#honestly i'd say my LEAST favorite ship is bkdk
theloveinc · 1 year
Bnha ships? Controversial or typical ones!
mmmmmmmmm, unfortunately, i've never been too invested in ships just bc i'm always a little more invested in the reader insert side of things... but that being said, i really don't have any ships that i truly dislike, either.... so let's see!
in completely random order:
deku x melissa - i like to think that a couple years after meeting they have a little bit of fling/relationship. i thought their chemistry was amazing in the movie so it's very cute to me to think that she's the first person deku dates <3 also, american baddie.
hawks x endeavor - no excuse no thoughts head empty... i just like the (somewhat toxic) dynamic of like, younger person makes older person better............... somehow. i think they're funny too, with endeavor being all grumpy and hawks just all ^u^ all the time LOL
kiribaku, ofc! - just a berry cute relationship in general, i love a relationship where both characters meet later in life and become their most true selves together (honestly tho any bakusquad member x bakugo i really like. MINA x BAKUGO ESP, but also denki and sero!)
shinbaku + bakugo x todoroki, too. - dunno. but i see art + fics of them and i like it LOL.
bakugo x momo - they definitely have a relationship at some point and i'm there for it. they just seem a lot more similar than one might initially think, you know? both pretty boys and girls who study hard and like calming things.
(i've said it before, too.. but i also like tsuyu x bakugo and camie x bakugo! i think bakugo would be so gentle with tsu and so funny with camie <3... maybe even todoroki x camie, too)
and i don't think abt it too much bc i know it's endgame, but izuocha is very sweet and high on my list. i love their fanart, it's always so cute! similarly, bakugo x mirko... i hope they have their moment together at least once!!
and finally (tho there's a ton i'm missing, i'm sure): everyone x caitie!! this one isn't too controversial tho i know it's not very widespread in the bnha community simply cuz caitie hasn't been introduced in the show yet. but i know she's fucking EVERYONE (and esp bakugo<3333)
thank you so much for asking, anon! you can always check @cakugo which is my sideblog for most bnha shipart and art in general. what ships do you like?
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astersofthesky · 3 years
I decided to reread the MHA LN Chapter 4, you know, the canon bkdk angsty slow-burn fanfic 😌😌 Spreading the BKDK LN agenda because WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS MORE !!
Anyway, I FOUND ANOTHER TRANSLATION but sadly OP haven't finished it yet 😢
And since I need an emotional outlet so I can scream at how they're so canon, Im'ma do it here ahwjdhfjsh 👀✨
Warning: Long post; potential manga spoilers
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– I forgot that this chapter literally started with the angst 😭 Deku saying that he can't imagine having lunch with Kacchan is like a pain in the gut. He just wanna be friends with his Kacchan again 😢
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– One word, ✨SOULMATES ✨ afshshahah PLS, even the universe can't help but ship them together 😩✋ they're fruityness is on whole a new level I CAN'T 💚🧡
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– I see what you're doing Bakugou 👀 You really can't leave your sweet broccoli behind huh?? Also, crybaby Macchan and aggressive Takkun?? 🤔 Do I need to say more? 🧐
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– If that's not flirting then idk what is 🤷 also, "In front of my soba? Really?" (Todoroki, probably)
– There's no ss but I just wanna give a special mention to jealous!Bakugou. No cos srsly, implying you're not friends with Deku as if you're not dying to hold his hand then getting irritated over Todoroki claiming the "friend" card 😩 Just, Bakugou, don't @ me ☺️💢
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– The angst had reached full force it seems ಥ‿ಥ The line was cut but it actually says "Not friends, just childhood friends" 😭😭 and I am telling you Im'ma throw my brand new book when Bakugou explicitly acknowledges Midoriya as his boyfriend. Because before they were rivals, Bakugou and Midoriya were first friends. And I'm not saying that they aren't one now because we as readers, can definitely see they care for each other. But the question is, do they already see the other as a friend and not just a mere rival? They don't cos they're boyfriends your honor
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– Tbh, It still haven't sinked in that this is kind of canon 🤧 This is such a cliched romantic scene like wtf?? So what's next? The full moon is illuminating half of Bakugou's face, red eyes glowing and face soft from the natural white luminescence or something sappy like that?? 😩😩 I love it
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– Izuku in this LN chapter whenever he talks about Bkg: ✨ THEIR RELATIONSHIP ✨
– I know, I get it. You don't have to shove it my face every single time Deku 😌 and pls, why are you still flirting at the middle of the night?? Or was it pining that I see 🤔 i mean comparing each other to their kid parallels 😕 hmm a severe case of mutual pining indeed
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– Yes yes, of course you're only looking for food stalls Mr. Bakugou "Tsundere" Katsuki, I completely don't believe that you're worried about the kids. No! of course not! Who says you want the kids to reconcile so they wouldn't experience the pain that you and a certain green had gone through?? Hahaha I mean It's not like they're your parallel what??hmmm no no, go on, look for takoyaki or smthn ☺️☺️
– Wait, did the last part say '"Bakugou grabbed Izuku's face and pushed it away..." Aksfksjdhdisjs what in the actual gay fanfic is this??!! Or wait, is this what Bkg usually do to Deku in the official art he's like, I love agressively gripping your head as I entangle my fingers on your soft curls but no homo💀
Since OP's translation isn't complete, I'm going to use Lau Ren's translation and yes I'm continuing this shit even though Tumblr mobile only lets me post 10 pics per post
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– Bkdk domesticity with children pt. 95736 💚🧡 They love kids so much 😩 Yk I'd donate my kidney just to see this ANIMATED ✨ like this has so much fluff potential 🤧 Or at the very least a drama CD. I'd ascend 😭
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– WHAT THE FUDGE ?!! I'M SCREAMING 😭 I SAY IT AGAIN 💞 SOULMATES✨ and pls, it has my favorite fic trope, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings. Anyway, I need a minute to collect myself cos I can't move past the "With the said person himself nearby, Kacchan thought his fate had gone crazy" ( ≧Д≦) dammit Katsuki, why r u so gay. Izuku loves you, you emotionally constipated gremlin
I have reached my 10 picture limit so I'm just gonna copy paste some of the twts 💀 I hope I don't get in trouble lmao Xd
- Kacchan fixed his gaze to Deku who looked relieved. "He..."
- Somehow, Kacchan remembered the fight they had after All Might's retirement. It was the first time they were able to let out their conflicts sincerely. Although his fear towards Deku had decreased since then, there was still a feeling of disgust about Deku being a hero who save others residing in Kacchan.
- He couldn't understand it. But he knew, there will always a being whom he cannot understand
– Bkg rlly said 👀 on Deku while having angsty thoughts ಥ╭╮ಥ Looking back on this tho, I just can't help but be proud when I remember 285. Bakugou is loud but he is very rational in battles. He thinks of a plan on the spot meaning he's mind is on work 24/7.
– When he had his "My body just moved on its own" moment, Katsuki had understood Deku and his nature to "Save to Win." It'ss that Katsuki must not analyze it with his brain, but instead feel it with his heart 💚🧡 And this is the reason why I badly want to see him on the manga 😭 that was some MAJOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I'm ahwjdhfjsh
– Takkun and Maachan's pinky swear deserves their own mention. They're so pure 😩✋
- He said he still hasn't done hatsumoude so Kacchan can go first, but Kacchan refused and wouldn't let Deku do hatsumoude before him.
- Kacchan tried to take a head start, but in the end, they ended up visiting and praying together.
– AND WE'RE BACK with the gays 😌 hsjdjajs they compete with every single thing it's honestly cute. Also YES THEY PRAYED TOGETHER and shoujo scenes with the main couple praying on the shrine but make it BKDK flashed before my eyes 😖✨
- After finishing their prayers, Deku looked at Kacchan, "What did you wish for?" "Shut up."
- Even with Kacchan's sulking expression seen from the side, Deku felt that they had wished for the same thing.
– DEKU YOU'RE BEING TOO LOUD!! I just can't with these two 😩✋ Both of them are down so bad for each other and you can't tell me otherwise 💚✨🧡
- With those serious eyes, Deku knew they were aiming for the same thing. Win to save, save to win. To be the best heroes.
- Deku knew well that he and Kacchan are polar opposites. But even so, Deku couldn't imagine a world in which Kacchan doesn't exist.
– Deku just went 😍 on Kacchan and thought "I CAN'T IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT YOU 🧡💚" (insert Imagine by Ben Platt)
– I can't even stress how much I love this line, y'all this is so misleading I-- this is too much 😭 Anyway, I believe this go both ways. Bakugou can't also see a world without Deku in it, and since Deku decided to be the self-sacrificing person he is, I'll just SCREAM IN CH. 304 ( ≧Д≦)
- Seeing the two praying side by side, he commented, "so you've become good friends now, huh."
- Both of them immediately opposed, and Kacchan threatened to explode Shoto's mouth for saying such a disgusting thing.
– Let's go Todoroki, best wingman 🤣 And flustered Bakugou makes a reappearance hdjsja Dammit half n' half I ain't flirting with Deku fvck you
And this is where it ends afshshaha anyway bkdk canon 💚🧡
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(1)Dunno who else to talk to about this but I don't watch bnha (only saw a handful of eps from s1 and read stuff on wikis) and I don't like bkdk. I mean, I'd probably like it on other circumstances but I guess my actual reasoning is selfish? I wasn't bullied but just teased a lot cause I was easy target. The stuff that happened to me isn't as bad as what Bakugo did to Izuku but I'm still affected by them and so I couldn't forgive the people who did me wrong even years after we all graduated.
(2)Many of them never apologized or was just told to by the teachers and I can tell they didn’t mean it as some continued to make me cry cause it was funny. Unlike Izuku who never asked for an apology nor cared to get one and still likes Bakugo as a friend, I’m the opposite so it just makes me feel uneasy cause he’s different than me and I can’t understand why. And bkdk shippers saying that it’s good and all makes me feel… idk? Bad about myself? Like, my problems aren’t as bad as his yet he
(3)is totally okay with that and everyone just says he’s a precious cinnamon roll and Bakugo should be forgiven and whenever I see pro-bkdk post that talks about this I feel ‘personally attacked’ as others would say. I feel like I’m a bad person for not being able to forgive and not forgetting and I hate Bakugo cause he reminds me of those who made me cry and I feel like I’m a terrible person cause he got better and he did worse than my old classmates but I can’t be like Izuku and I feel guilty.
(4)Also with this reasoning in mind, I can’t help but feel like an anti even though I’m not and I can’t talk to anyone about it cause the only ones who may understand are antis. It’s frustrating and all the more cause I know people would hate me for well, hating it as I’m not even in the fandom and don’t even watched the show or read the manga…
So first off, no one’s going to hate you just for not liking a ship or a character, not anyone around here at least. People have NOTPs, even ones from things they might not have totally consumed and that’s fine, it’s not wrong to dislike ships. What separates a person with a NOTP from an anti is whether you harass the people who like your NOTP for liking it (and you didn’t exactly come spitting into my inbox about how gross I am for shipping bkdk or that I’m an abuse apologist or whatever, so you’re already doing good on that front).
Now, I’m not meaning to sound patronizing or anything so apologies if it comes off that way, but you gotta remember that Deku and Bakugou are just fictional characters. The reason Deku never hates Bakugou or asks for an apology is, at it’s base, because that’s how he’s written. He’s written to be this kind of unattainable ball of pure sunlight, and much as I love best boi for how perpetually sweet and heroic and selfless and full of the best intentions he is, trying to compare yourself to him is a losing game.
You are a person, a human being, not a fictional character. Your emotions and feelings are so much more complicated and varied than any author could ever write. If Deku were real I honestly doubt he’d be as unflinchingly on Bakugou’s side as he’s written to be, even the sweetest people will break if pushed too hard, and there’s probably been dozens of times in the years we don’t see where Bakugou’s pushed way too fucking hard.
You not wanting to like or forgive the people who fucked with you is not a bad thing. It’s normal and it’s so, so very valid. There are people in my life who I’d never want to see again because of how they treated me, and I’m not obligated to forgive just as they are not entitled to my forgiveness. You’re not a bad person for that, not by a long fucking shot.
I know it’s hard not to take positive posts about things you dislike as a personal attack, but you really do have to remember that just because I’m sitting over here in my little “BakuDeku is amazing and I love Bakugou so much!!!” corner doesn’t mean that I’m implicitly saying “and anyone who thinks otherwise is Wrong and a Bad Person!!!” We just get a lot of shit from people who actually harass shippers so it’s nice to send out some positive vibes. We just love our boys and the development we’re watching them go through and sometimes it makes us wanna shout it from the front steps of our blogs :D
BakuDeku took a long time to grow on me. I didn’t even really like Bakugou as a character until halfway through season 3 of the anime. His character in the beginning of the series is pretty weak in my opinion, just another rival character that’s also just super weirdly aggressive, which in general is a huge turn off for me. It was only when his actual character development started happening that I was like “oh this guy is way more interesting than I was giving him credit”. And even then, it wasn’t until one of the last episodes of season 3 that I fully jumped aboard the S.S. BKDK. So if you’ve only watched a handful of S1 and read some wiki stuff then I can totally understand and relate to not liking him (though I admit I don’t have the negative real life associations with that kind of vicious bully character that you do).
I would tentatively recommend giving the series another shot (I mean just in general tbh, it’s one of my favorites regardless of my opinion on bakugou and bkdk) and seeing if watching his development ends up making you come around on him. And if it doesn’t that’s fine too! There’s are tons of people who don’t like the character or the ship for various reasons, some similar to yours, and that’s totally 1000% fine and valid.
And if you don’t want to watch the show/read the manga because it’s just not your thing or whatever, then I genuinely just recommend blacklisting all the bakudeku and bakugou stuff and forgetting about it. It’s just a ship and a character you didn’t like, curating them out of your space and focusing on the stuff that makes you happy is always the best solution.
I hope I helped a little ^-^; My inbox is always open if you need a place to talk, anon, I hope you have a great week 💙💙💙
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