#honestly they would be so thrown off by his weirdass
sanstropfremir · 3 years
hi! swf anon here
i agree w ur points. i don’t think the mission was very fitting? mnet had them essentially do an individual mission but mix matched the crews together and do a Group performance… in the episode, no one really cared to work together. instead they were more focused on wanting to stand out. i thought all the performances were v lackluster so i’m hoping for more? but my expectations are VERY low because the preview dance performances for the next ep looked v bad. each crew has more dancers to fill space and do fun formations but like, also? it seemed v poorly produced (stage design is literally them in a big ass empty stage). and that more doesn’t mean better because some stages looked v disorganized.
also, it seems like the show is more focused on ‘idol dancing’ if that makes sense? and that’s why it’s shot and edited that way. because chaeyeon is on it, there has been a lot of discussion of what counts as dancing vs idol dancing. also if idols can be considered as dancers. (the same argument that idol rappers are not rappers, etc.) taeyong was thrown in the mix because he’s one of the judges and people don’t think he’s Valid to be one.
also, what is unique to street battle dancing? i’m not familiar w it. and honestly i feel like boa is the only one making sense on the show. i like her comments and why she chose a crew as the better performance.
(this is a jumble of thoughts! sorry. i’m not on my laptop.)
no worries at all! your jumble makes perfect sense to me. i''m sorry this got very long and is mostly me rambling, i guess it's tit for tat at least!
honestly i would rather them doing big groups on an empty stage than whatever those massive quarry sets were, because at least we'll be able to see the choreo a little better. and you're absolutely correct more does not at all mean better. i am definitely a little confused on the priorities of the show, since they seem to be trying to incite the dance vs kpop dance conversation but don't actually seem to be doing it in a constructive way? i haven't watched the full episodes so i can't confirm, obviously, but from what i've seen they mostly just seem to be fueling the division between the two. i talked about this with the idol rapper thing during the collab kingdom stages but idol dance serves exactly the same function as idol rap; it's a part of the form of idol performance. it is a type of dance, and there are certainly idols who are very good at dance, but idol dancers and idol dance is not pushing or innovating the art of dance as a field. it's simply a different set of skills that serve a different function in a different form of art. it's kind of like trying to ask a fashion designer to be a performance costume designer. yea, ostensibly it's the same skills that came from the same place, and yes there are people that can do both, but they are specialized for their specific fields.
personally, of any current popular idol they could have picked, i think taeyong is a better choice than most. he's got a very well known face, he's a leader so he's used to being variety show material, and although he does dance like an action figure animated by suspicious mystical forces, he does actually care a lot about learning and acquiring new skills (see the fish surgeon incident), so he's not about to go onto the show wholly unprepared. not saying he's going to provide the most helpful feedback, but he's probably gonna be better than some other idols they could have picked, at least. and honestly? from what i've seen so far, i don't actually think there's a lot of dance happening that i would consider not idol dance, so i think it's probably fine that 2/3 judges are idols.
like i said in the tags of my previous post, battle dancing + street dance in general are much more focused on technique than idol dancing is. also most of it is freestyle. it's about arranging moves in combination to music in a fresh and interesting way that has a good structure and strong musicality. i linked the final from battle pro 2019 in my first post, but it's a little hard to explain what's going on, so instead i'm going to use mostly battle examples from street dance china here, because it's also a show about street dance that uses idols/celebrities as a way to bring in viewers, but they are also bringing in judges and dancers active in the global street dance scene.
this is one of my favourite battles from season 3, it's one round from a 4v4 where each dancer is trying to garner points for their team to avoid an elimination. the great thing about this battle is that it shows the strengths and weakness of different styles in battle dancing. this particular music works very well for two of these dancers, chunlin (second) and bouboo (fourth), but it doesn't work that well for klash (third), who is a bboy. you can also see how the editors of sdc actually put in post all the different moves that each dancer is doing, which i think is great and shows all the bits of technique that come together for each freestyle.
this is a 3v3 from the fourth season, where the first round is hiphop, second round is bboy, and third round is waacking (there are two other rounds after, but they cut rochka v bouboo from this edit and only showed c lil v qiao zhi, the bboys). the first round is VERY close to a draw, and rochka (long dreads) actually beats bouboo in the second round (bouboo is rochka's teacher, they're both french hiphop champions). qiao zhi beats c lil in the bboy rounds because he focuses more on technique and listening to the music, as opposed to doing just showy and experimental moves (you can see qiao zhi gesturing at his ears in the second round at the end, saying that c lil isn't listening). and in the waacking round, ac goes a little more for showmanship than technique, and that's why ibuki beats him in the end. tony gogo does a short explanation that says basically this, who is one of the judges and is a founder of the first locking group in the 70s, and also one of michael jackson's choreographers.
if you want to watch something that's a bit more showy and actually uses the idols, this is the first round of the captain's battle between wang yibo (uniq) and jackson wang (got7) from sdc3, where they have like 15min to come up with a short choreo to the same piece of music and then have to battle each other with it. and this is basically the same thing from sdc4, but the captains had to pick a dancer to dance with. the rules were slightly different for this one so the captain could chose to have another dancer sub, which is what han geng did for his second round. if you have 20 min and are curious, this is the full captain's cypher also from sdc4, which is han geng (ex-suju m) v zhang yixing (exo) v wang yibo v henry lau (ex-suju m). they're battling for extra towels (long story, it's the point system, basically) to save dancers that have already been eliminated. each of them pick a style they want to dance, and they have to do four rounds and all dance to each style's music.
basically what i'm using all these examples to explain is that battle dancing is about having a really strong understanding of basic dance skills and being able to do good freestyle. that's the biggest difference between idol dancers and street dancers. and this also extends beyond battles as well; here's another example because i can and because it's extremely funny. this is from the first elimination round in sdc4, where half the dancers were able to pre-choreograph performances and were only able to challenge them in a call out, but the caveat was that they HAD to dance to the other dancer's music without listening to it again. so basically if you wanted to call out someone, you had to listen and memorize while watching their routine, and then freestyle a routine on the spot. which meant that everyone who pre-choreographed routines did it to the most batshit music they could possibly think of, to prevent people from challenging them. xiao ji calls out welllai because he's a dumbass and wants to go to the bathroom, so you can actually see his thinking process in trying to freestyle to this weirdass fuckin beat she used. and he ultimately wins the call out because he shows good ingenuity and character as well as technique and ability. he even says at the end that it was only because of many years of practice that he was able to pull that off.
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queenofbaws · 4 years
OK, trying this again lol. In 'Misery loves company...and pizza' you had Brad and Chris/Ash being college buds, as you do. But they didn't know Conrad through Josh anymore. And while I can accept that he forgot them, there is no way that they wouldn't have immediately looked at him and gone 'oh no, not this tool again'. So how different would things have been if Chris/Ash and Conrad/Julia looked at eachother and just went 'the FUCK are you doing here????'
((the fic in question!))
oh god, i’ve been sitting here thinking about it and like
i’m genuinely not sure it would be
wildly different
(queenie rambles about her own writing under the cut - you’ve been WARNED)
so ‘misery loves company...and pizza’ def doesn’t quiiiiiiiiite fit into my whole weirdass cinematic universe for errone’s relationships (mostly because i wrote it before i had decided there’s no way in HELL josh and conrad wouldn’t be frenemies), BUT EVEN SO, the more i think about this like
past the initial “why the fuck are YOU here?!?!?!?!?!” moment where chris and ash and connie and julia realize they know each other because of the washingtons......................lord help me i still don’t think they’d buy the whole “hey so turns out mountain curses are real” thing
honestly, if anything, i think the second they went into the supernatural element of it, conrad and julia would’ve just sort of looked at each other like “yeah. yup. okay. definitely spent too much time watching josh’s shitty movies.” and that look CLEARLY would’ve been caught by alex, who’d later pass it onto brad, and honestly i think that if there’d be any difference at all, it’d be that the tetanus crew just would’ve found their story (and them, to an extent) crazIER than they already did...
except no one would’ve doubted that josh rigged the whole lodge full of traps à la saw meets home alone
that would’ve been accepted WITHOUT QUESTION
on the other hand, if we’re talking chris and ashley’s pov here, you’re 900% correct - the moment they saw conrad and julia they probably would’ve just thrown their arms up in the air like “the fuck is THIS about?!” because 1. what are the chances these are the people brad went through a weirdass trauma with, and 2. god damn it that whole family is fucking exhausting
i’m sure this isn’t anywhere near a satisfying answer, considering my answer is essentially several paragraphs of what amounts to the shrug emoji, but i will say i’m now sorely disappointed i didn’t get to write THIS exchange:
julia: and you want us to believe that...what, josh and his sisters were victims of a SPOOKY CURSE? chris: yeah ashley: i mean...pretty much conrad: uh huh. and he got eaten by a mythological creatu- ashley: spirit. mythological spirit conrad: right. okay. he got eaten by a mythological SPIRIT that was probably his dead sister, am i following you so far? chris: you know. considering you got part of your ear cut off by a literal goddamn one-eyed pirate before being kidnapped and dumped on a ghost ship full of military secrets and cannibalistic rats, not really sure i’m appreciating the tone you’re bringing to this conversation, my dude brad: there were also mummies chris: there were also mummies. well i mean i guess mike found one of those too so maybe we can’t judge
fliss never speaks to any of them again
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All Those Things They Couldn’t Say - A Runaway Baudelaires AU
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Chapter Forty-Nine - The Snow Scouts hike up Early
“Move, I’m gay!” Isadora shouted, pushing her way through a bunch of hiking children. 
They scattered, confused, as Isadora pushed past them all, the other children racing behind her. Duncan waved an apology as Isadora continued shoving children aside and the Baudelaires didn’t seem to care. 
Violet had managed to use some vines and a stolen fan belt to repair a rollercoaster engine, and after yanking it off the track they managed to get it to run in the dirt as the carnival burnt around them. They crowded inside best they could while Violet got it to run, and once it ran out of power, they hiked the rest of the way. That took up about a day, and they’d finally reached a nearby town and located a sign- “Snow Scout Pre-Camp Campout!” 
Isadora directed them towards the largest tent in the center of the campsite, and pushed open the flap, yelling, “Yo, who’s in charge here?” 
A man, sitting at a table and flipping through papers, jumped, looking up in shock. “What the- who-” 
Isadora walked to the table, slamming her hand down, and the others filtered behind her, crossing their arms and trying to look intimidating- but, honestly, Isadora, who was tired of sitting around on a rollercoaster and ready to find her goddamn brother, was really winning at that. 
“Are you in charge?” she asked. 
The man blinked. “Er, yes. I’m Bruce, are you-” 
“Oh, we’re signing up. We need to be Snow Scouts,” Isadora said, “For you see, this year is a special year! False Spring is coming early!” 
Bruce stared at her. “What?” 
“Yes! We just found out. It’s so new that the Daily Punctilio hasn’t even gotten the news yet.” Isadora grabbed a newspaper from the desk, waved it, and then tossed it behind her. It landed against Klaus’s chest, and he oofed and tried to grab it. “It’s a very special year! False Spring is coming early, if we all leave now we may still be able to make it!” 
“Is that so?” Bruce asked. 
“Oh, yes.” Isadora nodded. “It’s because of the hemisphere and leap days and- um-” 
“Rosh Hashanah.” Duncan added. 
“Yeah.” Isadora said. “Very complicated. Bit hard to explain, but we rushed over here as soon as possible, we wanna be there or Early False Spring. Only happens once a century-ish, you know. Where do we sign up?” 
Bruce shook his head in confusion, but then shrugged. “Well, we were all just learning how to make fires, anyway, I guess. Your parents will have to sign the paperwork-” 
“Oh, they’re getting here after False Spring. Let us take the early bus.” Isadora said. “They’ll take care of everything once we get back, where are our uniforms?” 
Bruce pointed towards a chest by the edge of the tent wall, and as Isadora rushed over, Klaus asked, “Excuse me, is this today’s Punctilio?” 
Bruce nodded, and Klaus carefully put the paper down on the desk, before moving to join Isadora. Concerned, Violet moved beside him. “What’s up?” 
“The date…” Klaus mumbled, as Isadora started digging through uniforms, looking for the right size. “It’s… tomorrow’s my birthday.” 
Violet sighed, and then gave him a side-hug, as Isadora pulled out some coats. “We’re in such a hurry, we may only need coats.” she called to Bruce. “You go get the rest of the Scouts, okay?” 
He stumbled out, still a bit confused, and Isadora threw a coat on. “Alright, so, Duncan, what do you remember about Snow Scout shit?” 
“The pledge, which is written on the back of the coats and means nonsense.” Duncan said, showing them the alphabet pledge. “A couple of survival skills… I swear there was something we forgot about-” 
“Uncle Bruce!” came a familiar shout behind them, as the tent flap was thrown open. “Everyone’s moving and packing stuff up and we have a few more days until- oh, what the fuck!” 
They all turned, and met eyes with a stunned Carmelita Spats. 
“Um,” Duncan said, “Hello?” 
Carmelita froze, and then slapped her forehead. “What in the actual fuck are you doing here?” 
“It’s a long story. What are you doing here?” Violet said. 
“She’s a Snow Scout.” Isadora observed. 
“Yeah, no shit!” Carmelita groaned. She raced over to them, crossing her arms. “Why are you here? You shouldn’t be here!” 
“Uh, we need to get to the mountains.” Klaus said. “So, uh… we’re…” 
“Scouts.” Sunny shrugged. 
“Son of a-” Carmelita shut her eyes. “You need to go. That weirdass Coach Genghis thinks you’re heading here so you should go-” 
“Why would he think that?” Violet asked.
“Because he asked me and I said the first place I could think of, I didn’t think you’d actually be here!” 
“Aw, Carmelita cares about us.” Isadora cooed, putting a hand over her heart and smirking. 
“I do not, I just happen to hate him more! So fuck off, will you?” 
“Can’t. Olaf’s already ahead of us.” Violet said. “You see, he’s in the mountains now, and we’re going to go murder him for kidnapping our parents and their brother-” 
“Oh, great, now he’s got their brother-” 
“-and we need to get to the mountains, where they’re planning to burn a- a place.” Violet did not want to get into a discussion of what VFD was in this situation. “So we’re saying False Spring is happening early to get us up there. Think you can play along?” 
“No! We always camp for a week before we head to the mountains-” 
“Are you False Spring Queen?” Duncan asked. 
Carmelita stopped. “What?” 
“Quigley and I used to have a Snow Scout interest. Are you False Spring Queen?” 
“Of course! I am every year because I’m just that special.” 
“Wouldn’t you like to celebrate that as soon as possible? Wouldn’t that be more fun than just hanging around the camp doing nothing?” 
Carmelita opened her mouth, then closed it, then crossed her arms and huffed. “I mean- sure, I don’t like being here, but it’s what we always do. We can’t just change the way things are.” 
“Inde.” Sunny said. “And what fun is that?” 
Before Carmelita could respond, the flap opened again, and Bruce walked in. “Carmelita! There you are! We’re just packing up- False Spring is early this year, you know.” 
Carmelita flinched as he spoke, glancing back hurriedly, before recovering herself and saying, “Of course I know that! I’m the smartest girl in the world!” 
“Of course you are.” he patted her on the head, then looked at the other kids. “Why don’t you help the others pack up?” 
“We’d love to.” Violet said, forcing a smile on her face. She grabbed Carmelita’s arm. “Carm, you wanna help?” 
“Uh- sure. Whatever.” 
They stalked out of the tent, and as soon as they were out, Violet’s smile dropped. She turned to Carmelita, and whispered, “Do you want us to stab him?” 
“I can handle him.” Carmelita muttered. Then, carefully, she pulled a knife out of her pocket. “Some weird kids at school taught me how to do that.” 
“Well, let us know if you want us to do anything.” Violet said, as they headed towards a tent some kids were disabling. “Because we will.” 
“Don’t doubt it.” 
The Scouts swiftly moved out across the mountains, with nobody really paying much attention to the five new children, one of whom was clearly a toddler. Sunny had been wrapped in the smallest coat they could find, which still went well past her feet, so Isadora carried her most of the way up the hill. The other kids ended up drifting to their own groups to chat with each other, and Bruce remained ahead with the map, so they mostly stuck with each other. 
After a while, Klaus whispered, “Uh, Violet?” 
He grabbed her hand, staring at the ground. “Did… did I do something bad?” 
“With Olivia? I… I killed her. In a horrible way.” he blinked away tears. “And she-” 
“Hey.” Violet squeezed his hand. “I’ve killed, too. And you know what? It-” 
“But Orwell was actively trying to kill us. Olivia was-” 
“She was helping Olaf to kill us. And… you were right.” Violet squeezed his hand once more. “Whether actively or passively… she killed our Dad.” 
Klaus stared at the path. “I… I wanted to meet him so badly.” 
“Me, too.” 
They fell silent again, and then she said, “Let’s think of something else. What’ll we do for your birthday tomorrow?” 
“Kill Olaf.” 
“Sounds good. It’s your birthday so you get to pick a method of execution.” 
“Something fast. So he can’t get away.” 
“And so we don’t have time to regret anything.” 
“We won’t.” she promised. 
They looked up, then, as Carmelita stalked over to them from the front of the group. She trailed beside them, before saying, “Everyone up there is boring. So, the hell have you guys been up to?” 
“We’ve killed someone.” Isadora said. 
“Cool! Tell me about that.” 
“Only if you ask nicely.” Duncan said. 
“Not gonna happen.” 
“You wanna be bored?” 
“Not especially.” 
“Then ask.” 
“...please tell me, cakesniffers?” 
“Close enough.” 
They did their best to explain things to Carmelita without freaking her out, and by the time they got to Klaus pushing someone into the lion pit- to which she thankfully only replied, “Oh, epic,”- they noticed Bruce calling to the kids about their stop up ahead. 
“What stop?” Isadora asked. “What stop is he talking about?” 
Carmelita sighed and rolled her eyes. “Every year we go to the same cave and tell Snow Scout Stories and eat marshmallows until our stomachs hurt and camp out until morning- snow gnats are more active at night. We’ve got masks to protect us from them but they’re such a drag to wear, we just let Stephen carry them in case of emergencies. Anyway, the snow gnats hate smoke so our campfire scares them away.” 
“You have a campfire in a cave?” Klaus said. “That cannot be safe.” 
“Hasn’t killed us yet.” 
Violet hesitated, and then tied her hair back. “I bet there’s some kind of device that lets the smoke escape, otherwise it’d definitely fill up the cave. I wonder…” 
“Well, we’re here, so wonder while we’re telling Snow Scout Stories.” Carmelita sighed, gesturing towards a cave before them, where some Snow Scouts were already heading. “I’ve got a very interesting one about the most precious, beautiful, smartest girl in the whole wide school.” 
“Oh, joy.” Isadora said. 
“Have you considered just retelling The Taming of the Shrew as a high school tale?” Duncan asked. 
“No, we’re talking about me.” 
The Snow Scout stories seemed to last forever, but the children managed to distract themselves. Sunny would toddle around behind a rock so the other scouts couldn’t see, dramatically re-enacting what was being told, with the other kids barely stifling their giggles. When Sunny grew tired, they backed themselves into a corner, and Isadora quietly jotted down poetry ideas, while Violet or Duncan would take turns singing quietly to try and lull Sunny to sleep. 
After a while, Klaus said, “I still feel bad.” 
Violet hesitated, and then put a hand on Duncan’s shoulder to quiet him. She turned back to Klaus, and then said, “I… I know. Can I be honest a second?” 
“Of course.” 
She curled up slightly. “I sometimes feel bad about Orwell.” 
“You shouldn’t, she was going to kill us-” 
“And so was Olivia.” Violet turned to Klaus, meeting his eyes. “But I think some part of us is always going to wonder if we did the right thing or the wrong.” she glanced at the ground, then shook slightly. “That must be how our parents feel. Especially now, with… all this happening.” 
Klaus leaned over, putting a head on Violet’s shoulder. “I guess we’re just a whole family of murderers.” 
He jumped as he felt another hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Duncan had moved over to hug him, with Sunny leaning over his lap to grab at Klaus’s coat. Isadora came over, too, and they were soon all huddled together. 
“We just want you to know,” Isadora said quietly, “That whether or not you were right or wrong… we still think you’re noble enough.” 
“Is that even good?” Violet asked, her voice a little choked. 
“It’s the best we can hope for.” Duncan said. 
Klaus and Violet gave the Quagmires grateful smiles, and then Isadora smirked a little. “Besides, Sunny still hasn’t killed anyone.” 
“Penmark,” Sunny said, meaning something akin to, “Don’t be so sure.” 
“What does that mean, young lady?” 
Before she could provide some kind of snarky response, they heard a clatter, and some shouts. They whipped their heads around, staring as some kids ran back to the fire, a masked boy in a tattered coat in tow. 
“We found this kid digging through our supplies!” said Baya, looking peeved. 
“I think that’s our mask, too!” Jaedon shouted. 
“I- I’m sorry!” the boy cried. “I- I got lost and- and you guys had food and I’ve been walking all night and all day and-” 
“Oh, don’t worry, friend!” Bruce waved his hand. “Baya, Jaedon, let him go, it’s fine. He can join the troupe! We’re accommodating! Isn’t that right? Snow Scouts are accommodating, basic-” 
The only scouts who did not follow him in reciting the pledge were Carmelita, who was looking at the boy curiously and hesitantly glancing around, and the children in the corner. Violet stiffened and grabbed onto Klaus’s arm, and Duncan and Isadora, after staring in frozen shock for a moment, slowly and shakily stood up. 
When the pledge was over, Bruce said, “Why don’t you sit down and tell us a story? I’m sure a traveler like you-” 
Carmelita glanced back, and saw the frozen forms of the Quagmires, and then turned back and loudly said, “No! I’m in the middle of my story so I’ll continue!” 
She kept loudly talking, keeping everyone focused on her, as the Baudelaires rose, and the Quagmires stumbled over to the masked boy, who was watching the scouts in confusion. 
Then they reached him, and he turned, and also froze. 
They stood for a long time, just staring at each other. Isadora was close to tears, and she opened her mouth to speak, before Duncan, who was staring ahead, prodded her, gesturing to the scouts. Too many people around. Don’t be direct. 
She turned back, tears still edging from her eyes, to the masked boy. Duncan was shaking slightly, and the boy just stood, hoping they couldn’t hear him cry. 
Then, slowly, Isadora whispered, her voice completely breaking, “Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe…” 
Her voice faltered, so Duncan squeezed her arm, and then continued, just a bit louder, “All mimsy were the borogroves and the mome raths outgrabe…” 
There was a long, cold silence, before… 
“Beware the Jabberwock, my son,” the boy whispered, almost as if he didn’t believe what was happening, what he was saying. “The jaws that bite, the claws that catch.” 
Isadora choked back a sob, and Duncan clung to his sister’s arm, almost falling over. 
“Beware the jubjub bird…” he continued, and now they could definitely hear he was crying, “And shun the frumious bandersnatch.” 
Then they continued to stare at each other for a very long time.
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diisenchvnted · 5 years
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KIERNAN SHIPKA,  DEMIGIRL,  SHE/HER.  —  looks  like  BEATRICE “TRIXIE” BELLEROSE  is  attending  AURADON PREP  in  auradon.  they're  the  NINETEEN  year  old  child  of  THE ENCHANTRESS,  which  means  they're  from  THE ISLE.  heard  they're  ENERGETIC  &  CREATIVE,  but  can  also  be  OFFBEAT  &  NAÏVE  ;  we all have our bad days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  RED PETALS FALLING OFF A BLOOMING ROSE, A CRACKED HANDMIRROR BY YOUR BESIDE, RUBY RED LIPS AND BIG BROWN EYES, WORN STUFFED ANIMALS SALVAGED WITH A POOR SEWING JOB.  —  hylia.
                             ❛ it’s only me who wants to wrap around your dreams                                 and...  have you any dreams you’d like to sell ?? ❜                                playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.                                tws : mental abuse ( by a parent )
so hi again i am hylia and this is Baby. idk how long this one’s gonna end up eITHER bc my allergies are kickin’ my ass today and I should be resting but I cannot stay away from this group for that long. So yes !! pls continue reading for more info abt trixie bby here. i lov her.
The daughter of the Enchantress - yes , the same Enchantress that turned Prince Adam into a beast - Trixie never really understood why her family was stuck on the Isle. Since of course , the Enchantress only taught Adam a lesson , yes ?? It was maybe through more harsh means than one would think , but . . . she wasn’t a bad guy.
...Right ??
All Trixie knew was that this was the life she was given , and she had to suck it up and deal with it. And never one to really sit around feeling sorry for herself , she took it. And her life was pretty normal for an Isle kid , save for her mother projecting her anger at being thrown on Isle onto her child. 
There was always a talk of showing them. Telling Trixie , One day we’ll show them what a real lesson is since they didn’t learn from last time. Excessively tutoring her in all things magic and enchanting despite the fact that powers like that actually terrified the child to her core. 
But there was always pressure - and it only increased when it was found out the Isle kids were getting a chance. In Trixie’s mind , this was a new way to explore , a new opportunity for a brand new life - UNTIL Trixie’s mother decided it would finally be able to kick their plans into motion. All of that tutoring , all of the training that made it so Trixie never had many friends , couldn’t leave the house much - it would have to pay off.
Gifted with an enchanted mirror and an enchanted rose by her mother - exact replicas to the beast’s , the Enchantress gave Trixie an ultimatum to make sure revenge was sated : give the Beast’s family the same fate he once bore ( essentially , transform them all into beasts like he used to be ) by the time the last petal falls , or be doomed to become a beast herself.
And . . . that’s where she is now. 
SO YES THAT’S IT - Trixie’s mother basically wants her to turn Belle, Adam , and their kids into beasts to get revenge or else Trixie’s gonna be the one turning into a beast if she doesn’t do it. And yes it’s fucking terrifying.
Nobody knows of this secret except for the two people involved in the deal - Trixie , and her mom. And by God Trixie does not want to do this.
And realistically , for RP purposes , I’m gonna inform you now that there is no way that the revenge is gonna be carried out. The Florians are fine. We all know she’s not gonna do it. But right now , since Trixie just got here and has that ultimatum , she doesn’t know that yet. So she’s struggling with a lose-lose situation since if she does do that , she makes herself an Auradonian criminal , and if she defies her mother and doesn’t , she becomes a beast and she has no idea how to undo a spell like that.
So yeah , just to clarify - nobody else really knows about this. Trixie keeps this deal hidden , and also hides the two items related to it in her closet ( the handmirror and rose ) so nobody finds them. Even though she routinely carries the mirror around with her and checks on the rose frequently because yes , its petals are starting to fall. 
Which brings me to my next point - Trixie has AMAZING power , and essentially , later on in her life it’s destined that she’ll become the next Enchantress. But because Trixie’s magical prowess isn’t manifesting fully yet , aka - it’s not showing on the outside , she doesn’t think she has much of a talent with it. She doesn’t know her own strength yet.
And of course , her mother knows of this. Her mother knows she’s going to excel - but there’s both difficulties in keeping that a secret and letting her become aware.
She keeps it a secret right now - it’s in an effort to keep Trixie under her thumb. But this is also proving difficult for Trixie to carry out the revenge scheme due to a lack of confidence paired with her morals.
If Trixie becomes aware of her power , then that means she’s going to find out she’s growing stronger as her mother’s magic is waning - kind of like the deal with the Supreme in American Horror Story. Trixie’s power grows stronger as her mother’s grows weaker , but that isn’t showing yet in the former of the two. 
So right now , Trixie is forcing herself to practice her magic to get stronger to appease her mother - even though honestly ?? She does not like magic. It terrifies her , and she blames her ability to use it for why her life kind of sucks right now.
To sort of make sure nobody is suspicious of her , Trixie doesn’t even tell people who her mother is. She just says her mother was a fling of Gaston’s banished to the Isle by association - that’s it.
And this is sort of how she’s managed to get a part-time job working in Ben’s castle as a maid to get close.
...Even though she really , really , really doesn’t like that.
But also !! One thing she has going for her is that despite everything - she is very outwardly FRIENDLY and optimistic - always smiley , always chatting up somebody up. This is sort of an effort to make herself feel better rather than put on a facade , since Trixie’s more keen on focusing on things that don’t make her feel sad to distract herself from the actual situation. 
“Trix you’re in denial” “I know.”
Also this sort of influence her tendency to ignore or run away from situations as much as she can bc... mood.
Acting in her own world is very normal for her - and it’s a major coping mechanism. She’s very creative , obsessed with fairytales and stories and probably knows the whole story about your parents more than you do. She in fact writes some of her own in her spare time , always keeping a journal around with her for writing when she’s bored.
Also keeps a dream journal ( mR. ELECTRICDAD SEND HIM TO THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE AND HAVE HIM EXPELLED !!11!!1!!!!!! ) bc she is big into the belief our dreams have deeper meanings n stuff
She’s not the type to shy away from stuff tho in the sense of like... conversing about very out there topics or saying weirdass things that pop into her head. Sort of seen as a little weirdo for this but it all comes for the fact that Trixie is a HUGE thinker.
Also into the supernatural even on the slightly more malevolent side just bc she finds it interesting - she’s 100% the friend that proposes u guys try and summon demons during sleepovers
My lil weird baby
Looks rly good in green and red tbh and probably owns like forty-five different shades of lipstick since coming to Auradon 
Also has a lot of rose-patterned/themed stuff just bc frankly it’s cute. 
God as a character it’s so hard to describe her like... in words this sounds so pretentious but I do so much better showing and not telling bc her character is so complex in the sense that she’s. She’s like a dream. That’s the best way I can describe her - a dream as in the random , thought-induced , fantasy-like parts of dreams rather than the romantic parts of everything.
That probably makes no sense but. Yeah.
She’s weird I love her
Probably would do well in Wonderland if she didn’t have her mother lOOMING OVER HER HEAD
In general I just want friends that Trixie has that she can’t rly tell what’s going on with her. At all. And it breaks her heart bc she finally has the chance to fit in and get along with people but either way she decides to take her mother’s deal makes it so she can’t keep them.
Lots of secrets are gonna be passed about.
I’d lov her to eventually bond with sb so she can actually EXPLAIN her problem to and cry about it bc baby lowkey feels like she’s on her own in this and can’t turn to anyone for it
Ppl who Trixie rly likes in any sense to point where she bases some fairytale characters in her own stories off of them
I’d also love some enemies pls gimme gimme gimme
Some ppl who suspect Trixie bc she seems so... vague. Like she’s not giving the full story.
Isle kids who know EXACTLY who Trixie’s mother is and for some reason resent her for tht bc I don’t think the Enchantress is the nicest magic user out there rn
Friendships that went sour bc Trixie’s been keeping so many SECRETS
First love who went sour for the same reasons : /
The general uhhhhh exes, crushes, that sorta stuff
Any ship that’s gonna b like a full on sHIP SHIP will have to b seen how chemistry works out !! But Trixie’s a panromantic asexual bby who I adore. 
I’d love some folks she aCCIDENTALLY exposes her magic to and they can either
A .) Blackmail her n threaten to expose her for it
or B.) Find it RLY RLY RLY cool n she just shows them a bunch of magic... trix
please clap.
BT ALSO LETS DEFFO BRAINSTORM SOME !!! again i’ll be making an official connections page for her like i am w/ luke but in the meantime ! lets plot !
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