#honestly theres proly no point in reading this i am making no points and verging on incoherence
arsenicflame · 1 year
ok because i am SIMPLY INSUFFERABLE here i go rambling about boning channels on the corset
this is going to be a QUICK and EASY project so i am hoping to work with supplies i have on hand. i also want this to be durable, so i dont wanna fuck around with any delicate fabrics (relevant later)
theres basically two routes i can do with the boning channels- a flat felled seam or adding a casing. im planning on working my boning channels from the outside of the corset, so anything i do will be visible (though not really as this is a foundation garment, not a fashion layer)
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flat felled seams are super common, its the seam up the center of your jeans- the nicest thing about this methos for me is that it requires no additional fabric, its just worked with your seam allowance (though that also means i need to remember to add enough seam allowance) its simple, it looks neat, and i could do contrast top stitching to add a little detail if im feeling fancy.
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casings would be made up of an extra strip of fabric sewn over the seam to create the channel. its a great way to quickly make a design by using a contrast colour but im not sure thats on the cards here- it needs to be a strong fabric, which would rules bias binding or my fashion fabric out, and i have a whole roll of black twill tape anyway. like with the felled i could do contrast stitching for a show though. this is the exact opposite of the felled, i would need additional fabric, but i wouldn't need to remember to add appropriate seam allowance (which is great when working with expensive fabrics like coutil). in my head i feel like this method would require more thinking in getting it lined up but it shouldn't be particularly hard. i did this method before on a corset i wear all the time and its held up great so i know itd work. my twill tape is 25mm wide so itd be perfect to double bone if i go that way
the difference between these two methods is most aesthetic, they should both hold the boning just fine, they both could be single or double boned, and i dont think theres gonna be a huge time difference between them. honestly they have a preeeeetty similar look too so like??? idk. i think it probably will come down to what i can be bothered with. the casing sounds easier in theory, but also ive done so many felled seams they should be pretty mindless to do. hm
oh alSO im not sure what im doing about binding... i dont wanna use my precious precious coutil for binding.. but i dont have black on hand i dont think? i dont think the twill tape will really work, it really needs to have all the give it can for this. so i think my options are see if i have some OTHER black fabric i can make bias binding out of... or suck it up and buy a reel of premade- i expect ill use it, everything i own is black sooo
(now that bit could totally be contrast if i wanted it to be to be fair- the only reason not to is that whole reels are way cheaper than little packs, but i wouldn't use a whole reel of anything other than black???? or would i i mean. i might need green binding for the rest of loki... hm)
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