
my heart jumped into my throat. 
the number dialed for too long. i almost hung up. i drummed my fingers on my leg, wishing the cabbie would drive faster
“who is this?” baz answered grumpily. he still sounded the same. 
“baz? its simon.” i breathed. i missed him. i did. i know that now. 
“crowley snow, cant a guy live out his life in peace?” baz snorted. 
“baz.” i groaned, “i woke up in your dorm this morning.” i could hear his breath catch. i slammed the cab door. 
“i know. you’re dating my flatmate. didnt know you played for the other team, snow.” he chuckled nervously.
“i didnt wake up in sams body, you arse. you knew i was dating sam?” i ran up the stairs. 
“its why i was never there- you… what?”
“i love you.” i cracked. i had, i think. for a long time. “open the goddamn door, you git.” 
bazs face stared back at me. i think i was crying. i think he was, too. the only sound was the creaking of the door. 
“i love you too.” he whispered, still holding the phone up to his ear. 
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baratechnerd-blog · 9 years
what video games do you like!
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I mainly play those to pass the time, but if I had to pick a favorite... I go for strategic games because I often win at those the most and it’s nice to make my opponent go mad within a few minutes.
I’ve played a dating sim for the first time though and for some reason Feitan thought it’d be hilarious to give me one that’s about birds. I can’t blame him though, they were cute.
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