#honestly the whole vibe is very folksy and I love it
allthemusic · 3 months
Week ending: 19th January
Oooh, I have a good feeling about this one! I say that sometimes and then regret it, but I know two of these songs, and the other is by an artist I also know I like. So I feel pretty confident this week.
Sixteen Tons - Tennessee Ernie Ford (peaked at Number 1)
Cards on the table: I really love this song. It's catchy, it's cool and it's good fun to sing along to. Plus, Tennessee Ernie Ford has a cool name, and looks like the most 1950s man ever to 1950s. What's not to like?
We start with clarinet, shortly followed by Ernie's voice, descending double bass and some finger clicks. It's such an undeniably cool vibe, a sort of country-jazz fusion that just works, helped along handily by Ernie's performance, which knows exactly when to grandstand and exactly when to play it cool. The result is a song that slinks along for the most part, all deep and growly and dangerous, in a way that highlights the lyrics perfectly.
And what awesome lyrics! The song was originally written by folk singer Merle Travis, back in 1946, and it's about a coal miner trapped working in a company time, and for all the music's slinking elegance, there's a real biting anger to the lyrics, talking about how a poor man's got A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong, or bemoaning how You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. And then the best image of the whole thing, as Ernie sings St. Peter, don't you call me, 'cause I can't go! / I owe my soul to the company store.
It's a real image of poverty and drudgery, and more that, it's also some sort of origin story, with Ernie as a grizzled anti-hero (or villain?) We start with how he was born one morning' when the sun didn't shine, and then how it was drizzlin' rain / Fightin' and trouble are my middle name. And all this leads to the warning If you see me comin', better step aside / A lotta men didn't, a lotta men died / One first of iron, the other of steel / If the right one don't get you / Then the left one will.
Connecting the two, you get the sense that Ernie's anger at only being valued for his muscle - and barely valued, at that - has soured into a sort of violent anger, and a determination to use that muscle to get what he can from life. It's honestly a fascinating character study, and the way that Ernie's delivery highlights the sort of "caged tiger" danger of him is just marvellous, as is the line at the end when he really hammers the I ooooooooooowe my soul line, in a sort of anguished wail. Brilliant stuff.
Some questions about the line about how Can't no high-toned woman make me walk the line. Google tells me "high-toned" just means refined or having high principles? So it does give off slightly skeevy misogynistic vibes, but in a way that absolutely fits with the character Ernie's sketched out, all resentment and bottled-up anger. And I absolutely love the smug little laugh he's so clearly suppressing on that line. It adds such an interesting facet to the character, and it's just a little different to everything else in the song.
Man, this is so much darker and bleaker than most stuff you're seeing in the charts at the moment. Compare it to Alma Cogan last week - no competition which one I prefer!
The Ballad of Davy Crockett - Bill Hayes (2)
Another very American song, and it's a folksy one as well, but still couldn't be more different to Ernie's bleak anger. This song is pure optimistic Americana, taken from the titles of the 1954 Disney Davy Crockett miniseries, which got reskinned in 1955 into a film. Which begs the question, why's it only charting now in 1956? The answer there is apparently a big UK marketing push in late 1955.
So yes. Davy Crockett. A real figure who grew up in East Tennessee and was known as a frontiersman and hunter, then joined a militia, was elected to Congress in 1827, opposed the Indian Removal Act, returned to Texas and was killed at the Battle of the Alamo. I'm sure this is not news to Americans, but for Brits, this is not history we're really taught, so I've no idea how prominent a cultural figure Davy Crockett was, before the Disney series.
Thankfully, the song re-tells most of the story for you, starting with how Davy was Born on a mountain top in Tennessee, following him as he killed him a bear when he was only three, and then Fought single-handed through the Injun War / Till the Creeks was whipped an' peace was in store. It then hits up a chorus that I'd bet most folks can sing along to as it goes Davyyyyyyyy, Davyyyyyyyyy Crockett, king of the wild frontier! As a ballad, it returns to this regularly enough that it's bound to get into your head, before cutting back to Davy's life, as he loses his love, then went off the Congress an' served a spell / Fixin' up the Govern'ment an' laws as well / Took over Washington, so we heared tell / An' patched up the crack in the Liberty Bell, before returning home to fing that he big western march had just begun, and so he sets off to help, with the song slowing down to conclude that His land is biggest an' his land is best / From grassy plains to the mountain crest / He's ahead of us all, meetin' the test / And followin' his legend into the West. And that's it, that's the song (phew!)
It goes without saying that this is kind of monstrous, right? I mean, we've got a kind of "tall tales" folk tradition, and the classic tradition of the "honest man drains the political swamp" kind of story that ultimately gave us Trump, all of it married to just straight-up racism and "manifest destiny" narratives about the USA's western expansion. And then you're doing it up in a cute faux-folksy style, attaching it to a Dinsey film and marketing it to kids worldwide. And it hardly takes much of a leap to attach this to mid-century political ideas about American exceptionalism and the USA's place in the world. We're mid Cold War, so of course this is the kind of stuff America is putting out - doesn't mean I have to love it.
Honestly, I didn't expect to get this angry about what's ostensibly a kid's song that is kind of goofy and catchy, and honestly, pretty fun. I think it's the juxtaposition of this with Sixteen Tons, which uses the same Tennessee folk tradition to deliver a bleak, brutal takedown of capitalism and its effect on the "humble country folks" of rural America. Whereas this Disney-backed song is, not to put too fine a point on it, a win both for American capitalism and cultural imperialism. Ick.
Love and Marriage - Frank Sinatra (3)
Will this song also give me something scathing to say about the state of 1950s America? Will I be able to constrast it productively with the other two songs we've heard? Will it present us with a third option? On the surface, it doesn't seem likely. But that's not necessarily a bad thing - I kind of needed a break, to be honest!
We start with a jazzy musical theatre intro, which sets the tone for the whole thing, which I don't think would be out of place at all in a musical, with Frank playing a character who's for whatever reason obsessed with the institution of marriage, singing about how love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage, and about how you can't have one without the other. And look, I know that the 1950s were a different era, but I still think this was probably tongue in cheek? There's no way there's not a serious helping of irony here, right?
A bit of research tells me that I'm correct - it's from Our Town, a TV episode of a musical anthology series that's an adaptation of a play, also called Our Town, which actually sounds great. It's a bit meta - it's apparently set in a theatre, with the main character (played by Frank) being a quippy theatre director who talks the audience through life in a fictional small New Hampshire town as two other characters fall in love and get married. By the look of things, it's a classic "small town life isn't as perfect as it seems" type thing. It's nostalgic about it, but also gently critical, as far as I can tell - so maybe we've got some more veiled criticism of 1950s' America, except instead of looking at rural life, we're setting our sights squarely on the small-town middle class. Hence references to marriage as an institute you can't disparage, or encouragements to Ask the local gentry. Marriage, as an instution, is deeply part of this rather conservative, parochial town, for better or for worse, and Frank's character is just pointing this out.
It's a pleasant listen, with this context, but I do wonder what UK listeners were getting out of this. They almost certainly didn't have access to the US TV episode it spun off of, so I presume it was just a nice song about marriage, for UK listeners? It's fine, but very short, and honestly, Frank has better songs out there.
Well, that was a trilogy of songs that all took a very different approach to showing something of the quintessential American experience. And then there's the irony of this being the UK charts - a sign of the stranglehold that American culture had in the middle of the 20th century? Either way, it's fortuitous and kind of fun that they all hit the charts in the same week - gave me an excuse for the sort of interpretive leap that I love to make but rarely get given the opportunity for :)
Favourite song of the bunch: Sixteen Tons
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turtlegirlave · 3 years
So this has a ton of opinions which I usually stray away from but i really let all my opinions out here. Also there is definitely fact mistakes, probably name mistakes and some incorrect singing terms in here, I wrote this at 2 A.M. with a limited knowledge of theater I’m just trying to get a point across.
Why s2 of hsm the series should have been newsies instead of beauty and the beast:
They say straight up in the show “we need a real Alan Menkhen musical” and they pick beauty and the beast instead of newsies, a literal Broadway stage production???
At first I assumed it was because the cast was primarily male, but that isn’t even a reasonable argument. 1)as shown by s1 when a boy played sharpay, gender doesn’t matter when being considered for a role. 2), a cast with multiple male leads would give the gay men in the show a chance to shine, instead of shoving them to background roles like Chip. Not to mention Carlos is a dancer, and newsies is a musical driven by choreography. 3), since nini moved there are only like 2 lead females anyway, which works for the 2 female roles in newsies.
Casting Wise, the play works SO MUCH better!
Ricky: jack kelley is a much better role for him than the beast for many reasons. First, their personalities are very similar with the mischievous main teen vibe, so the role would be like Troy where Ricky can slip into it easier. Second, it fits him better vocally. It is very clear from listening to Joshua basset sing that he has a relatively high vocal range, and singing low notes or in a deep voice doesn’t come as naturally to him. Jeremy Jordan has a similar vocal range, where he stays in higher octaves and more rarely uses a deep, monotone voice (at least never to the beast’s extent). Ricky would sound perfect singing in Jack’s vocal range. The beast, however, sings almost exclusively in an extremely deep, monotone voice that Joshua cannot easily perform.
Ashlyn: not only does she look quite similar to Katherine, but they have similar personalities as well. Also, katherine’s high and bubbly singing voice would sound lovely with Ash’s, which is also high and bubbly but often softer. This would allow her to push herself to sing louder and more confidently. And she still gets to play a smart bookworm lead female role.
Kourtney: she was born to play miss medda larken. Mrs. Potts’ debut song “beauty and the beast” is a soft romance ballad, which does not match kourt’s stadium reach, strong, powerful voice. “That’s rich” not only shows off her vocals better, but matches her personality and voice much better with the grit and power behind it. Also, Mrs Potts as a character is the soft, motherly type. Miss medda is a rambunctious, empowered, “I got men if I want em but I don’t need em” kinda woman. Which role better fits the girl power, loud, activist, personal cheer squad type person that Kourtney is?
Carlos and Sebastian: not only would this stop shoving the gays and only interesting men other than Ricky to background roles (sorry big red), but it would show off their talents. Seb would make a wonderful crutchy, with his innocent nature and likeness to the character. It would also give him a chance to flex his vocals and sing a duet with Ricky in Santa Fe, further developing the friendships in the show. Carlos could play really any of the main boys, I mostly think he would kill in this due to his dance and choreography skills, which newsies really emphasizes.
Big red: PLEASE this boy would be perfect as Ben Cook’s role (can’t remember the newsie’s name). They’re both the kinda dumb but endearing friend type, and he leads “king of New York”, a song with a killer tap dancing break, which is the whole reason big red wanted to try out! His chemistry with Ricky as crutchy would make that a fine role for him too, but since Sebastian has stronger vocals I think it’s better for him to take a more prominent role while big red relies on his dancing skills over singing.
Gina: though there’s no more lead girl roles, I think she would kill it as mr. Pulitzer. They could add some spice to the character through her insane dance skills, and she would play a great “cunning yet intelligent buisinesswoman” type. This dude also gets 2 or 3 songs, and honestly I don’t remember who she plays in Beauty and the beast so idk.
EJ: I admit Gaston is a perfect role for him and I can’t fit him into newsies well. He would play a good spot conlin, though it is a significantly smaller role. No one really cares about ej though so small loss.
Plot valuability:
doing newsies makes literally way more sense. Firstly, they are kinda planning entering this show last-minute compared to the competition, so to pick a show already written and choreographed for stage production would really save time. (Even though it would still need work to be condensed for a high school production). Second, miss Jen is so determined to stand out from the crowd and win the contest so she picks... beauty and the beast? One of the most popular Disney movies (and honestly with one of Alan’s weaker soundtracks compared to tangled, Aladdin, and the little mermaid imo). Having them do newsies, especially when switching up gender roles like casting Gina as Pulitzer, would actually make them stand apart from the dozens of schools performing Disney movies. It would also give a significantly more impressive vocal and dance performance, since the songs were written for Broadway singers rather than actors. The set is also more cheap and condensed, while still looking professional, which would help with their “we’re too poor and late to afford a straight-up aquarium so let’s do the most with what we’ve got.” Putting the characters in these roles would also not alter their development or main story plots much, besides strengthening certain friendships and pushing aside less popular characters (ej). It would also give more rep for the gays as well as switching up gender roles. Imagine, the gay guys get actual things to do in the show and aren’t defined by the sole plot of “my boyfriend rich” relationship drama! (I love these two but I am a tired ace). Also jerjor performs in both this and tangled the series, so it’s a double whammy for Alan menkhen representation.
Marketability: I know the musical has to be widely known and appealing to viewers. People watched s1 because they love hsm. People also love beauty and the beast, so viewership may raise with fans of the movie. Newsies doesn’t die here, though. It is a very widely popular play among theatre people, and existed first as a movie musical so it isn’t exclusive to theater kids. Also, fans of Newsies are generally between their tweens and early twenties, the exact age demographic for the show. Beauty and the beast is a classic and more widely known, but also doesn’t draw in large numbers of the exact age group you want. Also, the fact that newsies is a little less mainstream only helps the plot point of them choosing it to still have something well known while also standing out from the competition. Doing beauty and the beast is not only an awful choice for casting that limits the actors vocals or is completely out of their range, but it also makes them blend in with the crowd.
Final notes: beauty and the beast was IMO the worst choice for the play this season. Movies like Aladdin and tangled both have very energetic and loud soundtracks that allow these characters to belt their hearts out. Beauty and the beast has a very folksy, quiet, ballad type of track that limits the actors. The only actor that I think sings ballads better than big booming tracks is Nini, who isn’t even in the play this year. Ricky also sings great ballads, which is why ballads that are still slow but also emotional and powerful like “Santa fe” or “something to believe in” (which would sound AMAZING in his and Ashlyn’s voices) fit much better than the deep voice of the beast that he can not comfortably sing in. Also, the beast has very few songs whereas newsies would allow him to belt his heart out in nearly every song with that lovely voice he has. The age range of the newsies cast (that characters are supposed to be 17) fits better with these very teen actors than a movie about old fashioned French young adults. Really newsies was the best musical choice for this season, but I also believe beauty and the beast was the last one they should have chosen.
(After reading comments I rescind my statement that beauty and the beast was the worst choice, but it’s still second to newsies imo)
Feel free to debate me in the comments or point out my mistakes, I’m very open to other points of view
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andsheloved · 2 years
🕺🪩 and jaskier ……… i love he.
fran my beloved hello thank you so much for this because i also, love he. and i also. love you. so thank you for this mwauh i hope you're doing so good tonight, also i realize more and more when i do these playlists that like, i have a strange mix of a music taste, anyways i do hope you enjoy some of these anyways mwauh
🕺🪩 dance party 🪩🕺 - jaskier
like real people do - hozier
motion sickness - phoebe bridgers
to the mountains - lizzy mcalpine
waiting in the wings - eden espinosa
soldier poet king - the oh hellos
as always reasons why below the cut :)
join in on my 700 followers sleepover!!
like real people do - i feel like i usually associate this one with geralt but also?? why not jaskier?? i know he hasn't been through as much of the monster hunting and all the things that come with that as much as geralt has, but like i feel like after the whole mountain breakup he just wants to distance himself from geralt and be just jaskier again?? if that makes sense?? he wants to be a real person again and not just geralt's friend, anyways i cry regardless.
motion sickness - okay enough about geralt this playlist is about the main man jaskier, but also "i hate you for what you did, but i miss you like a little kid" come ON, i scream i cry, also i feel like i just picked a few songs with a lot of strings going on, cus he is a string man, what can i say.
to the mountains - remember that scene in season one when he's talking to geralt on the mountain about how they should get away from monsters and such for a while, this song has very similar vibes. it has a bit more folksy vibes which i enjoy, also the general 'i'm trying to be better for myself by doing better' is just very season 2 jaskier and very yearny i enjoy.
waiting in the wings - yes this is from the tangled tv show and yes it is a jam. allow me to let the lyrics speak for themselves because ow. "guess we all are born with parts to play, some of us are stars, and some are just in the way" aND THEN "i hear my cue, and yet I'm kept there waiting, know what to do, and still I stand there waiting, it's always someone else who sings, while I'm left waiting in the wings." OWEE, maybe i'm just projecting but man oh man, owee, it's he + angst.
soldier poet king - i honestly don't have much to say other than this is very jaskier just singing his silly lil songs and telling his silly lil tales, and i love him. it's just a very fun one :)
anyways i hope you do enjoy these mwauh and i hope you maybe even absorb some more jaskier vibes because you deserve them mwauh
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desiree-harding-fic · 5 years
That’s a Candlenights to Me
Also known as: Four Single Idiots Who Could Have Avoided All This If They Just Talked to Anyone Like an Adult: the movie.
So @fandomsnstuff and I were chatting and we came up with our very own Taakitz/Blupjeans Hallmark Christmas Movie “Thats a Christmas to me” style.
The classic is, of course, the busy working character who doesn’t care for Christmas incidentally finds love when they’re forced to spend Christmas in a small, folksy town, but we realized quickly that all of our main leads are so smart and capable they would all be the ultra-successful first act character. And then we added a splash of fake dating to spice it all up. So this is what we came up with. I like to call it Four Uptight Singles in New York, Probably.
Strap in and strap on everybody, this isn’t your average au:
So all of our four characters need dates for the holiday season desperately. Their circumstances are as follows:
Taako: is a famous successful chef and is honestly doing pretty good, got out of a bad relationship a few years ago and hasn’t really dated since. The problem is his sister. She hovers. And it’s because she worries about him being lonely. She spends all her time with him, looking after him even though he doesn’t need it, Lup, and Taako know’s she’s the lonely one, really. He thinks that if he can only find a date for Candlenights, someone he can show around and then ditch, Lup will be convinced enough that he’s fine to start pursuing her own romance. Plus he’s about to show up to a lot of fancy Candlenights parties alone. A date couldn’t hurt.
Lup: Lup’s worried about Taako. The poor guy needs someone in his life, and what better way than to lead by example? She’ll see someone for the holiday season, go on a couple “dates,” then let him go quick. Easy peasy. Taako will be back onto dating in no time.
Barry: Barry’s mom has been on his back for years about getting a significant other in his life, and Barry’s... look he’s happy with his work, really. He doesn’t have all that many friends right now but he’s productive. The problem is he maybe was talking to his mom on the phone a couple of months ago, and she maybe asked him if he was seeing anyone, and, just to make her happy, he maybe said yes. And then she was so happy he just couldn’t bear to be caught in the lie. She’s expecting someone for Candlenights when he goes home to visit. He’s gotta find someone quick.
Kravitz: Kravitz is a starving musician trying to make his way in the city, and the music gigs only pay so much. He’s playing two Messiah’s a day when his doctor diagnoses him with tendonitis and he’s shit out of luck. No more playing all holiday season, or at least less, and it’s his best season for gigs all year, and he needs another source of income quick. While drunk one night, a fellow musician friend suggests he put out an ad about being someone’s fake boyfriend for Candlenights as a joke, and he does. He doesn’t expect anyone to answer.
And we’re off to the races.
Taako’s giving a guest talk at Barry’s university when he hears the man having a minor breakdown in the hallway about his predicament. And well, he’s Taako. And this man is human oatmeal. There’s no danger of anything happening here. Taako proposes an arrangement that could suit them both.
Lup answers Kravitz’s ad. He’s gay, but that’s fine; he said it wasn’t a problem. She can offer a pretty handsome amount too, and the guy, though he seems initially surprised, also seems like he needs the money. It’ll serve them both, and there’s no danger of entanglements, because Kravitz is very gay. They’ll have no trouble breaking it off. 
Barry thinks Taako’s a bit strange, but he’s offering Barry the easiest out possible for his problem, and he says if Barry really wants, Taako will pay him, but that’s not necessary. It’s only until Candlenights. And Taako says he’ll be great at press events. The cameras will hardly touch him. Barry’s not sure that’s a compliment but Taako seems to mean it as one.
Kravitz’s ad is responded to quicker than he thinks. And Lup seems plenty respectful. And the amount she’s willing to pay him is nothing to turn up his nose at, especially with his hand in the condition it is. He accepts the transaction. (Plus, he’s not strictly out to his mom, and maybe bringing home a girlfriend will keep things happy at home (and before we imagine that Raven is homophobic, she is not; she’s known her son is gay as the fourth of july since he was a kid, and just assumed he knew she knew (you see we have a theme of people not talking))).
This is Act 1.
Act 2 goes as follows:
The couples are introduced. They do some Candlenights-y things together, and it’s supposed to end there, but here’s the thing: 
Taako really plays up how happy he is that Lup’s found someone she likes. He wants her to feel safe in the knowledge that she can move away from him a little bit. He wants to show her she can be free to do her own thing. So he’s just gushing over how great it is she found Kravitz. Even if he thinks, secretly, that Kravitz is really hot.
Lup’s in deep shit. Because she meant for the thing with Kravitz to be casual and quick, but Taako seems so happy for her. And he’s so happy with Barry (how could he not be? Barry’s amazing, he really hit the jackpot) and Barry’s nothing like Taako’s usual type but Lup thinks he’s great, and she’s afraid if she regresses romantically, Taako will withdraw too. She can’t have that. She offers Kravitz more cash.
Barry thinks that Taako’s sister is actually really beautiful. But Kravitz is awesome. He can’t get anywhere near that. And his contract with Taako is until Candlenights.
Kravitz is making bank. And maybe if he sticks around Lup even more, he can talk more with her brother, who is entirely unreasonably too beautiful.
These issues only snowball (ha) as we go along, and the 4 spend more time together. There’s probably a scene where they all go Candlenights shopping and the couples split off into the ones that are supposed to be (Taakitz and Blupjeans) because like Barry and Lup both need to get Taako a gift haha and they can help each other and the same with Taako and Kravitz needing to buy Lup presents and the fake boyfriends have to pretend they know the twins well enough for that, in front of their sibling, and shenanigans ensue but so does genuine heartfelt bonding.
Act Two just generally looks a lot like the following:
Taako: oh god he’s perfect I can’t believe he’s STRAIGHT and he’s dating my SISTER the universe HATES ME
Krav: lup is paying my bills and even if she wasn’t, how can i compete with barry, barry's great and he's so in love with taako its obvious :(((
Barry: *is staring at taako imagining it's lup*
Act two comes to a head when the family visits happen.
The twins feel obligated to spend Candlenights proper with their respective “boyfriend” and his family, because of all the shit they’ve put them through. So they split off and go to the respective mom’s house.
It’s... not good. Each of the four misses the one they’re in love with who isn’t their boyfriend so much. The pining is intense, and now that they’re not all four together, it’s unbearable. The mom’s like each boy’s respective “partner” (Raven cuts some of the tension with a funny section where she goes  ??????? internally when Kravitz arrives at her door with a girlfriend of all things), and we even get the “oh god there’s only one bed” trope but terrible because they’re all in love with the person who isn’t there. It’s a whole thing.
Act 3:
What else could Act 3 be but the fancy New Years’ gala where everything finally comes out. Where all these idiots finally burst and spill their feelings. It’s messy and weird and all very much covered by the media (Taako is in the tabloids for weeks). But needless to say there’s drama and silly-times and each one leaves the paty not with the one they started with. 
And then of course they get to explain everything and Barry’s mom takes to Lup even better than Taako (she thought that he and Taako had a strange vibe and now she knows why). And Raven rests secure in the knowledge that she does know her son and introduces him to her girlfriend, Istus after they have a long talk. Lup adores Barry, more than is reasonable, and he feels the same way about her. Taako adores Kravitz, and he loves Taako back, and is never a starving musician again, with a chef boyfriend on the one hand, and a famous boyfriend on the other (networking for music jobs has never been easier). 
And They All Lived Happily Ever After The End.
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tameimpala222 · 4 years
Folklore is basically Taylor’s love letter to the 90s/00s singer-songwriter indie genre, which is honestly one of my fav eras (grew up with this music so I have lots of vivid memories attached to them). I wanted her to do something like this after 1989 (Red was 1960s/1970s country/pop, 1989 was 1980s pop, so naturally the next album would be 1990s indie), but it took her 5 years and two filler albums for her to finally do it 🥰
The 1 - reminisce of late 2000s female singer-songwriter vibes (Rachel Yamagata, A Fine Frenzy, Regina Spektor, etc)
Cardigan - has that old school feel to it, 1950s piano acoustic + shades of 2000s indie. Closest comparison is ‘Almost Lover’ and ‘Near To You’ by A Fine Frenzy
Last Great American Dynasty - Catchy, vivid storytelling set to breezy chords ala Anna Nalick’s ‘Breathe (2am)’
Exile - Taylor probably decided on a Bon Iver feature because the song is similar to Justin’s own music, especially ‘Skinny Love’ and ‘Michicant’
My Tears Ricochet - Personally I’m not a fan of this song, but it sounds like a Lorde song, ‘Swinging Party’ perhaps?
Mirrorball - absolutely in love with this! Has that mid-90s nostalgic tinge. Someone mentioned ‘Fade Into You’ by Mazzy Star and The Cardigans; I agree completely.
Seven - probably the best song on the album! Whispery, hazy, folksy, whimsical. Reminds me Cocteau Twins, except that the 80s syth beat is replaced with a folksy acoustic treatment
August - Another mid-90s throwback, I keep thinking it reminds me of Natalie Imbruglia (and other 90s female singers of her era) but I just can’t pinpoint an exact song. It just *feels* like a 90s song, perhaps the most definitive 90s-sounding song in the album.
This Is Me Trying - the beginning of the song weirdly sounds like one of the softer Radiohead songs from their In Rainbows album (in particular ‘Nude’ and ‘All I Need’, but not exactly like these). There is a sad, quiet undertone in the beat for all of these songs
Illicit Affairs - I always tell people there are two Joni Mitchell-like songs in Folklore — one is Peace, the other is this song. The guitar twangs just hammers the fact down.
Invisible Strings - An upbeat, light and dreamy song that is reminisce of Ingrid Michaelson’s ‘You & I’ and other late-00s singer-songwriter music. Love this song! It’s me and my guy’s song 🥰
Mad Woman - another song in which I can’t pinpoint an exact influence, but the beginning chords sounds like something from the mid-90s to late 00s britrock genre. It’s like Oasis/Travis/Stereophonics-meets-Lorde. In fact, ‘Dakota’ by Stereophonics sounds a biiiiit like it at the beginning.
Epiphany - The whole opening is such a Bon Iver kind of song that I wonder if he had a hand in producing this song...... did he??
Betty - I’m not really familiar with country music, so I have no comment on this song 😅 The song is nice, though
Peace - Another one of my favourites on this album! This is the Joni Mitchell-ish song that Aaron Dessner was alluding to.
Hoax - Definitely has shades of A Fine Frenzy, especially ‘Almost Lover’, again.
(In fact, Folklore is very similar to A Fine Frenzy’s 2007’s album ‘A Cell In The Sea’. If you enjoyed Folklore, you should check this album out too..... 👉🏼👈🏼)
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velvet-tread · 6 years
Unfiltered sweary mess: 509 edition
It is 509 right? Someone correct me if it’s not, the weeks are all blurring into one another. Anyway, this was the One with All The Angst of Which We Were Forewarned, and is dedicated to my caps lock key which is buckling under the strain.
OH BOY the warnings were fore and numerous, but were we prepared? NO WE WERE NOT. But even though I wasn’t ready for the intensity of this pain, this angst was nothing less than FUCKING DELICIOUS. The bitter taste of betrayal!!! The wails and the dismay!!! THE TEA AND THE REGRETS!!!
So let’s just get to the deep shameful hurt of the whole thing: BELLAMY AND CLARKE ARE THE SAME YO I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU.
Beloved person in danger? Check
Big picture invoked? Check
Gentle reframing of the facts? Check.
Self-justification? Check
Beating of breasts and thrashing of chains? Check.
Regretful faces? Check.
Big flouncy mood? Check.
I couldn’t make it up and I WOULD NOT because if I was in charge we’d be on our sixth Sense8 dance montage. Serious question though what did we think the angst would look like?  Did we think Bellamy would shed a single tear over his sister’s poisoning, change his name to Griffin and go off to braid Madi’s hair in the woods?  Did we think Clarke would massage his thighs in sympathy? Which hurt/comfort fanfic exactly do we think this show is mimicking? Is it Survivor’s Guilt? Please be Survivor’s Guilt.
But anyway I loved it all, especially the slap, don’t @ me.  It was like an episode of Dallas, complete with outraged shoulder pads and lady megalomaniac I NEEDED THIS SHOW THANK YOU.  
And it ended with Bellamy on his knees in chains, about to swordfight his way to victory. *weeps* andnowifinallygettoreceive dot gif.
And okay it’s not looking great for imminent thigh massage in 5x10, but just imagine the scale and intensity of the thigh massage when it’s been preceded by tearful confessions and feelings laid bare??? IN SPACE!!! PROBABLY IN CRYOSLEEP!!!! IN 400 YEARS!!! ON A DIFFERENT PLANET???!
Although the blood did leave my brain for a second there, I was compos mentis enough to notice that the show didn’t actually end with Bellamy on his knees, but with Octavia crying in her shopping cart throne which *more weeping*. Marie is nailing every single scene like a mofo and won’t someone give her an Emmy and also maybe a cat.
Petition for Blodreina to have a sexy cat to stroke while she’s villaining.  Something like this:
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(Apologies for the very 1990s-sized image, I spent my entire fuck budget on putting actual words on screen this week)
Anyway might help her with the inability to chill the fuck out, who knows.
Okay so looking ahead to Indra and Bellamy ribbing each other as they plot to slay one another in the ring, with a pause for MY SCREAMING, I will be dismayed beyond measure if Indra, Queen of Everything and My Heart dies this season UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES but I will be extra flip a table furious if she dies just as she and Bellamy are becoming BFFs. HONESTLY. This is the Bellamy x Roan content we were denied tbh.  
And who would send Indra to purgatory to see Roan again and listen to him bitch on and on about how Bellarke isn’t happening quickly enough, and he doesn’t really feel connected to Bellamy anymore and HE JUST LOVES KIDS HE WOULDN’T DO THAT OKAY IT’S NOT REALISTIC and how much he hates Echo for reasons that aren’t clearly defined in his mind but are VERY REAL and DEFINITELY AUTHENTIC.
And look. I love Octavia. I love OCTAVIA SO MUCH even with that double chin and 20-a-day rasp she has when she’s recovering from a fraticidal poisoning but Indra serving her piping hot tea about her personal growth this season was like cool water on a hot summer’s day. FUCKING TELL HER INDRA. TELL HER ABOUT THE EYE MAKE UP REMOVER.
There’s only so much red pigment a person’s forehead can take before that person needs to look in an actual mirror and consider toning it the fuck down.
What the happened in the Dark Year?  What did Indra stand by and watch?  Did Octavia have to eat ALL THE PEOPLE BY HERSELF? That sounds barbaric and not a good model for sustainable living tbh? Or is this some kind of freaky bunker version of the Human Centipede that I am going to have to nope out of extremely quickly and never speak of again.
“DON’T TALK TO ME ABOUT THE DARK YEAR (EPISODE 5x11)!!!!”, me probably during the hiatus.
Okay let’s talk about Spacekru. Echo in charge is obviously giving me a lady boner but I suppose that’s a given at this stage. That said, can we have a moment to appreciate the budding Zeke x Echo dynamic? I almost ship it? But at the same time I am dining out on these IF YOU HURT MY FRIEND I WILL WEAR YOUR INTESTINES AS A MURDER CROWN vibes. Get yourself a BFF like Echo will murder on your behalf but is also capable of not murdering your love interest if you really, really insist and make a big fucking deal about it. *huff*
So anyway, Raven and Zeke had a folksy violin moment and Raven actually smiled and I guess he reads now so enjoy the 4,000 Iliad gifsets and SHAW IS A NERD memes that will now pepper your dash from here until eternity.
Also Murphy and Emori are back in the house, and Emori clearly has a great therapist (Raven?) but Murphy is embracing his inner McCreary which means CHAOS!!! STONES!!! STUFF ON FIRE!!! PANTIES DROPPING!!!
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Okay so we randomly have the cat again. Not sure why but let’s run with it.
And GREAT. When the shit hits the fan and Echo has a plan, who should turn up but Bunker Jesus to be a right fucking party pooper as ever. Echo gives him the brush off and he delivers a micro-lecture titled HERE’S WHAT YOU MISSED WHILE I WAS EATING SALAD WITH DIYOZA INSTEAD OF GIVING YOU VITAL INFORMATION THAT I’M NOW GOING TO BLAME YOU FOR NOT ACTING ON.
You’re on thin ice, bud. I hope Echo and Zeke flip each other off while you’re talking, forever
Anway, Kane has a different plan and precisely nobody gives a shit, except Murphy who decides to sacrifice himself again.  Awe, it’s so cute!  It’s like Murphy, who hated himself and everyone else has dug deep and found himself in possession of some fucks he didn’t know he had!  And it’s all because of Abby!!!
*record scratch*
Wait what??????
It’s because of Abby?  He has to stay because of Abby??!?!
Abby, who has hasn’t seen for 6 years and hasn’t yet mentioned once, 9 episodes into the season and I think maybe mentioned twice last season, one of which was because she was precisely one Clarke away from microwaving his girlfriend.
AND YES I KNOW they once bonded over that one incident when he stole medicine in s4 but what’s that suspended from the ceiling? Oh right, my belief. That’s fine.
Will Murphy’s powers of sardonic disinterest be the thing that finally pushes Abby to quit the sauce, where Raven’s rage and Kane’s support/frustration failed? I ask only because everyone seems to have witnessed Abby’s addiction at this stage except Clarke (and Octavia who didn’t notice for reasons that I’m sure have nothing to do with narcissism) and that seems like…..a thing that is happening.
Meanwhile McCreary is channelling Braveheart but without giving a fuck about anything much and especially not Scotland, unless post-apocalypse Scotland is still a good place to just fuck shit up and glass people for the sheer hell of it. But ha ha! Joke’s on him because his baby mama Diyoza has a Glasgow kiss with his name on it, and a classically Diyoza way of breaking some beautiful news.  
They seem nice.
Sidebar, my problematic McCreary crush is reaching epic proportions and will need to start paying its way in my house very soon because SHIT.
Next week: Bellamy and Indra find friendship against the odds and Indra definitely doesn’t die. They open a coffee shop. It’s called We Are Grounders.
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sonofthecarver · 4 years
doin this trend for most of the main pcp deities i work with so heres my patron, The Carver
General Questions:
1. What is the name of the entity and what is their canon universe? 
The Carver, The King of The Infernous, Emperor Hash'bor'kanibal
The Arkn Mythos 
2. What drew you to this entity? What drew you to their world?
I was introduced to the Arknverse through my partner and I felt a strong pull to him. 
The series is one of my favourites, and, although it took me a while, I eventually csme to him and asked if I could worship him. 
3. Did you choose them or did they tap you? How?
A bit of both, as I felt a pull to worship him, and I wanted to myself either way. 
4. How do you typically communicate? 
I communicate with him through his designated oracle deck, or through what he likes to call "vibes". 
He radiates a very distinct energy for me, so I can feel his emotions and opinions on my choices. 
5. What role does this entity play in their universe?
Ooh, he plays the role of a chaotic grim reaper, in my opinion. 
He has no true side, he works for himself and his own amusement. 
6. What kind of relationship do you have with this entity?
He is my patron deity, and he has lovingly dubbed me his son.
7. What aspects does this entity reside over?
He is the Dekn Lord of Pain, Torment, Suffering, Torture, Cheese, and sometimes Lettuce, The King of the Infernous, the Arkn Lord of Power and Truths, and The Joy of Fear
8. What kinds of offerings do you/would you give this entity?
He's not picky, but he likes cheese, tobacco, booze (specifically whiskey or vodka), spicy foods, weed, knives, and bones.
Non physical offerings include smoking or drinking in his honor, inflicting pain, and drawing blood.
9. What kinds of animals, stones, elements, plants, etc do you associate with this entity? Why?
His symbols are knives, sickles, devil motifs, skulls, cigarettes, blood, crowns, his devil mask, cleavers, guns, and the Dekn Symbol. 
His sacred animals are predators, and his element is fire. 
He likes any darkly colored stones, especially red calcite and bloodstone.
10. Are there any songs, books, or quotes you associate with this entity? Why?
He enjoys Ghost and a lot of more folksy type of songs like "The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie" and "In Hell I'll Be In Good Company".
11. How and when did you first encounter them as an entity? 
I don't exactly remember, but I'd have to say the first time I properly felt his presence in my room was when I was sick, and he was floating above my bed where I was whining to my boyfriend.
He was teasing me about not being able to handle sickness, but he seemed genuinely concerned about me.
12. How are they particularly involved in your life? Do they teach you anything specific? If so, what?
He's decided he's my father, so he's pretty involved, he hangs around me a lot. 
Not really anything specific, more just tellinge when I fuck up or little bits of life advice. 
13. Do they have any identifying symbols in canon or otherwise?
His sickle, his crown, and his mask are the three I can think of. 
14. Do they have alternate versions, verses, or canons? Do you communicate with all or some of them?
I'm sure there are, but I don't speak to them. 
Compare & Contrast:
15. Choose an aleady-existing deity from our world that has similar traits to this entity. How are they similar, and how are they different?
My immediate comparsion is Ares. 
They're both associated with violence, and have shown affection for certain mortals that are good at just that. 
The difference is that Carver is much more interested in the one on one intimacy of inflicting pain on one with your own hands, while Ares is a war god, which id the broader type of violence. 
16. Choose 6 tropes this entity may or does fall under. Explain if you agree or disagree, and why. 
Alas, Poor Villain - Absolutely. He's put through some shit that a regular viewer of the series has trouble watching. I know he's considered a villain, yet every time he gets hurt it hurts me. 
The Chessmaster - He succeeded in an eons long plan to trick a literal god, and he always seems to have every piece in his corner in the games he plays. 
Fallen Angel - Within certain Arkn stories, he is considered a once-great Arkn who was corrupted and defected to the Dekn side. 
Laughably Evil - He's absolutely fucking hilarious. 
Body Horror - I've only seen his true form a few times but holy FUCK is it terrifying. 
Heroic Sacrifice - I'm going to say it now, him letting his body be destroyed to create the new universe wasn't done in heroics. 
17. What academic studies or professions do you associate with this entity, and would you study any of them yourself? Why or why not?
Anything with death, history, or psychology.
I would, but he's a been pushing me to persue something I would genuinely enjoy, lile tattooing or computer programming. 
18. What is something surprising you have learned about this entity when working with them? Why was it surprising?
He's honestly so nice if you're nice to him, which was a little surprising because he's very much not a nice guy.
He's extremely protective of his worshippers/children: I had an issue with Ellpagg (an arkn entity) coming after me for a good while, and Ellpagg finally backed off after Carver beat him into the ground and said he'd chuck him in the Infernous again if he ever tried to lay a finger on me. 
(I was in the middle of a math class while watching that happen lmao) 
19. Is there a common misconception about this entity? What parts are true, and what parts are wrong?
That he's evil and only ever seeks to harm people. 
Evil? Yeah basically I can't argue that away he's done some pretty henious shit. 
But if you respect him and his power he won't bother you.
If you taunt him or disrespect him it will not end well for you.
Especially if you try to hurt him. 
Gods help you if you're one of the people stupid enough to try and hex or curse him.
20. Has some aspect of your life, energy, emotion, or other changed since meeting the entity? What would it be like if you hadn’t?
I've gotten better at standing up to people and defending my loved ones (at the downside of my anger issues getting worse). 
I've accepted my anger and rage much better now, and my energy has become more offensive because of his influence. 
People tend to think that his protection his a negative or bad thing when they first sense something touched by him. 
Self & Shadow
21. What are things this deity is capable of helping you with, personally? How?
He helps accept anger, rage, and violent urges as a natural thing not to be ashamed of. 
He'll teach you how to stand up for yourself properly, and when to not take any shit from stupid people.
22. Has this entity ever refused something to you? If so, what and why?
I mean, he probably has but fuck me if I remember what. 
23. What do you want to learn from this entity? Why?
Everything he has to teach me. 
He doesn't exactly sit me down like it's a fucking school lesson, its a more in the moment teaching style. 
24. Is there an end-goal with this entity, or do you plan on continuing a relationship with them?
He's my patron, he's stuck with me until I die. 
25. Have you ever disagreed with this entity? Why or why not?
Oh, all the time. 
Usually he's right, and if I don't agree with him he just let's me do it my way and then when i fuck it up he smacks the back of my head and says "see, dumbass, i told you so."
26. What does working with this entity reveal about you?
That I'm a raging bitch and if you fuck with me or my loved ones I'm not afraid to fuck up your whole life? 
27. What do you think you should cultivate about yourself to better work with this entity? Why?
Should probably stop being so stubborn but that's not gonna happen, he likes the banter. 
Also need to work on my godphone smh. 
28. Do you have any fears or anxieties about working with this entity? Why?
Nope. Not a single one. I'm not afraid of him and he's made it clear I have no reason to feae anything that could come after me because of him. 
29. What about this entity’s canon has impacted you the most? Why?
Just, the philosophy of it all. 
30. What UPG/Headcanon do you have about this entity? Why?
This man likes FNAF songs. 
I am dead fucking serious. 
31. Choose 3 major differences between their world and this one. Do these differences affect how you interact? 
Too tired to do this fully but no, it doesnt affect how we interact. 
He understands me and why I do the shit I do and I understand him and why he does the shit he does. 
(stolen from @highpriestness )
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Wow... this album... here’s my initial thoughts!
I Forgot That You Existed
CHILLS?!? I really like the beat and the melody... reminds me of a bop from like the 90s.. HOLY FUCK THAT LAUGH OMG... OMG “...so yeah”
Cruel Summer
Okay like... let’s makeout in the car at the beach on a warm summer night?!?! “HE LOOKS UP GRINNING LIKE A DEVIL” GIRL FUCKEN ROAR HOLY THIS IS FIRE
Just... happy sobbing because I’m in love... 🥰
The Man
BITCHES AND MODELS... IM FUCK... I love this a lot a lot a lot. The message is so true for all women working to please a mans world... 80s synth kind of Madonna-esque?!
The Archer
Fucken FEELS. Just really hits my anxiety holy shit
I Think He Knows
Okay okay okay.. I was wrong.. this song is the makeout, get it fucking on song... THAT HIGH FALSETTO HOLY I’m so 🤩🤩🤩 I LOVE THIS HAND ON MY THIGH GURRRRLLLL
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
1. The beat... DAMN
2. The drums????
3. The whole school metaphor... I love it
4. She’s a bad, bad girl...
Paper Rings
IN DIRTY DREAMS IM... EXCUSE MA’AM. “And I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this” I’m... this whole song is how I feel about my girlfriend. I’m crying... kind of has a 60s vibe to it! Getting major grease vibes!!!
Cornelia Street
Wow... if she ever lost Joe she’d lit never go down that street again... because all her memories there are with him... I’m SOBBING?!? This is exactly how I feel about 1322 (the first place my gf and I have lived in together) it’s all about our beginning.. wow I’m really unwell this would be so haunting on solely piano
Death By a Thousand Cuts
Taylor is doing a lot of drinking... I’m so here for it.. “I can’t pretend it’s okay when it’s not” 😩 god this sounds like a broadway musical number like getting VERY HEAVY RENT/HAMILTON vibes? Idk... just hear me out... also like 90s dido vibes?? Honestly I’m all over the place but I really really really high key love this song
London Boy
I’m instantly back in 2010 when I lived in London holy shit... “but god I love the English” Taylor we been knew you a hoe for accents 😹 wow I really really love this Jesus how do I pick a favorite... AND FRICKITY FRACK SHE IN DEEP WITH JOE IM SO TREAT EACH OTHER WELL HUNNIES PLEASE IM FRAGILE omg “up bond street” MY OLD FLAT IS OFF OF BOND STREET 😭😭😭
Soon You’ll Get Better
I love Taylor and Andrea and Scott and Austin so much. So so so much. Beautiful lyrics. Love how raw it is. Production is perfect. Dixie chicks add perfect background vocals.
False God
UUUH THAT SAX... DAMN THAT R&B... fuck this is smooth.. I’m okay taylor this is about sex 🤔💁🏼‍♀️ Lots of hips on this album 😛 🙈🙉🙊
You Need to Calm Down
Omg another SLOW JAM... I’m here for it god. It’s like butter. Also this message is amazing - I feel like this is the foundation in communication everyone needs... also this is 100% me in my relationship “I lived like an island/punished you with silence”
A self love bop. We cry!
It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Okay this is a real jom of a weird funky folksy song... from friends to lovers to married I’m emotional... kind of attached to this song
This is fucking gorgeous... the production is perfect. Taylors vocals and falsetto are like honey I love it so much
THIS ALBUM IS FUCKEN VOWS. THEY ARE MARRIED. IM. SO... just kidding. But it’s clear tay that you really cherish joe. Y’all have my blessing. Take care of each other!
This album is everything I’ve ever wanted. Taylor is secure in who she is and the love she has and I’m really emotional and idk... I fucking love this album so much... YOU ARE WHAT YOU LOVE.
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