#honestly thought I was going to pass out at the doctor’s office a mere 14 hours ago
fieryphrazes · 6 months
At that stage of sickness where I’m feeling 40% better so I start to forget how bad I felt before and feel guilty for missing so much work. But lest I forget I felt SO BAD
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jo--taylor · 3 years
it’s late || jo + morgan
WHO: Jo Taylor & Morgan Stone WHEN: 1/14/21 Thursday Night WHAT: Morgan accidentally finds Jo’s classroom late one night. WARNING: crying towards the end because of memories
Honestly, time had gotten away from her.  It was well into the evening; classes were done, office hours were over, the halls were silent and dark except for the flood of light that poured from her open door.  She was thankful for the extra work load, it kept her occupied and flooded her mind with something other than blonde hair.  More students seemed to be signed up for Roleplay on all levels this semester which was fantastic and though it meant a little bit more work than she had expected, she wasn't upset about it.  She'd been hyper focusing.  That little quirk wasn't anything new, it's what Jo had always done when she was stressed out or upset or avoiding the issue at hand.   Seeing Maeve helped a lot but after the conversation they'd had on New Year's morning, she was trying not to rely too heavily on the Domme.  Maeve had been clear about her intentions and she respected that but it also made her feel like going to her about highly personal things was unfair. So she kept to the routine that she'd set for herself and added in her class work.  When she wasn't keeping busy she was thinking about one of three things- Maeve, Blythe, and most frequently Morgan.  So focus was key as it always tended to be.  Having that one run in really rocked her harder than she thought it might.  Sitting there at her desk, she readjusted her reading glasses and crossed one toned thigh over the other, class entry papers spread haphazardly over her desk as she looked over the one held in her hand.  As well put together as she appeared, if you knew her,  you could see past the facade- she was tired.January 14, 2021
Working at Devereux the past week had actually been a dream come true. She had been looking for an opportunity to get into Devereux in a temp position for years and was grateful the chance had finally come about. However, it had also been filled with tension. She had actively tried to avoid Jo and everyone that she knew would know about the situation, which had left her extremely stressed and feeling quite lonely as she was wary of making connections with anyone. However, she was will to deal with the stress, the tension, the loneliness, because she had done it to herself and now she was actively experiencing the consequences of her actions in a more tangible manner. She'd stayed late at work that evening, later than she usually did, thanks to some questions from students and reading through some sheets of questions that she had asked them to fill out. Some answers had been meaningful and thought provoking and others hadn't been, but that was par for the course when teaching. When she finally decided it was time to head home, she packed up her things and walked out of the classroom, closing the light and door on her way out. Walking towards the exit, she noticed a light was still on and furrowed her brows, maybe this was the opportunity she had been looking for to make some form of friendly connection with someone. "Well, someone's here late." She commented as she stepped into the room, not noticing what room it was she was walking into until she saw Jo.
Dark eyes didn’t glance up from her paper.  She heard that voice and her heart leapt into her throat.  Jo adjusted her glasses slightly and pretended that Morgan’s presence didn’t bother her, didn’t make her heart ache.  “Someone took on two extra classes and has far more entry paperwork than anticipated.”  Beautiful, tired, eyes finally glanced up and over the thick rim of those glasses.  “Can I help you with something, Miss Stone?”  Their gazes met and for a moment she felt like she couldn’t breathe.  They’d done wicked things in this classroom during their days as students.  The memories flooded her mind at the mere sight of her former Domme.  Crossing one toned thigh over the other, she fingered the paper in her hand.
Morgan hadn't been expecting to walk in on Jo in her office. She should have been more focused and paid more attention to where she was going, but she hadn't, too excited about the possibility of having a conversation with a colleague. It had been a silly thought and she would have to be more careful moving forward. She hummed at the other's words and nodded, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against the door. "Sounds like someone needs to take a break or their paperwork may not be correctly filed." Morgan expressed. "I'm sorry to barge in. I didn't realize this was your classroom." She wasn't going to say that she was feeling lonely, wouldn't put that on Jo.
They’d snuck in here on many occasions.  She could recall being bent over this very desk, it had been thrilling at the time.  She bit into her inner cheek gently so as not to react to the memory.  At those words her lips quirked the slightest bit, one may have missed it if they weren’t paying attention. “I’ve had enough coffee today to keep me going for a month, I’m sure everything will be filed properly.”  She admitted. Jo gave a small shrug at the apology, her eyes wandering to the clock then back to Morgan.  She cleared her throat gently.  “It’s fine.  The time got away from me- I hadn’t even realized it was dark.”
There had been more occasions than Morgan could count that this had been the situation, with Jo getting lost in some form of work or another, hyper focused on one thing in order to ignore a situation that might have been going on. And she could only assume, maybe her ego getting the best of her, that she was one of the situations that Jo was trying to ignore. "It's late. And with a lot of caffeine and the high comes the low when you crash. I think you'd rather be at home when that happens."
She swallowed hard at the words that came next.  Morgan clearly still knew who she was at the core of her being, how she processed, how she coped.  She hadn’t even told her that she hadn’t eaten more than a granola bar since the lunch hour but she knew Morgan probably already knew that without her having to say anything.  Would she really rather be at home?  Probably not.  Jo had a moment where she wanted to lash out and tell her to go home and that she wasn’t her responsibility anymore- that she’d made that choice when she walked out, but instead she took a breath and gave a shake to her head.  “I’ll be fine, Miss.”. It came out softer than she’d expected.January 15, 2021
"There's a difference between being fine and being healthy. And being healthy for yourself and your students is important." Morgan shot back, taking a step back after she had said those words. Being around Jo, even in such a small capacity had her slipping back into the way she would try and help Jo when they were together. But she couldn't do that anymore, she'd walked away from that job. "I just mean that the paperwork will still be there in the morning. And if you go home now and come back into school early on, it might work better."
Jo rose a brow.  She let silence hang in the air for a moment and when her lips parted to finally respond, Morgan was speaking again.  Her brow lowered and she reverted her gaze, looking back to the papers on her desk, shifting through a couple.  “What makes you think going home will get anything accomplished?”  She muttered.  She didn’t want to be alone with her thoughts in a place she could let her guard down.  With a small sigh, Jo put a few of the papers into a folder and made a mark or two in her notebook.  “I’ll get home soon enough.”
"If not home, then go to a friend." Morgan uttered. Jo needed to get out of the office and needed to get somewhere that she would be able to rest. Morgan couldn't force her, wouldn't though she wanted to order her. She had lost that right, regardless of what their marks said and she wouldn't push her wants or will onto the other. But she would continue to give her opinions for as long as she could before enough was enough. "School comes early. And you need sleep. And probably food."
“My friends have lives.”  It was infuriating that suddenly Morgan cared about her well being and she really wanted to call her out on it.  She knew she could probably call Thea, Russel, even Maeve but she didn’t need them seeing her like this.  She wasn’t their responsibility.  Jo pulled off her glasses and they dangled from one hand while the other went up to pinch the bridge of her nose.  “Please- don’t pretend to know what I need.”   They both knew Morgan was right but it’s not something she cared to admit.
Her jaw clenched slightly at Jo's words and she took another step back. "Fine. Maybe just make sure you don't pass out in your class." Morgan shot back, shaking her head. Getting angry wasn't going to help the situation. But they both knew that she was right. And while Morgan had been a terrible person and had gone about things the wrong way, Jo also doing things the wrong way wasn't really going to do either of them any good.
She was biting gently at the tip of the glasses that still dangled from her hand, a nervous habit she’d picked up back during their school days that had never gone away.  The words hit harder than she expected them to and some of the anger fell away; sad, tired, dark eyes glanced up.  “...Sorry.”  Her voice was a little smaller, lacking the bite it held just moments ago.
Morgan's shoulders dropped when Jo apologized and she shook her head slightly. She didn't want apologies from Jo. She just wanted her to take care of herself. Seeing her here, so perfect, it was still a lot to take in. She still remembered the day that Blythe had died and the ensuing conversations with doctors that told her that Jo wouldn't survive. And yet here she was. And here Morgan was without her. Because she hadn't been able to stand by and watch her die.
“It’s... a little surreal that you’re standing here right now.  In this place.  Where we...” She shook her head, trailing off into a small humorless laugh.  Her eyes averted momentarily and she let out a somewhat steadying breath.  “And I keep wondering if maybe I’m just hallucinating.”  Slender fingers set the glasses down carefully onto the desk.  “The way I used to see you in the audience at the shows I worked in New York.”  Her eyes remained on her desk.  “And then... I’ll see your name in a bulletin ....or someone like Russel will ask me if it’s true ...or you’ll walk into my favorite coffee shop and suddenly I’m hit with this...” Jo finally met her gaze again.  “...big dose of reality.”
Morgan took a sharp breath when Jo talked about seeing her at her shows in New York and she worried her bottom lip between her teeth. "I did go...to one of your shows. I had to see you. But I knew I didn't deserve to reach out to you. And so when I found out that you were performing I went to a show." She let the honest words fall from her lips, knowing that Jo deserved to hear them. "Once I had seen you...okay...alive...I tried to start thinking about new things. Started trying to move forward." She leaned against the doorway, crossing her arms over her chest.
Her brow creased at those words.  She was too tired to rage or snap or overreact to this new information but as it processed she felt overwhelmed and her eyes got a little glassy.  “.... I uhm... it was... rare that I performed much the past seven years.  Mostly I SMed but there was that... that one weekend.”  She shook her head and wiped at her eyes and glanced away to try and collect herself.  “They needed me to swing for Eliza in Hamilton when the actress who was already swinging for the regular actress went and fractured her ankle .... I don’t even know who you had to kill to get your hands on a ticket.”  Her chest felt tight and she felt a little lightheaded.  “So... I made up seeing you at Waitress? And Wicked?”  She had SMed those shows but she’d sworn up and down that she saw Morgan in the audience.  Maybe those times it had been a mere coincidence or maybe she was just paranoid.
She chewed her bottom lip and shook her head. "That was the only show I went to. Other than that I haven't been to any shows...yours or otherwise since...before." Morgan admitted. It felt like an important thing to acknowledge and she wasn't going to lie to Jo. She had done enough damage to Jo but also to herself by running away and she wasn't going to do that. Not yet. Not now. Seeing the confusion and the slight tears welling up was enough to break her heart all over again and she breathed out slowly. "You were great in the show."
Jo gave a slow nod as Morgan confirmed that since that first time, she’d just let her mind run rampant with paranoia, or maybe hope.  Tears slipped silently down perfect cheeks and she was quick to wipe at them.  “Right.”  She swallowed hard.  “I just kept.... seeing you everywhere after that.”  It was why she’d taken the job here at Devereux.  A small choked laugh left her and a small smile cracked at the compliment.  “I was terrified, Mor.  It was my first time performing in years. God, I thought I was going to pass out.  And I did what I always used to do without even thinking- I looked out at the crowd to find you and Blythe and.... there you were.  I swear it’s the only reason I didn’t fall off the damn stage.”January 16, 2021
Morgan was glad that, at least in that one moment, the memory of her...the sight of her...had been enough to help. It meant the world to her that at the very least she had been able to offer the support that she had wanted to that evening. Even if she hadn't known the impact that she had had until just then. "I don't know. You're more impressive than you think. I don't doubt that you would have pulled it off." Morgan mused, looking down at the floor as tears slipped down Jo's cheeks. She couldn't reach out and hold her, but God if she didn't want to.
Jo shook her head.  “No.  Nope.  You’re wrong.”  She was very adamant.  “My heart would have broken all over again I think. Because any time I actually performed on stage in a new role, one or both of you were there.  It’s what I knew.  What I was used to.  And I was so scared that night.  I couldn’t breathe and the corset wasn’t helping.  I was this close to passing out.”  She held her finger and thumb up nearly touching to show her just how close, those teary eyes looking for Morgan’s once more.  “Then I saw you and I could.  Breathe.  And I knew I was probably making it up in my head but it gave me what I needed to get through that fear and immerse myself in that role.  The rest of the weekend went by perfectly all because I got through that first night.”
Morgan chewed on her bottom lip, harshly, as Jo expressed what her attention that show that night had done. She had gone back and forth in her mind about whether or not she should attend and so she was glad that it had been the right thing to do. She was glad that it had given Jo some strength, some encouragement, to do the show and the shows that followed. It was true that since they had met one another, Blythe and Morgan had been at any and all opening shows that Jo was in and usually even more than that. They tried to attend every single show that they could until that night. "I'm...I'm happy that it helped."
The memories flooded her mind and it was almost too much on top of everything else.  She looked back to her papers.  “Yeah...”  More notes were made in her notebook, more papers put into folders, more time spent trying to keep the memories in their respective boxes that resided in the back of her mind.  “Well... you should probably get going.. since it’s late and all, right?”  More notes scribbled, more papers filed.  Dark eyes tried not to move back to Morgan, she’d shown enough vulnerability for the evening.(edited)
She swallowed and nodded. "Yeah, I should get going." She agreed, biting down on her bottom lip slightly. "Try not to stay too late. You really should sleep. And get some food." The Switch expressed before taking a few more steps back. "Goodnight, Jo." She mused, before turning and heading away from the class.
"Goodnight, Miss."  She murmured. And she won.  Morgan left.  Again.  Her pen stopped writing mid sentence and dropped from her fingertips to the surface of the desk, both hands flying up to cover her mouth as she let out a sob to be muffled behind them.  She didn't want to do anything Morgan told her to do even though she knew the woman was right.  Tonight was a lost cause, tomorrow she needed to do better... she would do better.
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imaginingit · 7 years
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this concept has, does, and will forever internally Scar Me. read at ur own risk…..
also this got really real super fast hang in there reader
mingyu and mijoo
mijoo and mingyu
they met at recess on the first day of 4th grade 
when mijoo fell down and scraped her knee from a rock on the grass hill overlooking the school
and mingyu heard her voice like a chime of a bell
and ran to the source of it, careless of who it belonged to 
until he found her, crouching over her leg, wiping away tears and smoothening out her bangs
the first thing he thought was 
aw, there’s a girl crying, i should help her 
the second was 
she is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen
so he walked over to her, ignoring the slamming of his heart against his chest
plucked a wildflower amongst a hundred of them, sat down in front of her, tucked her hair behind her ear,
and placed the flower right behind it
mijoo looked up through her wet lashes to face the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen with a smile so kind she forgot why the scrape on her knee hurt so much 
from then on, the two were absolutely inseparable!! 
little mingoo would pluck her a bouquet of wildflowers every year for her birthday until they were 14 and he finally realized that he’s aLLERGIC TO THE WILDFLOWERS JFC MINGYU
went through the puberty stages together like pimples yes growth pains yes awkward pants that would rise above the ankles yes hormones yes first crushes yes and puberty YES
both miraculously got hot in high school and went on to date several people but still maintained their close close close friendship
they shared their hopes and their goals and their dreams with each other 
mijoo had always wanted a job in animation and art, and mingyu was extremely talented and hopeful in a career in business 
mijoo had a job working for a company that illustrated children’s books, and early that senior year, mingyu found a position in his co-operative education at one of the biggest financial investment companies in the city
both had unlimited potential and shared every moment of it with each other
tbh best friends probs wasn’t even the right term to describe it like 
they were just lovers but without the lust 
but honestly since the very first day they saw each other 
they already knew 
that they were somehow meant to be together
mingyu was the first to realize it one day, lying in bed, taking a nap with best friend wonwoo at the desk next to the bed 
when the realization smacked mingyu in the face, like fuck am i in love with her?
and bolted up so hard he banged his wrist against wonwoo’s desk, spilling his coffee all over his textbook and spraining his own wrist
death stares from wonwoo
non-stop pestering to his 12 best friends
“guys i think i’m in love with her”
“do i tell her??” 
“guys what do i do”
“guys i think i’m in love with her”
“guys i’m scared”
“guys what do i do”
^ probably wonwoo/minghao
mingyu was convinced it was just him feeling this way, bc why else would he have had the urge to place that wildflower behind her ear in the first place??
it was just a one-sided crush, he reminded himself everyday. it’ll go away.
until one day 
class president!jisoo decided on the last day of senior year 
to throw a party for all the seniors
“jisoo??? is throwing the party???”
“i thought he was all a jesus??? button the top button??? good christian type?? boy??”
everyone was surprised it was jisoo but he promised that it would just be drinks, some nice music, and mingling 
well that night mijoo wanted to have fun and made sure mingyu was there to watch over her 
so she tooks shots
and shots and shots 
and drank way more than she absolutely should have for someone her size 
mingyu honestly was having a good time himself and didn’t seem to think mijoo needed that much support, since she never was that big of a party-er
until by a little over one am he found her stretched out on the bathroom floor, head over the toilet, heaving out her guts 
he held her hair back and brushed her teeth in jisoo’s sink before realizing it was probably a good idea to drive her home 
on the drive home, she was still absolutely drunk and began to say things that would then change his life forever
“hey mingyu”
“yes mijoo”
“you’re a really good friend”
“thanks i know”
“… and i think i’m in love with you”
he had a million questions
until it hit him that she was drunk 
and it probably meant she didn’t mean a single word 
so for the rest of the ride to her house, his head was rigid on his shoulders and stared at the dark road ahead, ignoring the flustered, rosy-cheeked, warm and utterly beautiful girl sitting in his passenger seat 
who he’s been in love with since he was nine and who had just drunkenly and stupidly confessed her love back
his knuckles were turning white 
but before he broke the poor steering wheel in half, he made it to her house and quickly went over to her side of the door before the poor girl accidentally opened it herself and fell through it
she landed into the crook of his arms and he couldn’t help but feel that she fit there perfectly 
and somehow the two of them were able to maintain their balance to walk up the steps and onto the porch 
he unlocked her door with her key and led her up the stairs to her bedroom
the entire house was dark and the doors to her parents’ and sisters’ rooms were closed, implying they weren’t even home 
which made mingyu even more scared bc that would mean he would have to stay behind and take care of her and make sure she’s ok in her sleep
until they reach the doorway of her bed when she turned around and looked at him dead in the eye
it was fascinating to mingyu how the mere sight of her could send him buckling down to his knees at her feet 
those flustered cheeks, shining eyes, messy hair and rosy lips drew him in and he found himself unable to look away
“will… will you stay?” 
her words were clear and coordinated, sounding sure in itself, as if she wasn’t the same girl that was barely able to stumble up the four steps to her porch 
he must’ve taken a long time to process her words, and when he did, and was about to say yes ofc you dummy i have to take care of you 
she leaned on her tip toes and capture his lips in hers
as if that wasn’t enough, every ounce of his self control and pride shredded to pieces when she swiped her tongue across, whimpered and pulled away, whispering a barely audible, “please.” 
mingyu felt his world fall apart and piece back together all in a mere second and had no hesitation making his decision
whispering back a barely audible, “i love you”, which she undoubtedly heard, though he’d thought she hadn’t, he reattached his lips back onto hers and led her inside the room, blocking out the world on the outside of the door 
that night was spent rushed and hasty the first time and slow and calculating the others, all the while never forgetting to whisper his new favourite words in her ear whenever she wanted to hear it 
weeks pass after that night and everyone is thrilled the two hottest seniors finally “got their head out of their ass and confessed”
“thank u for that seungcheol” 
some more weeks pass 
and mijoo, currently in a happy place she’d never imagined possible before, began to notice changes in her body
stretch marks began to show on her toned thighs, she’d feel extreme discomfort on the treadmill at the gym after just 30 minutes of cardio, her eating habits began to change, she’d notice significant weight change and always seemed to be moody
she shared these abnormalities with her sister 
and mid-sentence discussing the eating habits, she froze and nearly fell to her knees
there was no way 
and as she feared, later that night, at her kitchen table with her boyfriend, clueless and munching on some pretzels, whiffing through a magazine, she slid the pregnancy test across the table, stood up, and walked upstairs 
it took him a second 
until he realized what the two lines meant
19 years of age
and both of them were going to be parents 
he dropped every single item in his hand that clattered to the table before turning and speeding up the stairs two steps at a time to her room to find her on her knees, crying
his initial reaction was to freak out, of course 
what 19-year-old was ready to have kids? 
the money, fuck, the housing, their parents, the delivery; there were too many things to consider
but as he saw her there, crouching and crying and afraid 
he felt that he couldn’t be like that too
what world would this child be born into if neither of their parents wanted them? 
he slowly bent down to her and cupped her face, wiping away the tears with the pads of his thumbs and promised every single promise he could’ve possibly come up with 
he had to protect her and the child she was carrying 
so for the next few months mingyu did absolutely everything he could to be prepared 
thought of names, bought extra food in case of cravings, read books on the changes in a woman’s body during and after childbirth, sex during a pregnancy bc bOI
started taking double shifts at this office job he found downtown now that mijoo stopped working 
breaking news to the parents was difficult 
mingyu’s was a tad more supportive but mijoo’s were absolutely appalled and refused to acknowledge mingyu any longer 
mingyu didn’t know how he was able to go on, but he forced himself to 
until the day came around for their first ultrasound
and just as mingyu was searching for a healthy pair of two hands and two feet
he found... four?
his breath was cut short when the doctor turned to them, beaming
“well, mijoo, looks like you guys are parents to twins”
the doctor announced boy and girl twins, and upon hearing the news and figuring out what the two figures were, mingyu began jumping up and down in joy and was almost in the verge of tears 
only to look down on the ultrasound bed to see his girlfriend staring at the monitor 
in utter despair and fear 
mijoo had already been disappointed by the initial pregnancy, knowing nothing good comes out of being a young mom and she had to now put her dreams on hold
but now expenses were going to be doubled 
clothing, food, beds, chairs, toys, everything had to be more
it wasn’t until the third trimester of the pregnancy that it really  got difficult for the two of them 
they had to move in with mingyu’s parents, much to mijoo’s parents’ dismay, so his mother could help out 
they would go to bed together every night 
to mingyu waking up at 3am each time to see her back to him, shaking and silently weeping 
she would slowly avoid his embraces when the two of them spent time together 
mingyu noticed these, but still did his best to put a smile on his face every morning and face the hatred from her parents and the coldness from his own girlfriend 
so smiling and staying positive turned into breaking down into sobs and clutching his chest on the bathroom floor at 2am when the epiphany of how difficult it was going to be would hit him 
the babies were born during spring break, in march
mingyu held the two in his arms, the boy now named jiho and the girl now named jiyoung, and suddenly felt as if the mental breakdowns in his bathtub and desperately running to the convenience store across the street for mijoo’s cravings before she went insane were maybe worth it after all 
around the two month mark, mingyu noticed the actions of mijoo came back
would immediately toss the crying children to mingyu and bolted from the room, panicking and in fear of not knowing how to console her own children 
would nudge mingyu awake when wailing started coming from the other room at 5am 
often found herself frustrated with the kids when they wouldn’t follow her instructions and as the months went by
she just didn’t know how to connect, and of course, being two young parents, neither of them knew that this was a form of post partum depression
when the kids were 9 months old, mingyu awoke to the sound of jiyoung desperately wailing and jiho whimpering beyond belief 
went to the kitchen to find a single note that was written in a handwriting he learned to memorize every curve and swipe of 
“we would’ve gotten married in another lifetime, you know. tell the kids i’m sorry. i know i just have to do this. i love you forever, my mingyu. - mijoo.”
and that was it 
she left him 
the love of his life, the mother of his children 
he walked up the stairs to the sound of the crying, but went past the room with the kids, knowing he couldn’t face them right now 
he opened the door to his parents room, now sitting up and sleepily wiping their eyes, confused why the kids were crying so early in the day
with the note still in his hand and his life shattered, he climbed into his parents’ bed like he was a child and wept in his mom’s arms
now breakdowns in the washroom turn to openly crying as he rocks both wailing babies in his arms trying to get them to bed
work turns into taking so many extra shifts his body fails to support him and he just sleeps on his keyboard in his little cubicle sometimes 
but his parents take the kids to the village or other relaxing, vacation places at the end of every month and on every holiday so they have a chance to experience things like other kids do 
uncle soonyoung and uncle seungcheol always offer to babysit and look after the kids until dusk if mingyu is running behind at work, trying to pick up as many hours and money as he possibly could 
uncle wonwoo becomes their favourite uncle 
uncle jeonghan always brings by takeout whenever the fridge is out of food 
uncle seungkwan IS ALWAYS BULLIED 
before mingyu could even calculate it, the years go by and it’s time for preschool, which his parents helped to pitch in for to get them into a good one 
and for the first time in a long time, mingyu realizes things have actually been going ok and he wasn’t in this completely alone
his best friends and his parents and sister never failed to remind him of that
he’s been spending much more time alone with them ever since he became a single dad and have learned to understand and connect with his kids
the older twin, named jiho, was the definition of warm
the easiest baby on the face of the earth, would eat anything he had to, never fussed as much as most babies would, would sleep all through the night, giggled at anything that moved, and loves his papa beyond words
the girl twin, jiyoung, was a little more boisterous than that
would flip her food and laugh a huge belly laugh just seeing the look of despair on her dad’s face
loved causing trouble and smacking her brother in the face but pretending to be cute when her dad scolds her 
the two complimented each other well and mingyu didn’t even realize when he became the dad that would be so typical so and gushy and smile at the way they interacted with one another as he just stands in the doorway and watches them 
so first day of preschool begins
did i mention mingyu also happens to be the stylish father on the face of the earth
ever see those videos of dads struggling to braid his daughter’s hair 
or not knowing what to dress his kid 
fucking dutch braids his daughter’s hair
puts his son in a dress shirt and nice sweater over 
they roll into school looking like they actually have their shit together
when actually
didn’t even brush his teeth and just fucking bursted into the kids room 
to find them already up and cleaned, waiting for their outfits of the day
and mingyu just sighs of relief like why are my kids smarter than i am 
but yes preschool
sorry that took such a long time here we go 
you’re the homeroom teacher for the kids and this is ur third year of teaching, yet somehow, the first days still give u the butterflies
so u wait patiently behind ur desk, going through the plan for the day, meeting the parents and such, and trying to calm your nerves
and hoped that the school year would turn out good 
you wondered about the kids in ur class
you wondered about the good ones, the ones that always greeted you through the door and never peed themselves
you wondered about the bad ones, the ones that LITERALLY used you as a canvas for their painting 
you wondered about the parents and how the crop each year keeps getting scarier and scarier--
“sh, dad, you’re way too loud”
“oh.... .. .. SORRY,... whispers .... hi there!”
your thoughts are interrupted when you see three figures walk into the doorway, two kids around the same height and a towering young man in a dress shirt and some nice jeans and converse
immediately your first thought was that wow he seemed so young??? and the kids looked like carbon copies of him so they’re absolutely his kids
and you were about to say something, but suddenly and uncontrollably
you just bursted out laughing
and the little girl and boy both tilted their heads to the side at the same time adorably, looking at you weird 
and sputtering and trying to catch ur breath, you were like
“ahah ahh why--why are you whispering?” 
it didn’t hit you until 2 secs later that that was .. ... so .... Embarrassing...
you could’ve introduced urself but u just cackled like nice going y/n nice nice 
the father just turned a dark hue of red before rubbing his neck and gave a smile so shy you suddenly began to feel redness in ur neck as well
but u cleared ur throat and introduced urself regardless
“hi there! i’m y/n and i’ll be the homeroom teacher for classroom 4A this year!!”
mingyu led the two into the room, the girl strutting and smiling in awe at every single colour around in the room and the boy shyly hiding halfway behind his dad’s leg
“this,” he pointed to the girl, already picking up crayons and a paper, “is jiyoung. she’s... quite boisterous”
“and this,” he pointed to the boy, “is jiho, who’s a little bit more shy but i promise, will never cause you trouble,” patting his head lovingly
and he looks up at you, “and i’m mingyu, their dad!” and extended his hand 
you feel your breath catch in ur throat because wow
what a beautiful thing in front of ur eyes rn 
reaching out to shake ur hand
and smiling so kindly 
rip reader
so you shake it and only days after, when u were folding laundry at home with some reality tv show in the background, replaying that iconic moment over and over, that you suddenly recall
... didn’t he sneeze directly into his hand that time????
he explained how he sometimes has work shifts that could possibly stretch a little later than the time the school closes on weekdays, so either his parents or sister will pick him up 
“OR UNCLE WONWOO!!!” jiyoung adds from the background
and you tell him it’s absolutely fine and you won’t even mind staying behind just to make sure the kids are rested before they’re picked up if it comes down to the last resort and no one can pick him up 
and if u thought his smile was kind before
u aint seen dis one 
cause this one started from his eyes
they glistened for a quick second before he looked down shyly
then back up at you, canines flashing and eyes shimmering, almost astounded at your response
as if he was relieved and grateful somehow
and from the way you see the dark circles under his eyes and the quick, messy push of his hair from getting ready this morning, to him later being the only father at the orientation and sneaking in funny faces at his twins sitting in the front row, to him reading through each and every sentence in the pamphlet of the curriculum for the kids you gave it, you had an abnormal itch to ask him about more 
but knew that you couldn’t bc it would be rude 
so thats how you meet kim mingyu, father of kim jiho and kim jiyoung of classroom 4A 
so from then on, for the first week, though you learn to practice names and memorize likes, dislikes, tendencies, and personalities of the girls and boys in your class, your mind keeps drifting off to the tall, young boy that, because of his kids, was seemingly way beyond his years 
and for all but one, you are met every single day after school for months by a rushing mingyu in his office attire and dangling briefcase, always almost out of breath, there to pick his kids up without remembering to thank you a million times first 
and as he waits for the other teachers to assist the kids with their jackets and backpacks, you guys always have these 1-minute conversations 
“so how were they today?” 
“they were good! jiho, as usual, had the cleanest painting of all”
“that’s my boy!”
“and jiyoung actually tried to hit on this boy named namhyuk today during rece--”
“sh E WHA T”
leans on the gate too hard and falls through straight onto the floor 
and somehow scrambles up to pick up the kids, now dressed and ready and confused why their dad is freaking out and flat on the floor 
scoops both of them up in both his arms, walks towards his car after shouting a “goodBYE Y/N I HAVE BUSINESS TO TAKE CARE OF”
and starts lecturing jiyoung as they make their way to the car
and almost everyday is a spectacle for you, whether it be him putting on his best effort to scold jiyoung for accidentally writing on the board in permanent marker or when jiho, in an effort to be nice, wanted to lick his deskmate’s face to “help him get the crayon mark off”
but a few weeks after that, you were informed that work had become extra busy and it was his sister, minseo, or best friend, wonwoo, that would come by and pick them up 
and you havent seen mingyu in a while 
but you kind of just brush it off 
cause it’s stupid crush on a parent that just happens to be attractive and freaking adorable with his kids ugh 
until its friday night and you were feeling sick so had to call in for that day
and after a whole day spent of wheezing and coughing and sweating and sleeping, you dragged ur ass to the grocery store to make some stew bc god u needed it 
and u walk into the canned aisle to find some spam to put into the stew
when ur face to face with 
a human ladder
and you see
mingyu with jiho stacked on top of him and jiyoUNG ON TOP OF JIHO
and they just look over at you so freaking casually and ??? until !!! IT’S MS. Y/N!!!
and mingyu can’t even say anything back 
bc little did you know 
after a few weeks of being caught up in so many shifts,
he came today to pick up his twins to find you not there 
but guess what today was 
valentine’s day
and guess what he was holding
and he promised himself it was just a gift from the kids to her and nOTHING ELSE 
so when he hung his mouth open, speechless and stuttering, jiyoung just rolled her eyes at her obviously pathetic, crush-ridden dad and explained
“dont worry miss!! we do this all the time!! jiho just really wanted some canned beans, but they always stack it way too high for us”
you were still concerned but saw jiho nod at you, so you knew that if he approved, it was all good LOL
so you were like phew ok!!!
mingyu gets himself together after putting the kids down and finally says hi to you
and tries to suavely, casually, coolly be like
“so, ahem, um, why weren’t you, you know, at school today... yeah?”
behind the rack of ranch dip jiho just sighs and jiyoung facepalms 
you explain you haven’t been feeling well and just needed some time to rest
until he was like oh so you’re not doing anything for valentine’s day??
and you just blank
bc omg you forgot???
and you’re both just standing there awkwardly, absorbed in your own thoughts of each other, until jiyoung bursts in with her fucking superhero cape and is like 
“hey, ms. y/n, how about you come over for dinner tonight!! you’re not feeling well so you shouldn’t cook”
and you immediately want to decline bc you’re also a .. .. . huge eater... ... and kim mingyu must never ever ever ever see that side of you 
until mingyu lights up and nods his head like an overexcited puppy, going, “yes yes! come! my parents are out of town and i’m a pretty good co--” and then realizes what he could’ve meant when he says his parents are out of town
“i MEAN EVEN IF MY PARENTS WERE HOME YOU COULD STILL COME OVEVR YOU KNOW like it’s just the house would be quieter and we can be as loud as we want wHAT I M EAN”
“dad pls just . .. .”
and you’re doubled over laughing once more at the antics of the kims, until little jiho tugs on the sleeve of your sweater and shoots you those puppy eyes
and you know you can’t decline 
so that’s how you ended up in the kitchen of the mingyu household 
and witnessed the most amazing sight you’ve ever seen
jiyoung was propped up on a chair, reaching for the bowls and opening drawers for utensils before neatly climbing down and setting them on the dinner table
and jiho was sitting on the counter beside his dad, helping sort vegetables, choose ingredients and gigging at his dad’s occasional vegetable puns
“hey, jiho, what is green and sings? elvis PARSLEY”
i just fucking cant w kim mingyu
but mingyu
if you hadn’t admitted your crush on him then, you cerTAINLY FUCKING DID NOW 
with an apron tied neatly in the back by jiyoung and his sleeves rolled up by jiho (can u imagine so f uck ign cut ete), he worked with hands so fast and diligent you began to just drown in the sight of him 
and noticed how this entire family worked like a well-oiled, loving machine
he beckoned you to come over and try some 
and you actually hate it when people feed u like god gave me hands pls allow me to use them thx 
but the sight of him holding a ladle in one hand and his eyes hopeful and excited for you to try his cooking, all pet peeves went out the window
it took you a sec before the taste sunk in and oh my lord
it was incredible???
you gushed and exclaimed how he could honestly be a chef
but he blushed and laughed softly to himself, and just shook his head, almost with a dash of sadness in there 
meanwhile the twins sit at the dinner table watching all this unfold and giggling and covering their mouths like omgogmgogmogm
and it wasn’t until when dinner was almost served when you realized a missing presence that a loving family like this would usually have
you were curious about the twins’ mother, and not that it made a difference with how you saw them whatsoever, but it had been a question you’d been dying to ask for months 
but knew you couldn’t, not yet at least 
and all through dinner, there was always a buzz of conversation, laughter, and swooning over mingyu’s cooking, which he always bashfully accepted
you noticed how jiyoung had her dad’s laugh, true and open, honest and delightful, baring all her teeth and eyes lighting up 
she also had a light to her that turned her dad to putty in front of her, and you saw a prediction that this girl has so much to offer to the world and her personality was one you prayed to all the gods will never fade out
jiho had his dad’s kindness, always offering to grab u a napkin or some more lemon for your pork 
he had the dashing and gentleman-like demeanour, always wanting to contribute to things as an act of kindness, helping others, and keeping his actions in check
it was strange to you that these kids were barely full grown kids at all, yet their personalities shone so brightly in front of their father that when the kids were sent upstairs to brush their teeth and change into jammies for a movie then bedtime, you blurted out as you were helping drying the dishes
“are you married?”
you hadn’t meant for it to come out so abrupt, but mingyu didn’t look surprised as he looked over at you and gave a small smile
he helped you finish drying the last few plates before taking two glasses of water and bringing them out to the living room couch, gesturing you to sit down 
he sighed before he began, “as my children’s teacher and now as someone i consider a friend, i think it’s the right time to tell you”
and proceeded to recall his childhood best friend with her radiant smile and demanding strut of her step
he talked about them sharing their first kiss stories with each other and secretly, subconsciously hoping that they could’ve somehow been each other’s
he described her with such a fervor and light that made ur skin tingle, because wow, is that what love really feels like?
he then went on to tell about the night he realized he loved her, to the night when she drunkenly told him she loved him too 
and that that was also the night that would change his life forever 
he recalled how her pregnancy was extremely difficult and that she couldn’t even bare to look at him some days
and finally, with strength, he pulled to the last chapter, recalling the morning she left him a single note and left without a trace to a world where him and the kids no longer existed to her 
of course at the time, he explained, there was no way he could’ve known that her post partum depression had drawn her away so hard, and really, if he could ever forgive her for leaving this life behind, as he said none of his close family and friends ever will
he also explained how difficult it was at first to support his family financially and morally, but is grateful for the love he’s received since 
for a while, the two of you were silent
you had no idea what to say, because what do you say to someone who became a dad to two as a teenager, had the mother of his children leave him by writing him a single sentence goodbye, and barely knew how to take care of himself at the time, let alone two others?
but as you both sat there in the silence, contemplating the moment that just passed you replied with
“do it.”
“forgive her”
taken aback by your response, you continued
“of course, i’m not saying it was the right thing to do... but maybe it was meant to be this way, you know? what if this was just a way to teach you abt life beyond your own? what if, somehow, you were just dealt that card a little earlier than most? look where you are now. money’s coming back in, you have people who support you and will run to your aid whenever,” you look at him straight in the eye, “and you have two beautiful kids who are both just kind and clever and mature. maybe, you know, you being a father was your calling all along. maybe, just maybe, you three are a well-oiled machine for a reason.”
you can’t tell what those shimmering eyes were trying to say, but before you knew it, he placed both ur glasses on the table before grabbing the sides of your face and captured your lips  
because for the first time in the longest fucking time, he was heard 
for the first time in a long time, there was someone out there who was willing to take into account him, his lovely jiho and blazing jiyoung and count them all as a blessing, and truly, truly made him realize that life could be so hopeful
and you didn’t know if he was kissing you because he really desperately needed to hear those words, or if he honestly wanted to kiss you because he just really wanted to kiss you to subdue hiS DAMN CRUSH (hint: it’s this one), but you didn’t care
you kissed him back and you both moved in a rhythm so steady and passionate that when you pulled away and he dipped in, almost trying to catch your lips once more, both of you were red and panting and breathless and over the moon 
you also didn’t notice the two little ones peeking over the stair bannisters and almost squealing out of happiness and excitement bc their beautiful teacher!!! and their dad!!!! 
he rests his forehead on yours and just quietly mutters how thankful he is for someone like you and how, yes, maybe this is his goddamn calling after all
and you continue to stay on the couch to talk and steal touches and get close and bump noses and grab kisses in between sentences until you realize its midnight and you need to get home 
it wasn’t until you got up that you realized that you were confused as to what this could become
would you date? there was no way that would go anywhere for awhile though, knowing how wounds were still fresh for many parties involved here
but as you were putting on your shoes with his eyes on you, you looked up at him, ready to leave, and all those thoughts went out the window
he stole one more as ur fingernails bit into the skin of his biceps. sagged into his arms and let him, and his kiss, hold you up
it was a legendary, Princess Bride, top ten in history kind of kiss
“can i see you again soon?” he asked 
and u realized you had nothing to worry about at all 
bc as strange as it was, the way he was as a father and as a hardworking, passionate and resilient person was astonishing to you
so that night, when he finally let her go, he skipped two steps up the stairs to the twins’ room, to find them pretending to keep their eyes shut and smiles hidden
but mingyu fully knew and went, “come on, let me hear it!!”
and that unleashed the two loudest screams that could’ve woken up every elderly on the street
they leaped off their bunk bed and into his arms, bouncing with joy and excitement
jiyoung was smiling uncontrollably and jiho even had some tears in his eyes
after a little more dancing and embracing, he tucked them into bed one more time, promising saturday would be filled with lots of candy at the mall and coercing uncle jisoo to buy everything for them
he tucked jiyoung at the top bunk bed first, before doing their handshake (”slide, slide, fist bump, exPLOSION, snap, snap, swag”) and kissing each other good night
as he reached jiho, the boy already neatly and firmly slotted under his power rangers blanket, he sleepily beckoned his dad closer until they were nose to nose
he gave his dad a small kiss there, and whispered just as he drifted off, “daddy, can i ask you something?”
“yeah, of course, baby, what’s up?”
“i think... i finally want a mommy now.”
and drifted off
so when mingyu turned off the nightlight and walked into his own room, he leaned against the door, slid down against it and bursted into tears
happy, sad, relieved, afraid; he wasn’t sure 
but this was a new chapter now
a chapter where he maybe his kids will begin to need someone more than just him, and a chapter where finally, it can all become just a bit easier, step by step, slowly but surely
wooahhhhsodfkgdgf this was long. for those that don’t know, post-partum depression is a very serious mental disorder that depicts that detachment and abnormality of emotions between a mother and child following the birth. having a mother that has battled post-partum depression w the birth of myself, i thought it was important to bring light to it, and no matter how young or how afraid, help is always out there, and no mother or child should ever have to feel this way.
this honestly took a lot longer to write than i expected just bc it was a bit more angsty than what i normally write, and i purposely left the ending a little open so you all can decide the upcoming between the y/n, the twins and papa mingyu :)
enjoy, loves! xoxo 
also mingyu wanna like father?? my children??? thx??
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bottichiropractic · 6 years
Kettlebells And Chiropractic – A Winning Combination!
Kettlebells And Chiropractic – A Winning Combination! is available on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Service Blog
Kettlebells And Chiropractic - A Winning Combination!
After 14 years as a successful chiropractor I have finally discovered what I believe to be the very best tool for improving the back-strength and overall health of my patients. That tool is the kettlebell – something I had never heard of until two years ago. I have to admit that initially they intimidated me… until I needed them for my own injury.
The Doctor Becomes a Patient
Growing up I was always extremely athletic in high school and college. I lettered in volleyball, softball, and basketball, and I became a Doctor of Chiropractic because I knew firsthand how important a strong and well-aligned body is for physical activity.
As an athlete and a doctor I never experienced any problems with back pain – until about 5 years ago. I was adjusting a very large male patient (6’3” 300lbs), something I never had a problem with in the past because of my use of proper techniques.
Somehow this time was different. When I applied my force into this patient’s body to adjust his hips – nothing moved. I felt like I had just attempted to pass my hands through a pillar of marble. The resulting wave of resistance immediately reverberated through my entire spine. At that moment I knew I was injured.
I did everything I tell my injured patients to do. I stretched, iced, went for massage, received chiropractic care, physical therapy, and acupuncture treatments. Being in the healthcare profession, the treatment I received was the best available. At times I was in the offices of other providers 5-6 times per week.
Frustration with Traditional Methods
The treatments kept my back functioning so that I could do my job but the repair and healing of my body did not progress. If I sneezed it would throw my back into spasms. If I slept wrong I would have to wear a back support for a week. This was more than pain and inconvenience – my very livelihood was at stake! Nobody wants to put their trust in a chiropractor who clearly has a bad back herself. So I did everything I could to hide and mask my pain from my patients.
Two years into this constant pain I knew I had to try something different. I hired a personal trainer (a former N.F.L. player) who I hoped would whip me into shape. After 6 months, although I gained arm and leg strength, my body did not tone up the way I expected and my back pain did not improve. In fact it got worse. There would be times when I would spend half an hour on the treadmill in the evening and not be able to get out of bed the next morning.
Impressing A Skeptic
About this time I came across a book titled Beyond Stretching, by Pavel Tsatsouline. There was something different here. There were stretches in this book that I had never seen before. Even my physical therapy associates were impressed with this new and cutting-edge material. I had a feeling that Pavel could help me with my back, and hoped this might be the answer to restore my health and the future of my practice.
Fortunately I live close to Seattle because at that time Pavel was visiting the city twice each year. I took his stretching, strengthening and abdominal class. I was impressed – not something easily accomplished because I do body work myself, but also because I had experienced so many disappointments.
After attending Pavel’s classes my stretching improved and my pain was decreasing. In fact, I was so impressed that I encouraged all of my patients and colleagues to attend Pavel’s seminars. I had patients drive 70-80 miles one-way to attend Pavel’s seminars, and I would bring no fewer than 10 people with me each time. I always made sure to bring my most acute patients – the ones I knew would experience the most benefit by attending.
When Pavel witnessed my third trek to Seattle with patients in tow, he was impressed with my commitment and suggested that I train with kettlebells – round cast-iron weights, like cannonballs with handles. He even implied that I should become certified as a kettlebell trainer to assist my patients. Well, I was more than slightly intimidated – in my mind there was no way I could throw around this big piece of iron without inflicting further injury. But everything Pavel had showed me so far was helping, and I was intrigued. I ended up purchasing a kettlebell, but picked it up maybe five times before it began to gather dust at home. I was so out of shape that I would get winded swinging the kettlebell only twenty times. Being an athlete, I think it hurt my ego more than anything else!
One Demonstration Makes All the Difference
Then in October 2004 I was fortunate enough to attend another one of Pavels stretching and strengthening seminars that included a quick kettlebell demonstration. One of the people who spoke was Dave Werner, RKC. He related his experience with severe lower back pain, nerve damage in his leg, and using a cane to walk.
I couldn’t believe it – this man had recovered and looked like an Olympic athlete! Right then I knew I had to give kettlebells another chance. I not only needed to try them for myself, but for the benefit of all my patients that were in the same predicament as me.
I hired Dave to show me what to do, and one month into my training I sneezed -- and had NO PAIN!! For almost five years I had been in pain from the slightest movement, and after one month of training with kettlebells I was able to sneeze and not have pain. That may not seem like much to you, but for me it was a miracle. I started training harder and signed up for the April 2005 RKC. People must have thought I was crazy because I hadn’t exercised in well over a year due to my pain and now I wanted to go and subject myself to three days of Russian boot camp!
The more I trained in preparation for the RKC the more my fitness improved, and my back pain quickly became a thing of the past. I made it to the RKC and survived – believe me, I had lots of sore muscles, but never a twinge in my lower back. I had been given my life back!
Sharing the Secret
When I returned from the training I soon began working with one of my worst back injury patients. The type of patient I see has extreme back pain and most of them have such poor body mechanics and muscle tone that they can't even do a squat correctly. They’re afraid to move their body, believing they can prevent spasms by not moving, so I start them out slowly. This particular patient had constant pain and couldn’t do even simple household chores such as vacuuming or cleaning dishes . I started her out with the 4 Kg. bell, doing squats and swings in 5 sets of 5 reps each. If you’ve ever lifted the 4 Kg. bell, it weighs almost nothing, but it was heavy enough for her body and started improving her strength. We continued her chiropractic adjustments twice per week to control her pain and prevent spasms. After three weeks I introduced an 8 Kg. bell for one of the five sets, and her spine was starting to hold so I reduced her office visits to once per week. I have been training her now for five weeks and she has only minimal pain. She recently vacuumed her whole house without assistance – something she had not done in three years. You’ve never seen someone so excited about being able to vacuum the floor!
It’s now been almost two weeks since she needed an adjustment and I’ve added a figure eight with the 8 Kg. bell to expand her range of motion. It’s important for those with chronic back pain to expand their abilities so they don’t give in to the fear of triggering a back spasm. Kettlebells allow this incremental increase, and it builds confidence in patients like nothing I’ve seen before.
Kettlebells – the Missing Ingredient?
I’ve seen the kettlebell workout help one of my associates with his asthma. Another eliminated her wrist and knee pain after 6 weeks of doing kettlebells. Like me, she was very worried about her career as a chiropractor because her wrists kept giving out. Now she is stronger and more confident that she can do her job for years to come.
I’m still amazed at the improvement in back stability that comes with kettlebell training. I feel like a kid again! I can honestly say I am in the best shape of my life – after only 8 months! I now work a full day in my practice and then train people with kettlebells one-on-one and in groups 4-5 nights a week.
I now believe kettlebells to be the single most important tool that can be added to a recovery training schedule. There are too many people out there who cannot enjoy life, who are merely existing because of their back pain. Their abdominals and back muscles are so weak from repeated spasms that they fall apart with any activity. I believe all of them can be helped with kettlebells.
It’s important to start slowly, primarily because of the weakness and lost muscle tone that develops from repeated muscle spasms, but also because of the mental block created by the fear of pain. Kettlebells allow you to do this. I know, because I’ve been there. But at 39 years old I now feel better than I did in my twenty’s, and I can’t wait to see how I will be a year from now. Thank you Pavel for giving me my life back!
Kettlebells And Chiropractic – A Winning Combination! was originally published to: http://yelp.com/biz/wellness-in-motion-chiropractic-center-park-ridge/
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