#the rest is just me humming and waving my hands and going yknow?
arsenicflame · 1 year
ok because i am SIMPLY INSUFFERABLE here i go rambling about boning channels on the corset
this is going to be a QUICK and EASY project so i am hoping to work with supplies i have on hand. i also want this to be durable, so i dont wanna fuck around with any delicate fabrics (relevant later)
theres basically two routes i can do with the boning channels- a flat felled seam or adding a casing. im planning on working my boning channels from the outside of the corset, so anything i do will be visible (though not really as this is a foundation garment, not a fashion layer)
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flat felled seams are super common, its the seam up the center of your jeans- the nicest thing about this methos for me is that it requires no additional fabric, its just worked with your seam allowance (though that also means i need to remember to add enough seam allowance) its simple, it looks neat, and i could do contrast top stitching to add a little detail if im feeling fancy.
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casings would be made up of an extra strip of fabric sewn over the seam to create the channel. its a great way to quickly make a design by using a contrast colour but im not sure thats on the cards here- it needs to be a strong fabric, which would rules bias binding or my fashion fabric out, and i have a whole roll of black twill tape anyway. like with the felled i could do contrast stitching for a show though. this is the exact opposite of the felled, i would need additional fabric, but i wouldn't need to remember to add appropriate seam allowance (which is great when working with expensive fabrics like coutil). in my head i feel like this method would require more thinking in getting it lined up but it shouldn't be particularly hard. i did this method before on a corset i wear all the time and its held up great so i know itd work. my twill tape is 25mm wide so itd be perfect to double bone if i go that way
the difference between these two methods is most aesthetic, they should both hold the boning just fine, they both could be single or double boned, and i dont think theres gonna be a huge time difference between them. honestly they have a preeeeetty similar look too so like??? idk. i think it probably will come down to what i can be bothered with. the casing sounds easier in theory, but also ive done so many felled seams they should be pretty mindless to do. hm
oh alSO im not sure what im doing about binding... i dont wanna use my precious precious coutil for binding.. but i dont have black on hand i dont think? i dont think the twill tape will really work, it really needs to have all the give it can for this. so i think my options are see if i have some OTHER black fabric i can make bias binding out of... or suck it up and buy a reel of premade- i expect ill use it, everything i own is black sooo
(now that bit could totally be contrast if i wanted it to be to be fair- the only reason not to is that whole reels are way cheaper than little packs, but i wouldn't use a whole reel of anything other than black???? or would i i mean. i might need green binding for the rest of loki... hm)
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totallyradicalmucky · 3 months
Wheatley almost burns the house down: a shortfic
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I played portal 1 & 2 recently after being pestered by a friend. cool games that I recommend actually. Made a fic at like 3am after these funny guys stayed in my head after I beat the second game in its entirety.
[Wheatley, antsy as always leaped at the sight of Chell walking into their shared apartment..or more accurately- Chell’s apartment that he lived in ..after Aperture. His optic rotated, just bursting at the seems to tell her something new.]
“OH- It’s you! So gu- no. I’ve been doing some research on *human dating* ..and-! It’s spectacular, so fun. And- You’ll never guess what I’ve got planned! It’s a suprise! C’mon, c’mon guess! ask me! ask me! ask m-
[this goes on more a while]
[Chell smiles a little, opening her mouth to respond]
“I’M GOING TO MAKE A DINNER! That’s it! But you won’t know what I’m making! Haha! It could be ANYTHING! Anything- bloody delicious that is! Mmhmm- Got you where I want you. Got you- there. Hehe. Um. So you….hmmm..Sit there while I do all~ the work!”
[Chell’s face drops in horror as she watches the Android rush off to the kitchen]
[She scrambled about for a moment, already hearing the clanking of pots and pans. The woman grabbed a fire extinguisher from underneath the bathroom sink, turning around to already see smoke coming from the kitchen.]
[Chell makes a dash to Wheatley, who was cooking something unidentifiable in a pot as the food was covered in smoke by now. She points the fire extinguisher at the pot quickly, only hesitating when she hears the android]
“Wait wait- wait! Hey! But you- you can’t be in here! Th-this’ll ruin the surprise! What are you even doing with the uhh..“
[The pot catches fire, causing the smoke detector to go off. The Android yelps in response to the noise, optic shrinking to a small size at the mess he’d made, only to be completely covered up by fire extinguisher foam.]
[The fire alarm beeping stops after a few minutes, Chell waving the smoke away and taking the pot off the stove. All the while Wheatley is given a towel to wipe the foam from his optic. Looking embarrassed from his now stained shirt..despite his lack of facial features.]
“Y’know you uh..you know you really uh..didn’t have to do that because uhh. I had it under control and, well it was all part of the suprise I had for you! Yup, all part of my master..my master-surprise plan. Yup. Bloody genius I am…Um, what are..what’re y’ doing?”
[The Android’s head tilts, getting sidetracked from his own rambling as he watched Chell rifle through the cabinets of their kitchen. He walks a bit closer, ever the nosy core]
“Soo..gonna let me in on what you’re doing there? Lookin for something? Maybe? Possibly? What would this…mm -what’re you looking for? C’mon….let your ol’ pal Wheatley look! Can I see? Can I? Can I-Can I Caaaan i? C’mon! Lemme see!”
*The bot gets even closer, resting his “head” atop the woman as he drums his hands on her back to try and get her attention while she’s kneeled, looking in the cabinet. Squinting in, to try and see where she’s looking, to no avail. He hums, a bit pouty.]
[Chell exhaled a laugh, smiling even more as she triumphantly held up a cool book in the air. Already feeling Wheatley’s attention leaving her to stand up and grab the cook book, the woman chortles as she stands up to watch him.]
[The bot, a bit dumbfounded by the obvious answer to his mistake. Puts a hand on his hip. Turning around, choosing not to face Chell as she smiles at him so smartly..he still holds the cook book in the air. Waving it with each punctuation in his speech.]
“Ah. Now this- this would’ve been very..ah. Very useful. Yknow, should’ve-uh, could’ve thought of that myself. But uh..y’know -clever girl thinking of that so fast. Clever girl…smart too!…I ever say that? Very smart. S. M. A. R. T.”
[He flips through the pages in the cook book rather quickly, glancing at Chell. Then back at the book, squinting at it.]
“So. Uh, do you have any..preferences?”
[Chell snorted. Making the android deflate a little, so she walked over to him, pointing out few favorites before honing in on a somewhat decent one to make (together..of course). Already being able to tell that Wheatley was completely lost on the instructions. She smiled, very much so ready for the long night ahead of them both...and her dinner.]
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wooahaes · 2 years
punch drunk love
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pairing: non-idol!hoshi x gn!reader
prompt: this post my slightly-drunk ass wrote yesterday while drinking.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: alcohol + food warnings. reader gets drunk and confesses they wanna kiss soonyoung. skinship (a hug + little kisses onto his hand + later cuddling). hoshi gets called tiger playfully and also teased for it. not proofread at all.
daisy’s notes: oh to have a cute man to get giggly drunk with and then get taken care of. also if miso soup is not good for u, i blame my quick research that i spent barely five minutes doing. the title is from a shinee song that you can listen to riiiiiiiight here hehe its basically about falling HARD for someone like... get punched by tht feeling, yknow? literally from one of my fave shinee albums/repackages tbh <3
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Soonyoung was the kind of person who was different when he drank. His friends always would say that he, the same person who was much more extroverted around the people he trusted most, would become at least ten times louder than usual when he had enough alcohol in his system. A little less self-control (enough to keep him from blurting certain things out, though--or maybe that was because his friends had his back, especially Jihoon and Wonwoo), but a lot more fun. Sometimes it got him teased, like when he came home drunk and Jihoon took one-too-many videos of Soonyoung shuffling around the apartment every single time without fail. There was at least one video of him cradling a bag of frozen shrimp to his face, liking how cold it felt until Jihoon finally pulled it away from him with a “see what I put up with?” that was nowhere near as sharp it seemed. At least, it wasn’t for anyone who knew the friendship the two had. Sometimes it also resulted in him trying to press kisses into his friends’ faces, typically ending up rejected (or, in the cases of some of his friends, pushed toward pressing kisses on the back of their hands). He was a very happy drunk, and he knew that. It made him a bit of a handful.
Which is why he felt like he was getting a taste of his own medicine while he was with his friends at Seungcheol’s apartment, not drinking but just having a good time nonetheless. In fact, they’d just been talking about maybe busting out the drinks when he got your call. It was late enough, no one who had work in the morning had to join, things would be fine. But the moment your name popped up on the screen and Seungkwan had caught sight of it, he hushed the entire room and told him to pick up right now.
So he did, turning it onto speaker without thinking when you let out a long, giggly “Soonyoooooung!”
“Hi?” He said. You were... never this giggly.
“Hi!” You said, already cracking up over nothing. “I missed you!”
Soonyoung rose up from his spot on the couch, starting to walk away before the rest of the group could start dogging him over that. He waved them off--no, you had no reason to miss him because you’d just seen him the other day and talked to him that morning. “Are you okay?” He didn’t go too far, the group still attentively listening.
A very long hum sounded out as you mulled over the question, making a show of it. “Yes! Because I’m talking to you.”
Were you... slurring your words? “Are you drunk?”
“No! No! I’m not drunk!”
You were definitely drunk. “Are you at home?”
“Maaaaybe.” You giggled again. “You gonna come get me, tiger?”
Soonyoung immediately took you off speaker when he heard someone--Vernon, maybe--crack up at the way you said that. “Are you home alone? I thought you were going to spend the night with your friends--”
“We did. Online. We played games and had drinks.” You giggled. “Soonie, you should join us next time.” And then you gasped. “Oh my god. We should have game night with your friends!”
Soonyoung took one look at his group of friends and knew that it was a bad idea. “Just stay home, I’m coming over. Do you have water? You need to drink water.”
“I’m fiiiine,” you started giggling again. “You don’t have to come. I’m an adult. I can take care of myself just fine--” And then he heard a soft, “ah, fuck,” as you bumped into something. “I’m fine! I just ran into my chair--”
“Just... sit down until I get there,” he sighed. “Okay? I’ll be there soon.”
“Okie dokiiiie,” you giggled. “My cuuute tiger best friend...”
He hung up before he could hear you say anything else, heat rushing straight to his face. He didn’t know you considered him a best friend--you were definitely more than just a ‘regular’ friend in his opinion, sure, but at least part of that was because he harbored a crush on you. He’d always hold you in high regard. He returned back to his friends, already knowing that they heard half of that conversation.
“I’m gonna go,” he nodded toward the door. “Before they break something.”
“Go get ‘em, tiger!” Joshua called out when he was halfway to the door, loud enough to be heard over the rest of the group wishing him farewell.
The sound of everyone else calling him tiger was the last thing he heard after he had slipped into his shoes and made his way outside to catch a taxi. He was never living that one down. Within the next half hour, Soonyoung had made his way up to your apartment and let himself in--not wanting you to move and potentially bump or fall over something while clearly inebriated. When he walked in, you were curled up on the couch, watching a YouTube video--cats, he thought, but he couldn’t tell without leaning in further. No water bottle nearby, no food--just several empty bottles of alcohol that looked to have been untouched for a while.
“Is this all you had to drink?” He said, counting them off. Definitely enough for you to be this drunk. When you said nothing, he turned  back to see you just... smiling at him.
“Hi, tiger,” you giggled, reaching out for him. “Can I pleaaase have a hug?”
Soonyoung obliged, stepping over and wrapping his arms around you. He used the opportunity to pull you forward until you were sitting up completely, waving a hand in front of your face. The slight delay in your reaction made you bust out into another fit of giggles, hand reaching up to take his own.
“Were you busy?” You asked, suddenly pouting. “I’m sorry.”
“I wasn’t,” he said, taking your face into his hands. “No more drinks tonight.”
“But I’m already out.”
Of course you were. “Did you have a good time?”
You gasped, eyes lighting up as you nodded eagerly despite the way he was cupping your face. “It was really, really fun! We should play with your friends, Soonie!” You giggled, “I know there’s a lot of them so you’d have to take turns, but--but it’d be really fun! Please? I wanna drink with you and your friends and have a really really fun time. We could do karaoke, or...”
“Have you had any water?”
You shook your head. “You told me to sit here until you got here.”
Even though you were drunk, you had a point. “Did you eat?”
You nodded. “I ate dinner first! I’m responsible.”
Cute. He gently pat your head. “I’ll see what I can do, okay?”
Soonyoung wasn’t the best cook, but he could always call one of his friends. He’d made ramen before. He could do it again, and maybe not mess it up by missing an ingredient. He guided you to the bathroom after you loudly voiced your need to go, just to make sure you didn’t bump into anything on the way (you weren’t “newborn deer” bad, but Soonyoung wasn’t taking any chances) before retreating to your kitchen. Was ramen fine for you? But ramen had a lot of calories and sodium...
He called Mingyu. Mingyu had already been drinking, but not enough to be out of it. Miso soup. Something about the water in it and protein and being a light enough food--Soonyoung didn’t listen to the full spiel as he started looking up places that could deliver. He could get water into you in the meantime and maybe get something for dinner since he missed out on chicken with his friends.
Was this retribution for all the times he got drunk and needed his friends to take care of him--which, on a few occasions, included you? Jihoon would probably cackle if he came home and swore off drinking if it meant people had to put up with him when he was like this. You were his friend (slash-crush), sure, and he was more than happy to take care of you during your rare night of drinking... but was he ever worse than this? Barely able to walk and needing attention? He found a place that delivered and put it in as fast as he could, going back to find a glass to get you water.
You came back in, waving him off when he came to make sure you weren’t about to trip over yourself on the way to your dinner table. He sat down across from you, an eye on his phone for any updates on the food.
“Soooonie,” you cooed at him, playing with his fingers. He’d left one hand, palm-up, on the table for you to do so. “You’re so nice to me.”
He just smiled at you. “Of course I am. You’re my friend.”
“Yeah,” you said, “but you’re so good. And cute. Did you know you’re cute? You’re really cute,” you said, already giggling again. You were playing with the bracelet around his wrist now. “You’re sooo cute.”
“I ordered food, by the way.”
You gasped as if that was the best thing you’ve heard all day. “And you’re so nice!” You said, “I knew calling you was a good idea.”
He smiled. “Why did you call me?”
“My friends told me to call my boyfriend to come take care of me,” you said. “I told them I don’t have a boyfriend. I have a boy friend.” You said. “Like. Like two words. You’re my boy friend.”
He was going to die. You were going to be the death of him, weren’t you? “I’m your friend, yeah.”
“And they said “no, no, your boyfriend,” and I said “who?” and they were like... that guy. The one you always talk about. And I was like “oh my god! Soonie!” and so I called you.”
The heat traveled to his face again. “You talk about me?”
“Yuh.” You smiled, taking his free hand in your own. “I like talking about my super cute favorite tiger. You’re so cuuute and nice...” You pressed a little kiss against the back of his hand. “I love you so much.”
“I know,” he said.
“No! No! Not like that!” You whined, now pouting at him. “I don’t love you like that.”
“I know, we’re friends--”
“I wanna kiss youuuu,” you giggled again. “Soonie. Do you wanna kiss me?”
He stared at you. “What?”
“I said,” you leaned in, speaking to him in a stage whisper, “do you wanna kiss me, too? I can keep a secret.”
How drunk were you? Soonyoung reached for the glass of water, gently pushing it into your hands. “Can you drink this for me?”
“Will you answer my question?”
“Yes,” he lied outright. He watched you take a long sip of water, making a complete show of it before carefully setting down the glass. Drunk you was so... giggly and exaggerated compared to sober you. “Let me get you some more--”
You gasped loudly. “You lied to me!”
“I’m getting you more water--”
“Soonyoung,” you whined. “It’s okay if you don’t wanna kiss me... I get it... I’m not your type...”
He sighed, saying your name. “That’s not what I--”
“I know I’m not as cute as a tiger...” You pouted at him. “Is it because I’m not a tiger?”
Oh my god. You were ridiculous. Soonyoung was swearing off alcohol for the next month at the very least. He didn’t need to blab all of this to whoever was closest to him. Someone knocked on the door and Soonyoung gently took your face into his hands.
“I wanna kiss you, but not like this,” he told you, “okay?”
That put the stars back in your eyes. He quickly left you to go answer the door, accepting the food and paying for it--adding a generous tip for the fast service. He could take the slight hit to his bank account. He’d be fine as long as he came back to you. He refilled your water before dolling out the food, breaking apart the set of chopsticks that came with his meal.
He looked up, taking a bite of his own food as he waited for you to respond.
“Can I have some?” You’d been staring at his meal, thankfully having already had some of your soup. “Please? I’ll share if you want.”
Oh, the lengths he went to to make you happy. He offered up a piece of broccoli, watching you happily accept it from his chopsticks. He’d give you other things he knew you’d like before telling you to finish your soup first before he gave you anymore. Soon enough, he’d watched you finish off your little bowl and down the water for the second time that night.
“Do you feel better?” He asked you. You nodded, already looking like you’d fall asleep anytime soon.
“I don’t want you to leave,” you said quietly. “I like having you here.”
“I won’t,” he said. “Come on,” he gently pulled you up. “Let’s go to bed, okay?”
You walked on your own, already sobering up little by little considering you were fully aware of needing to brush your teeth. Soonyoung went ahead and cleared off the glass bottles from your coffee table, clearing away the trash from the takeout, before he walked you back to bed. Thankfully you were dressed cozily for your night with friends. You took his hand, gently tugging him over to your bed. He watched you slide over, making room for him.
“Please?” You said. “I wanna cuddle...”
He sighed, obliging as he pulled off his hat and left his belongings on your dresser. Soonyoung slid into bed, letting you snuggle up close to him. Shit. He was going to slip away after you dozed off, but you decided to lay your head on his chest and wrap an arm around him. If he wanted to, he could have pulled away and told you to be mindful of his own space--but... He liked having you close. Jihoon could testify to the way Soonyoung would drape an arm around your shoulders, or let you use his shoulder as a pillow, or the way the two of you cuddled whenever you had movie nights together--the two of you were close. He liked being close to you.
He texted Jihoon that he wouldn’t be home tonight. When Jihoon sent back a single “?” in response, he snapped a picture of where you were asleep with an arm draped across his chest. He joked that he was being held captive. Jihoon pointed out that he could see his smile, you liar--he was happy right where he was.
His last message made his heart sink into his chest: tell them tomorrow.
He would. Soonyoung felt a little weird using your drunk confession as an excuse to confess his own feelings, but... It was hopefully something you said and meant. He wanted to kiss you, too, and more. He wanted to take you on cute dates to restaurants and parks and anywhere you wanted to go. As long as he was with you, Soonyoung would be happy. And laying there, having taken care of you the same way you cared for him when he was sick or drunk, he felt like things were right. Like he belonged right there with you.
He just hoped you felt the same.
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5csbin · 3 years
make-out sesh!
taehyun x reader genre: fluff & suggestive warning: hickeys & making out ofc and a bit of grinding
it was so addicting to make out with taehyun, his pretty pink lips always left you in a daze.
it was six months into being taehyuns girlfriend and it was also the first time y’all had ever made out. after it you two just kept on making out everywhere.
his pretty lips on yours and his hands on your waist made you feel butterfly’s in your stomach all over again.
this week was one of the most hectic weeks. exams were going on all week you weren’t able to see much of taehyun.
so once school ended on friday you both decided to chill in your house and watch whatever series came up on netflix.
you two both walk in to the nearest corner store to your house and get whatever snacks you both wanted payed and went on a walk back to your home.
“taehyun!” you giggled as he just got done telling you a bad joke as you walked into your house.
slipping your sneakers off your feet and slipping on your slippers, taehyun following too with some slippers he had already in your house.
“im back!” you yelled making your way through the house. “don’t be so loud.” taehyun hissed from behind you
“no ones home anyways.” you rolled your eyes. “that’s a shame i really like ms.(l/n).”
you turn around and glare at him while he he has a grin on his face. “fine..” you turn around and walk to your bedroom.
“im playing (y/n).” he ran over to you and you both walked into your room, him closing the door behind him. “sure whatever taehyun.”
he dropped his backpack to the ground and made his way to your bed that could almost fit both of you. “ever thought of upgrading into a new bed?” he said jumping in his seat.
“i told you i was getting a new bed next month already.” you said sitting down next to him.
“the remote is right there,” you pointed to your bed stand where many decorations and where the remote was.
taehyun got the remote and turned it on quickly going to netflix. you on the other hand got your knee socks out of your feet since they were killing you from always having them on.
“let’s get comfortable.” he said while making some space so you could lay down next to him. you crawled you way down next to him before laying.
“what do you want to watch?” he asks while roaming around different shows. “i don’t know.. let’s watch something funny.”
he scrolled around for a bit before deciding to watch another episode of the office.
the first three episodes the two of you wouldn’t stop laughing and giggling about how funny it was but soon you got really bored with the show.
you yawn resting on his shoulder. “is it me or is it getting boring?” you said almost in a sleepyish voice.
“noooo! we were getting to the best part!” he whined looking back at you with big puppy eyes pleading you to not fall asleep.
“i don’t care i’m gonna go to sleep.” you shut your eyes waiting for some sleepiness to hit. “cmon!” he groaned shaking your shoulder.
“stop! im trying to sleep.” you mumbled. “then dont!” you didn’t listen and continued to want to sleep.
“if i kiss you will you not sleep?” he whispered in your ear, knowing it would send you chills. your eyes opening back up to see a smirking taehyun in front of you.
“maybe..” you said trying to hide a smile forming on your lips. “uh huh.” you lifted your face from his shoulder, closed your eyes waiting for his lips to connect to yours.
“wait!” you opened your eyes and saw him getting up from the bed making you follow. “what? why’re you standing?” you asked.
“i want to try something.” he said, pulling on your arm and making you get against the wall. your cheeks immediately going red and heart racing.
“are you planning on having sex with-“ “no!” he assured you. “i just want to try yknow making out you while standing.” you hummed, “what made you want to try this?” his ears went red.
“yeonjun hyung told me girls like it when they’re against a wall.” you couldn’t help but laugh at him. “i don’t think he meant making out babe.” you giggled.
“oh.. then never mind.” he was about to walk to the bed when you pulled on his arm making him come closer to you.
“now you left me curious! let’s try it!” you whined. “okay.”
you closed your eyes once again and waited for him lips to connect to yours. and once they did he pushed you further into the wall. one of his hands went to your cheek while the other wrapped with one of your hands.
even if you couldn’t see you knew he was enjoying this. a sigh escape from your lips when one of his legs were in between your legs.
his lips going down to your jaw giving you light kisses till it made its way down your neck to your collarbone.
you moaned out once he started to suck on your collarbone. “it feels so..” you whined. “good?” you nodded frantically. moving your hips a bit on his knee causing friction to to your thighs.
“yes! oh my god..” you melted under him. his lips disconnected from your collar and looked back at you. your face was flushed and it looked like he actually took your breath away.
“let’s stop..” he said moving back to the bed where he was previously laying. “what?” you looked at him confused. “just like that?”
his face went blank as he stared back at your tv. “you won’t fall asleep now right?”
he smirked not even looking back at you.
“b-but you just left me a hickey- i thought you wanted to-“ you came back to your senses and groaned knowing he only did it so you want fall asleep in his favorite part of the show.
“oh okay..” you walked over to your bed and instead of laying next to him you got on top of him.
he froze and shot up, his back hitting the bed frame. “what are you doing?” you shrugged and had a small smile on your lips.
“just shh and enjoy.” he rolled his eyes before relaxing and closing his eyes knowing you’ll probably just want to kiss him again.
you pushed your lips towards him locking lips. his lips tasted like cherry chapstick, there was no way you couldn’t have want more.
you licked his lips before gently biting down on it. a gasp fell from him making you push your tongue inside of his mouth, exploring every bit of his mouth.
pushing your tounge away from his mouth a smirk fell to your face. “you enjoyed that right?” you teased seeing his eyes close and mouth open taking heavy breaths.
but before he could respond you latched your lips to his neck, giving him light kisses sending him chills.
“mmh.” you heard him moan. your lips trailing down to his collarbones where you immediately started to suck on.
your fingers twiddling with the buttons of his uniform plaid shirt having more access to his chest.
“don’t leave too much..” he mumbled. you hummed back continuing to mark him. his hands trailed down to your waist so he could hold onto you better.
your mouth did a popping sound once you were done with one. a big purple bruise on his collar.
moving onto his neck you tried to find his sweet spot and once you found it the grip on your waist tightened.
“fuck don’t stop that.” he groaned making you suck harder on his neck, making sure this specific hickey never faded for a while.
whimpers and gaps fell from his pink lips like if breathing was getting harder from him.
seeing yellow lights pull up to your driveway you knew your parents were home. detaching your lips from his neck you attached them back to his lips.
kissing him with passion as both of your lips moved together. his hands rand up and down your waist as you messingly played with his hair.
hearing footsteps come closer to your door you detached your lips and jumped to the other side like if you were just laying down.
“(y/n) come he- oh taehyun, you’re here?” your mom said after opening the door. “hello ms.(l/n).” taehyun said waving his hand.
your mom looked at the screen then back at you two. “i’ll leave you two alone.” with that the door closed.
almost like you were holding in your breath you sighed. looking at the screen you saw the netflix thing that would always appear.
‘are you still watching?’
looking at taehyun he was already staring at the screen. “do you think she thinks we were doing something else?”
he nodded his head. “most likely.” you groaned and rested your head on his shoulder.
“im going to get the talk for sure when you leave tonight.”
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avenging-fandoms · 3 years
Chris x reader where a video of him crying for his newborn child or because you tell him you're pregnant goes viral
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“please help me welcome, stars of “Dear You, From Me” chris evans and yn yln!” jimmy fallon announced and the audience cheered, you and chris holding hands as you two walk out, waving to the audience then hugging jimmy. 
“hi, hello!” you smiled and you and chris sat on the couch, your legs crossed over one another with chris’s hand on your knee, your hand resting on top of his with your other hand around your waist. 
“welcome you two, we’re so excited to have you both” jimmy smiled and you and chris returned some. 
“excited to be here. yn watches you every night, i know how every game works” jimmy laughs and chris chuckles. “but yes we are very.. very excited to be here” 
“i know, i can.. i can feel the positive and happiness radiating off you both. what’s going on?” you squeezed chris’s bicep and he looked at you, tears in his eyes.
“we’re gonna have a baby” chris said with a smile and the audience cheered, jimmy clapping and the band playing a song. you kissed him softly and wiped away the tear that fell.
“congratulations you guys, i mean, the both of you separately always wanted to be parents, right?” jimmy asked and you both nodded.
“i mean i wanted kids right away cause.. yknow.. look at her.. i mean” chris joked and you shook your head, chris looking at you and whispering he was kidding. he looked back at jimmy and beamed about always wanting to be a dad, and you studied his face.
“and i’m glad yn caught it on video, because that was a moment i wanted to remember forever” you smiled at chris and scrunched your nose softly.
“yn, tell us.. everything! how did you come up with that idea?” jimmy asked and your fingers slid in between chris’s on your lap.
“dodger is chris’s number one baby, so it was only appropriate to incorporate him into the announcement. i had been feeling.. off the week prior and just took it out of ha ha’s” you sighed and looked up with a smile, then back at jimmy. “i was not laughing when i saw the word ‘pregnant.’” everyone laughed and you smiled. “i took like 5 more just to be sure, and every one of them said pregnant. dodger knew i was crying and came over to comfort me, and as i hugged him i realized i should have him help!”
“well, we have the video that went very viral, over 20 million views! let’s take a look” jimmy pointed to the screen and you all watched.
“babe can you call dodge? i don’t know where he is” you walked in front of your phone that you hid. chris sat on the couch and whistled for his dog.
dodger came clanking over with his collar and he jumped up on the couch next to chris. you sat on the other couch, heart racing. “hi buddy, were you.. hide..” chris’s sentence fell short when he saw the bandana dodger wore, as well as the positive pregnancy test tied to his collar. “yn..”
“mhm?” you hum and chris’s chest is puffing up and down, trying not to freak out. you look over to him and his hand is over his mouth as his shaky hand held up the test.
“you’re fucking kidding” he cried, sniffling. dodger licked his cheeks and you laughed.
“you’re gonna be a dad!” you cheer and chris let out a soft cry as he laughed. you got up and sat on his lap, hugging him tightly as you both cried. dodger came over and licked his face, making you laugh and pet him. "and dodger is gonna be a big brother"
"yeah i can see from the bandana" chris gestured to the 'big brother dodger' bandana around his neck. the video ended and everyone cheered for you two, both you and chris wiping your eyes.
"that is probably one of my favorite videos on the internet. "chris, the way your sentence just stopped and your face was like, 'wait..' that was amazing!"
"yeah, definitely was" chris kissed you and you smiled, rubbing his chest before the two of you started to talk about the movie, and separate projects, and jimmy cut to commercial.
you and chris said goodbye to jimmy, heading backstage into the dressing room. you closed the door and chris engulfed you in a giant hug, your hands rubbing his back slowly. "i love you, yn"
"i love you more, chris" you whisper, kissing his neck softly and holding onto each other for a minute, basking in each other's holds.
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joshstambourine · 3 years
A Seconds Glance
"Hi I have a request for either Josh or Jake 💛 can I get a story where they see a girl, either at school or they can already be famous in this, and is instantly enamored. I don't know if you've seen The Virgin Suicides, but if you have then something similar to when Trip sees Lux for the first time. I'm interested in how those two would go about getting a girl's attention when they have a crush.💕💕💕" - Anonymous
//Hi Doll! I can’t say I have seen that--- but I will try my best to write something that I feel matches the idea you had. 
I’m gonna be repeating this forever--- but again, I’m so sorry it took me so long to get this request out for you! I decided to go with Josh being in school for this one.//
Warnings: Cursing, awkward beans
Word Count: 1969
Synopsis: Josh had never really believed in love at first sight... but yet....
Josh Kiszka x Fem!Reader
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The first day of sophomore year. For most this was just the start of another school year; a sudden reminder that a new binder or fun pencil case is exciting for all of 10 minutes when it comes to actual classes and work. But for Josh… this year felt like it was filled with possibilities. It sounds like some sort of stupid thing you'd see on a motivational calendar, but it really truly did.
Josh hadn't imagined for a second that he actually would have a chance in making music his career; and yet, he had spent all summer with his band mates playing for different occasions and pubs. All the while they were working, working hard on writing songs that they could be proud to play for others.
All of that said, Josh was returning to high-school this year with a new found amount of confidence and excitement; it showed in every step Josh took. His one hand held loosely on to the arm of his backpack, walking in time with Jake.
"But what do you think? Would it look good on me?" Jake inquired, fingers lightly playing with the mid-length pieces of hair on his head.
"I mean… I don't know…" Josh lightly starts, glancing at his twin and begins to take a good long look at him.
Jake's eyes widened just a touch, his expression becoming one that said, 'Well…?'
"Uh… honestly I don't really know Jake. I've never seen you with anything else than this." Josh admits, then snickers a little, "Except for that one time when we decided it'd be fun to take those scissors and---"
"No, that's fine, I didn't need to think about that." Jake immediately stopped him, his hand going to take a full dive into his mess of dark brown hair. 
"Cmon, it was really funny though. Ma really lost her shit when she saw your head like that." Josh continued to muse, hands folding into his pockets with the utmost of ease. 
Jake shook his head in a mournful way, "I can say I will never go back to a buzz-cut again… not without a fight."
Josh's smile never faltered, it was his laughter that changed, softening into a bit of a sigh as they reached the double doors at the front of the school. With a swing of the doors they both were making their way down the hallway to their lockers.
"Meet by Mr.Shapiro's class before lunch?" Jake questioned, to which Josh nodded. No matter which school the twins went to the teachers seemed to know that the best course of action was to keep them separated. That said Josh and Jake always had separate homerooms at least, through most of their time in school.
"See ya in a bit." Josh waved, taking a few steps back before turning on his heels and heading to his own locker.
Josh's excitement to be back in class showed on his face more than he probably would have wanted. A few pencils in his hand along with a binder filled with blank paper and tucked away dividers.  
As soon as Josh stepped into the class room his eyes were met with many familiar faces. Some of these people he had been in school with since kindergarten; like Meg, a rather tall blunt faced girl with long kinky black hair. She simply threw a peace sign Josh's way as he stepped through the doors; he eagerly returned it, bringing a small smile to Meg's lips. 
With some brisk steps Josh moved to place himself at the back of the classroom, just behind Meg. He threw his things on his desk without much thought. Despite there being a good number of kids he knew... there seemed to be equally just as many new kids. 
Leaning on his desk Josh moved closer to Meg, "Where the hell did these guys come from?" 
Meg's brow lifted as she leaned back a little, "Know the high-school on the east side?" 
"The one where you can get crack for super cheap?" Josh inquired, 
Meg's head bobbed, "They closed it down, so now we get half the kids that went there." She explains with her head resting on her hand in a bored way. 
"Oh shit really? That's a lot of kids---" Josh was quick to respond, glancing around the room. 
"Oh yeah... way too many in my personal opinion --- not that anyone cares." Meg mutters, beginning to click her mechanical pencil. 
Josh's eyes were still taking in all the new faces as he started to respond, "Wow aren't we positive today." 
Meg sighed, "Eh.... I'm just not excited, Justin and I broke up over the summer and I'll have to see him in history." She began to explain, "Things are just really tense, yknow?" 
She waited a moment for him to give some comforting... but still idiotic response, however none came. It finally got Meg to turn and look at him, as she did she immediately noticed that Josh's eyes had widened just a touch, cheeks dusted a light pink. 
Meg followed the line of his eyes to a beautiful young woman. The expression he wore was more than enough to tell Meg that she should move. 
Josh was so busy just... taking the new girl in that he didn't even notice Meg slip to the free desk to the side of the one she was previously sat in. Josh just couldn't put his finger on it, there was something... something so breathtaking about her. Was it her eyes? Or maybe how her hair fell around her face? He couldn't be sure. What he was absolutely sure of was that he had never had a moment in his life where he could hear music just by looking at someone. 
"Hey... do you know if this desk is free?" A new voice shook Josh. It was her. She was standing at a desk to his left with a bit of an awkward air. 
He was just so shaken. What did she say again? Something about a desk? Josh's lips parted, "Uh--- I uh, what did you--?" 
"No that one isn't open, but the one just in front of my dude Josh is, right Josh?" Meg interrupted, pointing to the desk ahead of him. 
"Oh y-yeah, that one's open! Definitely 100% open! It couldn't be more open even if it tried!" Josh started spouting, he really wasn't even aware that his mouth had moved, and that was clear in the fact that it just kept moving when she had come to sit down. "Do you need any pencils at all?? I have like 20!" He continued, though his hand held one full sized pencil and one shorter than the average person's pinkie... both chewed on. "I mean not on me but--- who needs a pencil right?" 
The girl laughed a little awkwardly, her gaze moving from Josh to Meg and then to the desk. "No, no I'm okay thank you though." She slipped into the chair, keeping her gaze frontwards. 
Meg looks to Josh with a shocked look, 'What was that??' She mouthed, 
Josh responded with an absolutely mortified expression. He would never say he was the smoothest guy on the planet, but he had never been that awkward in his life. 
Meg shook her head before reaching out to tap the girl's shoulder, "I'm Meg!" She introduces, "And that goober is Josh." 
The girl lightly moved to glance over her shoulder at Josh in a shy way. "It's nice to meet you both. I'm (Y/N)." She hummed with a sweet smile. 
"That's a pretty name, isn't it Josh??" Meg quickly said, trying to get him to continue the conversation in a less awkward way.
Josh nodded very enthusiastically, "The prettiest name I've heard in a long time!" He said with a smile, 
(Y/N)'s cheeks began to hold a flush of their own. "Oh! Uh... th-thank you!" She sputtered out. 
'OH FUCK. She's so cute.' Josh thought to himself, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat with a shaky swallow. 
Little did Josh know that (Y/N) was thinking something very similar. She might not make it as obvious as he was, but being so much closer now... being able to see the warmth in his brown eyes, seeing how his wavy brown hair came to cup his cheeks --- she couldn't help but continue to stare back at him. 
The only thing that could pull them both out of the little trance they had fallen into was the bell. Both of them quickly looked toward it, followed by a man's voice at the front of the class. 
"Alright everyone, take your seats!" 
(Y/N) was reluctant but she turned herself to look toward the front of the class. A little bit nervous, but mustering an ounce of courage she tore a piece of paper from her notebook quietly and began to scribble something down. 
Josh hardly got anything out of that language arts class, he was way too busy trying to figure out what excuse he could make to talk with (Y/N) again. He was just rattling through every little conversation starter he had ever heard in his life... but none of them felt like they would work. 
Before long the bell had rung overhead once more and everyone was shuffling to grab their things and head to all of their next classes. 
Biting his lip, Josh was determined to catch (Y/N) before she could head off to her own next class. Luckily for him she had a similar idea. Both turning to each other as they stepped out of the classroom, it was painfully quiet at first. It seemed as if they were trying to get their thoughts together really. 
Finally they spoke, 
"Hey would you---" "I was wondering if you'd---" 
At once. 
A small awkward laugh left their lips, "Please, go ahead I was going to say something dumb---" Josh quickly said moving to rub the back of his neck. 
(Y/N)'s lips parted as she let out and unsure chuckle, eyes moving downwards for a moment. "I was just going to ask if you would mind if I joined you for lunch? I just am new and don't really have any---" 
"Yes!" Josh quickly said, "Yes absolutely. You didn't even have to ask, you could have just showed up if you wanted to!" He quickly says to her. 
The speed he seemed to talk at entertained (Y/N) a heck of a lot. A smile creeping across her face, "Okay! Thank you!" She responded. 
"Do you know where the cafeteria is? I can show ya if you want??" Josh quickly continued, "I mean I'm sure you could find it on you're own, you seem very smart and capable. Most women are to be honest; I remember reading an article about how men need to---" 
"That would be really great actually." (Y/N) smiled in a gentle way. 'He's even more nervous than I am.' She thought to herself. 
"Oh-oh! Okay cool! Uh, do you know where Mr.Shapiro's class is?" He asks, 
(Y/N) seemed to think for a minute, "113... right? I have him for chemistry this afternoon I think." She mutters. 
Josh swiftly nods his head, "That's the one!! Meet me there okay?" He says. 
(Y/N) nodded back, understanding the little plan they now had. "I'll see you in a little bit then?" She lightly asks. 
"Yeah absolutely." Josh began to grin, suddenly beyond excited. Even as she began to walk off to her class all he could think about was how sure he was now that this year was going to be fantastic. 
That was until a warning bell played overhead, "Oh shit--" Josh jumped in shock, immediately beginning to run to his next class.
//That's all for now lovely! I do actually have an idea on how to continue this one if anyone would like! Pretty please let me know in the comments if that's something you guys would like 💜//
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i-luv-sweets · 3 years
|Not my side?| Scout x reader
The school bell rang and all kids went to get picked up by their parents. Jeremy stood in front of the school watching all the young kids get picked up by their parents. A boy bumped into him and laughed as he walked by. “Your parents left you.”
Jeremy clenched his teeth at the comment. He never met his father, he died early. So it wasn’t his fault. He teared up a bit at the thought of never having a dad. But as he watched the boy left someone threw a pebble at them making the boy run away. Trying not to get hit with more.
You tapped his shoulder while holding a few pebbles. “Are you about to cry?” You asked looking at his teary eyes. The bostan boy rubbed his eyes. “Nah! Nah i’m not! My eyes are just sweaty dat’s all.” You squinted your mouth and eyes a bit. “that’s just even worse than crying.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Yea, it is...” Seeing that he was still upset you nudged him with your body. “Cmon why not I walk you home?” He rolled his eyes and started walking down the sidewalk with you trailing behind. “Isn’t the guy supposed ta do dat?” He asked chuckling. You rolled your eyes and adjusted the strap of your backpack. “Do you not want me to walk with you?” This made Jeremy shut up and shake his head no. After that day you and Jeremy became close friends. The years passed by with the two of you. Always hanging out with each other and walking each other home. You would take turns taking the other home. Scout’s mother loved seeing you and Jeremy walking home together. She’d always try to convince you to stay over for awhile and always succeeding. -
You grabbed a small handful of pebbles and threw them at Jeremy’s window. The moonlight illuminating the house. Jeremy opened the window and saw you waving. He rolled his eyes and snuck outside from his window. “Let’s go slowpoke!” You whisper yelled at him and now running down the road. Jeremy laughed while running after you. Once he caught up, he ruffled your hair and ran ahead towards where you were heading. You caught up to him at the steep hill.  “Who’s da slowpoke now kid?” Scoffing at his comment you sat down on top of the hill with him. You opened the cooler that you had left on the hill and gave a can of soda to Jeremy. “How’s your mom and brothers?” You asked taking a sip of your soda. The young man shrugged and looked at the star filled sky. “Ma’s fine, and my brothers are doin good as well.” He said brushing his hair back with his hand. “Is your brother James still single? Cause I bet I have a chance.” You joked jabbing a thumb towards your chest. Jeremy groaned and gave you a smile. “Nah, and even if he was you’re better with me. Look at deez guns Y/N.” He said flexing his “muscles”. You stifled a laugh at his nonexistent muscles. “Ey! Don’t laugh, my muscles are ‘ere!” He said crossing his arms and pouting. You patted his back and leaned on him with a smile. “yeah I know, I see them.” You said going along with him. He hummed proudly at your words. “But your brother James is still hotter.” You joked as he pushed you down the hill. You grabbed onto his arm and dragged him with you. Sending both of you tumbling down to the bottom. After you reached the bottom you were on top of his chest laughing along with him. “Ya jerk!” He said laughing as you moved your arms in push up position. “You’re the one who pushed me dummy.” You got up but he pulled you back down into his chest. “Oop- Jeremy? You ok?” You asked tilting your head with a smile. He held a dejected look but gave you a smile in return. “I just...Wanna stay like dis a lil’ longer yknow?” He said swallowing a bit. “I’m not going anywhere Jeremy.” You spoke with a confused smile and raising a brow. “I know you aren’t. But can we please stay like dis?” He asked with a pleading look. Laughing you ruffled his hair and laid back down. “You’re so funny sometimes Jeremy. I’m glad we’re close friends.” You aid resting your head on his chest. He put his hand on your head and stroked it through your hair. “Yeah. Good friends.”
You were very sad and confused on where Jeremy went. He was your buddy, your closest friend. It’s been about a year since he left. Jeremy’s mom was alone in her house all the time now. She missed him dearly. Shaking your head of these thoughts you looked at your card with an address on it. ‘TeuFort’ it read on the card. You looked in front of the building in front of you . Taking a step towards the base you knocked on the door. After a few seconds someone opened it. A man in blue with a yellow hard hat. “Hello there partner, Ah assume you’re our scout on tha team?” He asked giving you a warm welcoming smile. You nodded in response and gripped your luggage bag. “Yeah my name’s Y/N, and you are?” The texan moved aside for you to enter before talking. “Just call me Engie or Engineer darlin. Ah hope we can work together well on tha battlefield.” He said taking out a hand for you to shake. Giving him your hand you shook it firmly before letting go and being led to the lounge area where 8 other Mercenaries were hanging out. The BLU Engineer cleared his throat catching everyone’s attention. “Hey yall, we got ourselves our scout.” He said before patting your back. The mercenaries all said their hello’s and welcome to the team’s before introducing themselves. These guys were very friendly, at least you didn’t have to worry about having a bad team now. Scout sighed as he drank his Bonk! soda. Engie was walking down the halls and saw Scout in his depressed state. Which was unusual since he was always so energetic. “Somethin wrong son?” He asked setting down his toolbox  to talk. Scout turned around and tapped his foot. “Well, uh, I just miss a friend. Also my mah, especially my ma. But also my friend.” He said not really sure how to respond. Engie nodded and thought for a moment. As to think of what nice thing to say. “Well ah bet they miss you too. You can always visit on ceasefire.” He suggested. Scout gave Engineer a confused look. ‘Not to be rude Engie, but we’re in New mexico and they are in Boston. Not ta mention how rare it is for a ceasefire to last more than a day.” He said in return. The texan understood why Scout was upset. He left his own friends and family behind as well. All he could to for Scout at the moment was pat his back before heading back to his workshop to get ready for the ongoing mission. Jeremy leaned against the wall and played with his hand bandages. “I miss you Y/N...” You sat in the spawn room with the other mercenaries.  “So you’re saying that once I die, I’ll be sent back here because you implanted something called a respawn into me?” You asked BLU medic. He nodded and gave you a cheerful smile. “Ja! Und don’t vorry mein fruend, I vill also be zhere to heal jou if jou’re hurt!” Giving a brief smile to him you nodded in understanding. Surprisingly the technology here in teufort was very advanced. Spy gear, teleporters, and healing guns? Now that’s impressive. “Just have ta get tha other team’s intelligence.” BLU Engie explained getting his toolbox ready. “You almost make it sound like a game.” You muttered nervous. “ ‘ou can make eet a gave if it makes ‘ou less nervous Ami.” BLU spy said trying to make you less worried. “Yeah, i’ll do that.” You got your scattergun ready as you heard the administrator’s voice speak. Mission begins in 3...2...1...FIGHT!
All the men let out a battle cry before charging out of the spawn room. Heading out you saw a bridge and a sewer below. Seeing an opportunity to get to the briefcase you dove into the water and ran into the sewer. By a miracle you made it to the RED team’s intelligence. Quickly grabbing it you suddenly heard the administrator speak. Alert! The enemy has taken our intelligence!
You huffed trying to escape the RED base by going through the sewer again. Your team could take care of the intruder. Mid way through the sewer pipe you bumped into the enemy. Both of you took out your guns but stopped. “Y/N?” “Jeremy?”
There was just silence between the two felt longer than 3 seconds. “What? Y/N what are ya doin here?!” Scout asked grabbing you by the shoulders. “No! What are you doing here?! Do you know how worried your mom has been?!” You yelled at him. 
Jeremy swallowed his own spit still not believing that you were here. “Y/N we can talk about this later when no one is here. But we’re both on a mission! You gotta get otta ‘ere befor-” A loud cry from the RED soldier was heard. “A BLU SCOUT! KILL HER MAGGOT!” He screamed as he shot his rockets at you. Dodging the two rockets Scout shoved Soldier to the floor. He knew he shouldn’t of done that but you were his friend, in a battlefield too! “GET OFF ME CITY BOY! SHE’S GETTING AWAY WITH OUR BRIEFCASE!” Scout refused to get off as he continued to wrestle soldier despite the strength difference.Not taking a second to look back you ran back to your base. 
The announcer’s voice rang into your team’s ears. “Victory.”  
Your teammates cheered as they all returned to the base. BLU soldier slapped you on the back hard knocking the air out of you for a few seconds. “Well done soldier! You have made America proud! VERY PROUD!” He yelled with a big smile on his face. “Aye! Ya did it lass congrats!” BLU Demo said giving you a bottle of beer. Your teammates voice seemed to all fade away as you stared at the bottle of beer in your hands. Jeremy worked here? But he was on the other team. You had to fight him? Not only that but kill him? Even if you did avoid killing him you would see your friend die over and over again. The thoughts piled up in your head and clouded your mind. The team noticed your look, it was like you were about to cry. “Darlin? Are you ok?” BLU Engineer asked you with a worried look. You shook yourself out of you thoughts before nodding. “Yea, yeah! I’m just...so happy that I accomplished something on my first day.” You said with a tearful smile. The team continued to pat your back and congratulate you. “Leetle scout had us for second.” BLU heavy said taking a bite of his sandvich. “Yeah i’m sorry bout that Heavy. Ima head to my room. I gotta settle in yknow?” Medic nodded his head and ruffled your head. “Ja! Go ahead mein fruend, hope jou settle in nicely.” He said as you walked to your room. You closed the door behind you and slid down it. Why? Why did it have to be him on the enemy team? You can’t kill him! he’s one of the best things that has ever happen to you. Tears slid down your face as you slumped against your door. “WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING MAGGOT?! YOU COST US THE MISSION!” Soldier yelled at Scout. The whole team frowning and groaning at Soldier’s yelling. Engineer walked up to soldier and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Now calm down Soldier, it was all our faults for not defending well enough.” He reasoned towards the angry Patriot. “But Scout was the one who shoved me to the ground letting the BLU scout escape!” Soldier replied now lowering his voice a bit. “Why tha hell did you do that ya bloody mongrel?” Sniper asked butting in and crossing his arms. Scout hung his head low sighing. He rubbed his face and ran his hand through his hair. “Lo-look, That new scout that they have der is my best friend. I can’t go killin them!” He explained to his teammates. Heavy mumbled under his breath before speaking up. “Then why is leetle BLU scout here?” He asked now making all the mercenaries listen to Scout for once. “I don’t know ok? She never ever wanted violence. I’ve known ‘er! But I do know that I- I just can’t watch her die.” Jeremy said fighting the tears threatening to fall. Engineer had some sympathy for Scout and walked up to him. “Listen Scout, ah know ya don’t want to but. It’s our job, we can’t be makin exceptions here to keep letting them win.” He explained patting Jeremy gently. “You don’t have to kill ‘er, just distract her anything but kill ‘er please. She’s one of the few things that I care about ever since my dad died.” He said now letting his tears fall a bit. Spy sighed and cleared his throat, everyone paying attention to the frenchman. “I am afraid I agree with Scout this time. Let’z just do our best to distract ‘er if we ever see ‘er in zhe battlefield.” He said taking out a cigar and lighting it. The mercs looked surprised to what Spy said. Spy has never liked Scout yet he agreed with him. “Thanks Spy, even if I want you in hell.” Scout said wiping his tears. 
Spy almost regretted his decision to help. “Heartwarming...” The frenchman said now taking a puff of his Cigar. Engineer made a hum of acknowledgment. “Well ah guess it wouldn’t be so bad to spare one person. However let’s not let this affect our chances of winning ok Scout?” Engie spoke looking at Scout. The bostan man nodded and gave a smile. “Of course! Of course it won’t affect our chances.” Scout replied now relieved. Engineer then turned to the rest of the team. “Now does anyone disagree with the idea of distracting tha BLU Scout?” Soldier was the only one who raised his hand. “I do not agree!” Soldier said standing at attention. “And why is that soldier?” Engie asked his patriotic friend. “This will mean that I will not be killing the BLU’s anymore!” Soldier yelled taking out his shovel. “No soldier we are just sparing the scout. You can kill everyone else to your hearts content.” Engie said making Soldier smile and march out the room proud. Yelling that he was going to talk to his heads. Scout kept on thanking his team before he ran off to his room. He had to think of a way to talk to you alone so he can explain everything. Luckily tomorrow the next mission was going to be at Yukon. There are a lot of areas for him and you to just talk. He just hopes you will understand.
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myonepiece · 3 years
could i have x-drake , hawkins when their s/o gets drunk and says everything they think about them like “yknow drake...i think ur dinosaur form is really cool” or “hawkins...ur hair is so beautiful u are an angel sent from heaven” thank u !!
ooo yes! i haven’t written for either of them yet so please tell me if anything is ooc! 💕
x-drake, hawkins reaction to their s/o getting drunk and complimenting them
* italic is character talking
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-you stumbled into his cabin on the ship in the late evening, he could tell from the way you moved that you were drunk
-he was laying in bed and sat up when you came in
-”you’re drunk.”
-you giggled softly and fell onto the bed, crawling up to wrap yours arms around drake’s waist 
-any anger or disappointment he was feeling quickly vanished and his cheeks turned red 
-he pulled you up so you were eye level with him and you smiled dreamily 
-you leaned forward and quickly kissed his scar which made him jolt back slightly in surprise
-”w-what was that for?”
-your head lolled to the side and you wiggled out of drake’s grip to curl up and wrap your arms around his neck letting out a content hum as your place your head on his shoulder
-”i don’t know... your scar is just so pretty.. and it’s fun to kiss..”
-you spoke sleepily against x-drake’s skin and he felt a very warm fuzzy feeling bloom throughout his body at your words
-”t-thank you.”
-the room was plunged into silence again except for the faint sound of waves against the ship, drake’s arms slipped around your waist and he leaned back 
-you stirred slightly and raised your head to look at your beloved through the dim light of the room 
-”yknow drake... i think... i think your dinosaur form is really cool.”
-”you do?”
-you nodded and moved to press your lips against against his, he happily returned the kiss cupping your cheek 
-you began to nod off during the kiss and drake chuckled before tucking your head back under his chin and pulling the blankets over you 
-”drake? yknow i love you.. right?”
-he felt his heart burst at your words and he smiled nuzzling his cheek against the crown of your head 
-”of course i do. i love you too sweetheart. now go to sleep.”
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-hawkins was sitting at a table in his room when you wandered in 
-he looked up and instantly could tell you were drunk, you were slumped against the door frame searching the room curiously with your eyes
-he would have thought it was adorable if it weren’t for how much he hates when people, and you, get drunk. it’s just irresponsible and they always get rowdy and loud.
-his eyes flicker up at you momentarily before he returns to his work
-”haaawkins, can we cuddle?”
- he doesn’t even look up from his cards when he tells you no firmly, you pout and an annoying (to hawkins) whine leaves your lips
-”but i want you to hold meee.”
-he still ignores you so you walk over and sit beside. him resting your forehead against his shoulder
-”your hair is really pretty pretty.”
-your fingers run through the silky blond strands of hair and hawkins falters at your words for a very brief second 
-”thank you.”
-your hands move down to run over the soft fabric of his blouse and he glances to the side watching you 
-from his shirt you go to touch the revealed skin between his sleeve and glove 
-”you’re really extraordinary you know that?”
-he completely stills at that and turns his head to look down at you, he can feel the smile creeping up but he keeps it from appearing on his face
-instead you would only be able to tell he was affected by the light blush on his cheeks and the way he watched you trace him 
-”as are you my love.”
-you look up at him and smile brightly, you hold onto his wrist lightly and lean up as he leans down
-your lips meet in a tender kiss and when you part your arms wrap around hawkin’s arm, but he doesn’t push you off, instead he continues his tarot reading with only one arm
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thatabitcryptic · 4 years
Have the first chapter of the ficlet for the timestuck au :))
It’s about 1300 words
For context: Ford and Mabel have just convinced Fiddleford to help fix the time tape to get Mabel home. (This is set after fidds quit the project, Ford stumbled across Mabel on his way back from the diner- so everyone’s a bit of a mess but dad instincts kick in here yknow??)
Although the couch was much warmer in comparison to the frigidness of the basement, Mabel couldn’t help the cold pit that formed in her stomach. Things were starting to go in the right direction for getting back to her time but.. were they?
Ford and Mcgucket had been practically avoiding each other like the plague. Anytime either of them needed something from the other it was always Mabel who had to speak for them. Sure it made sense they were upset with each other but how could they possibly get her home if they didn’t even look at one another? Grunkle Ford refused to stop working in the basement so he could keep watch over the portal and Mcgucket’s terms of never having to enter it again.. how was she going to get them in the same room? They hated each other.
But then when she brought up the time tape why had Ford immediately jumped to needing Mcgucket’s help?? Ford was a smart guy, and not that she didn’t like the extra company but if her Grunkle had been so angry at his old friend why ask him?
And in the future when they had watched Mcgucket’s memories he didn’t sound mad at Ford, just that he had wanted to forget. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to hold grudges either. Well, future him at least.
The strange air between them wasn’t the only thing that was throwing her off though. The whole house was wrong. It didn’t have any semblance of a home; more of a very disorganised library.
The mystery shack had never been the tidiest place but even when she and Dipper had first arrived Grunkle Stan had the place in organised chaos. Everything had a place and each place made sense at least. Here it was sporadic with no order like Ford had stopped during the middle of something and started a new task leaving previous items cluttered amidst coffee cups and stacks of books.
It was wrong in so many ways and there were so many things she missed from home. Even the little things. The murmuring of tourists in the gift shop, the mouldy spots on the roof, the spur of a tool from wherever Soos was fixing something in the shack, the weird gross smell of Grunkle Stan, Dippers late night reading, Pacifica's sweet perfume, Waddles’ hooves clicking along the floor-
Tears welled in her eyes as she stared down at her blanket. What if she never saw them again? What if Grunkle Ford and Mcgucket were never able to get her back home? Would she have to grow up here? What if she never saw waddles again? His swishy little face, his curly tail that bounced when the toddled behind her-
And Dipper? Would the next time she saw him be when they were born?? Thirty years from now?
Mabel’s head spun; all this time travel made her nauseous. Her chest ached and her hands were hot from wringing them on the scratchy fabric. She couldn’t think straight. It was just the swirling thoughts of her fate in solitude. All she could hear was her rhythmic heartbeat pumping another reason to miss her time into the front of her mind.
Her sweater was too tight, her headband too sharp, her cheeks were itchy from the waves of drying and flowing tears-
“-lright there sweet pea?”
A soft southern drawl from her side snapped her back. Mcgucket.
She didn’t hesitate to launch herself towards the familiar tone and bury her face in his green jacket. It smelt like a strange mix of tobacco, grease and molasses but that was closer to home than the stale dusty air of her surroundings.
“Shh shh shhh shh, it’s okay sugar plum.” He ran a hand through her hair and softly untangled any knots. “Ya’ wanna tell me what’s the matter?”
Mabel’s mouth immediately burst open with bubbling incomprehensible sobs.
“I wanma go h-homemm, Dippmffft, grunkmplmh stamm,” she took a breath and looked up at him with blurred eyes, “m-my pett pig waddles and h-his face.” And then she pressed herself back into his side. Each breath she took shook her body but it was stifled by Fiddleford hugging her closer.
“Hmmmm, a pet pig huh?” He paused and tapped his fingers on her back in contemplation.
“Did future me ever tell ya’ tha’ I grew up on a hog farm?”
Mabel stopped for a moment to look up at him with a trembling lip. “N-no, I-I don’t think s-so?”
Mcgucket drew back with a faux sound of horror. “Well, I never! I can’t ‘lieve this feller’! Ya’ hav’ a pig and ‘e didn’t even offer some advice!”
Mabel smiled and rubbed her nose on her sleeve.
“Naw’ darlin’ here.” Fiddleford reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief for her.
“T-thank you.”
“It’s tha’ least I could do after withholdin’ my advice in the future, or is it before..” He chuckled and shifted to rest his chin on top of Mabel’s head. “I’ll have to remember to tell ya ‘bout it”
Mabel stiffened and wiped her eyes again but didn’t comment.
Maybe it was best not to ask her...
“Now waddles?” he hummed. “I gotta say Mabel that’s a mighty fine name for’ a pig I reckon. The little fellers do tend ta’ waddle about.”
“Y-yeah.” Her voice quivered in reply and she absentmindedly latched onto the sides of his jacket and pulled them in over herself. “He- I miss him.”
Fiddleford could feel Mabel beginning to shake again and he wracked his brain for something else to talk about. He may not have known her for very long but it was heart breaking for such a bubbly kid to be so disquieted.
“How does he fancy the banjo?”
“The banjo?” She turned and lifted her head to look up at him with big eyes and Mcgucket’s heart melted. Mabel may as well have been Stanford’s kid in his eyes, each little mannerism was instantly recognisable as one as Ford’s.
“Uh huh, piglets on the farm used’ ta’ love it! ‘Td help ‘em drift off ta’ sleep in a big stack.”
He grinned at Mabel’s gasp and the way her eyes lit up when she spun around to look at him.
“In a piggy pile?” she started to bounce with enthusiasm.
“In one ‘o the biggest piles ‘o piglets a‘round!” He poked her nose eliciting a giggle.
“Old ma- I mean Mcgucket can you pretty please teach me to play? I-I’ll uhh umm I’ll draw one of my famous catacatures for you!!”
Mabel’s energy was contagious but Fiddleford couldn’t help his knee from bouncing slightly as he sheepishly looked past her to the door.
“Oh uh not that’ I don’t want one of yer drawins’ girlie but I’m not uhh too sure that’s such a good idea, Stanford’s mighty busy at work an’...”
He looked down to see Mabel’s eyes were full of stars as she was practically buzzing with excitement that he hadn’t seen since he met her. Fidds couldn’t help but feel delight at the sight. Just like Stanford.
“Hehaha ‘lright but if we hear Ford comin’ up we ‘ave to hide my banjo ‘else I’ll never see it ‘tagain.”
“Ahh thank you thank you thank you!!” Mabel wrapped him in a tight hug and it was as though all her upset had been transferred into her keenness for a banjo lesson.
Fiddleford stood, and helped Mabel out of her cocoon of blankets before fixing his glasses.
“Ahaha okay okay hush now aha we’ve gotta’ be a bit more quiet kidlet.”
His smile faltered as he saw his hand rising to grip his hair, Mabel must have noticed too because she quickly held onto it and subtlety swung it back and forth as they went to collect the instrument.
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Official Accounts Part 27- Think Fast
Summary: (y/n) was perfectly happy remaining anonymous, even if her best friends were all pro heroes and she worked under THE Hawks. Handling the technical aspects of hero work from the background suited her just fine, thank you very much. That goes out the window when suddenly her twitter blows up thanks Denki and the famed no. 2 hero is asking her to run his own official twitter as a result
If you don’t want to see Official Accounts content blacklist #hopelessoa
Warnings for alcohol and recreational drug use
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Hawks watches somewhat apprehensively as you put solo cups, mixers, and multiple handles of hard liquor out on your counter. “You look more terrified right now than I’ve ever seen you before facing a villain,” you point out. “I trained my whole life to fight villains. This is new. How many people did you invite?” He asks incredulously. “Just the Baddies,” you shrug. “All this is for just seven people?” “Technically all this and more, Kacchan’s bringing beer and Mina’s bringing white claws. Don’t worry we won’t finish it all!” you assure him before briefly pausing. “We probably won’t finish it all,” you correct yourself. At seeing the continued hesitation in Hawks’ face you stop your preparations for a moment and turn to him. “Hey I can call this whole thing off if you want,” you offer, but he shakes his head. “No, no don’t do that. Beneath the nerves I’m excited I promise. Plus what would people think if the great Hawks chickened out of a simple little party?” “I’m more worried about Keigo right now than Hawks.” “Keigo will also be fine.” “Ok, but you are more than welcome to stop drinking whenever. We won’t pressure you to get drunk if you don’t want to.” “I am older than you, yknow. You don’t have to baby me.” “Older yes but I, dear Keigo, am the more experienced and wiser one here.” “Well then, oh wise one, why don’t you show me the proper way to take tequila shots.” “I’ll grab the limes.”
You and Keigo might have gotten the tiniest bit carried away with your pregame so by the time the rest of your friends come knocking at your door you’ve already got a buzz going. As you swing the door open Denki and Mina are grinning back at you, Denki with an impressive bag of weed and Mina with the promised white claws, as the other three wave from behind them. “Let’s get fucking plus ultra in this bitch!” Mina yells and the rest of you reply with similar enthusiasm as you usher everyone inside. “Hawks and I already started so you guys have to catch up,” you tell them as you unlock your phone and toss it to Kirishima to pick the music.
At the start of the night you made a point to stick close to Keigo so he’d always have a familiar face to rely on if he got overwhelmed or didn’t feel like talking anymore, but as the drinks kept flowing you were delighted to find he seemed to be doing just fine on his own. In fact, Denki genuinely seemed keen on getting to know him more and the rest of your friends were just as welcoming. Soon it felt just like any of you all’s usual hangs and it wasn’t much longer after that that everyone was properly drunk. Soon Mina had somehow convinced Bakugo and Kirishima to back her up in an impromptu round of karaoke while Shinso and Hawks watched on from the sidelines. Denki sidles up next to you, throwing one arm around your shoulder while holding a perfectly rolled joint in his free hand. “Shall we head to the balcony?” he asks with a grin. You throw one more glance Hawks’ way to double check he’s doing well and when you see him burst into laughter as Bakugo and Mina fight over something inane, you feel something warm spark in your chest. “We shall,” you confirm before letting him guide you over to the glass door and opening it with a flourish.
There’s a chill in the air but the alcohol flowing through your veins means you barely feel it as you step onto the balcony and lean across the railing, Denki joining you as he pulls a lighter from his pocket. He places the joint in his mouth and then lights it with the kind of ease that comes from experience before taking a large hit and passing it to you. The two of you pass the joint back and forth a few times before Denki finally speaks up. “So how’s the little arrangement going so far?” he asks. “Better than expected to be honest.” “Have you guys talked about what happened yet?” “Not explicitly. He told me... a lot... about his past so I kinda get it now? but not about the night it went to shit.” Denki hums in acknowledgment. “How are you doing in general after everything that happened?” he asks. “I’m fine Denki.” “(Y/n)...” “I mean it. Don’t worry about little ol me.” “I’ll always worry about you.” “And I, you. Now stop killing the vibe. This is supposed to be a party remember?” Denki laughs at that as you move to sit on the railing of the balcony.
Keigo has to admit he’s pleasantly surprised by how tonight is going. He had worried about dropping into the middle of your friend group and spending the whole night feeling like an intruder but instead all of you have welcomed him with open arms in spite of everything. Between that and the alcohol he’s feeling more uninhibited now than he ever has his entire life. “I should’ve done this sooner,” he declares as he takes another sip from his solo cup. Next to him Shinso laughs, “damn right you should’ve.”
“Hey Kacchan!!” he suddenly hears you call. When he looks over he notices you sitting on the railing of the balcony. That can’t be safe, you have to be at least as drunk as he is and the joint you’d been sharing with Denki has burned pretty low so you’re definitely high too. “Think fast!” you shout and then you’re letting go and leaning backwards until you’re falling, the bright grin on your face never faltering. The blood in Hawks’ veins runs cold as he watches you disappear from sight. The muscles in his back twitch on instinct but barely any of his feathers have grown back yet so he. can’t. save. you. He can’t save you and he’s starting to panic when he notices Bakugo launching himself over the railing, the sound of explosions loud in the quiet night. Hawks jumps as he feels a hand land on his shoulder and turns to find Shinso giving him a reassuring smile. “Sorry should’ve warned you. She does that a lot, especially when she’s drunk,” Shinso tells him. “What? Falls off buildings?” “Yea pretty much.” “What?” “It’s a trust thing. The first time she did it was to prove a point. She knew he’d catch her. Now I think she just likes the feeling of falling while crossed.”
Bakugo reappears over the balcony with you giggling on his back completely unharmed and Hawks releases a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding. “That’s a lot of trust. When’d she start doing that?” Hawks asks. “I’m actually not sure,” Shinso replies, “yo Mina!” “What?” “What year did (y/n) start the whole ‘think fast’ thing? Second or third?” Mina walks over to join the conversation, plopping down next to Shinso. “Uhh I think it was third year after they started dating” she says. Shinso shoots her a look and elbows her but it’s too late. “They dated?” Hawks asks. Mina’s eyes widen in realization but it’s too late to take it back so she instead says “I’m gonna get more to drink!” and jets back off to the kitchen. Shinso rolls his eyes. “Yea, they did. In the end they decided they were better off as friends though, especially because Bakugo was a lot less mature then.” “That’s why she gets away with calling him Kacchan.” “Yea, probably. That was years ago now though, I don’t think anything’s happened between them since. I wouldn’t worry about it,” Shinso assures him before excusing himself to go talk to Denki.
Hawks knows it’s not his place but he can’t help but feel jealous now watching you tease Bakugo about getting slower as he lectures you on being an idiot. “I’m not an idiot!” you pout. “What else would you call someone that intentionally falls off a building?” he seethes. “Was there any chance you would have let me hit the ground?” “Obviously not, dumbass.” “Well there you go! Perfectly safe!” Bakugo sputters, his cheeks reddening, before finally grumbling “I’m getting another drink,” before walking away. This only makes you laugh harder. “Love you Kacchan,” you tease after him. “Fuck you!” he shouts back.
He’s one of your best friends. He’s one of your best friends. He’s one of your best friends. The phrase plays on a loop in Keigo’s head in a desperate attempt to quash the jealousy burning through his chest but he can’t help it. How long had the two of you dated? “Longer than the two of you did,” his brain unhelpfully supplies. His thoughts are interrupted when Kirishima drops down next to him with two beer cans in hand. “You look like you’re pretty deep in your head and (y/n) would kill me if I let you stay that way. Ever shotgunned a beer before?” Kirishima asks. “I didn’t realize I was that easy to read,” Hawks says as he takes one of the offered beers. “Typically you’re not. Watching you in action? You’re totally inscrutable dude, it’s super manly! But when you’re with friends you shouldn’t have to worry about that. Anyway, let’s not talk heavy shit man, am I teaching you to shotgun or not?” “Fuck it, why not.” “That’s the spirit!”
The party eventually reaches its natural conclusion as exhaustion starts to overtake even the effects of alcohol. Not to mention, your friends are keenly aware that unlike you and Hawks they actually have to get up and be out for work tomorrow. Hawks isn’t surprised when you give each of your friends a tight hug goodbye. He is surprised when the same offer is extended to him. It’s almost scary how perceptive your friends can be. When Mina’s hands get a little too close to where his wings should be he can’t help but flinch and immediately she adjusts. The rest of your friends make a point to avoid the area. Bakugo and Kirishima are the last to leave and it takes everything in Hawks not to let his jealousy show as you hug Bakugo goodbye. He’s once again shocked when Bakugo goes to hug him but he soon realizes that it’s not necessarily done to be friendly. “Take good fucking care of her bird brain. Cause if you don’t? I will,” he whispers harshly. As the two pull away from each other their eyes lock in a silent challenge until Kirishima calls from the hallway “Bakubro let’s go! Taxi’s here!” “I’m coming Shitty Hair relax!” he shouts back before finally breaking eye contact and heading out the door with one final wave in your direction.
Author’s Note: The party was honestly pretty built around the “think fast” scene. Once that idea came to mind it refused to leave. The Bakugo stuff well 👀 what can I say I like ✨drama✨ also I felt a little bad that Bird Boy stole the fic I was gonna write for Bakugo from him. Originally I was gonna have Hawks’ jealousy be unfounded but then I saw an opportunity and decided to run with it oops
Taglist [open]: @cathy8taffy @katzurras @grumpyfroggies @captaincyberqueen @itskindofafairything @420-uwu @someweirdshitman @oliviasslut @the-adzukibean @a-fucking-sero-kinnie @ladyzayismultifandom
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ontheblock · 3 years
it’s my mental illness and i get to chose which character is vent through❗️❗️anyway, i have been struggling with writing the ending of the second part of my latest patrick hockstetter request and since this has been sitting in my notes for a hot minute, i decided to post it. enjoy this little story absolutely nobody asked for<3
night terrors
no warnings ig- maybe alcohol
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Summer never really was plagued by night terrors the way Morty was haunted by them. Whenever she did have a bad dream as a little girl, her parents let her cry it out unless she came to their room themselves. The rare times someone did come over was when Beth was blackout drunk and Jerry followed the soft wailing of his daughter to pet her head while he listened to her sob story of a nightmare. It never helped that Jerry basically coddled baby Morty whenever he woke up - a desperate attempt to even out the neglectful way they treated her first child because they were kids themselves. But all of Jerry‘s attempts were fruitless. Summer heard Morty whine and whimper almost every night through the drywall, even more so since Rick arrived. It was ironic for her to turn out fine with her mother’s neglectful ways. Jerry should’ve maybe considered listening to Beth more with Morty. Or maybe it was meant to be like this. Poor fucker. If his nightmares didn’t take form of bullies anymore it was definitely the looming danger of acid drooling monsters or aliens smart enough to conquer their planet if a self-proclaimed god in a lab coat fucked with them. Yeah, that sounded terrifying for a child. Or maybe the thing he feared most was more simple and childish - their grandfather who took out threats like that for breakfast. But tonight wasn’t a night like that. Summer didn’t wake up from Morty hitting his bedroom wall out of reflex. It was some faceless nightmare of her own that sent her lurching upright with a struggle for air. Whatever it was, she didn’t remember much aside from Jerry‘s face and a leathery hand reaching for her out of the black abyss surrounding her but she felt the aftermath of a sprinting heart and sweat sticking her tank top to her back. Her throat was dry enough to make her reach out to her empty bedside table. She never put a glass of water by her bed, but then again she never needed it.
Swiping back a stray hair, Summer pushed her blanket off to stand up on wobbly legs. She made her way over to the door, stepping over the creaky floorboard. The hallway was quiet but as she crept down the stairs, Summer noticed the flickering lights of the TV pouring out the living room. She had half the mind to blackmail Morty about watching TV on a school night but she definitely kept the info in the back of her mind for tomorrow’s breakfast as she avoided more creaky floorboards on her way to the kitchen. The moron even turned down the volume.
"Morty, I swear to god. Your nightly water trips are getting on my- on my last nerve."
Summer blinked once, twice to place the voice. The distinct alcoholic slur and the audible frown was familiar to her even in a sleepy state. And surely, it was Rick. Shuffling closer, Summer could peek over the couch‘s back to see her grandpa lounging in his oil stained wife beater, tinkering with a cube shaped hunk of metal. Like this she could see his hands at work, talented fingers coaxing loosened screws into their threads. He hissed a low "me cago en tu madre" when the phillips head slipped from the screw he was working on. Summer could make out the blue mesh of veins under the withered skin on the back of his hand. Rick really did have the hands of a worker - a mechanic or construction worker. They looked nothing like the office worker hands of Jerry, if he had even that. He seemed to sense her presence - if that was even possible - because his head turned to look at who he assumed to be Morty.
"Summer? What the fuck are you doing here?"
What was she doing here? She came for a glass of water but her throat was less parched now and something about her mysterious grandpa reeled her in like a damn fish. She took her bait and ran her clammy palm over the couch cushion by her grandpa‘s neck. "I woke up, obviously. I had a nightmare. No big deal." Her eyes pointedly stayed on Rick‘s hand holding a screwdriver or the coffee table with half a bottle of whiskey standing next to Rick‘s feet that he casually propped up onto the wood but she never met his gaze. Why was she even this honest? She could make some kind of excuse but it’s been months since her family showed interest in what she was doing. "Nightmare, huh?" Rick echoed her as if to taste the word on the tip of his tongue. Summer wondered if he had nightmares sometimes. She nodded, eyes finally flickering to his face. The TV casted lights and shadows on his old features. Right now he looked normal, not like that crazy scientist with a mean silver tongue that intimidated her the first time they met at the breakfast table. Summer was used to see the hollow green glow following Rick like a fucked up halo or even the zapping blue rays from devices that can both end and create wars. But now the angular features showed a different side. The soft studio lights of some late night show made him look like a regular addition to the family and it helped Summer release her tense shoulders for the first time in a while, like she didn‘t need to be sarcastic or indifferent all the time. A little voice in the back of her head told her that Morty could be his awkward idiotic self so why couldn’t she?
"Why are you up, grandpa?" She leaned her front against the couch back and kept her voice down just in case Morty did wake up again. "I‘m - bergh - well over the age of bed times. This piece of shit is m-more important." Rick averted his gaze and waved the cube in his hand. Summer hummed and reached for it only to have Rick shuffle it to his other hand and hold it out of reach. "Well, what is it? Can it, like, cause mass destruction or something? Or does it contain a totally freaky virus? Or—" Rick shushed his granddaughter and tossed the cube on the coffee table. "Calm your tits, Summer. It‘s- It‘s to cure Granorian crystals. The, the, the-" Rick rotated his hand as if to underline his search for the most simple explanation "-easiest planet to harvest them happens to have the most impure growth." His hand fell into his lap, the other one snatching the whiskey from the table. "You should go to bed. It’s Tuesday." Summer snorted but it sounded off. "Since when are you the responsible grandparent?"
"I‘m not." His gaze locked on the TV again and he knocked back a sip or two of liquor. "Just thought I get one night free of my annoying grandkids." Ouch. Rick delivered both praise and insults in the same gruff tone - not that he had many kind words to spare, save for Beth when he needed to get his way. "What do you need them for? Can’t you just get, yknow, earth crystals?" Rick belched after a deep gulp from the bottle and dismissively waved his free hand in Summer‘s general direction. "Don’t think about it. Do me- just do us a solid; go back to bed, Summer." Rick expected a bit of huffing and a snarky comment before Summer relented and went back upstairs but he saw her unmoving in his peripheral vision. Summer stared down at the couch cushion‘s seam as if it told her whatever kind of questions were important to a girl her age. Probably if that one guy in school liked her or not. Her fingers rubbed over a stain that looked like red wine her mother spilled last Christmas. "I don’t want to. It’s not like I can go back to sleep anyway. Not- It‘s not because of the dream or anything. Just-" Summer stumbled over her words to find any excuse that would save her the embarrassment of admitting she was a little scared to go back to sleep again. She bit the inside of her cheek when Rick cut her off with a long groan. "You really are Jerry‘s kid. You‘re- Y-You know dreams are just- bullshit hallucinatory experiences aaaaall the way up the hippocampus? It’s not- It’s imaginary, Summer. Just your dummy ape brain processing a bunch of shit while you’re asleep." Rick‘s tone was agitated while he gesticulated but he still scooted closer to the left, ultimately creating more space on the couch. Summer didn’t know where dreams came from, she wasn’t interested in it either but she silently rounded the couch to sit down next to her grandfather. Being this close, she would smell the faint whiskey breath and the Old Spice lingering around her. It was nice for once, calming even. "You know, I‘m not staying because I’m scared because that’s totally lame." Rick just grunted in some kind of indifferent agreement but Summer felt the need to clarify her decision even more. "I mean, it’s just a dream. I‘m not a loser like Morty. I don’t piss my own bed. That‘d be totally— gross." Summer turned back to Rick, fully expecting him to not even pay her any mind but when they locked eyes Summer finally shut her mouth. She never saw a look like this one on Rick‘s face. Not even around Morty - who was quite obviously his favorite grandchild and Summer reminded herself that she didn’t care about that.
Right now Rick‘s withered features looked almost soft even though the hard lines on his face didn’t even out at all. Maybe his resting face just looked mean like that - maybe he was frowning for so long that it became the default for Rick. But still, he looked almost fatherly. Summer‘s pathetic little attempt to look tough in front of the most powerful man she knew stirred something dead in his ribcage.
He remembered a tiny Beth sneaking into their old kitchen where Rick was fixing a leak in the sink. A single glance at his wrist watch told him it was time for Beth‘s nap because if Diane didn’t make her take one Beth would be tired and grumpy all evening. He tried to shoo her back to her room but only got a tantrum out of his daughter until he reluctantly set his task aside and laid down on the living room couch with Beth resting on his chest until Diane came back with their groceries.
"Yeah, sure. What - uhrp - Whatever." Rick looked back at the TV and Summer fell into his silence, her back sinking into the soft cushions. She barely followed the plot of whatever Rick was watching. It looked like some 70s war movie with bad explosions and subpar camera quality. Rick didn’t seem to be the type for nostalgia so it probably just happened to be on at this time of night. The dull colors made her lashes feel heavy again and she let her eyes roam the coffee table Rick still used as his footrest. The cube laid by his foot, forgotten until Rick needed to purify his drugs alien crystals. The whisky bottled left a wet little spot on the wood that she knew Rick wouldn’t wipe away. Jerry wanted to replace the table for a week now. Morty‘s latest comics were scattered on the other side of the table. He always left them in the living room because the idiot just has to get distracted two pages in. An unfamiliar pack of Newport Reds Non-Menthol caught her eye and Summer took a quick glance at Rick. If he noticed, he ignored it. Rick did always have the remnants of cigarette smoke on him but Summer never seen him with one before. There was probably a lot that Summer didn‘t know about her grandpa. She wondered how much her mom really knew about him.
The movie crept close to its finale when a warm weight sank onto Rick‘s thigh. He lowered the bottle from his chapped lips to find soft ginger hair draped over his khaki pants. He went still for a moment with his granddaughter‘s head on his lap. This was territory he hadn’t wet his toes in for decades. Rick wasn’t a stranger to the warmth of another body but this was tender and innocent, enough to take him back in time. He downed the last of his whiskey in one gulp and indulged in the hot rush that followed. The credits rolled on the screen while the bottle neck dangled from his bony fingers.
"How drunk are you right now?"
Rick hummed as if he was doing the math in his head before answering. "Wasted." He put the empty bottle on the fuzzy carpet and shimmied his feet off the table without disturbing Summer in her position. Not that he would admit that.
"So in the morning this didn’t happen?"
Rick took his sweet ass time eyeing Summer and weighing out an answer before he gave a low "yeah, Sum-Sum" and looking back at whatever commercial was on. If Rick ever was good at anything it had to be pretending. He could pretend for Summer just this once too.
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insomniac-jay · 3 years
You've Given Me Ecstasy, Your Are My Fantasy
Gakudan Yaoyorozu has had crushes, but they usually just stay that way. That is, until the new girl at his high school turns out to be more than just another crush.
Or: Gakudan and Yukiana meet for the first time and he falls in love with her.
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It was easy for Gakudan to fall in love. He'd be so enamored with someone that they'd be in his dreams and his mind for weeks. But he'd never pursue them further, just keeping them on his mind. And for this he hated himself. Gakudan never understood why it was so easy for him to fall in love and yet he never told those he fell for his love.
So, he swore to never fall in love again unless he was going to confess.
Gakudan to sat at his desk reading a book while listening. The rest of the class were either dining on early morning snacks or conversing with one another as they waited for the teacher's arrival. His eyes scaled the words on the pages while he enjoyed his music.
"Yo, Gakudan!"
Gakudan took out his earbuds and looked up to see his friend Ayato wanting to tell him something. "What is it, Ayato?" Gakudan asked.
"Did you hear about the new student?" Ayato pulled up a chair and sat in it. He crossed his arms along the top and rested his chin on them. "Apparently, she's Dekuiru and Equilibrium's daughter or something."
Before their conversation could continue, the teacher walked in and all the students headed back to their seats.
"Good morning everyone." she greeted. "I apologize for being late. I had to help a student around the school."
Gakudan hummed and closed his book then set it aside for later. But he still kept his earbuds in to listen to his music.
"As you may or may not have been talking about, we have a new student today." The door opened and a girl walked through it. In that instant, Gakudan felt his world light up. The new girl had long, curly mint green hair with streaks of red and white and the most beautiful brown eyes he'd ever seen. Her skin was a brown that could've been mistaken for gold. She stopped and faced the class.
"Students, this is Midoriya Yukiana." the teacher introduced the young lady while putting her hand on her shoulder. "She's a transfer student, so I want you all to make her feel welcome here."
"Hi guys." Yukiana greeted as she waved and smiled at the class.
Gakudan's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her voice. It was so prim yet soft and he would probably die if he heard her sing with a voice like that. It never occurred to him that he had broken his oath- he was in love with Yukiana Midoriya, and he wanted to be all her firsts.
Once class was over, Gakudan took a glance at Yukiana while packing his bag. He had never seen a beautiful girl like her before. Everytime he tried to focus on something else, Yukiana just would not leave his mind. Make a move, Gakudan, he said to himself. You're really gonna regret it if you lose this one.
"I'll see y'all around." Yukiana said to two girls.
The girls nodded and left. Taking a deep breath, Gakudan walked over and placed his hand on Yukiana's shoulder gently. "Excuse me." he said.
Yukiana turned and looked at him, her hair falling to her back. "Oh hey. You want something?" she asked.
Gakudan gulped down his nervousness. "M..my name is Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu Gakudan. A..and I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime, if you're free of course." His heart pounded against his chest as he awaited an answer. "Yknow, to get to know each other."
Yukiana's eyes widened slightly and she giggled. "Sure. I don't have any plans this weekend." she replied. The two exchanged phone numbers and parted ways with goodbyes. A rush of adrenaline shot up in Gakudan's body as he looked at the girl's number.
Gakudan Yaoyorozu, you are one lucky son of a bitch.
@pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer
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ssamie · 3 years
five. similar routines
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"you know, oikawa-san.." she started off with a sheepish hum "yes?" oikawa hummed with a smile 
"i thought you were only picking me up so we can walk together." she said 
"exactly. that's why im here" oikawa said with a chuckle 
"so.. why are you in my room so early in the morning?" she deadpanned as she looked at him, as he sat on the foot of her bed "you're here way too early, oikawa-san" she said with a yawn
"well, i thought i'd get to know your mom too since she's also new to the neighbourhood ya know? shes very nice, by the way." oikawa chuckled out 
"my.. mom..?" she sent him a weirded out look 
"hey! not like that!" oikawa shrieked out "if anything, you'd be the only girl i'd have eyes for, FYI" he said with a wink. "oh.." y/n said with a laugh. "well, it's whatever oikawa-san." she said as she stood up from her bed. 
"did you eat breakfast yet? i feel like you have since you're already dressed up and all.." 
"but if you haven't, you can eat with me." she offered as she looked at him expectantly by the door 
"i ate already, but we can have coffee together" oikawa suggested with a smile as he followed her out "oh. but you'd have to make it since i suck at making coffee." she said "oh come on, you can't be that bad" oikawa mused as he ruffled her already messy blue locks 
"i'll drink whatever you make, don't worry" he said 
"okay but i warned you." she replied with a sigh 
oikawa sent one last fleeting glance to her room before he closed the door. he took note of the snowboards displayed by her wall and her skateboard so delicately situated by her desk. as well as the slightly messy collage of pictures stuck to her wall, most of them being pictures of a redhead. 
"oikawa-san?" she called out, looking back to see him lagging behind. 
"oh sorry, i'll be right there, y/n-chan!" 
"this is coffee is probably more bitter than a rotten ballsack." oikawa muttered to himself as he reluctantly gulped down the beverage.
"did you say something, oikawa-san?" y/n hummed with a smile
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"i said this coffee is probably better than any drink there is!" he exclaimed
"really??" y/n asked with sparkling eyes "then i'll make you coffee every morning starting now!" she said with an excited smile
oikawa paled as he watched her relish in the compliment with a smile, it's almost as if she was oozing with sparkles."ah.. y-you don't have to.." oikawa stammered out with a quivering smile
"oh.." her smile fell
oikawa mentally gasped and hastily shook his head "no, i take that back!" he exclaimed "you can make me coffee! in fact, you can make me a gallon everyday if you want!" oikawa rambled with in a frantic tone
"okay, oikawa-san" she smiled "that would mean we'd meet every morning too, haha" she chuckled
oikawa froze at the statement and nodded with an accomplished smile. "yup. sounds good!" he said. he then turned away and dramatically cried a single tear. "so worth it.." he muttered as he sipped on the devil spawn of a drink.
"anyways, should we go?" she asked him. "i can leave my board if you want me to walk with you." she said "no it's fine, i'll just keep up" he said 
oikawa hummed to himself as he envisioned the two of them making their way to school. y/n was skating while he holds her hand, the both of them laughing and smiling like two protagonists of a shoujo manga. 
"let's go, oikawa-san" she called out to him as she puts on her converse instead of her school shoes and grabbed her board. 
"right." oikawa hummed as he happily followed behind, watching her get on the board and placing her phone in her pocket. "you'd keep up with me right?" she asks him "i won't go too fast if you want.." 
"no, no. go do your thing, i don't mind~" oikawa cooed with a smile 
"okay then." she sent him a smile before fully skating away and leaving a trail of dust behind. 
"eh?" oikawa blinked in confusion as he watched her skate in a baffling speed and jumping effortlessly over bumps and obstacles. it was so different from what he's seen the first time he saw her skating to school. he was almost certain she was just one of those mediocre skater girls that everyone likes solely because they're pretty. 
"oikawa-san, why aren't you following?!" she yelled from atleast a block away 
"huh? well i didn't think you'd leave me behind like that!" oikawa whined as he ran towards her with a huff "you said to do my thing!" she yelled back 
"right, right, my bad!" he laughed it off as he patted her back "i'll slow down if you want" she offered with a laugh 
"yeah, i'd love that.." 
from his front porch, iwaizumi watched them with an unamused look on his face. "flirting already?" he groaned "its seven in the morning, when will i ever get a break from this?" 
"wow, didn't think you two would get so close so quickly" hanamaki teased as he pointed to y/n who was fixing the nets 
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"um can someone help me put this up-" 
"oh that? it was pretty easy" oikawa shrugged it off with a smug grin "she just couldn't resist me and my charms, ya know?" 
"i'll do it for you, don't worry!" oikawa cut her off as he skipped towards her and proceeded to put the nets up himself 
hanamaki sweat dropped as he watched the brunette continue to chat her up while she simply nods along "more like you couldn't resist her.." he sneered. matsukawa joined in as they three in teasing comments to the captain, all while oikawa tries to shut them up. 
"hey, let's eat out after practice, y/n-san" yahaba suggested with a flirty smile 
"oh, sure.." y/n replied, tilting her head in confusion as his face contorts into one that resembles the handsome squidward. "cool. i'll come." oikawa interjected as he stared yahaba down. 
"oh uh- i meant me.. and her.." yahaba sweat dropped 
"yknow what, why don't we bring the whole team!" oikawa let out an obnoxiously fake laugh as he announced the plans to the whole gym. "geez. he's down bad" matsukawa said to hanamaki as the latter nodded along 
"jesus christ, that dumbass.." iwaizumi sighs as he watched oikawa subtly give yahaba more tasks than the others 
"are you free later iwaizumi-san?" y/n asks him as she hesitantly tugged on his sleeve. iwaizumi raised a brow and nodded. "yeah, why? did you need something?" he asked 
"i know i said i'll stop trying but i still wanna know how to play volleyball" she said "can you teach me? coach said you're the ace" 
"oh sure" iwaizumi gave her a thumbs up "but didn't shittykawa teach you already?" 
"it didn't really work" she frowned "maybe you'd be a better teacher". iwaizumi sweat dropped as he heard a dramatic gasp followed by a thud from afar. he didn't even need to turn around to know that it was oikawa. 
"sure, i'll teach you the basics" iwaizumi sent her a grin. "thank you!" she exclaimed happily before walking off and doing her work 
"iwa-chan, you traitor!" oikawa exclaimed as he tried to tackle him down, only to be blocked by iwaizumi's arm. "shut up. its not my fault you can't even teach her how to hit a damn ball" iwaizumi rolled his eyes 
"i can, okay! it's just her..." oikawa chuckled sheepishly "she doesn't know how to hit it properly" 
"huh." iwaizumi hummed "maybe she's right, maybe you're just a shitty teacher." 
"you'll see for yourself!" 
"i can finally play volleyball!" she announced excitedly as she munched down on her food "really? how'd you learn that?" kindaichi mused with a soft laugh 
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"iwaizumi-san taught me! he's really good" she said with  sparkling eyes 
oikawa spluttered as he felt an imaginary arrow pierce his chest. "ah.. that's.. that's great y/n.. good job" he squeaked out with a quivering smile. "maybe you're right.. maybe i was just a shitty teacher" oikawa shamefully admitted to iwaizumi 
beside her, oikawa silently sulked as he gloomily nibbled on his burger. "oikawa-san, i can finally serve too" she told him with a smile 
"glad you're aware" iwaizumi snickered. "anyways, i'm gonna go ahead" iwaizumi said as he stood up and stretched. "i have a shit ton of work to do so i'll leave ya guys to it" 
"iwaizumi-san, won't you walk with us?" y/n asked him "we're neighbours too right?" 
"ah actually, sure-" iwaizumi cut himself off as he caught a glimpse of oikawa looming over her shoulder 
the brunette was giving him an exaggerated frown, paired with his 'puppy dog eyes' and even some tears for the effect. its not that iwaizumi was swayed by the expression. frankly, he just didn't want to look at it any longer so he denied. 
"actually.. you guys can walk together. i think my mom needs me now. stay safe though" he said. y/n nodded and waved him off while oikawa send him a grateful smile and a wave. iwaizumi simply flipped him off and waved the rest goodbye. 
"so, anything else you want, y/n-chan?" oikawa cooed as he watched her chomp down her meal 
"milkshake.." y/n muttered with a delighted look on her face. "milkshake it is!" oikawa exclaimed. he then turned to yahaba who was grumbling by the corner and grinned. 
"cmon then, yahaba-kun~ she said she wanted a milkshake! chop chop!" oikawa chuckled. yahaba rolled his eyes but pulled out his wallet anyways. "why am i getting treated like this?" he silently sulked 
"well you were the one who invited us after all" oikawa mused. "i invited y/n, not all of you!" yahaba whined 
by the side, hanamaki and matsukawa simply watched, sneering and laughing to themselves while they ate. "this is gonna be a long night" hanamaki let out a sigh "who cares? yahaba's treating us" matsukawa shrugged 
"i never said that!" yahaba shrieked out 
"how do you feel?" oikawa asked her. "full.." she replied with a satisfied sigh "thanks for inviting me, everyone" she said 
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"no problem, y/n-senpai!" kindaichi replied as he and kunimi waved her goodbye "bye guys!" the rest of them said as the team dispersed to their own routes. 
"guess its just us now" oikawa mused as he stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets. "right." y/n nodded as she slowly skated beside him 
"sure, oikawa-san. i'd like that" she smiled 
"let's walk together tomorrow too" oikawa suggested. "i'll invite iwa if you want" 
"this'll be like our routine from now on" oikawa cheered "us three will be best friends in no time" he sent her a  wink 
"best friends.." she muttered "i already-" 
"-have a best friend, i know" oikawa finished her sentence with a laugh "it's fine to have more than one best friend, ya know?" he mused 
"more than one.." she hummed thoughtfully "someone other than reki..?" she muttered to herself 
she looked down at her feet and her board, then back at oikawa and the slightly starry sky. it was quite similar to the daily routine she has with reki. skating together to school, eating out, and skating back home. it provided her a strange sense of deja vu. 
"that sounds nice." she said with a smile 
oikawa smiled back and put his hands behind his head as he walked. "yeah it does." he agreed 
"i look forward to being best friends with you guys" she said 
sorry for the spelling / grammar mistakes if there are any :<
"me too, y/n."
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curedeity · 3 years
Studying Days
Summary: Flora pages through her book, jotting down ideas for what enchantment to show off on her final test, when someone knocks at her door.
Why are they trying so hard to get good grades anyway?
    Flora sat in the room she shared with Bloom alone, her friend having gone out to a cafe with Stella. Laid open on her lap was a book on enchantments which she paged through, humming as she found particularly useful ones to demonstrate for her exam. Imbuing objects with permanent magic was the culmination of all they’d been learning in their enchantment class this year, and the amount of her grade that relied on this assignment reflected that.
    It was honestly good fortune that Bloom had gone out. Love her friend as she did, Flora could still admit that Bloom’s ability to sit down and study was lacking. She wouldn’t have been able to get much work done if she had spent most of it tutoring Bloom and getting the girl to focus.
    Flora had just completed the third chapter when someone knocked on the door. The tapping was too light to be Bloom, so it must’ve been one of the fellow Winx (excluding Stella, who had the unfortunate tendency to barge into rooms out of excitement). Flora closed the book, slipping a twig through to mark the pages, and called out, “Come in!”
    Flora excellently hid her surprise when Musa entered the room, a bag thrown across her shoulder. It was rare for Musa to seek out her companionship, perhaps she thought Bloom had already returned?
    “Hey, so,” Musa rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, sending Flora a crooked smile (and damn if that didn’t make her heart melt). “Tecna’s being kinda loud right now, yknow, destroying Timmy at video games again, and you and I normally get similar grades so…” Musa held out her book bag. “Wanna study together?”
    Now that Musa mentioned it, she and Flora did normally receive the highest grades among the Winx (and among most of the students, Flora was allowed to brag a little), a fact that was just so slightly out of place with their normal personas that even Flora forgot it occasionally herself. Flora’s eyes quickly darted up and down Musa’s figure, thoughts whirring through her head.
    Then, without much fanfare, Flora shrugged and gave Musa a small smile. “Sure, why not?”
    Perhaps Musa would make for Flora’s first good study partner.
    An hour later, they were both sitting on the floor with books fanning out around them. Musa’s recorder sat in the center, with Flora taking down observation notes as Musa attempted to enchant it.
    It had taken them a while to decide on what to do. Musa was apparently a practical learner, and Flora couldn’t deny that she also liked that method. Musa’s instruments made for very simple things to enchant, and they had decided that playing it should make it rain.
    It would be a very clear sign that the magic had worked correctly, and, if they managed to pull it off, be very impressive for the exam.
    Unfortunately, neither had managed to successfully do so yet.
    “Can’t we just go murder Stormy and put her essence into the flute?” Musa complained.
    Flora tapped her chin. “Well, I don’t think we would manage to do so properly if we still are having trouble with enchanting an object. Tying an essence to it would be much more complicated magic, and we should wait until we have the proper skills to do so.”
    Musa hummed and tipped her head in forced agreement, but not without adding, “I’d be really motivated to make the magic work though.”
    Flora laughed, covering her mouth with a hand. She had to admit, the idea of getting back at the Trix would be very good motivation. But she just responded with, “I guess we’ll just have to rely on the prospect of a good grade to keep us going.”
    “Sometimes it doesn’t seem that worth it.”
    At this Flora sat down more comfortably, leaning her chin into her palm as she looked over at Musa. They had already been studying for a while, so Flora supposed one conversation break was deserved. “And why’s that?”
    Musa was already waving away her previous comment. “I suppose I don’t mean it that much, I really like learning new things and that’s all the motivation I need. Guess I just wish my dad would be a bit more excited about me doing well in school. He’s nice about it and all but like, his support feels weird sometimes.”
    Flora hummed comfortingly. She had found her friends, just like Miele, liked the soft songs she knew by heart. Besides, what was there for her to say? Musa didn’t seem to want a retort, or unconditional support, so Flora would just be a vine on the wall, listening for now.
“I wanna be a musician, yknow? But my dad really hates that idea, so whenever I get good grades he’s happy, but happy in the way where he thinks I’m giving up on my dream and doing something he’d prefer. Just, sucks because I like school and I like doing well.”
At some point during her speech, Musa had flopped onto the floor, her head resting near Flora’s crossed legs. With deft fingertips, Flora undid the tight pigtails Musa’s hair normally was held in, and began running her fingers through the black strands. 
“Musa, I’m sure your father will come around to you being a musician someday, and if he doesn’t want to, I’ll go to each of your concerts to cheer you on.” Flora probably would’ve gone anyway, Musa’s music truly was beautiful, and it was always nice to hear the rare pieces she’d share with the group. And if Flora didn’t go, one of the other Winx (Tecna) most certainly would.
Musa giggled and swatted Flora’s hand away playfully. “Don’t say that, concerts take up a lot of time, especially if I ever get good enough to go on tour. You wouldn’t want to follow me to like, 20 different stops.”
Flora had never considered that. She mulled over the information, and then discarded it. “I would get Stella to teleport me.”
Musa rolled her eyes, obviously having to concede the point. “So why do you try so hard to do well in school?”
“This is trying hard to you?” Flora asked dryly, gesturing around at the state of their life. To be honest, this was probably Flora’s worst academic year of her life. She was far too busy dealing with the Trix to focus on school as much as she’d like. 
Besides Flora had never studied overly much anyway, it was more in her ability to focus.
“You know what I mean!”
Flora chuckled, and leaned back for a few moments. An answer didn’t immediately bloom on the tip of her tongue, it wasn’t something she had thought of much. School was simply something you were supposed to be good at, for no other reason than to be good at it. And Flora certainly had never found it very hard to be good at academics.
“I suppose I want to be at school to help me later in life, for a good career, but I think I may just like being good at it,” Flora shrugged, her last words making Musa cackle. “If I can be good at school, is that not enough of a reason to be?”
“I mean, it does mean you can hold your report card over Stella.”
“I’d never tease one of my friends like that. Stella does put in some effort to be good at school, and I’d never discourage her in that way.” Flora clutched a hand to her chest.
“Well, you certainly do consistently uphold your reputation of being the nicest person in all of Alfea,” Musa smirked.
Flora blinked down at her, a facade of innocence masking her face. “I have no idea what you mean.”
Musa snorted, “Sure you don’t. Now come on, let’s get back to work.”
There were many reasons Flora tried so hard at Alfea. Sometimes it was to be a good role model for her little sister, sometimes to defeat the evil forces that kept bothering them. But more commonly, it was for little things, like the look of hilariously overdramatic betrayal Bloom shot her when Musa dragged Flora out of the room, saying that “It’s time for the A honor roll girls to do some actual studying.”
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soda-drabbles · 4 years
Head ‘Pats’ | EgoBang Fic
Request : “This might be a bit too smutty, but I gotta ask: Arin jokingly ruffling Dan's hair, them both then getting really into it (some hair pulling goodness 😍) and Dan blowing Arin in the end.” - made by @alex-trefying
Type : Smut/Steamy
Pairing : EgoBang
A/N : Okay so I’m sorry for not writing anything in nearly a week. I had a small writers block. But here, have this. 😳
The two guys were in the middle of a particularly difficult level of a game, one that Arin had been trying to tackle but eventually gave up when his temper got the best of him. The controller would be bestowed upon Dan who took on the challenge of the hard level himself. Admittedly, the damn thing was hard. Enemies came hurdling towards the sprite left and right, the controls were kinda sucky and there was a certain type of thing you were meant to do (which of course they didn’t realize until the end). Dan nearly laughed out in excitement when he deafeates the level, a wide grin of triumph on his face.
Arin, although happy for him, was baffled on how Dan could beat the game quicker than he did. He was astounded. “Holy shit.” He muttered.
“That’s right! Eat my shit!” Dan exclaimed with a laugh before realizing how loud he was. He lowered his voice and smiled sheepishly. “My bad.”
A burly laugh buckled from Arin at Dan’s victory words. “I’ll tell you what. Instead of eating your shit, I’ll give you a lil’ head pat or something.” He suggested. “How does that sound?”
“Fine, I guess it’ll do.” Dan gave a pout, his voice fauxed an exaggerated defeat.
Arin snorted. He reached out and before Dan knew it, he felt the warmth of Arin’s hand on his head. The softness and comfort of it was actually really amazing. It felt comforting, reassuring. He didn’t realize the gentle happy smile that he was wearing right then.
Instead of the pat being just what it was, a pat, Arin suddenly playfully ruffled Dan’s hair, his head of curls bouncing and tousling about. “Ar!– the actual hell are you doing—“ The sudden twist of pace caused him to bellow a soft stream of laughs, which died down momentarily. He couldn’t lie to himself, it honestly felt good. It sent a wave of tingles that traveled through his body and traced his neck.
Eventually, it returned back to gentle tousling again. It almost was massaging in a way. A way that caused Dan to lean into Arin’s gently working fingers. Arin continued, an amused look on his face. “Wow, man. You really seem to be enjoying this.” As he looked over at the man he was pretty much petting, he couldn’t help but find it absolutely adorable. Dan was literally like an attention starved puppy and Arin couldn’t get enough of it. He could even hear satisfied humming if he wasn’t mistaken.
Suddenly, the right gentle tug brought the broken gasp out of him, which caused Arin’s hand to flinch to a halt and Dan to quickly slap a hand over his mouth. Shit. He didn’t make that noise, right? Surely not.
After a brief silence, Arin softly asked. “..The hell was that?”
Dan, now embarrassed, shook his head. “Nothing.” He said dismissively.
Without a clear warning, Arin’s fingers suddenly ran down his hair again. Dan’s body reacted to the touch with a slight jolt, as if Arin’s touch was electricity that brought him to life. Arin noticed this and a bit of a grin moved on his face.
“What?” Dan asked, eyeing Arin. “What’s that face anyway?” He knew that face. It was Arin’s experimental face, something that told Dan that he was up to no good.
“Nothing.” Arin said innocently, a half smirk curled his lips. “I didn’t realize you were that sensitive on your head of all places.”
His heart quickly beat in his chest and his brows furrowed. “I am not sensi- fUCK!” His denial was pulled to a screeching halt when Arin’s fingers had curled around a ball of curls and gently tugged, which were guaranteed to bring more unholy noises out of him.
Dan gazed back at a smirking Arin through his half lidded lashes with eyes that were glazed with heat.
“Arin..” A soft whine left Dan and Arin sighed in response.
“I’ll stop.” He replied, his fingers now left the curls along with his warmth.
Quickly Dan shook his head. “That’s..not what I meant, I..” He looked down for a brief moment before his eyes flickered back to Arin.
“What was that?” asked Arin, who had a grin on his face while still pretending to not be able to hear in this one instance. “Dude, I can’t hear you so you may wanna speak up.”
Brows furrowed and lips pursed, a red glow tinted Dan’s face. God, did Arin seriously have to tease him like that right now? He took a deep breath, “I said that I didn’t want you to stop. I..you just surprised me, that’s all.”
“Are you asking me to keep going?” The question left Arin’s lips and the heat rushed quickly to his ears and neck. Dan could only muster a faint nod, which Arin wouldn’t take as an answer.
“Dan.” Arin’s voice was stern yet soft, felt like hell on his ears. Damn near felt like he was being invaded. “Do you want me to keep going or not?”
Dan wasn’t looking but he felt the invisible heat of the weight of Arin’s arm and hand that lingered right above his head, sending sharp tingles to poke at his every nook. “Yes.” He finally answered in a brave breath. “I want you to keep going.”
Finally satisfied, Arin grinned. “That’s what I like to hear.”
The anticipation waved over him as Arin’s hand met his head again. His fingers went to gently massage the curls. Dan could feel exactly how careful he was being, knowing how thick his hair was anything could get easily tangled in a second. The tousling began to relax him again. Arin didn’t let Dan get used to that feeling quick enough, as a light tug at the right spot brought a gasp out of Dan’s loose lips. The tugs and grip became much more frequent and even formed a pattern. Massaging followed by two tugs, repeat.
Arin’s other hand found Dan’s chin and tilted his frame upward so he could see the soft mess he created. Needless to say, he was proud. His lover was an adorable
“Kiss me.” Dan’s breathless command was something that Arin followed nearly instantly with his lips crashing into Dan’s. One strong arm held him close while the other gripped firmly at his hair. Arin could feel the vibration between their lips from the effect of that firm hold on his hair, which only made his hunger boil and bubble in his chest.
Their lips danced together, seemingly melting together. The grunts and groans from both of them left each other effortlessly. In the state of pure bliss, Dan felt as if he was nearly about to pass out. The kiss broke when he realized he needed air. The cool breeze of the air around them bussled in, taking the place of the cloudy heat that was once there.
Both of them panted, the lips parted slightly as they regained what little composure they still had. Dan peered up to Arin, whose eyes were clouded with a thick heat. His eyes then trailed downward where he found the growing tent in his pants. It wasn’t unlike Arin to quickly grow hard from just kissing, especially when they got heated like this.
“Get on your knees.” The order came thickly and nearly caught Dan by surprise. His grip tightened on Dan’s hair once more, earning him a cooperative meek sound. Like he was told, he knelt down on his knees in front of Arin, who laid back on the couch still. Arin spread his legs apart more, “Be a good boy and unzip me, Danny.”
Just the name calling was enough to make his stomach churn. He nodded and unbuttoned the pants, pushing the fabric of the boxers past the erected mass. Upon being revealed, Arin’s needy member twitched before him. Dan could easily tell how stiff and pent up Arin was. He was more than glad to get him off. Arin’s fingers again twisted in his hair, his heated eyes bared back down at him.
He was more eager than ever before now and wasted no time taking Arin’s xoxo in his mouth. A deep groan left the deepest of places from Arin, who dug his fingers into Dan’s hair. The force of his hand was bringing Dan downward more so and, with a warm palm resting on Arin’s thigh, he began to slowly bob his head.
His lips stayed wrapped around the erection, eyes shut while he pleased his lover with his tongue that circled around in the right spots. Each time the wet warmth of his tongue graced the right spots, he was rewarded by silent pants, hip thrusts and the occasional tug at his hair that only encouraged him further. It wasn’t until Dan took it upon himself to bring the thick member deep in his throat, firmly and slowly sucking, that Arin was about to lose his mind.
Arin’s grip turned rough then as he held Dan in place while the slow thrusts turned to quick ones, resulting in Dan moaning and picking up his own pace. Eventually, they found themselves lost in their own lusts and love for each other in the heated embrace that furthered them over the edge. With a few rough more thrusts and one last firm suck. Arin’s legs trembled, his seed now trickling down Dan’s throat.
After a moment, the both of them took a minute to gather themselves. It was only then that when Dan’s mouth was away from Arin’s member and Arin was resting on the couch that they realized how heated and sweaty they were.
“Holy shit,” Arin panted out, regaining his breath. “Dan, are you okay? Did I go too hard on you?” He raised up to check on Dan. Of course, the last thing he wanted was to hurt or push his lover over the edge.
Breathlessly panting, Dan caught his breath. “I’m fine. Are you?”
Arin smiled, shaking his head softly at the way Dan’s hair looked. It was a frizzy mess, no thanks to a certain someone. “Yeah, I’m great.” He chuckled.
Dan cocked a brow, “What? What are you laughing at?”
Arin laughed more. “I’m not laughing. I just thought you looked kinda cute, yknow, for a guy who was practically eating my cock a few minutes ago-“
With a wheeze, Dan shoved Arin playfully, causing them both to laugh. “Oh, fuck off dude!”
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theaspers · 4 years
let me count the ways
pairing: lucifer/thea (yes, this is an official lucea fic, alice)
a/n: yknow when you’ve been working on something for so long you just get kinda sick and tired of it? yeah, that’s me with this fic but pls accept this very sappy, very cheesy, very messy fic anw. i wrote this with thea in mind but tbh, i feel like you could probably pop your own ocs in there if they go by she/her.
she’s all too dangerous like this, lucifer thinks. eyes that twinkle with mischief, the slow flutter of heavy eyelashes, and fingers that are entirely too curious for their own good. she’s all too dangerous and there is work to do - piles and piles of them, scattered haphazardly across his desk and tucked away in his bag and more to come, he’s certain - and he knows if he gives in, it will be the start of the end.
and yet, knowing all of this, he still does very little in the way of stopping her from sliding into his lap and straddling him. his fingers instinctively come up to rest on the curve of her hips, steadying her as she makes herself comfortable. he's getting soft, unbelievably so, and his cheeks warm uncomfortably at the thought. still, there’s no part of him that wishes to be anything but indulgent. if only for this moment, he tells himself, just this once.
(but it’s far from the first time and he doubts it will be the last.)
“have you finished your work?” he asks but it's nothing more than a courtesy, something like a lousy deflection from his part, something to fill the increasingly charged air with. he continues with a reminder that there is still work for him to do - important work - and a long list of chores to see to and countless responsibilities to attend to, but it’s hard to rationalise much of anything when she’s settled herself on his lap.
it’s all for naught, however, because his words do little in deterring her. truthfully, he has long stopped expecting for her to answer in moments like these - there’s no changing her mind at all once she has it set on something. to put up a semblance of self-restraint would do him well still, if only to comfort himself.  
her eyes locked with his, warm and golden, she cups his face with the lightest of touches and asks, “more important than me?”
no, lucifer wants to say, never. but he’s sent mum at the gravity of his own thoughts, the heaviness of the truth behind them, the weight of his world and her world and the one that separates the both of them in the gaps between his words. at his silence, a smile curls on her face, a pleased hum rumbling in her chest. he doesn’t need to say them, it seems, rarely ever has to with her. in a way that very few people have, she understands him.
“oh, lucifer,” she croons, voice laced with a quiet wonder. as misplaced as the sentiment might be, his name has never fitted anywhere more perfectly than it does on her lips. it’s getting increasingly difficult to deny her much of anything and this instance is no different. now nothing else is more important than this, not his work or his chores or his other responsibilities. his mind races instead with all the things he would like to do to her in this moment - and perhaps, briefly, all the things he would like to be done to him - but all of it revolves around her, her, her.
he tilts his head slightly, heart lurching at the amount of affection that rolls off of her in overwhelming waves. there is an unspeakable amount of trust that lies in her every action, and that he lets her is a testament of his own. it’s well-deserved, he thinks, they’ve come quite far to have moments like this and he’s well within his rights to enjoy it.
warmth settles in the pit of his stomach like heavy rocks at the thought, foreign and familiar at the same time, and it only intensifies when she leans down to press a kiss on his temple, movement slow and tender. she places one on the tip of his nose next, and then another on the corner of his lips.
“lucifer.” she whispers again, and it’s something like a quiet plea this time around, a silent question, like she’s asking for his permission to continue. with a nod, he lets her. indulgent as ever, he chides himself, but that is where that line of thought ends.
pleased, she continues her ministrations, nuzzling a small spot under his ear before leaving a quick little kiss behind. one kiss turns into two into three, quick and light, and in their wake, tiny little nips down his jaw, further down his neck. each one sends a sharp jolt down his spine, has him sucking in a sharp intake of air, has him digging his fingers harder into her side. but it’s not hard to miss the way she spends a beat longer over his pulse point, her heavy exhale, the way she nuzzles into his shoulder - tiny little actions that squeezes at his heart.
when she pulls away, there is fondness on her face, heavy around her eyes and especially in her smile. and it’s good, makes him feel softer and softer, because the moments where she wears it are far and few in between but it’s always when he’s around and it makes him feel special, somehow. reassured and settled in the skin that he’d taken so long to get used to. he gives her side a light squeeze, musters up a small little smile in return that she receives with another pleased hum.
“you love me,” she says, matter-of-factly. there’s delight in her voice, as gentle and as subtle as it is, and a part of him preens at it. good. if there’s anyone that should deserve to feel that way, it should be her.
heat creeps back up his cheeks not a second later at her words but there are no lies within them. he’s said it before, and just like all those times, there is no amount of uncertainty in his voice when he tells her, “i do love you.”
“good.” she answers, nodding resolutely. if he had been anything other than attuned to her, he would have missed the tiny contortions of her face, the tiny changes in her expression, how incredibly pleased she is at the fact.
despite common belief, he’s never had the best of restraints. certainly not when it comes to her so there is little surprise between the two of them when he cups the back of her head and pulls her close, pulls her into a kiss that is as soft and fragile as he feels at the moment. everything inside him churns and rolls like tumultuous waves when she melts into it, into him.
her lips are a breath away from his own, brushing against him when she speaks next, “pretty. my pretty lucifer.”
and oh, does his heart sing. there are untold tales and history unwritten in him, peace and war, stories of strength and power and pride - he is a kingdom of his own measure, and yet he is easily brought down by just a few earnest words from a human. unbelievable. she shakes with quiet laughter when he turns to avoid her gaze, his cheeks no doubt flushed considering how warm they felt.
and somehow, this is what it always comes to: she presses praises into his skin, makes him feel so good and it’s as if he is simultaneously deserving and undeserving of it all. he’s overcome with emotions and every time a complaint rises at the back of his throat, as if she knows where his thoughts often go, she swallows it all down with another kiss.
“look at me,” she says when she’s finally satisfied with her doting, just the slightest hints of an order behind them and it makes him burn pleasantly, “please.”
and lucifer’s long past the point of denying her anything. when he does, his breath catches in his throat and it takes so much out of him to just stay still, to keep in place and to be good for her. slowly, deliberately, she brings his gloved hand to her lips. slowly, deliberately, she tugs on each tip with her teeth. slowly, deliberately, like she’s not the cause of the raging inferno inside of him.
all the while, she keeps her eyes locked with his, keeps all his attention and all his breaths with her. her fingertips dip into the cuff of his gloves, blunt fingernails scraping against the inner side of his wrist. she does not break eye-contact and he does not dare to look away. not that he could. he could never look away for some reason, does not wish to look away.
his glove disappears behind her quickly enough, and he spends about a second worrying over where it lands before the thought dissipates completely by an overwhelming curiosity of where this moment will go and a pressing need to see it play out completely.
her fingers curl around his wrist firmly as she turns her attention to his digits. her lips brush against the tops of his knuckles first, gentle but steady. the next few are quick to follow, the pads of each of his fingers, the inner side of his wrist and one on his open palm. she kisses the scars that mar his hand, raised skin and ugly bumps, laves even the smallest ones with rapt attention.
he releases a breath that he didn’t even realise he had been holding in, a minor tremble, a tiny hitch that he hopes escapes her notice. it’s an undeniably tender moment, and despite the heat rolling in his abdomen, it feels as if he’s gone ahead and cut himself in half and bared his soul to her. each kiss is petal-soft, and it’s like she’s kissing away all the grief and heartbreak and pain that his hands have ever felt, all that he’s ever been the root of. each touch replaces all the bitterness and cold of his hands, of his heart, with spring warmth, gentle rays of the sun and soft winds that brings forth this quiet happiness with it.
she meets his eyes again, and he feels the curl of her smile against the skin of his hand as she nuzzles into his palm. the fire in his stomach returns with the eager force of an untameable blaze. he wants to wipe the smugness away but pride has always looked riveting in the corners of her lips. still, it has no business being there, no business making him feel the way it does - desperate, and so incredibly depraved, always constantly on the brink of wanting to spoil her with his love and affection but also corrupt her in the most sinful of ways.
she’s too much, he thinks, in moments like these ones especially. too indulgent. indulges him as much as he indulges her, and that’s way too often. he drinks in how she looks right now, eyes dark as they searched his face, lips curled in a wicked smile, flushed and flustered as if this hadn’t been her plan all along. it’s a quiet but fierce challenge - she’s daring him to make the next move. nothing but trouble, she was. but he’s nothing if not audacious.
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