honeydropletsdoodles · 11 months
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Will be revealing my new model on Friday! 3pm EDT over at https://www.twitch.tv/honeydroplets! Bee there and buzz about~
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honeydroplet · 8 years
My Answer Is You (Ch.2)
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word count ; 6.8+k words
genre ; smut, romance, fluff, drama
summary ; After one night, Eunji and Jungkook finally revealed their feeling for one another but Eunji wants to keep their relationship on a low status. So what happens when their secret goes into the wrong hands?
warning(s) in this chap. ; none
Eunji roll over onto her side and groan when she feels the blankets slip off of her. She reached out blindly, grasping for the blanket, refusing to open her eyes due that she was dead tired and sore as fuck. “That’s my face, Eunji…” A low, raspy voice groaned beside Eunji and she finally had the strength to ajar one eyelid, turning to look up at Jungkook. Her hand is smashed on his face and his nose wrinkled in distaste. He hasn’t opened his eyes yet so Eunji took it upon herself to analyze him for a moment. He was facing her, buried under the whole blanket like a burrito. Asshole. But overall he looked so innocent and soft. His lips slightly apart, showing the bottom of his white front teeth. His hair leaned downward to see his long eyelashes and the way the morning light kisses his flawless skin, she almost felt that she was drooling a string of saliva down her cheek just thinking about him. Then Jungkook spoked, his eyes still closed and his voice hoarse. “Is this your way of asking for round two?” He asked as he opens one eye, peeking up at Eunji with dosed chocolate eyes. The youngster pressed the heel of her palm against his face gently. Eunji rolled her eyes as she yawned
“No. You stole all the blankets and I’m cold.”
Jungkook looked up at Eunji from where he’s squished between her hand and the pillow and she giggle because his expression very much resembles an disgruntled puppy. Eunji barely have register the mischievous twinkle in his eye before Jungkook reaches for her and wraps his long, slender fingers around her waist. “Then let me warm you up.” Jungkook says, with a smug smirk, his voice husky. Eunji gasped when he pulled her closer. Jungkook throws blanket over the two of them and, the next thing Eunji knew, she was lying beneath her boyfriend, his body pressed  against hers and his fingers still wrapped around his waist. Eunji let out a squeak when he pressed his lips against the crook of her neck, his fingers dancing across her skin lazily. Eunji can feel her body heating up with every leisurely kiss he places on her skin and every languid touch. Jungkook just smiles up at her, a sleepy sort of amusement in his eyes, each time her breathing hitches. She feel him drag his lips across her collarbones and Eunji shiver a bit. “You’re so pretty like this.” Jungkook murmurs against her milky skin, fingers pinning her wrist above her head as his eyes sweep up and down her bare body, making Eunji blush a little. Eunji manage to roll her eyes. “I’m always pretty to you.” She tell him as he let her free hand trail down his bare shoulders and across the nape of his neck, tracing random doodles along the soft skin there, relishing in his slight shudder. She feel him nip at the skin just below that spot on her neck and the young girl’s eyes flicker down to his. He makes a face at her. “If I said that you’d call me self-obsessed, Eunji-ah.” Jungkook pouts, his tone verging on whiny. Eunji laugh, breathlessly, before breaking into a loud gasp when he palms her bare chest, his pout deepening. Breathing through her nose, Eunji smirked. “That’s because you are self-obsessed with yourself.” The young adult tell him and she didn’t miss the way his eyes glint before he dips his head, his sinful lips making her gasp between words, “And I mean—ah—I’m just stating facts here—Kookie.” He laughs and Eunji can feel his body shaking against hers. He continues leaving soft kisses here and there, touching her at such an unhurried pace and it’s so different from the night before that it makes Eunji flush a bit. “I think my personality is rubbing off on you.” He says, sighing dramatically. “I don’t know if this is a good thing.” “Definitely a bad thing.” Eunji reply, smiling down at innocently. Jungkook lifts his head and narrows his eyes at Eunji before pinching her nose, eyes glinting again when she squirm. “Don’t be mean.” He says with a pout, his tone disgustingly cute. “Sorry, Kookie.” Eunji reply, a little sarcastically, matching his tone. He dips down and nips at her neck, eliciting a loud moan out of her, as his fingers tighten around her hips, pressing into the flesh there. He continues with his nipping and biting and sucking until she turned her head, whimpering into the pillow as her eyes closed, his fingers ghost down her hips and press along Eunji thighs, unhurriedly. Jungkook’s button nose is buried against Eunji’s shoulder when he finally speaks again. “So, I have a question.” He whispers, his voice subdued as he traces his pointer finger along her stomach, leaving a trail of goosebumps. It’s hot under the blanket, at this point, but neither of them bother pulling it off their heads. Eunji turn her head to look at him. “And I have a answer.” “Was there a particular reason why you decided to practically attacked me last night?” He asks, his tone amused. Eunji make a face at him. “I did not attack you.” Eunji tell him, huffing indignantly. Jungkook laughs into Eunji shoulder before his eyes lock with Eunji’s. He twirls a strand of Eunji’s hair in his fingers. “Yeah.” He tugs at the strand of Eunji hair gently before letting it go, his feather light touches making Eunji feel a little faint. He just smirks up at Eunji. “You did.” “No. I didn’t.” Jungkook rolls his eyes, propping himself up on one elbow as he looks up at Eunji. He lets go of Eunji pinned wrist and drops his hand around Eunji waist, slender fingers gently pressing into the warm flesh there. There’s some kind of emotion in his eyes that Eunji can’t quite place. There’s a look on his face that scares Eunji a bit because she don’t understand it. “You seemed a little…desperate.” He murmurs, hesitantly, and Eunji watch as his eyebrows furrow together, his eyes darting between Eunji's searchingly as he traces soothing circles along Eunji hips with his thumb. “You’re still jealous, aren’t you?” He sounds so concerned and Eunji’s mind immediately darts back to the day before, when the crowd of girls stared at him like fresh meat, how her co-worker drool puddles of saliva over her Jungkook, and to make it worse was that he would alway tease Eunji’s little sensitive heart, even though he doesn’t mean to. Eunji have to bite her bottom lip in order to control her expression. Eunji had somehow managed to forget but, unfortunately, that reprieve was over. It was coming back, flooding Eunji thoughts, although Eunji somehow had better control of it now. Eunji wonder if what she did last night, with Jungkook, was the reason why she felt a little bit better. There’s a hand cupping Eunji cheek and her vision focuses on Jungkook’s warm face and concerned eyes. “Eunji. Is everything alright?” “I just.” Eunji pause, steadying her voice, racking her brain for another explanation, “I missed you. That’s all.” Eunji say, lying in front of him. “We were apart for barely seven hours.” Jungkook says, his tone inexplicably cheerful and his eyes darkening ever so slightly. “Shut up.” Eunji mutter, blushing as she glance away. Jungkook just laughs, obnoxiously, and it makes Eunji smile, fondly. He actually pinches Eunji cheek and grins, sharp teeth showing, when Eunji scowl at him. “You’re too cute.” He mutters before he pulls the blanket away from Eunji heads, cool air hitting her warm skin and making her shiver. He leans in, still grinning as he pulls her closer. “The cutest kitty ever.” Jungkook whispers, his lips hovering over Eunji's and his eyes twinkling. She can’t help but glance down at his pale red lips a few times and Eunji don’t miss the smug smirk gracing his features when he notices. He closes the space between the two of them and Eunji melt into him a bit. Jungkook kisses Eunji slowly, languidly, as if he has all the time in the world and it makes her flush. He just gently rolls over, tugging her on top of him and Eunji sigh as she drag her fingers down his bare chest. Eunji can feel him smiling against her lips and she can’t help but smile right back. Then things start to get heated and, before she know it, she rolling her hips down against his, a fluttery feeling gathering at the pit of Eunji stomach, and he’s touching Eunji in all the right places, still at such a slow pace, Jungkook smirked lazily as he watches Eunji become a loud moaning mess on top of him. The older dip down and suck on her neck, relishing in her soft groans, her voice soft. Half of Eunji wants him to hurry up so she doesn’t get late for school but the other half of her is tired and a little sleepy and completely content with Jungkook’s excruciatingly lingering touches. He knows what he’s doing to Eunji, going this slow, and he was ninety-nine percent sure his smug smirk stems from the fact that his touches effect Eunji this much.
    She wanted to get more closer and closer to Jungkook but the sound of Eunji’s phone vibrated faintly on the nightstand where she assumed that she left it last night before she started her ‘activities’ with Jungkook. “Don’t answer it…” Jungkook commanded but she ignored his order. “Yah! You don’t control me!”
   “That not what you were saying last night. Jungkook, fuck me harder! Faster! Oh right there. Ngh~!” Jungkook mimicked loud erotic moans while Eunji grasped on the nearest pillow and swatted him a few times. “Fuck you.”
“Nope, I’ll do it with you.” Eunji rolled her eyes and internally groaned due to the pain that immediately shot through her spine as she reached for her device.
Who the heck would call at 5:50 in the morning?
    She exhaled a sigh and grabbing the device, looking at the glowing screen to see ‘Hanbin’, who was called her approximately seventeen times. Eunji felted a smile creeped on her lips and answered the phone. “Hanbin, you know that we start school at 7:30, right?”
     She could hear a sudden groan of disappointment on the other line. “First off starters, it’s Hanbin oppa to you and second, where are you? I’ve been blowing up your phone for an hour!” I looked at Jungkook who was still pouting when I spoke the ‘H’ word and replied.
“I slept like a normal person would do unlike you.”
“Let me guess. That douchebag had you up all night with his ‘client’?” Hanbin cursed beneath his teeth.
“No. Anyway what’s going on that so important for you to call me?"
“Bobby-hyung is going to chug thirty cartons of banana milk in under two minutes!”
      Eunji rubbed her eyes, thinking that it too early for Hanbin to be this excited to see a basketball player swallow two liter bottles worth of flavored milk. "That was your big news?! Really, Hanbin?!” The young adult raised her voice up as she gently ran through Jungkook’s hair, hearing his voice melt by the touch. “Come on Hanbin. I’m too lazy to move~.” She spoke, even though the real reason was that her back hurt thanks to Jeon Jungkook.
“Eunji, I swear on everything that I have, I will drag you out of that bed and take you to school!”
“I’ll be there in one hour with chocolate and strawberry donuts. You better be ready~!”
“Bye Eunji~!”
      A heavy sigh escaped from the lazy young adult and chucked her phone in the air, which safety landed on the piles of clothes in the corner. She then glanced at Jungkook’s clothes mixed with her’s and a sudden rush of heat trailed throughout her exposed skin. Images of their last night activites flashed inside her mind, making her glow a bright peach color until she shuddered by the sudden warmth that wrapped around her torso. “So where were we?” Jungkook pecked butterfly kisses around Eunji’s soft jawline. “The moment we get our asses out of this bed.” Eunji laughed at Jungkook who groaned in grief beneath her breath. His lips quivered in sadness but he finally got up to retrieve his red wrinkled flannel off the floor and pulled his boxers on swiftly. Eunji finally was able to focus on the dark marks peppering his skin and she turned to bright salmon tint due that she produced those markings. His eyes flicker to her face and he smirks. “I’m guessing your surprise about your ‘artwork’.” Jungkook spoked and she couldn’t believe he knew what she were thinking. Eunji just simper at him as he works on fixing his pitch-black hair in the mirror. “I need some clothes.” The young girl told him, softly. He doesn’t even try to look at her and went back to his hair. “But I like you like that. You should just stay here for while.” Jungkook’s tone sounds whiny but there’s a sharp edge of danger in it that mixed with the with sweetness of his voice. “I’m not going to be naked in the lobby. I know that you know that there are a lot of perverts in this apartment. And you don’t want your girlfriend to be in another man’s bed. Plus, I’m hungry.” Eunji grasped onto Jungkook’s tighten biceps and pouted to her boyfriend. “Fine. You take a shower and maybe there’ll be breakfast when you’re done.”
Eunji raised a brow at him. “Maybe?” She repeated.
Jungkook leaned closer to the hungry girl, touching each other noses, nodding, his breath luring the girl to obey his command. “Maybe.” He walks to the bedroom door. Eunji crawled out the covers and stopped her actions when she was about to check her phone again. “And I better not see you texting that jackass or no breakfast.” You regard his retreating back with wide eyes and a thumping heart, staring even as Jungkook shut the door behind him, seeing the slight evil smirk dangling in the crack of the door until it vanished. No...breakfast?!
Eunji strolled into the hallway, running her fingers through her damp hair and hissing at the soreness rushing through her veins. She felt like Mother Nature was punched her torso and groin every second she moved. She walked little by little, making her way carefully towards the kitchen when she heard a loud outburst making her stop her actions. “Fuck!”
Eunji slowly walked into the kitchen, confused. Eunji’s eyes lands on Jungkook’s face, the way his face contorted, his eyebrow furrowed in pain as he held on to his right foot, hopping on the other. A laugh seeped out of her pink lips, making Jungkook notice Eunji’s presence. The hurt expression melted away and revealed a cute, bright smile. Jungkook slided a bowl of cereal and held up a jug of milk. “I made you breakfast. Eat up.”
“Wow. Not what I was expecting but I’ll give you some credit for actually getting your lazy ass up.” Jungkook glared at her when she took the bowl out of his hands and placed herself in the stool next to Jungkook, who was chewing on an apple. It was a moment of silence as they eat their breakfast, watching dramas on the television until the older man started open his mouth, to start a conversation. “The landlord called again about the noises in our hallway. He said that you’re quite the screamer and keep it down next time. Actually, he thought we had a cat in the complex!” Jungkook smirked as Eunji’s cheeks immediately developed into a ping tinge, and dropped her spoon before she can her last bite. The fact that their were three stories down from the landlord, made her embarrassed due that he knew her as sweet, innocent girl when she set foot on this complex and not a whore like what he heard last night. “Aish! I-I didn’t m-mean to be that loud…” Eunji stuttered as her face still glowed with the pink tint. Jungkook can only crack a smile because of Eunji’s sudden cuteness. To Jungkook, it was highly rare to see Eunji act cute because he been used to Eunji’s smart remarks, her bad attitude, and her infamous cold shoulder but after they been going out for about a month, Jungkook discovered a lot of new things about Eunji. Sometimes he just wish that he can blurt out to the world about them but as Eunji said, she didn’t want that. Well not yet after his prostitute fame decades down.
“Hey,” Jungkook lifted Eunji’s chin and landed a delicate peck on her natural rose lips. “Don’t be embarrassed. That old man can go fuck himself for all I care. I like it when you scream my name. It sounds like music to my ears.” The young girl lightly hit Jungkook’s chest with her balled up fist rapidly. He laughed and kissed her nose, feeling the radiation of Eunji’s face. His lips then moved his way upwards to nipple her right earlobe. It was one of Eunji’s major sweet spots that she can’t help but see clouds of lust by the slightest touch and you can bet that was Jungkook’s best friend. The young girl fluttered her eyelashes lazily, loosening her fists out of her previous tension state.“Jungkook, stop…”
“You need to say my name properly.” A mixture of a sigh and quiet moan escaped from her mouth, making Jungkook satisfied by her weakness. “Oppa~! Please...stop...” Jungkook stopped at the magic word and smiled innocently to the youngster as if nothing ever happened. Eunji slided off the chair and digged her phone out to see a new message and open it up to smile lightly.
ChocoCone (Hanbin)
I’m here. I picked up Bobby, Donghyuk, and Chanwoo so you better hurry up before all the donuts are gone. You know how Donghyuk is when it comes to food.
It was sent a couple of seconds ago. Eunji grabbed her backpack off the couch and double check that her foundation on her neck covered her markings which was made by no other than Jeon Jungkook himself. She then looked at Jungkook with her head tilted to the left, pointing to the door and he sighed over dramatically. “Well, I guess you can...leave.” Eunji laughed Jungkook’s pouty face. It took a lot of willpower for Eunji to not kiss those plump lips, begging for her. Jungkook then walk her to the door and suddenly spunned her around to end up nose-to-nose together. “Aren’t you missing something?” Jungkook question Eunji as she checked her imaginary list in her mind. Backpack? Check. Homework? Check. Textbooks? Check. Lunchbox? Che-.
Eunji smiled stupidly and before she can go grab her homemade lunch box, Jungkook lifted his left hand, which was holding her pink colored dosirak and a chocolate bar on the top of the lid. “I thought chocolate wasn’t your favorite.” Jungkook asks in a low voice, looking into her eyes. “It’s not my favorite,” She started. “it for Ha-!” Then he leaned in, leaving a soft kiss on her lips. It was very frail and made her heart skipped a beat, fluttering her eyelashes once again for the nth time today. After what seems like forever, Jungkook finally let go of her lips, leaving Eunji in a dazed position not knowing if she’s still in reality anymore. “Call me when you get back. Okay? Because you know I’ll kill those bastards if they keeps you captive.” The young girl can only laugh. “Don’t threat my friends behind their backs.”
“You need more girlfriends.” Jungkook spoke abruptly.
“The only girls you’re friends with is the staff at your job and they don’t even go to your college. The basketball team is basically your best fri-” Eunji rolled her eyes and cut Jungkook off with a kiss on the cheek. “Stop being jealous. You have me don’t you? And I don’t date whiny kids. Anyway I have to go, the team’s waiting for me at the lobby. See you later.” The brunette smiled at Jungkook before opening the door and walk to the elevator with some other workers and high school students as well. Jungkook waved lazily as he leaned against the door frame, looking like a lost puppy without his owner, mouthing ‘Bye sweetheart.’ quietly. It was pulling on Eunji’s heartstrings but the door closed before she can even ajar her mouth and starting to descend down to the main lobby. She sighed and stared at her phone to text Hanbin.
To ChocoCone (Hanbin) :
I’m coming down the elevator right now :)
Once she send the message, the door open and everyone file out the elevator. Eunji dragged her blue converses to see a familiar male-like figure. The male had a white backward snapback with strains of jet-black hair sticking out from behind his neck. Even though his back was covered by his bag, Eunji could see his red and white jersey with a one side  holding a basketball next to his waist. Eunji’s lips curved to a smile and took a deep breath to exhale a loud “Hanbinnie~!” to get his attention, which succeed to capture the schoolboy’s attention. His head whipped with alert but melted away when he met eye to eye with his best friend.
“Hi Eunji.” Hanbin gave her his famous gummy smile that would brighten her day no matter what mood she in. Hanbin looked her oversized navy blue sweater and back at her. “Really you're wearing that? Dude, it going to hot like hell. You might get sick.” Hanbin spoke the obvious but Eunji sadly didn't have enough foundation to cover her arm and body markings so the only thing she can do was this. But luckily some of her classes have air conditioning so it wouldn’t be that bad. “I know but don't worry about me. Anyway, where's my food? I’ve been dying for it.” Hanbin slings his vacant arm over her shoulder, twirling his basketball on his index finger and walked to the his dark red convertible. Due that she doesn't have a car yet and they (aka Jungkook) don’t feel like riding with a bunch of perverted strangers, so Hanbin offered her rides to college due that the campus is not far from her complex. “It's in the car but don’t worry. I kept it locked in a glove department so Donghyuk doesn’t get any ideas. How was your sleep? I hope that slut didn't keep you up all night.”
“It was fine! Jungkook didn’t disturbed me.” Lies. ALL lies! Eunji thought to herself.
The raven colored haired boy walked towards his car, which was rattling with the loud bass coming from the inside. Eunji can see the trio of goofballs dancing in the backseat through the window, making her and Hanbin laugh hysterically at the crazy kids. How can these three have so much energy in the morning? “Hey guys, Eunji here!” Hanbin opened the passenger door for Eunji and helped her into the car, due that she was struggling to get in the car. Once she climbed in, a sound of cheers erupted followed by a few chords of singing to the song playing out loud.
“Eunji~!” Bobby, who had fluffy black hair and bunny-like teeth, placed a hand over her shoulder, giving it a budge and she smiled at the boys in the back, who seem to be passing their custom made basketball to one another. “KimKim!” The dark brunette adult who was named Donghyuk yelled his special nickname to Eunji and gave her a soft high five, knowing that sometimes he can’t control his strength at points. “Good Morning, Eunji~!” As always, baby-faced Chanwoo gives her a gentle greeting like every weekday; with a pure smile and little bow followed. It was like she was his noona, she thought to herself but she just smile warmly. “Hi Oppa!” The ombre haired girl gave them a warm effortless smile once Hanbin entered the car, latching his torso with a seatbelt.
“You guys need to stop touching my volume! I feel that one day, you’re going to break it.”
“Well maybe you shouldn’t put your volume on a negative two. I can barely hear it.”
“You know what, hyung?” Hanbin whipped his head to look into Bobby’s carefree expression. “Maybe you should get your license. Oh wait you can’t. Why? Because your car got confiscated because you were having sex with four drunk girls.” Eunji, like everyone else whipped their heads towards Bobby, who had his middle finger at Hanbin’s face. “It was two drunk girls. Get your fact straight, kid.”
“Wow. Really Bobby? You took advantage of two girls?” Eunji jumped into the conversation with Hanbin. Even before Hanbin introduce Bobby himself, she heard how cocky and pervert the elder was. Somehow he ends up sleeping with all the girls in the campus that even he starts to have sex with the males. Luckily Eunji became friends with, otherwise, she, and he himself said, would be a friend with benefits duo with Bobby.
“What? I used a condom! But those girls were begging for my c-”
“YAH! Chanwoo is here!” In unison, Hanbin and Eunji yelled at him while Donghyuk covered the younger basketball player, who had this expression of confusion painted on his face. Bobby laughed at the two glaring at him.
“You guys know you’re a cute couple when you pissed like that?” A smirk pulled on his shit-eating lips. Eunji and the leader looked at one another and gagged dramatically. “Us...as a couple? Get real, Oppa! He’s like a brother to me.” Eunji whipped her head forward, as a fake painful hiss resonated in the back. “Ouch, Hannie. That gotta hurt.” Bobby eye looked towards Donghyuk who look at him with the same devilish face. “You know what that mean, Hyuk?” The boy nodded and unison a deep breathe blurted out their song.
“REJECTED! REJECTED! YEAH YOU JUST GOT REJECTED! R.E! J.E! C.T.E.D! REJECTED!!!” Eunji looked at Hanbin, whose face was redder than his own car while revving up the car, keeping his eyes straightforward.
“Yah! You’re embarrassing Binnie! Besides, it not like neither of you two never got rejected before. Remember your sophomore year, Bobby, when you asked that senior to a college frat party in front her friends but she vomit ALL over your pants and everyone thought you ‘materbated’ way too hard!” Bobby got red while Donghyuk snickered only making Eunji cock an eyebrow. “You’re not that perfect too, Donghyuk. That project in your freshmen year when you were assigned with your still today crush, Heather. You didn’t even have the balls to ask her out before she even graduated!” Eunji heard a soft chuckle coming from Chanwoo and Hanbin, which make her smile with glee.
“W-wait! What about Chanwoo? He laughed!” Donghyuk stuttered.
“Unlike you two, he’s innocent and he’s has the balls to confess to a girl.” The ombre hair girl giggled with Hanbin. The two followed by Chanwoo laughed at the boys arguing about their egos which only made their chuckles more louder. “So are we going to college or not? I need to study for my math test!” Eunji interrupted Hanbin, looked at him with a smile.
“Oh right! Let’s go!”
“There they are!” A guy with blonde hair with two males with the same basketball jersey saw their leader’s car took a halt in the parking lot. They jolted their way to the car and open the passenger seat for Eunji. “Good Morning, Eunji!” The shortest yet oldest member out of the group gave an eye smile while taking Eunji’s hand, guiding her out of the car.
“Morning Jinhwan!” Eunji mumbled between the spaces in between the donut, dangling in her mouth. After they greeted everyone else, the other two boys walked up to the female. “Eunji!” The boy with blonde hair hugged her, swaying back and forth. “Hi Junhoe!”
“Yah! Where’s my hugs?!” Eunji looked at the pouting brunette whom was the one who yelled at her. “Pushy, aren’t we Yoyo?!” She rolled her eyes playfully and took out the pastry out of her mouth before wrapping her arms around him. “Hi Yunhyeong!” She smiled. Without her noticing behind her back, Hanbin was sending glares towards his hyung. Yunhyeong smirked at Hanbin while rubbing the smalls of her back, practically bathing in her scent of chocolate dipped strawberries, before pulling away her with a smile. She gave a smile and looked at Hanbin who changed his expression from irated to softhearted in a millisecond.
“Shall we get going? I don’t want to miss Bobby’s chugging contest!” Eunji grabbed at the hem of Hanbin’s jersey with her unoccupied hand. He laughed, making his nose scrunch in the process for looping a friendly arm around her shoulder.
“Sure! Let’s go!”
Walking into the campus is one of the burdens the boy but mostly Eunji has to deal with. The all-winning basketball team are like ‘notorious idols’ in Korea University. Without these boys, this campus wouldn’t be on the map. Basically everyone has either seen them play, watched them on tv or just heard about them by nearby friend. They are loved - but maybe too loved. Their school ‘official fanclub’ is approximately 80% females, some older some younger than them. So Eunji know that she most likely the most wanted girl to be beaten up but in mostly in Hanbin’s fanclub. Due that B.I - his signature nickname - and her have been best friend before iKON was even made, their bond can be misread as a love relationship with her feeding Hanbin like a child, or when he would always hug her when they win competitions, but they could care less about everyone’s scenarios about them. There wouldn’t be a time when Kim Eunji and Kim Hanbin, in Korea University, would be separated by crazed fans. Never. So the infinites pair of glares towards Eunji didn’t quite destroy her, in fact, it makes her laugh when she hears her name in girl’s conversation and them wanting her out of the picture.
She was still chewing on her second strawberry donut while the team hi-five and chat with cheery bystanders. They love when fans actually chat with them and not treat them like royalty.
“Good Job on Saturday’s game against the Hornets!”
“Thank you!” Donghyuk smiled at the male.
“Zero to fifty-eight points! That amazing!”
“We were surprised too!” Jinhwan laughed.
Everyone was chattering with their fan - everyone except for Hanbin. He was still next to the ombre sophomore chatting to each other about their weekends and funny family calls they had before a small cute blonde girl with a pink bow on her head walked to Hanbin, her face flushed with pink just looking at the male. She tried her hardest to speak but Hanbin see her trembling hands, holding the bag of goods. Is wasn’t his first time to see shy confessors like her so he took them out of her hands and gave her a smile, crouching down to see her face.
“Are these for me?” She nodded and that only made him smile more. “Thank you Haru noona! I appreciate the sweet gift. I love it! See you later in Chemistry class!” The girl named ‘Haru’ instantly looked at the male as if she was about to a heart attack in any moment once he patted her shoulder and walked away with Eunji by his side.
“Looks like you a got a new admirer! Big shocker!” The girl gasped hysterically and Hanbin snickered. “Oh, is someone jealous?”
“And jealous meaning someone going to take my best friend away from me then hell yeah, I’m jealous!” The boy jerked his head back, laughing with Eunji. “Hey, you're my best friend! I wouldn’t leave you for the world!” The jet black hair male ruffled her hair and called for the boys to finish their chats and enter the gym, where a few people, mostly girls, were waiting for the one-man competition that was held. By what Hanbin told Eunji on the ride to school,Bobby bet that if they win, he would drink the number of points of banana milk in less than then two minutes. After two days after their victory, the day has come. Eunji could see friends betting with one another while fangirls cheer on their dongsaeng or oppa. The team and Eunji sat on the front bench as Bobby took his spot on the court, raising his arms up for the crowd to be quiet. The sea of people settle down and Bobby smiled. “Good Morning, citizens! Ladies and Gentlemens! We came here today for iKON’s ‘shocking’ win against the poor hornets! Zero to fifty-eight!” Everyone cheered at the members with hoots and hollers. “And I promised you guys, you all know I don’t back down a promise to anyone. So without further ado, Junhoe!” The blonde grabbed Bobby’s tote bag and handed it to him.
“In this bag, I have…” He unzipped the bag and dumped the mountain of banana milk jugs. Everyone in crowd gasped except for Hanbin and Eunji who both - not planned - facepalmed at their friend’s stupidity. “Fifty-eight bottles of yours truly banana milk!” ‘Why did you introduce me to Bobby again, Hanbin?!’ Eunji rubbed the temples of her head as Bobby yelled out his famous speech of ‘Never give up your dreams’ before opening the first jug. “Get your phones out and enjoy the show.” And just like that Donghyuk started the time, and the cocky basketball player swallowed his first flavored dairy down his throat. The squeals of fangirls penetrated our eardrums, and sound of everyone feet stomping in a unsynced rhythm, rooting Bobby on. ‘Is it really that easy to entertain people these days?’
“I bet you twenty dollars he’ll throw up in third period.” Hanbin looked at his hyung in disgusted.
“Lunch. You’re on!” Eunji couldn’t look away as her junior ‘drowned’ his esophagus down. “I don’t know if I’m freaked out that he’s on his fourteenth carton in twenty seconds or amused that he’s doing this.”
“That’s Bobby for you! He’ll do anything even if it kills him.”
Kim Jiwon or Bobby is known out of the team to be the ‘rebellious’ type of guy. He bound himself that he would always take up a challenge and wins every time. No matter how big or small it was, he’ll do it with no hesitation. Like one time, he lite his pants on fire just to get ten bucks out of Chanwoo. Or that time, in his sophomore year, he ate fifteen still living cockroaches just to get his grades up to a seventy-eight in Math. And no one, can’t forget that time when Kim Jiwon himself bungee jump three hundred feet without a cord just to bang with one of Korea University’s cheerleader, Lee Nini, who ended up having a boyfriend at the time, leaving Bobby with a broken rib cage, a dislocated shoulder, a week long coma, and card by her boyfriend, threatening him to never talk to her again. Yeah, you name it, he done it. Guess that a good thing, right? To do the impossible? Well, that’s what Bobby preached in his speech.
“Ugh! I don’t feel so good!” Bobby laid his head on Eunji’s lap during lunch time outside the campus, while she combed his brown wavy hair out of the way. His face was colorless, beads of sweat decorated his forehead, and mouth slightly open, coughing into the grass. “Bobby, I told you that you would get sick!” Jinhwan slapped the sick boy’s forearm, gaining a whine from him. Eunji looked at Hanbin, and smirked widely. Before she could open her mouth, the leader spoked. “He hasn’t thrown up. So if he doesn’t in the next fifteen minutes, you can kiss that twenty goodbye, Miss Eunji~!” Hanbin snickered at the girl’s pouty face. His eye diluted when he spotted her pink lips and back to her beautiful brown eyes. The members looked at how the two look like love birds and Yunhyeong spoked while eating his namul. “Can’t you guys just kiss already?”
“Huh?” The two jerked their heads to the snickering male. Everyone - minus the both of them - laughed with Yunhyeong while two groaned. “Come on! It true though.” Junhoe added.
“Yeah. Just make out and get over with it, hyung.” Donghyuk snickered at the angry duo who looked at Jinhwan for backup but they both can see the sly smirk playing on his lips. “When are you are going to get inside your brains that me and Eunji are just best friends. Nothing more. Nothing less.” Hanbin growled at his teammates who laugh even harder, gaining a few stares at closer bystanders. The black haired male rolled his eyes and looked back at Eunji who was checking Bobby’s temperate, whispering sweet nothings to make boy sleep it off. “It’s okay Bobby. You’ll be okay.” The ombre hair girl combed a few strands of hair off his face while Hanbin mesmerized her freshly painted nude nails, rubbing the temples of his sick teammates. He covered his mouth, with curved into a bright smile at Eunji’s affection.
“Eunji. You should eat we only have about twelve minutes left.” Hanbin pushed her dosirak towards which made her shot her gaze towards the male. “That reminds me!” Eunji open the lid and took out a chocolate bar in front of Hanbin. “Look what I got!” The girl laughed with the older male squealed and took the Hershey’s bar out of her hands with glee painted on his face. “CHOCO!”
“Where’s my thank you’s?” Eunji cocked an eyebrow, puffing her cheeks out.
“Thanks, kiddo!” Hanbin ruffled her hair and peeled off the wrapper to take a bite out of it, with delight. Eunji can never see how a twenty-two year old man -- well, somewhat of a man-- can possibly be obsessed with the taste of chocolate and still hold a solid six pack. Never in her nineteen lives have she ever liked the taste of milk chocolate, to be honest, she finds the candy very sickening but she always adores the way Hanbin nibbles on the corner and scrunches his nose up...almost like a bunny. He does quite remind her of...‘Jungkook…’ The youngster bit her inner cheek but her thoughts were interrupted by a low groan.
“I don’t feel t-” Bobby shot his head up and darted his way to the nearest trashcan can, sticking his head fully inside the container. Donghyuk and Junhoe laughed once the gagging started to occur. Jinhwan, being the motherly figure, ran to guide Bobby though the process, followed by Chanwoo. And as always, Yunhyeong tooked out his phone to capture the moment unraveling.
Eunji looked at pale boy, vomiting before seeing a dollar bill. “Don’t.Say.A word.” Hanbin growled while the youngster chuckled in her hand until the bell ringed. “Well it time to go to fifth. I’ll see you in the library due that I have seventh off. But,” Eunji tooked the twenty out of Hanbin’s hand and put it inside his snapback, smiling widely. “Keep the change. I didn’t want it anyway. See ya~!” After taking her stuff, she waved at her friends, and patting Bobby’s back before disappearing into the crowd of students.
“Hanbin, you’re blushing.” Yunhyeong smirked.
“N-no I’m not. Shut up!” The leader sneered at his elder touching his hot cheeks.
“Come on, you had the hots for Eunji for more than two years and still haven’t got your scared ass to confess to her?”
“You don’t understand. Eunji and I have been friends for so long as I can remember and I don’t want to affect the bond we have.” Hanbin suddenly felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Hanbin, you know I don’t like seeing you in a hard situation but you have to do this on your own. Eunji is a beautiful girl. Inside and out. I know she wouldn’t try to hurt your feelings. The Eunji we know would never break our hearts. You just gotta get the word out before someone else take her away from you because she is has a lot of guys who want to take advantage of her. Got it?” Yunhyeong smiled at his captain, who nodded slowly. Even though Yunhyeong can be a tease to Hanbin, he somehow have the words to say for any situation. Like when Donghyuk cried because he miss his grandfather. Or when Chanwoo was stressing out over finals. Any problems that occur, Yunhyeong is always there to support his team any way he can.
“Thanks hyung! Let’s go to class.”
“Yes, sir, captain, sir!” He saluted as Hanbin stood up. Hanbin snickered then whistle at his teammates. “Get ready?”
“SHOWTIME!” The member shout back their leader and follow their way to their assigned classes, leaving Hanbin standing at the oak tree, looking the half-eaten Hershey’s bar before darting his way to the his rowdy teammates.
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sweetdoodledrop · 7 years
sorry , pose A1. And Haruka and Michiru from sailor moon in pose A2
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Hi dear! So unfortunately I don’t know anything about the characters in the first request buuuut HarukaxMichiru has been one of my all time fave couples and I can’t believe I never drew them??? thanks for the suggestion!
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honeydropletsart · 7 years
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My Commissions are Open! 
(not emergency anymore but it helps me a lot to be able to pay for the water and electricity to stay on)
Will attempt almost anything (not furries sorry folks I am terrible at animal anatomy) but please not nsfw!  (also I am terrible at making these commission open pages I am so sorry) I’m pretty dang good at cute things though!
I try to make these as affordable as possible so:
Dot Icons are 2$
Monochrome Sketches are 4$
Soft-shaded chibi and Bust Icons are 5$
Shiny Shaded Chibis are 10$ 
Sketch Pages for your character will be 10-20$ depending on how detailed it gets
Full body Shiny Shaded are 20-25$
DnD Character Pages are 30-45$ depending on if you would like the sheet format or just character, with or without chibi and with or without weapons
Quick heads up I take payment via Paypal or over at my ko-fi page <3 
If you can/want to commission me please send me a pm here or wherever you know I am! If not please share this! If you just feel like being the best person ever/don’t want art but want to donate I have a ko-fi!
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pastelideas · 3 years
Hey, a few questions! (If I'm bombarding you with too much, I apologize) 1. How busy will be your schedule? 2. If you're too busy, do you know anyone who is good at drawing anime? 3. What do you think of magical girls in Mass Effect? That's all I can think of at the moment.
1. My schedual is very busy probibly until mid July to the start of August. So if you're looking to get a commmission done, it won't be for a long while.
2. I do know someone who draws in a much more anime influenced style than me. You can find her as @DoodleDroplets (handle is HoneyDroplets) on twitter. She has links to her commission info in her bio. I think they're closed right now, but she opens them pretty frequently. You can always message her about it, she's very nice.
3. Magic girls in ME sounds very interesting to say the least. I'd love to watch Shepard do a magic girl transformation and hear Saren's reaction to that.
Hope I answered everthing well 'u'
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honeydropletsdoodles · 11 months
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LITERALLY RIGHT NOW AHHHHH https://www.twitch.tv/honeydroplets
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sleepy-spacecat · 9 years
hey !!
Send me ‘’hey’’, i’ll shuffle my music and tell you your song.Your song is : I Bet My Life - Imagine Dragons 
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honeydroplet · 8 years
My Answer Is You (Summary & Character Chart)
After one night, Eunji and Jungkook finally revealed their feeling for one another but Eunji wants to keep their relationship on a low status. So what happens when their secret goes into the wrong hands
Character Chart;
 Kim Eunji (19)
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An excellent student who majoring in cooking, Eunji is a gorgeous, young girl whom everyone seems to love.
Jeon Jungkook (21)
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Jungkook was prostitute until Eunji flipped his life upside down one day. He’s now dating his crush and works at a music shop with six other guys.
Kim Hanbin (22)
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Hanbin is the eye of Eunji’s university due to his basketball team. He’s also Eunji’s friend.
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Jungkook’s coworkers whom have a different goal besides selling music…
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Hanbin’s teammates and Eunji’s friends
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sweetdoodledrop · 6 years
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Speaking of commissions for RockitSage, this one took me a long time amg but it looks so pretty ;v; ///falls over ded
You should check out her twitch channel! Sage is a Geologist by day and cheeky gamer by night! And her community is really positive and sweet <3 RockitSage! -> www.twitch.tv/rockitsage
PLEASE Don’t use without my or Sage’s permission! Thank you!
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honeydropletsart · 7 years
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this was a cute little thing to do~ @laelaxhh requested A2 of us! from that cute couple prompt we shared..... uhhhh here! http://aurerita-rt.tumblr.com/post/165192110897/hey-look-its-one-of-those-send-me-two
I ended up doing two because it was a lot of fun >w<
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theyuko · 4 years
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@honeydroplet.official さんの#プレゼント企画 に当たりました。 ありがとうございます😊 賞品メッチャ豪華ですよ! #フォロー する事で、定期的に開催されるプレゼント企画見逃さないですよ。 * 5枚目の #カシス は、私大好きな飴です😘 #honeydroplet 毎日就寝前に舐めて寝るだけで、ウイルス対策に! 応募条件よんで参加してみてね✨ 私にとって、マヌカハニーは、 #万能薬 のようなものです。 #マヌカハニー が高いと思われる方、のど飴からチャレンジしてみて下さい。 * #ハニージャパン #honeyjapan #manukahoney #UMF10 #MGO250 #抗菌力 #yukoのオススメ #yukoのお気に入り #beauty #healthyfood #美容 #健康 #美肌 @yuko_fuji3 ←follow💕 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-9lm7cA_p-/?igshid=1e26u2yq2dhiz
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theyuko · 5 years
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#ギフトショー 本日、16時まで開催中! 長年愛用し続けけている @honeydroplet.official の #マヌカハニー 今回は、西展示場 2ホールにて出展中 西2-T45-08 マヌカハニーの食べ方、NGな事、直接教えて下さいます。 私にとって、マヌカハニーは、 #万能薬 です。 マヌカハニーが高いと思われる方、のど飴から始めてみませんか? * #ハニージャパン #manukahoney #UMF10 #UMF15 #MGO250 #MGO500 #抗菌力 #honeyjapan #honeydroplet #ギフトショー #giftshow #giftshow2019 #展示会オススメ品 #yukoのオススメ #yukoのお気に入り @yuko_fuji3 ←follow💕 (東京ビッグサイト 西展示場) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2DJqteAdp6/?igshid=1surq2i490z8y
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honeydroplet · 8 years
My Answer Is You (Ch. 1)
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word count ; 4.8+k words
genre ; smut, romance, fluff, drama
summary ; After one night, Eunji and Jungkook finally revealed their feeling for one another but Eunji wants to keep their relationship on a low status. So what happens when their secret goes into the wrong hands?
warning(s) in this chap. ; smut
*(Tealicious is Eunji's café)
 'Shit! Why the hell is it fucking hot?!' Jungkook cursed mentally at the surprising visit of summer taking place of spring. The waves of heat blewed onto Jungkook’s body, his delicate pale skin changing into a bronze color in a blink of an eye . The humidity blasting against Jungkook as he dragged his timberlands against the boiling hot pavement. Jungkook looked up at the sky with splotches of oranges and red everywhere, almost morphing onto a midnight maroon, while he slides his black shades over his eyes. He licked his lips and continued the journey to his much anticipated destination, his eyes skimming over the clusters of kids, playing their hearts out and sweet couples, skipping down the streets of Seoul. It wasn’t long until he arrived to his destination.
   The all too familiar chiming of the bells above the door sounded as Jungkook walked into the maid cafe shop located in the mid center of the city. The smell of freshly baked cakes greeted him as he entered. He's not actually a regular here; it was actually considered to be the first time ever ordering there, however it wasn't the mouthwatering desserts that lured the pretty boy to the girly café. Not at all. It was in fact his admiration with a young beautiful girl with straight cinnamon color hair and glistening chocolate eyes who worked there. The girl whom he has had his eyes on since she came into his world and flipped it upside down. The girl whom he spot every time passing by the medium windows, carrying trays filled with astonishing dishes. The girl that could easily hypnotized Jungkook by the way her natural pink lips slightly open to flash her crystalline teeth and the way her eyes danced and sparkled as she smiled at customers one by one. The girl whom his dream consisted of and desired for. But most of all, the girl who he’s glad to call his girlfriend.
   Jungkook stay behind the counter until a maid noticed his rapid tapping on the counter. “Jungkook?! Such a surprise to see you! Good afternoon!”  A girl with short blonde hair with small puppy ears welcomed the boy to the cafe, her smile shining with beauty. “Good afternoon to you too, Heather. A table please?” Jungkook pointed his index finger to the table near the open window as the girl named ‘Heather’ nodded in agreement. “Thanks.” The pretty boy strutted his way to his seat with a trail of drooling girls behind him as he showed his trademark smile.
     Heather took a final glance at the bad boy until sprinting into the french doors of the maid’s dressing room. The shades of pink and yellow filled the rooms and the giggling of girls became louder. “Jungkook oppa is so cute! I’m so jealous of you, Eunji! You’re such a lucky girl that you get to have him all by yourself!” A light brunette haired girl whine as well as her friend behind her looking at Jungkook’s (past) prostitute photo. "Yeah," Another girl with raven-colored hair added to the conversation. "He's such a flirt. Hey, Eunji, hasn't Jungkook been flirting with you? I thinks he likes you!" The girl elbowed the petite girl's waist, making her yelp quietly. “W-what?! Me?! No way. I mean..uh...he’s just been friendly towards me. That's all.” Eunji quivered in fear while slowly combing her straight hair gently. Mostly everyone all assumes that Jungkook had some feelings towards her, even before the time Jungkook and Eunji were hating each other's guts. They believe that was it was their ‘aggressive’ way of saying I love you. The two older women stole glances at one another and darted their eyes straight at the youngster, whom was distracted by adjusting her plush kitten ears on. "Come on, Eunji. At least think about. One, he's been extra friendly towards you for the past two weeks. Asking what you need at the shop and calling to make sure you're coming home. Two, he's always following you like a love sick puppy and lastly, who would deny this cute little creature?!" The black haired exposed her phone towards Eunji to see what it was.
 ‘I’m so shrewd!’ Replaying that the same sentence like those were the only  words she knew, as she turned her head to the girl’s glowing electronic, showing her boyfriend naked - well three fourths naked - in display. The teen mesmerized the way his exposed skin was absorbing the sun rays, the way his always perfect hair was covering up his right eye, while looking at the screen with the other group of prostitutes, and most of all, Jungkook forever famous smirk as he played in the water like a little child. To be honest, Eunji felt turned on right away but she shook her head to wipe her desires out of her mind.
 “Where did you even get that, Hyejin-unnie?” Eunji spoke not realizing that eyes haven’t left the photo. “A couple a months ago, I went on the prostitute website he’s on when I liked him. But surprisingly, ALL his photos are deleted now.” Hyejin answered added a sad sigh to the end. “Speaking about prostitutes, guess who’s here?” Heather finally joined the conversation, making everyone puzzled even Eunji. ‘What?!’ She thought in her mind as she was practically hauled by her crew of friends to the main dining room. “Oh my gosh! It’s Jungkook!” Hyejin squealed her lungs out as well as the girl behind her except for Eunji, who was in a stage of shock and terror. There, she spotted her boyfriend glancing at the hyperventilating girls and later locked eyes with his girlfriend, gaining a mischievous smile from him. ‘What is he fucking doing here?!’; Jungkook never comes into *Tealicious...okay one time but they was for a totally different reason. “Eunji, go up to him!”
  “What?! Why me?” Eunji whined in sorrow even though deep inside of her, she wanted to bolt her way into Jungkook's comforting arms, and pepper his face with small kisses and she can tell by the devious look on her boyfriend’s face, he was thinking the same thing. “He likes you! Why do you think Jungkook came here in the first place?” Bora whimpered at her dongsaeng. Eunji wanted to say no but she suddenly was startled by the way Bora intimated a little child who didn’t get what she wanted for Christmas. Giving a deep sigh, Eunji felled for her unnie’s plead. “Alright.” The growling teen snatched the notebook off the counter, crumbling up a few written pages. “Make us proud!” That was the last thing Eunji heard once she dashed to the table where Jungkook was sitting at.
   “Jungkook, what the hell are you doing here?!” The pretty employee gritted her teeth while her mischievous boyfriend gave her a sly smirk. “Well hello to you too!” Jungkook laughed like a wicked villain. “Again, what the hell are you doing here?” Eunji repeated her question this time slamming her left hand on the table, toppling the small condiments over. “What’s wrong with me trying to get close to my girlfriend? Isn’t that what boyfriends are supposed to do?” Jungkook taken a hold of Eunji’s right hand, rubbing his thumb in a circular motion. Luckily, their intertwined hands were behind by the maid's dress, so no one behind or beside them could see. His gummy smile spread slowly which give his girlfriend mix feelings of anger and warmth inside her heart. “I could slap that pretty smirk right across your face.” Eunji let those words slip out of her clenched mouth.
   “Or I can fuck you tonight so hard that you’ll be begging for my cock inside you every second? Your choice. Either way, you’ll still be mine. I know you will.” Jungkook did had a point. Eunji cared about Jungkook as much as he does. There was no way Eunji would sacrifice Jungkook for anything nor anyone. Eunji groaned and snatched her hand back to retrieve her mini notebook. “I hate it when you’re right!”
 “Well don’t we all?”
 “What would you like, Jung….Master?” Eunji muttered ‘Master’ lowly.
     “Oh! I like the sound of that. Well those girls over there,” Jungkook pointed toward a group of five girls, blushing red waved at him. “said that the vanilla bean latte is pretty good.” Eunji tried desperately to not knock out her bad boy so she quickly written his order, probably misspelling a few words, and detached the paper off the notebook. “A latte it is,” she sighed, walking to the anxious girls, and lightly threw it onto the table. “What did he say?!” Bora jumped up and down like a little kid on Christmas day.
 “A vanilla latte, and I'm doing it.” Eunji announced to the girls. "Why? Because you like him?! Aww~!"
   "No! Because you idiots would just screw it up!" An amused snort sounded throughout the shop on the pouting girls behalf. Entering into small kitchen, Eunji let out a annoyed groan but never realized that someone was in there with her. “Eunji, are you alright?” The younger women looked up to see Heather with her right eyebrow cocked up an eyebrow. Swiftly walking to the cabinets, Eunji answered her question. “Yeah I’m fine. Really I am.”
 “Did something happened with you and Jungkook?” She almost dropped the pitcher of freshly made caffeine once she heard this. “Nothing. Why are you so curious?” Eunji filled up the cup and painted the top with light whipped cream. Heather looked at the back of her younger employee and let out a long sigh. "You’re just so tense when we mention Jungkook...Actually for the past three weeks, you guys seem to be more...friendly towards each other."
 "Well, me and Jungkook are kind of getting close to each other but it's nothing you should worried about. Okay, Heather?" Eunji gave the blonde a gummy smile at the end making her elder laugh with joy. "Okay. But if Jungkook does something to you, I will kick his ass!" Laughing at her friend's comment, Eunji exited out the room with a steamy beverage in her hand and walked back to see her roommate zoned out.
     As he waited for his for latte, Jungkook stared out the small window, at the sky, the clouds now parted to reveal a ray of sunshine and the breeze cooled down his exposed flesh. He captured his phone to check his text messages but was stopped by the unexpected feeling of hot wind stroking against his ears.
   The soothing voice shocked Jungkook back to reality. The owner of the voice stood next to him, his creamy beverage in her hands. Jungkook’s eyes travelled up the person’s waist until they reached her pink separated lips, then their next destination, her cinnamon eyes. The appearance of a smirk captivated Jungkook’s labium. As Eunji carefully attempted to place the mug down in front of him, Jungkook reached out his hand to touch hers softly, unexpectedly causing the girl to loosen the cup’s grip. Jungkook felt the hot white liquid drip onto his lap followed by the sound of a painful groan. His order was now all over the table as well as on his denim pants. “FUCK!” Jungkook sworn above the top of his lungs by the surprising pain burning on his sensitive skin and the whole room of chatters and laughter dimmed down to withdraw the sudden interruption. In no time, hands were scrubbing frantically at his lap with napkins in an attempt to wipe away the white stain that was now appearing on Jungkook’s crotch.
   “Jungkook I’m so sorry!” Eunji exclaimed helplessly. Jungkook shivered slightly as Eunji’s soft fingertips brushed against his crotch repeatedly, probably accidentally-on-purpose. Eunji seemed to have noticed this, as her eyes gleamed at something hard building up inside Jungkook's lower region.
“I’m sorry,” she repeated, her mouth set into a thin line. “Come with me, let’s get you cleaned up.”
   Jungkook stood up and followed his girlfriend behind the counter to the back of the store. Eunji unlocked the store room and went inside, beckoning her in when she hesitated at the door. The small room was dim, yet still was painted in vibrant colors. The door automatically closed behind them only occupying the sound of Eunji’s and Jungkook’s breathe and the unsteady heartbeat of Eunji’s.
     “I know there’s some towels in here! Ah, there they are! Take your pants off..." Eunji commanded the older male whom seem to quite shocked at his girlfriend's wish. "Wow! Aggressive, aren’t we?" Jungkook loosened his buttons to release his wet boxers to the teen. "Jungkook don't even test me!" Eunji muffled her growl as she tried her hardest to soak up the sweet nectar off Jungkook's crotch area with the plush towelette. "You know that Hyejin still has a photo of your prostitute photo?"
 "What?!" A laughter escaped through his mouth while looking at his partner concentrated on his sticky mess.
     "Yeah. Doesn't surprise me due that the girl used to like you!" Eunji knew that since day one when she was hired to the cafe, Hyejin was crazy - no scratch that! She was obsessed with the pretty boy. She would talk about him 24/7 and she knew everything about him that Eunji haven’t even discovered when they first moved in together. But after a few weeks of stalking the boy, she later realize that Jungkook would never notice her since he was prostitute and only cares about sex and money, so she ended up moving her love train to Park Chanyeol, one the football player that goes to school with Eunji. Eunji sounded like it was funny, probably quite cute, how her unnie was a big fan of Jungkook, but deep inside, she was furious since she had feelings towards him for such a long time. "Sounds like you’re not that jealous!"
     "Me jealous of unnie? As if!" Eunji rolled her eyes not looking at her boyfriend's eyes. "So you’re not jealous? So what if I just ask her if she’s available on the weekend?" Jungkook laughed how quick she snapped her eyes at him with such anger yet sadness. "Um...Well-"
      “It might be lonely for a...beautiful gorgeous women to sit alone all by herself.” Jungkook then lifted up Eunji’s chin so they were finally eye-to-eye with one another. “I’m not-” Eunji finally realized she was to closing the gap between Jungkook and her lips. “Not what, Kitten?” Jungkook tilted his head to the side, as he spoken her nickname, making his hair fall to left side to expose his right eye. The way how Jungkook looked so innocent to his lover drove her to insanity. “Gosh, I fucking hate you, Jeon Jungk-” she started to say. But neither of them heard the end of it.
      Jungkook’s lips met the younger female, his fingers entangling themselves in her hair and pulling her closer until their bodies were shifted to the darkest corner away from the door. His tongue traced the bottom of Eunji’s lip then made its way into her warm mouth, dominating every surface of it and leaving Eunji with the sweet taste of vanilla that spilled on his lips. He tasted just as good as the vanilla bean latte he order. No, even better. Eunji fought back against the taller boy with her own tongue, her hands tightly gripping the see-through white muscle shirt concealing his beautifully bronzed skin. Jungkook’s hand grasped on Eunji’s waist and pressed it against the hard wall. The wall wasn’t the only thing that was hard. As his hands moved down to the small of Eunji’s back, he pushed his crotch gently against Eunji’s area.
       “Eunji? Jungkook? Are you guys okay? You’ve been in there for a few minutes now and plus your shift’s over!” Heather’s voice interrupted the couple’s make out session. Jungkook’s breath was hot against Eunji’s neck, causing the girl’s eyes to flutter close as she relished in the feeling of his plump lips lavishing her exposed skin with butterfly kisses from her throat to her collarbones. The kisses turned into nibbles then into sharp bites, her smooth flesh being painted with faint pinks and reds. A low hiss escaped Eunji’s mouth as Jungkook sucked harshly on her chest.
      “W-we’ll be out in a second!” Eunji tried to hardest to muffled out her moans to answer and pushed Jungkook of her body. “Jungkook! Are you trying to get me fired here?” Jungkook handed her his jacket to mask the noticeable marking smeared over her upper body. “Hey don't blame me! You were into it too!” Eunji sighed and latched the door to see a smirking Heather and a bewildered Bora and Hyejin behind the doors. "Thank god! I thought you killed Jungkook for a second!" Eunji and Jungkook looked at one another and laughed with the female employees. "I'll be back I need to change!" Eunji ran into the changing room, leaving Bora, Hyejin and Jungkook to stare at one another. "Oh. Hello.  I'm Jeon Jungkook, you guys must be Bora noona and Hyejin noona,right? Eunji told me a lot about you guys." The way the male spoken their names made them bubble up giggles and nodded in response. “Wow it must be nice picking up your girlfri-” Hyejin started but was cutted off of a hand thanks to Bora. “Do you have a death wish, stupid?!” Bora quivered, thinking about the young girl’s words. Jungkook laughed at the girls who were bickering at one another until Eunji rushed out to see them. “I’m sorry I just wanted know if they’re together. You know Eunji won’t tell us. So are you guys dating?!” Hyejin pouted at the boy who was still haven’t finished his laugh until Eunji stepped out of the room, just in time. "Hey! How many times do I have to say that we’re NOT dating! Period!"
  Eunji growled but Jungkook restrained her wrist behind her back. "Hey don’t try to rip their heads off! Can’t you see they’re already scared to death?" Eunji rolled her eyes in defeat. "Fine, you’ll live...this time. Anyway I'm leaving. Have a great night, guys!" The youngster waved goodbye to her noonas while Hyejin and Bora was still in the stage of shock thanks to Eunji’s brutal death wish upon him. "Bye Eunji! Have a good day in class tomorrow!" All the employees said their farewells and that was the last thing she heard before Jungkook and her were alone in the sidewalk. The streams of neon lights colored the city and the busy hours began.
 “You seem ‘nice’ to your elderlies" Jungkook joked around adding air quotations on the word nice.
 “Well they’re noisy and if I told them about they would write a whole series about us on the new or whatever.” Eunji nudged her elbow on Jungkook’s biceps. “Or you’re probably jealous that two beautiful girls like me?” Faster than a speeding bullet, the younger girl grabbed a handful of Jungkook's shirt and pulled him closer that they were nose to nose. “Used to like you.”
 “Doesn’t mean that they can change their mind.”
 “I’m not jealous, Jungkook, and I never will be. End of this story.”
 “Yeah...right.” Jungkook clicked his tongue at Eunji, which finally taken her to the end of her temper. Her eyes darted at the boy with overflowing anger. Her lips revealing her teeth, scraping up against one another. Jungkook's smile withered away slowly while his girlfriend morphed in front of his eyes from a innocent girl to a sinister beast in a flash. "Eunji? You look like you’re about t-" Jungkook stated but was later cut off by her harsh tug on his wrist. Jungkook hissed at the sudden pain he received. "Come. With. Me." She snatched Jungkook's hand dragging him home while Jungkook was still confused by the youngster’s bold move.
  “Oww! You’re hurting my fingers!” Jungkook whimpered continuously that sentence on the way home, giving her a minor headache. Eunji and Jungkook finally arrived at their room and just in a second, Eunji slammed Jungkook shoulders on the door, clashing her lip with Jungkook's plumped ones. Jungkook's eyes were bewildered but later eased up to close his eyes. Their hands running through every inch of the body until Jungkook heard the sound of his belt, unlatching.
“Wow, I've never seen this side of you before.” Jungkook looked up at her from his chest and smirked.
“Shut it.” Eunji snapped, her cheeks flushing red. She continued to tug at Jungkook’s pants, ignoring his amused chuckles as they struggled to go down. Jungkook reached down and assisted her with the task, saving Eunji from the feeling of embarrassment slowly creeping up. Eunji focused on stroking Jungkook’s crotch, her clit getting wet with every touch. Her fingers reached in and pulled his impressive length out while keeping up the friction.
“Ah…” Jungkook moaned as the movements got faster, his precum dripping onto Eunji’s fingers.
“W-wait! Woah K-kitten!” Jungkook spoke, his voice now shaky and going up an octave as Eunji suddenly dropped to her knees. He inhaled sharply as his girl’s petite mouth wrapped around his shaft and took him in. All of him. His moans became louder and echoed throughout the once silent room as Eunji’s tongue flicked against the slit. His legs quivered as the tip of his penis hit the back of her throat. The knelt girl looked up to see Jungkook’s head tilted back against the door, his eyes tightly shut and his teeth biting down into his bottom lip.
“Fuck...babe” Jungkook whimpered while he ran his hand through her hair, pushing it away from his eyes so that he could see Eunji doing her job clearly.
A satisfied perky smile made its way onto Eunji’s face. She was determined to make him moan that a thousand times.
 “Ah… no… not yet…” Jungkook exhaled as he was nearing his climax. But Eunji wouldn’t stop. Jungkook tasted way too good. Plus, she intent on to make Jungkook punish for what he did at her job.
“Stop,” Jungkook growled as he gripped Eunji's hair and pulled her up, lifting her weight off the ground as he positioned her thighs around his waist and carried her over to Jungkook’s bed room, bumping into a few pictures frames and table tops on the way. Eunji’s small frame was slammed down onto the bed and before she could even complain, her shirt was pulled over her face, leaving her voice muffled under it. She heard her pants unzip and felt them being roughly yanked off as she tried to break free from her shirt completely before she suffocated. Eunji smothered a snicker as she felt Jungkook’s nose graze his inner thigh and peppered light kisses throughout. The feeling of warm lips in contact of her sensitive skin travel all the from her thighs to her stomach then ended at the nape of her jawline.
“Ready?” he asked Eunji with a smirk, his eyes taking in the sight of the flushed girl with her beautiful cinnamon colored hair scattered all over the bad as she laid exposed on the mattress. Eunji nodded without hesitation.
With this boy, Eunji was ready for anything.
Ready for the pain and pleasure the bad boy that stolen her heart from the moment he walked into those doors.
“Jungkook!” She cried out as he entered a digit into him.
First one, then two. Searing pain rippled up Eunji’s body as Jungkook’s slender fingers prepared him for something bigger that was soon approaching. Eunji clamped a hand down over her mouth, attempting to stop herself from screaming out while the other gripped tightly onto the edge of the bed frame. Tears started to cloud her vision and soon she could see nothing but the faint silhouette of the moonlight above her head as Jungkook scissored and thrusted his fingers inside of her.
 “You’re doing good…” Jungkook kissed lightly on Eunji’s button nose.
 “Fuck baby, you’re so tight,” Jungkook purred as he slowly withdrew his fingers and placed them into his mouth, leaving a shocked Eunji suddenly feeling empty. Brown eyes locked onto the older as Jungkook tasted Eunji’s precum on his fingertips. “Hey! You never done that before! It’s dirty!” She exclaimed as her face became bright pink. “Well I like to challenge myself so better to try now than later.” Jungkook laughed at his girlfriend whom was still dumbfounded by the scene she just witness. Jungkook then reached inside the dresser and brought out a bottle of lube, which he applied onto his hands and transferred onto his member, and a wrapper consisting a condom. He leaned over and pecked Eunji softly on the lips as he applied some lube to her entrance. He watched the girl intently as she fiddled with playing with the condom on the hard-on while Jungkook rested his forehead against Eunji’s and closed his eyes as he entered her without warning.
“Ahh!” Eunji gasped as Jungkook immediately filled her up and thrusted deeply into her. The air in her lungs came out in harsh, heavy breaths. Jungkook started to move in a pace so slow yet so sensual, it was driving him insane. He whimpered as one of the girl’s quivering arms wrapped around his throat, begging for the older man to go faster. Jungkook kept up the excruciating pace, making Eunji groan with desire as well as with a bit of anger and frustration.
 “Nngh! Ah… Jungkook Oppa!” Eunji mewled as the thrusts became faster, her body arching in response and her fingernails scratching along the material of silk sheets.
 “F-fuck, you feel so good,” Jungkook groaned as he hit Eunji’s prostate multiple times, causing the girl underneath him to mewl uncontrollably. A low growl formed deep in Jungkook’s throat as Eunji tried to grab onto his hair, and Jungkook's hands leaving Eunji's hips, pinning her wrists down with a tight grip. By tomorrow, the presence of bruises would be evident on Eunji’s pale skin with an additional backache. Jungkook’s thrusts became more forceful, knocking the breath out of her while splotches of colors came into her vision. The loud creaking of the bed frame and the howls of the couple was so loud that probably everyone near them could here them but the two didn't care one bit. By the beads of sweat rolling down his face, Eunji knew that he was nearing his climax. She wasn’t too far behind either. Jungkook panted in Eunji’s ear as she dug her nails into his back, leaving stray red marks as their bodies intertwined with each other.
 “Nngh…” he groaned through gritted teeth, and after a few more hard thrusts, he came into the the plastic condom inside her.
 “Ah…” Eunji exhaled in pleasure as she felt his release.
Jungkook’s head fell against her chest, his dark hair damp with sweat against her skin. His eyelashes fluttered against her chest and Eunji felt his lips form a smirk. She smiled back and stroked the back of Jungkook's neck, playing with the ends of his hair. "Are you not jealous anymore? You know that I’m always yours." Jungkook traced the younger girl's stomach with his index finger. "Jungkook..." Eunji slowly took in the cool oxygen surrounding them. Jungkook then pulled himself up to now be directly face to face with the flushed girl, pecking a delicate kiss over her softened cheek. “Eunji, do you have to go to school tomorrow?” Jungkook slowly run his long fingers in between the girl’s hair. “Jungkook, I already told you I have to. It’s not an option and plus you have full day of work tomorrow.”
 “But can’t you skip? I can take a day off.”
 “So you can fuck me in the ass more? No thanks! Besides, I need the education and you need the check in order pay for water bill.” Eunji laughed.
 “At least let me drive you there. You know how I feel with you’re driving with Hanbin.” Jungkook growled sinisterly at the name Hanbin. As Eunji can tell, Jungkook didn’t like Hanbin as much as Hanbin doesn’t like him even though they never exchange a simple hello to one another. Eunji knew that Jungkook hated her best friend but it was better going to school without the severe pain in her back. “Guess who’s jealous now?” Eunji laid on Jungkook’s chest, hearing his steady heartbeat up against her right ear.
 "So you were jealous!" Jungkook quickly snapped at the girl staring back at him with defeat. "Okay maybe a little. I just don't want anyone to have you." In Jungkook's eyes, she looked so innocent and angelic when she confessed. Jungkook rolled his eyes at the beautiful girl, fluttering her eyes shut and her steady breathe grazed on Jungkook’s chiseled abs. “Kim Eunji, you’re such a baby.” A quick laugh slipped out his lips as he coiled his arm around the sleeping girl.
“Sweet Dreams…”
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12 notes · View notes
honeydroplet · 8 years
Golden Desires (M)
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word count ; 4.1+k words
genre ; smut, romance, slight fluff
summary ; Kim Eunji (19) is an A star student in her university who keep her status clean...unlike her roommate, Jeon Jungkook (21).
warning(s) ; prosistute!jungkook, collagestudent!OC, age gap (?), smut
The annoying beams of sunlight woke up Eunji from her long slumber that morning. Normally, it would have been the creaking and banging of Jungkook’s bed frame clashing up against her wall, so the sensation was peaceful for once. She rolled on the other side so that the light wouldn’t be in her eyes anymore, hoping to gain at least fifteen more minutes of sleep, but her body went off the bed length and fallen to hard floor, blowing the air out of her lungs.
 Groaning in pain, Eunji fluttered her eyelashes open at the harsh impact and quickly got off the floor, stretching her arms high above her head and let out a high pitched noise of awakening. Her voice was stuffed up so she cleared her throat before getting on her bare feet. She pushed her back forward and cracked the spine before trudging towards the kitchen, her feet sticking on the polished hardwood until she touched the vanilla creme carpet. The nineteen year old girl poured a bowl of cereal and as she walked her way to the table counter, she saw a girl about her age, eyeing Eunji with black tousled hair in knots and she was only in her red and white laced lingerie, a red wrinkled oversized  flannel, unbuttoned and her upper body was covered in dark spots. She definitely must be one of Jungkook’s customers. Eunji let out a long sigh at the dazed girl. The confused teen opened her mouth to say something but Eunji cut her off by hitching her thumb to the left and replay her instructions to every customers who spend the night with Jungkook. “Exit’s that way if you’re wondering. Take the elevator down to the lobby and you can go call a cab to take you home.”
 The stranger closed her mouth and looked at the door Eunji was pointing to. She turned her head toward Eunji, giving her a slight smile before exiting out the complex. Eunji rolled her eyes and turned back to her breakfast. Not a minute later, a loud yawn echoed from the hallway. Turning her head towards the noise, she was greeted by her roommate, half naked, jeans unzipped and hanging from his hips so she can see his defined v-line, entering the kitchen. “Morning Eunji.” The raven haired male greeted the pre-teen girl seating at the counter. Eunji looked up slightly in reply. “Morning.” The girl’s eyes traced the male as Jungkook made his way to the refrigerator and took a long chug from the orange juice jug. Unlike the stranger, Jungkook looked very…attractive. Not by the fact that Jungkook was wearing a fraction of the amount of clothing the girl was. The way his adam’s apple bobbed up and down by every chug, his eyelashes fluttering like angel wings, and the way the orange juice was oozing out of the corner of his mouth and slithering down to his toned abs. He was just the definition of sexy. Hell, Jeon Jungkook could make anything he touch looks sexy. “You sleep well?” Jungkook asked, as he placed the jug to its original place and Eunji went back to her breakfast. “For once, it was good.” Jungkook nodded and grasped a handful of grapes and sat next to Eunji, both not saying a word. About another few minutes passed until Jungkook broke the silence by slamming his head down hard on the tabletop and cursed under his slightly minty breath. “Shit!” Eunji looked up from her bowl of milk to see the older grunting. “What’s wrong this time?”
“That fucking bitch didn’t pay!” Jungkook grabbed a fistful of his hair in rage. He kept punching the marble counter, causing my bowl to vibrate from the harsh impacts. “Calm the hell down!” The brunette teen remarked before getting up and place her bowl in the sink. “You don’t understand! This is the fourth time this week.” Jungkook walked to Eunji, whining like a puppy. “If Kiseop hyung finds out, so help me, he’ll rip off my cock and make me choke on it!”
“Not my problem. You’re the fucked up prostitute here.” Eunji replied as she turned the water off and place down the bowl to soak. She didn’t approve the job Jungkook is doing, but as long as he pay for the water bills on time and his sexual life doesn’t interfere with her, Eunji could care less about the pretty boy. “Please Eunji-ssi! Won’t you help me out here?!” Jungkook begged trying to make eye contact with the teenager. The teen set down the cloth she was using to dry her hands and finally made eye contact to the older man. “I’m not leading you money if that what’s your thinking.”
Jungkook pouted. “Why? You know I’m worth it!”
“Really, Jungkook?”
“I’ll give you whatever you want!”
“I’m not interested in anything that you could possibly buy for me.” Eunji pointed her forefinger at the half naked male. “Look I know you don’t do one night stand, but come on! Don’t tell me that you are not interested by this!” Jungkook flexed his arms and display his body to the female. Eunji eyed the male up and down. The flawless milky skin, the toned abs, his belly button piercing, the attractive jawline, his trademark smile, the mini tattoo of the feather on his tailbone, those brown doey eyes, his silver graduated lobe piercings, the always-perfect hair. Honestly, Eunji would have just dragged Jungkook to his room and let him fuck her like there’s no tomorrow. But Eunji has more dignity than that. The teen leveled her eyes with the raven haired male and walked away from Jungkook. “I’ve seen better!” She directed her way to the bathroom. “You know what, Kim Eunji? Fuck you!” He hissed at Eunji. “You wished Jeon Jungkook!” Eunji yelled back, sticking her middle as she slammed the door behind her, making the argument halt.
It was about 2:30 by the time Eunji arrived back to her house after her classes in college. She had her history test on Monday and she needed every last second to study - also including the next four hour shift she has at the cafe she works at. She grabbed her house key from her pocket and plugged it into the door. But before she could turned the doorknob, the door opened inward and for the second time today, Eunji was glared upon a stranger, but this time a male.
“Well look what we have here.” The boy standing at the door, tracing his eyes on Eunji’s feminine body like raw meat. Everything about this man made Eunji want to punch him in the face. The boy’s dark brown hair was sticking out everywhere. His shirt was torn up and didn’t looked like it’s been washed for decades. He had a pocket full with twenties and a pack of cancer sticks, making Eunji realized that he was one of Jungkook’s stands. Eunji rolled her eyes at the man and as she did so, the male grasped on her wrist and dragged Eunji into the house. She was stared at about five or seven men and women, waiting for their turns. The smell of wine and tobacco overdosed the room, making Eunji cough a little from the pungent smell. “Hey, Jungkookie!” The brunette yelped to Eunji’s roommate, whom must be in another room. “Is this the girl you’ve been babbling about?” The girl snapped her head at the male, trying to get out of his grip but there was no use.
 “You’re a tough one, are you?” Smirking at Eunji, the male pulled her closer. “Hey! How’s about you sleep with me instead if you don’t want to have sex with Jungkook.” The rude male smirked with slightly whiten teeth towards the teenager. "As if anyone would be willing to have your dick shoved in their ass, Hyunseung…” A voice from the hallway muttered and everyone’s head turned to see Jungkook standing in the room with his arms crossed. “You were begging when we first met, Kookie.” The guy, whom name was ‘Hyunseung’ looked at the elderly and glared at him. “That’s why I make everyone one pay like you do.” He narrowed his eyes at Hyunseung. “Now back off.” Jungkook threatened. “Why? I think she wants me.” Hyunseung lightly kissed the back of Eunji’s neck and younger twitched by the touch. That made the pretty boy snapped. Jungkook walked up and pulled the two apart, keeping the male’s tattered shirt in his balled up fist. “I said back off, Hyunseung!”
Before Jungkook could turned his head toward Eunji to ask her to leave, she was out of the door, without any warning.
  Eunji sighed when she saw the clock struck to 11 o'clock. The cafe has been closed for more than four hours ago. She turned back to her biology textbook, eating a slice of key lime pie, still wearing her
She was about halfway finished with the book when the ringtone of the front door alerted her that someone entered the shop. “Sorry we’re closed now. Please come back at 9.” She said as her nose was buried in the crack of the pages. “Then why are you still here?” Eunji was startled by the familiar voice and whipped her head to see her roommate with his arms crossed with one eyebrow raised. “J-Jungkook?!…”
“At your service,” Jungkook replied not breaking his expression. “Now, why are you here? I thought your shift ended a few hours ago?” He questioned again. “It did. But I needed a quiet place and I’m sure I couldn’t focus if I’m hearing you moan for hours, banging against my wall. Plus I didn’t knew how long your 'friend’ was going to be there.” Jungkook gave her a look. “So what, you were planning to stay here all night?”
 “No!” The youngster shot back to the male. “I-I was going to give you a more time and if they were still there, I would a kicked their asses to the curb!” Eunji growled beneath her teeth. “You? You almost got raped by a pervert!”
 “He didn’t rape me!”
 “Yeah, because I was there to save your petite little ass!”
 “Okay…” Eunji tsked. Then a thought popped into her head.“Wait a minute, why are you here?” Jungkook shrugged. “You didn’t come back home and I kind of got worried sick about you due that I’ve blowing up your phone with text messages so I walked here to see if you were alright.”
 “You were worried about me?” Eunji blinked in disbelief.
 “Of course I was worried, what do you take me as? A cold hearted person?” Jungkook uncrossed his arms and looked at the female. “You’re my roommate! If anything happens to you then I would have get my ass broken to pay for every bill myself!” Eunji laughed at his joke. “I’m touched…Wait, you said you called me right?”
 Jungkook bobbed his head as a reply.
 “Then how come my phone…?” She dug into her pocket to see her buried in text messages and multiple voice messages. “I forgot I turned off my phone so I could study.” Eunji kept on staring upon each message with a smile across her face. Surprisingly the other was worried sick about her. “So will come back home?” Jungkook asked Eunji who was grabbing her stuff in her backpack. “That depends, are your clients gone?”
 “Yeah, I kicked them out an hour after you left.”
 “Because after you left, I got the courage to call Kiseop about quitting. Of course he blew some steam but we finally made an agreement” Jungkook hitched his thumbs into his pocket nonchalantly. “You- what! You can do that?” The girl was having trouble wrapping this around her mind as she hung up her apron. “So let me just get this straight, no more one night stands?”
 Jungkook shooked his head.
 “No more half naked people roaming around our house?”
 Again, Jungkook shook his head in agreement.
 “And you’re not a prostitute anymore?”
 “Well about that…”
 Eunji looked at him, shocked.
 “Jeez I’m just pulling your strings,” Jungkook chuckled. “After they left I went out and got a full time job at the music shop about an hour away from here.” Eunji gasped at the male. “Really?”
 “I started on Sunday.” Jungkook announced and Eunji just smiled like an idiot. “Jungkook! That’s amazing!” The teen threw her arms around his neck, hugging him with all the strength she had. “Thanks…” The brushing of his breath against her skin snapped Eunji right back into reality and she quickly pushed Jungkook away. “S-sorry…” The girl looked down as her cheek bloomed into a radiant red color. “Don’t be,” Jungkook painted his trademark smile as his arms coiled around his roommate’s hip and looked into her eyes. “I like being close to you.” Eunji’s eyes were as big as saucers, her heart racing. “Really?” Jungkook nodded. “In fact, why don’t we get more closer…” Before she could replied, Jungkook slightly tilted his head and smashed his lips on her petite one’s. Eunji was awestruck by the older’s bold move. Jungkook’s lips were so moist and softer than Eunji could have imagined but she felt it was too risky. The teen tried to push away the male but Jungkook had a good grip around her waist and his lips were stucked on her like glue. As much as Eunji tries to back away, the pretty boy was one step ahead of her.
 Eunji went so far that she was practically crawling on top of the table in chances to detach her with the raven haired male so she brought her hands to the older and shoved Jungkook off of her. The two stared into each other eyes for what seem like an eternity, chest falling up and down, hearts beating up against their rib cages. By the look in Jungkook’s eyes, he was overpowered with lust and sexual desires while Eunji’s was still in searching mode, believing that this is just dream. The teen was trying to think of any reasons to not be doing this with her roommate. But in those few moments, she couldn’t think of one good solution whatsoever why she can’t so Eunji forfeit and relinquished herself to what her body’s been begging and prayed for a long time: Jeon Jungkook. Without warning, the teen wrapped her arms around Jungkook’s neck and pulled the man’s irresistible lips back to hers. Her eyes were closed as she shoved her pink muscle from the older. She hadn’t realised until now that Jungkook wanted to this more than she did. But by the way how Jungkook was looking into Eunji and his hand roaming around her pink uniform, it was clear that Jungkook was begging for Eunji’s body as well.
 As their hands continued to roam around one another’s bodies and tongues wrestling, lust was overdose in their body. There was heat and passion that neither of them had for such a long time. It was final that each other wanted to do one another and we’re going to get what they desired for. “Can I?” Jungkook smirked as he slowly unzipped Eunji’s maid costume. “Why not…” the brunette whispered back to black haired male, her hands placed on the tea table. A small chuckle escaped from Jungkook as he quickly unraveled the annoying fabric to see her beautiful laced bra, covering her mound. He hadn’t wasted any time to admire in girl’s smooth rich skin and attacked her hardening nipple with his lips. Eunji didn’t even try to even soften her moans, she want to let the male know how much she been wanting him and only him. Once the ex-prostitute finally realized he given enough attention to Eunji’s chest, Jungkook hitched up Eunji’s skirt to see her panties soaked. Jungkook pulled off everything excepted for her white socks and spread her legs to see her wet clit. The teen didn’t feel embarrassed at all, but when Jungkook was hypnotized by the beautiful teen’s organ, the blush started to flow into her face. “Your face matches your lingerie.” He blew hot air against her sensitive area, making her squirm in delight. “S-Shut up..” Eunji covered her eyes with her arm as she could felt Jungkook’s nose nuzzling in her folds. “I’m gonna make you feel good, sweetie.” Jungkook swiped his tongue at her folds, and later started to make a rhyme, making Eunji a moaning mess, Jungkook was bobbing his head up and down, sucking her dry, memorizing the sweet nectar that was spewing slowly. He went back to her clit, humming a song to vibrate the wiggling organ. Eunji felt like her eyes were about to rolled behind the back of her head and her hands were holding onto Jungkook’s hair for dear life.
“Jungkook I feel like I’m about….to…” Jungkook felted her clit throbbed around his plump lips and quickly let go of the wet, hot clitoris. “I can’t let do that, Eunji-chan.” Jungkook teased as he ripped his black tight shirt of him and pulled down his pants and boxers together, his erection pointing towards Eunji. “Do you need a little help there?” Eunji smirked as she pointed at Jungkook’s friend, going down on her knees. “If you insist.” Without a second to waste, Eunji shaped her mouth to an “O” shaped and slipped the organ inside her mouth and looked up at the pretty boy who was holding on the table. Eunji’s first lick sent shivers down his spine. Her first suck sent Jungkook to Cloud 9. Pleased by the reaction she got, Eunji went faster and faster making Jungkook more weak to his knees. Jungkook started bucking his hips rapidly. “Eunji p-pull out….” She didn’t listened on purpose and added in a humming noise to the concoction making Jungkook lose his mind. Jungkook bites his lips hard enough to taste the blood and grasped Eunji’s hair, pulling her mouth off of him with a loud “POP!”
“You’re such a bad girl…” Eunji was later pinned on top of the table, her legs spread wide open. “Kim Eunji…I want to fuck the sense out of you.” Jungkook rubbed his hardening erection on Eunji’s wet pussy. “Then show me.” Eunji pecked Jungkook’s lips and wrapped her arms around his shoulder. “Do you have condoms?”
“You’re talking to a retired prostitute! Of course I have protection with me.” Jungkook dig into his back pocket to behold a black packet in the air. Eunji took the plastic wrapper and teared it with her teeth. He grasped on the plastic condom and securely coated his cock with the plastic, pumping it a few times. “I’ve been waiting for this day to come!” He looked into Eunji’s hazed eyes. “Jungkook, just fuck me alright!” Eunji cupped her roommate’s cheeks and Jungkook smirked. “With pleasure.” And with that, Jungkook grabbed on both side of the teen’s waist as the tip of his cock disappeared into her pink, puckered hole. “Fuck!” Jungkook sworn because of Eunji being tight and the heat was so different, yet Jungkook found that he could thrusted inside the younger easily. And to be honest, Eunji didn’t looked like she was in pain…at all.
“J-Jungkook…” Eunji moaned, her eyes fluttering shut.
“Wow, you really have fingered yourself really well.” Jungkook mutter once his balls were lodged inside the youngster. Eunji’s eyes blinked. “H-How did you…”
“Come on, I’m your roommate and I hear you moan once in awhile, plus you don’t do stands and I know you don’t have a boyfriend so it was kind of easy to connect the dots!” Jungkook smirked at the dazed Eunji. By the time he finished his last word, without any warning, the older male rammed inside the teen, knowing that she could take it. Eunji yelped, feeling the ping of pain shooting through her back with every thrust Jungkook made - she would definitely be feeling that in the morning indeed.
As Jungkook was repeating his action of pulling out so that the tip was inside and then pounding all the way back in hard, the teen collapsed on her elbows, touching her back on the cold table. The roommates took a while to catch their breath until Jungkook’s eyes were locked on something nearby. “Are those kitty ears?” He reached over to captured the pink furred feline ears with two silver bells on each corner and laughed hysterically. “I’ve never seen this before. How come you never wear this?” Waving the headband at Eunji, the teen bites her lip, looking away. “Because I feel…like a…”
“Like what?”
“A…slut…when I wear that. Plus people look at me weirdly.” That made Jungkook softly chuckled at his roommate’s cuteness. “Well,” Jungkook then turn Eunji’s head and placed the accessory on her head. “I think you look beautiful…” Jungkook looked at his cute feline teen and pecked her nose as he kept on thrusting into her. He alternated between bursts of fast and furious rams, and stretches of slow and deep ones - the bells on Eunji’s kitty ear kept clashing every time their skin slapped together. The teen’s eyes rolled close, Jungkook’s cock rapidly hitting against her g-spot, making Eunji feel like her was melting with the addictive sensation. Eunji slurred a few pleads of “More!” and “Faster!” while moaning Jungkook’s name in the café, letting it echo in the hallways. The air around them was get hotter and they yelped loud enough to wake the gods but they didn’t care one bit.
Minutes passed before Jungkook felt his groin throbbing vigorously. He wanted to keep going on, he also wanted to experience what he’s been waiting for.
“Shit! I’m gonna come, Eunji.” Jungkook choked on his words as Eunji nodded and swung her arms around his shoulder. “O-Oppa…J-Jungkook Oppa~I’m gonna come t-too…” The kitten moaned, arching her back, ripping the skin on his back and that was enough for Jungkook and Eunji to come at the same time. Jungkook rode out his orgasm, rolling his hips into the kitten maid, until his penis was wet and flaccid. The room finally became silenced as Jungkook pulled out his motionless cock out of Eunji’s penetrated hole, which was still lightly twitching a bit. “Eunji…” No answer. “Eunji?” He looked down to see the girl fast asleep in a cat pose, making the older male smirked and pulled out his phone to snap a photo of the beautiful sleeping creature.
“You’re such a good girl…Eunji…”
Something weird was brushing on the back of Eunji’s neck hair which made the teen woke up from her slumber. She stretched her arms wide, as she swung the covers off of her, she spread a smile across her face. Jungkook was quietly sleeping with his arm latched around her half naked body. Eunji laid back down to see the gorgeous man, that at last Jungkook was just hers now. Eunji curled up next to him, smelling the scent of his milky white skin until Jungkook snapped his eyes slowly, rubbing his eyes to see Eunji who still had her kitty ears from last night. “Good morning, Kitty!” Jungkook smiled and pecked his roommate’s lips. “I guess it wasn’t a dream after all.”
“Last night at the café.” Jungkook pulled out a sly smirk and rubbed his nose against the others. “I have the painful scars to prove it.” Jungkook rubbed his back as Eunji cocked her eyebrow up. “You’re in pain? My whole torso ripped into half thanks to you.” They both laughed and Jungkook held onto to Eunji’s chin. “You were asking for it.” They both kissed once again and cuddled into their arms.
“Yes Kitty?”
“You still didn’t quite answer my question about why you quit being a-”
“Because I wanted to be with you…” Eunji blinked a few times at the older male, who was turning on his phone. “You quitted for me?” Jungkook nodded as a response. “Well you said and I quote: 'You would never date anyone like me!’. I want you, Kitty! I want you to be the person I wake up with, spend my days and nights with, and sleep with.” Jungkook confessed to his kitten, making her speechless. After get back out her trance, Eunji leaned forward and captured the other’s lips passionately until she spot something in the corner of her eye. “Jungkook?” She unlatched her lips from Jungkook. “Yeah?”
 “What’s that on your wallpaper?” Jungkook looked at his phone to see Eunji’s nude photo he took as his screensaver. “It’s you.” He smiled with confidence to the pouting girl. “Jungkook, delete that! Now!” The kitten whined into her lover’s eardrum. “Why? You look so horny in this one!” He smirked and smashed his lips against his lover's, starting their Gods know how long make-out session.
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honeydroplet · 8 years
Mistake (M)
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word count : 12.8+k words (long as fuck sorry ; v ; not!)
genre : angst, smut, horror
summary : Baekhyun, to all of his fans, is a loving, care-free, talented person but what they don’t know is what he is off camera. This the story that would change EXO’s history.
warning(s) : character deaths, cutting, suicide/sudical thoughts (please do not read, if this will affect you…)
“Baekhyun, hurry and get out of this fucking shower!“ Xiumin, one of the dancer of the most currently famous group, EXO, hurried the other who was hogging up a long time in the restroom. “I’ll be out soon, hyung. Just give me a second.” The raven haired boy muttered softly in a tone of respect to not tempt the elder to kick the hinges down off the door. He had been taking so long because he was tending to the fresh cuts wounds on his abused thighs. “Is the douche still there? Come on, Baekhyun! Just fucking get your ass out here! NOW! Before I suffocate you with my fist up your throat.” Baekhyun heard another voice, assuming that by the low-pitched voice that it belonged to the leader of EXO-M, Kris.
These are the types of things that Baekhyun would tell himself for courage to cut himself even though his boyfriend doesn’t appreciate it when he does these devastating actions. He wiped a few dripping tears descending off his cheery-like cheeks, slipping his sharpened blade in his back pockets before exiting out the washroom with a fake bright smile on his face. “Good morning hyungs~” Baekhyun sing to his gnarling band members. Not surprised, Baekhyun knew he wasn’t going to get a welcomed greeting. “Thanks to your slow ass, we’re about one hour late for our practice stage for EXO’Luxion.” The singer’s crystalline teeth closed from its beautiful smile to a disappointed frown. “I used the same amount of time like everyone of you guys. Plus you guys oversleep all the time!” Even though Baekhyun sounded like a stuck-up person, he was actually telling the truth but obviously he wasn’t going to win this battle without a remark from Xiumin and Kris.
“Oh. So you want to be smart now with me?” Kris spit on the shivering vocalist as he was forcefully grabbed by the his bruised wrist. Baekhyun let out a silent hiss out of his bitten lips. “Baekhyun, let me remind you about your position here. You were a mistake on this group. Of course you can sing but besides that, you are just a worthless and pathetic kid. You’re basically just here because you’re fucking parents wanted you here. Don’t you dare think that anyone of us want you in this group. I can only think how you are still even in this group in first place.” Kris’s eyes browsed Baekhyun from the tip of his black hair which was sticking out in every direction to his torned up grey, almost morphing in a moldy mellow color converses. “Oh and another thing,” Now Xiumin, the eldest out of the two, added. “Don’t get too comfortable here. You’ll be out of those doors any day now. I promise you.” Regardless of his dreams of being a singer, he would be gone soon to the military due that he was somehow enlisted to go first. The obedient youngster simply nodded and bowed, to which his hyungs simply ignored his kindly gesture.
Baekhyun walked to the kitchen where about half of everyone was enjoying their breakfast while the rest we’re playing with some weird game but he realised that someone is missing due to the uneven number of members separated. He ignored the good looking food which most likely Kyungsoo made for the members except for him and only allowed himself to have a bowl of regular bland cereal. “Baek~!” Locks of silver shaded hair fallen onto Baekhyun’s shoulder and a familiar set of arms coiled around Baekhyun’s feminine waist and the smile that had once vanished soon returned and remembered who was last person missing. “Good morning Chanyeollie.” Chanyeol laid his face in the boy’s aroma-filled neckline forming a slight smirk across his face. “Morning hyung. Are you still okay from last night?” Chanyeol blew hot air under Baekhyun’s sweet spot which was located behind his ears to make him image the erotic kissing and touching they both made. Even though they didn’t have sex last night, Baekhyun was still blushing at the sexual words that slipped out of the younger’s heart shaped lips. A inaudible moan slipped out of the elder’s lips followed a slow nod. Baekhyun then added a decent amount of milk to his bowl of cereal, letting it soak for a while. “Aren’t you sick of eating that crap you call breakfast, hyung?” Baekhyun given a light shrug off his shoulders and leaned forward to take a spoonful of the flavorless cereal into his mouth. “Tell me why you aren’t eating this good food that Kyungsoo made?” Chanyeol’s raspy voice morphed into a sad child not getting what he wanted on Christmas. “I just don’t want to, Yeol.” The younger adult wouldn’t approve that answer from his boyfriend. “Baek, you know you can tell me anything. What did Kris done this time?” Baekhyun groaned in defeat, knowing that he wasn’t going to make Chanyeol back off easily. He didn’t want to even think about the crooked words Kris nor Xiumin said to him. “I just don’t want to sit with a bunch of bloodthirsty killers who want me dead okay?! Just let me eat my cereal in peace. I don’t want any trouble to start!” Chanyeol slowly let his arms slip from his boyfriend’s waist which left Baekhyun in contact with the sudden coldness once again. “Who the fuck do you think you are to talk to Chanyeol that way?” Kris had just entered the kitchen, pausing the game Kai, Tao, Luhan, Chen, and Lay were also playing. Baekhyun slowly looked up, his face turning pale and his beautiful fingers trembling with fear to see two cold eyes sending daggers into his dilated ones. “Are you okay, Channie?” The tall leader glanced at Baekhyun’s lover who gave a small nod almost unnoticed.
If you didn’t knew already, Yes, it true. Kris, since the day they debuted, was deeply - no not deeply - obsessed with Chanyeol. Then out of nowhere, Baekhyun was added to this group last minute. Well that’s how Kris remembers it. But in actuality, Chanyeol didn’t have any feelings for the leader, that what he said to Baekhyun. But as soon as Baek came through those doors that midnight at the dorms, Chanyeol was a love sick puppy towards the elder. Kris influences (more like frighten) mostly the rest of EXO so he was able to get them to hate Baekhyun too but not as much as him.
“I didn’t m-mean it in a mean-” Before Baekhyun could finish his sentence, the dirty blonde then jerked the bowl of cereal off the counter and chuck the fluids all over Baekhyun’s face. The black haired male wasn’t close enough to react. His eyelashes catched droplets of milk as the cold fluid seeped through his shirt and bits of cereal sticked onto Baekhyun’s milky skin. "What the fuck, Wu? What the hell is your problem?”
“He was asking for it, Chanyeol. I don’t allow anyone to talk to my member, especially you, like that. He should’ve learned better than that.” Chanyeol growled beneath his teeth and took Baekhyun’s still trembling hand, then leaded him to his room to change his cold clothes. “Baek, are you okay?” Chanyeol then placed a finger under the elder’s chin to see his eyes bewildered with fear. Baekhyun’s almost skeletal-like arms quaked vigorously in the air, opened wide for the youngster. “C-channie…I’m cold…” Baekhyun lips quivered in fear and Chanyeol only did what he could do. Comfort him. The giant wrapped his arms, laying his chin on top of the boy’s soaking hair, giving Baekhyun all of his warmth.
“It’s okay, Baek. I’m here for you. Okay?” Baekhyun slowly rubbed his cheek up and down in between Chanyeol’s clothed chest for his answer. Chanyeol then gave him a effortless smile in the air. “Hurry and change before Kris hyung gets pissed off again. You can wear my clothes for now until we get changed.“ Chanyeol got out of Baekhyun’s grip and walked to their shared closet to retrieve a folded pile clothes and laid it on Baekhyun’s bed. Baekhyun inspected loosely onto the oversized jacket and sweater with a pair of black ripped jeans to the side. “Thank you, Yeollie.” Baekhyun bowed politely and lightly touched the texture of the wool sweater. Before Baekhyun could even lifted up the bottom of his wet shirt, Chanyeol was out the door, closing it behind him.
"We are one! Hello we’re EXO!” The audience cheered and clapped as EXO introduced themselves. “So this will be the talk section of your concert.” A guy in his late thirties, who he announced his name earlier was ‘Kim Jong Kook’, spoked into the mic. “We’ll get right to the questions now. First question goes to…Kris Wu. Who is your favorite and least favorite member?” Kris ran his fingers through his tousled hair, biting his lips in thought. “Well…of course I love all these guys equally. They’re my second family after all. But I’m leaning towards Chanyeol as my answer simply because I’ve known him longer and he’s my best friend out of these goofballs.” He then glanced at the giant, who was sitting next to me, and smiled ear to ear at the silver haired rapper. “As for least favorite…umm…” He then twitched his pupils towards my direction and looked at the host. Kris licked his lips while slowly raising his microphone to his lips to speak. “Baekhyun is my choice. He takes forever in the bathroom, he’s always oversleeping, and he’s such a diva.” They all laughed, even Baekhyun. “I’m joking, I’m joking. I love all my dongsaengs and hyungs even Baekhyun.” Baekhyun knew that the words that came out of Kris’ mouth was a huge falsification.
The interview continued and the members played games and everything. Even the lifting game but Kris was his Baekhyun’s lifting partner, and obviously Kris dropped him the minute he touched the leader’s arms ‘on accident’, as to what Kris told to everyone multiple times. “Baekhyun, a fan has a question for you. If you were a girl, which member would you date and why?” The crowd roared with such amusement as a few member started to ‘flirt’ the singer to get his attention. Baekhyun’s eye immediately gazed off into the distance to heard the chant ‘BAEKYEOL’ was audible in the crowd. The vocalist began blushing. “Well…” He looked to Chanyeol, who was also blushing as well. “I’d date Chanyeol…he’s has nice lips, big ears, nice arms that he could hold me with, a firm chest, his funny personality, of course…” Baekhyun caressed the back of Chanyeol’s silver hair locks with every compliment he slipped out his mouth. The list continued on and on while Kris got more and more flustered by every touch Baekhyun given to the giant puppy. “He’s just the definition of perfect. Anyone would be lucky to have him.” Baekhyun finished his reply with a chuckle towards his boyfriend. Kris and few other member faked gaged as the couple embraced one another.
“I love you, Baekhyun hyung~” Chanyeol whispered in Baekhyun’s ears which started to heat up as well as his reddened face.
“So they will be our last song of the concert!” Suho announced to fans who moaned sadly at our departure. “So Chanyeol.” Kris interrupted Suho to ask the boy who was behind his boyfriend, readjusting the kitty headband strapped onto Baekhyun’s head. “Yes, hyung!”
“What song do you think we should end this amazing concert?” All eyes went on Chanyeol, curious to know what the rapper might choose. His hands scrabbled into his silver locks. “Aish! I didn’t study for this hyung~!” He stomped his feet like a little toddler, having a tantrum in front of the giggling members and fans. With a pout glue to his lips, Chanyeol whipped his head towards Baekhyun, who still get out all his laughter. “Baek~!” The stadium echoed Baekhyun’s nickname and crowd went insane - probably the people who believed in Baekyeol. Baekhyun hummed into his microphone while looking up into the dark pupils of Chanyeol’s eyes. “What do you want?” Baekhyun blinked a few times due to the cuteness of his boyfriend’s voice send him into a haze.
“L-Lucky…” The vocalist shuddered as Chanyeol looped an arm over his shoulder nonchalantly. “Okay, hyung. If that’s what hyung want, I want the same thing too! So I pick Lucky!” Kris diverted his eyes towards Baekhyun, giving him a unnoticable glare then redirected his now softened eyes in the direction of Chanyeol and smiled. “Okay. Lucky it is! Let go~!”
The concert was over and the boys were back at the dorm. Towards night time, everyone except Chanyeol and Baekhyun left either to go to bed or play on their phones. Baekhyun glanced the his boyfriend to see that was immersed into into thoughts. The rapper’s head swayed back and forth in a rhythmical way. “Yeollie?” Baekhyun patted Chanyeol’s head as he sat next to him with a box full of strawberry-dipped breadsticks. “Are you okay? You seemed off when we performed ‘Lucky’. Did you like the song?” Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “Isn’t it the song you choose? Anyways, I’m tired, okay?” Baekhyun sighed and cleared his throat to get the reclined rapper’s attention. “Chanyeol, I know something bugging you so confess….” Chanyeol turned to look at Baekhyun, who blood turned cold by his boyfriend’s hostile. “C-Channie…” A glimmering in Baekhyun’s eyes, almost shedding a tear, shot Chanyeol’s heart like a dagger and he was nearly to the point of just kissing those pink stained lips, that quivered vigorously.
A sighed came out of the giant’s mouth and placed his right hand on Baekhyun’s cheek, rubbing the delicate skin with his thumb. “Yah! Don’t cry. You know I hate it when you get all depressed like that.”
“But I only wanted to make you happy…It was our song after all…” Lucky by EXO was the trademark song for Chanyeol and Baekhyun due the youngster worked all year to perfect that song just for Baekhyun, he once said at their one year anniversary.
Chanyeol bit onto his lips, feeling a tad bit of guilt at the end of his throat and spoke to the elder.
“Baek. The only thing that make me happy is you and only you, got it whiny baby?” Softly chuckling, Baekhyun nodded. He already knew this. He just needed to hear it. Let it soothe his miserable life and fill it up with warmth. “I know baby, I’m sorry…” He laid his head on Chanyeol’s broad shoulder. “You don’t need to apologize, hyung.” Chanyeol rubbed the small of Baekhyun’s back with his other hand, still caressing the elder’s blushing cheek in the other.
The night consisted of them feeding each other strawberry-dipped breadsticks and delicate kisses on each other faces, not even watching the film that was projecting on their screen. Once the movie was over, Chanyeol turned the TV off. It was dark, and slightly due that they can still hear the murmurs of the members talking to one another. Baekhyun blinked at Chanyeol who kissed his cheek. “We should get ready for bed…My little Baekhyun needs his beauty sleep.” A cheerful smile sat on hislips, tussling a few of Baekhyun’s hair through his fingers.
“Um…Chanyeol…” Baekhyun then spoke out. The rapper gave his attention his hyung.
“It’s been a year since we…you know…so I was kind of wondering, if you don’t mind…” Chanyeol’s voice seeped a low laugh and he lifted Baekhyun to sit on his lap, making him yelp shortly. “Hyung, do you really want to have sex? I mean I’m not against and all but, Baekhyun, we only did it one time and last you said that, you ended up crying when I was about to unzip your pants.”
“That why I want to do it. I just want to make it up for you.” Baekhyun flinched at Chanyeol’s hot breath touched his own lips. “Plus, I saw the way how you stared at me when we were performing Lucky…” Baekhyunindented his lips with his teeth seductively. “Okay. I’ll believe you but I swear if you try to stop, I’ll never have sex with you again.”
“I promise, Yeollie…” One of the older’s legs swung over Chanyeol’s waistline and he cupped his boyfriend’s cheeks, to which Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Baekhyun’s waist. “Ready…?” Chanyeol asked in a hushed voice. “R-ready…” Chanyeol didn’t need to hear that twice.
His strong, built arms squeezed Baekhyun’s thin waist as their lips connected in a harsh, desperate manner, causing the older to whimper into the kiss. They were hot, needy, young, and horny. The one on top was fidgety, squirmy, and a bit too loud. Chanyeol pulled his lips away and puffed his cheek. “Stop being loud!”
“I’m sorry. It’s just been long time. I haven’t use to it yet.”
Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “Come with me.” Not giving the elder any time respond, Baekhyun was already dragged by Chanyeol, who was darting towards Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s ‘shared’ room, locking the door behind him. They were eager to get down to business, that’s for sure. Chanyeol slowly walked up to Baekhyun, who was against the door, blocked with nowhere to go. “Get ready, hyung…”
“I’ve been ready for more than a year now.” Baekhyun’s body was then tugged to Chanyeol’s, feeling the rise and fall of the giant’s chest. Chanyeol subsequently leaned his lips, pressing them against Baekhyun’s, hungrily licked the extract of strawberry over his bottom lip. Baekhyun wrapped his arms around Chanyeol’s neck and Chanyeol frowned at how his arms trembled harshly, pulling away and looking intently at Baekhyun’s losted eyes. “Baek.” Chanyeol’s voice clicked Baekhyun’s brain out of space and looked into his. “I’m trying my best to make you feel good but I can’t do that if you’re scared. Okay?”
Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol, nodding as he tightened his grip on Chanyeol to bring the giant down closer making Chanyeol’s smirk grew larger.
Chanyeol gave Baekhyun’s temples a sweet peck before pressing his lips against Baekhyun’s again, satisfied that Baekhyun wasn’t vibrating anymore. He slowly moved his lips across Baekhyun’s, parting them then closing them around Baekhyun’s top lip drawing little moans from the elder. Chanyeol tilted his head more, sucking Baekhyun’s bottom lip into his mouth, licking the pink flesh.
Baekhyun shivered, tightening his grip on Chanyeol’s neck, his knees bending as his thighs compress against Chanyeol’s waist with a inaudible whimper.
Chanyeol used one of his hands to softly caress Baekhyun’s thigh as he nibbled the older’s plump bottom lip, leading him to the bed. Baekhyun’s legs we’re over Chanyeol’s, not breaking their needy kiss. This made Baekhyun shivered again, waist raising and pressing onto Chanyeol’s.
Chanyeol was first taken off guard by the elder’s bold move but later added fiction with the concoction. Baekhyun then gasped, running his fingers through Chanyeol’s silver locks, tugging them, while Chanyeol butterfly kiss Baekhyun’s jaw line. “C-Chanyeol…”
Chanyeol released Baekhyun’s skin, smiling at the darkened flesh and pecking Baekhyun’s lips as his hands went to the bottom of Baekhyun’s oversized grey sweater. Baekhyun’s eyes flashed open and swipedChanyeol’s fingers away from the soft material. “Baekhyun.” Chanyeol coldly growled at the vocalist. “You promised.”
“I know. I’m just cold. Can I please keep it on, Yeol?” Baekhyun lied. Chanyeol knows that Baekhyun cuts but he crossed his heart that he would never touch another blade after that but the older didn’t follow his promise. Baekhyun batted his eyes at Chanyeol, who only gave out a long sigh, followed with a nod. “Okay. But you still have to lift up your sweater.”
Baekhyun hummed while he lifted his back and waist off the bed to help Chanyeol lifted up the annoying material, to exposed Baekhyun well decently built body.
Chanyeol’s eyes trailed everything from his collarbones to his hipbones, throat going dry. “Wah! Hyung you’re quite built.” Baekhyun giggled lightly, tugging Chanyeol’s shirt. Chanyeol immediately got the hint, slipping off the cloth and tossing it in a random direction.
Baekhyun’s eyes widened slightly, soaking in the sight of shirtless Chanyeol.
Chanyeol smirked lightly at how his hyung was hypnotized by his chest, leaning down to kiss Baekhyun lightly. He trailed his kisses from Baekhyun’s lips to the corner of his mouth, across his cheek and down his neck, pausing to nip and lick his collarbones, before kissing down to one of Baekhyun’s pink nipples.
Baekhyun’s back arched when Chanyeol took his bud into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, flicking the tip of his tongue over the top, then sucking.
Chanyeol pulled away from the rosebud when it hardened, kissing it gently before going over to give the other the same treatment and Baekhyun’s eyes squeezed shut, whimpering lightly.
When Chanyeol pulled away, Baekhyun’s lips were parted and dry from his heavy breathing and deep pants he’s been making for the past five minutes.
Chanyeol smiled, cupping Baekhyun’s cheek and pecking his lips making him crack open his eyes. “Chanyeol…”
Chanyeol nuzzled his nose against Baekhyun’s jaw line before his hands went down to Baekhyun’s waistband until he felt a hand grip on his wrist. Chanyeol glanced up to see Baekhyun hitching his breath violently. “Baekhyun, I’ve seen it before. You don’t have to be embarrassed…Okay?” Chanyeol dragged his fingers against Baekhyun’s burning cheeks.
“Okay…” Baekhyun whispered, biting his bottom lip.
Chanyeol’s smile widened slightly, grabbing the waist bands and pulling down Baekhyun’s sweatpants and underwear in one move, tossing them in a random direction.
Baekhyun blushed, teeth digging into his flesh as his hands covered his face in embarrassment, bending one of his legs at the knee and moving it to cover his embarrassingly hard erection. Chanyeol looked up at Baekhyun and chuckled.
Baekhyun avoided eye contact until Chanyeol kissed his jowl lightly,removing his hands to look at the younger shyly.
Chanyeol gently ran a hand down Baekhyun’s chest and grabbed his knee, pushing his leg down and positioning himself between the older’s smooth legs to keep him from closing them again.
“Gosh…You’re so…sexy…” Chanyeol whispered against Baekhyun’s earshell making the singer whimper quietly.
Chanyeol chuckled, rubbing Baekhyun’s thighs lightly before raising a hand up to perplexed boy’s mouth. “Unless you want to fucked raw, I provide you to suck, hyung…” Baekhyun gulped loudly and slowly opened his mouth to let Chanyeol’s slender fingers enter inside. The vocalist’s tongue started coating the three of his boyfriend’s fingers in saliva until Chanyeol yanked the dripping digits out of his mouth, dropping it to between Baekhyun’s legs.
Chanyeol frowned at how Baekhyun’s chest went up and down at a quickening rate, breath coming out shaky.
“I know,Channie… I know.. I’m just.. worried.”
Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun with furrowed eyebrows. “Worried?”
“About the pain…We haven’t had sex for a year…I’m just…”
Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun intensely before using his free hand to cup Baekhyun’s cheek and kissed him deeply. When he pulled away, Baekhyun’s eyes were wide and confused. Chanyeol only smirked at his lover’s expression.“Baekhyun, stop thinking negative and look at the positives.”
Baekhyun blinked a few times before sighing, his head falling against the pillow.
Chanyeol gave Baekhyun’s Adam’s apple a light kiss before he circled Baekhyun’s muscle ring, kissing down his neck to his collarbone when he felt Baekhyun’s entrance tense up and gently pushed the finger into him.
Baekhyun gasped through his teeth, jaw clenched at the intrusion.
Chanyeol kissed all over Baekhyun’s face and neck as he waited a few seconds before thrusting his finger slowly, freezing when Baekhyun whimpered quietly before thrusting again.
After a few quiet moments, Chanyeol added another finger as slowly and gently as possible, creases forming between his eyebrows when Baekhyun whimpered and tightened the muscles in his face in pain.
Chanyeol kissed the creases between Baekhyun’s eyebrows before kissing down his nose, lips going over to Baekhyun’s ear to whisper sweet nothings. Chanyeol kept a slow pace, afraid of hurting Baekhyun.
When Chanyeol added another finger, Baekhyun let out a quiet cry and arched his back in hopes of getting away from the pain.
Chanyeol’s eyes widened and he immediately stopped his hand. “Baekhyun, I think you’re not rea—”
“No!” Baekhyun immediately interrupted Chanyeol, pushing down against Chanyeol’s fingers when the younger started removing them and hissing loudly.
“Baek…” Chanyeol whispered, free hand on Baekhyun’s cheek and thumb caressing the soft skin underneath Baekhyun’s eye. “Why did you do that?”
“Be-Because, I,” Baekhyun froze to try to push away the pain, “I didn’t.. want you to stop..”
Chanyeol’s eyebrows knitted together at how shaky Baekhyun’s voice was, words cracking in the middle.
Chanyeol groaned, curling and scissoring his fingers to make sure Baekhyun is properly stretched before he slowly removed his digits.
Chanyeol looked down before looking up at Baekhyun’s face then sighing. He slowly rid himself of any left over clothing except for Baekhyun’s sweater, and smiled lightly when Baekhyun’s dazed eyes stared into Chanyeol. His body was spread across the bed as his mouth breathe in and pushed out hot air that lightly touched Chanyeol’s lips.
Chanyeol spat on his hand and slicked up his erection before positioning himself at Baekhyun’s entrance, hands on Baekhyun’s thin waist. “Baekhyun…I’m going in….”
Baekhyun breathed lightly, looking down and eyes widening slightly for a split second at the sight of Chanyeol’s member ready to penetrate him before looking back up into Chanyeol’s lust filled eyes. “Ok…ay…” Baekhyun slowly breathed in and exhale out.
Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun before slowly pushing the head of his member into Baekhyun’s puckering entrance.
Baekhyun gasped sharply, head falling back and lifting himself up onto his elbows.
Chanyeol cringed and bit his bottom lip as he continued slowly pushing into Baekhyun, hips halting for a second when Baekhyun sobbed quietly or whimpered loudly, but continued to roll into him, knowing it’d be better to hurry and get it over with.
By the time he was sheathed inside of Baekhyun, the older was pressed against the mattress with his long sleeves over his eyes, other hand gripping the sheets, trembling bottom lip wedged between his teeth and tears slipping out of his eyes a bit faster than he’d like.
Chanyeol leaned down and cupped Baekhyun’s cheeks. “Baekhyun, look at me.”
Baekhyun slowly removed his sleeves and Chanyeol almost wished he didn’t tell Baekhyun to do that at how his eyebrows were deeply furrowed, eyes glittering with pain and sadness, waterline filled with liquid. “Baekhyun, just relax. That’s all you need to do, and I know it’s hard, but please, just try to relax. And trust me. I’m trying to be as gentle as possible, I promise.”
Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol’s eyes, eyebrows slowly relaxing, hiccups quiet and light.
“I love you.” Chanyeol whispered, pressing his forehead against Baekhyun’s and kissing him lightly.
Baekhyun sniffed deeply. “I-I love you too…”
Chanyeol’s smile widened and he laughed quietly along with Baekhyun, kissing him lightly again. Baekhyun took a few deep breaths before speaking, “Y-You can move.”
Chanyeol’s smile wavered as he slowly pulled out and pushed back in, Baekhyun gasping and eyebrows furrowing slightly again.
“Shh, baby,” Chanyeol whispered, using this thumbs to caress Baekhyun’s skin. “I’m sorry, I wish I could take the pain away.”
Chanyeol tried his best to keep his thrusts slow and gentle; Baekhyun’s tight warmth felt dangerously good around him, but he’ll be shrewd if he lets the pleasure control him and make him hurt Baekhyun.
Baekhyun wrapped his arms around Chanyeol’s neck and pulled him closer, pressing his forehead against Chanyeol’s as he breathed lightly. “Faster.”
“Are you sure? Is the pain gone?” Chanyeol asked worriedly, eyes searching Baekhyun’s face for pain, which he found everywhere.
“Yeah,” Baekhyun lied, “just go faster, please.”
He just wanted the pain to hurry up and disappear, and he was sure Chanyeol thrusting as slow as he was wouldn’t help anything except drag out the pain longer.
Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun before doing as told, hips rolling into Baekhyun as a quicker pace.
Baekhyun whimpered loudly and Chanyeol shushed him. “Quiet.“
Baekhyun’s eyebrows furrowed and he almost cursed out loud, using every single profanity he knew to express the pain.
Chanyeol kissed all over Baekhyun’s face again, lips lingering on Baekhyun’s own.
Chanyeol’s hands roamed over Baekhyun’s clothed back, rubbing the fabric in circles in hopes of calming the older down. Baekhyun leaned forward to connect their lips and Chanyeol immediately responded to the kiss.
"Faster.” Baekhyun whispered against Chanyeol’s lips.
Chanyeol almost stopped thrusting in surprise and uncertainty before silently doing as Baekhyun said, biting his bottom lip as he wasn’t sure if Baekhyun was as alright.
But after several quick thrusts and a few minutes later, Baekhyun had moans slipping past his red, kiss-bruised lips as he squirmed under Chanyeol and the rapper was happy Baekhyun wasn’t feeling anymore pain.
Chanyeol sucked lightly on Baekhyun’s neck as he snapped his waist into Baekhyun, the younger’s moans getting higher in pitch.
Chanyeol pressed a finger against Baekhyun’s lips, eyes staring at Baekhyun’s closed ones, shifting down to where his finger met Baekhyun’s closed lips before going back up. “The others will hear.” He whispered against Baekhyun’s cheek and the older shivered.
“Channie…” Baekhyun breathed, hands in Chanyeol’s silver hair.
Chanyeol removed his finger only to replace it with his lips, tilting his head.
Baekhyun moaned quietly, pulling Chanyeol closer, the waves of pleasure Chanyeol sent crashing down on him almost unbearable.
Chanyeol trailed a hand down to gently stroke Baekhyun’s throbbing member. Baekhyun immediately gasped and moaned into the kiss, back arching painfully, fingers gripping Chanyeol’s hair tightly.
“Yeol..” Baekhyun whimpered against Chanyeol’s lips.
Chanyeol smiled lightly, pumping Baekhyun’s erection in time with his thrusts.
Baekhyun hissed at the burning feeling in his gut that started to form; it was like a hot iron inside his abdomen and he hated it.
Chanyeol noticed this and thrusted in random directions until Baekhyun nearly screamed, facial muscles tightening.
Chanyeol pulled away from Baekhyun and clamped his hand over his mouth to muffle the sounds escaped Baekhyun, hissing when Baekhyun bit down on the skin between his index and middle finger.
Chanyeol’s gut also started to burn and twist, his thrusts quickening slightly.
It wasn’t long after that streams of white, sticky liquid painted their chests as Baekhyun fell into a river of pleasure, eyes rolling into the back of his head and his moan of Chanyeol’s name muffled by the younger’s skin.
The way Baekhyun tightened around Chanyeol and tried to push Chanyeol out every time he pulled out almost completely, resisting against him when he thrusted back in, and the way Baekhyun’s face was flushed red, lips parted, sweat-soaked fringe sticking to his forehead and half closed eyelid, is what sent Chanyeol over the edge, coating Baekhyun’s walls with him.
The room was filled with their pants and the smell of sex as Chanyeol slowly pulled out of Baekhyun, the younger hissing and whining as he suddenly felt empty.
Chanyeol looked down and smirked faintly at how abused and red Baekhyun’s entrance looked, a line of his semen leaking out. Chanyeol’s finger then scraped up the cum, only to place the digits into his mouth. Chanyeol crawled back up Baekhyun’s body and Baekhyun shivered at the taste of Chanyeol when the older kissed him.
Chanyeol pulled away with a stunning smile, that only made Baekhyun absent-minded to his surroundings.
Chanyeol’s hands were roaming around Baekhyun’s body and was getting dangerously close to the bandages. “Babe, aren’t you hot in that sweater? You look like you’re about to have a heat stroke any second now.” Chanyeol grabbed onto the hem’s of Baekhyun sweater. Baekhyun averted his eyes to Chanyeol’s hand which were slowly lifting the sweater up. “No, I’m fine…” Baekhyun lied to lover and lean into Chanyeol’s lips. “Okay.” Chanyeol smiled and played with Baekhyun’s dark locks. While Chanyeol begin to tell Baekhyun how much he loved him, his fingers unfortunately brushed upon the bandages.
“What’s that?” Baekhyun kept quiet.
“Tell me that’s not what I think it is.” Again, no reply. “You promised, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol shouted.
“You fucking promised not to do this shit anymore!”
“Okay, okay please lower your voice…listen to me, Yeol…”
“When did you do it, Baekhyun?” Baekhyun looked at floorboards which made the rapper more furious.
“BAEKHYUN!” Chanyeol’s fist banged on top of mattress. “Answer me. Now.”
“T-this morning….” Chanyeol didn’t want to hear it. “You promised…I took you to therapy. What do you want, Baekhyun? A straight jacket or something? Gosh, you just can’t control yourself, can you?” Baekhyun looked Chanyeol with teary eyes and Chanyeol didn’t seemed to be bother by the crying vocalist. “Give me the necklace…”
“Uhh? Ch-Chanyeol, please…I can do bet-”
“Better my ass! Now give it to me.”
“Chan-” Before Baekhyun could finished his name, Chanyeol forcefully grasped onto Baekhyun’s sweater, lifting him off the bed by two inches. “I swear to god, Baekhyun. I will hurt you if you don’t give me my fucking necklace back.” Baekhyun’s breath was violent, his hands going under his grey sweater to reveal a golden treble clef necklace that Chanyeol gave him on their one year anniversary and given it to Chanyeol. “I’m done with this relationship. I literally still can’t believe how stupid to give you chance after chance to redeem yourself but you only fail like usual…” Chanyeol mumbled. “And you know what?” Chanyeol whipped his head at the shivering singer. “Kris was right. You’re just a mistake.” He then walked away before Baekhyun could have any sort of reaction.
Baekhyun was left alone, dumped and heartbroken. Just like that, Chanyeol abandoned Baekhyun in the darkness and coldness of the singer’s room. His shaking knees lost balance, sending him plummeting to the cold wooden planks. He curled up in a fetal position, his sweater covering his naked body.
“You’re just a mistake…”
The words resonated in Baekhyun’s mind and his sleeves was soon wet with tears of sadness. He had no motivation anymore. He was done with himself, too.
After crying his eyes out, the exhaustion hit him hard and he passed out.
The next morning came rather slow. The sound of roaring thunders and clashing of hard rain pellets was playing outside. The boys didn’t have any schedules that day so they were allowed to sleep in or do whatever they wanted to do. The only ones who did, however, were Baekhyun and Luhan until Baekhyun was sudden awaken from his slumber by a terrifying nightmare he been waking up to ever since Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s break up.
At breakfast, Kai walked towards Chanyeol and pulled him aside. “Chanyeol…I’m not sure why but Baekhyun was crying all night. I couldn’t get any sleep because I was worried. Did something happened?” Usually Chanyeol would defend Baekhyun but he was done kissing his ass. "I dumped him. He’s still cutting and I just can’t be apart of that shit anymore.” Kai blinked several times to get the news straight out. He knew all too well that Chanyeol was the only person that actually cared about Baekhyun, he would never break his heart. “What? Is he okay?” Chanyeol shrugged. The break up didn’t seem to have any effect on him at all which made Kai curious about the rapper.
Little did anyone knew, Chanyeol was waiting for an perfect excuse to break up with Baekhyun. The actual reason he wanted to leave the vocalist was because he and Kris we’re actually dated for more than two years. They even had sex with one another when Baekhyun wasn’t around. He even thought about breaking up with me a few months ago but due to how Baekhyun became more clingy to him, he didn’t had the heart to do it.
It was around five in the afternoon when the black-haired walked out of his room, eyes fixed on his own feet. Chanyeol didn’t seem to care about Baekhyun’s appearance. “Yeol…” Baekhyun reached out and tugged at his ex’s sleeve. “Can I speak with you for a second?” He asked softly, eyes red and puffy.
“What?” Chanyeol said in the least interested tone. “Please take me back, Yeol…I don’t want lose you. Not now! You’re only one I have that loves me. I don’t want you leave me. I know I broke my promise but please. I’ll do better…for us. Just please, Channie…” As much as Baekhyun spilled his heart out to the rapper, Chanyeol could care less for Baekhyun’s apology. “Well, Baekhyun. There a bit of a problem with that. You see, my boyfriend wouldn’t like that…”
Baekhyun’s breath suddenly stopped and stared at Chanyeol, wide eyed. “B…Boyfriend?” Chanyeol nodded and even chuckled a little at the older stuttering before his eyes. “What? You thought I’d be sad for weeks before I was able to move on? Well, new flash, hyung. I’ve moved on so many months ago. I’m sick and tired of having to see you kill yourself every time I look away. I’m sick and tired of having to visit the hospital every week for your ass. I’m sick and tired of seeing you starve yourself to death. I’m sick and tired of you cutting yourself. And just in general, I’m so fucking sick and tired of you!” Baekhyun was at a loss for words, especially the last sentence. Each word pierced his heart like a sharp sword carving through tender flesh.
“Why didn’t tell me, Yeol? We could have work th-”
“No, Baekhyun! There’s just no fixing you! You’re broken! Inside and out! No matter how much treatment I have to pay for you, it was just a fucking waste. You just a useless human being.” Baekhyun shook his head slowly.
“Yeol…I never. Can you please just listen to me? I really need you. I love you so much…without you, I’m no-”
“Kris and I have been going out for two years.” Chanyeol interrupted. Baekhyun’s skin tone was as white as snow once he heard what his love said. “W-what..?”
“You fucking heard me. Now unless you want to look more like a jackass, you should fuck off. I’ve have plans now.” Chanyeol walked off, purposely shoving Baekhyun on his way out with Kris who had big smile on his face. “You got the necklace I gave you?” Baekhyun heard Chanyeol and gasped when he saw Kris holding up the golden necklace Chanyeol once given to him. He felt his eyes starting to watered up how his necklace was around Chanyeol’s new lover. His eyes then widened like saucers as he imaged his only love latching his lips he once touched to Kris in front of him before entering the leader’s room. Baekhyun didn’t knew what came to him but something inside the singer’s body just…snapped. As if everything in his life didn’t matter…now that he’s lost without Chanyeol.
“Baekhyun, me and Kai are gonna play video games. Wanna join?” Baekhyun politely shook his head at Sehun’s request and retreated to his room.
He didn’t bother locking the door since no one would check on him anyway. He got out his step ladder and the rope he bought last year. But first, he had remember if he ever commit doing this, he would leave a message behind for Kai, Sehun, Luhan and mostly Chanyeol. He grabbed his iPhone, placing it on top of the tripod he uses when he records his vocal skills and pressed record.
“Dear Yeollie…”
After coming home from their date, Chanyeol looked around for Baekhyun. He seemed unsettled and worried about how he acted in front of him. “Where’s Baekhyun?” Sehun looked up from the rubix cube that Luhan was solving and shrugged. “In his room.”
“Really?“ Chanyeol cocked a brow at the maknae. "Yeah but he’s probably just sleeping.” Chanyeol was about to step into Baekhyun’s room before Kris stopped him from his objective. “Where do you think you’re going Chan? We’re not finished with this date.” Kris looked at Chanyeol and looked at the door.
“You’re going to his room? Why?”
“I just want to talk to him, babe.” Chanyeol’s hand slowly twisted the knob but once again Kris taken the rapper’s hand in his. “He’ll be in there when we’re finish. I need you, Chanyeol.” Chanyeol chuckled and was whisked away by Kris and entered their now shared room.
After about a few hour, Chanyeol walked to Baekhyun’s door and knocked. “Baekhyun. Open up. Let’s talk.” No reply. He knocked once again, predicting that Baekhyun’s is fast asleep. “I know you’re in there…” He bit his lip after fifteen minutes of no response. “Look, Baekhyun. Let’s just talk…o-okay?” Chanyeol couldn’t wait any longer and barged into the room but wished he hadn’t seen what was before his eyes. His eyes fell onto a small body - Baekhyun’s body - lifted off the ground by five inches, his neck tilted to the right to visible see the noose tied around his neck. Chanyeol’s heart raced then he screamed in horror. The boys quickly ran into the room and they all stared at Baekhyun’s lifeless body, hanging there. “Call the ambulance!!!” Chanyeol shouted as he took Baekhyun down from the rope, then started cardiopulmonary resuscitation. But it was far too late. Baekhyun was past gone. The singer’s spirit sat on the bed and watched in sadness as his ex lover tries revive him. Even though he was dead, he could still feel his heartbeat to see that the boy actually did cared about him and wanted him to live. Baekhyun glanced at his lifeless body and turned on phone that was still attached to the tripod.
Suddenly, the video began playing and they all watched in sudden horror to hear Baekhyun’s voice.
“Dear Yeollie…” He started.
“I always loved you and I always will. I don’t know where I’m going after this and that really scares me but clearly, living isn’t for me. As you already said I’m just a…mistake and I tried my best to push through, I really did…but I just realized that I lost the war…long ago. I can’t take it anymore, Chanyeol. I can’t sit here and slash my wrist anymore. I can’t sit and wonder how much better death would be for me, how less EXO would not suffer with me, and how this world would be better…without me.” Baekhyun sighed in the air. “In all honesty, I’m glad you treated me that way in the afternoon. I’m glad you kissed Kris hyung in front of me. It kind of  gave me the push I needed.” Baekhyun’s lips flashed his perfectly white teeth and looked into the camera. “Chanyeol, if you’re watching this, I want to say I’m sorry, Yeollie. I let you down multiple times but you always seem to push me back up. Maybe that was also one of  the reason I love you so much.” Softly laughing to himself, he checked wrist watch and averted his eyes back to the screen “Well, I want make things short so–” He stood up and got on the stool, then wrapped the rope that was connected to the closet hook around his neck but also around his neck was a bass clef necklace that Baekhyun was supposed to give for Chanyeol yesterday to match his once given necklace. “Sehun. Luhan….Kai. Thank you so much for holding my hand throughout these years. Yeol, I always loved you…and I always will…please don’t forget me. Please tell all the member of EXO, even though they didn’t love me, I love them with all my heart. Oh– and tell Kris, he was right about me…You know, soon leaving EXO…” He gave a last smile and made sure the rope was tightly secured around his neck and gave last glance to the screen. “Goodbye my love, may you and Kris have a wonderful and healthy relationship.” That was last thing Baekhyun said then stepped off the ladder.
He wasn’t quite dead yet. He prayed for someone to come in right this moment, but no one did. Just the faint sound of Chanyeol, saying ‘I love you’ inside his head. Unfortunately, it was too late. The rope only got tighter and tighter and before he knew it, he took his last breath on Earth. His lifeless body was left hanging, swinging from side to side as the camera kept recording.
“Baekhyun…”Chanyeol was embraced by the crying spirit, causing him to shudder. Soft ‘I will miss you’s and ‘I’m sorry’s were all Baekhyun was able to say before the spirit completely disappeared.
Finally, Baekhyun was free from his misery and going to a better place.
‘Breaking New!
EXO’s main vocalist, Byun Baekhyun just committed suicide yesterday in the boy’s dorm. He was found dead two hours later when staff and member discovered his body. We all want to pray for the family, and friends who are deeply affected by this terrible incident. May you rest in peace, Byun Baekhyun…’
“We want a funeral for Baekhyun. Baekhyun wanted to be buried by that place you and Baekhyun first went together. Those were his requests. Please comply with them.” The distraught Chanyeol could only nod in response to Baekhyun’s sobbing mother on the phone. They were low on money to pay for the service, so the entertainment company promised to cover all of the costs, the ceremony, the coffin, his burial suit, everything. All of Baekhyun’s family’s money went towards his dream of becoming a star. They paid for his trainee fees, as well as vocal and dance lessons. They didn’t knew all that money ended up worthless at the end.
“What time can I expect you to be at the burial?” The elderly woman, let out a pained sigh. “We’ll be at the garden around 10:00 AM. Please make sure that everything is prepared for Baekhyun.” Chanyeol nodded.
“Yes ma’am, I will make sure everything’s good to go for Baek…See you later…Bye umma…” They hung up.
“Was that his mom?” Kris asked while playing with the strands of Chanyeol’s silver hair. Chanyeol simply nodded and laid back onto the bed with his current boyfriend. “The company’s bringing in a shrink tomorrow to talk to us after the service. You sure you’re up for it?” Chanyeol simply closed his eyes and hugged Kris’s waist even tighter. “I can tell them to cancel. We can skip the service if you’re not ready.” The younger shook his head while Kris placed a kiss in the center of it.
“What kind of example would that be setting for our members especially Sehun, Tao and Kai? What would I be saying to Baekhyun’s mom who left her son in my care? I’ve already failed her multiple times.” Kris scoffed and sat up. “We didn’t ask the dumbass to go kill himself, Chanyeol. This is NOT our fault. The sooner you realize that, the better we can move on. Don’t blame yourself for his stupid mistake, remember the video.” The tired rapper groaned into his boyfriend’s chest and crawled out of the bed. “Where are you going, Chanyeol?” Kris received no reply and watched as Chanyeol left the room.
Xuimin, Chen, and Lay were all crowding the living room, arguing, while Sehun and Kai was seated on the sofa, tears pouring from their eyes. “Why the hell are you guys arguing? Someone just died and you guys are going at each other’s throats?” Sehun groaned and walked up to Chanyeol. “Hyung, me and Kai can’t sleep in that room! I refuse to!” Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “Why can’t you sleep in there?”
The young adult’s voice became shaky and high pitched as he explained. “B-because Baekhyun died in there! We c-can’t sleep in that room! We won’t do it!” Chanyeol tightly gripped Sehun’s shoulders and shook him as if to calm him. “Stop screaming. You guys can take my bed in Kris’s room and I’ll sleep in Baekhyun’s room alright? It’s late, and you’ve got your hyung’s service tomorrow. Please, go rest. I’ll get your clothes ready for tomorrow, okay?” Sehun bowed in thanks then ran off to join Kris but Kai was still on the couch, crying out loud.
“Kai…?” No response. Chanyeol settled himself beside his bandmate and hugged him tightly. “How can you be okay about this?! How can this not affect you? He was your boyfriend! He loved you! And you let him die!” Kai screamed under Chanyeol’s now soaked shirt. “It’s your fault! You and Kris made everyone hate him and now he’s dead! Get your fucking hands off of me!!” Kai shoved Chanyeol away from him and stormed off into Kris bedroom before Chanyeol got a chance to respond. Chanyeol understood that people grieve in many different ways, so Kai’s actions were more than understandable. Though that doesn’t mean that his words didn’t hurt. It didn’t mean that they weren’t true either.
Chanyeol had brought most of Kai and Sehun’s belongings into the room his & Kris shared. “Sehun and Kai moved to our room for now please understand.” Kris nodded as he started to strip his shirt. “Yeah, no problem. Just hope they can cover their ears.” Chanyeol tilted his head to the side, confused. “What do you mean with that?” Kris only smirked in response and Chanyeol finally got the idea. “A-are…you’re insane hyung?” Kris laughed carelessly. “Come to bed Chanyeol. You’ve been busy today and I miss you.” An apparent blush colored Chanyeol’s cheeks as he joined his boyfriend in bed. “This is more like it. Just us and no limitations…” He wrapped his arms around Chanyeol’s waist and pecked his lips softly. “I still sorta feel bad Kris. We mostly killed him…” He whispered while staring into his lover’s eyes. “WE did not kill anyone. He killed himself. Simple as that.” Chanyeol nodded and Kris lowered his head to give the sobbing rapper a passionate kiss while Chanyeol rolled on top of him.
Soft moans escaped Chanyeol’s lips as their hot kiss escalated to a sweaty, passionate night of lovemaking. Both of Kris’s hands roamed all over his lovers body freely and he watched while Chanyeol rubbed his hips against the leader’s groin. Chanyeol slipped a few moans Kris would constantly let out loud grunts, and the sound of the headboard banging into the walls wasn’t calming either. The sleepy Kai slowly rubbed away the sleep from his eyes and stared in disgust at his hyungs. From his view, Chanyeol was on top of Kris, half-clothed, and was panting quite heavily. “Hyung? What the hell are you doing? That’s disgusting! Baekhyun just died and you’re already having sex with Kris hyung?” Kris sat up and glared at Baekhyun. “Shut the fuck up, you bitch. You’re just mad because you’re still a fucking virgin. This is our room and if you don’t watch that mouth of yours, I’m gonna kick your ass out and you can go sleep in that idiot’s room.” Kai’s feelings were easily hurt, and he took immediate offense to his hyung’s words. “I’m not a virgin anymore! And Baekhyun was important to EXO!!” He shouted, regretting the words deeply as soon as they left his mouth. Chanyeol tilted his head and stared at Kai. “Who did you lose your virginity to?” Kai had to think quickly on his feet and tousled his blanket over his head. “I-I lied. Sorry.” Kris laughed at Kai’s confession. “That’s what I thought. Now. Go to bed.” He pulled Chanyeol to face him and covered them inside the blanket. “Goodnight babe. I love you.” Kris pressed a soft kiss to Chanyeol’s lips and turned the other way. Chanyeol snuck an arm around Kris’s waist and closed his eyes. For some reason, he didn’t believe Kai. Not one bit.
3:00 AM struck and Chanyeol shot up from a nightmare he was having. In his nightmare, all he saw was Baekhyun kill himself multiple times in different ways possible. He couldn’t sleep and missed Baekhyun terribly, so he slipped from his lover’s grasp, leaned over to grab Kris’ shirt and slipped it on. He made his way over to Baekhyun’s old room and shut the door quietly.
The room was dark, and everything remained as it had been before Baekhyun passed away. Chanyeol let out a shaky breath and walked to Baekhyun’s bed, sat on it, then grabbed the pillow. He hesitantly leaned forward and inhaled the scent. Honey and Vanilla. That was smell of Baekhyun’s favorite conditioner. It was as if Baekhyun was right there with him. While roaming the room, his eyes fell onto the plugged up laptop that was lightly glowing. “Should I?” Chanyeol slowly leaned over, hesitating a few times, until having the courage to grabbed it.
He turned it on and looked at the password. Chanyeol groaned. “BaekhyunBunny?” He said as he toyed it in. Incorrect password. “Fuck…wait could it be…?!” He punched in the keyboard ‘Chanyeol61’ and the first thing that came up was a paused video that had Chanyeol’s face smiling in the screen. “What’s that…?” Chanyeol squinted at the odd video and replayed it back. The video loaded before it began to play.
“Yeollie!” Chanyeol gasped at Baekhyun’s sudden appearance on the screen, his hands waving at the shaking youngster. “Once you’re watching this, this we’ll be our two year anniversary. God, I feel bad giving you all this crap lately but I know you still love me. I love you so much. Please enjoy this video, sweetheart.” Chanyeol’s heart suddenly broke. He watched the video clips of them two smiling, laughing, and being stupid together like usual. He couldn’t take it much longer. The guilt had already began to eat away inside him and so he slammed the laptop shut and threw himself onto the bed, crying into it.
Hours passed and Chanyeol was still crying. This was not going to go away on it’s own. 6’o clock, 3 hours before the service was when Chanyeol finally passed out. He had cried himself out entirely to the point of exhaustion.
“Where the hell is Chanyeol? I don’t know how to put this tie on myself!” Kris was stressing out.
“Do you think he went to a bar last night? He could be anywhere. This service starts in an hour. Chanyeol!?” Kris groaned and threw the tie to the ground. Kai’s observant eyes glanced over at his hyung and he walked towards him after picking the tie up. “Highly doubt, throwing a fit would make your tie.” Kris only scoffed and looked at the young band member. “Shut up, Kai.” Kai looked up at his hyung with an effortless smirk. “I just wanted to help.”
“Well if you wanna help, I suggest you go look for Chanyeol. And hurry up.”
Everyone’s head tilted while Baekhyun’s door opened. All conversations stopped and their eyes followed the door as it creaked. “Chanyeol! Why the fuck are you in there!? Do you have any idea how worried I was?!” Chanyeol simply rubbed his still reddened puffy eyes.
He was already dressed up in the suit Baekhyun liked him in, holding a framed photo of him and Baekhyun. No one moved and this annoyed Chanyeol very much. “Can we go or is everyone just gonna stand there and stare at me all day?”
“Answer my question Chanyeol.” Kris’s voice deepened as he stepped closer.
“Why were you in there.” It didn’t even sound like a question anymore. It seemed more like an accusation.
“I couldn’t sleep and stop talking to me like I’ve committed some horrible crime!”
“Answer my FUCKING question!” Chanyeol flinched in fear, backing away slowly.
“I just told you that I couldn’t sleep!”
“If you loved him so much, you wouldn’t have let him die.”
“Don’t say that!” Kris smirked as he let out a humorless chuckle. “Yeah? And why the fuck not? Clearly you’re more comfortable in his room so how’s about you marry his fucking corpse while you’re at it.” He walked out of the dorm, clearly pissed off.
Chanyeol stood there, holding the photo close to this chest. “Chanyeol, don’t listen to him. He’s just upset…” Luhan walked over to Chanyeol and placed a hand on his shoulder. “He’s probably just feeling the guilt you know?” Chanyeol looked down as a tear fell from his eye. “Chanyeol, don’t do this to yourself. Don’t cry.”
“Let him cry!” Kai interjected with an angry look on his features and everyone, except for Chanyeol, looked at male with bewilderment in their eyes. “They killed Baekhyun after all. They deserve all the hell they can get.” Kai turned on his heel and walked out where the vans were parked.
Luhan and Sehun stayed with Chanyeol and helped him downstairs. Even though today was supposed to be a day of worship for Baekhyun’s life, Chanyeol’s heart yearned in grief and sorrow.
“Would anyone like to say a few words before we bury Baekhyun?” The priest asked. Chanyeol stood and bowed towards everyone. “Hi everyone. If you guys didn’t knew, me and Baekhyun we’re…really close.” Chanyeol paused as he saw Kris puffing his cheeks as he was talking to Lay and Chen, giving a few laughs in conversation. This made Chanyeol furious but he glance at Baekhyun’s heartbroken mother and Baekbeom, Baekhyun’s brother, then gave out a hard sigh. “Baekhyun, I wanted to say that I miss you so much. I love you and I wish I could go back in time and change a lot of my stupid decisions I made, I really do. Wherever you are, I hope you’re at peace now sweetheart and that you’re making everyone up there happy like you always do. I love you forever and…happy two year anniversary to you too…” He sat back down and everyone remained silent. Everyone knew that Chanyeol & Baekhyun had something going on so it didn’t come as any surprise to them. His mother said a few words followed by Baekbeom and the father as well and afterwards the ceremony was over.
“No! Baekhyun no!! Please come back! Please come to mommy!” His mother hugged the tombstone that was above Baekhyun’s buried coffin. Baekbeom tapped on Chanyeol’s shoulder.“Chanyeol, I’m sorry but we need to do some things alone so we won’t be at the banquet. Please understand.” Chanyeol nodded and mumbled. “I’m sorry I failed to care for him like your mother asked me to do…” The father only looked away and carted his wife back into the car.
The banquet was surprisingly quite big. Who knew that Baekhyun was so..loved? If only he knew, things would be different without him. Everyone shared their stories and memories of Baekhyun. There was mixtures of laughter, love and of course sorrow but it was all a blur to Chanyeol, who was still image that beautiful kind-hearted singer in his mind. When they returned to their dorms, the members seemed different. Almost distance towards one another
“Chanyeol, baby…talk to me.” Kris tried to get Chanyeol to say something–anything. “You’re really worrying me. You didn’t eat at the banquet and you haven’t talked since your speech. Are you alright?” Chanyeol didn’t bother to spare his lover a glance. In all actuality, he didn’t even realize that Kris was there. All his thoughts were on Baekhyun. “Why are you acting this way. When we made the plan, you agreed to it. You knew he was suicidal so why did you make me do those things to him?” Chanyeol turned to look at Kris, hurt in his eyes. “S-so you’re saying it’s my fault he died?! I did told you! Several times! Kai thinks it’s my fault and maybe it is. I’m just so confused.” Kris cupped Chanyeol’s cheeks and shook his head. His voice was soft, his tone laced with worry. “No, Chanyeol. I’m just saying that we made a decision and we have to live with the consequences, okay?” He leaned in to peck Chanyeol’s lips. “Let’s go rest. You’ve had a long day.” Chanyeol didn’t move an inch so Kris had to carry him to their bedroom. He had to do everything for Chanyeol. He undressed him, put his pajamas on, and tucked him in bed.
The next few days consisted of Chanyeol not doing much at all, and the other members, except Kai, was trying to get him back on his feet. “You’ve got to eat something Channie. Please just eat one spoonful…” Chanyeol only looked up past his boyfriend’s head to see something glowing at the end of the dorm’s hallway. He blinked rapidly. No way. Was that Baekhyun standing there? His breath was then taken away to see Baekhyun’s spirit, smiling at Chanyeol, waving his hand in the air up high. “Baekhyun!” Chanyeol shouted, then dashed towards the figure. All the members turned their heads and looked to see. There was no sign of Baekhyun. What was Chanyeol doing?
“Babe, he’s gone. Please come eat…” Chanyeol started to hold a conversation with what seemed like thin air to the members but substantially, Chanyeol WAS talking to Baekhyun’s spirit. “I missed you so much, Baekhyun. Where did you go? I’m so glad you’re back.” Chanyeol smiled at the vocalist.
“Chanyeol, you’re hurting the members. You’re supposed to be happier without me. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be, Chanyeol. Things are supposed to be better with me being gone.” Chanyeol’s head shook violently. “How could you ever think that things would be better without you? My life is hell now without you! I hate it here without you. Please come back.”
“I can’t, Yeol. I just came to tell you to just move on. Forget about me…” Chanyeol gripped onto the figure but since it was just Baekhyun’s spirit, his hands fell immediately to his sides. “I could never forget you. Please…just come back to me.”
“I gotta go, Chanyeol…” Baekhyun slowly started to fade away, then soon disappeared before Chanyeol’s eyes. “N-no..no where’d you go!? No! PLEASE COME BACK! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!? WHY!!!” Luhan and Chen had to drag Chanyeol away and took him to the sofa. Chanyeol simply continued to cry hard in Kris’ arms. “Chanyeol! He’s not here! He’s in better place now!” Luhan and few others try to calm down the rapper but as always, Kai didn’t help one bit. Chanyeol cried the night through until he passed out.
Kai had been hiding in Baekhyun’s room, arms wrapped around his knees. “You have to tell him Jongin..” He shook his head. “Chanyeol hyung will hate me forever if he found out that we did it.” Baekhyun gave a soft sigh. “I’m just a corpse to Kris…it’d be easier for him to forget me if he starts off by hating me…” Kai seemed to be the strongest of them all. “I can’t do that to Chanyeol. Not right now…he’s hurting.”
“I was hurting for months. I know he was cheating on me but I loved him too much to even confess and it led to me to death. Don’t let him die, Kai. Tell him that we had sex before he dies on the outside too. He’s already dead inside. I can’t bear to see him die like I did.” Kai had no choice. Even though Kai didn’t want to do it, he loves Baekhyun too much to see him sad. “I’ll tell him after the interviews tomorrow…” Baekhyun smiled and cupped Kai’s face in his fingers. Although, Baekhyun was a spirit, Kai can still feel the vocalist’s finger grazing on his cheeks. “I knew I could count on you. I’ve gotta go now.” He then vanished in front of Kai’s eyes.
The next morning, the boys had their only interview scheduled at a small isolated building. The camera crew had cameras set up from every angle they can possibly think of. Chanyeol was forced to put his best foot forward, but how long would it last, every member questioned
“How is everyone reacting to Baekhyun’s tragic death?” the interviewer asked first. “Well it’s been hard for us all…especially for Chanyeol, Luhan, Sehun and Kai,” Kris started. “They were really…close. The adjustment without Baekhyun has been hard for us all. We miss his beautiful singing. The dorm seems…dead without him.” Suddenly, Kris heard a chuckle inside his head. He looked around to see where it came from. “So was their any reason why Baekhyun commit suicide?”
“Well he didn’t say but he was suffering from depression and had suicidal thoughts. We all tried to help him but he was too deep in it and the thoughts took over his life.” Again, the laugh echoed throughout Kris’s mind. “How did you not notice the signs of him wanting to take his life?”
“Ah, it wasn’t like that. He was very good at hiding it…”
“What a bunch of bullshit!” Kris finally noticed that Baekhyun was sitting right across from him. Kris eyed him up and down.
“Hey! It’s not bullshit, you did hide it for so long! If Chanyeol didn’t realize you cut yourself, you would’ve died long before.” Everyone but Chanyeol stared at Kris, clearly confused. Chanyeol saw Baekhyun as well who then look at him then back at the leader. “You didn’t care about me, Kris!”
“I did care, you bastard!” Kris shot up and shouted. “Chanyeol was the one who made me do those awful things to you! It’s not my fault! I didn’t do anything!” Chanyeol stood and slapped Kris across the face, making everyone gasped at his bold move.
“Fuck you. You seduced me into sleeping with you and made me think that I loved you when I loved him. You don’t care for him. Don’t pin this shit on me! You call him like he’s a thing! You don’t care about him!” Kris laughed and stepped closer to Chanyeol. “I may have given him the rope, but you put it around his neck and kicked the stool away, leaving him to die.” Chanyeol’s eyes widened and had no reply.
“Okay that’s enough questions, please shut the camera off.” The manager asked, standing in front of it to prevent it from taking anymore shots.
Later on during nighttime, Kai visit Baekhyun’s burial site where he was slowly trying to recapture all the memories the vocalist gave to him but never knew that was Chanyeol behind him. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“What do you think?” Kai coldly muttered, his head down not to see eye level with his hyung. “Kai, you’re going to catch a cold. You should go back to the d-”
“Why? So you can let Baekhyun suffer more than you alright gave to him.” Chanyeol pressed his lips in a thin line and looked at the dancer’s head. “Honestly, I couldn’t wrapped my mind why Baekhyun hyung ever liked you. You cheated on him and even saw you two at it but he never confess because he loves you…”
“He saw us?
“He saw everything and hear everything. He was so upset and I had to comfort him and…” Kai paused at his sentence making Chanyeol glare at him.
“Tell me what happened Kim Jongin or I’ll lose my mind. Just tell me.” The crying dancer shook his head and wiped at his face.
“I don’t want you to hate me!”
“JUST FUCKING TELL ME!!!!” Kai jumped up on his feet and screamed. “BAEKHYUN AND I HAD SEX!!!” Chanyeol’s eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head. “No. No that…that not possible. He wouldn’t never cheat on me.”
“Well, he did!! We did it the night he found you kissing Kris hyung! He was angry and I was sad to see him like that so we comforted each other and now he’s gone thanks to you!”
“Kai…How could you?” Kai snapped his head at Chanyeol, his eyes were puffy from crying. “How could I?! How could you?! You fucking snitch! You and Kris killed the only person I love! You mostly did it yourself. Even though you didn’t kill him, you’re a fucking murderer to me. Period!” Unexpectedly, Chanyeol lunged forward and grabbed onto Kai, a hand came up and wrapped around Kai’s neck. He was so upset yet angry that he didn’t even realize how hard he was squeezing. Kai’s legs were swinging, his tiny fingers trying to pry Chanyeol’s off of his neck. He couldn’t breathe. He could see little splotches of black and white spattering in his vision.
“…Ch…any…eol…” Kai tried his best to get Chanyeol’s attention but the rapper was overfilled with anger. His eyes blend into the eerie night and his unoccupied hand grabbed a medium side rock, his sinister eyes not leaving Kai’s blue face. “I never killed Baekhyun….I love him and Baekhyun loves me! Not you!” Then the sound of bones, brutally cracking, filled throughout the dark night. The sound of crying and yelling for the young dancer dimmed out. With every blow, the grass was painted a freshly new crimson red color that also appeared to match Chanyeol’s stained hands. Kai was silent. Dead silent. Only Chanyeol’s harsh breath was audible to hear and dropped the bloodstained stone with a loud thud. His eyes fixed on Kai’s crushed skull then to his trembling red stained hands. “Kai?” No response. “KAI!” Chanyeol screamed and threw Kai to Baekhyun’s tombstone, while trying to gasp for breath. He sobbed while he crawled away from Kai’s motionless body, desperately trying to wrap what he just done. “Kai?! KAI?!” A familiar voice can into Chanyeol’s head. Even though his cries can be heard miles away, Kai couldn’t heard his sorrows. “Please no!” Baekhyun suddenly appeared again. “I’m sorry Baekhyun. I love you.” The spirit groaned at Chanyeol and his eyes turned dark. “You don’t fucking love me!” Baekhyun cursed at the now shocked rapper with rage. “You just feel guilty for pushing me to kill myself! Just forget about me! I hate you Chanyeol! I love Kai and that’s all! I hope the rest of you fucking rot in hell! You thought I was happy with you? I never had courage to confess you that I wanted to be with Kai!” Chanyeol’s tears kept coming until he spotted another spirit next to Baekhyun. “K…Kai?” Chanyeol studder at Kai’s spirit, who didn’t even seem to care about his member. Baekhyun looked at Kai and quickly wrapped his arms around Kai’s waist while the other did the same and twist his head towards Chanyeol.
“See? You are a murderer…Chanyeol…” The sound of crows quarreling, bells ringing, and noisy trains plugged into his sensitive eardrums. His ears started to trickle blood while Baekhyun and Kai laughed. Were they causing these sounds?
The next few days, no one knew where Kai was and sent a search party for him. All the members were worried sick about the young member’s safety. But Chanyeol was living a hellhole. The sounds would go on and on, and his screams would get louder and louder. But not only Chanyeol felt karma kicking his ass.
Kris was at the end of the straw too. Even though Kris acted like he didn’t care about Baekhyun’s death, he couldn’t take the guilt anymore. He decided to go get some fresh air and went out to for a relaxing drive down the idle streets of Seoul. Memories of him torturing Baekhyun filled his mind until he heard the last voice he wanted to heard. “Kris…come on, can you really deal with all that guilt build up inside of you.” Kris’ eyes snapped to his rear view mirror and spotted the ghost of Baekhyun sitting inside the car with a weak yet evil smile on his face. “What? What are you d-doing here?” Kris’ voice was shaken as Baekhyun sighed in the air. “Well I just came here to say…you don’t have live with this wickedness inside you. This could all be over for you now it.” Kris frantically shook his head left and right, tear falling down his face. “I…I don’t want to do this, Baekhyun. Not like this…” Baekhyun rolled his eyes and appeared in the passenger seat in a flash to look at Kris’ frightened face. “Well I’m not going to push in any risky…like you did to me. But you end it and feel guilt again or suffer longer…your choice…” Baekhyun giggled and played with Kris’s blonde hair. Kris’ hand were trembling on the steering wheel, guiding his tires in random directions. His lips opened up but nothing came out the male but took hard gasp of air and breathed it out slowly. “I’m sorry Baekhyun…I’m sorry I made your life hell.” Baekhyun sighed. “Well, my life was living hell even without you…” Kris nodded and looked at the far distance to where sign that said ‘DETOUR’ in bold words. “Tell Chanyeol I love him please?” Baekhyun nodded. “Sure.” Kris closed his eyes, said a short prayer and stepped on the gas petal. The car going to up to one hundred forty miles per a hour. His tears slipped out faster and faster as the cliff was get closer. He wanted to stop but it was too late. His car was plummeting down the edge of the mountain. Images of Chanyeol, Baekhyun and the rest of EXO flashed before Kris’ eyes until the vehicle landed with a fury fire followed by the tragic crash. His body was already died before the gulf of fire burned his corpse, ensured his death. Baekhyun was at the edge of the cliff and watched the car disintegrate while Kris’ body as well burned. “Fucking idiot…” He mumbled, then disappeared.
“Breaking news!! As EXO’s Baekhyun died this year, EXO’s very own Kris Wu Yifan has died in a mysterious car crash. He was later discovered in his car, which was flipped upside down, crushed by the impact. And follow with this, the search party has finally found Kai’s body floating near the pond where Baekhyun was buried. Police have said that Kai’s death was a homicide. As for Kris, police have not yet to see what happened that made his car gone of the cliff. More information will be reveal soon. But for now, we all want to pray for EXO.” Chanyeol stared at his TV in horror. First Baekhyun, then Kai and now Kris. The manager had announced to the reporters that EXO will disband the following day. Chanyeol as definitely cursed. Everyone he knew and loved was dying. And now that Kai’s body was found, Chanyeol was terrified. The picture of him, locked up in prison sent shockwaves to him. He need to get out of here. He need to be away from all this drama before it too late…
Days later, Luhan found that Chanyeol went missing. His clothes, his lyrics, his guitar. Everything was gone. But a note was abandoned on the nightstand and it reads :
“Goodbye EXO…”
Later on that week, SM Entertainment announced that due to the loss of three members and Chanyeol being missing, EXO was officially disbanded. Some fans were horrified by the news but later understand and wanted EXO to just be safe and healthy.
As all the former members of EXO left SM Entertainment, some them went on their separate ways to be happy, but they will never forget their losses…
Chen became a solo artist and still talking to some the former members of EXO.
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Tao decided to make a martial arts class for kids. He is currently married to a woman who is around her thirties.
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Lay now owned a radio studio where he reviews and interview with famous idols.
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No one ever heard of Xuimin after EXO’s departure. He’s presumed to be dead.
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Surprisingly, Luhan and Sehun moved into the United States and got married. Their life they both said is ‘better than ever.’ They both see Baekhyun and Kai time to time.
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Kris went straight to hell where his soul cooked for eternity.
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Suho, like Chen, is also debuted to a solo. He is also married to a young American women and will soon become a father.
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Kyungsoo finally got his dream career and became a chef.
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Baekhyun and Kai ended up happily together in heaven and also married.
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And as for Chanyeol….
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Police discovered the skin inside Kai’s fingernails belonged to Chanyeol’s. About two years later, Chanyeol was later found in the Philippines and was sentenced to life in prison for first degree murder for Kai. Months passed by as Chanyeol stared blankly at the wall, the only he thing can do was breathe, eat, and sleep. But somehow something snapped into Chanyeol, as the authorities said to the public, and couldn’t take it being insulated anymore and at the stroke of midnight, Park Chanyeol suffocated himself to death with a plastic bag but left a name written in his own blood on his cell wall, next to the person’s photo.
“Byun Baekhyun…”
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honeydroplet · 8 years
The Answer Is You
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Yes!!! I'm super duper excited to release it and I get show you guys more about Eunji and Jungkook's relationship and little bit of their past life. MORE drama, MORE romance, MORE heartbreak, and JUST MORE!!!! So before I post it, I want to show you the new characters, which I'll make a different post on that shortly so look out for that! This is a chapter story and idk how many chapters there'll be so yeah~! I hope you guys are excited for this like I am! Thank you for reading~!
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