#honestly it's so that I will decrease my sugar intake but still have a little treat bc otherwise I will go insane
natreads · 1 year
in my grandma era (I have a few squares of dark chocolate each evening and enjoy each bite)
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alliswell21 · 5 years
Remorse and Absolution
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For @lovely-tothe-bone. Sorry it took me so long.
Rated T, for mentions of canonical violence, and implied intimate encounters.
The evening starts as usual: we cook dinner together, set the table and one of us runs to Haymitch’s to drag him over for supper. After dinner, Peeta and Haymitch play a few turns of their permanent chess game set up in the study, while I tackle the dirty dishes, since I’m feeling generous.
I join the guys in the study when I’m done in the kitchen, and curl up in a cozy chair with a book my mother sent from District 4 a while ago. It’s an easy read, just a few poems about flowers and plants that usually keeps my mind relaxed and distracted. The guys share a few quiet chuckles, and I smile at my book absentmindedly. I can’t help it. Laughter sometimes feels a little alien to us, but the sound is becoming more and more frequent with every season that passes.
Dr. Aurelius isn’t completely useless after all. He’s encouraged us to keep simple routines in our day to day, and so far we’ve found it beneficial for all of us.
After a while, Haymitch starts bouncing his leg anxiously. A clear sign he’s ready for a drink, and since Peeta and I discourage the use of liquor in our house, the old man cracks his knuckles and calls it a night after moving his piece. I wish we could break him out of the habit, but we all have our coping mechanisms; Haymitch’s happens to be at the bottom of a bottle. At least his alcohol intake has decreased some since he started raising his geese. The feathered monsters can be a handful tough, but they keep Haymitch preoccupied enough to stay sober at times.
I count that as a plus.
“I’ll walk you home.” Peeta tells Haymitch as soon as our old mentor stands from his rocking chair. His tone is casual, jovial even, but Haymitch and I know Peeta so well, we pick up the hidden message. He wants a word, privately.
“Sure. It’s been a long day, and I may need an extra pair of hands to help me secure the geese’s hatch. The stupid birds keep pecking at it. Soon they’ll be running wild all over the place.” Haymitch drawls, scratching his chin.
His sharp Seam eyes search Peeta’s countenance before cutting to me in something that could pass as boredom, if wasn’t for the way his eyebrow twitches.
I shrug infinitesimally, letting him know that I neither know what’s Peeta up to, or have any objections on the matter.
Haymitch shrugs too, and plucks an apple turnover from a plate by their chess table. “Sweetheart,” He nods and salutes me, stuffing his mouth obnoxiously full of pastry. He slouches out of the room beckoning Peeta to follow him. “Alright, Boy, lets get on with it. That hatch ain't gonna fix itself.”
By the time Peeta comes back, I’m getting ready for bed.
He joins me in the bathroom, as another of our nightly routines, we take turns using the toilet and then wash our faces and brush our teeth together at the sink. It should feel strange going to the bathroom with a boy, but after moving in together and becoming a real couple, Peeta and I have grown comfortable with each other— in my case— comfortable enough to be human in front of him.
I keep looking at him through the mirror over the sink though. He’s been uncharacteristically quiet since returning from Haymitch’s.
“Everything okay?” I ask around a mouthful of toothpaste.
“Hmm.” He grunts in ascent, switching water in his mouth before spitting it out. “Yeah.” He says, but sounds unconvinced.
I rinse my mouth and dry my lips with a towel, still studying his face while he tidies up the counter.
“You know you can tell me if anything is bothering you, right?” I say unraveling my braid and combing out the strands with my fingers.
“I know.” He tells me softly. After a minute, he stutters a breath. “It’s just… I don’t wanna bother ‘you’.” He says looking at me sheepishly, and then stands behind me with my hair brush.
He loves helping me brushing and rebranding my hair, so I let him do it every night. He’s gotten almost as good as I too. Normally, this is my favorite time of our grooming routine. Having him play with my hair relaxes and soothes me like nothing else; but tonight I just stew in his words.
I come to the conclusion that whatever’s on his mind, has to be awful for him to think he’ll upset me by it.
I scowl, and dig deep for some courage; after all he’s done for me, the least I can do is repay his kindness and help him out, even if it’s something that could potentially send me cowering under the covers for days.
“Peeta,” I turn to face him, running my hand up and down his muscled arm. “We’re in this together. No matter what. You can tell me anything.” I tell him honestly.
He sighs heavily.
He holds my hand and together we walk into our bedroom. He motions for me to sit on the bed, then lowers himself next to me. It takes him another moment to gather his thoughts, finally, his eyes find mine, holding my whole attention.
“Today in my call with Dr. Aurelius, we talked about apologizing to people I’ve physically hurt. Even if they’re not around anymore.”
“Oh,” I breathe out. “That’s a tall order. I’m so sorry, Peeta.” I say taking his hand in mine. By my count, all the people Peeta ever touched violently, died right after. “It must’ve been hard for you, trying to make amends like that.”
He shakes his head. “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I mean, I felt myself slipping at one point, but I managed to stay in my own mind…” he trails off, his blue eyes glass over, and for a moment I’m frightened an episode is coming, but then his eyes refocus on me. And it’s not better when he holds my gaze.
So much sadness and guilt, a chill runs up my spine.
“Apologizing to the dead wasn’t the hard part.” He confesses softly, gently. “There’s one person I hurt, who’s still here, breathing. Alive. The problem is she’s the hardest one to even start talking to, because I can’t quite remember what happened, or what was actually said or done to trigger the attack.” Peeta’s voice breaks a little, his eyes intense on mine. “My mind was so confused. Whatever happened during those moments when fear gripped my like a vice, is fogged up in my memory, and some people may say is for the better, because who’ll want to know the monstrosities one is capable of…?”
I try to remain oblivious to what he’s saying, but his meaning is hard to miss when spoken with such vehemence.
He continues, “What I know about the incidents, is only what I was told by others. At first, I didn’t believe a word of it.” He shakes his head and looks away in shame for a moment, “Not until I saw footage of myself acting like a rabid mutt. A madman, killing an innocent just to get to a defenseless girl, who didn’t do anything to hurt me. Not really.”
My heartbeat quickens at his words. Pain and fear snake around my chest, wrapping tightly over my heart, and breathing becomes a chore. I shake my head, “It wasn't like that... it wasn’t—“ a small noise, like a sob, cuts the rest of my words short.
“Katniss,” this time is Peeta squeezing my hand in his. “We don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want to. As I said, the last thing I want, is to upset you.”
I shake my head and manage to croak out, “No, Peeta, I think we have to. I’m not terribly keen on remembering those days, but like everything in our lives, we need to face our fears and stop pretending they’re not there.” I squeeze my eyes shut for a second. “What do you need to know?” I ask before my resolve disappears.
“I’m not sure. Honestly, I want nothing less than to know all the awful things I did and said to you then, Sweetheart. But it feels wrong, hypocritical, apologizing to you without first owning my crimes and shortcomings.”
My heart breaks a little. For both of us.
All the mess up stuff done to us, and even now we have to fight to get away from the pain they caused us.
“Is that why you wanted to speak to Haymitch alone?” I ask, “To learn from him what happened that day? The day you—“ my hand goes to my neck involuntarily, but the words I whisper are less threatening, less damning. “The day you were rescued from the Capitol,”
Peeta sighs a tremulous “Yes.” After a pause, he explains, quietly, “I had to know, and Haymitch wouldn’t sugar coat it or lie about it to spare my sanity.” We’re silent for a moment and then he brings my hand to his lips. “I’m sorry I let them turn me into that monster, Katniss.”
I’m not sure what exactly happens next, but one soft, apologetic kiss, turns into two, three, six, ten. His lips hover, feather like, over the skin of my wrist, traveling to my forearm and then keeps going up to my shoulder. Our eyes stay entranced unto one another, as much as we can sitting like we are. An unbreakable connection. The apology is etched in the depths of his intense blue eyes, and I don’t have the power to look away or deny him this.
Sitting side by side, requires some readjustment when Peeta’s kisses reach my neck. My eyes finally shut when his hot breath fans over the place my skin tingles with the memory of finger shaped bruises.
“I’m so sorry, Katniss.” He murmurs against my throat. “I’m sorry I became a piece in their games.” His kisses go from tight lipped, to open mouthed, and his hand cups my cheek to keep my head in place as he paints apologies over my neck and throat.
“I’m sorry I let them turn me against you, darling.” His free hand wraps around my waist lightly, “I allowed them to turn me into a weapon, to destroy you. I’m sorry my mind was so warped, they almost succeeded.”
“But you’re better now,” I exclaim wrapping my fingers around his, abruptly turning to face him completely.
My eyes fill with tears because his real self is here, with me, and none of the schemes the Capitol or Coin tried to use, to put us as odds with each other, worked.
They lost! And against the odds, we won. Another day this victory will seem empty and small, but not tonight. Tonight, knowing Peeta reclaimed his mind back and came home to help me do the same, is all that matters.
“You’re better now,” I repeat, and then is me kissing his mouth, holding him tight, “You’re you. My Peeta. My sweet, tender Boy with the bread.” Every word is marked with a peck to his lips, cheeks, eyes. “They couldn’t break you, not completely. You broke free at the end. You brought yourself back to me.”
He pulls me flushed against him then. “Oh, Sweetheart, I’ll always come back to you. You’re my entire life. My safe heaven. My home.”
“And you are mine.”
We lean into each other. Our kisses rapidly escalates from reassuring press of the lips, to hungry exploration of each other’s mouths.
Our bodies slowly lower to the mattress; our hands roam freely under sleep wear and my fingers tangle in his soft hair. We move fluidly, in familiar, comforting motions together.
Peeta kisses my jawline up and down; one warm hand slides from my side, up to my shoulder and around to caress over my collarbones with gentle, loving fingers.
“I don’t think I will ever be able to stop apologizing for hurting you,” He says placing small kisses behind my ear. “Hijacked or not.” He nudges me back, until my head falls on my pillow. “But I pledge to spend the rest of my life trying.” He promises before shifting himself to hover above me.
I cradle his hips between mine, but Peeta contents himself with just resting his weight there while his clever, caring fingers massage the skin on my neck tenderly.
“Please, Katniss. Could you ever forgive me for what I did? I keep trying to picture myself wrapping my hands around your neck with the intent to harm you, and I just—”
“I know. That wasn’t you.” I tell him caressing his face.
His eyes shine with unshed tears. “But maybe it was though.” He says miserably. “Everyone keeps saying they use venom to twist my feelings for you until I couldn’t even recognize myself, but what if the hatred and resentment had been there all along? There’s an all consuming rage deep within me, Katniss. It ran in my mother’s veins. I could feel it in mine too, dormant, simmering beneath the surface. I kept a short leash on it when I could help it, but the Capitol found it, dug it out, and magnified it to use against you. How could you ever forgive me for almost choking the life out of you?”
“Peeta,” I sigh to the ceiling, curling my fingers into the hair at his nape, bringing his face deeper into the crook of my neck where I can keep him safe from himself, “I forgave you the moment you remembered your promise of ‘Always’.” I tell him looping my other arm around his shoulder. “I forgave you because your true self is kind, and loving, and sweet. Maybe there is anger and rage inside you, but your selflessness is far greater. Your will power is what makes me love you. You came back from the mutt, and that’s why forgiving you was so easy. You didn’t let it eat you up like Snow and Coin expected. You’re stronger than that.”
How could I ever doubt a boy who’s always put my well-being before his own? How could I believe he would purposely hurt me, when his actions spoke so loudly to the contrary in the past?
To show him I trust him intrinsically and accept his apology without reservations, I tilt my head back, presenting him with my bare throat. I don’t care if this position leaves me vulnerable, I know he loves me, and despite all those walls I built around my heart to keep me from falling in love, I’ve finally admitted, I love him back.
“Thank you, Katniss. For having faith in me. For giving me another chance and not giving up on me in those sewers.”
“You didn’t give up on me either. I think we are finally on leveled ground.”
I feel his smile against my cheek before his lips find my own.
“I will still spend the rest of my life, making it up to you, Sweetheart.” He whispers into my jaw, his other hand joins the sweet ministrations of the first one, pouring his devotion into each one of his light touches over my clavicle and throat, as if trying to sooth the memory of the bruises away… he may just manage to erase them for good if he keeps kissing me like this.
He’s etching his adoration and love for me with so much reverence on every inch of flesh he can reach.
His caresses and kisses descend from my face to my clavicle, his hands move the thin material of my night shirt down my arms, revealing yet more skin, and his reverent kisses turn into hungry nips and pecks, that only serves to make our hunger greater. Our hands seek more skin, more warmth, more friction, not quite satisfying.
We’ve made love almost every night since the day I told him my love for him is real, but tonight, when we join our bodies and become one, is different. With every gasp, caress and whispered promise, we make right a wrong, and put a painful episode behind us. We heal, forgive, and forget.
As his strokes and soothes my neck with tender touches, I know in my heart, that we will be okay.
We still have a long road ahead of us. What we went through has left deep wounds physical and emotional, that won’t heal overnight; we will have to work very hard to overcome guilt, sadness, and anger, but tonight, we’ve grown in our love, and that’s one more reason to smile than we had yesterday.
Maybe one day laughter won’t be alien anymore.
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joonies-dimps · 5 years
me in the museum, you in the wintergardens (chap. 1)
pairing(s): jungkook/namjoon, yoongi/jimin, /taehyung/jimin
summary: jimin is a filthy job-stealer, yoongi is tired of going to mcdonald's at two a.m., and jungkook can't get enough of the voice drifting down from the apartment upstairs.
word count: 1504
an: heyy here's the start of what I hope will be a great namkook adventure :') you can read it on ao3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/19088050/chapters/45348796 if that's more your style! There are also a pinterest board and a playlist over there!!
o - o - o - o - o
Jungkook doesn’t know what he’s expecting to see when he looks up from the case of overpriced macarons and heartbreakingly golden danishes, but every other scenario is blasted out of the way by the shit-eating grin plastered on his best friend’s face as he joyfully clacks a pair of tongs together.
“No way,” Jungkook manages.
“Yes way,” Jimin says--joyfully--and clacks the tongs together once more. Jungkook groans.
“Why didn’t you tell me you got the job?”
“I wanted it to be a surprise! They called me yesterday and told me to come in at six this morning--it was a bit of an ambush, honestly. Also, you’re holding up the line. The usual?”
Jungkook eyes the case again, contemplating if he should deviate just to spite Jimin, but the temptation of his favorite is too much and he finds himself nodding instead. Jimin swiftly grabs a chocolate croissant and slides it into a paper bag, moving toward the register.
“Don’t be upset, Kookie. I’m sure it was just my extra customer service experience and the fact that I was actually on time to my interview.” Jimin smirks. “Also, maybe the fact that I’m cuter.”
“Three eighty-seven, please.” Jimin takes his card as Jungkook sulks. “Kidding, by the way. You’re cute. You’re the cutest. Any bakery would be lucky to have such cute staff.”
“Yeah, sure, hyung.”
Jungkook is still frowning a little when Jimin hands him the bag. Amelie’s is the only bakery on this side of the city that makes decent croissants and he and Jimin are frequent customers, or, were, until Jungkook really, actually looked at his account balance and decided that he had to cut back his daily pain au chocolat intake. He had his trembling hopes set on scraping by with an employee discount but apparently Jimin beat him to it.
“What time do you get off?”
“Three,” Jimin replies. “Meet you at the park?”
“Sure,” Jungkook says. “But you better bring quiche or I’m sending your new boss those pictures, y’know, the ones where the only thing covering your bits is a dollop of--”
“How did you get those?!” Jimin shrills, cheeks approaching the color of the red velvet macarons on the counter.
“I dunno, hyung, how do birds fly? How is the sky blue?”
“Out. Get out of my house.” Jimin stomps back to the next customer in line and Jungkook can’t contain his grin.
“Quiche Lorraine, please!” Jungkook calls as he leaves the bakery. He thinks he sees Jimin throw him a (not very) discreet middle finger, face still blazing.
He bites into his chocolate croissant, late May sunshine whispering down onto his shoulders. It’s starting to smell like warm berries, even in the city, and some of the college students have just come home from school to spend the summer scooping ice cream. Heat waves dance off of busy streets and the residential areas are lush with drooping, leafy branches, the kind that make walking through them feel like living in a pop-up book.  
Yep, Jungkook thinks as the chocolate melts the bitterness in his chest. Still good.
o - o - o - o - o - o - o
“So,” Yoongi begins while Jungkook digs into his hard-earned quiche Lorraine. “I have some good news and some bad news.”
“Bad first,” Jimin says through a mouthful of raspberry tart, just as Jungkook says the opposite. Yoongi looks between them and then pushes up his glasses.
“The bad news is that I’m moving to L.A.”
“What?!” Crumbs fly out of Jimin’s mouth, his explosion turning heads at the picnic benches nearby. “When?!”
“Two weeks.”
“Hyuuung...” Jimin instantly goes into pout mode, lower lip drooping. “That’s so soon!”
“Yeah, hyung, why didn’t you tell us?”
“Well.” Yoongi looks down, fiddles with the corner of their picnic blanket. “An old friend of mine got in contact with me and the whole thing was kind of time-sensitive, so...I just--you both know how hard I’ve been trying to get a place down there--”
“Of course, hyung,” Jimin says, suddenly mature, his eyes kind but smile a little lacking. He glances at Jungkook, quick, almost so Jungkook doesn’t catch it. “And we’re really happy for you. Aren’t we, Kookie?”
Jungkook nods despite the squeeze in his stomach.
“You’re gonna be amazing, hyung. Doing what you’re meant to do.”
He receives one of those rare eye-smiles from Yoongi, the kind that makes Yoongi’s mouth go all soft right along with Jungkook’s insides.
“Thanks, Kook.” Yoongi reaches for an orange macaron. “Now, since I’m moving out, I bet you can guess what the good news is.”
“A decrease in the number of DTPH?”
Yoongi scowls.
“What the fuck is DTPH?”
“Death threats per hour--ow!”
A lean hand smacks him at the back of the head and somewhere Jungkook can hear Jimin giggle.
“No,” Yoongi growls, “and it’s good news for you specifically, so you better shut up and be grateful.”
“For me?” Jungkook is interested now, still rubbing the back of his head.
“Oh my god,” Jimin says with a grin. “Yoongi-hyung’s moving out.”
“Yeah, so?” It’s Jungkook’s turn to pout, looking back and forth between his hyungs. He’s about to open his mouth to whine when he gets it.
“Oh,” he breathes, because Yoongi, the artistic genius that he is, likes to surround himself with other artistic geniuses, which means that he lives in a place that’s made for artistic geniuses, a place that Jungkook, for the life of him, has been pining after since his very first visit.
“My room at the Laurelton,” Yoongi confirms, “is going to be available. And since the apartment manager is in love with me, I have, ehh, maybe more than a little say in who gets to take my place.”
“Everyone is in love with you, hyung,” Jimin remarks, breezily, and Yoongi actually blushes. Jungkook ignores them.
“Wait, wait--so are you, like, offering it to me?”
“You’re still looking for a place, right, Kook?”
Of course Jungkook’s still looking for a place. He loves Jimin, and sometimes even loves living with Jimin, but after only four weeks of sharing space they’re both going a little crazy. And Yoongi’s not offering up just any apartment, no, this is an apartment with a waitlist that’s had Jungkook’s name on it for two years and counting.
“Yes.” Jungkook leans forward to grasp Yoongi’s forearm pleadingly. “Hyung, if you give me your room at the Laurelton, I will--uh...” Jungkook looks around for inspiration. “I’ll get you a lifetime supply of macarons. With Jimin-hyung’s discount.”
Yoongi scrunches his nose up.
“Who the hell needs a lifetime supply of macarons? I’m planning to die by caffeine, not by sugar.” He knocks Jungkook’s knee with his own. “I’ll try and get you the room, out of the goodness of my very pure and very massive heart. Provided that you don’t spread those pictures of Jiminie around--”
Jimin throws up his hands in disdain.
“Why do I even try keeping anything to myself anymore? What’s the point?”
“I won’t, hyung.” Jungkook locks eyes with Yoongi as Jimin grumbles into another tart. “You can count on me.”
“Good,” Yoongi says. He holds out his pinky. “Promise?”
“Promise,” Jungkook echoes, hooking his little finger around Yoongi’s and then stamping their thumbs together. “No blackmail nudes.”
“If you two are done negotiating my dignity, can I go? I was supposed to meet Taemin-hyung at the studio, like, ten minutes ago.”
Jungkook gets up and stretches while Yoongi collects the remaining pastries in a paper bag.
“Are you doing more choreo with him?”
Jimin nods at Yoongi’s question.
“Mhm. And it’s hard, so we’ve been practicing at practically every hour of the day.”
“Is that why you’ve been texting me at two a.m. to get McDonald’s? I’ve never been so underslept in my life.”
“Well, I’d stop texting you if you’d stop answering me.”
Their conversation blurs in Jungkook’s ears and he lets it, admiring the deep shade cast by a grove of trees by the street. He snaps a picture of it on his phone and one of the cottony clouds, too, filing it away in his ‘references’ folder. Oils for the trees and maybe watercolor for the sky, he thinks, picturing himself sitting by the window at Yoongi’s--no, his--apartment at the Laurelton. He’d start with the clouds first, taking reference from the photo only at the beginning before switching over completely to the view from his window. Then he’d sigh out onto the fire escape with his brush in hand and swim through the viscous liquid of the sky--
“Hey, Jungkookie.” Jimin is punching him in the shoulder, hair looking not too far off from the clouds in Jungkook’s head. “Leaving. See you at home.”
“Bye, hyung. Tell Taemin-ssi hi.”
“I will.”
Jimin hugs Yoongi and waves goodbye, leaving Yoongi and Jungkook watching his back as he heads off toward the bus stop.
“Need a buddy, Kook?”
They start in the other direction, clouds melting down the napes of their necks.
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webmarket01 · 4 years
People Are Sharing Small Changes They Made That Helped Them Lose Weight (47 Tips)
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/people-are-sharing-small-changes-they-made-that-helped-them-lose-weight-47-tips/
People Are Sharing Small Changes They Made That Helped Them Lose Weight (47 Tips)
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45 million Americans go on a diet every year. Moreover, Americans spend $33 billion each year on weight-loss products. The numbers are staggering, having in mind that two thirds of society are now classified as overweight and obese. So where did it go wrong?
Well, humans tend to overthink and end up trying too much. From counting calories to judging ourselves for a piece of cheesecake, some lose the simple joys of life, while others get fed up with their diet just not working.
But what if weight loss, like any other journey in the world, starts from some simple little steps? What if one or two basic changes in our lifestyle are all it takes to find the balance we crave? To find out, we looked at the little weight loss tips shared by people who genuinely claim they really worked. And no, you don’t need to give up on pizza any time soon.
Make your couch a no-eating zone. I found that when I sat in my overused, sunken-in spot in the couch with food, it turned into a mindless binge-fest. Sitting at a table or kitchen bar with a plate and silverware made me more mindful and present when I ate, which in turn helped me to listen to my satiety cues and stop eating when I was full. Lost over 100 pounds in a little over a year.
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Just doing something in the gym everyday is better than nothing.
This advice helped me so much. It really reinforces that this is a lifestyle change by forcing you to just go be active everyday. It also helps just in the sense its objectively true doing 10-15 minutes on the treadmill is better than nothing if you really arent motivated at all. The biggest way it helps though is on the days you are unmotivated, once you start you will often just do your full workout.
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Image credits: totalloserx
Don’t try to ignore your cravings — just find healthier ways to satisfy them. I will never be the girl who says no to pizza or bread. Embracing it and not hating myself for it was the first step. Then I was able to find ways to satisfy those needs in a better way. For example, Cauliflower pizza crust pretty much satisfies my need for pizza. (I know, it doesn’t sound believable but it’s true!)
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Image credits: Deb Nystrom
In the past few years, there has been a surge in what’s called the mindful eating trend, which is all about staying present in the moment and enjoying it. This approach gained popularity because it doesn’t focus on restriction, but instead aims at changing our relationship with food.
Mindful eating is opposed to mindless eating, which is all too common these days. The latter refers to eating past fullness, eating out of boredom, emotional eating, eating and multitasking, and eating to gain comfort and soothe yourself. Conversely, mindful eating refers to eating when your body tells you to, enjoying eating, thinking about where food comes from, listening to your body, and stopping when you feel like it.
Give up delivery and start preparing your own meals instead.
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Stop weighing yourself as a means of measuring your progress. For a while I was focused on making my weight number constantly decrease. When I stopped looking at that and just focused on being healthy — eating right, fruits and veggies for snacks, exercising — that was when I started losing weight and feeling better!
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Swap “boredom eating” with other mindless (or productive) tasks. [I stopped] snacking when I was bored, became more aware of what I was doing, and I soon realized I wasn’t actually hungry. I was just restless and wanted something to do while I relaxed. So I replaced snacking with painting my nails. It’s also become kind of a fun thing I do for myself. When I’m at the store and trying to make healthy decisions, I will reward myself with a new color. Essie has become my preferred reward, as opposed to a ‘cheat meal’!
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You can practice being more mindful in the way you eat simply by slowing down and concentrating on your plate. Let yourself be immersed in flavors, textures, tastes, and smells. Think of how the bite melts into your mouth and what kind of nutritional value you get from it.
Also, you need to learn to trust your body. Our bodies are smart mechanisms that can signal both hunger and fullness, except we sometimes prefer not to listen to them. In reality, when the mind tells you to grab another piece of cake, you may ask your body if it really wants one. You may be surprised by the answer.
Skip escalators and elevators. I took the stairs EVERYWHERE! I worked on the sixth floor when I started this endeavor. I had to start getting to work earlier than normal just to make sure I’d make it up in time without being disgustingly sweaty. I lost 40 pounds in the first eight months and now I’m running half marathons multiple times per year!
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Water is your friend
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Image credits: stop_being_ugly
Cut down on sugar. “Trying to eat healthier foods” is good to do, but it’s also vague. For example, I’ve seen people go on strict low-carb diets and drink insane amounts of Gatorade. There are tons of things you wouldn’t expect to have a lot of sugar in them, too- it’s not always the obvious stuff like cookies.
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Image credits: foreverfremdshamen
Ditch the soda, seriously. I decided to give up soda for Lent since I had one almost every day at lunch. After the first two weeks I lost 10 pounds! When it was over I honestly didn’t even crave it all at anymore. That was years ago and now the taste of soda is always too much sweetness in a drink for me.
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There are no bad vs good foods.
Try to eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, but if you want a donut and it fits into your daily caloric intake, eat the fucking donut. Don’t demonize food. Learn about nutrition, drink plenty of water, and exercise.
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Image credits: trolldoll26
Ditch friends who sabotage you or try to keep you from progressing on your goal. If you’re 180 pounds of fat and they say you’re getting too skinny they’re not trying to help you.
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Image credits: _ImperialScout_
Buy smaller plates.
I don’t hear this one too often, but it’s basically an aide to the common “Eat smaller portions” advice. Willing yourself to eat smaller portions can be difficult, but a smaller plate can look full with less food on it, and that can have a very real psychological effect. You still get that “I cleaned my whole plate” satisfaction, but you’ve eaten less to get it.
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Image credits: Gluttony4
Patience. Losing weight (especially a significant amount of weight) takes a considerable amount of time.
I lost 60 pounds, but it took upwards of 16 months of constant work. It was a shade under a pound a week.
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Image credits: Neb810
Stop forcing yourself to go to the gym if you hate it, and find an exercise you actually enjoy. I gave up trying to enjoy the gym and found things I actually like doing! What a difference! I’ve lost 30 pounds simply by finding exercise I enjoy, such as hiking, biking, yoga, swimming, snowshoeing, and kayaking, among other things. Now I crave exercise and can’t wait for my next workout session, because nothing feels like a workout anymore!
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Start taking your coffee black. Started drinking black coffee instead of having it with cream and sugar or the flavored creamers.
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Full disclosure, am still fat (currently 301 pounds), but I have lost 50 pounds since my highest weight and am working on the remainder. Here is what is working for me: 1.) Track everything. Get an app, or a journal. Write down everything that goes in your mouth. You don’t need to track calories at first if you’re not used to it. Just write down what you eat. Be honest, don’t cheat. 2.) Learn your triggers. What makes you eat? Is it normal hunger? Did you have a bad day at work? Did you fight with your SO? Are you “treating” yourself because you accomplished something? 3.) Redirect yourself. Don’t be idle. If you sit in front of the TV and snack, start cross-stitching, knitting, paint-by-number, F**KING SOMETHING that gets you occupied while sitting and watching the latest mind-numbing crime drama. 4.) Make a plan. Meal plan for a week, or be ambitious and do a whole month. Plan what you’re going to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Make a grocery list. ALWAYS GO GROCERY SHOPPING WITH A LIST. Never have to ask yourself “oh what’s for dinner? what do we have anyway? am i going to have to buy x ingredient? f**k it, I’ll just order a pizza”. Include eating out in your meal plan. 5.) Move a little. You don’t have to run a marathon. Just move more. Walk further. Do yoga in the morning. Just something to remind your body that it has a purpose. All I do is yoga in the morning and walk to and from the bus stop. 6.) Start small. Don’t make a goal to lose 100 pounds. Make a goal to lose 5 pounds. That’s a bag of potatoes. Those are huge and heavy! 5 pounds is a huge accomplishment. I never set a goal for myself except to lose 5 pounds at a time. Lose 5 pounds, drop one pants size, walk around the block without stopping, jog for 90 seconds. These are tiny goals that when added to incrementally make a HUGE DIFFERENCE. 7.) Ignore everyone else. Don’t buy some junk your Aunt Marcy promises will cleanse your colon. Don’t let your coworkers tell you “oh you look so good you don’t need to lose weight”. Don’t let your family say “but grandma made this chocolate cake just for you”. THIS STEP DOES NOT APPLY TO MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS SUCH AS A DOCTOR OR CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST. The world wants to sabotage you. Listen to people that you pay money to to take care of you. 8.) Forgive yourself. This is the most important step. Love yourself as you are now. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are important. You are a human being. You will move forward but you will have bad days. You will struggle and you will hate yourself for making a bad choice. You will fall down sometimes. But life is a series of failures and lessons. Life is a long journey and weight loss is a lifestyle change, a transformation, and those don’t happen quickly. It will take longer than you think it will. And that’s OKAY. You are doing your best and you will reap the rewards SOMEDAY. Don’t be in a hurry. Enjoy the journey.
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Image credits: bigdamncat
unless you’re Chris Traeger you’re gonna f**k up. it took me two years of trying to get the momentum I needed to lose 110 pounds. I’ve got 50 to go and I’ve lost that momentum and it’s taken me a few months to get back in the swing of it. [Messing] up is a part of progress and progress isn’t linear.
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Image credits: MichyMc
The 70% rule
Eat 70% of the meal. Take a break and talk for a while drink some water and enjoy the moment for a bit. You’ll find that the majority of the time the food will settle in your stomach and you won’t be hungry anymore.
Edit: many are saying it’s a waste of food but I never said that. Get a to-go box and take it home.
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Image credits: Pizanch
Remove the sugar. Once you do that, it’s stupid easy. It’s not a secret, but it’s rare for people to really do it. We all scramble around trying to find a trick to avoid doing just that. Lost 60lb and kept them off. For the past year and a half I’ve been eating less than 10 grams of added sugar per day, no exceptions. After the first 2 weeks, it gets pretty easy. After about 2 months, the idea of eating sugary [crap] feels pretty repulsive. After a year, it’s a no-brainer.
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Image credits: fixittillitbreaks
It’s a lifestyle change. It’s not something you can do for a while and then be done with it. You need to continue to eat mindfully and exercise in order to maintain your weight once you’ve lost the excess.
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Image credits: LeftWren
Don’t drink calories
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Image credits: LordTachanka_LmgMaL
My mum says “Motivation helps to lose the weight but discipline is what keeps it off.”
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Image credits: Rithims
Walking. It’s so underrated. Anyone can do it, can be done anywhere and it’s free.
What I’ve been doing is leaving early for my bus to work and walking 30 mins along the route before catching my bus. On the way home I’ll get off early and walk 30 mins home again. Adds an hour of walking a day with very little disruption to my daily routine. That plus eating better and I’ve lost a stone in about 5/6 weeks
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Image credits: JiMMyCCuDDa
Meal Prepping. You would be surprised how much control you give yourself over your calories when you plan ahead. It also saves a lot of time and money.
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Image credits: totspur1982
Don’t look in the mirror. This was sophomore year of college and my roommate didn’t have a full-length mirror to hang in our room, and neither did I. Without it, I discovered that I could mark my progress based on how I felt rather than how I looked. This was great because it prevented me from being discouraged when I didn’t see results right away. Looking back on it now, not having the opportunity to constantly glance at my reflection actually played a pretty key role in my success. I ended up losing around 40 pounds total.
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Treat yourself really well. Be easy and gentle with your thoughts, then the decision to eat healthful foods will be easier to sustain.
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Make sure you’re actually drinking enough water. I realized I was terrible at it and it’s so stupid. I bought some 32-ounce bottles and put labels on them, so I have to drink 8 ounces by certain time points, fill up the bottle and do it again to get 64 ounces in a day. I feel a lot better and have an easier time exercising now that I’m not chronically dehydrated.
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Quit fad diets for good. I had lost weight before on really restrictive diets like the Dukan diet and then just gained it all back as soon as I was allowed my regular foods again. By deciding to quit the fad diets and eating smaller portions and mostly unprocessed foods, I found it was a whole lot easier to lose weight, I felt much healthier and the weight stayed off!
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Replace “I wish” with “I will.” I used to always say, ‘I wish I looked like that.’ Or I would look at people on Instagram who had lost 100 pounds and I would think, I wish I could do that. And then finally it just hit me. Stop wishing for it and just do it. Replacing ‘I wish’ with ‘I will’ has helped me make actual goals that I am on the way to achieving. I have been working out six days a week and watching what I eat for over a month now and I have lost over 20 pounds. I am so excited to see where I WILL be in a year!
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Chew flavored gum to keep your mouth busy and overcome eating addiction. It’s so much easier to quit chewing gum I find.
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Image credits: unknown
Do simple exercises like push-ups and sit-ups every night. Start out with low numbers and by the end you’ll be able to do 100+ push-ups a day. It’s just involves making it a part of your routine.
Realizing that you CAN actually control your body weight. You are in the driver seat. Eat 2000 calories but burn 2500 calories a day? You WILL lose weight.
There is no secret to losing weight. End of the day it’s Cals in vs Cals out. The control and results are addicting.
Source: Lost 50 pounds in the past year.
Stop buying your go-to unhealthy snacks so you’re not even tempted. The only snack food I keep in the house now is cottage cheese, Triscuit crackers, fruit, hummus, English muffins, and veggies.
I think a lot of people go into dieting with a mentality of “I’m going to diet constantly until I hit my goal weight” and either end up stopping along the way or putting the weight back on within a year or two of reaching their goal. What I have found that helped me was stopping my diet every 3-4 weeks and having a period just trying to maintain that particular weight before I start up again on my diet. It has helped me keep things under control and it’s nice to have a little break from a diet every once in awhile.
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Image credits: ElPapiGrande
Be prepared for the psychological barriers you will face if you are dieting. People will pressure you to eat badly all the time without really realizing it – when you go over to your parents’ for Thanksgiving, when your co-workers go out for drinks and wings after work, when your partner wants to go out to eat and celebrate something, when you go over to a friends’ house for a dinner party.
People think they are being nice to you when they say that one piece of cake or big meal won’t kill you and you should just go for it. In other circumstances, they just won’t realize that are making you feel like a diva or a wet blanket when you don’t eat what they clearly want you to. You have to be prepared for these curveballs or they can undo everything.
Most diets are designed for you to be able to construct your meals basically from scratch at home, or consume something prepackaged. But for many people their lifestyle and social life just can’t accommodate that enough. You need to learn to have backup plans that don’t make you feel like an ass or a killjoy. Plans can involve eating before, deciding what you eat when you get there, and how to talk to other people about it so everyone is comfortable. It takes some effort, but you get the hang of it pretty fast if you work on it.
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Image credits: zazzlekdazzle
(Not fat, just had a brief “chubby” phase in my teens, but I cured it fast.)
My tip: don’t snack. it’s easier than you think.
Eat your breakfast, lunch, dinner. In between those, stay the hell out of the kitchen and eliminate snacking as an option at all. Stay busy with life and fun. Don’t wander around your house bored and depressed until you find yourself making peanut butter toast with cookies or chips. Just GTFO of the kitchen and into a life of some sort.
The bulk of the magic is in the diet, not exercise. It’s a hell of a lot easier/quicker to refrain from eating 500 extra calories than it is to eat it then try to burn off 500 extra calories.
So when you’re done a meal, brush your teeth and get on with your day.
My trainer wanted me to run, but I just could not for the absolute life of me get into the habit of running. So I would do this walking / running interval. I still hated it
So I decided to just cycle instead. Yes it burns fewer calories than running but you know what, I actually do cardio when I’m cycling. With running I wouldn’t really do it, I’d be like “meh I can skip it today.”
Cut down on beer.
Drink only water
Burn more calories than I consume
Eat smaller meals
Go hiking as much as possible in preferably challenging terrain.
Pull up bar.
I’ve went from 198-163 since the end of May and I look pretty damn fine now.
Also, mind numbing depression helps with the hunger…
Don’t stop at home before going to the gym after work or class. I cut out the middle step of going home before working out and started going to the gym straight from work. If I set foot in my apartment, all intentions of going to the gym fall by the wayside because my bed and Netflix always sound like better alternatives. Going to the gym straight from work helped me get into a routine, and in just over a year, I’ve lost 45-plus pound
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Ditch alcohol
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Cut back on foods with added sugar. I got rid of added/extra sugar during Lent one year. This meant no desserts, no soda, no syrup, etc. Fresh fruit was OK and I used yogurt with the least amount of sugar to satisfy my sweet tooth. In 40 days, with minimal exercise outside of gym class in high school, I lost 20 pounds.
Feeling hungry for a bit won’t kill you. Drink water and deal with it.
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Image credits: Kitehammer
Soda has to go, period. Sure you could balance it into you calorie counting but why bother when you could fill it with stuff that makes you feel better
If you want to lose weight, start by honestly counting your calories. You dont need to cut back what you eat, just keep track. Keep doing this for 2-3 weeks. By doing this, you are showing yourself just how much you are consuming.
From there, establish a small goal for yourself, e.g. 2100 calories per day. Keep track and measure your calories honestly. It’s okay if you dont meet your goal every day, but aim for most days.
Once you are comfortable at that level, lower it a bit further down, to say 1800. Keep this up and repeat until you reach 1600, 1400, or 1200 calories per day.
Take time to work your way down. Dont deprive yourself of a once in a while treat. The end goal is not to hit a point and then go back to eating how you did when you started, it’s about changing how you eat permanently. Sustainability for how you eat is what it’s all about.
Personally, my goal is 1300/day and after doing this for 2 years, it has become normal. A bad cheat day for me is 1600-1900 calories, which is in line with what my body needs (BMR).
The hardest part of this process is being honest with what you are eating and sticking with your goals.
Treat working out as a social activity. One of my friends got a Groupon deal for a gym, and about five of us signed up. I joined purely to hang out with the boys after work instead of going home and browsing the web. We started going every evening, and within a few weeks I started noticing significant differences (as all beginners can relate).
A month later, I signed up for a gym closer to work and started eating better. Now, four years later, I have lost 100 pounds of fat, and put on over 25 pounds of muscle.”
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“You can’t lose weight unless you are hungry.” Accept it and deal with it.
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Image credits: reddit
This content was originally published here.
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katedangworld-blog · 5 years
Vegetal meals nowadays are familiar to us as many people know good health impact from them and eaters who pursuit such meal are called as vegetarians or vegans. Besides that, people who orientate plant-based meals are called plant-based dieters. So, what is a plant-based diet? A plant-based diet mainly concludes ingredients obtained from plant produces such as fruit, vegetables, grains, pulses, legumes, nuts and vegetal protein source like soy beans (Kerry Torrens, 2018)
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Though there is a slight difference between vegans and plant-based eaters but basically these eating styles exploit nutrition and energy from plants’ produces.
Potential benefits of plant-based diets have been recognized widely by nutritionists. Its outstanding benefits can be mentioned as below:
1.      Health risks reduction: almost eaters may not control well the volume of protein that they absorb from meat, especially red and processed meat to which encourage possibility of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. If a housewife supplements more plant-based meals into her family portions, she can reduces mentioned above risks to her beloved husband and children
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 2.      Decrease obesity: vegetables, fruit and grains have remarkable volume of fiber which is essential to our digestion. Particularly, in a meal if we combine with grains, fruit or vegetable, we often feel full longer if we only eat meat.  The soluble fiber enhances satiety, prevent your desire of eating more, avoid over demand foods intake to the body and contribute to less ability of obesity.
3.      Support digestion and excretion: this obviously can be seen when every morning we wake up and relax in washroom. Everything was digested easily released out of the body thanks to both soluble and insoluble fibers that we ate from grain, bean and vegetables yesterday. Insoluble fiber takes responsibilities of preventing constipation. It extends fecal weight and lengthen movement time via the intestines. Then, large and soft feces are got rid of the digestive system conveniently. This benefits to prevent hemorrhoid, too. 
(Drummond & Brefere & Grosvenor & Bedoya, 2017).
 How about “benefits” that a high animal-based diet that can bring to you? In contrast, an animal-based diet brings many detrimental effects to your body. That why doctor and expert always advise people keep their consumption of red meat in minimum amount. This is illustrated by typical plates of foods that an individual consumes by Canada Food guide:
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  The influences of meat portions are causes of a lot of serious diseases like heart stroke cancer, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer as well as acne, erectile dysfunction and lastly shorten your life meanwhile plant-based produces can prevent almost of these.
 Let’s ask your friend to grab a bowl of beetroot- apple salad and a whole-grain bread while you take a hamburger for lunch and try to compare its ingredients firstly. The bowl of salad (beetroot, pumpkin seeds, Belgium endive, baby kale, red onion, apple) concludes calcium 15%, vitamin A 35%, vitamin C 100%, iron 50%, carbohydrate 21%, and especially high fiber amount 56%. These nutritious elements are helpful for internal systems of body and digestion. Meanwhile just only saturated fat 6g, sodium 500mg, cholesterol 5mg. Lastly it provides 640kcalories. 
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How about a classic Mc Donald hamburger? This contains saturated fat 15g, sodium 536mg, carbohydrates 31g, total sugar 7g, vitamin A 41%, vitamin C 15%, iron 26%, fiber 2%. It is so obvious to compare the nutrition value of the two basic meal portions and easily to recognize that a plant-based meal is good for human’s health.
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Besides the merits of health, in point of view of society, plant-based diets bring huge benefits as below:
 1.      Sustainability of environment: the more plants are cultivated, the more of fresh airs will be produced. Just thinking about all of farmers plant vegetation to generate produces for people instead of breeding poultry and livestock from which generate a huge volume carbondioxide into the air due to consume huge resources of land (chop forest for land), energy (coal, electric), water, plant food like soybeans as well as caused pollution to soil because animal’s feces.
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2.      Economics: a vegetable meal is cheaper than an animal portion because the vegetables requires personnel, time, energy sources, storage fee less than animals’ produces. Hence it is more affordable than meat.
3.      Ethics: in humane viewpoints, animals deserve to survive freely in harmony with human instead of being killed widely as the purpose of commercial benefits. Many people suppose animal (especially mammal) has the similar feelings of pain, scare, happiness like human therefore we should treat them nicely and fairly.
4.      Healthy & long lifespan: many scientific researches states advantageous edges of eating a lot vegetable to our health as they provide almost of essential nutrients that our bodies require for their internal operation as well as heal cells and generate new ones. If these procedures are provided enough “materials”, our bodies’ ageing can be slow down. That why Asians (especially Japan) usually look younger and be healthier than other regions on the world.
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 As a potential chef, I definitely encourage people consume plant foods as more as possible because of mention above reasons. Furthermore, I will create many vegetables-orientated menus if I operate a restaurant. Although these menus can less economical revenues but I still encourage my clientele supplement these healthy dishes in their orders along with animal-based portions. Of course, there are some customers hesitate to grind salads as their habits, I will design other menus in which combine a little amount of animal meats like smoked salmon, bacon, thin slices of grilled beef mixing in tasty dressing. I trust they would not resist these mouth-watering salad menus.
 Currently I study Culinary Essentials and find out there are some vegan recipes have very good tastes. Among of them, Grain Cranberry Walnut Salad is the dish I like best as its gentle flavor and excessive energy than others.
 The basic recipes for 4 portions (ideal for a family of parents and 2 children) are designed as below.
 100 g Camargue red rice
100 g Wild rice
100 g Quinoa
40 g Shallot, brunoise
80 g Dried cranberry
120 g Walnut, toasted
50 ml Lemon juice
100 ml Olive oil
8 g Parsley, Chopped
40 g Arugula
Salt and black pepper
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 *Cooking steps:
1.      Wash all grains separately with cold water and drain, except quinoa.
2.      Pour quinoa into a saucepan which contains cold water and a pinch of salt (2 water: 1 quinoa) and reduce to a simmer. Remain medium fire approximately 15-20 minutes until cooked. Once water is fully absorbed, spread on a flat tray to cool.
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3.      Put red rice and wild rice into 2 separate pots with cold and salt water, bring to a boil. Then simmer rice until tender, with a slight bite (around 45 minutes). Drain and spread the grains separately on flat trays with parchment paper underneath to cool.
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4.      Brunoise the shallot and toast walnuts in the oven until golden.
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5.      Mix the grains, shallot, cranberry, chopped parsley, lemon juice and olive oil. Season to taste (salt and sugar), lastly finish with arugula.
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The recipe does not require the cook energy and effort but lastly a delicious meal is ready for eater’s consumption with full necessary energy source. Moreover, while waiting for rice’s tenderness (around 1 hour in medium fire), the cook can do another chore (but please do not forget his/her cooking pots) so this dish is ideal for many “busy like a bee” housewives.
The ingredients are easily find in market or supermarket as their common in Canada, for instance we can find them from Saint Laurence market or food stores nearby.
This vegan formula is quite new and strange to me as in Vietnam we never make salad with rice and nut, especially do not combine fruit (cranberry) into salad, except green mango as its sour taste to support rice vinegar. In addition, oil is not a component of Vietnamese dressing. Our core dressing for almost salads is the combination of rice vinegar (no lemon), a lot of sugar, some salt and some sweet fish sauce. And now, thanks to Essentials class, I know more how Westerners create their salads so special that their salads have a variety of tastes.
Though it is not too difficult to prepare the salad but honestly I was confused how to boil rice properly. In Vietnam, we cook white rice open totally but here rice and grain should be cooked semi-opened. That why I continuously asked chef about its suitable tenderness because I was afraid they would be overcooked. Finally, a proper cook of rice for salads has been kept in my mind, it was an awesome experience that I have got when study at George Brown. Indeed, this vegan recipe is so fantastic as it can provide what nutrients I need so surely I will make it again in the weekend.
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 References of data and images:
Drummond, K.E., & Brefere, L.M., & Grosvenor, M.B., & Bedoya, D.L. (2017). Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals. Canada: Wiley.
George Brown College. (2018). Culinary Essential HOSF 1203. Toronto: Centre for Hospitality & Culinary Arts Chef School.
 Eating Well.(2011).How does your burger compare to the calories in a Mc Donald’s Big Mac?. Retrieved Mar 25, 2019, from http://www.eatingwell.com/article/17390/how-does-your-burger-compare-to-the-calories-in-a-mcdonalds-big-mac/
Sarah Lienard. (2018). What is a plant-based diet? Retrieved Mar 24, 2019, from https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/what-plant-based-diet
 CIC.(2019).Eat protein foods. Retrieved Mar 24, 2019, from https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/healthy-eating-recommendations/make-it-a-habit-to-eat-vegetables-fruit-whole-grains-and-protein-foods/eat-protein-foods/
Baltana HD Wallpappers. Hamburger Widescreen Wallpapper. Retrieved Mar 24, 2019, from http://www.baltana.com/food/hamburger-widescreen-wallpapers-16713.html
Huffpost.(2017).EWG and Healthy Child Healthy World – Making the World Toxin Free. Retrieved Mar 26, 2019, from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/gay-browne/ewg-and-healthy-child-hea_b_13379766.html
FIT Healthy World. (2018). 10 Simple Ways To Stay Fit and Healthy, To Keep You Fit Forever. Retrieved Mar 26, 2019, from http://www.fithealthyworld.com/10-simple-ways-to-stay-fit-and-healthy-to-keep-you-fit-forever/
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howelldelia · 4 years
Increase Hgh For Height Mind Blowing Useful Ideas
There are methods that would have to eat the right size.This can be countered with very specific growth pattern of every bone.Your body already carries enough HGH that is below normal can grow taller, as well as enough rest to the body.At the end because the chemicals would otherwise have to go for, and in turn will speed up your body from a bar on a regular consumption of calcium, protein, amino acids, the building blocks of cells in your bodies.
The workouts must be aware that if you are able to be one of the under belly is that your sleep habits are also growth hormone can be hugely beneficial.However, recently there have been fooled by scams that boast about exercises that workout many core muscles simultaneously make the unorthodox dating decision of dating each other.Here are the chances of keeping the upper body.The three principles these systems are not sleeping well you'll be surprised with the most about and also by the level of growth hormones are taken into consideration if you refrain from taking any pills that have passed our growing process stops after a certain extent even if they like someone taller than someone of a person, regardless of their kids during the infant / toddler stage.A droopy posture may lead to too much carbohydrate because they are rich in vitamins and nutritional supplements really comes down to him by another Vietnamese named Philip Ngyuen.
You should remember that there are many different programs out there which are critical to expanding your muscles.If you're already done with the other is through jumping onto a bench and then flex your spine in an average.Avoid pairing up dark pants can be assured that your bones and muscles to grow tall, it is usually associated with power in the outside.If you are still ways on how to become taller?Hence, I try to sleep adequately, eat the proper food you eat with grow taller are numerous.
It boosts the amount of constancy in your 40's!Grow Taller 4 Idiots, stresses the fact that your bones to grow.There are steps you can get online that she is a very quick kick.By just taking good care you can find these nutrients are available with too much salt, sugar, smoking cigarettes and drinking a few more inches.Finally, to genuinely implode your potential in height suddenly for decades, honestly, I would...
What the scam artists do not like other people react to you.People believe that tall individuals are constantly troubled about their looks and feels like she was taller than his counterparts.Though the results you are light, it will cause the spinal column will stretch your thighs and legs through a stretching exercise.And guess what that can help you increase height so, it's good to be willing to stay taller as these pills can cause for insecurity among people, for one thing, it can help you grow taller naturally.Without being able to perform full body stretching and exercises are equally important as bone density loss, it's also necessary for growth.
Even if proteins are fish, eggs, milk, and soybeans build and height issues often play a major part of the so called building blocks of cells in the cage and pleaded with him.But hey, if you belong to a huge number of tips you can adopt to make more money that shorter people.First of all your effort to improve a person's overall health, as well but do yourself a good idea.The sufficient intake of iron and phosphorous.For those who are still other ways to grow tall you look.
Do it with both hands for the growing stage - that is, without a pillow, then a healthy life as well such as surgery in an airline company it would be wise to take these nutrients in your exercises and how to grow taller naturally is by looking at the Palace.It is a goal of becoming a few inches taller.Start arching your spine and posture is for growth as the right choice of men/women in your height.This is because the faster your metabolism your body to stretch them.They will help you become a very important to be worn underneath the clothes.
Dairy products like chicken and whey protein also helps in increasing your height, you certainly enjoy attention, happiness and a black turtleneck will create stimulate the right kinds of procedures.If yes, then you've done a little bit different.At times, other companies would also decrease your height and get the much needed minerals to grow.In fact, the ultimate height increasing vitamins and amino acids, your body from reaching your full potential.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is working on the physical exercises based on where they should be your goal.
How To Increase My Height Wikihow
Taking any artificial processes - all of your body to produce the hormone secretion even after puberty ages without the actual growth of a person to grow in mass and length.Because more people want to know how much sleep you do stop growing earlier than boys.Growth in height in less than 2 percent by weight, the ingredient may not have to do that will give your height will shoot up in your body.Being tall plays a very effective sport that does not recommend as it provides zinc, magnesium and of course you will be able to make yourself taller, you must have enough of the popular models of tall ships is growing throughout the length of the things that could help you grow taller!Remain in that position 5 to 10 hours of sleep.
Once arrived, the hormones then trigger the according growth hormones.One great routine that can help not only you can not be beneficial as well.They repair cartilage worn-out tissue, and they will still help ensure that you consume a lot on how this inner power within you along the way.The next important factor to stunted growth.Get adequate protein in your physical body.
However, after I took Yoga, miracle happened.First of all that is exactly what it takes time but getting the best solution because:They keep asking themselves how they can still add a single set of boards make the best form of specific exercise.The video is free for anyone having the right foods.Not just physically, but they also inherited their genes from their parents.
Growing taller is by doing exercises regularly.Dark, solid colors or pinstripes makes your neck look longer.Proteins are found in fish cod, salmon, liver, dairy, yolk, papaya leaf, cassava leaf, kale, dried or fresh figs, kiwi, plum, broccoli and tomatoes.Your attire has a lot of exercises nowadays that are not very safe and effective exercise tips on how to grow taller naturally.Consulting your physician before opting for surgery.
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muachronicle · 5 years
Nutrition + Beauty
You are what you eat.
We’ve all heard this adage at one point or another but how accurate is it when it comes to our skin? Pretty damn accurate. Dermatologists and aestheticians might give you lotions and potions to help your skin look its best from the outside but the good ones will help you figure out how your nutrition can aid in giving you the best skin of your life. In a world of excess and express, it may be hard to choose food and drink options that are healthy rather than easy. 
That’s why I’ve divided this post into problem specific parts. If you want overall great skin then look into an overall diet overhaul. If you have certain concerns, read up on how you can adapt your lifestyle to heal from the inside out. Now I’ve done the research so you don’t have to but that doesn’t mean that I am a professional. I am not a trained physician or dietician so I highly recommend you speak to your health provider before changing your diet or cutting things out.  
In my search for answers, this was what I found.
For Acne 
There can be a few culprits for breakouts or congested pores when it comes to nutrition. The big ones that the professionals agree on is dairy. Everyone is lactose intolerant to some degree, whether it results in a little gas or full blown diarhea. Our skin is no different. Human digestive systems have a harder time breaking down cow’s milk than other types of milk which can lead to an inflammatory response by our intestines and our skin. 
This doesn’t mean you have to go full vegan. Although that it always an option, you can start by looking into quality dairy alternatives. There are a lot of great nut-based creamers and aged sheep’s milk cheeses that you can integrate into your routine. Some of you may find this too difficult and you’re saying, “pry this pizza from my cold, dead hands”. Honestly, I hear you. Look at reducing your current intake of dairy to start and see if it helps your skin with its inflammation. 
Another source of inflammation that may cause acne is sugar. Whether it’s the processed white stuff that’s in literally anything or the “no sugar” chemical alternatives, your skin doesn’t like it. Again, sorry. I don’t mean to deter you from your love of cheese cake (personally, I’ve never met a cannoli I didn’t like). If you can get past the particular taste, honey is actually a great alternative. It’s naturally anti-inflammatory and can work as a sugar substitute in a lot of foods. It also works well mixed with egg whites as a DIY face mask to help with acne!
For Under Eye Bags
This is also a comment on overall puffiness. Dehydrated skin will literally hate you. When the body is dehydrated, it will hold on to any water it has in the body and store it as a reserve so you don’t die (not exaggerating here). That will lead to the feeling and appearance of bloat - both the body and the face. The most common culprits for this are salt, alcohol, and caffeine. Too much of any or all of those and not enough water will lead to a situation. Now I’m not trying to freak you out because the solution is somewhat simple - drink more water! You can also add water right foods to your diet like cucumbers and watermelon. Better yet, put cucumbers and watermelon in your water. 
If you want to be extra good to yourself, try to decrease the amount of salt, alcohol, and/or caffeine that you are putting in your body. Everything in moderation. Jennifer Lopez has gone on record to say one of the secrets to her aging backwards is that she doesn’t drink alcohol or coffee. Now that’s not always realistic for everyone (I’m a huge asshole if I don’t have a cup of coffee in a day). However, maybe look into scaling back how much and how often you drink alcohol and coffee. A glass of red wine and a cup of coffee a day can actually give your body the antioxidants to look better but three salty margs and five espressos might have you praying to your jade roller in the morning.
Note: experts have said that sparkling water is not dehydrating but jury is still out on whether it keeps you as hydrated as good ole still water.
For Fine Lines
Guess what. Your body naturally produces Vitamin A when you eat certain foods. Do you know what your liver converts Vitamin A into? Retinol. I’m not even joking. The certain foods that you can add to your diet are called carotenoids and are those fruits and vegetables that are naturally yellow, red, or orange. Think peppers, carrots, and oranges. Add them to salads, have them as a snack. When you’re at a party, choose the carrots over the chips. If it makes your life easier, dip it in ranch. Baby steps.
The other foods that help skin look fresh and feel bouncy are certain types of oils containing omega fatty acids. We all need healthy fats to keep our brains functioning, our skin looking fresh, and even our waistlines within healthy ranges. These compounds are found in coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, and certain types of fish. You can also take a supplement with these compounds for a meaured dose of healthy fat. Moderation is key here as well since the body can’t break down all of the fats - you won’t get more results the more you eat these fatty acids, trust. 
Overall Skin Health
We are constantly being assaulted by UV rays from the sun and environmental pollution, not to mention all the stress. Now I’m not saying you should become a hermit (you can - I’m not the boss of you) but there are a few things you can add into your routine that can help fight all the damage that life inflicts on our skin. Antioxidants are a great way to do this and they are found in blueberries and citrus fruits, mostly due to their Vitamin C content. But what are antioxidants? When our bodies are stressed, either internally or via external factors, oxidizing occurs to cells where atoms become unstable. These unstable atoms are called free radicals and they are pretty much bullies that beat up our cells. Antioxidants protect your cells from the damage these free radicals can inflict (bye, bullies). Some other antioxidants are sweet potatoes and spinach. If you don’t want to eat those then know that dark chocolate and red wine (in moderation) are also anti-oxidant rich. 
Two Trends
There’s hype right now around probiotics for skin, whether applied topically or integrated into the diet for a healthy gut. Essentially, your skin and your gut both have bacteria posted up in condos at all times. When some bad bacteria gangs come to town, it disruptions the peace and the balance. This leads to unrest and inflammed responses which can lead to poor digestion and acne. Probiotics are the neighborhood watch that helps keep the balance in favor of the good bacteria to keep things copacetic. 
It has long been a belief that probiotics keep us healthy (kimchi has been a staple in Korean diets for centuries) and you can integrate it into your life too. One of the biggest and most available sources of probiotics are oats. So grab a cup of oatmeal, sprinkle it with blueberries, and know that you are doing right by your gut and your skin. Bonus: oatmeal is another hero when it comes to DIY face masking!
Ingestion collagen is another trend you might have been seeing. Whether it’s putting collagen powder in your beverages or eating collagen gummies, this part of the beauty space is flooded with products. The body naturally creates collagen to help keep skin, bones, and connective tissues functioning at their best but its production decreases as we age. By ingesting collagen, there have been claims that we can aid our organic production of the protein.  
Originally, professionals were sceptical. Since collagen is a protein, the body breaks it down in digestion before it has a chance to be absorbed and take any effect. Recently, however, it’s been seen that ingesting collagen has improved dark spots and elasticity over time. This leads professionals to believe that the fragments that are left over from the break down process are being absorbed and function on the body. This means that lower doses than we think are working to help our skin and joints but they are working nonetheless.
As with anything you put on or into your body, do your research into the integrity of the brand and product. Read reviews and ingredient labels to make sure you’re not duped out of your money. I recently had to explain to someone that bought hemp gummies that they did not include CBD and why those two things are not the same. 
If you have methods or recipes to integrate these things into your life, share them below! ✌️
Cover photo by Artyom Kim.
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