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the face of a murderer
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rhiefiefie · 1 year
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HES SO FUNNY!! anyway, a while ago, I dropped art of 2012 honeycutt with almost no context, left, and while theres possibly more where that came from, I have another gift for the fugitoid tag because he's so like. Stupid /affectionate OKAY HAVE FUN BYEEEE
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subparcarrion · 3 months
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throwback (it was yesterday) to that one time my friend told me to draw honeycutt so I took five minutes to draw this... creature. don't look at him too long, it had adverse effects on the mind. (/j)
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oozeofthecovenant · 1 year
the many faces of ootc honeycutt
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crayonnthief · 1 year
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Donnie building his first robot! :D
(That may or may not look very similar to fugitoid 👀)
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coffinpal · 2 years
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I made a space arc for rottmnt because they didnt get one and i was robbed >:(
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shantechni · 6 months
Ayo y'all trippin, S4's space arc goes hard, look at these dorks doing their thing
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submissiveness · 2 months
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queer as folk | a change of heart
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felyas-stuff · 2 months
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my and @unscapedgoat tmnt 2012 space arc rewrite designs i’ve been hoarding up in my gallery for months (the turtles were finished today though)
next au post will be about honeycutt specifically
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joyfuladorable · 5 months
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To Fit the Crime by T33la/@punctuated-equilibrium --- "You won’t do your brother any good by resorting to your barbarous Terran habits. You see, Michelangelo’s sentence has already been carried out.”
Truly an 03 Mikey-centric murder mystery fic worth screaming about on the rooftop! PLEASE give it a read before you look at the other art to avoid spoiling the twists & turns!
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>>Epilogue Art + Extras<<
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tmntkiseki · 2 months
One favorite line/exchange from every Season 2 episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
(Season 1)
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imagionationstation · 9 months
Who Gave Him A License To Kill
Some Fugitoids spend hours trying to off themselves and others make themselves into weapons of instant death. AND HE LOOKS SO INNOCENT WHILE DOING SO THAT IT BARELY PASSES MY RADAR
The variety in these different universes of TMNT is GREAT
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rhiefiefie · 1 year
three honeycutt fans trying to quote honeycutt’s monologue at the start of utrom empire from memory
vid credits:
dub by StarForceMedia
editing by @callous-bmbl
voice is @felyas-stuff
users are myself, @unscapedgoat and @felyas-stuff
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supercap2319 · 3 months
do you remember the scene in season 1 episode 3 where Elena catches Vicki in the bathroom brushing her teeth implying that her and Jeremy has spent the night together? Can we get a male Gilbert reader story where instead of Vicki it's Matt and Mel Gilbert reader, and Elena gets judgy and tells Jenna on them but she already knows.
Elena awoke with the sense of dread. If last night was any indication of where the source of her uneasiness came from, it was how she and Stefan left things. How he was keeping something from her, and the more she pushed, the more he pulled away. Not to mention how Stefan's older brother Damon was abusing Caroline. Like, what was that all about?
She slumped against her pillow and looked at the stack of books on her nightstand. One of them was her diary. Elena reached out and grabbed it as she sat up and had every intention of writing down everything that she was feeling in this moment. Her pen touched the page, but no words were written. Seems like she just couldn't write. No matter how much she wanted to, there was something keeping her from doing so. Looks like Stefan had a hold of Elena more than she originally thought.
The thought of Stefan instantly made her feel numb and sad as Elena shook thoughts of the handsome boy out of her head and headed to the bathroom to wash her face. She opened the door that she shared with her younger brother, Y/N. Elena was surprised not to find Y/N nor Jeremy using all the good toothpaste to brush their teeth, but the shirtless and muscular form of Matthew Honeycutt Donovan.
Elena was no stranger to Matt and his physique. They dated throughout their high school careers, but after the death of her parents, Elena just couldn't be with Matt anymore. They were still best friends, and Elena loved having Matt over, but why was he here at 7:00 in the morning? Matt looked like a deer caught in headlights as he's not sure if he should cover his bare chest or his blue boxers with bunnies on them. "Elena? I-I'm sorry, I'm almost done."
Elena looks confused. "It's fine, Matt. Take your time." She closed the door and blinked. What the hell just happened?
A few minutes later, Matt enters Y/N's room with a smirk on his face, a bounce in his step. "I think you might be in trouble." He said, jumping on the bed and wrapping them both in covers and comforters.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "What did you do?"
"Oh, Elena saw me."
"I'm a horny teenage boy with a hot jock in my bed. I'm pretty sure there are worse things that I could be doing." Y/N smiled. Matt smiled and kissed Y/N on the lips as they wrestled until Matt was on top and kissed Y/N into the mattress as he reached down into his boxers and tugged.
Elena walked downstairs to find Jenna in the kitchen. "Jenna! Are you aware of what's going on upstairs?"
"Uh-huh." Jenna says nonchalantly.
"And you have no objection?" Elena asked. How could she act like this wasn't a big deal? How Matt could be here and from his body language, he was definitely sleeping with one of her brothers, and it wasn't Jeremy.
"Y/N could be craftier about it, at least make an effort to sneak him in and out. Oh, and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner." Jenna smiles.
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oozeofthecovenant · 1 year
Zayton Honeycutt
Zayton was a normal human child on Earth until he was abducted by Krang at around 8 years old, to a distant planet called D'Hoonib, tasked to be a scientist. He has always taken an interest in STEM, so he diligently listened and tinkered around curiously.
This brought him closer to Krang, especially how Krang saw bits of himself in Zayton, they bonded as if they were father and son. To Krang, Zayton was his #1 scientist.
Somewhere along the lines, he got along with troublemakers Harold and Libby, whom he uses his "favourite child" privileges to help them out.
He doesn't hate the life he has in D'Hoonib, but he sometimes just wishes he could go back home. He brings this up to Krang sometime around his late teens, and asks if Krang could let him return just for a bit. Krang knows the risks of potentially exposing him to Earth and gives him a firm NO, and Zayton never asks him again.
However, his best friends Harold and Libby were determined to let him live his dream. They would build a teleportal device to Earth and send him through there. Since they have subcutaneous trackers in them there's no way that Zayton could walk around on Earth without Krang finding out. So, they will build a robot— the Simulated Anthropomorphic Lifeform (SAL), and transfer Honeycutt's conciousness into it while he's on Earth. This way his body can stay in D'Hoonib, while his mind can be on Earth and do Earth things, without Krang realising.
They stuck a remote camera on SAL so Zayton could watch over his body while he's on Earth, along with a remote telecommunications device that will help Libby and Harold communicate with him then. They also agree to always keep an eye on Zayton's body and the technicalities of everything on the D'Hoonib side— they never felt the need to return.
It took them about 20 years to finish the project— side gig and all— and by then they're in their late 30's. Zayton finally goes to his home, and sees his family under SAL's cloaking device. His family handles it surprisingly well, considering he was gone for about 30 years. They believe him, because stricken with grief they'll believe anything. He spends some time on Earth both with his family and alone, enjoying the things that he was missing all this time.
Along the way he meets and falls in love with Marra, and they start dating... somehow. I have ideas where they met in a park with Marra infodumping about her special interest to him. I love autistic people. Commencing comical romantic romcom that I honest to god don't know how to write... Marra takes Zayton's whole backstory quite nicely, because, well, in front of her is literally a robot explaining the situation, things couldn't get any weirder than this.
He leaves Earth through the portal, and goes back to D'Hoonib to tell Harold and Libby about his day on Earth. Then, a few days later, he goes back to Earth, to experience it again. He does this again and again, for years. And Harold and Libby were always smart enough to make sure Krang doesn't find out.
One day, he tells Marra about Krang's plan to terraform the Earth. Marra is disgusted, and rightfully calls it out as genocide. Zayton is confused and horrified— he was never taught this, nor the history of Earth— and Marra patiently explains it to him while progressively getting more angry. I could see her refusing to talk to him for a few days after that, too. But ultimately, she understands that this is a new concept to him and he probably never heard of it. He isn't evil, he's just... an idiot.
After this exchange Zayton goes back to D'Hoonib and has a good cry with Harold and Libby, telling them about the truth on Krang's plans. They, too, are horrified, with an "I knew it, Krang's screwed in the head" kinda reaction.
Instead of growing distant from Krang Zayton decides to get even closer to him, because he refuses to believe that Krang is actually this heartless, evil monster who wants to wipe out all life on Earth. So, he tries to change him, subtly hinting to Krang that he thinks that something is very wrong about his idea.
Now, Krang is not stupid. He picks up that Zayton has changed his demeanour somewhere along the lines, and wonders what is wrong with this guy. He starts plotting ways to spy on what Zayton is doing in his free time, at first he was convinced it was Harold and Libby's doing, and decides to find out once and for all.
Thus, while Zayton is out on Earth as usual, Krang pays the secret lab they made a visit. He finds out about everything they've been doing over the past 25 years. He was so angry at the secrecy and gall of these 'children' that in a fit of wrath, accidentally destroyed his top scientist's body and severely injures Harold and Libby who tried to protect him. Thinking they are dead, Krang leaves the place.
Krang tells everyone that there is a Fugitoid on the loose. He tells the other D'Hoonibians that the Fugitoid is very violent and dangerous, nearly killed Harold and Libby. He tells Granitor to go to Earth via Krang's teleportal device and track down this Fugitoid, wherever it is, and intentionally leaves out the fact that he was originally Honeycutt.
Zayton watches all this unfold on his remote camera, unable to do anything about it. And worse yet, once Zayton returns home, he finds his family dead. Burnt. The work of Granitor. He goes to Marra for asylum, and to maybe live at her place.
Zayton is filled with grief and anger, but at least he has Marra. She was his support for most of this and she urged him on to fight against what Krang was doing, because it was the "right thing to do." Of course, not before coming to terms with... everything that's changed. Stranded on Earth, with no family, no Harold or Libby.
He tries to find networks. He confides in the EPF, who agrees to track Krang's location and give him all the information that they can find on him. Since the Utroms and the EPF are under contractual solidarity they can't hurt them, but they track all Krang activity as much as possible.
He sneaks into TCRI. Surely, that must be the place where he could find the truth about Krang? Marra offered to follow him, but he tells her to keep herself safe because she has a job, a life, and God knows Krang is out there looking for the person who 'tainted' his top scientist and most useful asset.
And that's where we are at the start of the story.
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nerocoin · 2 months
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why was season 3 finale like this
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