#honeyguide camps
einereiseblog · 2 years
Eine Safari in Südafrika gilt als das ultimative Tierbeobachtungserlebnis. Wir sind ins Manyeleti Game Reserve gefahren, um uns das selbst anzusehen Unsere Safari in Südafrika sollte immer seltsam werden. Unsere Erwartungen wurden durch den Mythos und das Drama dieses berühmten Reiseziels beflügelt, aber ebenso gedämpft durch unsere Safari in Namibia, die einfach unübertrefflich war. Vor diesem Hintergrund wussten wir, dass Südafrika uns sowohl erfreuen als auch enttäuschen würde. Trotzdem wollten wir unbedingt den großen Hund der afrikanischen Safari sehen, der für den Krüger-Nationalpark berühmt ist, der als einer der besten Orte der Welt gilt, um die „Big Five“ (Löwe, Leopard, Nashorn, Elefant und Büffel) zu sehen. Wir entschieden uns für das Manyeleti Game Reserve nebenan, was unter Kennern ein Geheimtipp ist. Was ist das Manyeleti Game Reserve? Manyeleti, was in der lokalen Shangaan-Sprache „der Ort der Sterne“ bedeutet, ist ein 230 km2 großes privates Wildreservat in der Provinz Mpumalanga in Südafrika. Es teilt nicht eingezäunte Grenzen mit den privaten Reservaten Timbavati im Norden und Sabi Sand im Süden und dem riesigen (19.485 km2) Krüger-Nationalpark im Osten. Dank der offenen Grenze zu Krüger gibt es im Manyeleti Game Reserve keinen Mangel an Tieren – einschließlich der Big Five. Wildtiere sind hier etwas schwieriger zu entdecken als in Sabi Sand und Timbavati, da es weniger Wasser gibt, aber die Belohnungen sind Legion. Manyeleti ist nicht nur günstiger, sondern auch wesentlich leiser. Sabi Sands hat einen gut etablierten Namen und wird oft allein aus diesem Grund ausgewählt. Manyeleti ist viel weniger bekannt und bietet mit nur drei Lodges ein intimeres Erlebnis. Große Reisegruppen, die in Bussen unterwegs sind, werden Sie hier nicht antreffen. Tatsächlich würde es Ihnen schwer fallen, überhaupt jemand anderen zu sehen. Ein ruhiger Ort Das Manyeleti Game Reserve ist weniger entwickelt als seine Kollegen und zieht daher weniger Touristen an. Der Grund dafür liegt in der dunklen Vergangenheit Südafrikas. In den Jahren der Apartheid war Manyeleti das einzige Wildreservat, in das schwarze Südafrikaner einreisen konnten. Der Krüger-Nationalpark war zu dieser Zeit für sie gesperrt. Dementsprechend hat die Regierung sehr wenig in Manyeleti investiert. Atlas & Boots Ein wilder junger männlicher Löwe in Ruhe Manyeleti wurde 1963 als privates Wildreservat gegründet. Es gehört dem lokalen Mnisi-Stamm, der seit Generationen in der Gegend lebt und das Land durch das südafrikanische Restitution of Land Rights Act erfolgreich beansprucht hat. Die drei privaten Lodges im Reservat zahlen Konzessionsgebühren an den Stamm. Der historische Mangel an staatlicher Unterstützung bedeutet, dass das Reservat bis heute relativ unerschlossen ist. Natürlich kümmert sich die Tierwelt nicht um Politik oder Handel, und Sie werden feststellen, dass das Manyeleti Game Reserve Tierbeobachtungen bietet, die es mit seinen gepflegten Nachbarn mit weit weniger Menschen aufnehmen können. Unsere Safari in Manyeleti Wir verbrachten drei Nächte im Honeyguide Khoka Moya Camp im Manyeleti Game Reserve. Dies kostete ein gutes Stück mehr, als wir normalerweise zahlen würden, aber es waren die letzten drei Nächte unseres Monats und wir wollten nicht auf eine Safari in Südafrika verzichten, das angeblich einer der besten Orte der Welt ist Welt zum Beobachten von Wildtieren. Wir erreichten das Manyeleti Game Reserve nach einer fünfstündigen Fahrt von Eswatini (Swasiland). Uns war heiß und stickig und wir freuten uns, unser Auto für drei Tage aufzugeben (Selbstfahrer-Safari ist in Manyeleti nicht erlaubt). Atlas & Boots Unser Safarizelt im Manyeleti Game Reserve Als wir Manyeleti erreichten, waren wir durch Namibia, Lesotho und Eswatini gefahren und hatten dabei vier der Big Five gesehen (alle außer Büffel). Daher waren wir in einer sorglosen Stimmung und nicht damit beschäftigt, die großen fünf Kästchen anzukreuzen, als wir uns in den nächsten drei Tagen zweimal täglich auf Safari begaben.
Zufällig sahen wir unseren fünften der Big Five, als wir einer Herde Kapbüffel begegneten. Obwohl sie manchmal als „Buschkühe“ bezeichnet werden, ist es töricht, sie zu unterschätzen. Afrikanische Büffel können schneller als 55 km/h laufen und sind notorisch schlecht gelaunt, besonders wenn sie in die Enge getrieben oder verwundet werden. Atlas & Boots Ein Büffel starrt uns an Natürlich waren nicht die Büffel das Highlight unserer Reise, sondern eine außergewöhnliche Begegnung mit einem Löwenrudel. Wir brachen früh am zweiten Morgen auf und fanden 12 (!) Löwen, die aus einem Wasserloch tranken. Einige von ihnen trotteten direkt an unserem Fahrzeug vorbei, bevor sie sich ausschwärmten, um eine unsichtbare Beute anzupirschen. Wir sahen zu, wie sie im Rudel jagten und durch die Flussvegetation streiften. Ebenso außergewöhnlich war eine kleine Elefantenherde, die mehrmals unser Schwimmbad beschlagnahmte. Einige kamen uns auch beim Frühstück besuchen. Hier gibt es keine Grenzen und die Tiere können sich frei bewegen. Tatsächlich dürfen Gäste nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit nicht alleine über das Gelände wandern. Stattdessen müssen Sie die Rezeption anrufen und um eine Eskorte bitten. Das ist wahre Bushveld-Wildnis. An unserem letzten Tag sahen wir sogar ein einzelnes Nashorn. Wenn wir nicht gerade in Eswatini gewesen wären (Nashörner in Hülle und Fülle), wäre dies vielleicht der Höhepunkt unserer Safari in Südafrika gewesen. Der einzige der Big Five, den wir in Manyeleti nicht gesehen haben, war der Leopard, der am schwersten zu fassende von allen. Wir wurden jedoch durch den Anblick eines Geparden entschädigt, der über eine von der Morgendämmerung erleuchtete Ebene pirschte. Atlas & Boots Ein einsames Nashorn An unserer letzten Nacht im Safarizelt scherzte ich mit Peter, dass dies wahrscheinlich die Art von Unterkunft sei, in der Prinz Harry und Meghan Markle auf ihrer Reise nach Botswana übernachteten. Er lachte und sagte: „Nein, sie müssen an einem viel exklusiveren Ort übernachtet haben.“ Wenn exklusiv teuer sein soll, dann hat er wahrscheinlich recht. Wenn es sich jedoch um einen besonderen Ort handelt, der nur wenigen Personen gleichzeitig offenbart wird, dann gibt es keine größere Exklusivität als die von Manyeleti. Manyeleti Game Reserve: Notizen und Tipps Das Manyeleti Game Reserve hat keine Richtlinien für Selbstfahrer, daher müssen Sie an offiziellen Pirschfahrten teilnehmen, die von Ihrer Lodge durchgeführt werden. Die Lodges sind nicht eingezäunt und Wildtiere können frei eintreten. Aus diesem Grund dürfen Gäste nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit nicht alleine herumlaufen. Rufen Sie die Rezeption an, um eine Eskorte zu arrangieren. Das Honeyguide Khoka Moya Camp hat eine gemeinsame Essensrichtlinie, daher gibt es ein bisschen Glück in Bezug auf die Essensbegleiter. Wir saßen mit einer Familie mit drei Kindern zusammen und obwohl wir auf Anfrage einen eigenen Tisch bekamen, sorgte dies für einige Verwirrung. Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, mit anderen zu speisen.Befolgen Sie die Safari-Etikette: Tragen Sie neutrale Farben, machen Sie keine lauten Geräusche, blockieren Sie nicht die Sicht anderer oder seien Sie egoistisch mit erstklassigen Aussichtspunkten. Packen Sie Schichten, lange Ärmel, geschlossene Schuhe und Insektenschutz ein. Es ist auch eine gute Idee, Ihr eigenes Fernglas einzupacken. Versehen Sie Ihren Standort nicht mit Geo-Tags und senden Sie keine Live-Updates, wenn Sie Wildtiere beobachten. Wilderer können Social-Media-Updates nutzen, um Nashörner zu lokalisieren. Lassen Sie sich nicht davon abhalten, die Big Five zu sehen. Denken Sie daran, dass die Natur nicht kontrolliert werden kann. Manyeleti Game Reserve: das Wesentliche Was: Safari im Manyeleti Game Reserve, Südafrika. Wo: Wir übernachteten im Honeyguide Khoka Moya Camp, das über 15 permanente Safarizelte verfügt, die entlang einer erhöhten Promenade im Busch verteilt sind. Jedes Zelt hat einen Wohnbereich, eine überdachte Terrasse und ein riesiges Badezimmer.
Das Camp verfügt über einen Swimmingpool, eine Bar und einen offenen Loungebereich, der um ein abgesenktes Wohnzimmer und eine gemütliche Feuerstelle herum gebaut ist. Gemeinschaftsmahlzeiten werden dreimal täglich serviert: à la carte, wenn nur wenige Gäste anwesend sind; Buffet mit größeren Gruppen. Pirschfahrten starten zweimal täglich: je nach Saison gegen 6:00 und 15:00 Uhr. Wann: Wildbeobachtungen sind am besten während des trockenen Winters (Mai-Oktober), da sich Tiere um Wasserlöcher versammeln und der Mangel an Vegetation den Gästen eine klarere Sicht ermöglicht. Im Frühling (November bis Dezember) können Sie viele Neugeborene beobachten. Für die Vogelbeobachtung ist der Sommer (Dezember bis März) am besten: Die Flüsse sind voll und das Buschland üppig. Der Herbst (April bis Mai) ist gut für die Vogelbeobachtung, aber die schlechtesten Monate für Großwild. Wie: Wir mieteten ein Auto von Avis in Durban, Südafrika, und fuhren über Eswatini (Swasiland) zum Manyeleti Game Reserve. Wir haben die Logistik unterwegs mit Travel SIM organisiert, die in zahlreichen Ländern mit einer einzigen Karte und Telefonnummer funktioniert. South African Airlines bietet Flüge zu einigen Flughäfen in der Nähe des Reservats an. Honeyguide empfiehlt, vom Internationalen Flughafen OR Tambo Johannesburg (JNB) zum Flughafen Hoedspruit Eastgate (HDS) zu fliegen. Ihre Lodge kann einen Straßentransfer von Hoedspruit nach Manyeleti organisieren (50 Minuten). Wir sind mit South African Airways nach Südafrika geflogen. Buchen Sie Flüge zu den besten Preisen über Skyscanner. Lonely Planet Südafrika, Lesotho & Swasiland ist ein umfassender Reiseführer für Südafrika, ideal für diejenigen, die sowohl die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten erkunden als auch weniger befahrene Straßen wählen möchten. Leitbild: Atlas & Boots .
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beedujourblog · 5 years
The first roar sounded far enough to comfortably fall asleep while a frenzy of croaking, bleeting and cackling carried on in the background. Twenty minutes later the second roar sounded closer, but it was the even closer third one that make me sit up right for the second night in a row with my heart beating fast and slightly panicked.
This experience was as authentic as African safaris can get. With nothing but a tent canvas separating you from the wide-awake wilderness in the pitch black night, you cannot help being on the alert. Aside from not getting much sleep, a getaway in the African bush is a unique one and staying in an unfenced camp is getting as close to nature as it can get.
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This was also my first time on safari in this famous and well-loved region of South Africa. I also did this trip on my own, daring to finally do my first solo female trip in my home country.
The Honey Guide Khoka Moya Camp
Located in the heart of the Manyeleti Reserve sharing unfenced borders between the Kruger, Sabi Sands and the Timbavati, the Khoka Moya camp offers you the ultimate glamping experience in the bush. Spacious, furnished tents are placed around the camp allowing privacy and safety and all are in walking distance from the outdoor pool and boma dining area.
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Each tent is set up above the ground and has its own private bathroom and deck area that looks out into the bush. Food portions at the restaurant are generous to say the least and well prepared with fresh ingredients.
  The animals are free to roam on the grounds here at any time. With elephants marching in to drink water from the pools, hornbills skipping between the pathways and a variety of fowls and frogs coming out at night. You are not allowed to walk alone or venture out your tent at night. In the evenings, one of the staff will accompany you from your tent to the dining area and back.
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Going on Safari
You are awaken by the beating drum at 5 am in the summer season. Everyone meets at the dining area as you are welcomed with tea, coffee and rusks while mischievous monkeys run across the roof and rustle the tree tops.
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The landscape at dawn is beautiful. You’ll see all the grazers out at this time and lounging lions catching some of the first rays of sunlight for the day. Each game drive will include a stop by the watering holes in the area. Mornings will be accompanied by hot beverages and evenings a cocktail of your choice. Of course I went with Amarula, one of our nation’s prized liquors grown and made right here in the in the bush.
READ more on top wine and food spots in Cape Town here
Spotting the Big 5
This trip also doubled as my birthday getaway, so my expectations were high. I got very lucky on this safari and managed to see all the Big 5. I did my research before choosing where to do my first safari. The Manyeleti lies in the life-rich Southern area of the Kruger and Greater Kruger regions meaning the grasses here are the best and will naturally attract the herbivores. Where’s there’s game there’s prey, making this a high-probability game viewing area. However, there’s never a 100% guarantee you will spot all the animals. They move to their own accord.
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You will find plenty of giraffe roaming the grounds, even before arriving at my camp I spotted them alongside the road. Plenty of wildebeest, impala and a zebra can be found across the veld throughout the day.
On my first day on the evening game drive we spotted a pride of lounging lions. Honeyguide Camps offers private jeep drives which allows you to actually go off-road right through the bushes and trees to view the animals up close. There were 2 other jeeps at this site. The lions remained calm and while some looked at us briefly, they would simply drop their heads back to sleep unfathomed. Just stay in the car and you’ll be fine.
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A call came through the intercom. Our ranger said two rhinos were spotted further on. With all the anti-poaching campaigns and awful visuals I have had to witness on TV here in South Africa, finally seeing these beautiful animals made me somewhat sad. Two male white rhino males were grazing in the thicket. One still intact with his horn, the other one without. The latter had his horn cut to save his life as part of the program to curb the death toll on rhino poaching. I’ll be honest, I thought it was unfair. Their horns serve a purpose in their lives and who wants to see a mutilated rhino in the wild? Where’s the photos? We were warned that poachers are watching social media to help them find and locate horned rhino. I’m not prepared to take that risk, so I won’t be sharing these images any time soon.
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The following day we came across a group of male elephants, more impala, a shy warthog and a variety of birdlife. Nearby the watering hole we heard grunting hippos, but only saw them in the distance. I also saw a pair of rare water buck.
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It being my birthday, I just had to spot the leopard to make the whole experience “complete”. It was on the evening drive that we got the call on the radio as the sun was setting, that a female leopard was going back to her cub with a fresh kill. About 5 different jeeps with on-lookers were on her trail as she calmly sauntered back to her cub with a dead hare in her strong jaws.
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She eventually disappeared into the thicket and we went to view a nearby group of African buffalo. On our way back we witnessed the moon rise over the plains as a dazzle of zebra stampeded over the road along with impala high-jumping on their trails. With the sun down, the hunt would begin.
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Going on a South African Safari as a South African
It has been my dream to go on safari here in South Africa in the actual bushveld for years. I also did this trip alone. As a female in South Africa I am all too aware of the risk that entails. This trip however has only reinforced my wanderlust for my country and this continent as solo female travel is not impossible in South Africa. Yes, I had concerns before doing this but the whole experience was safe and amazing. After all, this is my home. I also realised a trip to to the Kruger and the South African wilderness is an immense privilege for anyone to experience. I highly encourage any traveller to add this on their experience list.
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Safari du Jour 🐾🌞 🇿🇦 . I just spent an incredible 2 nights in @honeyguidecamps in the Manyaleti Reserve between the Kruger & Sabi. This doubled as both a birthday and media trip and really was one of the best gifts to myself. I’ve been wanting to do this for so long. I’ll be sharing so much more soon ❤️. Time to edit the professional photos! @albatrosafrica . . . #beedujour #honeyguidetentedsafari #manyeletigamereserve #manyeleti #safarigram #safarigram #safarigirl #sheisnotlost #girlswhotravel #dametraveler #meetsouthafrica #thisissouthafrica #wildlifeof_sa #southafricansafari #Wildlifeart #wildlifepark #ig_africa #wildlifefriend #planet_of_animals #wildlifeseekers #wildlifephotos #wildlifesafari #wildlifeofinstagram #animal_sultans #wildlifetrust #wildlifeplanet #wildlifeaddicts #animalpolis #wildlifelovers
A post shared by Bee | CT Lifestyle Blogger (@beedujour) on Dec 14, 2019 at 12:24am PST
I met other guests at the camp who were on their fourth safari and trip in South Africa. They told me a holiday in the bush is addictive and you’ll always come back for more. I know I cannot wait to plan my next African safari.
Solo Female travel tips for a South African safari:
Book transfers from the airport. The Khoka Moya Camps provide transfer options from and to Johannesburg’s OR Thambo and Hoedspruit Airport as these are the closest. Hoedspruit Airport is only about 40 minutes away from the actual campsite so I chose to fly to Hoedspruit. The drive from Johannesburg can take up to 5 hours. You can arrange your transfers with Honeyguide Camps before arriving.
Sleeping alone in a tent in the wild is not as daunting as it sounds. If you’re up for adventure then you’ll love it. Honeyguide Khoka Moya has a shared dining space so you get to meet and chat with your fellow campers throughout your stay. Safaris are meant to be social in my opinion.
Don’t take or leave ANY food inside your tent. There were hyenas and monkeys outside and it’s best you don’t leave anything that could attract the animals.
You can buy malaria treatment at the local pharmacies. I took it as a precaution method although I never got any bites on this trip.
Summer or winter? Winter is always a good idea as the foliage is less and you can spot game easily. Summer is the rainy season and I got lucky on my stay as the rainstorms stopped just before I came. However, it was still beautiful and you can enjoy afternoon swims.
What to pack? In summer you will need a light warm jacket for both game drive for the early part of the morning and when the sun sets. Bring a thicker jacket and cap for winter. Avoid bright colours and white as these could annoy the animals. The lodge provides you with everything inside your tent from soap, towels and drinking water.
Are you interested in doing your safari in South Africa? Contact Honeyguide Camps, my experience with them was professional and they were helpful every step of the way.
Honeyguide Tented Safari Camps They also have 3 different tented safari camps around the Kruger region in South Africa. Contact: [email protected] or +27 21 424 3122 Website: http://honeyguidecamp.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honeyguidecamps Twitter: @honeyguidecamps
Have any more questions? Feel free to pop me a question in my contact section or comment below.
  Safe travels Bee
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My First Safari: A Stay with Honeyguide Tented Camps in the Bush The first roar sounded far enough to comfortably fall asleep while a frenzy of croaking, bleeting and cackling carried on in the background.
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Positioned luxury tented Safari camps managed under the brand name Honeyguide Tented Safari Camps. Khoka Moya and Mantonbeni is located in the pristine unfenced Manyeleti Private Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, which borders the famous Kruger National Park. Ranger camp is located in the astounding Entabeni Safari conservancy and forms part of the world Heritage Waterberg Biosphere of the Waterberg region, Limpopo. All three camps are designed and run to allow the most luxury experience with the least impact on the environment and surroundings. We'll show you Africa! #luxury #luxurylifestyle #tentedsafari #safari #honeyguide #africa #africansafari #wishyouwerehere #travel #getaway #outdoors #adventure #krugernationalpark #khoka #mantobeni #mpumalanga #limpopo https://www.instagram.com/p/CCa-GmbJbGu/?igshid=8pb27pf5ihia
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rweteerasafaripark · 2 years
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Uganda is the dream destination for those in search of the absolute pinnacle of primate safaris. Chimpanzees roam in numbers in Kibale and Queen Elizabeth National Park, as do colobus monkeys, vervet monkeys, de Brazza monkeys and a host of other species. The last mountain gorillas are carefully protected in the Impenetrable Forest of Bwindi. There is absolutely no exaggeration in gorilla trekking as life-altering. The destination is just as much sought after by birders, as Uganda boasts over a thousand species among its varied habitats. A keen birder can hope to encounter the handsome francolin, dwarf honeyguide and purple-breasted sunbird, among many other species that are very difficult to see anywhere else. And, like the gorilla, there is the highlight of seeing the unforgettable shoebill. Uganda outshines all other safari destinations in these two areas, but, in addition, it remains a superb destination for traditional safari by vehicle or by boat, thanks to its lush habitats and variety of species. For those in search of something fresh and vibrant, Uganda is the perfect choice. Check out our latest packages at www.kibaletours.com or simply WhatsApp +256776862153 #visituganda #kibaletours (at Nguse River Camp & Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdUyrMuIhvs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evenstar7479 · 3 years
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Just spent an extraordinary weekend at the exceptional Honeyguides Tented Safari Camps at Manyeleti Game Reserve!!! We had 4 private safaris with the world’s most amazing guide - Lyton - and we saw so much wildlife I don’t even know where to start (including spending hours sitting in the middle of two lion prides!!!). HIGHLY recommend this destination if you ever get down to South Africa!!! #southafrica #hopelesswanderer (at Honeyguide Tented Safari Camps - Khoka Moya & Mantobeni) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRMR8jyrrIk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Why are visual signals more important for vervet monkeys than for other members of the same genus? 👀🐒⠀ .⠀ Vervet, or savanna, monkeys live in relativity open, brightly lit habitats ☀️ and in socially complex, competitive multi male and multi family troops. 🐒 Scientists have identified over 60 visual gestures used by these monkeys! 🤙🏻⠀ .⠀ .⠀ Share your wildlife and nature photos with me! 📸 I’d love to hear about your adventures ☺️ #bewilderedbywildlife⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #travelsouthafrica #wildlifebiologist #wildlifeaddict #africanwildlife #africansafari #adventureblogger #wildlifelovers #letswander #mammal #discoverwildlife #wildlifeconservation #animalbehavior #conservationeducation #exploremoreoutdoors #mammalia #natureblogger #exploremoretogether #animalfanatics #ecotourist #ecologist #biologist #mammals #naturestudy #natureblog #vervetmonkey #primateconservation (at Honeyguide Ranger Camp) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5f4Xcn2wM/?igshid=wam7of8an2mx
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tagamark · 5 years
Goto South Africa
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South Africa Safaris, Tours and Accommodations
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Knysna Hollow Country Estate
Kurland Hotel
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Some Recommended Safaris and Tours
Addo to Cape Town
4,5 & 6 Days
From US$ 734 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Addo, Knysna, Cape Town
Cape Town to Joburg Accommodated Tour
24 Days
From US$ 4,112 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Cape Town, West Coast, Sossusvlei, Etosha, Chobe, Okavango, Matobo Hills, Victoria Falls
Cape Town to Joburg Camping Tour
24 Days
From US$ 2,814 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Cape Town, West Coast, Sossusvlei, Etosha, Chobe, Okavango, Matobo Hills, Victoria Falls
Kirkmans and Benguerra
8 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Sabi Sands, Bazaruto Archipelago
Kruger and Private Safari
4 & 5 Days
From ZAR 14,690.00 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Kruger Park, Private Lodge in Greater Kruger
Kruger Park Budget Safari
2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Days
From ZAR 3,700.00 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Kruger National Park
Kruger Park Camping Safari
2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Days
From ZAR 2,300.00 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Kruger National Park
Kruger Park Classic Safari
2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Days
From ZAR 5,000.00 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Kruger National Park
Kruger Park Luxury Safari
4 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Greater Kruger Park
Kruger, Swaziland & KwaZulu/Natal Tour
6, 7 & 8 Days
From ZAR 19,700.00 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Kruger National Park, Swaziland, KwaZulu Natal
Mashatu and Mala Mala
8 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: The Tuli Block, Sabi Sands GR
Ngala Lodge and Benguerra
8 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Timbavati, Bazaruto Archipelago
Ngala Tented and Benguerra
8 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Greater Kruger, Bazaruto Archipelago
Northern Kruger Private Safari
7 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Timbavati GR, Makulele Contractual Park
Phinda and Benguerra
8 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Phinda, Bazaruto Archipelago
Rovos Rail
3,4,9,10,15 Days
From R20,600.00 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Cape Town, Victoria Falls, Durban, Sun City, Kruger Park, Namibia, Dar es Salaam
South Africa Eco Explorer
18 Days
From US$ 2,363 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Kruger, Swaziland, Zululand, Garden Route, Cape
Southern Circle Tour
24 Days
From US$ 2,814 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Chobe, Lower Zambezi, South Luangwa, Lake Malawi, Kruger Park
Southern Highlights Tour
16 Days
From US$ 2,363 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Lesotho, Swaziland, Sibebe Rock, Golden Gate, Maputo, Mozambique, Kruger Park, Great Zimbabwe Ruins, Victoria Falls, Matobo Hills, Hwange
The Blue Train
2 Days
From R18,405.00 per person sharing
Destinations visited: Cape Town, Matjiesfontein, Pretoria
The Magnificent 3 Safari
12 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Cape Town, Luxury Train, Victoria Falls, Greater Kruger Park
The Ultimate African Safari
14 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Chobe, Linyanti, Okavango Delta, Tuli Block, Sabi Sands
Ultimate Leopard Safari
7 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Sabi Sands Game Reserve
Ultimate Predator Safari
11 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Sabi Sands Game Reserve, Okavango Delta
Ultimate Romance of Africa Safari
18 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Cape Town, Victoria Falls, Okavango Delta, Selinda, Kalahari
Ultimate South Africa Safari
13 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Garden Route, Cape Town, Luxury Train, Greater Kruger
Where the Lions Roar
4 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: Timbavati Game Reserve
Wild and Luxurious Southern Africa
8 Days
“Specials” Rate upon Request
Destinations visited: South Luangwa NP, Lower Zambezi NP, Phinda GR, Umhlanga Rocks
#pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub.pt-cv-post-border margin: 0; border-top-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub.pt-cv-post-border margin: 0; border-top-style: solid; border-left-style: solid #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub.pt-cv-post-border .pt-cv-content-item border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-title a, #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .panel-title font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 1.3 !important; font-weight: 600 !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-title a:hover, #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .panel-title:hover color: #dd8500 !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-hover-wrapper::before background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.3) !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-content-item:hover .pt-cv-hover-wrapper::before background-color: rgba(51,51,51,.6) !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub:not(.pt-cv-nohover) .pt-cv-mask * color: #fff; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-carousel-caption background-color: rgba(51,51,51,.6) !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-specialp background-color: #CC3333 !important #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-specialp * color: #fff !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-pficon color: #bbb !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .add_to_cart_button, #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .add_to_cart_button * color: #ffffff !important; background-color: #00aeef !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .woocommerce-onsale color: #ffffff !important; background-color: #ff5a5f !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-readmore color: #ffffff !important; background-color: #00aeef !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-readmore:hover color: #ffffff !important; background-color: #00aeef !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub + .pt-cv-pagination-wrapper .pt-cv-more , #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub + .pt-cv-pagination-wrapper .pagination .active a color: #ffffff !important; background-color: #00aeef !important; [id^='pt-cv-filter-bar-efbf6dd8ub'] .active.pt-cv-filter-option, [id^='pt-cv-filter-bar-efbf6dd8ub'] .active .pt-cv-filter-option, [id^='pt-cv-filter-bar-efbf6dd8ub'] .selected.pt-cv-filter-option, [id^='pt-cv-filter-bar-efbf6dd8ub'] .dropdown-toggle color: #fff !important; background-color: #00aeef !important; [id^='pt-cv-filter-bar-efbf6dd8ub'] .pt-cv-filter-title color: #fff !important; background-color: #00aeef !important; #pt-cv-gls-efbf6dd8ub li a.pt-active color: #fff !important; background-color: #ff5a5f !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-gls-header color: #fff !important; background-color: #00aeef !important; #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .img-rounded, #pt-cv-view-efbf6dd8ub .pt-cv-hover-wrapper -webkit-border-radius: 6px !important; -moz-border-radius: 6px !important; border-radius: 6px !important;
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Select your places of Interest
Kruger National Park
Sabi Sands Game Reserves
Greater Kruger Park Private Reserves
Madikwe Game Reserve
Phinda Game Reserve
Shamwari Game Reserve
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Goto more African Countries
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0 notes
renerjackson · 6 years
new app – Trekking in Nepal
If interested download both the app and checkout the web page:
The app offers offline support for both guided and independent trekkers.
Guest post by Ashish Shrestha:
Phuraphuti Sherpa runs the homely Namaste Lodge at Monjo, one of the many small villages that trekkers pass through on their way to Everest Base Camp.
The number of trekkers is close to fifty thousand per year, but only a handful know the fact that Phuraputi also runs a small kitchen garden and serves organic vegetables to her guests.
As she says, “I run a small lodge but I make sure every trekkers leave happily when they go. I even grow my own vegetables and serve organic food. I hope that now even small lodges like mine get equal opportunity to be noticed!”
In traditional dress for the photo.
She is one of the 80 lodges in the Everest Region that has signed up for HoneyGuide, an online community that connects mountain lovers with people who depend on the mountains for their livelihood.
The inspiration behind HoneyGuide is to:
Make sure that porters, guides, and lodges get paid equitably and get business transparently.
Make sure that trekkers get enough options and information to run a trek the way they see fit: from going independent without any bookings to a fully guided trek.
To these ends, HoneyGuide is:
A Trek Planning Tool with:
Comprehensive and Up to date information on Everest Base Camp Trek
Complete Checklist for planning a trek in Nepal
Health and Safety Advice for Trekking in Nepal
A Trek Booking Tool with:
Transparent Trek Booking starting with minimum services and options to add on extra services. See Gokyo Lakes and Gokyo Ri Trek.
Capacity to Book Flights, Lodges, and Guides separately. Email addresses and Phone Numbers are also available to aid communication.
Reviews and Ratings to ensure that lodges, and guides get business not based on kickbacks, but hard work and good service.
A Trek Companion that:
Introduces you to the Attractions, Mountains, Birds, Flowers, and Cultural Sightings of the villages you will pass through. See Namche for example.
Breakdown of what you can expect on each Day of your trek. For example see Day 8 of the Everest Base Camp Trek.
Provides all of the above in an offline Mobile App “Trekking in Nepal”. Here are the download links for Android and iOS devices.
(The iOS app is not free right now. Contact Dakshina with the Referral Code BestHike, and we will send you a promo code for iOS devices.)
Everest View from Kala Pathar. PC: Tenzing Hillary Everest Marathon.
Author Information.
Ashish Shrestha from Kathmandu grew up surrounded by lofty peaks and early developed a love for mountains. He’s a co-founder of the project 
The HoneyGuide Team.
  from besthike.com https://besthike.com/2018/09/07/new-app-trekking-in-nepal/
0 notes
waynebomberger · 6 years
new app – Trekking in Nepal
If interested download both the app and checkout the web page:
The app offers offline support for both guided and independent trekkers.
Guest post by Ashish Shrestha:
Phuraphuti Sherpa runs the homely Namaste Lodge at Monjo, one of the many small villages that trekkers pass through on their way to Everest Base Camp.
The number of trekkers is close to fifty thousand per year, but only a handful know the fact that Phuraputi also runs a small kitchen garden and serves organic vegetables to her guests.
As she says, “I run a small lodge but I make sure every trekkers leave happily when they go. I even grow my own vegetables and serve organic food. I hope that now even small lodges like mine get equal opportunity to be noticed!”
In traditional dress for the photo.
She is one of the 80 lodges in the Everest Region that has signed up for HoneyGuide, an online community that connects mountain lovers with people who depend on the mountains for their livelihood.
The inspiration behind HoneyGuide is to:
Make sure that porters, guides, and lodges get paid equitably and get business transparently.
Make sure that trekkers get enough options and information to run a trek the way they see fit: from going independent without any bookings to a fully guided trek.
To these ends, HoneyGuide is:
A Trek Planning Tool with:
Comprehensive and Up to date information on Everest Base Camp Trek
Complete Checklist for planning a trek in Nepal
Health and Safety Advice for Trekking in Nepal
A Trek Booking Tool with:
Transparent Trek Booking starting with minimum services and options to add on extra services. See Gokyo Lakes and Gokyo Ri Trek.
Capacity to Book Flights, Lodges, and Guides separately. Email addresses and Phone Numbers are also available to aid communication.
Reviews and Ratings to ensure that lodges, and guides get business not based on kickbacks, but hard work and good service.
A Trek Companion that:
Introduces you to the Attractions, Mountains, Birds, Flowers, and Cultural Sightings of the villages you will pass through. See Namche for example.
Breakdown of what you can expect on each Day of your trek. For example see Day 8 of the Everest Base Camp Trek.
Provides all of the above in an offline Mobile App “Trekking in Nepal”. Here are the download links for Android and iOS devices.
(The iOS app is not free right now. Contact Dakshina with the Referral Code BestHike, and we will send you a promo code for iOS devices.)
Everest View from Kala Pathar. PC: Tenzing Hillary Everest Marathon.
Author Information.
Ashish Shrestha from Kathmandu grew up surrounded by lofty peaks and early developed a love for mountains. He’s a co-founder of the project 
The HoneyGuide Team.
  from besthike.com https://ift.tt/2MSjfNk
0 notes
einereiseblog · 2 years
Ein Leitfaden zur Wahl zwischen dem Krüger-Nationalpark und den privaten Wildreservaten in Südafrika auf einen Blick Als es darum ging, unsere Reise nach Südafrika zu planen, ließ mich Kia auf mich allein gestellt, da ich wusste, wie sehr ich es genieße, über Karten zu brüten und mögliche Routen zu recherchieren. Das macht meistens Spaß, ist aber gelegentlich auch stressig, da ich weiß, dass ich dafür verantwortlich bin, wenn etwas schief geht. Vor diesem Hintergrund habe ich mir Mühe gegeben, eine zentrale Frage zu beantworten: Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile des Krüger-Nationalparks gegenüber privaten Wildreservaten in Südafrika? Eine Safari in Südafrika ist ein Punkt auf der Bucket-List und ich wollte nichts falsch machen. Daher verbrachte ich ein paar Stunden damit, Reiseführer und Blogbeiträge zu durchsuchen, um unsere Optionen abzuwägen. Um Ihnen die gleichen Probleme zu ersparen, habe ich meine Ergebnisse unten zusammengestellt, um Ihnen auf einen Blick einen Leitfaden für die Wahl zwischen dem Krüger-Nationalpark und den privaten Wildreservaten in Südafrika zu geben. Krüger Nationalpark in Kürze Der Krüger-Nationalpark ist eines der besten Reiseziele der Welt, um Wildtiere zu beobachten. Auf einer Fläche von 19.485 km2 (etwa so groß wie Wales!) bietet der Park eine Fülle der „Big Five“-Wildtiere (Löwe, Leopard, Nashorn, Elefant und Büffel) sowie 142 andere Säugetiere, darunter Geparden, Giraffen, Nilpferd, Zebra und Hyäne. Atlas & Boots Big-Five-Sichtungen sind im Krüger-Nationalpark keine Seltenheit Benannt nach Paul Kruger, dem ehemaligen Präsidenten der Südafrikanischen Republik, wurde der Park 1898 teilweise geschützt und 1926 zum ersten Nationalpark Südafrikas. Im Jahr 2002 schloss sich der Krüger-Nationalpark Mosambiks Limpopo und Simbabwes Gonarezhou an. Der daraus resultierende Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park wurde zum größten Wildpark Afrikas und ermöglichte die freie Bewegung von Tieren in einem der größten Naturschutzgebiete der Welt. Private Wildgehege in Kürze Der „Greater Kruger Park“ bezieht sich auf den Krüger-Nationalpark (der von der Regierung über SANParks verwaltet wird) und die angrenzenden privaten Wildreservate, von denen einige nicht eingezäunte Grenzen mit Krüger teilen. Teurer aber auch komfortabler sind die privaten Wildreservate in Südafrika. Sabi Sands ist das luxuriöseste von ihnen (und daher das teuerste). Andere private Wildreservate in der Umgebung sind unter anderem: Balule, Kapama, Klaserie, Makalali, Manyeleti, Thornybush und Timbavati. Wir übernachteten im Honeyguide Khoka Moya Camp im Manyeleti Game Reserve. Manyeleti, das dem lokalen Mnisi-Stamm gehört, ist der einzige Park, der schwarzen Südafrikanern während der Apartheid Zutritt gewährte. Werfen Sie einen Blick auf diese Karte, um eine Vorstellung vom Gesamtlayout der privaten Wildreservate in Krüger zu bekommen. Krüger-Nationalpark vs. private Wildreservate Nachfolgend listen wir relevante Informationen auf, um Ihnen bei der Wahl zwischen dem Krüger-Nationalpark und privaten Wildreservaten in Südafrika zu helfen. Private WildreservateNationalpark (öffentlich) Die großen 5JaJa Allgemeine SichtungenGut Die meisten Lodges befinden sich im Süden, wo häufig Leoparden gesichtet werden. Guides tauschen Informationen aus, was das Auffinden von Wild erleichtert (obwohl Funkkontakt ablenkend sein kann).Gut Hängt von Ihrer Fähigkeit ab, Tiere zu finden, wenn Sie selbst fahren. Größere Herden, größere Tiervielfalt. Crowd-LevelGering Selbst wenn die Lodges voll sind, begrenzen die Guides die Fahrzeuganzahl bei Sichtungen.Hoch Sehr beschäftigt während der Schulferien (Dezember-Jan, Ostern und Juni-Jul). Erwarten Sie Tourbusse, kommerzielle Restaurants und eine unkontrollierte Anzahl von Fahrzeugen bei Sichtungen. Fahrzeuglimit bei SichtungenJaNein SelbstfahrenNeinJa OffroadJaNein Geführte PirschfahrtenJa Einige Lodges begrenzen die Anzahl der Personen pro Fahrzeug, sodass jeder einen Fensterplatz hat.
Ja. Diese können 10 Personen pro Fahrzeug haben, sodass nicht jeder einen Fensterplatz haben wird. Dedizierter TrackerJaNein Private PirschfahrtenJaNein NachtfahrtenJaNein Pirschfahrten sind auf Tageslicht beschränkt. Die Ausnahme ist, wenn Sie eine Abendfahrt bei SANParks buchen. Private Betreiber und Selbstfahrer-Touristen dürfen nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit nicht fahren. Bereich abgedecktBegrenzt Sie sehen einen kleinen Teil des Greater Kruger mit minimalen Landschaftsvariationen.Weitreichend Größere Distanzen, größere Landschafts- und Vegetationsvielfalt. Geführtes WandernJa Wird normalerweise standardmäßig angeboten.Ja. Sie können eine geführte Wanderung bei den Rangern von SANParks buchen. FlexibilitätStarr Der Tagesablauf in privaten Wildgehegen ist meist recht fix.Frei UnterkunftLuxus-Lodges mit Klimaanlage, privaten Pools, WLAN und Spa-Einrichtungen.Einfache Bungalows mit Klimaanlage, eigenem Bad und Küche; einfache Hütten mit gemeinsamen Bädern und Küchen; Camping. Es gibt einige private Lodges im Park, aber sie benutzen die gleichen Straßen wie alle anderen und bieten daher kein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. EssenHoher StandardGrundstandard SelbstversorgungNeinJa KostenpunktHoch bis himmelhochStandard Unsere Empfehlung Der Krüger-Nationalpark bietet die Möglichkeit, größere Herden und eine größere Vielfalt an Tieren zu sehen. Die Landschaft ist vielfältiger und die Kosten sind viel überschaubarer. Wenn Sie es sich leisten können, empfehlen wir aus allen oben genannten Gründen ein privates Wildreservat. Die Kosten spielen natürlich eine große Rolle. Wir geben viel mehr pro Nacht aus als sonst, aber unsere Philosophie lautet: Wenn Sie für eine einmalige Safari den ganzen Weg nach Südafrika fliegen, ist es sinnlos, dort zu knausern. Viel Glück und lassen Sie es uns in den Kommentaren wissen, wenn Sie Fragen haben. Lonely Planet Südafrika, Lesotho & Swasiland ist ein umfassender Reiseführer für Südafrika, ideal für diejenigen, die sowohl die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten erkunden als auch weniger befahrene Straßen wählen möchten. Leitbild: Atlas & Boots .
0 notes
adyeri · 7 years
A Trip To Mount Elgon National Park
Mount Elgon National Park is the largest volcanic caldera on the planet Earth and is located in western Uganda straddling the Kenyan border. Mount Elgon was the tallest mountain in East Africa, today this inactive mountain is the fourth tallest in East Africa with 4,321 meters above sea level it boasts the largest base of any extinct volcano in the world, covers a total area of 1279 square kilometers, 69 of which are in Kenya. Mount Elgon was formed many years ago it was formed as a process of vulcanicity. The mountain is divided into four vegetation zones and each vegetation zone has its own attractions, very beautiful. You reach the mountain forest you hear the birds singing in the morning they wake you up. At mount Elgon there about 273 trees and shrub species namely; whistling thorn acacia, wait a bit thorn, grewia, giant cactus, African pencil cedar, spiny tree fern, broad leaved croton, flat top acacia, river acacia, red thorn acacia, black thorn acacia, white-galled acacia, umbrella acacia, red thorn acacia, large leaved albizia, red-hot poker tree(lucky bean tree, flame tree, casuarinas, sycamore fig, teclea, giant heath, large leaved gardenia, gardenia, giant groundsel, giant lobelia, sausage tree, jacaranda, African wild date palm and many others so the eco system is very, very rich.
The major issues affecting Mount Elgon National Park stem from the population pressure, the population density around Mount Elgon is about 600 people per square kilometer and the population is highly dependent on land. So you find that the landholdings per person is very small, so the population look at Mount Elgon National Park as alternative land that can be availed for farming. And therefore the park  has a big problem of encroachment, communities because of land shortage have invaded the national park, cut down the trees and they have established plantations of bananas, cassava maize and many other food crops.
Mount Elgon is a rain forested park and has got very good trees.
Flora and Fauna
Mount Elgon vegetation zones are similar to those of other large East African mountains. The contour of the mountain supports a contagious belt of ever green forest extending over roughly 750 km2 with in Uganda. The forest belt is divided into two broad strata. A tall Afro montane forest below 2500m,  low canopy montane and bamboo between 2500m to 3000m the slopes below the 2000 contour.
The most common species visible to hikers are blue monkey and white and black colobus. A small number of elephants are residents in the forest, animals like Zebras, Buffalos, sitatunga and common duiker(antelopes) and lions. The bird checklist stands at more than 300 species like mustached green thinker bird, red throated, wryneck, hunter’s cisticola, alpine chat, marsh widow bird, weyn’s weaver.
  To Things to Do and See around Mount Elgon and Sipi falls.
     Rock Climbing:
Rock climbing takes place outside the park at Sipi falls. There are 14 climbs requiring various levels of rock scaling techniques, the toughest is a 35m climb while the easiest is 15m. This is guided and supervised activity that is the most enjoyable adventure.
Since a high proportion of the 300 species is highly rewarding for birders. The lovely bronze mannkin, African cuckoo, black and white casqued hornbill, montane oriole, mountain greenbul, golden winged  sunbird, greater honeyguide, taita fscal, barn swallow, red rumped swallow, hunters cisticola and black collared apalis.
Birding at Mount Elgon is remarkable to visitors with a variety of colorful birds and by their relative tameness 
     Sipi falls:
This pretty waterfall is visible for miles as it plunges over a cliff from the direction of bulago village. Tourists focus on the trading centre which lies at an altitude of 1,775monly 40km from Mbale along a good surfaced road.
    The Abayudaya Jews of Uganda:
The isolated community of the Ugandan Jews known as the Abayudaya. The most prominent of these religious dissident was Malaki Musajakawa whose Aficanist Christian sect called Malakities managed to attract up to 100,000 ugandans away from more convectional denominations during its short lived heydays.
      Bagisu Circumcision rights:
The bantu speaking people who live on the slopes of Mount Elgon. Circumcision of the  bagisu takes place in August and December , a man can not married without being circumcised. Travelers who visit Mbale, the Sipi and Kapchorwa during the circumcision are welcome to attend any local ceremonies that take place. Females also come looking at the newly bachelors.
    Wanale cliffs:
The waterfall streaked cliffs of wanale ridges dominate Mbale’s eastern skyline, making the end of the 2,348m Nkokonjeru arm a ridge of lava extruded through a parasitic vent on the western flank of Mount Elgon. A 20 km road  from Mbale climbs up on the ridge through a cleft in the cliffs, meandering through superb mountain scenery.
A stretch of the sipi river above the top of the waterfall near Kapkwai about 20 minutes drive from the Sipi trading centre trout fishing is practiced. the Nile Perch and the cat fish are among the more alluring fish that inhabit sipi river.
     The Nyero Rock Painting:
The finest of several rock art sites scattered around eastern Uganda. The site comprises six discrete painted panels set within a few hundred meters of each prominent granite outcrop called Moru Ikara. The age of the rock is a matter for conjecture, as is the identity of the artist, the Iteso people who have inhabited the region for the last 300 years  reckon that the art has always been there.
Where To Stay
Sipi River Lodge
Set with I the grounds of a unique restored former residence, sipi river lodge consists of main house and seven detached accommodation for the guest. Set I lovely wooded grounds at the foot of the middle waterfall the terrific little lodge is comfortably the best in the Mount Elgon region. The main lodge occupies a transformed bungalow with a cosy lounge, bar and excellent library. Activities include sipi walks, mountain biking, coffee tours, archery ascents of Mount Elgon and fly fishing in the river.
The Sipi Falls region is a hiker’s paradise! Choose from among a series of popular waterfall walks or talk to our guides about custom options to craft the ultimate scenic
Lacam Lodge
It’s built on the slopes of mountain Elgon in Eastern Uganda. Enjoy a place of sublime natural beauty and rustic charm. Staying amongst the friendly Sabine people, Perched on the cliff edge with unparalleled views of Sipi falls. So close to that the waterfall is mostly heard than seen. Though the steep cliff below the site will give visitors the willies, the sudden drop makes the view down sipi valley to the Kyoga Basin particularly dramatic   
Restaurant and Bar
A place for relaxation or adventure
Stay in one of our wooden bandas or in your tent.
Enjoy a four course candle-lit dinner.
Go hiking, abseiling and rock climbing
Accommodation is provided in;
Wooden Bandas
Made of local Timber
Grass thatch is extracted from the plains below.
2 double beds in each Banda
Spacious Verandahs
En suite shower and toilet
Lacam Lodge also has 3 non self-contained Bandas with shared facilities and are cheaper than the self-contained. The lodge allows self-camping where the guests are allowed to pitch their tents. Lacam Lodge also features a restaurant and bar.
Noah’s Ark Resort
Noah’s Ark Hotels located on the Mount Elgon Slopes present all category accommodation ranging from Luxury to Midrange and Budget accommodation the Uganda safari undertakers. The Hotel features three branches with the capacity to take more than 100 clients with the price range of $10 – $100 depending on the client’s preference.
Noah’s Ark Hotels offers mid range accommodation to travelers and is situated along the slopes of Mt. Elgon and this varies from luxury-midrange as well as budget depending on how much one has prepared to spend. The hotel has three different divisions and these have the capability to accommodate more than 100 clients from different destinations and fall into the price range of $10 – $100.
The Main Hotel includes;
Bedroom with Living Room
Living room
Single Bed
Twin Bedroom
2 beds
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hiddenplacestravel · 7 years
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Today our intrepid 100 Miles for Elephants team are setting off on their journey across the Serengeti in Tanzania. They will be walking 15 miles a day for a week, across a wild area where no jeep safaris are allowed, and camping in the bush by night. This is a fantastic time of year for a long walk in the Serengeti - the landscape is lush after recent rains and the temperatures have cooled. Best of all - the Great Migration has begun its push south from Masai Mara, following the greening pastures, and our group will be witnessing this fantastic spectacle of thousands of wildebeest and zebra on the move. They are in the best of hands, led by Tanzania’s top walking guides, and a support group who will go ahead each day and set up the comfortable camps. No roughing it- there will be hot 'bucket' showers and buffet style meals served at a table with chairs! But the walk itself is a big challenge, and it is for a crucial purpose: raising funds to protect and conserve Africa’s wild elephant population. Our team have done a sterling job in this regard; the funds raised this year will go to #spaceforgiants for their African-wide work and #honeyguidefoundation for their grassroots projects in Tanzania - specifically to support their Anti Poaching Tracker Dog Unit, which is a huge deterrent to elephant poachers. When they arrive in the Serengeti, the team will met Honeyguide Foundation’s top dog trainer/handler and his dogs. Tomorrow, after the day’s long walk, they will meet Damien Bell, the founder of Honeyguide Foundation. They will be out of cell phone and wifi range for much of the trek, so we’ll be posting more photos and stories when they return. We wish them all the very best of luck on this challenging walk! And big thanks from the elephants! . . . #elephants #tanzania #serengeti #greatmigration #walkingadventures #walkingsafari #adventuresforacause #hundredmilesforelephants #trekking #fundraising #@yamsiol @ginaberko
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krugerparktour-blog · 7 years
What makes the Manyeleti Game Reserve so special?
Manyeleti, in the local Shangaan dialect, means “The place of the stars”. It is not just a fancy name but a description of the star gazing magic that Manyeleti Game Reserve has to offer. In fact, people who have been guests of Manyeleti know that the stargazing there is incredible, so much so that there are those who say you could miss out on everything else and still leave completely convinced you had an amazing experience.
What makes this place so special?
There are multiple factors why, and this blog does a job of highlighting some of them.
1.Unique Location
Manyeleti Game Reserve is situated between the Timbavati Private Reserve, the Sabi Sand Game Reserve and the Kruger National Park. There are no borders present, meaning that animals are free to roam as they please. This should already speak volumes to you, given the remarkable wildlife and sights all three boast of. This unique location explains why the reserve is home to some of South Africa’s best game viewing including the Big 5 and many other wildlife species.
2.Minimal Vehicle Density
The reserve has developed a reputation of having low vehicle density, making the experience all the more pleasant. The reason why the vehicle density is so low, despite being sandwiched between 3 of the finest wild places in the country is because it is withdrawn from the most frequented tourist areas. It could be that Kruger Park and Sabi Sand Game Reserve, all which are conventionally more popular without necessarily offering more, draw most of the traffic. The result is a much unperturbed, authentic traditional Kruger Park Safari.
3.It is a private reserve with unique ownership
The game reserve is under the ownership and management of the local Mnisi tribe. It is also private, and it exclusively caters for guests who are ‘overnighting’ in the reserve. This rare blend of unique ownership (where the owner is not, say, one family, company or even the government but rather a traditional tribe) and private status completely transforms the game reserve experience into an exclusive and personalized one.
4.Phenomenal Climate
The Manyeleti Game Reserve climate is subtropical. The summers are thus not hot and dry, as is common with so many other places in Africa. Kruger Park Tour Summers bring rains with them, resulting in hot yet wet conditions. Winters on the other hand are not wet. They are also not unbearably cold. Rather, they are cool and dry.
5.Incredible Places to Visit
In the Manyeleti Game Reserve, there are 3 options for you to visit, each of which houses a unique charm.
The Honeyguide Khoka Moya Camp (meaning “capture the spirit” in the Shangaan dialect) is a safari bush camp that is comfortable and family friendly.
The Honeyguide Mantobeni Camp offers some amazing and exciting wildlife experiences, along with awesome service and phenomena cuisine.
Tintswalo is a luxurious safari lodge, unique for very low vehicular traffic, allowing it to offer a very authentic traditional experience. The lodge also overlooks a waterhole that sees elephants as well as other big game frequent it.
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No recount of my time in South Africa would be complete without mentioning Loki the Caracal.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🇿🇦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Honeyguide Ranger Camp, along with the help of UCONN students, adopted this little floof as a wildlife rehabilitation effort. Loki was born with a disorder that gave him a permanent limp; something that he would never survive in the wild with. Adopting him into the camp gives this little guy an opportunity for one-on-one care to ensure a long, happy, healthy life! Not to mention, a new best friend for everyone visiting Honeyguide 😄 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #animalconservation #africananimals #animallovers #animal_fanatics #animalsofinstagram #wildlifeofinstagram #africanwildlife #wildlifeprotection #protectwildlife #animalphotography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotos #exclusive_wildlife #wildlifeconservation #discoverwildlife #wildlifeaddicts #wildlifeplanet #wildlife_seekers #savewildlife #wildlifeshots #protectwildlife #instawildlife #wildlifelovers #featured_wildlife #discoverwildpaws #adventurousstoryteller #featuredwildographer #wildlifefreaks #splendid_animals #girlswhosafari (at Entabeni Private Game Reserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFb2ueBHsau/?igshid=2k4geexzpqvt
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