#some perspective please della
fieryphrazes · 6 months
At that stage of sickness where I’m feeling 40% better so I start to forget how bad I felt before and feel guilty for missing so much work. But lest I forget I felt SO BAD
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absolutekirbofool · 16 days
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thinking out loud underneath the cut-- just lots of mc/sm fanfic & general writing thoughts (sorta negative) :) and yeah that's old art of stella and aiden having a picnic
had 8k worth of aidenfic i don't feel like continuing bc. there's enough aidenfic out there for my tastes and id rather write stella instead. no shame to aiden fans out there, yall are great (/gen), but iirc there's Aiden's Memoir and the prelude to Misfit Mania... and if i just swapped perspectives in my aidenfic aiden's perspective would be the stronger one. plus. there's no stellafic out there that goes in her character in-depth outside of a ship. (i'd love to be proven wrong though!!!)
complaining abt it is laughable to write out tho because my aidenfic features stella and their relationship heavily!! (also. almost all of the aid/della fics on ao3 are rated e. imo eros is important to me but not that important to me lmao.) maybe no one's an island.
ugh maybe im being too hard on myself. i had this idea rattling around in my head for years but now that im writing it i don't believe in it much anymore. i'll posts the scraps for sure one day.
anyway. back to the point. im trying to adjust my mindset to write a story centered around stella. it's a lot harder, that's for sure!
one of the reasons being that i relied on a certain plotting method with the aiden fic. for a character-centered narrative with stella i really don't think it's good for that... and besides, there's not much canon set-up for a great adventure featuring stella *except* her rebuilding champion city, a place originally built thru exploitation... and most likely rebuilt again that way (due to this line appearing if jesse isn't kind to stella, and stella not changing because of their kindness). though im not entirely beholden to canon. but id like to be.
gah. im so picky on what to write! i'll have my thoughts together and maybe i'll finally complete a stella-centered longfic. or maybe not. i make no promises. if you made it this far and have some (please be polite) thoughts you'd like to share dm me on discord. i'm "drymouth."
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
Is there still a Ducktales fandom here? Most of the blogs I followed around the 2017 times have either changed subjects or gone quiet. Well, anyway, if anybody’s still here:
I started rewatching Ducktales 2017 over the holiday, with the intent of finally finishing the last few episodes! I’m in the middle of s2 and very excited. So I went through and started editing my playlist, which hasn’t really been updated since season 1. And I’m wondering if any other fans out there have any song ideas. I’d like to have a fairly equal amount of songs for each major character, and so far my favorites tend to be over represented.
Here’s what I have so far:
General amusement songs:
Ducktales theme song
Quack Quack Quack! Donald Duck
The Three Caballeros Song
The Saddest Story Ever Told by The Magnetic Fields
Hazy Shade of Winter by Gerard Way
Feel It Still by Portugal. The Man
Inside Out by Eve 6
We Are the Champions by Queen
Trouble Loves Me by Morrisey
The Worst Day Since Yesterday by Flogging Molly
Come With Me Now by Kongos
Battle Cry by Ludo
Return by OK Go (although it’s about Della, from his perspective)
Song of the Sea by Cake Bake Betty
Got to Fly by Marian Call (the best Della song)
Rocket Ship by Kathy McCarty
The Trail We Blaze by Elton John
Overkill by Colin Hay (I kinda want to replace this one)
In Too Deep by Sum 41
Everything is Awesome by Tegan and Sara
Ready for Anything by Skyway Flyer
A Little Less Conversation by Elvis Presley (the Megamind cover)
Ghost by Mystery Skulls
Plan B by Five Iron Frenzy
Heist by Ben Folds Five
Here It Goes Again by OK Go
Natural by Imagine Dragons
The Future by Mystery Skulls
Kids in the Dark by All Time Low
I’m Ready by Angela Michael
Try Everything by Shakira
Have You Got It In You? by Imogen Heap
Crash Goes My World by Cadence Grace
Flying by Blue Rodeo
Mr Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
All Star by Smash Mouth (the best Launchpad song)
Bud Like You by AJR
Holding Out For a Hero by Bonnie Tyler (favorite recent addition, it’s both perfect and hilarious)
Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters
Build the Robots by Doctor Steel
Still Alive from Portal
Fenton (should note that his section is a bit of a mess and may include songs that don’t work very well because I was just tossing songs in there to see what would stick)
Rocket Man by Elton John (although it works better for Classic Fenton than 2017 Fenton)
A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley
Freaking Out by Mystery Skulls
The Safety Dance by Men Without Hats (haven’t tested it yet, but the idea amused me)
Hero by Chad Kroeger
Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons
Mighty Little Man by Steve Burns
Consequences by Buffering the Vampire Slayer
We Are by Ana Johnson
Opheliac by Emilie Autumn
Opportunities by Pet Shop Boys
Reprehensible by They Might Be Giants
Mark Beaks
Whipped Cream by Ludo
Welcome to the Internet by Bo Burnham
Life Has Been Good To Me by Randy Newman
…and that’s it. As you can see, it does not feel like a complete playlist, covering neither every character nor any full arcs. …except maybe Launchpad who’s pretty well represented with some good and great songs for him. My sister has suggested I try Let the Games Begin and The Good Part by AJR, as well as You Won’t Make a Fool Out of Me by Flogging Molly for Donald, but I would like some songs I haven’t heard by different artists, if possible. Also, please note that I haven’t seen the last five or so episodes of the series yet; I have approximate knowledge of The One Thing, but otherwise am avoiding spoilers until I finish.
Any ideas?
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neuroduckvergency · 3 years
was going to write this as an entire fanfiction but i got too occupied with college lol rip
"You're such a nerd."
"You know, I was probably listening for a good 20 seconds, but I just learned to tune you out when you start going on your tangents."
"The world isn't some Nerd Science Convention, you know."
Deep down inside, Huey knew his brothers didn't mean it when they made these comments. Or, at least, that's what he always tried to convince himself so that he wouldn't get too upset or hung up on them. But the reality of it was, it hurt him a lot. Being the oldest, Huey always just wanted to be of use to somebody, especially to his younger brothers, but as they got older, there was more of a disconnect between Huey and his other two brothers. Growing up moving house to house with Uncle Donald due to his financial issues, having to help Uncle Donald deal with said financial issues since he was a lone parent, made Huey gain a sense of responsibility, and maybe he grew up faster than he was supposed to. Huey was alright with that, because in his mind, he felt that he could still have fun and enjoy himself like a "normal kid" would do. Della coming back in the picture, and them moving in with Uncle Scrooge definitely took a lot of weight off of Huey's shoulders, but between all of the dangerous adventures the family would embark on almost weekly, it was hard for Huey not to step up and be the "adult" of the group at times. There's nothing wrong with that, right?
Except when Dewey would say that Huey would almost obsess over the idea of being the oldest triplet by 3 seconds, and Webby would make comments of Huey "living out of a book" rather than just living day by day, experiencing life as it comes along. Now, Huey always disagreed with this perspective of himself, and for good reason. He wasn't obsessed with being the oldest, he actually had experience being the oldest dealing with Dewey almost always putting his life in danger, and getting Louie out of whatever sticky situation he couldn't get himself out of.
But the more Huey tried to disagree with Webby's point about his "over usage" of his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, the harder it became to find good reasons to argue against it. Sure, the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook offered a worldwide viewpoint of survivor skills, and knowledge about history, mysteries and the way the world functions, but there were times where Huey was disappointed from his usage of the book: Whether it was debunking things that were eventually proven true, denying the own historical research he had (granted, it was very outlandish and if one did not experience it with their own eyes, it would be hard to believe), or not being able to function without being able to use it. That's what really struck out to him when he did the Senior Woodchuck challenge a few months back, how anxious he had gotten once he wasn't able to go through the course with his book on hand. Deep down inside, Huey knew that he could've fared well in the challenge had he not gotten so caught up in not being able to have his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook on hand, but having it with him was what he was used to. In a way, it provided a sense of security for him, especially when facing the unknown, which was undoubtedly his biggest fear.
But maybe, it wasn't normal for him to have reacted the way he had when he was told he couldn't even do as much as make eye contact to his book during the competition. Other past competitors, especially Violet, seemed to fare well without it. So why couldn't he? Maybe he wasn't as good as a woodchuck as Violet, but he definitely knew in his heart that he had the rules of the Guidebook memorized in his brain as if it was implanted into it. So why couldn't he go, I don't know, maybe 2 or 3 hours without it?
That's when Huey decided to do some research.
Of course, his first resource was from the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, but it didn't exactly deliver the answers that he personally needed. One thing about Huey, that all of the adults in his life have credited him for time and time again, is that when he's looking for answers, he always knew directly what kind of response he wanted, and he wouldn't allow himself to stop until he gets that desired response. So when the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook failed him, he went to the source he almost hated the most: The Internet.
Now Huey knew that the Internet had a tendency to overcomplicate, or overexaggerate certain things, but for some reason, when Huey found a certain answer, it almost resonated with him.
"repetitive movements, such as flapping their hands, flicking their fingers or rocking their body"
"not seeming to understand what others are thinking or feeling"
"liking a strict daily routine and getting very upset if it changes"
"finding it hard to make friends or preferring to be on their own"
"having a very keen interest in certain subjects or activities."
The keen interests, and liking a strict daily routine struck out to him the most. Huey never thought anything of them, but now seeing those words on a screen, linking to autism, a developmental disorder, made Huey put them into a whole new perspective. Made him put his whole personality in a new perspective, even.
Huey was used to other kids telling him that he was different, an outsider, an "old man in a child's body". But hearing that from a Doctor? Huey wasn't sure if he was ready for that kind of reality. Yet, at the same time, if this was something that Huey actually had, he wanted answers, and he knew that if he didn't reach out to a Doctor and get those answers, all he would do is obsess over the thought of it, and get even more anxious and stressed.
His research online told me that while there weren't any medications that were prescribed for autism as it's not something that can be treated with medication, there is therapy available for it. Huey remembered Uncle Donald and his Mom having Louie start to go to therapy for his anxiety attacks, but he also remembered how they reacted when they finally realized something was wrong with Louie.
Now, don't get him wrong: Uncle Donald and his Mom were two of the best parents that a kid could have, especially a kid growing up in the conditions that he and his brothers did. Huey knew that no matter what, they loved their boys with all of their hearts, and will do anything to make sure they're okay. But when Louie started having his anxiety attacks, it was as if a light switched, and things went from 0 to 100 rapidly. Constantly checking on Louie, not allowing him much personal space, almost treating Louie as if he was 5 years old again. Huey knew that this was only out of love, but Huey could also sense Louie's growing annoyance with it and imagined himself being annoyed as well if he constantly had the two breathing down his neck. Even in times when Louie would call them out for it, it wasn't long before they were right back at it again.
At the same time, Huey knew that he needed some adult to accompany him if he were to get diagnosed, as minors weren't allowed to go to appointments without the presence and permission of an adult. And Huey knew that at some point, his Mom and Uncle Donald would have to know, if they didn't find out themselves.
But what if they didn't have to know right now? What if Huey had another adult figure accompany him to the appointment, found out whatever answers he needed and worked through them, and then once he was ready, tell his mom, Uncle Donald, Uncle Scrooge, his brothers, Webby, and whoever else needed to know?
The idea sounded good in theory, but he definitely needed a plan of attack, especially since Della and Uncle Donald were the only ones who were legally on his documents. He also needed to figure out who he felt comfortable with taking him.
Huey already knew Uncle Scrooge was a hard pass. Not that he didn't trust him, because he did, but the only experience Scrooge had with raising and taking care of children was occasionally baby sitting Uncle Donald and his mother as kids, and Huey didn't know how exactly he'd handle the situation at hand and didn't want to risk it. Beakley, on the other hand, had tons of experience with raising and caring for Webby on her lonesome, but would also probably encourage him to confide in his parents about it, if not telling them herself. So another hard pass.
That's when another idea came to Huey's mind, and he almost immediately ran out of the mansion to find the source.
"So you... want me to attend your doctor's appointment with you?" Fenton asked.
"Please," Huey begged, "You're the only person I trust with this."
--- @neurodihuegent
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sophfandoms53 · 3 years
So would you say Dewey and Louie were the most consistently well written characters on Ducktales from start to finish with his arc overall? Considering how others either were not focused enough (Huey, Donald, Della, and LP), had not so good writing in the finale (Scrooge/Webby), and a bit of both (Beakley), those two seems to be the consistent ones.
Anon, honestly, I would love to agree with you about both Dewey and Louie in this regard, unfortunately, there’s a slight issue.
Louie’s character in the sense of his arc was handled very well throughout seasons 1 and 2, and throughout the majority of season 3. However, there are two episodes where Louie’s writing hits a bump in season 3, those two episodes being The Trickening and Fight For Castle McDuck.
Ironically, the two episodes from this season (outside of the finale) that caused the most discussion and uproar in the fandom.
While Trickening doesn’t mishandle Louie’s character as poorly as Fight for Castle McDuck did, it doesn’t change the fact this episode is the source of this writing issue involving Louie’s character, at least where his treatment of Huey is concerned.
Now in these two episodes we see Louie having issue w/ Huey’s planning/schedule tendencies, something Louie is very well aware that his brother does and that it’s a source of comfort for Huey, so it’s a little odd seeing Louie have this sort of animosity towards this rather normal behavior Huey displays.
In Trickening, Louie’s seen mocking Huey’s attachment to the JWG (again something that is a comfort for Huey, and Louie KNOWS that) and then getting extremely upset at Huey for lying about his awareness of the existence of the haunted house and immediately jumping down Huey’s throat about being selfish and for lying (the former is false and absolutely the last thing Huey is, and the latter, while true, Huey had his reasons for why he lied) and while an upset response to Huey lying is a normal reaction, it coming from Louie is a bit odd.
Louie’s anger towards Huey is over a minor harmless lie and could’ve just been solved with a simple “Huey, why did you lie?” and insert Huey’s explanation, but we have an episode length to fill so we gotta have some tension through a misunderstanding and then at the end we can have people finally communicate. As much as I’m being sarcastic, I do really like that scene of Huey and Louie talking and apologizing for their respective actions, and both coming together over their love for each other and for Halloween, the biggest holiday they had together w/ Dewey before going to the mansion, but it is slightly frustrating watching this inorganic Louie vs Huey conflict that is actually handled better in another episode, I’ll get to that later though.
Let’s talk Fight for Castle McDuck, holy crud is this episode a mess. Not even just with Huey and Louie’s plot, but Dewey and Webby’s as well as Scrooge and Matilda’s plots are so unbearable to watch. I rewatched this episode recently and I cannot tell you guys the amount of times I wanted to break my television over practically every single characters behavior in this episode, save for Dewey and Huey who were completely fine in the episode, but everyone else? OH. MY. GOD.
Critiquing the problems on this episode can be a whole discussion in itself, and I might do that, but right now, let’s focus on Louie in this episode.
Louie has the same issue with Huey that he had in Trickening, so essentially it’s a “we’ve done this plot before but let’s do it again except slightly differently” type of plot, nothing wrong with those, except Louie is uncharacteristically mean to Huey throughout the episode, like, borderline how Huey and Dewey treated him in Other Bin mean, and we all know how I feel about Other Bin.
Just at the start of the episode Louie yells at Huey by saying, “No! BAD NERD.” And that’s just a line that doesn’t sit well with me, like Louie, Huey isn’t a dog, there was no need for such a line. And then later when Huey is explaining his plan to find the bagpipes, Louie is dozing off and explains how he’s taking a Huooze, something he does when Huey explains nerd stuff, except Louie’s never done that before or after this episode so that’s always fun. Louie is just not giving off good vibes the entire episode, and I understand the lesson Louie was meant to have is sometimes doing things the easy way isn’t always the best way, and that lesson is fine, but they didn’t need to execute it the way that they did.
Not to mention how this plot, which is completely disconnected to Dewey and Webby’s & Scrooge and Matilda’s plots, suddenly gets dragged into those two plots because this is season 3 where comedy is our passion so let’s have every single character be overly dramatic and insult everyone around them despite us being family and then after everyone’s been absolutely awful to each other, let’s not apologize no, let’s just act like this was a normal lesson in family’s fight but we can work through it and be stronger because of it! AND OH MY GOD NO NONE OF WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS EPISODE WAS A NORMAL FAMILY FIGHT. PLEASE DONT TELL YOUR AUDIENCE OF CHILDREN THIS IS NORMAL.
Okay okay, rant for another time, back to Louie.
I bring up Trickening and Fight for Castle McDuck as examples as bumps in Louie’s writing because outside of these episodes, Louie is written rather well and very supportive of both Huey and Dewey’s comfort tendencies, Huey w/ his JWG and Dewey w/ his thirst for attention/validation.
Focusing on season 3 episodes specifically, in Challenge of the Senior-Junior Woodchucks Louie is the only one who actually helps Huey feel better about not having the guidebook with him, he even calls Huey “king-nerd” in a very kind way, then in Lost Harp of Mervana Louie learns from Webby’s optimism that sometimes looking for the best in people isn’t so bad just as Webby learns that sometimes people don’t always have your best interest from Louie, that’s a balance in their dynamic and is done very well, and finally in Rumble for Ragnorak Louie’s behavior is reliant solely on knowing Dewey his whole life and exactly how his brother is going to react when being put in front of a crowd, and because of how well Louie knows Dewey, when his older brother is doubting himself, Louie has learned the best way to get Dewey back to himself by telling him “Let’s Dewey it.”
Louie’s grown a lot and he understands his family incredibly well, so seeing that aspect of him disappear in two episodes, while minor, still sucks in the sense of character consistency.
There is an episode from season 3 that does this conflict between Huey and Louie really well and it’s Let’s Get Dangerous, the reason being: Louie doesn’t mock Huey in this episode for his JW tendencies or questions, instead, Louie just straight up tells Huey that not everything has be a problem or a mystery, which ironically leads to Huey discovering the problem with Bulba’s machine and that it was part of a lost mystery that Finch was searching for. That’s exactly how Louie should react when he feels Huey’s want for answers can get in the way of him getting a quick fortune. Not mocking his brother for comfort tendencies he is well aware his brother has.
Overall, Louie has been well written throughout the series but we can’t ignore how the writing for him in both Trickening and Fight for Castle McDuck mess up his rather solid consistency.
Now Dewey’s character arc and development can also be an entire post like this as well as I genuinely feel, favorite character bias aside, Dewey is the best written character in the entire series, and I mean that from a writers and critic’s perspective.
But like I said, that can be a whole other discussion.
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neurodihuegent · 3 years
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so i posted this a couple of days ago on twitter so it's interesting seeing the discourse that's revolving this subject now.
i just wanna state my stance:
i'm bisexual, my longest and current relationship is with a man for almost 2 years, and i am a firm believer that being bisexual is not "50-50", nor does dating or even marrying the opposite sex does not undermine or invalidate your bisexuality at all. if a character is bisexual (or headcanoned to be), then it's completely valid to ship them with the opposite sex the same one would with the same sex. 
my problem kinda comes in when it seems like... a character is only ever shipped with a character of the opposite sex despite their interactions: this doesn't count crack ships, but more so ships where the interactions aren't always positive. della and launchpad get along pretty well now, but even from the trickening!, it's kinda obvious that.. della doesn't exactly see him as an equal to her? della spent 90% of "the lost cargo of kit cloudkicker" berating kit a lot (esp. when it came to his piloting lol) and even if some of it was justified, she gave him a total of 45 seconds of praise when she saw him cloudkicking again: another situation where della doesn't exactly see him as an equal, and something like that is significant to the growth of any relationship. then della and gyro absolutely hate each other and by the time the series ends, we see zero resolution to their friendship lol. (also please don't take this as me bashing della i love her v v much).
meanwhile with della's same sex ships, mainly dellumbra and dellene, her interactions are significantly more positive with them: della and penumbra's friendship started off rocky at first, but over time, they developed a great friendship and genuinely see each other as equal. della and selene have never had any issues with each other on screen, and also have a great friendship with each other.
either way, i think delpad, delkit, dellumbra and dellene (not so much delro lol) all could be great ships in their own way with some more development, and that's exactly what fanfictions and headcanons work great for: but i think it's a bit much to get mad at people for not really being supportive of these ships just based off of canon alone, when in canon, the interactions really aren't all that positive lol. especially when we start slapping on labels like "biphobia", because once again, with canon taken into perspective, i think it's very valid for people to have grievances with della's opposite sex ships because with the three of them combined, she's maybe had 3 minutes total of positive interactions with them lol. the same could be applied to dellumbra, in the sense that when penumbra and della first met, penumbra did look down on della a lot out of mistrust, but the difference is we've seen this perspective change and the friendship develop into a much closer bond (them both referring to each other as best friends).
so... yeah.
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mighty-ant · 4 years
How about Donald being a model for/ helping Daisy w her designs? Or maybe they talk about their careers together?
“Thanks again for helping me with this, Donald,” Daisy said, bustling around him with a tape measure in hand and a pin cushion on her wrist. 
Doing his best to stand perfectly still, Donald glanced over his shoulder at where Daisy was closely scrutinizing the pleats of the coat he was wearing. “Happy to help, Dais,” he replied. “It’s an honor to be your, uh…”
“Glorified mannequin?” she offered, looking up at him with a chagrined smile. 
“I was going to say model,” Donald retorted, the sight of her smile making his own soften. “Your designs are really amazing, Daisy. I’m, uh, I’m glad you asked me to do this. One day your clothes are gonna be in magazines and fashion shows and I’ll get to say I wore a ‘Daisy Duck’ original before anyone else!”
A charming blush overtook Daisy’s face. “Are you sure that’s why?” she replied slyly, not one to be outdone. “Or it because it gives you a reason to be in my arms?” She slipped her arms around Donald’s waist, dropping a kiss on his cheek that made him flush down to his throat and hide a flustered laugh behind his hand. 
“Ah ah, no moving, remember?” Daisy said, squeezing his waist briefly before returning to her task. 
Though his face was still burning faintly, Donald was pleased to see Daisy’s contrite expression had been replaced with one of pride. Contrary to her reticence, he truly didn’t mind standing in her office-turned studio for a few hours and getting pricked by one too many pins as she had him try on the first outfits of her newly commissioned men’s fall line. When it came down to it, all Daisy had to do was ask and he would sing for her, fight for her, dance across hot coals for her. 
He was starting to realize that there was very little he wouldn’t do for Daisy Duck.
She tapped his right arm and he raised it obligingly so that she could begin to take measurements and make adjustments to the sleeves. Donald simply watched her for a moment, appreciating the furrow in her brow as she concentrated. 
“Did you always want to be a designer?” he asked. 
“Hm?” Daisy blinked, coming back from whatever higher plane she went to when she was focused on alterations. “Oh, yes, I like to think so. I remember when I was around six, mixing and matching the outfits for my paper dolls. I made my prom dress from one of my mother’s old dresses.” 
Standing beside his arm, outstretched at his side, she wrapped the measuring tape around the sleeve at Donald’s wrist and met his eyes. “What about you?” she asked. “Did you see yourself as an, ah….an accountant?” Her eyes glittered with amusement and Donald couldn’t help his huff of laughter. 
Accountant was the least of his job titles; after eleven years, he’d fairly lost count of the number of employers he’d gone through. 
“Growing up in the house of the richest duck in the world sort of changes your perspective on what a steady career path looks like,” he said, with a slight eye roll, “Not to mention the life-threatening adventures I went on every other week since I was ten. It mostly just encouraged us to be the next Scrooge McDuck.”
Donald fell silent a moment, and Daisy let him be. She stuck a pin in the sleeve hem and moved on to measure the breadth of his shoulders. 
“Della was able to do it,” he said. “Adventurer was all she ever wanted to be. Even before the moon, I don’t think she ever held down a real job.”
“What did you want to be?” Daisy asked softly. Her hands were warm on his shoulders, even through the layers. She wasn’t measuring anything now. 
Donald shrugged. “A musician. When I was eleven I even scraped together an entire year’s allowance to buy an electric guitar exactly like Kurt Crowbain’s. I almost had it with the Caballeros—or we thought we did, at any rate. Before the boys were born, those were some of my happiest memories.” 
Daisy wrapped her arms around his waist, tucking her face into the back of his neck. He squeezed her arms where they rested over his stomach. 
“Hey, c’mon,” he goaded gently. “We’re gonna wrinkle your nice coat.”
She let him go with a sniff, delicately brushing a stray tear out of the corner of her eye to avoid ruining her makeup. “I know it’s not the same thing,” Daisy said, “but you can sing for/to me anytime you like.”
Donald turned around, smiling as he reached up to cradle Daisy’s cheek in his palm. “It may not be the same thing, but it’s better than anything I could’ve hoped for.”
Daisy smacked him lightly on the chest. “Flatterer,” she retorted, but still met him in a kiss. 
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ducavalentinos · 4 years
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Bellonci clearly had a nasty and evident hostility towards Cesare and throughout her book there are several moments of her bringing him up only to badmouth him, but this page here, that is right at the beginning, I thought it was the most interesting because is kind of an intro to how she will be presenting Cesare, and it sets up the stage for the bad fratricide telenovela she explores later on. Her claims here doesn’t escape the pattern too much of other works when dealing with Cesare, but that’s also why this page is so interesting, because it’s a good example of how many so-called “facts” about him and his life are only presented as such because they were repeated over and over again, and not because there is any substantial documented evidence behind it. So, she starts by saying: “No one could have had less vocation for the religious life than Cesare Borgia, and he was the first to admit it.” This claim is always present in most Borgia works, but it ends up being misleading because what Bellonci and other scholars considers as having the vocation for the religious life wasn’t much of a thing during Cesare’s time, not on his circle at least, at the Vatican. Having piety didn’t mattered as much as having diplomatic skills, political intelligence and the right connections. These men’s families, wealthy and noble in most cases, put them there to secure and support their interests within the Church. It was to guarantee themselves on both fronts, secular and ecclesiastical, to maintain their power and riches. That actually makes Cesare Borgia the rule and not the exception of the rule.
As for his admittance of his “lack of vocation” it can’t be seen as some definitive proof as Bellonci intends here, because whether he was being genuine or not (we will never know) we can’t ignore the political background of his “admittance”, that being: Rodrigo needed someone he trusted to accomplish his design of: 1. bringing the papal states under the full authority of the Church, and to destroy the Roman barons who were a constant source of trouble for the papacy and the city itself, and 2. to carve out a State for his family like other nobles italian families had done over the centuries. So Cesare’s speech had a very specific and difficult goal to achieve: to convince the cardinals and get the necessary votes so he could resign his cardinalate. It would be naïve to think that this speech, one in which their family’s advancement depended on, wouldn’t have been meticulously prepared by Cesare, alongside others, and with the supervision and approval of Rodrigo beforehand. And there is a some debate and assertions that Cesare forced his father into releasing him from his cardinalate, but there is no evidence for this. If anything Cesare seemed unsure, or at very least cautious about leaving his ecclesiastical life which brought him immense wealth and security, for a secular life where everything was yet to be determined. In any case, his feelings over this would have hardly mattered, the final decision about the family’s matters always came from Rodrigo. To think that Cesare had a voice, a “dark influence” over Rodrigo about these things is to underestimate the power and character of Rodrigo Borgia. He was a loving and generous father, but for that he expected nothing less than full obedience from his children, and he did not liked being contradicted. Cesare didn’t had a voice in these things anymore that Lucrezia, Juan or Gioffre did. If Rodrigo wanted him to stay a cardinal, then he would have stayed a cardinal, if Rodrigo wanted him to leave his cardinalate, then he would leave, whatever benefited their house better. “But after the collapse of the marriage negotiations with King Ferrante of Aragon, his hopes of escaping from the ecclesiastical life evaporated and it looked as if he was prepared to accept the career that his father had planned for him.” Cesare never accepted the career his father planned for him, and that he wanted to escape his ecclesiastic life, but are there any grounds for these claims? In all his years in the Church, there is not one recorded instance of Cesare showing an overwhelmingly distaste or any rebellion towards the career Rodrigo chose for him. And there is nothing, not even anecdotes hinting that he was trying to “escape it.” Taking a look at the administrative and pastoral activity that his vicars developed in their dioceses, demonstrates Cesare exercised his role dutifully and responsibly, and with interest. There is evidence of this intense management from the man he appointed for the headquarters of Pamplona, Martín Zapata. And from Jaume Conill’s pastoral work in the archbishopric of Valencia. There’s even a report from Conill to Cesare from August of 1494 in which he updates Cesare on the increase of confessions and rejoices at the shortage of victims due to the plague. Moreover Cesare wasn’t exactly as faithless as some authors like to claim he was, he had piety. It wasn’t a fervent, fanatical, blind piety, because it didn’t seem to be a trait in his family, from his father to his sister, they all had a pretty interesting and particular relationship with religion, but there’s more than one example where we can see religion was a part of his life also (another topic that needs exploring and maybe I’ll do it later), so there is nothing serious indicating that the ecclesiastical life was so alien, so dreadful for Cesare as that he sought to escape it, as it is assumed by Bellonci and others. Then she says: “What mattered to him most in any career was to avoid servility and mediocrity and to direct his energy towards the immediate acquistion of some position of authority.” I love this bit because I love how she mixes shady, groundless claims along with claims that do have more ground of being true. It’s true that Cesare always seemed to have tried to avoid mediocrity, although that wasn’t exclusive to him, the upbringing of noble children didn’t exactly leave room for mediocrity, it didn’t for Rodrigo Borgia’s children, he gave them the best education money could buy, and I don’t think he would have been satisfied with anything less than excellence from them, which in retrospect could be another reason why his relationship with Joffre wasn’t the same as his relatioship with Lucrezia, Cesare and Juan. As for avoiding servility, it’s actually difficult to ascertain. He doesn’t come across as someone who had an excessive willingness to please others (I don’t think that’s a bad thing btw lol), and maybe he did avoid it. But there’s some evidence that indicates he did enjoyed pleasing others, when possible, esp. those he appreciated it, just not at his and his family’s expense, which wasn’t that different a behavior from the rest of his family. He was generous and overall he seemed to liked being useful to people and to help solve problems. And the acquistion of some position of authority, it’s kinda of strange that Bellonci seemed to think that’s where he directed his energy towards, given that by 1492 right after his father became pope, if we judge by his letter to Piero de’ Medici, Cesare already had a pretty high position of authority, and he was perfectly aware of it. I mean after Rodrigo himself, Cesare was the one who had the most authority to deal any political affairs. Rodrigo trusted and relied on him, he was constantly by father’s side so he was privy to matters few others or no one else was. What Cesare seems to have directed his energy towards was trying to secure himself and his family’s power as much as he could so that when Rodrigo died, he wouldn’t be in a poor situation having to rely on others. It’s an entirely subjective point, we will never know what truly were his plans and feelings, but he doesn’t come across as someone wanting authority for the sake of wanting to have authority over others, nor does he seemed to have wanted power simply because he was power-hungry or something, but because he was painfully aware that all of his wealth and privileges were tied to his father, that power was essential for his survival and well-being, and that it was his responsibility (just as once it had been Rodrigo’s) to advance his family’s glory and perpetuate the legacy of the house of Borja. “Cesare was well aware of the gulf between his aspirations and reality and he had learnt the art of dissumulation. From infancy he had been destined to follow a career to which he knew he was unsuited, just as he knew Juan was ill-suited to his destined career of arms.” Bellonci is going on the premise that there was such a gulf between Cesare’s aspirations and his reality, when honestly there really wasn’t. This is a fabricated notion that comes from a modern perspective that men of the Church are men who are only fit for matters of spirituality, but as I said above, that doesn’t correspond with the reality, not even today, and definitely not in Cesare’s times. Men of the Church were first and foremost politicians and they acted both on spiritual matters as well as secular ones, even commanding armies and going full-on warriors if it was necessary. Bertrand du Pouget is a good example, also Ippolito d’Este, pope Leo IX, pope Clement VII, although he’s seen more as an anti-pope, and of course Della Rovere. Except for marriage, a churchman could do pretty much anything a layman could. Cesare surely knew that, so he wouldn't necessarily have felt this “gulf” between his reality and his aspirations, whatever those might have been, as it is claimed. His “warrior” side could be accommodated just fine within his ecclesiastic role. As for him learning the art of dissimulation, of course he did, as did Lucrezia and Rodrigo. It would a mistake to think they wore their hearts on their sleeves in public. If we’re being honest, any noble that wanted to survive the court they lived in needed a goal deal of dissimulation to go about with their lives. Cesare was no different than any of them on that. And finally, Bellonci has no way of knowing that Cesare from infancy knew he was unsuited for the career Rodrigo chosed for him, much less what he thought about Juan and his career. Bellonci is mostly projecting her own beliefs onto Cesare here and presenting it as a fact. His so-called unsuitablessness is unsubstantiated, apart from him sharing the same small vices his fellow cardinals did, as Alvisi amusingly says here: “Nè gli mancavano i piccoli vizi de’ giovani cardinali, e con loro fuggiva dalla mensa papale cui era convidato, perché vi era servita una sola vivanda. /Nor did he lack the small vices of the young cardinals, and with them he fled the papal table to which he was invited, because only one meal was served there.” And him apparently prefering to dress more as a layman than in his cardinal robes—which could have been for any number of reasons honestly, maybe he didn't liked it, yes, but also maybe it was just because they were more comfortable? esp. during the summer? and drew less attention to him? it's just a big leap to use his apparent dislike for ecclesiastical clothing as proof he hated being a churchman lol—there is surprisingly no scandals, nor accusations of bad behavior during these years of his life. Surely if he was so ill-suited, we would have at least one anecdote like the one about Rodrigo when he was still a cardinal at Siena? There is nothing of the kind. These claims come from a hindsighted stance of events, and it just serves to build up a motivation for the crime that is about to happen, without motivation, you can’t accuse Cesare as the culprit of Juan’s murder, and this personal drama is easier to sell than the simple jealousy over Sancia d’Aragona. “And so, twenty years earlier than most men, he had had to face the reality of a solitary existence, and he experienced either burning ambition or icy pessimism. His rancour doubtless played a large part in alienating him from the rest of the world, and he passed his complicated youth in that silence which is the first and last refuge of the frustrated. His sensitiveness got twisted into cruelty and made him monstrously lucid, he understood his father’s weakness, but the second-sight by which he infallibly got his own way was diabolical.” Beautiful writing, one that is meant to convince the reader he/she has a grasped the soul and mind of Cesare Borgia. But then again, as most of this paragraph, it’s all just literary without any substance. Reading Bellonci I wondered many times if she had a time machine or the Borgia family’s secret journal, because she speaks as if she were there with them, and they confessed all of their feelings and private thoughts to her. This is fiction.  She is implying that his solitary existence came from the fact that his reality was at odds with his desires, when there’s no proof to suggest that was the case, and that he was kind of a lone wolf? and that’s just blatantly incorrect. Maybe we can guess he might have felt lonely sometimes in a way that people with a high intellect, people who are ahead of their time usually does because it’s difficult to find other like-minded people, but he was and remained very close to his family and some friends until the end of his life, he was far from being a solitary man. He must have experienced “icy” pessimism and burning ambition just like any human being, but it certainly wasn’t his only two emotions, and very likely had nothing to do with Juan and his own career, and more with his family’s enemies and the political scenarios he was a part of. Was it really his rancour that alienated him from the world or was that the world he lived in so hostile to him and his family that they alienated themselves in order to feel safe? Hmmmm. And I’m sorry but, throwing complicated youth and Cesare Borgia in the same sentence is simply absurd. Are we talking about the same Cesare Borgia? The handsome, incredibly rich young man? Whom his contemporaries had to admit was charming, cheerful, polite and graceful? The one that when he wasn’t studying or working hard, we see him having fun with his Spaniard buddies, have love affairs, hunting, finding any excuse for dancing and bull-fighting, basically enjoying life wherever he could, this Cesare Borgia? Give me a break, I wish my youth was as complicated as his djsdjsds. The image of this dark, sulking, frustrated man, full of bitterness is very much a product of fiction, and totally incompatible with the reports written about him. As for “his sensitiveness” that got twisted “into cruelty”, i find it irking when scholars throw these words out there and don’t bother pointing out exactly what they are referring to. Borgia scholars are always talking about Cesare’s cruelty, his alleged “mean-streak”, but they don’t give any examples. If you are going to say a person is cruel, then I, at the very least, expect you follow that by an event where their cruelty is revealed. Explain your thought process, that’s all I’m asking. What are the pieces of evidence that revels Cesare’s sensitivity? and what are the pieces of evidence that revels Cesare’s cruelty? Otherwise it’s impossible to know what you mean and I’m not going to take your assessment of this person’s character seriously. Now I understand that when scholars speak of Cesare’s sensitivity, they are usually referring to his reaction towards the men responsible for the libels slandering him and his family, and although it would be understandable for him to feel outraged, I think it’s a mistake to link Cesare’s punishment of those men with his inability to take insults as Rodrigo says to the Venetian ambassador. If Cesare really was so sensitive about insults against him and his family, wouldn’t we have a long list of his victims that died simply for the deed of having offended him? which remarkably we don’t. That implies that Cesare could take insults, but when these insults were tied up with politics, he acted. The men spreading these libels, the Savelli letter being the main one, weren’t doing so to entertain the people of Rome and Italy. It wasn’t just titillating gossip. It was a clever and effective political propaganda made by Rodrigo and Cesare’s enemies to “kill” their reputation since they couldn’t, at that moment, literally kill them. It was meant to overshadow any and all positive policies their governments were doing, and put public opinion against them. Cesare understood what his father couldn’t, and he rightly tried to contain it somehow, which brings me to these men’s punishment and how it’s the only documented example I can think of that would fit the general definition of cruelty, and even so, it’s not a great one. There’s an anecdote about Cesare shooting bandits from his balcony at the Vatican with Lucrezia by his side that imo, would fit better the definition of “wanton cruelty” and having a “mean-streak”, but the authenticity of this story can't be verified, and it seems to have been just slander. Although it is odd Lucrezia’s biographers never mention this in their works, given that they don’t seem to mind authenticity when it comes to Cesare, and it would provide them with the best example for Cesare’s cruelty they go on so much about. I wonder why that is.  But when Bellonci wrote this sentence, she is aiming to conclude both her presentation of Cesare and why he murdered Juan. The whole point of this page she wrote was to create the right environment for the fratricide act. Cesare’s sensitivity made him incapable of dealing with his feelings of anger and frustration over his life, and that manifested into cruelty, that here is tied to the murder of his brother along with other crimes she uncritically pins on him, which turned him into a monster and only then he had the lucity to see what it had to be done since his father was too weak when it came to Juan. If he were to get his way, then he would have to commit a diabolical act. But apart from what I already wrote on why all the claims about Cesare’s being unsuited for this career, how he hated it and envied Juan are baseless, there’s another hole in this narrative, Rodrigo Borgia’s own decisions about Juan. They’re ambiguous af, and I think his plans weren’t always so set in stone as it is sometimes imagined, he was a shrewd, pragmatic man, so he probably changed his plans according to the political scenarios around him, and the benefits it would bring to his family and the papacy. Yes, he appointed Juan as Gonfalonier and Captain General of the Church, and invested many benefices upon him, but he also married Juan to Spain, and after the fiasco with the Orsinis (which to be fair, wasn’t just Juan’s fault) it seems he was sending Juan back to Spain, and it really looks as if Rodrigo’s design was to secure the Borgia’s power in both his native country and Italy. Juan seemed to be the one ensured to make that happen in Spain, while in Italy, it was up to Cesare, Lucrezia and Gioffre. Considering all this definitely puts obstacles to Bellonci’s assertions, and it’s easy to see why she ignored it. “His solitude was his fortress, and he used his inhuman courage and self-sufficiency to serve his idolatry of power.” No, his family was his fortress, again he was not a lone wolf, he worked in sync with his father, his brothers and his sister, and he very much relied on them and on others. He was brave, but it was far from being inhuman, and I absolutely have no idea what Bellonci means with his self-sufficiency given that his whole life was depended on others, and he knew it too, and he tried to change that. And his idolatry of power, it’s another thing scholars like to claim about him, but Cesare’s fascination with power, if we can call it that, wasn’t all that different from other nobles, and it wasn’t such to say he worshipped it.  I have no idea where there came from, probably from bad interpretations of The Prince. It wasn’t a fascination of power for the sake of it. Having power at Cesare’ time and environment was tightly connected with your survival. If you were a person in a high position of power, maintaining that power was important if you wanted to keep breathing. If you lost it, you could die. Just like many spaniards did when Della Rovere became pope. The reason Cesare wasn’t among them is precisely because he had enough influence and power within the College of Cardinals to afford some protection. If he hadn’t cultivated that, if he hadn’t accumulated power in the Romagna, he would have been murdered not long after his father died, like it happened with the children of other popes. And I guess that finishes it. It’s a powerful page, but then again I do think that most Borgia authors are very talented when it comes to writing, and constructing narratives, but when you break it down phrase by phrase, weighting in the evidence that exists for such claims, 80% of the time you will come up empty handed, or with contradicting information. Many of the things said about them, esp. about their characters, it’s a historical construction, or authors’s personal interpretations of the material they studied, since much of the Borgia’s history (that was shaped by their enemies) is wrapped in mysteries and subjectivity. Bellonci’s biases are all over her work, and it’s the strongest I’ve read with so far with Borgia bios. She had a mentality of only being fair to those she sympathized with. She detested Cesare the most, so she didn’t cared about being fair to him, she accepted all sources and gossip said about him without any discernment. He is the embodiment of only bad traits and his actions only carries chaos and “dark unrest”, but also I do believe she believed most of what she wrote about him. It’s not difficult to see why. Cesare’s black legend, alongside the unfortunate Machiavellian prince image, that is usually attached to his name with its awful connotations are always looming in the back of people’s imagination, and it’s almost impossible not to carry these preconceived notions to his historical figure when writing about him I imagine, not that she tried lool, she didn’t. She seemed to have already made her judgment about Lucrezia, Rodrigo and Cesare even before she studied all the material about their lives. Her mission was to rescue Lucrezia from her horrible reputation at all costs, and put her on a pedestal, while dragging the Borgia men and anyone else she didn’t liked, and well, she did succeeded at that, at least to a general audience and some academics.
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nitr0glycer1ne · 5 years
Ducktober/Duckvember 9 - Headcanon
Hi! My writing schedule for this is very hectic, but I've been working a lot lately and Death Stranding is out, so both of these have been keeping me busy... sorry!! I'll do my best to catch up on duck fics! I did a combo with this one since it features 3 headcanons of mine :) More on them in the notes at the end, so I don't spoil the story! Also first time writing Panchito and José so I’m stocked!! Enjoy!
It was supposed to be a calm Saturday in the McDuck Mansion.
Mrs Beakley was cleaning the hallways, Huey was absorbed in trying to earn his calligraphy Junior Woodchuck badge, Dewey was filming yet another episode of Dewey Dew-night in the triplets' room (even though it was the middle of the afternoon, since his filming sessions had been rescheduled courtesy of Donald and Della’s joint efforts), Louie was teaching Webby the ropes of advanced kart drifting techniques in his favorite racing game, Della was busy doing some maintenance work on the Cloud Slayer, and Launchpad was at an amusement park with Drake and his friend's adopted daughter Gosalyn. And since everyone was busy doing rather calm activities, Scrooge had taken the opportunity to sit in the library, comfortably seated in his favorite armchair, newspaper on his lap and a cup of warm tea on the small table near him, within hand's reach.
It was supposed to be a calm Saturday – “supposed” being the keyword.
Suddenly, an abominable noise akin to a deafening mix between a dying screech and an explosion vibrated through the whole house, startling all its inhabitants. Right after that first audible assault, a guitar riff resonated in every corridor and every room, its melody (if you could call it that) generously peppered with false notes. And as if it wasn't enough, a stream of somewhat rhythmic banging was added, and soon after what could only be described as the sound that someone recklessly stepping on a piano would make.
“What is that?!” Louie screamed, more annoyed than scared. He had looked forward to spending a normal day for once and was most displeased with the horrid cacophony. “I have no idea!” Webby answered excitedly, dropping her controller. “Let's investigate!”
The girl dashed out of the room, and Louie had no choice but to follow her. He really didn't want to, but the sooner they found the source of the disturbance, the sooner he could get back to his video game. As the ducklings were running in the corridors, trying to find the room the problem was coming from, they came across a very irritated Dewey.
“I was doing an interview!” he explained. “Whoever or whatever is making that noise will have to do some serious apologizing!”
Louie rolled his eyes, and the three kids kept running. They ended up in the entrance hall, the noise getting louder with every step; when they reached the bottom of the stairs, Della, Huey and Mrs. Beakley were already busy trying to locate the source of the noise. Said noise was still barely bearable; Huey in particular was looking particularly distressed, his hands tightly protecting his ears.
“What is going on here?!” Della yelled, her voice hard to hear above the cacophony. “I thought it was you, Dewey!” “What?!” the duckling shouted, offended. “Why would you think that?!” “Shut up!” Louie screamed as he held Huey’s right shoulder and pressed his older brother close to him, to comfort him and do his best to soothe his nerves. “You’re making it worse!”
Dewey was about to answer the youngest triplet but was cut short by his great-uncle joining them in the hall. Curiously, although he should have been the most annoyed by the sudden racket, Scrooge looked tired and resigned rather than angry. That startled even Mrs Beakley, who couldn’t help but ask:
“Mr McDuck, do you have any idea what-” “Yes, I do, Beakley.” he sighed, rolling his eyes and making his way to the manor’s right wing. “And I’ll put an end to it.”
Webby was the first to follow him, followed closely by Dewey and her grandmother. Louie stayed behind with Huey, waiting until his brother’s breathing had slowed down before they joined the rest of the group. They found themselves in the garage, where the noise was so loud it was painful to bear.
Since Launchpad had moved to live with Drake and Gosalyn the week before, the mansion’s garage had been eerily quiet without the constant, faint sound of Darkwing Duck reruns, or more recently, old rock songs. Now, however, the garage was anything but quiet, and the manor’s inhabitants understood why when they opened the door and found themselves face to face with what seemed like a fever dream.
Donald was wearing an old, tattered flannel shirt Della was sure he must have gotten as a birthday present twenty years before, and he was playing on an equally old electric guitar, his fingers running on the instrument with a surprising speed, but with a disastrous result. Donald had also combed his hair to resemble a fringe, falling on his forehead, stopping right before his eyes that were tightly shut closed as he was passionately shouting in what was probably an attempt at singing. Next to him, an antique accordion was propped on a chair, next to a flute and an acoustic guitar.
He wasn’t alone: two other persons were with him, and the four children were surprised to recognize him as Donald’s best friends, the ones they had met back in Brazil.
Panchito still had his sombrero on, but he was wearing tight denim pants and a leather jacket with shining spikes on the shoulders rather than the bright red outfit he had worn when they first met him. He was also singing, and was sitting behind worn drums, playing them with all his might, the sticks banging ferociously against the instrument. José was as into their “musical number” as his friends: he was standing behind a keyboard, hands expertly gliding on the keys, playing somewhat better than Panchito and Donald – which wasn’t saying much. He had gone through a wardrobe change too, wearing a white shirt with more buttons undone than fastened and slick black pants. José was singing his heart out as well, and sometimes his left hand left the keyboard to reach for a tambourine and shake it for a bit.
Huey and Della were in absolute disbelief at the scene, while Louie snorted and quickly reached for his phone, recording the disastrous attempt of a musical performance. Webby was confused, blinking quickly and looking at her grandmother for answers to her silent questions, Mrs Beakley answering only with a tired sigh. Scrooge was about to charge towards the trio, cane in his hand, but Dewey was quicker and louder:
His scream was so loud that Donald and his friends stopped immediately, drawing sighs of relief and pleasure from everyone else. He opened his eyes, and found himself face to face with a very angry duckling.
“Oh, bom dia, Donald’s family!” José greeted, not fazed in the least by Dewey’s tone or attitude. “It’s been a while!” Panchito added, smiling. “Yeah, yeah, hello. It’s not everyday that I can get prestigious guests on my show, and just when I was about to start interviewing Glomgold, you had to do… whatever that is!” “Glomgold?!” Scrooge almost choked as he heard his rival’s name. “Yeah!” Huey chimed in, having finally calmed down since the source of his discomfort had disappeared. “Do you really have to play so loud?” “And so false?” Louie added, saying out loud what everyone thought.
Donald looked a bit distraught, and Panchito and José looked at each other, confused.
“We weren’t playing out of key!” the rooster countered. “Si, it has been a while since we last practiced, but-” “It was atrocious.” Della provided. “Aw, come on, Dellita!” Panchito brushed her off. He stood up and ran to properly greet her, giving her a tight hug. He hadn’t seen her since she had visited Donald between two flights during his college days, and his duck friend had told him and José all about what had happened to her. “Come here! I’m so happy to see you!” “Sim, Della, you haven’t aged a day!” José smiled after giving her a hug of his own. “Flattery isn’t gonna make me less mad about you!”
Donald couldn’t help but feel a strange sensation in his stomach as he saw his twin sister reuniting with his best friend, a warm feeling tinted with nostalgia that brought a tear to his eye. He blinked it away, and when he opened his eyes, it was to find himself face to face with Scrooge, who was looking particularly crossed.
“Lad, the “no band practice in the manor without my permission” rule still applies.” “Uncle Scr-” “Band practice?!” Webby squealed, running away from Panchito ruffling her hair to Scrooge and Donald’s side. “I didn’t realize! It’s true that the three of you were the Three Caballeros! Since you said that last time, I did some research but didn’t find anything online!” “We were very, ehm, how do you say? Ah, underground!” José provided. “But I could give you a cassette we recorded. I have several back home.” “Aww, you kept them?” Panchito beamed, throwing his arms around his friend. “I’d love to, Mr Carioca!” “Please, call me José, docinha.” “Why… why would you want that?!”
As Webby explained how happy she was to put her hands on a tangible piece of Donald Duck’s history, Panchito and José decided to back their friend up, since said friend was looking a little guilty under Scrooge’s severe glare.
“Scrooge, sorry! We were so happy to celebrate the Three Caballeros’ revival that we might have gotten a bit carried away!” the parrot apologized with a smile. “Yeah!” Panchito added, firmly patting the old duck’s back. “We’ll be more careful in the future, promise!” “What do you mean, in the future?” Mrs Beakley sternly asked, her head already aching at the perspective of having to endure more of this torture. “You didn’t tell them, Donald?!” José gasped.
The duck rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.
“I… was waiting for the right moment and didn’t have the occasion?” “Told us what, Donald?” Scrooge squinted, sensing something not pleasant in the least was about to happen. “Donald said that since your garage was free now, we had all the space we wanted to practice and work on new songs for our upcoming album and concerts! Los Three Caballeros are officially BACK!” Panchito loudly exclaimed, José smiling in approval and Donald feeling very, very little under his uncle and Mrs Beakley’s intense stares.
A collective groan ensued, save for Webby’s enthusiastic “Yeah!”.
It was my first time writing Panchito and José, I hope I got them right! I took Spanish as a 2nd language (French being my mothertongue, English was my 1st foreign language in school, Russian my 3rd and Latin my 4th. Sadly I've lost almost all of my knowledge in Russian...) and don't speak Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese so feel free to correct me. More on the 3 headcanons:
1) Sometime after season 2, Launchpad moves out of McDuck manor and goes to live with Drake and Gosalyn, although he still stays close to Scrooge and his family, especially Dewey! It starts as a simple roommates situation, but since I love Drakepad it ends with them in a relationship :)
2) Huey is gifted. It's probably me projecting, but Huey has a lot of traits often found in gifted people: being book smart, having interest in always learning new things and skills, trying to understand everything, being kind and trying to be as helpful as possible, and being easily anxious and prone to anger outbursts. I could go into detail about this haha, in fact I probably will in the form of a fic later in this challenge that will have Huey interacting with someone I also headcanon as gifted c: 2.5) And I can see Louie as being the one to calm him down the most easily when Huey has a spike of anxiety or a panic attack. Louie is good at reading people and he's also quite sensitive, which is why I can see him looking out for his big brother. Dewey just doesn't realize it, I think he has more difficulty reading people and understanding how they feel, especially if they try to hide it.
3) And of course the main focus of this fic, THE THREE CABALLEROS GETTING BACK TOGETHER !!! I really wanna see this in the show, even if it's just in passing. We know that Panchito and José will be in S3, and I really would like to see them and Donald playing music, even if it's just in a flashback or something!!
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peachhoneii · 5 years
What do you think about Catwoman since Scrooge and Goldie have a Batman/Catwoman relationship? To me, I don't think she's a villain because she doesn't try to take over the world or purposely kill anyone just because. She just steals for herself and looks after herself, but will help others when they need it sometimes.
V is for villain...Goldie is not a villain.
Goldie doesn’t want Scrooge dead.
Goldie doesn’t steal money directly tied to Scrooge.
Goldie steals treasures she and Scrooge are hunting or have hunted in the past. 
Goldie saved Scrooge’s life multiple times throughout their adventures based on his biography, and in Golden Lagoon, she saved his life again.
Goldie saved his life in Outlaw and displayed some touching if very rare protectiveness over Scrooge.
Goldie is not good, and Goldie is not bad. Just as it is for Scrooge. Scrooge is not good, and he is not bad. They are people. 
Btw, Team Goldie 3000%. Lets get that out of the way.
Carl Barks + DT87
Goldie reaction has been mixed for understandable reasons. There wasn’t a lot of Goldie in past American comics. Barks used her for one story. Don Rosa kept her to the past with some current day comic appearances. DuckTales 87 made them very sweet and tender and cute...but...
Goldie shot at him multiple times.Goldie sent a bear to kill him.Goldie drugged him. (Barks)Goldie hit him in the head with the nugget. (Barks)Scrooge abducted her. (Barks)
Abduction was removed in the original print. Barks didn’t see it as an abduction, but that was what it was. It was eventually returned in later reprints.
Scroldie isn’t a large ship compared to other DT ships, but I watched remember watching a reaction video to their DT17 depiction (Golden Lagoon), and I understood some of their points. 
But...I didn’t agree with the DT87 praise, because it doesn’t deserve it in my opinion. 
Carl Barks and DuckTales 1987 shared something in common, and it was the lack of character development. Obviously, Barks’ characters evolved and developed their current characterizations. The stories are character driven, but they’re aren’t character arcs. 
Uncle Scrooge is going to be this way throughout all his appearances unless the story calls for something ‘different,’ but he’s going to resume his original characterization. He’s always going to be that stingy miser. There are moments of kindness and nice, but the default stays.
Gladstone is always going to be a dick. Donald is always going to be unlucky and you know, stuff like that. 
That isn’t a bad thing. I love Carl Barks stories. His stories are good...racial portrayal, not so good, but we’re going to ignore that for this discussion. It worked for the time and medium and the stories he wanted to tell.
DT87...is not character driven.
Like I’ve written for Barks, DT87 didn’t participate in character driven arcs. The series focused on the characters, but there wasn’t any lasting development. It was an episodic series. It stuck to that.
HDL want to stand out and be their own people. Yeah, they finally achieve it, but next episode they’re back to being identical characters. 
So Goldie appears three times...and she’s in that role of romantic interest and hasn’t grown as a character or anything like that. She’s fun. She’s cute. Scrooge and Goldie are cute. That’s totally acceptable and adorable and I want more of that in DT17.
But there isn’t any development. There isn’t an arc, and there isn’t a need for an arc since none of the characters are meant to develop and grow in this series. It works for them.
Don Rosa is character driven...but sticks to Barksian Law.
Don Rosa rarely went against the Holy Barks Bible. If it isn’t in Barks, it didn’t happen. If Barks didn’t approve of it, it didn’t happen. He stuck to Barks all the way, and he wrote his stories circling that canon. 
Life and Times is a character driven adventure drama that develops Scrooge’s character from idealistic, hardworking poor immigrant child to hardened, cruel, and miserly billionaire.
He did what he could with Goldie based on the information he had, and he made up some of it, leading to very fortunate implications.
But it isn’t Goldie’s story. It’s Scrooge’s. Rosa doesn’t give us her beginning, and we get what’s probably 15% of her middle. By time she reappears, she’s an old woman; aged, matured, wiser, and far more patient than when she was young.
All of that development for Goldie? We didn’t get to see. We didn’t see it in Barks either. Didn’t have time. Didn’t have the drive. We don’t know what happened to Goldie in that time, because where Scrooge grew colder and harder, Goldie became warmer and softer.
Not too soft, but you get it.
DuckTales 2017...is character driven and thrives on character development.
I understand why people may not like Goldie as she is in this continuity, but I cannot find it in me to ever dislike her as a character.
What worries me is that the criticisms about Goldie is that she isn’t as emotionally available or soft or in a position to wait for Scrooge, which I don’t think is misogynistic, but it paints a slightly misogynistic color for me?
Should Goldie be submissive? She never was submissive. Was she soft and emotionally available? Yeah, as an old woman. Had she been that way in her youth, they’d be married.
DT17 strongly relies on character arcs. From Scrooge to Glomgold, there are character arcs and backstories and drama, and characters get to grow and develop.
Scrooge has grown as a person, though he retains his primary characteristics. The same can be said for Donald, Della, the boys, Lena, Webby, and many other characters. 
I know it might sound crazy and weird, but I believe Goldie is going to get the same treatment. Why make her Louie’s adult friend if the show didn’t want to improve her as a person and show different facets of her character?
Maybe the show won’t give us Goldie’s beginning and middle, but it’s going to give us the transition from this greedy, gold hungry, cold-hearted thief to a little bit kinder greedy, gold hungry, and not as cold hearted thief who bonds with a child that is so much like her.
This could be naive and short-sighted of me, but I trust the show is going down a route that’ll have Goldie grow. If not, shame on them.
I can go into the whole...I really don’t want Goldie’s character circling 100% around Scrooge, including Louie who is Scrooge’s grand nephew. I’d really like for her to have friends and a life outside of Scrooge, but I am going to put my faith into Frank and his team. I trust them.
Goldie criticism is valid to a point for me, but the impression her detractors give is naivety and short-sightedness. But you know? I probably am too...for having so much faith in Frank and his team. Please, don’t let me down guys.
Goldie appeared physically in two episodes; one focused on her Scrooge, the second a cameo.
Scrooge told Outlaw through his perspective. We don’t know Goldie’s side of the story.
Scrooge loves her the way she is, as much as it frustrates him. He loves her.
Goldie isn’t a villain. That isn’t a fair description of her character and role in the show, and there’s more to her that we haven’t seen. So rather than unfairly judging her, maybe we should wait until we’ve reached the end of her story? DuckTales 2017 wants to go the distance with her.
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ducklooney · 5 years
My first fanfiction-Quack Pack fanfiction?!
Here is finally something to do, I would just ask for some mistakes that I have right now on fanfiction to correct me and show me some things that are wrong, since they are certainly written the way I imagine those things. Thank you in advance for your help. Since unfortunately not only on Tumblr, but also on Instagram and on Deviantart and other social networks there are few things related to the cartoon series "Quack Pack", I decided to write fanfiction. Since unfortunately there is not much fanart related to Quack Pack, I wish there was a little more, I actually thought I was drawing related to it, but since I do not have the conditions for it, and I draw on my computer and it turns out a little bad, I decided to do better with fanfiction writing, but not the ones most write, but quite different, mostly from my perspective, the way I would like it to be in my fanfiction. Who will and who will read and like what I will write about now (I will post at the beginning on my blog, then I will see what happens later), he can. Freely draw based on my story, and I would love to be a little more fanart related to the Quack Pack. I know the Quack Pack has had some problems and I'm sure to include many things in my fanfiction story, first and foremost from the comic book world, and this fanfiction is actually going to be some kind of crossover. Please note that this is my first fanfiction and there will probably be mistakes I make and please correct me. Thank you for your understanding. And if I forgot, it would mostly be based on Donald Duck and his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck (but in the Quack Pack version) and Daisy Duck, but there might be characters that could appear, but unfortunately they didn't appeared in the Quack pack but will certainly pop up in my fanfiction story, but it will be a surprise. There is so much to begin with, and I will certainly start over and this story will be divided into parts. Here I am going to start with my fanfiction story and I want you to enjoy my story and apologize in advance for some things I have offended by something and made some mistakes that made you offended and I apologize for that. And yes, if there are any questions, feel free to ask me. Here's a start:
Morning. It was dawn, actually. July month. Yesterday was over thirty degrees, and it's not easy for ducks to keep that temperature under so many feathers, and so is Donald Duck, who has experienced everything in his life and so on. He slept in one solid dream, and he certainly dreamed of beating the Evronians as a Duck Avenger, or of fighting Maui Mallard with his martial arts, or how he, as a Double Duck, perform special espionage missions to save the world or simply how he likes to fish on one lake and enjoy it. Whatever it is, he certainly loves that kind of dream. However, someone interrupts him, in the sense of someone or something interrupting his dream. Yes, it was a boring alarm clock and digital. It was four o'clock in the morning and Donald slammed his fist into his alarm clock to turn it off. He turned off the alarm clock and stood up all awake, realizing what day it would be like today. Yes, he will have a lot of work to do, both as a cameraman and as a reporter, but not with Kent Powers, who fired him long ago, but with Everett Ducklair, his chief. Yes, Donald hated Everett as much as he did Kent Powers before, as he kept upsetting his life by forcing him to do some trivial things instead of his main job, such as cleaning toilets, hallways, halls, and the like. Fortunately, for all his work, he was paid a lot of money, and with that Donald could be satisfied, first of all, because he devoted all his money to his beloved nephews. When he had some free time or a break at work, he thought of Huey, Dewey, and Louie, who were no longer young children and could soon be adults. They have long since entered puberty, their personalities have formed, and they will soon start whether or not for a year in high school. Although they had different traits, they still acted as a team except in some things. Donald, of course, first went to the bathroom to do his work, so he washed and brushed his teeth. Afterwards, he put on his Hawaiian shirt and went to have his breakfast. After breakfast, he got ready for work, but before he went to work, he wanted to go to his nephews' room to see if they were sleeping any longer. As they continue to sleep, Donald merely smiled at them and slowly approached them and gave them his parental kiss on their cheeks, but they did not notice or feel it after they slept soundly. Donald then left their room and walked down the stairs to retrieve his business bag. Yes, at that point it was five o'clock in the morning, but of course Donald had to get to work early, as his boss had ordered him to do. He had to be at work at six o'clock. So he took it in his bag, in the meantime he heard a loud voice, and Donald replied:
"Silence!", And gestured Donald with his index finger to his beak as a sign of silence, and pointed to the top floor, thinking it was one of his nephews. As the loud noise stopped, Donald turned to the hall and then to the door and meanwhile, his nephew Louie Duck appeared in his pajamas with a backwards cap and said to Louie his uncle: "Can I please Uncle Donald go with you to work?" "No!" Donald replies loudly, "you can't go to work, and besides getting out of bed now, is it too early to play and go to school?" "Uncle Donald, so we're on vacation now, school's not working during the month of July, have you forgotten that? Besides, we'll be alone when you're gone," Louie said, and Donald suddenly thought and put his hand on his forehead as that he had done something wrong. And they sit in a small chair in the hall.
I almost forgot about it. Yes, I worry about you, that something bad doesn't happen to you. I can't quite leave you alone. Especially not to my worst neighbor in the history of humanity, Neighbor Jones, and his family. It just makes a mess in my yard and makes my life even worse, and again I would not move, ”Donald said, sad. "Don't think so badly Uncle D, you're for my brothers and for me my best uncle, and also the best parent we have. You always think of us and keep an eye on us whenever you can, even if my brothers and I make hell instead let’s make paradise for you. ”Louie said as she approached her uncle. Uncle Donald hugged Louie crying with happiness and said, "You never make me hell, even if you sometimes ruin my house, but I'm very happy to have you, as if you were my sons and not my nephews. Without you I'm empty man." "Don't, Uncle Donald. So you have the best cousins you have, you have your girlfriend Daisy, who is also our aunt, you have Uncle Scrooge, you have best friends Panchito and Jose, and Goofy certainly, our mom Della, who is in space right now, and now I can't remember who else. But you have more support than you think, "Louie said, hugging his uncle. "Oooohh... Thank you Louie, but I have to tell you something and please promise me you won't tell your brothers or anyone, especially Fethry Duck. Okay?" "All right, Uncle Donald. But why?" Louie asked, wondering who was hiding something, since he was of such a nature that he neither loves nor can lie. "Here, Louie, why. You and I know that Uncle Scrooge and I had a fight, don't you?" "I know, Uncle D. I'm sad it must have happened, and I haven't seen Uncle Scrooge in a long time. I know he's a lot of stingy and hard-hearted, but I know for sure, and I believe he surely deep in our heart, thinks of us, and we probably miss him . ”Louie replies sadly. "Ooohh ... I know Louie, but then again, he only thinks of himself and his business and especially his money and I don't think I'm sending you there. In my opinion, better come to you Webby and Mrs. Beakly, than you to you go to Scrooge. And I wouldn't argue about it any more. Okay?!” "All right, Uncle D." Louie sighed miserably. "Next, my only real friends are Jose Carioca, Panchito, partly Goofy, Gyro Gearloose and Fenton. They are the only ones who give me confidence," Donald replied. "What about One? Lyla Lay? Kay K? Reginella? Don't they matter to you? And what about Fethry and Gus Goose?" Louie asked mysteriously. "Be quiet! Don't hear anyone. I know, but these are my private affairs, so don't talk to anyone about this or you won't go on adventures with me like Duck Avenger! Okay?!" - Donald replies angrily. "All right, Uncle Donald," Louie replies. "Yes, I know you very much love my cousin Fethry, or your further uncle, but I'm afraid to make a mess again so I have to pay big fines later. Remember the last time Fethry guarded you?" Donald asked. "I remember. But it was fun. We had a great time with Fethry and my cousin, or Fethry's nephew Dugan Duck," Louie says excitedly. "I know, but a mess was made, and besides, I had a lot of reports from my awkward neighbors. I can't allow such things next time. You understand what I'm talking about, don't you?" "I know, Uncle Donald. I know." Louie says sadly. "Then you know why I can't trust you, my cousin Gus Goose." "I know, because he only thinks about the food he eats all the time," Louie replies. "Not only that, but because he's too stupid," Donald replies. "Okay, but he's fun too," Louie replies. "Yes I know, but I can't take the risk again. What I'm talking about is babysitting, and since I can't trust everyone, I can only entrust that job to Dickie Duck, Goldie's granddaughter. I just hope she's not too busy writing her student master's work. " "Dickie is great. I don't mind being a babysitter. She's never bored with it," Louie replies happily. "I'm glad about that. I'll talk to her and if she's free, she'll come to watch over you. Okay?" "Ok, Uncle D." "Now, back to bed." "All right, Uncle." "And don't tell anyone about this, okay?" "Ok. And good luck at work, Uncle D."                                                                "Thank you Louie. Goodbye! See you in the evening," Donald said, getting up and heading for the door, in the meantime ringing the phone. "Who's calling this at this time ?!" Donald mumbled and picked up the phone and asked, "Who is it?" “Can I keep your nephews safe?” Fethry asked cheerfully in his sweater, living two blocks away from the Donald. "Noooooo!" - Donald angrily answered and hung up. Poor Fethry. All in all, he takes his bag and wristwatch, leaves the house, runs to the bus station, manages to catch the bus and leaves for work. However, it was six o'clock in the morning. Louie Duck goes to his room and goes to his deck chair (this was also his bed) and in his pajamas, wearing his cap on his head, reads a comic book while his brothers sleep. But Louie didn't read any comics related to super heroes, he read a comic about Darkwing Duck, which really existed in his world.
End of Chapter One.
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simonjadis · 5 years
"Subverting expectations" should be something akin to what it adds to the story and not outright replaces. In addition, a writer should employ it based on what they feel in right for their characters and story with deep consideration. It seems like with recent examples that need no introduction do it to "please the audience" when they should write the sort of the story they'd want to read and/or watch themselves. It should come from the heart if you don't mind cheese.
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I had not heard of that cyborg incident, anon! That sounds great.
(And I’m behind on DuckTales – the last episode I saw was Della’s first episode; I love Paget Brewster as her voice almost as much as I loved Paget voicing Poison Ivy)
I totally agree with you!!
Sometimes, I am horrified when I learn that feedback has convinced a storyteller to go in a different direction, even if I 100% understand why. Other times, it’s a great thing.
1. Good Case: Griffin McElroy is informed by fans of the Bury Your Gays trope, and his narrative returns two Tragic WLW as dryads (I’m not there yet in The Adventure Zone; I’m so nervous about continuing The Suffering Game)
2. Bad Case A: video game creators listen to disproportionate outrage from entitled forum bros and yield to their demands to include less queer content and fewer characters of color in the next game, or to sideline that content and those characters
3. Bad Case B: Joseph Morgan is a handsome, talented actor, but his desire to go forward with the story of Klaus Mikaelson on The Vampire Diaries should not have changed existing plans. I know that this is Extremely Writer Of Me but, to my mind, that’s like putting on a puppet show and one of the puppets whirls around and tells you to not kill him off. I’m not mad that the spinoff happened or anything, I just think that Klaus is a terrible person who deserves to die, however sympathetic aspects of his backstory may have been.
Anon, you wrote “a writer should employ it based on what they feel in right for their characters and story with deep consideration“
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the line about with deep consideration is especially good, and something that many of us forget to express
because I’m gay, I’m going to pick an example – there are stories I might write in which the word “faggot” appears a great deal. it’s a slur, but it might be appropriate for characterization or setting. that doesn’t mean that it needs to be part of the story that will be consumed by an actual human audience, some of whom may have heard that word yelled at them at the worst moments of their lives
I could also write a fantasy setting in which that words holds no particular meaning, and someone’s name might happen to be that. it’s not like the fantasy character speak english or have that slur – the name just happens to be that, and exists within that world’s context. BUT again, this is going to be consumed by an actual audience, and I can just … not do that
in a previous post [X], I discussed worldbuilding and narrative choices, and used a domino/marbles analogy. another analogy might be baking – you choose the recipe and the ingredients and how they’re introduced and combined, but once placed in the oven, it all has to work naturally – you can’t force a cake to rise
if you do that in a story, people will know that something isn’t right
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but choosing the recipe/ingredients and how they’re combined isn’t an excuse to do whatever you want.
you can choose to, as you note, set things up so that a woman who might have been fridged will instead be in a position to become a cyborg. (I don’t know a good baking analogy for that)
there are ways to include bigotry, death, and horror in your worldbuilding without focusing upon these elements for shock value, and that’s because the storyteller also controls the perspective
for another poor analogy, let’s say that you’re using your phone to record a video tour of your house – a walkthrough. you can use camera angles to avoid showing that place where the carpet just isn’t the same as it used to be, or that side of the couch that the cats chose as a scratching post, or that place where your drunk buddy decided to throw food onto the kitchen ceiling to see what stuck and now it’s discolored. storytellers can do this by choosing who (first person or third person limited) is telling the story, by choosing an unreliable narrator (usually just someone without the social awareness to realize what’s going on around them), or by taking the story in other directions
which means, and I know that this is a tangent but you reminded me of it, that stories can avoid gratuitous depictions of sexual assault or domestic violence and focus on fun things, like werewolf violence or whatever. it doesn’t mean pretending that those things don’t exist, it’s just prioritizing what gets “screen time”
that’s another place where deep considering comes into play. what things need to be part of the media experience, and which things can’t be left aside? for example, with very rare exceptions, i recommend against following the story of anyone experiencing gastrointestinal distress and related symptoms. someone can have a stomachache and then stay in bed with a time skip or someone else’s POV for a while. with rare exceptions, we don’t need to follow that person into the bathroom. the same is true with sexual assault and domestic violence, only this time we’re adding potential reader trauma to the list of reasons to tilt the metaphorical camera in another direction; if a character says that their ex was “a bad man” or warns someone away from X tavern, I believe them
obviously, sometimes stories do include horrifying elements; there are very few absolutes in writing
[barely restraining myself from talking about showing-vs-telling and some discourse I’ve seen about it]
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I absolutely do not mind cheese, anon, and I agree that stories should metaphorically come from the heart
I do think that a lot of television writing has less of that because it’s, well, a job. the story should still make sense, and ideally everyone in the writer’s room feels passionately about some aspect of the project, but any mercenary writer is going to have some things where they just do their best and then call it a day. the story needs to make sense and engage audiences, but it doesn’t have to be a passion project
if a writer does a good job of entertaining themselves, they’ll usually do a decent job of pleasing the audience. there are exceptions.
not everybody has a foot fetish, Joss
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ashdash2417 · 5 years
My Thoughts on The Golden Spear:
- Oh man... Ooooh man oh man oh man oh man, this episode.... * inhales deeply * THIS!! EPISODE!! - I'm just gonna start off by saying POOR DONALD OH MH GOSH!! SO MUCH STRESS IN HIS LIFE HE NEEDS A GODDAMN BREAK!! He has MORE than earned it!! - And that sweet Huey and Webby interaction is real nice too! - And OH MY GOD!! WHAT FID DEWEY DO TO START A WAR WITH ZEUS?!?! XD DEWEY STARTED A WAR WITH ZEUS!! - What was a goat doing in Scroogey's closet what the heck?! * I bet after seeing Louie with that crown, some people are gonna change their profile pic into that! Not complaining at all! That would be adorable actually! - Again, I really love this episode. I love that simple B plot on here. And FINALLY GOT A DONALD EPISODE! - Now, onto Della's plot of the episode! - .... Ah geez, I'm tying so heard not to think about the ending!! I gotta bring up something else yet!! AAUAGU THE ENDING!! (Okay okay I'll continue on now!) - About Penumbra! I think she actually changes her perspective on Della, and maybe even the Earth! Because of all the things Della tells about Earth, about family! Maybe that's when Penumbra realizes that Earth may not be as bad as she thinks it is! - (I forgot what the leader's name is please forgive me!) I knew he was onto something (I'm sure we all did but still)! Ah man, again, the planning was really... Thought out! Tricky tricky tricky! * But kinda sad how everyone else wanted to go to Earth so badly! And then they're being mislead and now wanting to attack Earth?!? * They're all really nice too! - * inhales deeply * ..... AAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHGGGGGHHHAHHHHAHH!! MOMMA DUCKY'S COMIN HOME YOU GUYS!! MOMMA!! DUCKY'S!!! COMIN!! HOME!!! AND AAIAGAUGA SHE GONNA SEE HER BOYS!! - (and at the same time...) NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY DT CREW WHY!!?!?! AGIAGAUAGAU THAT BROKE ME AND SHOCKED ME AT THE SAME TIME!! DONALD WAS JUST GOING ON VACATION!! AND RIGHT WHEN DELLA HITS EARTH!!! NOOOOO DONALD'S GONNA BE ON MOON JOW!!! * AND OH MY GOD! I feel like Donald's gonna be held hostage by the moonlanders! AAGAUGAAU ONCE THE FAMILY FINDS ABOUT THIS!! - DUSHAU DELLAS GONNA COME HOME AND HER BROTHERS GONNA BE MISSING!!! THAT IS THE SADDEST THJNG OUT IF ALL THIS!! - Hknestly, I'm gonna imagine this play out like this: Scrooge opens the gate, in a rush as he finds out his NIECE is FINALLY home after ALL THESE YEARS!! She's gonna FINALLY see her boys for the first time in forever!! She's gonna meet Webby as well, treating her like she's her own niece. * Then she sees someone missing. "Where's Donald?" She asks. Then one of them says he's on vacation. * Now this part I'm thinking could happen in maybe two ways: ~ Either A: Della runs to grab something, maybe her Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, and sees her rocket is missing, which is odd because she remembers The Spear of Selene being RIGHT HERE!! Then remembering how the family said Donald was taking a vacation... I'm not sure if Della would figure this out RIGHT AWAY, because like they said, he's on vacation, and there's NO WAY he could've taken the Spear of Selene right?! ~ Or B: Once the day Donald supposedly returns home, he actually doesn't! And everyone starts to get suspicious! They're so worried that he may be lost or worse! Everyone's looking everywhere, the mansion, the houseboat, everywhere! And no sight of him! And THEN maybe the first part of the option happens.. Except I don't think she'd be looking for anything at the time.. Maybe she sees that the Spear of Selene isn't where she last saw it as she's looking for her brother. THEN, that's when she finds out.. That maybe he's not on vacation, but instead... He's in space!! - BUT OH MY GOD!!! IM PROBABLY GONNA WATCH THAT EPISODE AGAIN BECAISE HOLY SHIT I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS!! ESPECIALLY THE ENDING!! AGAHAGAIAH I HOPE DONALD WILL BE OKAY!!! Aaaaaaaannnnd that's all my thoughts! Hopefully this ones better than the last two I've done! Because again... Holy shit that ending!! I almost cried after seeing that!! If I'm correct, more new episodes will be coming in next week now. At the same time. So expect more of my thoughts sometime after the new episodes air! See y'all later!
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missingverse · 6 years
Missing Chapter Twenty Eight
Note: Please excuse the long absence, a combination of being metaphysically hit by the fandom feels and being hit by actually physical issues with my crumbling bones interfered with my ability to write this chapter. I'm still pretty unwell but I'm going to catch up on all of my fics this month hopefully.
As always, I recommend you check out my novel on Kindle if you like my work, and there's the added bonus that if I get struck by lightning or have another embolism you will have something to read while I'm in the ICU, cursing the lack of wifi.
US link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BGSPPBY
UK link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07BGSPPBY
Also, soon to be available in paperback form!
Waring's lawyer tried to argue for an insanity plea, but it was rejected. There was no doubt he was insane, but functional enough to kill so many women and keep a kidnapped child hidden for nearly half a year. He was given three consecutive life sentences, narrowly avoiding the death penalty because there was limited proof that he had killed the missing women. The prosectution was quoted as saying that without Helga's testimony he might have walked away.
That was some consolation during the week she spent in an induced coma followed by an intense surgery to relieve some of the pressure on her brain. The nosebleeds had been a herald of something that could easily have killed her, and there was still no telling what effect it would have on her long-term. When she came to after surgery, she couldn't speak and had trouble moving her arms.
It was depressing, Arnold had to admit. She had come so far he had pretty much assumed it could only get better, even though he'd been warned multiple times she could slide back like this. He was lying on his bed at home, staring at the ceiling and wallowing in his unhappiness, when his phone pinged.
It was Phoebe, of course, because she was the only person who really texted him.
Arnold, you might want to
come down to the hospital.
Why? What's up?
He had that sinking feeling it was going to be bad news.
She's talking again and
she seems okay, but she's
acting strange.
Strange in what way?
I don't know how to
explain it properly
over text.
Can you at least try?
She thinks she's dead, Arnold.
What? How?
I don't know, apparently
it's something that happens.
I don't know what to do.
Is she being treated for it?
We're waiting on the psychiatrist,
they probably won't get one until
tomorrow. I'm trying to act
normal but it's really hard.
Is there a way to act
normal in this situation?
This is why you need to
be here, Arnold. She
remembers what we did
when she was a ghost.
Just get down here when
you can, okay?
When he finally made it to the hospital (Ambrose was away getting some things sorted with his estate and so couldn't drive him) Phoebe had left. Helga's main doctor caught him in the corridor before he could go into Helga's room.
“Cotard delusion,” the doctor sighed, as if that explained anything. “It's not uncommon with brain injury. At least she's not self-harming or suicidal, she's taking it pretty well.”
“But...she thinks she's dead?” Arnold wondered.
“Specifically, she thinks she's a ghost,” the doctor explained. “And she's kind of upbeat about it. Most Cotard patients are manic or depressed or a combo of both. All things considered, it's not a bad result.”
Arnold wondered sourly how Helga suddenly believing she had died wasn't a bad result, but he supposed that was what separated the doctor from the normal civilian. She didn't die or become a vegetable after surgery, which technically meant it was a success.
She was scribbling something in her newest pink notebook when Arnold entered the room, but shut it hastily when she realized he was there.
“Thank God,” she muttered darkly. “Someone sensible.”
“Sensible?” Arnold laughed. “Are you sure about that?”
“Depends on what words come out of your mouth in the next few sentences,” Helga quipped. “Apparently everyone can see me now. At least here in the hospital anyway...”
“Well, yeah they can see you,” Arnold chuckled awkwardly. “You're alive.”
“God, not you too,” she groaned, flopping back against the pillow. “Phoebe already tried this, I know I'm dead. Don't try to sugarcoat it.”
“Why do you think you're dead?”
“I got shot,” she shrugged, seemingly without a care. “We found out that much. Who survives getting shot in the head?”
“You did,” he pressed. “The bullet just grazed you, the medical records prove this. Why do you think the nurses and doctors are treating you, if you're dead?”
“They don't believe in ghosts,” Helga answered. “It's easier to believe I'm just some sick kid that needs treatment. I suppose if I was going to manifest somewhere besides your house it would be the hospital I died in.”
It made a crazy sort of sense, at least from her perspective.
Maybe I should play along, at least until the psychiatrist can come to treat her.
“Okay, fine,” he shrugged, trying to put on a casual face. “You're dead. Did anyone tell you the guy who shot you got three life sentences?”
“Yes, everyone who's come to see me since I manifested,” she said. “And now you. Good. Let him rot in there.”
“So we did what we set out to do, we found out what happened to you.”
“Guess so.”
“What now? If you were a ghost, wouldn't you have moved on after we solved the case?”
“I don't know,” she moaned. “I'm not some sort of authority on ghosts.”
“Well then, it looks like you're here to stay,” Arnold said agreeably. “You're still welcome to haunt the boarding house.”
“I might just do that,” she said, smiling warmly.
An idea suddenly struck Arnold.
“I'm just going to find something,” he told her, getting up from his chair. “Oh, and I should talk to your doctor...”
“About what?”
“If I find it, I'll tell you.”
He hurried off to find the nurse's lounge. After asking a few of them, he found one with a bike she was willing to lend him and it had a basket on the handlebars (smaller than the one on his own but that didn't matter. He okayed it with the doctors, as long as he kept her warm and didn't stay out too long he was able to take her out. Rushing back to her room, he bundled her into her wheelchair and wheeled her out to the front of the hospital, where the nurse had propped up the bike waiting for them.
“Even ghosts need some fresh air,” he explained, lifting her into the basket he'd lined with pillows.
He took her out through one of the rarely-used country roads, bumpy and rough as it was the air was so clear and crisp and fragrant with the scent of blossoming fruit trees. She laughed wildly as they skittered over potholes and bumps in the road and didn't seem to mind that her bare feet were getting splattered with mud. Arnold's arms and legs ached with the strain of pushing the bike through the rocky terrain but it was worth it to see her so happy.
The bare patch of skin on her hairline where the bullet had struck her was covered by gauze since her surgery, but it brought back memories of hauling her ghost form around in his bike like this. Back then, he had come to terms, at least a little, with her death. He was more fearful now that she was living, that things could go wrong and she could be snatched away again. At least as a ghost, nobody would be able to hurt her.
Maybe that's why she believed herself to be dead; for protection.
“I'll be going now,” Gertie told Arnold, kicking him out of his half-sleep.
“No, Grandma,” he groaned, rolling over in bed. “You don't have anywhere to be.”
She was wearing her coat but no shoes. Keeping shoes on her was the hardest task, even if she didn't leave the boarding house she seemed to lose her shoes within minutes of putting them on. Arnold brought her downstairs, took her coat and put some slippers on her feet. Phil was already at the breakfast table, frowning at some bills.
“Everything all right, Pookie?” he asked when Gertie sat down.
She didn't say anything but mumbled to herself a little. She was irritable these days, the new medication made her groggy and confused.
“I'll get started on breakfast,” Arnold offered.
Phil grunted in response and went back to scanning his bills.
A spike of resentment fired up in Arnold as he took out the ingredients to feed everyone in the boarding house. It was the weekend, and he should have had less work to do since Ambrose had started more or less renovating the building, but he'd found himself taking over his grandmother's old jobs instead. He appreciated Phil's money worries, but would it kill him to say thank you?
Other teenagers had the luxury of rebellion. Arnold didn't even have enough time to himself to get an ill-advised tattoo.
“Hey Arnold,” Ambrose said, leading Della into the kitchen. He was a naturally early riser. “On breakfast duty today?”
“Guess so,” Arnold shrugged.
“I'm going down to the hospital later. You wanna hop in?”
“Sure,” Arnold agreed. “Any news from the doctors?”
“They say another month and she should be good to come home,” Ambrose told him. “She has to be monitored by a home visitor but that's no big thing...and I almost got the ramp finished.”
Finally. They'd be living under the same roof. Helga remembered the things they did when she was a ghost, and at some point the Cotard delusion would fade.
She kissed me back. I know she did. It's not just me.
Once the scrambled eggs he cooked were ready, he piled them onto a platter, buttered enough toast to feed an army and brought both into the dining room.
“Ambrose is giving me a lift to the hospital,” he told Phil. “I should be back around ten or...”
“What?” Phil snapped, dropping his bills for probably the first time all morning. “No, I need you here.”
“I don't have any homework,” Arnold shrugged, that little resentful spike pricking him deep. “And the boiler's fixed, Ambrose finished up last night...”
“There's a pile of laundry higher than the kitchen door,” Phil retorted. “None of the floors have been vacuumed in a week and there's weeds all over the garden. Now I've been patient with this hospital business as long as you kept up with your chores...”
“Chores?” Arnold snorted. “Chores are cleaning your room and taking turns with the dishes, not doing laundry for an entire apartment building of adults!”
“Watch it,” Phil growled. “This is your home, you're as responsible for it as I am.”
“No, I'm not,” Arnold growled back. “I didn't choose to live here and I sure as hell never agreed to work here. You've had me doing what should be your job since I was six, you pay me next to nothing for the work I do, you ruined my social life and you're killing my future!”
Arnold hadn't realized but his voice had been climbing in volume, and now there was a line of awkward lodgers standing in the hall, not wanting to come in for breakfast. Phil looked shocked, the bills crumpled in his hands, two bright mortified spots on his cheeks. Even Ambrose and Della back in the kitchen had gone silent.
“Well,” Phil said at last. “If that's how you feel....you know where the door is.”
That just made Arnold even angrier. Over the years Arnold had been such a good kid, never given either of his grandparents any trouble, never even been caught smoking or taking a few dollars from a wallet or ditching school. And this was what he got for a lifetime of good behavior.
“Yes, I do,” he said as he stomped past the lodgers to the front door.
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pope-francis-quotes · 6 years
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17th March >> (@zenitenglish) Pope Francis Address to Faithful in Pietrelcina (Full Text). Pastoral Visit of the Holy Father Francis to Pietrelcina and to San Giovanni Rotondo, on the occasion of the centenary of the apparition of the permanent stigmata and the 50th anniversary of the death of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Photo ~ Pope Francis ~ © Vatican Media) Holy Father Francis left early on March 17, 2018, by helicopter from the Vatican heliport destined for Pietrelcina, in the diocese of Benevento, and to San Giovanni Rotondo, in the diocese of Manfredonia-Vieste-San Giovanni Rotondo, on the centenary of the apparition of the permanent stigmata and the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina. Upon arrival, at around 8.00, in the square adjacent to the Liturgical Hall of Piana Romana, the Pope was received by the archbishop of Benevento, H.E. Msgr. Felice Accrocca, and by the mayor of Pietrelcina, Mr. Domenico Masone. The Holy Father paused briefly in prayer in the Saint Francis Chapel before the elm of the stigmata. Then, at 8.15, in the square in front of the Liturgical Hall, the Pope met with the faithful. After greetings from the archbishop, Pope Francis gave his address. At the end, the Holy Father greeted the Capuchin Community and a representation of faithful. Then, at around 9.00, he left from Piana Romana to transfer to San Giovanni Rotondo. The following is the Pope’s address to the faithful: Address of the Holy Father Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! I am glad to be in this town, where Francesco Forgione was born and began his long and fruitful human and spiritual life. In this community he tempered his humanity, he learned to pray and to recognize in the poor the flesh of the Lord, so that he grew in following Christ and requested to be admitted to the Friars Minor Capuchin, becoming in this way Brother Pio of Pietrelcina. Here he began to experience the maternity of the Church, to whom he was always a devoted son. He loved the Church, he loved the Church with all her problems, with all her difficulties, with all her sins. Because we are all sinners, we are ashamed, but the Spirit of God has convoked us in this Church which is holy. And he loved the holy Church and her sons, sinners, all of them. This was Saint Pio. Here he meditated with intensity on the mystery of God Who loved us to the extent of giving Himself for us (cf. Gal 2: 20). Recollecting with esteem and affection this holy disciple of Saint Francis, I cordially greet all of you, his countrymen; your parish priest; and the mayor, along with the Pastor of the diocese, Msgr. Felice Accrocca, the Capuchin community and all those of you who wished to be present. We find ourselves today on the same land where Father Pio dwelt in September 1911, to “breath a little healthier air”. At that time there were no antibiotics and diseases were treated by returning to one’s hometown, to one’s mother, to eat things that are good for you, to breathe the air well and to pray. This is what he did, like any other man, like a peasant. This was his nobility. He never denied his hometown, he never denied his origins, he never denied is family. Indeed, in that time he resided in the town of his birth for health reasons. That was not, for him, an easy time: he was greatly tormented inwardly and feared to fall prey to sin, feeling he was under assault by the devil. And this did not give him peace because he was restless. But do you believe that the devil exists? … You are not so convinced? … I will tell the bishop to do some catechesis … Does the devil exist or not? [they answer: “Yes!”]. And he goes, he goes everywhere, he gets inside us, he moves us, he torments us, he deceives us. And he [Father Pio] was afraid that the devil would assail him, would drive him to sin. He spoke with few people, either by letter or in the town: only to the Archpriest Don Salvatore Pannullo did he manifest “almost all” his “intent to have some enlightenment” (Letter 57, in Epistolary I, p.250), because he did not understand, he wanted to clarify what was happening in his soul. He was a good boy! In those terrible moments, Father Pio drew vital lymph from the continuous prayer and the trust he was able to place in the Lord: “All the ugly ghosts – so he said – that the devil is introducing into my mind disappear when I trustfully abandon myself to the arms of Jesus”. Here there is all theology! You have a problem, you are sad, you are sick: abandon yourself to the arms of Jesus. And this is what he did. He loved Jesus and he trusted in Him. Thus he wrote to the provincial minister, asserting that his heartfelt “attracted by a superior force before joining Him in the morning in the Sacrament”. “And this hunger and thirst, instead of remaining satisfied”, after receiving it, “grows [more] more and more” (Letter 31, in Epistolary I, p. 217). Father Pio immersed himself in prayer to adhere ever better to the divine plans. Through the celebration of Holy Mass, which constituted the heart of his day and the fullness of his spirituality, he reached a high level of union with the Lord. During this period, he received special mystical gifts from above, which preceded the manifestation in his flesh of the signs of the Passion of Christ. Dear brothers and sisters of Pietrelcina and of the diocese of Benevento, you include Saint Pio among the most beautiful and luminous figures of your people. This humble Capuchin friar amazed the world with his life devoted to prayer and patient listening to his brothers, on whose sufferings he poured out the love of Christ as a balm. Imitating his heroic example and his virtues, may you also become instruments of God’s love, of Jesus’ love for the weakest. At the same time, considering his unconditional loyalty to the Church, you will bear witness to communion, because only communion – that is, always being united, in peace among us, the communion between us – edifies and constructs. A town that quarrels every does not grow, does not build itself up; it scares people. Instead, a town where one seeks peace, where everyone cares for each other – more or less, but they care for each other – they do not wish evil upon each other, this town, even if it is small, grows, grows, grows, it expands and becomes strong. Please, do not waste time, strength, quarreling between yourselves. This does not serve any purpose. It does not make you grow! It does not make you walk onwards. Let us think of a child who cries, cries, cries and does not want to move from his crib, and cries, cries. And when his mother puts him on the floor so that he can start to crawl, he cries, cries … and returns to the crib. I ask you: will that child be able to walk? No, because he is always in the crib! If village quarrels, quarrels, quarrels, will it be able to grow? No. Because all the time, all its strength goes towards quarreling. Please: peace between you, communion between you. And if one of you feels like gossiping about another, bite your tongue. It will do good to your soul, because the tongue will swell up but it will do good, also to the town. Give this witness of communion. I hope that this territory will be able to draw new life from the teachings of the life of Father Pio in a difficult time like the present, as the population gradually decreases and ages because many young people are forced to go elsewhere to look for work. The internal migration of the young, a problem. Pray to Our Lady to give you the grace that the young may find work here, among you, near to the family, and that they are not compelled to go away and look elsewhere, so that the town declines. The population ages, but this is a treasure, the elderly are a treasure! Please, do not marginalize the elderly. The elderly must not be marginalized, no. The elderly are wisdom. And may the elderly learn to speak with the young and the young learn to speak with the elderly. They have the wisdom of a village, the elderly. When I arrived I had the pleasure of greeting a man of 99 years, and a youngster of 97. Beautiful! These are your wisdom! Speak with them. May they be the protagonists of the growth of this town. May the intercession of your Saint and fellow citizen support the intention of joining forces, so as to offer to the young generations in particular concrete perspectives for a future of hope. Do not miss be lacking in caring attention, full of tenderness, as I said, for the elderly, who are the heritage of our communities. I would like it if the Nobel prize could be awarded once to the elderly who give memory to humanity. I encourage this land to preserve as a precious treasure the Christian and priestly testimony of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina: it is for each one of you an incentive to live your life in fullness, in the style of the Beatitudes and with the works of mercy. May the Virgin Mary, whom you venerate with the title of Madonna della Libera, help you to walk with joy on the path of holiness. And please, pray for me, because I am in need. Thank you! © Libreria Editrice Vatican
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soccerdrawings · 4 years
Five Reasons Why People Love Soccer Complex Business Plan | Soccer Complex Business Plan
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Roma alpha agency during the bout Roma-Wolfsberger in the Olimpic stadium. Rome (Italy), December ... 12th, 2019
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Indoor, outdoor athletic complex proposed for Sun Prairie .. | soccer complex business plan Ownership of the Italian soccer giants AS Roma may be alteration eventually rather than later, but will still abide in American hands.The Friedkin Group, a bunch run by U.S. billionaire Dan Friedkin, is reportedly about to acquirement the majority allotment of AS Roma from accepted co-owner and administrator James Pallotta, Friedkin’s accessory and controlling lath affiliate of the NBA's Boston Celtics.The accord is accepted to be bankrupt “before the New Year”, an bearding acknowledged controlling at the Friedkin Accumulation told ASRomapress aftermost Friday.Pallotta bought two-thirds of club shares for US$100m in 2011 and - according to La Repubblica - now ethics the Serie A club at added than US$1 billion.American advance coffer Goldman Sachs has been acceptable with the acquisition, with due activity said to be abutting to be finalized.The Houston-based Friedkin Accumulation has been reportedly absorbed in Roma for absolutely a while. On November 20th, the rumor of a accessible Friedkin takeover acquired the trading of AS Roma to be abeyant by the Italian banal barter due to an boundless rally.
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Indoor Sports Complex Business Plan Pdf Plans News The .. | soccer complex business plan The Friedkin Accumulation represents a huge befalling for Roma, accustomed that they accept an alike greater banking adequacy than the accepted owner.According to Forbes' official profile, the accumulation CEO Dan Friedkin is account $4.2 billion in agreement of claimed fortune, as the buyer of Gulf States Toyota - which awash $9 billion account of Toyotas in 2018 alone.From Pallotta’s perspective, this move makes a appropriate bit of sense. The Boston barrier armamentarium administrator would best acceptable net a ample accumulation on the Giallorossi by affairs to Friedkin.Moreover - back demography over AS Roma in 2011 - the soccer club bootless to win any above antagonism both in Italy and in Europe, managing to alone get into the semi-final of the UEFA Champions Alliance (Europe’s better soccer competition) in the 2017/2018 season.Additionally, Pallotta will stop haggling with the Italian authority over the architecture of a new stadium, which was planned to be accomplished by 2016 and is yet to accept the final approval by Rome ambassador Virginia Raggi in adjustment to activate the architecture work.From Freidkin’s perspective, advance in Roma could be a above befalling to assuredly access sports business, accustomed that he reportedly showed absorption in affairs NBA’s Houston Rockets in the past.However, it charcoal to be apparent whether the agent affairs to accumulate authority of the aggregation at this date or is on the anchor for advance from abeyant ally absorbed in such a celebrated club, back Roma placed 15th amid Europe’s top soccer aggregation ranked by Deloitte in 2019.
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Business plan for indoor sports arena / essay websites in .. | soccer complex business plan ROME, ITALY - MAY 28: AS Roma President James Pallotta plays with the brawl during the Serie A bout ... amid AS Roma and Genoa CFC at Stadio Olimpico on May 28, 2017 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Paolo Bruno/Getty Images)In adjustment to acknowledgment these questions, I interviewed Alberto Medici, banking adviser for Phoenix Basic Accumulation and arch of football assay at Calcioefinanza, an Italian bi-weekly specialized in soccer finance.Is the declared US$1 billion amount account the advance for AS Roma or is it too expensive, as some critics observed?Alberto Medici: The US$1 billion amount includes a basic access of US$167 actor additional US$313 actor of debt refinance, abrogation the club net account amount at US$637 million, which is, by all means, college than the amount paid by Pallotta to acquirement the club in 2011 (US$293 million).  The final amount is absolutely aerial accustomed that over the 7 years of Pallotta’s buying the Giallorossi struggled to accomplish a profit, accident about US$250 actor in absolute admitting a gross acquirement of about US$2 billion. Is it additionally account advertence that about 29% of that US$2 billion comes from basic assets fabricated by affairs players (US$605 million).TELLURIDE, CO - SEPTEMBER 01: Dan Friedkin attends the Telluride Film Festival 2019 appear on ... September 1st, 2019 in Telluride, Colorado. (Photo by Vivien Killilea/Getty Images)
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Multi Sport Complex Business Plan Sample - Strategy and .. | soccer complex business plan Do you anticipate that beneath the new administration AS Roma would accept the abeyant for a quick turnaround back it comes to profitability?Medici: It acutely does: the architecture of the new amphitheater and an avant-garde cast action could do the trick.The advocacy accord with the Toyota Center in Houston, home of the NBA’s Houston Rockets, is absolutely one of the accumulation capital assets back it comes to the architecture of the new stadium.Additionally, from the point of appearance of branding, the acclaim of Italy and abnormally of the burghal of Rome represent a abundant asset for a accumulation that is additionally alive in the affluence sector.A account shows a archetypal of the Rome's new amphitheater activity advised by US artist Dan Meis during a ... columnist appointment on March 26, 2014 in Rome. AS Roma clearly appear affairs for a new, purpose-built 52,000-seater amphitheater that would end the Serie A club's aggregate control of the Olympic Amphitheater with burghal rivals Lazio. Beneath American administrator James Pallotta, Roma, currently additional in the alliance 11 credibility abaft champions Juventus, are behest to become "one of the world's best acknowledged football clubs", according to the club. Pallotta sees the move to the 'Stadio della Roma' to the south-west of the burghal as a above footfall in the Giallorossi's abiding action of arduous for titles at home and abroad. AFP PHOTO / GABRIEL BOUYS (Photo acclaim should apprehend GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images)What are the better risks that the new administration will accept to face?Medici: Beside the abridgement of advance with affairs for a new stadium, the club needs to adapt its affairs revenues absorption on convalescent its all-around brand, abnormally in arising Asian markets.
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