#honestly the lack of a profile picture had me thinking this was a newbie
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Guys look, I have a fan lol
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Hello, this is the first time I’ve come here and I’d like, if possible, you could place my order, I don’t remember if I already placed that ask or something, so if yes, sorry to bother you...
I can order something with Yandere! Vampire with a Vampire Slayer! Reader, please...
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Welcome in!
Well yes boo, you did make a very similar request, and I'm sorry if it took me like a long time to answer you (at least to me it feels like a whole month has passed, time has been so slow and so fast somehow-) it's just that I'm dealing with a lot of stuff outside of Tumblr and although I try to not think about it, it does affect my performance in writing. Also you're not bothering me at all boo!
Also I just realized something, normally when I write I put really mean remarks about the reader but it's not supposed to be taken seriously by you guys, as it's mostly either an look into the perspective of the ocs (normally the bullies who are very mean and cruel-) or even an exaggeration on the reader's current mind state (if the reader feels dumb about a certain action they have chosen, I try to make them sound very exaggerated since I don't want any of you to take it personally, y'all are beautiful okay? Don't worry about the snarky comments and rude remarks that I may write).
I'll try to make it more obvious that it's mostly a character's exaggerated perspective next time, or maybe put trigger warnings about degrading language/mean comments.
TW/Tags: mentions of addiction (to blood) // male x male // male reader // vampy vamp // monster(vampire) x (human)reader // mentions of death // unofficial OC/just a random character I decided to create for this specific piece // captivity/kidnaping // mentions of torture/infliction of pain // mind control/gaslighting/manipulation and stockholm syndrome // being drugged/poisoned // kinda sadistic but not so much so cause I like giving y'all some softness.
True love is found in small bites [Yandere!M!Vampire x M!Vampire Hunter!Reader - Headcanon]:
Who doesn't like a little one on one with an immortal creature in a fight filled with sexual tension? Who wouldn't want to prove their worth to their dad who is a lonely vampire hunter?
Your dad had hunted vampires all by himself for years now and he won't stop until the day he drops dead, or at least that's what he told you.
He taught you everything that you needed to know, and honestly- You probably know a lot more than some of the guys who are paid to do this every month, Hell, your dad hunts them basically every week! That's kinda the reason why he won't accompany you this time, too busy dealing with vampires in a neighboring village, some rumours of some high profiled vampires coming into your hometown… He was very concerned for your safety before deciding that whenever these rumours were true or not, he needed to check them for himself regardless.
You decided to go on a hunt on your own, hunt one down and prove to your man that you'll do just fine all by yourself.
However, you have the knowledge from the books you read and from what your father taught you, but you don't have personal experiences in fighting vampires. So that's why you're finally going to take down a vampire all by yourself.
It took you some time to find the right target, but after hearing complaints about some odd things happening in the less wealthy part of town, you thought you had a pretty clear picture of what happened. You thought that maybe some vampires have been attacking the poorest people in town to not cause a bigger panic in the population, and sadly enough, you were right.
Apparently the vampirism started to spread uncontrollably as the newly transformed vampires weren't accustomed with the new malevolent power. Some would get addicted to blood and to the power they hold against humans, and start to bite more than what they can chew on.
You found someone who was acting suspiciously, a commoner who was acting more aggressively towards his neighbors and family, he had created a lot of enemies in only a couple of days after being transformed, as he was now acting like "royalty" surrounded by peasants. The poor bastard was out of his mind, and sadly you needed to take care of him before he would hurt more people.
The work of a vampire slayer (or at least, one who works on their own accord) isn't as glamorous or "pleasant" as most may think, it involves you constantly questioning yourself and your morals, the guy you're hunting has a family but from what you heard and from what you have seen as you observed him from afar- He is clearly gone, consumed by the addiction of human blood, he would end up hurting his own family if you didn't intervene.
You had to stalk him for basically the whole day, collecting information and waiting for a good opportunity to strike him- Sadly enough, you didn't know that someone else was also interested in killing him.
It was pretty quick now that you think about it- You were about to tackle him when someone else got to do it before you. You didn't know about vampire society's inner relationships but you are aware that there is some form of hierarchy, and that those who were transformed into vampires were considered to be closer to the bottom than those who were born into it. The bottom of their social structure being those who they could all feed on, so in other words humans.
As you have already prepared yourself to attack the blood addictic, this guy who seemed to have come out of nowhere has already noticed that he wasn't alone, you wouldn't be able to hide yourself at this point and running wouldn't be an option considering how fast he moved.
The only option was left was to fight this vampire who was clearly way too powerful for your newbie ass. It was a pretty tough fight, and even if you have lost- You did manage to prove that you weren't just a random human who found themselves in the wrong place, in the wrong time.
You were very well prepared- Idris was pretty impressed by your resistance, but from his eyes, you were lacking a lot in the intelligence department. You were a good brawler, but not a decent vampire slayer by far- He would question you about your level of skill constantly, even mocking the idea of you being an "newbie" at this job.
Idris had won in the end, making you his prisoner who he would bring back to his clan to be used as an easy food source while also giving them info about other vampire slayers. Of course you wouldn't give them anything, no matter how bad your situation was you would still fight to the very end.
Idris had used one of his abilities to bring you two to his clan's hideout in a blink of an eye, you weren't expecting it to be so quick. You were tied up and inside an "abandoned" mansion filled with vampires, you were sure you wouldn't survive this at all- Yet you had promised yourself to not give them any information about other vampires slayers, especially your father.
You have met them, all of them- All of the Nox clan of pure vampires (or at least the last of them), in one single place. They were all so eager to jump in and start the "fun" with you. To torture you, drink from you, control your mind so you would spill all that you know, they tried to but you wouldn't stop squirming and fighting their touch- However, your attitude has only helped to aggravate them.
Idris was in charge of taking care of you- And by that they meant he was the one who would be screwing with you the most. He would keep you alive with your bare necessities but would also be the one to punish and torture you to speak up.
Interestingly enough, Idris wasn't interested in violently taking the truth out of you- Oh no, boo- He was much more sadistic than that.
He saw you as a plaything, like a cat he would see you as something he should toy with before devouring- He would try to push you to your limits verbally, trying to trigger some sort of wound you may have. You were stronger than he assumed, he should have known you weren't so dumb to give in to his insults and threats.
He would still bite you though, hey, a man needs some blood before continuing his private interrogation, right? It's not his fault you're both his snack and the one being interrogated.
You were strong minded, you weren't feeling too awful about being taken as a prisoner, since you felt as if deep down you could still escape this- So the effects of the poison that he would inject on you weren't showing up at first, but after sometime of being under this terrible living condition with only him to talk with, you started to feel some type of weird way around him.
It could be the poison finally taking over, but you have started to notice some… Particular choices that Idris took when interacting with you. Again- It could be all some magic shit in your mind, but you could swear that the lingering touches from him weren't rough or painful as his threats.
Idris was never physically harmful towards you, even to his peers dismay as they would constantly scold him for being too soft. He was indeed very off putting and sadistic- But could he be hiding something deep inside his literally cold exterior? You started to think so… Well, you started to hope so.
See, although the poison is already making your mind dizzy and making you feel some kind of weird attraction towards Iris- It wasn't completely just your mind playing tricks on you, Idris has been trying a new tactic with you and it was working.
Maybe you haven't noticed yet, but for the last few weeks he has started to flirt with you more, touch you more and whisper less concerning things into your ears, and you were eating it all up due to your isolation and his poisonous bite.
The more he sucked your blood, the more enamoured you were with his softer "side", the poison becoming stronger with each bite. But everyday you two spend time together, Idris can't help but feel just as interested in you as you are to him. He may play it off as a sadistic manipulative (which he kinda is-) vampire who is above you and his own feelings- But whenever it's just you and him, he just feels like there is a bigger connection being formed.
The more you two get to know each other the more he'll start falling for you, to the point he doesn't know if he is faking empathy and care or if he actually likes you in a weird way. He has started to feel very satisfied whenever you start acting clingy, desperate even for his attention (again- He is the only one willing to even talk with you before biting you and sucking your blood), the sensation of power he feels is a little bit overwhelming- But very much appreciated.
You have started to feel some side effects from losing so much blood everyday, which has made Idris concerned and incapable of drinking from you for at least some time while you recover from it. But since you need some time to rest without being injected with more venom from fangs, which will cause you to start waking up from your brainwashed state and remember that A: It has been months since you were gone, your dad is out there looking for you and it's possibly thinking you're dead; B: You're trapped in a mansion filled with the last vampires of a powerful clan which has been massacred by vampire slayers like you; and C: You were starting to catch feelings for the one who brought you here- Regardless of manipulation and freaky vampire shit- You were indeed falling for his charm.
Whenever that happens, it will be obvious that you'll start trying to fight them and escape again, even if you're very, very weak from all these months without proper training and healthy eating habits.
You may try your hardest dear, but you'll need a better plan than just going feral on Idris. He is a lot stronger than you, especially since you can't even stand up on your own, and even hurting him makes you feel oddly awful- You had relied on him for so long, that it feels like you would be betraying him if you actually do hurt him, it seems like some of the effects of so much time under his manipulation are still present.
You can't hurt him, but you can still try to sneak out. You should still try to escape!
You would eventually come up with a plan to run away while it was still morning, even if it was a very flawed plan considering that the only place you knew in this entire mansion was Idris's room and bathroom. For some miracle reason, you would find a way to sneak out, it was pretty hard considering you have no strength in your legs, yet luckily no one seemed to be aware of your sudden movement around the corridors- Apparently the whole clan is composed of heavy sleepers.
Your escape was successful, but you wouldn't be able to reach safety anytime soon in your condition- And you knew that eventually they would wake up again and Idris would find you soon. Yet as you had promised yourself and your father, you weren't going down without a fight.
Idris is responsible for you, so whenever he notices that you were gone- He would first assume one of his kind has took you, but considering how everyone else in the clan considers him to be a nuisance and incompetent, he couldn't possibly ask around where were you. If he did, they would end up yelling at him and take you as their personal blood bag- He couldn't let them know that you have escaped.
He would search for you and be honest to god thankful that you weren't dead yet- He would be pissed but more concerned about your current state, after all you were supposed to be resting from losing so much blood and yet here you are: Trying to survive the wild nature around the mansion in a stupid attempt of escaping the vampires.
Idris would have to bite you more often while also giving some days off so you could rest, but doing in a way that you never lose the effects of the poison- He can't stand to see you fighting him so much.
I mean- He thinks that it's pretty attractive how fiesty you are, but he needs you to stay still in his bedroom and to start giving him those confused yet passionate eyes again- Idris doesn't know whether or not you're in love with him or is just acting in instinct considering your current position, and he soon will find himself begging for you to truly give in to this weird fantasy he has built around you two- But for now, all that he wants is the smallest affection that may come from you, even if it's not as true and morally correct as true love is supposed to be.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Headcanon - when you buy him an action figure of himself
This work, 当你买了他的手办, was originally written by 君兮耶君兮 on Weibo, and she has given me permission to translate it 🌸
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You’ve been trembling with fear and trepidation for close to ten minutes in your own office at your own company, afraid that the person sitting in your seat would criticise your proposal for lacking a single redeeming feature.
Just as you feel as though you’re about to faint from anxiety, Victor finally sets down the proposal in his hand.
“Not bad.”
A great weight rolls off your shoulders, and you lift your head. “It’s really passable?”
Faced with a sudden visit from the CEO, you were so frightened earlier that your heart was about to stop.
“That’s amazing. Teacher Victor, I want red wine steak tonight~” You smile coquettishly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He tilts his head and is just about give your cheeks a pinch when his gaze sweeps over a miniature figure on the table.
“What’s this?” He grips the clay figurine’s head, lifting it up to have a look.
“Isn’t it cute? I passed by a small shop and the boss made it based on a photo I had of you.” You hurriedly take the clay figurine from him before he destroys it, placing it back on the table with much care.
"You look at it every day?”
Despite sensing that his tone sounds slightly off, you nod honestly.
VIctor’s face darkens, and he throws the figurine into his bag. His sudden change in temperament makes you afraid to even breathe.
From his wallet, he takes out a photograph - it’s a picture of the both of you.
“I’m confiscating this. Next time, just look at this photo. Take a walk after dinner and buy a photo frame along the way.”
Is Teacher Victor jealous of himself?
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During one of your idle online shopping adventures, you come across a service which does customisable figurines. Curious, you scan through the reviews, realising that the photos are all exquisite. After finalising the price with the customer service staff, you send over a picture of Gavin playing basketball.
A month flies past quickly. Intending it to be a surprise, you keep this from Gavin.
When the parcel finally arrives, you wield the fruit knife from the table expectantly.
“Are you cutting fruits?” Gavin immediately stands up and asks, afraid you’d injure yourself.
You shake your head. “No, I'm opening a parcel.”
Still feeling uneasy, he decides to stand next to you, only to be greeted by a figurine which looks exactly like him.
“This is...”
“It’s my handsome Officer Gavin!” 
You hand it to him slowly, as though you’re cradling a treasure. 
He accepts it carefully. “Isn’t this the time we went to play basketball with Eli and Minor in Loveland High?”
As expected of Officer Gavin - his memory is incredible. 
“That’s right! This way, I’ll have a big Gavin, and a small Gavin!” You take the clay figurine, hugging it to yourself.
“Mm.” Gavin nods in agreement. “No matter which Gavin it is, they’re all yours. But... I’d actually prefer to make a mini Gavin with you.”
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“Was this figurine made to look like me?” Lucien studies the miniature figure on the table.
You nod. “Yeah, a chibi Professor Lucien is really cute. It’s no wonder why the students used a chibi version of you to attract guests during the university’s anniversary.
“It is cute. But it isn’t perfect.”
Lucien shuts the acrylic box properly.
You turn the box around, looking at the figurine carefully. Even though it’s a chibi, it is an exact replica of Lucien in terms of appearance, pose and expression - especially the eyes. Even the angle of its slight smile is the same.
“I think it’s pretty perfect though.” You comment, wondering what flaws he noticed.
With a laugh, Lucien holds onto your shoulder, pushing you in front of the mirror, beckoning you to look into it, then at the figurine on the table.
“Do you notice that something is missing?” He hints, eyes crinkling.
The mirror reflects two profiles leaning against each other. On the other hand, the figurine on the table appears lonely. 
“Do you still remember where that figurine shop is?” He holds your hand. “It’d only be perfect with you.”
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[ KIRO ]
“Kiro!” You exclaim the moment you step into the house.
“Have you collected the parcel? What did you buy?” 
Ever since you vehemently rejected his offer to accompany you to collect the parcel, Kiro’s dejection was about to burst through the roof. Now that he sees you calling for him, he tosses his earlier unhappiness aside, running over eagerly.
“Didn’t your fan club make a lot of Kiro figurines recently? I bought one~”
Filled with anticipation, you remove the small figurine from the parcel. The moment you see it, you’re held captive by its spirited expression and bright, starry eyes. “This is really adorable!”
Kiro feels as though his position in the household is no longer stable.
“I think it looks average.” Kiro’s comment is accompanied by his menacing ‘claws’ giving the figurine’s face a poke. 
“I think looks very nice.” You swat his ‘claws’ away. “Be careful not to spoil it!”
With extreme caution, you place this newbie on the display shelf, and even pat its head gently. “Get along well with the other figurines, okay?”
Kiro is certain that his position in the household is no longer stable.
“Miss Chips, why are you treating the figurine so well QAQ You’re not only ignoring the real person standing next to you, but you’re being so tender to a figurine. I can sing for you. Can the figurine do that? I can bring you to eat good food. Can the figurine do that? In bed, I can even-”
“Stop!” You clasp a hand over his mouth before he can say something embarrassing. “Fine fine fine, you’re the best, okay?”
You shoot him a look of resignation.
Kiro nods, satisfied. “I also want Miss Chips to acknowledge that I’m the one you cherish most in your heart!”
Tickled, you rub his head. “Whatever you say, three-year-old Kiro~”
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[ SHAW ]
“What’s this toy? Why is it so ugly?” Shaw looks distastefully at the object you’ve placed on the table.
You roll your eyes at him.
“Are you blind? Can’t you tell that it’s a figurine of you?”
You straighten the figurine with a serious expression on your face. Chibi Shaw is carrying a bass, his sharp little canines looking adorable beyond belief. It really exudes his aura.
“Oh please, this toy doesn’t have any of my coolness.” 
Ignoring your murderous glare, he picks up the figurine you've painstakingly fixed. Pinching its head and turning it around several times, the distaste on Shaw’s face grows even deeper.
Resisting the urge to whack him with the figurine, you snatch it back, placing it once again in its original position. “If you don’t like it, then suck it up. What matters is that I like it!”
He rubs the area that you’ve hit, his tone somewhat sincere and his expression amiable. “It’s ugly - just throw it away. Save yourself from nightmares.”
“So... you’re saying that you’re ugly?” You give him a direct reminder that the figurine was made based on his appearance, so he’s basically insulting himself.
“I didn’t say that.” Unbothered, he throws the figurine back into the box. “This toy doesn’t resemble me at all. It’s ugly as hell.”
He seals the box shut, then finds a rubber band to tie it several times, ensuring it wouldn’t fall out.
“Next time, just look at me directly if you want to. Why look at these ugly things? The real me will always be by your side.”
More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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君兮耶君兮: You can - just note the source of the author
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