#honestly im surprised her mum didnt pull over (we were driving at the time) and kick us out
cheeriochat · 8 months
Today on what the hell am I talking about with my friends:
The Demon reproduction process, and by extension, possible Vergil asexual reproduction?????? Um, I don't know how this started to be honest, but if anyone wants an in depth analysis of what we discussed do not ask I won't give it to you.
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Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader x Roger Taylor
Summary: They meet the reader’s family for the first time
Requested: Nope
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: I hope you guys like this - it’s my first time writing for a relationship like this and writing for this pairing so please let me know what you think!!! Please reblog and leave comments, they really make my day and inspire me to write more - I reply and follow back with my main blog @ijustreallylovezebras
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“There’s no need to look so nervous, love, parents love me,” Ben said, reaching back and grabbing Y/N’s hand from where it was drumming on the centre console. Y/N bit her lip, smiling at him uncertainly.
“They tend to hate me,” Roger piped up with a mischievous grin, catching Y/N’s eye in the mirror and winking at her in the hopes the cheeky action would calm her down a little. Y/N’s smile grew a little and Roger took one hand off of the steering wheel to place it on top of Ben’s so that the three of them were clasping their hands tightly together.
“I love you guys,” she said quietly, leaning forwards so that her head was resting on their hands. Roger and Ben shared a soft smile over the top of her head.
“We love you too,” Ben responded, leaning down to kiss the top of her hair.
“And it will be fine today, honestly,” Roger promised, squeezing their hands quickly.
“No matter what happens today, we’ll still be the same, us three, yeah?” Ben said. Y/N turned her head so she was looking towards him and smile at her boyfriend.
“Yeah,” she agreed quietly. 
Ben used his free hand to turn the radio on, turning the volume down so it was playing quietly, enough to relax the three of them - him and Roger were much more stressed about meeting Y/N’s family than they were letting on.
They were sat in the same way that they always did when they drove anywhere. Roger was in the driver’s seat - he almost always drove, and when it wasn’t him it was Ben, they insisted that Y/N wasn’t a good driver, a running joke amongst the three of them, the only time they allowed her to drive them was when they had been on a night out and she was the only one sober enough to do so. Ben was in the passenger seat and in charge of the music controls and keeping Roger entertained while he drove. Y/N was in the middle of the back seat. She almost always sat in the back because it meant that she could fall asleep and stretch out as much as she wanted, something that Ben and Roger actively encouraged as they were always concerned that Y/N was not getting enough sleep.
“Love? Love you need to wake up,” Ben said, gently shaking her shoulder. Y/N groaned and raised her head to blink at her boyfriend. Ben offered her a smile. “There’s our girl,”
“I need you to direct me,” Roger explained. “Sorry to wake you up, Princess,” Y/N stretched forwards in her seat to press a sloppy kiss on Roger’s cheek as a response.
She rested her head against Ben’s shoulder as she mumbled directions out to Roger, who still held their hands tightly in his, shooting them adoring looks every once in a while.
They pulled into Y/N’s family’s driveway, gravel crunching under the wheels and Roger turned off the car, the three of them sitting for a moment, taking in the momentous occasion.
“I’m shitting myself,” Y/N finally announced and the boys laughed. Roger turned her head towards him and placed a firm kiss to her lips.
“We’re meant to be the scared ones, love,” Ben pointed out and Y/N smiled, turning to him and kissing him quickly.
“We’ll be fine,” Roger promised and Ben smiled at him, his gaze so loving and adoring that Y/N could feel nothing but ecstatic.
They lent over the centre console, their lips meeting in the middle, both of them grinning into the kiss.
“Are you guys coming in?” The boys broke apart, embarrassed, but Y/N couldn’t help the squeal that escaped as she flung the car door open, throwing herself into the waiting arms of her sister. Jenny laughed, squeezing Y/N tight in a hug. “The kids have not shut up about seeing their aunt again,”
“I’m their favourite aunt!” Y/N grinned.
“Yeah, you need to tell them to stop saying that to Hannah’s face, she’s getting offended,”
“But it’s true,” she protested and Jenny let out another laugh, hugging her sister again quickly. 
“She doesn’t need to know that though,” she nudged Y/N and Y/N rolled her eyes. “Are you going to introduce me then?” She asked, nodding towards Roger and Ben who were waiting patiently throughout the reunion, smiling a little as they watched. 
They would have looked perfectly at ease if Y/N didn’t know them so well. Ben was biting his lip harder than normal and Roger’s free hand was drumming on his jeans, as was his nervous tell whenever neither Ben nor Y/N had a spare hand.
“Right!” Y/N exclaimed, stepping back and grabbing Roger’s nervous hand. He shot her a grateful smile at her action and squeezed it in acknowledgement. She then looped her hand through Ben’s arm, leaning against his muscles a little. “Jenny this is Ben and this is Roger. Ben, Roger, this is my sister, Jenny,” 
“Y/N hasn’t shut up about you two,” Jenny informed the guys who let out nervous laughs.
“Trust me, it’s been the same for us two,” Roger said, nodding over at Ben over y/N’s head. Y/N pulled a face, which made Jenny chuckle.
Ben dropped one suitcase and held out his hand to Jenny who rolled her eyes a little, shaking her head.
“Come here, dude,” she said simply, pulling Ben into a hug. Ben was slow to react, taken by surprise at the warm gesture, but dropped the other suitcase and Y/N’s arm, hugging Jenny back. “And you,” she laughed as she parted from Ben and smiled at Roger who grinned and was quick to embrace her.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Ben commented and Jenny nodded.
“Yeah you guys too,” 
“See,” Ben whispered, kissing her forehead and Y/N turned to smile at him, kissing him quickly.
“Wait until you meet her kids,” she warned as Jenny took one of the suitcases from Ben. Roger took her hand again, swinging them backwards and forwards.
“Yeah my kids will be your harshest critics,” Jenny added, letting out a laugh. 
As soon as they stepped into the hallway they were attacked by Jenny’s twins - Lily and Sebastian.
“The kids like them,” Y/N turned at the sound of her mother’s voice and she smiled, nodding. Her mum place a mug of tea in her hands and settled herself on the sofa beside her.
Sebastian and Lily had taken a shine to Roger and Ben quickly. Ben was lying on his stomach playing trains with Sebastian and Roger was joining in, when his head wasn’t being yanked back by Lily who declared that she wanted to plait his hair for him. Her brother and sister-in-law’s baby (James) was sat on Roger’s lap and the drummer cradled James carefully to his chest, cooing down at the baby in the most adorable fashion.
“i didn’t realise how good with kids they were,” Y/N admitted with a shrug, blowing on her tea. “What about you, though?” She questioned, nibbling on her lip in nervousness. While her parents had appeared thrilled with Y/N’s boyfriends - and made them feel completely welcome and at home in Y/N’s childhood house - she was aware that their relationship wasn’t exactly conventional and desperately sought her parent’s approval.
“They make you happy,” her mum shrugged with a soft smile in her daughters direction. “That’s all that matters to us really,” Y/N turned and lay her head on her mother’s shoulder.
“They make me really happy,” she said in quiet agreement. Roger heard and turned towards her with a grin.
“I love you,” he mouthed. Y/N mouthed it back, her eyes crinkling at the edges.
“I think Ben won your dad over with all the rugby talk,” her mum joked and Ben looked over at the sound of his name, raising his eyebrows with a cheeky grin on his face.
“i said parent’s love me,” he joked and Roger scoffed.
“They love me more,” he argued, feigning an angry glare at Ben who rolled his eyes, leaning forwards to press a kiss to Roger’s lips.
“I think it’s time for the kids to go to bed,” Jenny said, coming into the room with Y/N’s sister-in-law Hannah and her husband Joe (Y/N’s sister). Hannah was quick to scoop the baby up from Roger’s arms and Jenny tilted her head at the twins, indicating for them to follow her. “Come on Seb, Lily,”
“I want Uncle Roger to tuck me in,” Lily whined, tugging on Roger’s hair. The drummer’s face was conflicted between a wince and a look of complete shock.
“Why can’t Uncle Ben do it?” Sebastian argued, glaring at his sister.
“Do you guys mind?” Jenny asked through a sigh, looking at Roger and Ben, both of whom were quick to nod their agreement, huge smiles blossoming on their faces as they each scooped up a twin, making the kids let out a squeal of delight. Ben swung Sebastian around so he was resting on his back and Sebastian let out a joyful laugh, winding his arms tightly around Ben’s neck.
“Where too, Princess Lily?” Roger asked, resting the young girl on his hip. Lily giggled in delight, ordering ‘Princess Roger’ to take her upstairs.
Jenny raised an eyebrow at her sister, her lips curling into a small grin as she followed the four of them.
“Did you hear that, Y/N?” Roger asked, bounding into their room and jumping on the bed next to his girlfriend who hugged him tightly. Ben flopped on top of the two of them, embracing them both into a tight hug.
“They called me Uncle Ben,” he whispered, still disbelieving. Y/N ran her fingers through his short blond hair and Ben turned his face up to kiss the palm of her hand.
“Fuck I love you,” Y/N murmured and Roger placed a kiss on her cheek.
“We love you too,”
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things about my playlist (super long cause i included lyrics whos surprised)
Right Here, Right Now Right here, Right now I'm looking at you and My Heart love the view Cause you mean everything  im always a sucker for a good hsm song but this moment in the movie just really strongly resonates with me, the desire to make the moment last even though everything is speeding around them
Today Was A Fairytale But can you feel this magic in the air? It must have been the way you kissed me Fell in love when I saw you standing there every day just feels like floating like it really is magic honestly
Hung Up I'm not usually the type of guy to call twice And leave a message every time i think ive only left multiple voicemails for my mum like once
Thunder I don't wanna ever love another You'll always be my thunder So bring on the rain something bout boys like girls just always resonates about us but especially this. i used to play it every day when i spent that summer away
Check Yes Juliet Run, baby, run Don't ever look back They'll tear us apart If you give them the chance we all know how shit romeo and juliet when badly idealised but something about this just made me feel really strongly that it was ok cause of all the issues w my folks but i could run from that and itd still be ok
Two Is Better Than One Cause everything you do and words you say You know that it all takes my breath away this song just brings me back to that first night up against the wall honestly
Mine You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter You are the best thing, that's ever been mine another one of those played everyday, not even just the summer, but literally everyday for a long while. this part was the part that clicked most, that you brought me out of my shell
Love Story And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet" But you were everything to me, I was begging you, please, don't go  swift is kind of a running theme for my sweet summer tunes, but parts of this song reminded me of what my folks would be like, and the constant (poor) secret-keeping and the constant want to be free to be us
Marry You Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you i think its kinda self explanatory
Can I Have This Dance Take my hand, I'll take the lead And every turn will be safe with me Don't be afraid, afraid to fall You know I'll catch you through it all this will never stop being the cheesy fall back memory i have, its another soft moment but i love it so
2002 Now we're under the covers Fast forward to eighteen We are more than lovers Yeah, we are all we need When we're holding each other this song just invokes a lot of early memories, of the way we would belt every song out that would come on, the way that wed fix a playlist like no one else was there
Everything I Ask For Oh she makes me feel like shit (it's always something) But I can't get over it (she thinks it's nothing) 'Cause she's everything I ask for gotta agree with john, wearin red when youre feelin hot. its a good colour for you, yknow
Alone Together I don't know where I'm going But I don't think I'm coming home and I said I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead This is the road to ruin And we're starting at the end we started a mess, we ended a mess, were still a mess, and anything we do going forwards is a mess, but its ok
Still Into You I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you And even baby our worst nights I'm into you, I'm into you Let 'em wonder how we got this far, 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah after all this time I'm still into you  i remember when my dad sent me the video to this song just because of what was on haleys tshirt. i didnt think it would come to stick with me for so long and mean so much
Runaway (U & I) I wanna run away Anywhere out this place I wanna run away Just U and I wouldnt be my playlist if i didnt throw electronic into it. a general running (lmao) theme though isnt it? to want to run away, to find somewhere new to start
Ours Seems like there's always Someone who disapproves, They'll judge it like they know about me and you, And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do, The jury's out, And my choice is you another summer jam. no matter what, this is ours. no one can take that away, nobody but us can change it. it will always be ours
Song 2 You I'll give you my song These words to you Sing you what I feel My soul is true. a little victorious doesnt hurt. its a soft song, mostly about a materialistic girl, but the feeling behind it resonates with me. i love how soft it is, i love the meaning behind it. but most of all i love that its still music thats being used to connect people
Stupid For You You're a symphony, I'm just a sour note I'll take what I can get The best is hard to grip when everybody wants you And everybody wants you basically about feeling just a little not good enough, but still chasin and makin it work. id say im pretty stupid for you though
Right Girl I've never been the best with my mouth Try to stay smart but the dumb comes out Maybe I'm shy, I drive an old car Maybe I'm amazed that I got this far you are the best thing to ever happen and i let my dumbass brain panic itself into doing the wrong thing to the right girl
Rock Bottom That you hate me now and I feel the same way You love me now and I feel the same way We scream and we shout And make up the same day everything culminated to this, to being rock bottom and tossing and turning and trying and maybe not trying enough. everythings still low it still feels like rock bottom while still feeling like theres more to fall. its hard to explain
Trigger Why can't we talk about it Why don't we try I think we can change our minds If we could just look at it through each other's eyes Instead of letting bullets fly i wish, at least for getting through this, we could be better at pushing emotions back to talk, that i could be better at pushing emotions back. i wish i was better at taking a step back and seeing it from another perspective before it got too late
I Really Like You Who gave you eyes like that, said you could keep them? I dunno how to act or if I should be leavin' I'm running outta time, going outta my mind i remember thinking how annoying this was when it came on, but it explains so well this state of limbo, this state of “what can i say, what cant i say”
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Every little thing she does is magic Everything she do just turns me on Even though my life before was tragic Now I know my love for her goes on my dad used to play this a lot when i was younger and i forgot it for a while, but something about you sparked me to remember it, to want to hear it on repeat, to belt it despite how quiet it is on spotify, to let it wash over me
How You Get The Girl And then you say I want you for worse or for better I would wait for ever and ever Broke your heart, I'll put it back together I would wait for ever and ever i remember how you used to say you didnt like this song but now it kinda feels like were living it, that someones going to show up on someones door step six months down the line in the pouring rain. or maybe someone wont. but it doesnt stop ever resonating with me so deep in my bones
Be There I'll be the warmth in your empty hotel I'll make it right when you're going through hell I'll be the call when there's no one to tell no matter the situation, ill still be there for you. doesnt matter when, how, what, why, ill be there
Anchor If you’re lost And feel like you’re alone I’ll be the one to guide you home You’ll never have far to go just to really drive the point home with a little tritonal, ill be your anchor, maybe not your rock, im not solid enough, or rooted myself. i sway with the tide but ill still be something you can hold on to
My Life Would Suck Without You Maybe I was stupid For telling you goodbye Maybe I was wrong For tryin' to pick a fight I know that I've got issues But you're pretty messed up too Either way I found out I'm nothing without you i dont care how rocky its been, i refuse to let myself be without you, whatever that entails
Dopamine What you do to me is no good But baby, you're good for me, so good for me We break up to build something new Chasing after what I have with you i think no matter what, it will always feel like what im doing is trying to get back what we had, but not the way it was, more the way we fit together, how we could sit together and be content, to fight and curse each other out but still somehow make it ok, thats what id be chasing after
I’m Yours So I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait I'm sure There's no need to complicate Our time is short This is our fate, I'm yours my heart will always be yours, even if you dont want it, it doesnt plan on going anywhere any time soon. i could leave and it would still stay with you
I Want You Back Oh, baby, give me one more chance To show you that I love you Won't you please let me Back in your heart Oh, darling, I was blind to let you go Let you go baby Cause now since I see you it is all victoria justices voice makes it feel more relevant somehow, maybe its the female voice with the same lyrics, maybe its just the way she sings it, who knows, but this rings pretty fuckin true
Just Wanna Be With You I got a lot of things I have to do All these distractions Our futures coming soon We're being pulled a hundred different directions But whatever happens I know I've got you while comedic in the end of year musical, the rehearsal version really i think really captures the heart of the relationship, that everything is happening everywhere and theres nowhere to stop and breathe but theyre still there for each other, and i will be too
Black Butterflies and Deja Vu I lose my voice when I look at you Can't make a noise though I'm trying to Tell you all the right words Waiting on the right words one of my favourites off the album, i hadnt found one i connected with much off the american candy album, except for ‘miles away’ perhaps, but then LLL dropped with this as a single and it just clicked so much with me. i find it so hard to tell you all the things i want to, the right things to tell you, its hard to ask you to be patient for me to get out what i want to, and i always end up sticking my foot in it, but one day ill get it right
Marry Me Forever can never be long enough for me To feel like I've had long enough with you a soft way to end this playlist, a perfect way to end it i think
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