#honestly they are really good friends gorrik is like a brother to him
icebrooding · 1 year
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Commander takes Gorrik to Seaworld to destress after EoD. He also gets a Blåhaj because he deserves it!
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kerra-and-company · 1 year
hello hi please tell me what kerra thinks of ALL of dragons watch 👀
Hi hi okay sure let's GO :D
Braham - that's Kerra's brother and she loves him. Their first interaction involved him saving her life, which was a hell of a first impression, and they've continued in that vein since then. There absolutely have been rough patches in their relationship (see LWS3 for starters), but Kerra has considered him family since the end of LWS1.
Taimi - Kerra really didn't want Taimi involved in everything when they first met (because Taimi was Very Little at that point), but once she accepted that Taimi was going to jump into things regardless and stopped trying to get her to go home, they got along much better. Taimi's the closest thing Kerra has to a little sister.
Kasmeer - a good friend and a great person to talk to (they've had a bunch of very long conversations). Kerra both understands her devotion to the Six and really doesn't at all, but they also vibe on plenty of levels and care a lot about each other. They also definitely bonded over both being living lie detectors, though it's in slightly different ways.
Marjory - also a good friend. They get along but aren't always on exactly the same wavelength, except when it comes to putting mystery puzzle pieces together. Kerra loves Jory and they make a devastatingly efficient team in the field, but she's probably slightly less close to Jory than Kas.
Gorrik - Kerra was a little wary of both him and Blish before they officially met thanks to their being in the Inquest, but, honestly, meeting him with all his bugs made her way less wary even in the middle of everything else going on (she understands caring for pets very well, even if hers aren't bugs). These days, Kerra considers him almost in the same light she does Taimi, but has never said so out loud in those precise words. She would never want to take Blish's place or seem like she was trying to.
Rytlock - They're friends, but it's still kinda...tense? Weird? Something. For the most part, they understand each other, but maybe the most concise way to put it is that Kerra doesn't fully trust him anymore.
And for a couple bonuses, who are kinda part of this:
Caithe - Kerra's sister. I could write a whole essay on their relationship (and probably should, at some point), but to have an encapsulation: Kerra chose to have Caithe and Canach accompany her into Mordremoth's mind in HoT. When Rytlock commented that everyone going in was sylvari and maybe that could be an issue, Kerra immediately rounded on him and snapped that she trusted both of them with her life, and she meant it--despite the fact that she was still very angry and upset with her sister at that point.
Canach - one of Kerra's partners. She loves him. Also, she quite enjoys his sense of humor.
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dumb-dumb-mander · 2 years
Blish for the Character ask! :)
The Ask List
First impression ;
*old dial up internet noises*
"Wait─ he is a Golem with a new very high AI that Gorrik considers as brother or─ Wait no, Gorrik is an Asura, a very normie one, he can't have sentiments like this─ Wait, if Blish is─ was??─ is??? an Asura, why in a golem? or it's his mind in data? Or his brain in there? Or maybe a tiny asura in the golem like Taimi with Scruffy??? Where is the flesh body? What happened to it?"
*intense confusion*
Impression now ;
I really liked Blish
Gone way too soon, and not made as dirty as Trahearne, but still dirty
His death was absolutely unnecessary, it's Anet who don't know how to make us feel something if they don't kill someone
I didn't believe in it until we finished IbS because I can't believe that these 2 big brains didn't make save backup of something of Blish mind. Like even the first time they transferred the mind, you want to make me believe they did it "if we fail, you're gone Blish"?
I was waiting until the very very end when they announce "well, we did save the data of his mind every now and then/everyday just in case. A Golem's body structure is still subject of malfunction after all"
Favorite moment ;
Not really one to point out, but I would say most of his interaction with Taimi because the chemistry between them was really convincing. I'm not shipping them personally, but I totally understand why it's possible
Idea for a story ;
Unpopular opinion ;
He sure had a crush on Taimi, but I prefer them to stay friends
Favorite relationship ;
In all honestly? His brother. Anet did write them good. I'm a single child, so my knowledge is based on tv show and such, but when there are siblings, or they're... very very close, almost can't do anything when the other isn't involved, or they're friendenemies
Here it's clear they're close, love each other, backstory together and all, but still can have their own personality, similar but not clone and not fully opposite to make a cliché Ying-Yang balance
Favorite headcanon ;
I never saw any headcanon about him so I don't know...
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shiverpeakstraveler · 5 years
Ask Game
― Your muse’s name: Liana Rohland (aka Liana Thrainsdottir)
― A favorite picture/face claim of your muse:
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― Two headcanons you have for your muse:
Her very first pet was a frost drake named Frosty that she managed to tame when she was twelve. Frosty currently lives out his days as a “guard dog” for her adoptive mother’s lodge, and spends most of his time sleeping and chasing Sons of Svanir.
In her possession, Liana has an old tattered hat that had belonged to her birth father, given to her moments before being told to run as he prepared for his final stand against the White Mantle. She’s a bit protective of it and will wear it on occasion.
― Three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Stargazing has always been an absolute favorite of Liana’s. If she can find a good spot to stretch out when there are clear skies, she could honestly look out at the stars for hours on end.
Pranks and puns are always a thing she loves to do.
Liana will try to catch up on her reading if she can. Her guilty pleasures are really cheesy romance novels and mystery stories.
― Seven people your muse loves/likes:
Braham Eirsson: Boyfriend. Liana’s a bit nervous given she’s never had a romantic relationship with anyone to begin with, but she’s feeling pretty optimistic about the two of them. Now if only they can find a moment’s peace without the world landing itself in danger again....
Hjalmar Emberhowl: Adoptive brother, the two of them will always have each other’s back and will fight everyone if the other is being mistreated
Trahearne: Honorary Dad Friend. They bond over a love of cats and books. Trahearne was also the rock at the time for both Hjalmar and Liana as they struggled to come to terms with Sieran’s death.
Sieran: Priory Mentor and best friend. Liana misses her terribly and still has nightmares of Claw Island and Sieran’s sacrifice.
Aurene: Dragon Daughter! Liana adores Aurene and treasures her company, but at the same time worries about the weight of the responsibility that rests on the young scion’s shoulders as she takes on the role as a new benevolent Elder Dragon
Taimi: Practically a sister to her. Liana doesn’t quite understand the magitechnological research and findings Taimi comes across, but she admires her enthusiasm and makes an effort to try and understand as best she can.
Gorrik: A little wary around him at first given his ties to the Inquest, Liana quickly warms up to the young entomologist over the course of helping Petey the Roller Beetle build up the strength to combat the Scarab Plague. Now she’s pretty excited to hear about his new discoveries and will be quick to defend him if he’s being mocked.
― A phobia your muse has:
Atraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning): Liana has an overwhelming fear of thunderstorms, possibly tied to the fact that the White Mantle attack that had claimed her biological parents when she was four years old occurred during a particularly nasty storm. At the sound of thunder/sight of lightning, she will either freeze up entirely or run off looking for a place to hide. Dragon’s Watch and the rest of her family are aware of this and will do what they can to help her through those moments of terror.
It’s safe to say that facing Kralkatorrik and his brandstorms was her biggest test of strength.
Tagging: @cousinslavellan​, @ruki-the-hunter​, @rae-nger​, and anyone else who would like to do this!
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