pumpkinnkidd · 1 year
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more of my ocs but as kittens!! featuring @meta-knight-is-bisexual’s character snail.
in order left to right they are honey, snail, deer, fox, and coyote!
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bliss-clan · 6 months
Honeystar is Admiring Emberheart from afar…
Emberheart was seen loudly bickering with the medicine cat of HyacinthClan
Emberheart appreciates Honeystar’s helpful attitude.
Honeystar quietly purred to herself, padding about the empty BlissClan camp, jumping across the rocks. She didn’t mind the loneliness, instead proudly smiling and imagining what it’d be like moons from now, filled with cats…
The leader deftly hopped from her perch and wandered off. Having nothing better to do with her time, she excitedly headed in the direction of her mate. 
…only to be met with a tone she rarely heard from him being used on a cat she recognized…HyacinthClan’s head medicine cat. She hissed under her breath, watching from a distance as Emberheart, despite his valiant efforts, stormed off from the confrontation, hurt shining in his eyes. Her smile immediately turned into a concerned frown, only deepening as she walked alongside him. 
“…What was that, love?…”
“…That was just…Agh, typical HyacinthClan, thinking we can’t exist without them…”
“…I’m glad you didn’t turn out like that…”
“Me too. Imagine if I wrote you off, too…I would never forgive that version of myself.”
“Well, that’s not you. My Emberheart would never.” 
She nuzzled his cheek, before suddenly bounding forwards and efficiently catching a mouse in her claws. She picked it up in her teeth, giving her mate a determined grin, before dropping it so she could speak.
“BlissClan is going to be the greatest, most honorable Clan under silverpelt, just you wait! HyacinthClan doesn’t know what’s coming!”
The speech was short, but they both felt their hearts fill with the fires of hope, Emberheart purring in appreciation.
With that, they sprinted back to camp, meowing triumphantly into the skies above. 
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merry christmas and happy holidays everyone!!!!!! especially @pumpkinnkidd , who shares these kitties with me!!!!!!!!!! hope you have a wonderful day sweetheart!!!
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two versions cause I like both :))) went to a christmas eve service last night and the image of these three Would Not leave my mind, so yeah!!!! hope everyone's having at least a good day, and a wonderful holiday.
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vrmvrm44 · 1 year
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old vs new
old was made in 2020, which was actually when i began making digital art and began drawing cats! A lot has changed in those 3 years and its crazy to look back at how much I've improved!
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Crossover likelihood?
I doubt it lolllll
I mean HoneyHeart is married already
and northeast is not…yet. Soon, soon, my friends…
Good things could happen in January :3
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necro-man-sir · 6 months
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knightlymoon · 20 days
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Once, Feverfew was simply a Soldier, chosen to become a Hive Knight for her Queen. After years of training and service, a foe began to break down the Hive and kill its inhabitants. Fearing for the safety of those left, The Queen entrusted Feverfew with the task of moving the last remaining of her hive to anywhere safe. Feverfew initially rejected the idea, but was pushed into it, being fed Royal Jelly in order to change her form into something more Royal- for the Bees to follow her. She traveled with the last of Her Hive's Soldiers and civilians, eventually finding Hallownest, a ruined Kingdom. It was there she encountered Hallownests' Hive, watching it be attacked by Deepnest Residents, before launching a surprise attack, saving the bees that were left. It has taken time, and a lot of work, but The Hive of Hallownest is now hers; A Sanctuary for The Hivekin. She ensures her people are kept safe and well-fed, helping deter enemies that try to encroach on their territory with an iron claw.
Additonal height comparisons for her and her Hive Knights
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honeyheart-designs · 2 months
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Corset dress - comes in two colours and 2 dress variations
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afieldinengland · 1 year
You're one of the Earth's greatest treasures, as one of her children and her creation. Don't let your despair and fear swallow you whole, and be gentle with yourself, as much as you can right now - 🌿🍷
i can’t, heart, i’m sorry— all i’ve done for the past few days is make a mortifying mess of everything. i’ve gotten it all wrong and i have no idea how to mend it, and it’s hard to think of being gentle to myself when i’ve embarrassed myself like this. it’s difficult to convince myself that a bout of harsh worship isn’t the way back, this time
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darlingpwease · 2 years
AHHH u don't gotta thank me, I really do adore it <33 ever since I first stumbled upon one of ur works I've been sucked in, I think ur so incredibly talented :)) <333
૮₍ ´˶• ω •˶` ₎ა,,,,,,,
panna cotta shsgshsh keep being so sweet and I'll just bite your cute cheek </333 /pos
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gamer-ghoul · 2 years
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shitty doodle of sparkstar lol he is ab to kill a woman he is so normal
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pumpkinnkidd · 2 years
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gay oc doodles
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bliss-clan · 6 months
MOON 7-8
Freaking WolverineClan declares war on BlissClan for some stupid freaking reason
Three kits.
Three beautiful kits.
Honeystar purred, everything was going so well, everything was going to be okay-
Emberheart trudged into the nursery, sitting down next to her and sighing. Tears stained the fur around his eyes. Honeystar tilted her head, confused.
“…WolverineClan has declared war.”
Honeystar found herself almost at a loss for words. 
“But- now?! I mean, our kits, there’s only two of us- What did we ever do to them?”
“We existed. They don’t think we’re a legitimate clan.”
…Honeystar laid her head on her paws, her hopes shattered…
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fallenclan · 6 months
Maplekit was trying desperately not to sneeze. The fragrant scent of tansy and garlic was overwhelming, causing his nose to twitch with every inhale. Besides the smell, there was nothing particularly frightening about the medicine den, though Goldenflare avoided it like the burrow of some bloodthirsty badger.
The only creature calling the den home was no badger, but rather the clan's medicine cat, Sunwish. She appeared deeply engrossed in her herb sorting, mumbling the names of various plants under her breath.
"Sunwish?" Maplekit chirped. The she-cat's gaze snapped abruptly to the intruding kit, seeming both startled and irritated. Maplekit knew Goldenflare would scold him later for bothering such a busy cat.
"What is it, Maplekit?"
Taking her reply as an invitation to scoot forward, Maplekit stated bluntly, "I want to know more about Morningbloom."
"What?" Sunwish hissed, quickly schooling her features a moment later. "Can't you ask your father?"
"It makes him sad."
"I see."
Sensing the uncomfortable shift of Sunwish's shoulders, Maplekit thought back to Dawnkit's earlier taunt ("I bet Morningbloom isn't even an actual cat. Sunwish is probably your real mother---that's why she can't stand to look at you!" Honeykit had promptly tackled Dawnkit, leading to a fight which in the end Toro had needed to break up).
"Well, Morningbloom was... kind. I'm sure she would have adored you." Seeing the disappointed droop of Maplekit's ears, Sunwish hurriedly continued, "She was the cleverest cat I've ever known. She had this particular expression she'd make whenever she knew she was correct about something. She liked to tease cats, but never went too far. She didn't tolerate nonsense but knew how to have fun. She-" Sunwish sighed. "She loved your father very much."
"Thank you." It was the polite response, but Maplekit was still left craving more. He hated the haunted look Goldenflare adopted whenever someone dared mention Morningbloom's name. Even Sunwish, a usually sullen cat, appeared gloomier than usual when discussing the deceased she-cat.
"You're welcome." Sunwish turned back to her herbs. "If you see Goldenflare, tell him I want to speak to him about-" She paused. "Tell him I want to speak to him." It was a clear dismissal.
"Okay." Sighing, Maplekit bounded out of Sunwish's den, immediately crashing into Applekit. Honeykit and Dawnkit stood a few paces away, with Silverkit nowhere to be seen. Evidently the trio had been eavesdropping.
"See?" Honeykit hissed. "Sunwish isn't my mom!"
"Okay, okay, whatever." Dawnkit huffed. "I only said that because you kept saying that Toro can't be a 'real' warrior due to her name."
"Well, the warrior code says-"
"The code doesn't say anything about needing a warrior name to be a warrior, actually," Maplekit corrected. The betrayed look Honeykit shot him was enough to brighten Maplekit's somber mood.
For now, at least.
"One day, we're going to lead this clan," Honeypaw declared with an alarming amount of confidence.
"Oh, yeah?" Maplepaw didn't bother to look at Honeypaw, continuing to cloud-watch whilst lying on his back.
"When Dad's leader, he'll probably make you deputy right away, and then when you're leader you'll make me deputy," Honeypaw continued. "Maplestar and Honeyheart!"
"Because of my big heart, of course," Honeypaw grinned cheekily, causing Maplepaw to chuckle. "You have to promise, though."
"That when you're leader you'll make me your first deputy."
"That's if I ever become leader."
"Maplepaw, everyone knows you'll be leader someday."
"Everyone being you, Applepaw, and Silverpaw?"
"Dawnpaw thinks so too, even if he won't admit it."
Maplepaw sighed. "I don't know if I even want to be leader. It's a lot of responsibility. Plus, it would be hard without Dad."
"Okay," Maplepaw relented.
"I said you had to promise!"
"I promise."
"Then it's settled."
"When do you think Applepaw and Honeypaw will be warriors?" Dawnshine murmured, sending Maplethorn a neutral glance.
"Another moon, probably." Maplethorn tilted his head. "It's weird being a warrior without them."
"Yeah, well, it means we'll get at least a night of peace before having those two baffoons stomping around the warriors' den."
"They aren't so bad." Maplethorn rose a brow as he continued, "You and Honeypaw have gotten a lot closer."
"I guess."
"So have Silverpaw and Applepaw."
"Yeah. As long as Applepaw doesn't do anything stupid to hurt my sister, I think they'll be good for each other. Their personalities mesh well."
"What about you and Honeypaw?"
"I can't stand him half the time. The other half I can't stand being away from him. Do you know how that feels?"
"Not really," Maplethorn admitted. "But I hear the way my brother talks about you. He might be a bit bull-headed, but he really cares."
"I know," Dawnshine hummed. "So there isn't anyone you're interested in?"
"There aren't many options," Maplethorn joked, a half hearted deflection. He'd never really felt that way towards anyone before. He doubted he ever would. The thought didn't bother him as much as it might bother some cats.
"Eh, true enough." Dawnshine shrugged. "I want to make sure it's not just proximity drawing me to Honeypaw before I ask him to be my mate."
"You're going to ask him to be your mate?" Maplethorn couldn't help the grin that found its way onto his muzzle.
"Forget I said that. Do not tell him or he'll be insufferable for moons."
"I won't. Promise."
"Good. I'm trusting you."
Those last words meant more to Maplethorn than he'd ever know how to admit.
"You're pregnant?" Maplethorn stared, unable to comprehend what he was hearing.
"I just got done telling Silverbelly. She seemed really overwhelmed, but happy too. Maplethorn, I'm so excited," Applebranch purred, tears prickling in her eyes.
"I just-" Maplethorn swallowed. "I'm going to be an uncle."
"Does Dad know?"
"Not yet." Applebranch let out a nervous laugh. "You don't think he'll be mad, right?"
"Mad? No. I think he'll be. . . concerned." Once he and his siblings were old enough, Goldenflare had revealed the true circumstances of Morningbloom's death. Maplethorn couldn't imagine how Goldenflare might feel knowing that his daughter could suffer the same fate.
"Well, there's nothing that can be done about it now," Applebranch stated firmly. "I hope I'll be a good mother."
"You will be." Maplethorn pressed his cheek against Applebranch's own. "Your kits will grow up knowing that they're loved fully and unconditionally. You won't be alone, either. You'll have me, and Honeygleam, and Dad, and Toro, and Silverbelly, of course."
"I know, I know." Applebranch wiped a paw across her face, trying to get rid of any lingering tears. "I'm going to go tell Dad and Honeygleam. Will you come with?"
"Of course! I’ll always be here for you, whatever you need."
"Thanks, Maple."
"Dad, please wake up!" Maplethorn wailed, desperately shaking the limp tom. His whole life, Maplethorn had been told that leaders had nine lives, and up until this point he'd believed it, but seeing Goldenstar so motionless, so lifeless, left him feeling paralyzed with terror.
"He's going to wake up, Maplethorn," Silverbelly's soft mew did nothing to soothe Maplethorn's nerves.
"But what if he doesn't? What if the injuries are too severe? Like-like with Scorchstar?"
Silverbelly's expression darkened. "That won't happen, Maplethorn. Trust me."
So Maplethorn waited, and after what felt like an agonizing eternity, Goldenstar jerked back to life, gasping as if he'd been held underwater. "Maplethorn?" the tom wheezed.
"Dad! I'm here." Maplethorn could feel his paws trembling. "We were attacked by a dog. You--you died, Dad. I saw you die."
"StarClan revived me," Goldenstar rumbled.
"I thought I'd lost you," Maplethorn whispered, stricken.
"I'm fine, really," Goldenstar grunted. "Just give me a moment." Noticing how truly petrified Maplethorn looked, Goldenstar's features softened. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, okay? I'm sticking around till you get tired of me."
"That will never happen."
"I'm sure it won't," Goldenstar chuckled. As Maplethorn turned to say something to Silverbelly it hit him that neither of them had been sure if Goldenstar was really coming back. The expression he found on Silverbelly's face was not confidence.
It was relief.
"At least it healed properly."
"Do you doubt my mother's healing capabilities?"
"Of course not." Maplethorn let out a fond albeit exhasperated chuckle. "I was just worried, that's all."
"I care about you." At Pinefrost's blank expression, Maplethorn continued, "You're my nephew."
"Oh. Okay."
"Now that you aren't cooped up in the medicine den, why don't we go hunting? I know a great spot down by the river split."
"I'm old enough to know our clan's territory, Maplethorn." Pinefrost frowned slightly. After a few moments, he mrrowed, "But I wouldn't mind spending some time with you."
"All right, perfect. I was starting to worry that you might not actually like me," Maplethorn teased.
"Why would you think that?" Pinefrost titled his head, appearing utterly baffled.
Maplethorn only laughed again.
"Careful! You nearly stepped on Maplethorn's tail," Molesong's waspish tone made Hawkkit flinch backward, eyes rounding with dismay.
"Oh no! I'm sorry, Maplethorn."
"It's okay." Maplethorn chuckled. With a drawn out sigh, Molesong scooped up Hawkkit, giving her daughter's head a few reassuring licks.
"I'm not mad at you, sweetie," Molesong hummed. "I just wish you'd be more careful."
"I will, Mama," Hawkkit promised. Eaglekit watched the entire scene with a pensive look.
"Is everything all right, Eaglekit?" Maplethorn mewed.
"Yeah. I was just wondering. . ."
"You were wondering?" Maplethorn prompted.
"Are you my dad?"
"Eaglekit!" Molesong hissed, sheer mortification passing through her gaze. "Maplethorn, I'm so sorry. She isn't old enough to understand how rude of a question-"
"No, no, it's fine," Maplethorn replied swiftly, attempting to save Molesong any further embarassment. Eaglekit's question vaguely reminded him of a conversation he'd had with Sunwish many years ago, but he couldn't quite remember how it went anymore.
"Maplethorn is far too old to be your father," Molesong mewed sternly. Maplethorn opted not to take offense. "He's my uncle."
"What's an uncle?" Hawkkit squeaked.
"A parent's brother. You have uncles, too: Pinefrost and Flyspots. Aunts are a parent's sister."
"Oh! Like Mudsplash and Crowflame," Hawkkit exclaimed.
"Yes, like Mudsplash and Crowflame," Molesong nodded.
"Then who's our father?" Eaglekit pressed.
Molesong sighed, the warning signs of irritation glinting in her gaze. Still, she made an honorable effort to hide her frustration from her daughters. Maplethorn sent her a sympathetic glance. "Rabbitpounce."
"Who's that?" Eaglekit squinted.
"The white-and-ginger tom who visits us in the nursery sometimes. StarClan knows where he is right now," Molesong scoffed. Hawkkit seemed satisfied with this answer, but Eaglekit appeared to have more questions. Molesong silenced her with a look.
Tactfully changing the topic, Maplethorn said, "Why don't I go get Honeygleam to tell you two a story? We can even round up the other kits, too."
"Yes! I love stories," Hawkkit purred, her voice never breaching a loud whisper even in her excitement.
Molesong mouthed a quick "thank you" before rushing off to find Curly and Flyspots so they could wrangle all the kits together.
"Why don't you two help me find Honeygleam?"
"Okay!" Eaglekit and Hawkkit chirped in unison, tumbling after Maplethorn as he began to amble across camp. 
"I always knew you'd become deputy one day!" Honeygleam purred, tail curling above his back. Dawnshine and Robinblaze stood beside him while Applebranch wove around Maplethorn, purring contentedly.
"Toro made the right choice," a gravelly voice added. Crowflame had slunk through the crowd, her gaze impassive. "Congratulations."
"Thank you." Maplethorn shot Crowflame a warm smile. "I'm glad to have your support."
Crowflame grunted something inaudible in reply.
"Don't mind her," Applebranch chuckled. "She's always been grumpy."
It appeared Maplethorn was the only cat that noticed how Crowflame's ears pinned at being referred to as her. Maplethorn wasn't given time to dwell on it, as moments later he was practically tackled by Flyspots and Mudsplash, both cats whooping and cheering. "Maplethorn! Maplethorn!" Mudsplash chanted, grinning goofily, her one trademark fang poking out.
"Kits, careful now. You'll crush him," Silverbelly warned, padding up alongside Toro.
"We aren't kits anymore, Mom," Flyspots rolled his eyes, but his demeanor remained fond.
"Still," Silverbelly insisted.
"Yeah, yeah." Flyspots stuck out his tongue, causing Silverbelly to let out a clearly fake affronted gasp. Applebranch chortled in amusement.
"Are you lot giving Maplethorn a hard time?" Goldenstar's steady voice caused Maplethorn's heart to flood with warmth.
"I'm all right, Dad," he purred.
"Good. I wouldn't want the new deputy to be out-of-sorts."
"Yeah, we wouldn't want that," Flyspots teased.
"You can count on me. As soon as this swarm of cats dissipates, I'll be calling dusk patrols."
"What? No way!" Flyspots let out a dramatic pout, which in turn caused Mudsplash to playfully shove him, muttering, "Don't be a lazy-bones."
"Duty calls," Maplethorn replied solemnly. The only thing betraying his amusement were his twitching whiskers. "Even in times of celebration, patrols must be done."
"I guess. . ." Flyspots sulked.
"Come on, it'll be fun! Remember that time we found a raccoon?" Mudsplash grinned.
"That was not fun, and it was a skunk, not a raccoon."
"Wormshade wouldn't go near you for days! It was so funny."
"You wouldn't be laughing if you were the one that got sprayed!"
As the two cats continued their light-hearted bickering, Goldenstar shifted until he stood shoulder-to-shoudler with Maplethorn. The proud smile on his face was all Maplethorn needed to know that this was the right path for him.
"Crowflame identifies as a tom." Applebranch's words came as no surprise to Maplethorn.
"All right. I'll make sure to refer to him as such from now on."
"He'll probably tell you himself sooner or later. He looks up to you a lot, you know."
"He does?"
"Of course. He's always wanted to be just like you some day."
"I guess I never considered that cats might look up to me and not Dad. He's the one they should admire."
"They do admire him, but they admire you too, Maple. We all do."
Unable to properly express how much Applebranch's words had touched him, Maplethorn instead leaned forward to nuzzle his sister, a purr growing in his chest. “Thank you.”
Maplethorn had only just got done wailing. Everything had happened so fast. One moment, he had been in his nest resting and the next he had been awoken by furious shrieks and desperate cries.
So many cats had died. Curly. Rabbitpounce. Toro. Dawnshine.
Even thinking his brother's name caused Maplethorn's heart to ache. He couldn't let himself dwell on his own agony. Instead, he had crept into the medicine den, tucking himself into the nest beside Flyspots. The majority of the other nests had been deserted now that the medicine cats had finished attending to everyone's wounds. Everyone that survived, that is.
Flyspots was despondent. "I couldn't even help fight," the tom mumbled vacantly. Maplethorn sighed. He had no words of comfort to offer. Instead he began to groom Flyspots's matted fur, careful to avoid the herbal wrap which bound his back.
"I can't believe it. . ." Flyspots whispered.
"Neither can I."
The sun had begun to set by the time Maplethorn and his patrol had found them. Spiderclaw lay motionless, his gaze devoid of life. Maplethorn had no idea what he was going to tell Flyspots.
Maplethorn had sent the rest of his patrol (Moonstep and Grassroot) back to camp to fetch Silverbelly and Stormsight. Robinblaze was breathing, barely, but was too battered to be transported back to camp.
So Maplethorn waited by her side. "It's going to be okay, Robinblaze." The ginger tabby's throat was marred by a vicious bite-mark. Grassroot had pressed moss against the wound in an attempt to stem the bleeding.
" . . . yeah," Robinblaze wheezed.
"It will be okay," Maplethorn repeated softly. He couldn't take anymore grief. Not after Dawnshine and Honeygleam. Not after Molesong. "I promise."
"I'll say hi to my dads for you." Robinblaze's voice was barely more than a whisper, her chest beginning to rise and fall at a far slower pace.
"There's no sense talking like that." Maplethorn squeezed his eyes shut for a few moments. "Why don't I tell you a funny story about when your fathers and I were apprentices?"
" . . . okay . . . "
By the time Moonstep and Grassroot had returned with Silverbelly and Stormsight, they were met with the sight of Maplethorn wrapped around Robinblaze as if she were a newborn kit. The tom's soft sobs hit the patrol moments before the scent of decay.
"He still hasn't come back." Applebranch's voice had begun to rise.
"He likes his walks," Celia murmured. "He's probably just taking a little extra time for himself."
"He never takes this long!" Applebranch hissed, tail puffed up.
Maplethorn sat vacantly, watching the two as if from a far distance. He barely even registered when Mudsplash sat down beside him. "We don't know something bad happened," she said.
"No. I have a feeling. He's. . ." Gone. The word could not be spoken aloud.
"Are you ready?" Mudsplash pressed, her demeanor melancholy in a way so unusual for her that Maplethorn had to pause to even begin to process it.
"Not really." There was no point in lying.
"We'll all be here to support you. You can always talk to me, okay?"
"Thank you." Maplethorn blinked gratefully at Mudsplash before slowly shifting to his paws. "Applebranch," he called, interupting her continuing argument with Celia. "Let's go check the western cliffs near his usual walking trail. I'll assign another patrol to check in the opposite direction."
Applebranch let out a huff but didn't argue, tail flicking wildly. "I could come with you," Mudsplash offered.
"No, it's all right." Maplethorn exhaled. With a solemn set to his shoulders, Maplethorn bounded towards the center of camp, preparing to call his clanmates together and inform them of the separate search parties.
He could only hope all of this would prove unnecessary, and that Goldenstar would grumble and gripe when he learned such a fuss had been made over him.
Maplethorn really, really hoped.
But he knew.
"I sometimes wonder how I will be remembered in the years following my death. Will cats view me as just a shadow successor to my father? What has FallenClan accomplished under my leadership besides a war with a neighboring clan?"
"FallenClan has remained prosperous under your leadership. ShallowClan's actions don't reflect upon you," Silverbelly replied.
"Yes, but what if ShallowClan chose to attack now because they sensed weakness? Would they have even dared if Goldenstar was stlil leader?"
"Truthfully, I think the war had more to do with ShallowClan's change in leadership than FallenClan's." Silverbelly's tail flicked. "You remember Lichenstripe, don't you? He had a lot of insightful things to say about the state of things in ShallowClan."
Maplestar batted at a stray pebble. "If not a half-hearted war, then what is my legacy?"
"Your legacy is your warmth. The love and affection you show to your kin, the comradery you inspire in your clanmates."
"You really think so?"
"I know so, Maplestar."
Before him stood endless, tumbling fields of stars, an eternal sway of starry grass coupled with the faint smell of lilacs. He could see Honeygleam and Robinblaze racing across the starry expanse, leaving long indents across the meadow as they ran.
The meadow seemed to heal itself, the grass springing back up almost as soon as it was crushed.
Beneath a spruce tree, Goldenstar sat in deep discussion with Sunwish while Morningbloom and Celia lounged together a few foxlengths away.
Molesong was here, too, having decided to show off her hunting skills to a gaggle of wide-eyed kits.
Dawnshine stood a few paces away from Maplestar, ears pricked in an attentive manner, almost as if he were waiting for someone.
"What's on your mind?" Maplestar rumbled.
"You, actually," Dawnshine replied. "I was wondering---do you ever regret not having kits of your own?"
Maplestar hummed thoughtfully. "No, not really. I have a family, one that's quite large at that. I've never been interested in having a mate or kits of my own."
Dawnshine nodded. "I thought so."
"Why do you ask?"
"I was just wondering, now that it's too late to, well," Dawnshine smiled. "Stormsight was wondering if you'd like to go exploring with us later, by the way."
"There certainly is plenty to explore," Maplestar said. "Why don't we invite Honeygleam and Robinblaze too?"
"No, they're already having too much fun. We should let them be." Dawnshine's gaze had grown soft.
"All right." Maplestar grinned. "You, me, and Stormsight it is then."
"One thing I do appreciate about being dead is that I can always make time to hangout with my family," Dawnshine purred.
Family. Dawnshine and Silverbelly were both a part of Maplestar's family as well. Their mother and younger siblings were like extended family. Even Celia was a sort of familial figure, with Sunwish acting as a reserved, somewhat temperamental aunt.
So much family, and all here together. Even those who were absent were guaranteed to one day join them in eternity.
A soft purr grew in Maplestar's throat. "I like that, too. I like it a lot."
-🐉 (have a maplefic as a treat, since i will be visiting relatives in no-wifi-land for about five days starting tomorrow. the next creatures on my "write a fic about" list are cherrystar and poppyfeather. as always, beetle and anyone else, you are all welcome to request characters you'd like to see. hope you like this fic! it's a long one isn't it....)
AUGH.... HEART IN HANDS... Dragon this is fucking fantastic. you're so good at staying in character with cats that have barely spoken at all, its incredible. i love this so much,,, my boy,,,
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sealiiowc · 7 months
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Left to Right: Ripplestar, Lilydawn (deputy), Speckleface (medcat) Butterflypaw (medcat apprentice), Bearclaw, Beaverfur Echosong, Flintstripe, Frogleg Mossthroat, Nightstreak, Pigeonash Sunstrike, Swiftstream, Reedtail Rosewater, Duckpaw, Frostpaw Splashpaw, Stormpaw, Honeyheart Rainwish, Featherkit, Puddlekit Willowkit, Fogface, Wetnose
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quinn-the-weirdo · 5 months
meet honeyheart
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This is honey heart, shes blind, idk, shes a pretty kitty, anyways look at my art
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