#honk honk where's the gundam
Royal Flush Haunted Honk - The Updated Bones!
Hello Internet Stranger looking up G Gundam on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a Horror Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
It is based on the idea in the post that is linked above.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my and other's Headcanons for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
Also the majority of the brainstorming is happening in the replies if you're so inclined.
Behold! The Update! It's the bare bones intro and the outline! It's 2.5K! Whoops! 😅
Some of this is just straight copy and pasted from the notes and other bits have been lightly reworded or built upon to connect to other bits.
I've gotten some scenes sent to me by @thedragonchilde that I loved and I think will fit in well with what we've got so far for the fic.
If you'd like to link or reblog them please do!
@amplexadversary feel free to message me or reblog with scenes you've thought up or written up! I can't wait to read them!
I think we've set the stage pretty well to start brainstorming the horror and whump! 😃
I'll see y'all in the replies for ideas on new plot points! 🪦💥🌩
This is backstory and general outline only.
It is barely edited. Typos abound.
The dialogue is extremely minimal and it is a framework upon which to build the fic. 💖
I am giving this explanation for the benefit of internet strangers as all parties working on this fic are already familiar.
Hello Internet strangers! 👋
Wherever the tendrils of the Devil Gundam hovered over the earth, and subsequently were destroyed, are places that may have had DG cells distributed through the atmosphere.
Atmospheric DG plumes have lead to DG infection in those areas. There's also likely tendril debris.
Neo-Japan, since the Devil Gundam's destruction,  has been working with Neo and world governments on a cure for DG infection.
At the moment the current treatment involves Kyoji or Schwarz controlling the DG cells of the individual and shutting them down; however, they are making breakthroughs with advancements on a nanocite injection that they're synthesizing with an executable program that shuts the DG cells down.
The biological compatibilities are the hurdle at the moment as evidenced in animal testing.
Kyoji and Domon are traveling to some sites in the USA that were affected by tendrils. Domon is there as a body guard since Schwarz is handling infection cases elsewhere (unspecified).
Chibodee is their escort. America is a Different Beast to Japan even in the future. So they'll need an escort to get through the militant landscape and across the sheer distance of it all.
Rain wanted to come with them, but with the volatility of the current landscape of the US - Especially where they're going - Kyoji didn't want to needlessly risk her safety.
He's assured her that Domon, Chibodee, and Chibodee's team will be watching his back.
Dr. Kasshu will be with them for the first days in New York to help with setup of the mobile lab before heading back to Neo Japan to continue working alongside Rain.
Once they've rested and are ready to head out, Domon, Chibodee, Kyoji, and The Gals will take Neo America's Core Lander and a mobile lab to the TD Site and it should be a fairly straight forward affair since they've gotten permission from the national and state governments, as well as permission from Gunsinto to be in the area.
They shouldn't be more than a few days travel to get there and retrieve samples and data and get back. He should be gone a week at the absolute most.
Kyoji gives rain the contact info to their hotel in New York as well as their sponsored Gunsinto accommodations in the Midwest and lets her know that he'll call once they've arrived palnetside.
He makes good on that promise the next day, letting Rain know that their shuttle landed, Chibodee and the girls picked them up without hassle, and lets them know that they're set to have a great dinner at a favorite restaurant of Chibodee's that evening.
Seeing Chibodee is like a breathe of fresh air that Domon didn't know he needed. Life has been so needlessly complicated lately but after Chibodee releases him from the bear hug given in greeting and throws an arm over Domon's shoulders they fall into step as if they'd never been apart.
Keeping in touch wasn't exactly easy. Domon doesn't respond quite as often as Chibidee would like, but every message Chibodee left was listened to and saved.
Ever since they got wind of this mission it's all either of them has had on their minds for days.
I need some help here with feelings and dialogue and inner thoughts but Basically
They both independently realize with clarity over the days leading up and the time in New York how much they've missed each other and how easy and comfortable it all is - being teamed up again.
Domons semi-recent revelations and feelings fresh on his mind. Chibodees crush ever looming.
Hearts racing. Feeling lighter than they have in God Knows How Long. Chibodee smiling so much his face cramps. Domon feeling so comfortable and nearly zen he loses his permanent frown from constantly thinking and just vibes. Smiling occasionally even!
Chibodee proposes they spar real quick before dinner "To work up an appetite! And C'mon! I wanna see what I'm up against in the upcoming Gundam Fight!" With a grin slamming his left fist into his open right hand. (He's left handed right? Or was that someone else?)
They Spar and there's Feelings
(I have a small scene outline put together for the spar for your consideration. @thedragonchilde has submit 2 scenes that would be great for just after the spar and are an awesome read! I'll include my outline for the spar scene in a reblog)
Then they have dinner together and later part to settle in their hotel rooms for the evening. 
The next day they focus on briefing the expedition and setting up the Mobile Lab that The Gals will be in charge of transporting. 
Once the lab is set up, they see Dr. Kasshu off on his shuttle back to Neo Japan that has been on standby since they arrived.
Kyoji volunteers to ride with The Gals under the excuse of getting a head start on some data processing - to give Domon and Chibodee some time alone together. 
Chibodee is not about to let himself be alone in a Core Lander with Domon for HOURS. He may blurt out something he regrets. He insists that Kyoji ride with them and leave the Gals to themselves.
As they make their way out west, Chibodee starts explaining why they'll want to keep their guard up. 
There's been a lot of unrest recently and especially the last 10 years since Gunsinto bought out the last of their land and displaced so many communities. 
Domon asks occasional questions but Kyoji isn't saying much of anything at all. Opting to rest most of the journey. Domon seems tense, which is understandable considering the events before they left New York. 
Suddenly they hear gunfire and what might be a canon of some kind. 
They expected resistance outside of Gunsinto territory but they didn't expect it after they crossed the border!
Aren't the Greenlords supposed to be patrolling the area???
So they're on the run from a group that blames Domon and Kyoji for all the bullshit post DG Incident. The group is made up of various parties working together to hold Neo Japan responsible for their crimes against humanity since nothing held up in court and Neo Japan is currently in control. Plus near endless bitterness at America's loss of Super Power status for decades and the effect that that has had on their economy and natural resources put under stress from these Big Space Battles. 
Chibodee and The Gals are aware of THIS group of violent individuals… but they're not aware of the OTHER group of violent individuals. (The Clown gangs are kept under wraps by the Greenlords - Gunsinto's private militia similar to to the Pinkertons as going public would be an embarrassment and an open invitation to more trespassers.)
They have a good idea of what weapons they have at their disposal and what their general tactics are. 
They decide to split up and have The Gals create a distraction to lure the majority of the aggressors off before rendezvousing close to the TD Site in this region.
After they split, the core lander has some issues and breaks down in the middle of nowhere. As they break down Kyoji has an awful headache. There's a terrible signal he can feel and he knows it affected the core lander's processors but he's not sure what it is. 
(It's a device that broadcasts a malicious signal that infects the processing units of hovering vehicles - was gonna be an emp but realized that would mess up their gps. It has only a very mild effect on DG cells it seems. Their GPS was made by the Kasshus with DG tech so it's unaffected. - Their communicator was issued by Gunsinto and was not so lucky - it's dead.)
Luckily for them their map data integrated into their GPS shows there should be a former town nearby.
The nearest town is seemingly abandoned. There's simply not enough water here according to Chibodee. 
The only building not completely crumbled is a lone Motel. Chibodee curses his Rotten Fucking Luck. (Clown Music!)
They're exhausted from carrying their emergency supplies through the heat of the day. They're not going any further. This will have to be it. Domon is clearly tense and Chibidee seems about to jump out of his skin but Kyoji doesn't really know why. He could be over sensitive after sitting with their tension in the core lander and then walking with them through the heat. 
Chibodee considers attempting to convince them to camp outside but with the wind picking up as bad as it is, he has no leg to stand on. They'll be sleeping inside. 
Strange though. There's a light on. That's odd.
Meanwhile The Gals have incapacitated the pursuers after radioing in help from the Greenlords who are cooperating on this mission. 
They're of course like “Whaaaaaat? That's Crazyyyyyyyyy.” And don't breathe a word of the Other Issue inside The Fields. Instead electing to simply refuel the mobile lab and send some extra men with The Gals as escort.
The girls start back on their journey to Rendevous with the guys. 
The arrive at the TD Site with no sign of the guys. After waiting 2 hours they decide to try and ping their location. 
There's no result. What they assumed was poor signal is worrying them now.
As they double back in the direction the guys should have been coming from they discover the crashed Core Lander and some prints headed South West.
They check their maps of the area which indicate a former town a few miles south west. They hop in their mobile lab and head that way. 
When they make it to the town, the only standing structure is a Clown Themed Motel that looks like it was pulled straight out of a historical classic horror film. 
They share a look. There's no way Chibodee would be here. They decide to check for other towns and head further south.  Eventually as it starts to get dark the escort advises that they head to the designated accommodations for the evening and the Greenlords will start a search.
Kyoji kept his word to Rain that he and his father would check in when they arrived in New York. When the second day stretches on with no word Rain starts to worry.
Her father has made it home, but she's still heard no word from Kyoji.
On Rain's 5th call in as many hours -at about 2:00 AM- The Gals answer.... it's Bad News.
They've been separated by a roaming militia group hellbent on serving American Justice to these Neo Japan Planet Destroyers. The Gals were supposed to Rendevous with Chibodee and the guys at the TD site but they never showed and they didn't find them on their way to the Gunsinto Accomodations either.
The Gals reassure her that the Greenlords and Gunsinto are starting a search and they should have word soon.
Dread starts to settle in the pit of Rain's stomach.
Meanwhile The Guys walk into the Hotel expecting it to be abandoned. It certainly looks that way from the outside. 
As they walk in though, they meet a rather average looking man smoking a cigar and watching some movies on a TV in the corner of the dark Lobby. 
He looks surprised (he isnt) and quickly stubs out his cigar in the ash tray nearby before walking into the only light in the lobby by the front desk.
He welcomes them with a smile and asks how many guests. Letting them know that unfortunately he's only got one room available and There's Only the One Bed. He asks if that's alright.
Chibodee sputters. Shocked that there's someone here at all. He asks as much and the man says that the Hotel is a side business of the Greenlords’ for “Employee Services” if you catch his drift.
Average guy asks after them as he's never seen them before. Kyoji has a bad feeling and smooths things over by advising that they're there as horticultural graduate students studying genetic modification with their Professor and a few other students. Kyoji tells a tale of how they got separated in the fields and this was the closest area with shelter according to their map data.
The Average guy is surprised to hear that they have a functioning GPS and says that this area has bad signal. It's a blessing they can find their way.
He directs them to their room and leaves back toward the lobby.
Kyoji has a bad feeling. He can sense a ton of corrupted DG cells nearby. Somewhere underground, but isn't sure why or what it means. 
He also keeps getting flashes of screaming men and women in clown costumes….
He relays as much to Domon privately as Chibodee is clearly already on edge and doesn't need any more stress. 
Kyoji asks Domon if Chibodee is alright. Domon informs him that clowns and clown imagery is a problem but there's really nothing they can do about it in this situation. His fists are clenched. Domon i's pissed they have to stay here.
Kyoji takes a moment to let Domon know he'll take the floor and for Chibodee and Domon to take the bed. This throws Domon for a loop, but before he can argue Kyoji insists that out of the 3 of them he can probably take the most stress and that Chibodee looks like he needs someone to sleep next to. 
Kyoji also mentions that he'll be blocking his hearing on a nano level to give them privacy in case they need to talk. Domon is a bit flustered by this but decides to take it in stride and go to Chibodee who is pacing and silently melting down. He looks like he's about to both through the window and back into the fields. 
Domon puts a hand on Chibodee’s shoulder and suggests they go ahead and bunk down for the night. 
He and Domon each take a seat on the end of the bed while Kyoji remains standing and they discuss Watch Rotation.
It'll probably be better to have 2 people awake and 1 person resting at any given time.
None of them trust this guy at the front desk. Especially not Kyoji.
Not sure how to segue from bunking down to the horror bit below gracefully; but I know we need to.
I feel like it's the perfect time for Domon and Chibodee to take Kyoji up on his offer of audible privacy to have a quick heart to heart..... before it's unfortunately and terrifyingly interrupted. 😨
Mostly because I'm mean. 😂
My first thought for 4 is that it probably looks like a normal-ass bed but in the middle of the night when both the guys are like half asleep, a clown hand bursts up from the center of the mattress in a classic zombie style Then an improbable amount slowly crawl out of that same hole as Chibodee drags Domon to the door (Domon for his credit is ready to beat a clown with another clown)
Since the FC does have the lightest touch of Newtype bullshit (mostly seen in the Schwarz/Rain chase scene where Schwarz gets the newtype flash), I'm interested in it being ghosts because the NT thing sometimes goes that way.
Ghosts usually have some kind of backstory as to why they're around, and I think it fits the setting to have a sort of clown culture war going on
so you have gangs like the one that killed Chibodee's mom, and then you get ordinary clowns going vigilante to hunt the ones that do that down for flagrant violation of the clown code
But the problem with vigilantism is you sometimes get the wrong guy, so that eventually happens and another group of clowns goes vigilante to go after the first group because they've gone bad (doesn't matter whether or not this is true for our purposes). And then you get more guys like the original circus terrorists playing themselves off as vigilantes as an excuse to kill people.
So now you have a clown gang war and more clown terrorists than you started with. And with the other problems Earth and the Colonies have it isn't *really* a big enough deal for anyone outside of the business to really care, so you get a sort of uneasy status quo with occasional bursts of clown violence.
The motel in question has a ghost problem because it's a former base of operations of a clown gang, where they would frequently dispose of their clown victims.
Chibodee is not at all aware of this. Or else he never would have agreed to this. He would have had some sort if Military backup. Gunsinto and The Greenlords have kept this under wraps to avoid broadcasting their farm territory as terrorist territory.
The clowns were affected by DG cells pre-murder and with Kyoji nearby they seem to be activating.
Kyoji can affect DG cells in a lof of situations... but can he affect them to his advantage here???
Stay Tuned to Find Out!
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tinyozlion · 10 months
“Tallgeese”: Why Is It Called That?
Okay, so, I have a theory. 
 Bear with me a moment.  As far as I know, I’m the only person who thinks this might be the reason why the Tallgeese is called Tallgeese; I don’t know if it’s the RIGHT reason, but at least it's an explanation I think is etymologically and contextually feasible:
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--If I may draw your attention to my man Tallgeese’s shield for a moment: you will see that it is a small, round buckler. Tallgeese is styled with a very fetching crest reminiscent of a Greek hoplite, and hoplites did indeed carry a round shield called an aspis. 
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(Image from the Harvard collection)
However! There is another kind of small, round shield that was used in less ancient times called a targe, or targa, or the diminutive target, where we get the word “target" from. The targe was a shield used largely for jousting and dueling– something the Tallgeese excels at!
When full plate armor was developed around the late 14th century, knights switched from using large, triangular shields, to the smaller and variously shaped targe shields, specifically for the sport of jousting¹. If you're looking at shields from medieval Europe in a museum you'll see a lot of fancy-shaped ones labeled targes.
Much later, it became synonymous with the Scottish targe, which is a regular combat shield and not a jousting shield, but it shares the same name and more importantly, is a small, round buckler typically used with a sword-- like the Tallgeese uses!
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(A Highland targe exhibited in the National Museum of Scotland)
--Which leads me to my main point:
If you were looking up cool words for round or otherwise knightly shields, you might well come across the word “targe”. And if you pass the word “targe”(especially if you pronounce the final ‘e’) or “targes” through a Japanese phonetic filter, you might well get something close to “Tōrugisu” (トールギス), which is the name of our mobile suit.
…It might not be the canonical explanation for the Tallgeese’s name (to the best of my knowledge, there isn’t one²) but at least it’s slightly more relevant to its theming than is a waterfowl of alarming height-- though perhaps only a tenth as horrifying on the field of battle. 
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...Still I hear it in my dreams; the fell slapping of orange feet, the distant honk, the snapping beak...
1) "The Seven Shields of Behaim: New Evidence": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 30, Nickel, Helmut (1995)
2) The Gundam Fan Wiki states in its Trivia section that: “The name Tallgeese is derived from the word "theurgist" (トールギスト), a ritualist who attempts to channel divine power to work miracles”. This is apparently from one of the SD Gundam games? Anyway, I find this source to be INCREDIBLY DUBIOUS.
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Ryuusei Date SRW style robotfuckers welcome? y/n/fuggit, I'll know if it gets posted
Either way, I have definitely honked my bobo to Transformers, Mobile Suits, SRW grunt mechs, Scope Doggs, Big Sword Obari Posing bois, Super Robots, Real Robots, blatant bandai toy commercials, subtle bandai toy commercials, you name it, if it's made of metal, it's probably worked it's way into my brain on cum in some capacity.
The details are very unclear and when loads were blown thinking about what mechs, but my most distinct memory is the definitive awakening moment of nutting to some Char's Counterattack art of Sazabi and Nu Gundam with some lovingly detailed battle damage.
So as dumb as the franchise gets, no matter where that roller coaster crashes, Amuro and Char will always hold a special place in my heart as THE vaguely one-sided hatefuck relationship fighting bisexual boys.
One, a tired overgrown child who's childhood sucked really bad with bisexual leanings but a probably unreciprocated mancrush from his anime co-worker.
Another, a tired overgrown child whose childhood also sucked but he also lies like crazy and is a strong challenger for Patrick Bateman's "World's Unreliable-est Narrator" coffee mug title, so we don't really know exactly how much shit he just made up on the fly getting shitfaced during Garma's funeral, but I wanna hazard a guess of...a lot.
Two autistic manchildren fighting it out over a desperate ghost lady who just wants to watch them bone from the cuck couch in the space ghost love hotel and film it for ghost generations to pass down.
A dumb guy who got smart enough to bring a gun to a sword fight and a much dumber mama's boy who didn't just call his old besty because it was the 80s and Tomino didn't see mobile phones catching on in the Universal Century where actual non-metaphorical non-space real Hitler just canonically existed in a way no retcons will ever let us truly overlook.
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Baby and the Bitch
(I got sidetracked hard, but Megas XLR was cool and right. Chicks Dig Giant Robots. And hoo boy, I am CHICKS.)
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applsauss · 4 years
Mors Ab Alto [7/8] - Terra Firma
Description: One year before the armed interventions. Union Zone, Rural Washington State.
Gundam 00
Tieria Erde/Reader
Word Count: 2.3k+

One year before the armed interventions. Union Zone, Rural Washington State.
      The sun is a violent red; It simmers in the chalky air. The grass is yellow and crisp around the uneven walkway, and in the bed of yellow flowers flanking the front door, there’s a pinwheel. It spins lazily in the breeze, unconcerned with the comings and goings of the seasons, with the smokey forest fires glaring from across the river. 
As you make your way up the front steps, the house looms, foreboding in its warmth. You’ve only returned a handful of times after selling it in the months following your mother’s passing, and your absence has made it all the more tall. 
Your apprehension is only counterweighted by the fact that, at least, you know the family you sold it to. They were neighbors from down the road and good people, hit the trails on Sundays with their two children and dog - though you don’t know how old the kids are anymore, or if there’s still a dog to hike with. 
You ring the doorbell. A voice shouts, muffled through the door, and then it swings open.
“Oh!” You’re greeted by a woman, Elizabeth. She follows her exclamation with the crisp syllables of your given name, and it makes your heart squeeze. After going so long by an alias, it feels unbearably intimate, and makes you painfully aware of Tieria, who’s standing just a few steps behind you, watching. “You cut your hair! How are you?” she tries to usher you inside, “come in, come in, we’re just about to have dinner. Who’s your friend?”
“Hi!” you bite off the rest of your greeting. “Elizabeth,” you say, stalling at the door, maybe a bit less excited than she is, “sorry, I’m in a bit of a rush. I just gotta get into the shed real fast.” Peering past her into your childhood home, you notice the paint in the hallway is smoother, and a different color. 
“Oh, no problem! We haven’t touched it,” she says, and she slaps a hand over her forehead, “Wow. It’s been years. You look so grown up - I mean, you look good.”
You huff quietly. “Thanks,” you smile, and she reminds you of Linda. “You look good, too - and the house,” you let out a puff of air, “the house looks great.” You give her a weak smile, “sorry, I’d stay to talk more but-”
“Oh, no.” She waves you off. “Go, go. Just stop by again before you leave, I’ll save you two a plate.”
The house behind her looks like a home, and she disappears back into its belly. She closes the door behind her quietly, leaving you and Tieria on the steps. You stare at the front of the house for a couple seconds, deliberately facing away from Tieria to gather your wits, and suck in a smoky breath.
“What are we doing here?” Tieria asks as soon as you exhale. There are geese flying overhead, honking, but neither of you pay them any attention.
You let out a disaffected laugh, then say, “stop asking. You’re the one who insisted on coming.” He takes a step back as you turn around, then follows as you hop down the front steps and begin picking your way across the yard to the shed.
“I didn’t agree to come here. I told you that it would be inefficient for us to split up, seeing as we’re supposed to take the same transport back to Krung Thep,” Tieria says as he follows you towards the shed.
Your response is a vague “hmm”, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with his complaint.
“Wait out here,” You say as you unlock the shed, and with some difficulty, manage to yank the door open. It drags on the gravel, then gets stuck. 
It doesn’t budge when you pull, so you huff and move to pull harder at the same time Tieria reaches to help. It unexpectedly jerks free, and you step backwards into him, shoulder colliding with his chest and the heel of your shoe coming down on his toe. “Oh, sorry,” you jump away, and when you look up at him, he’s frowning at you.
You leave him out in the dying sunlight, then flip your phone open to illuminate the dark space.
“What is this?” He asks, peering into the darkness after you. He’s still in the light, the sun playing on his hair, and his sweater is thin and open, billowing as the trees whisper. It’s all coming on too thick, too familiar.
“Again, Tieria, for someone who’s hell-bent on following protocol, you seem to be asking me an alarming amount of personal questions.”
“You’re the one who dragged me out here.”
“You’re the one who told me that either I take you or forget about it.”
There’s a car parked in the shed, an old model, though not old enough to be a classic, just run down. You tug the tarp covering the car over a wheel well where it blew away, and tuck it more securely under the tire, but otherwise walk past it, leaving it forgotten.
The shed is mostly empty, you’d gotten rid of most of your stuff, though there are a few things you couldn’t bear to part with. You’d never been materialistic, but when you said goodbye to your mom, you couldn’t bring yourself to say goodbye to the reminders of her. A dresser in the corner, covered in a picnic blanket. A few of your mother’s favourite ceramic dishes. A glass from a brewery down the road. Hiking boots, a snow bib and sleeping bag eaten through by moths.
“There you are…” you mutter under your breath as you find the crate you’re looking for. Bending at the knees, you pull up the box of records with you and drop it on top of the dresser to rifle through its contents. When you’re satisfied that you’ve got the right box, you pull a drawer open and toss a box of matches on top of the box before picking everything up and turning towards the door. 
You carry the box out into the fresh air, then join Tieria, who’s wandered off to the remains of a fire pit: Concrete bricks lining a faintly dug-out hole, still charred white and grey. 
Tieria gives you a careful look, but keeps his mouth shut, refraining from asking any questions as you drop the box on the ground heavily, kicking up some dust. You flip the lid of the box open, revealing a mess of paperwork, and he clicks his tongue in distaste.
He crosses his arms, and taps his foot when you begin lighting the papers on fire by hand, then dropping them into the pit. Soon, the fire is strong enough, and you begin just tossing paper into the pit rather than light it beforehand.
“Can you finish this box up?”
“It wouldn’t be a breach of protocol, would it?”
“I dunno, you’re the one who knows about all that.” You hold out a handful of papers for him to take, and he takes them without another comment. Sometimes, his attitude is so… aggravating, and still… You notice how his eyes change colors in the firelight, or how the fire dances across his glasses. 
He pushes the sleeves of his sweater up to his forearms, and pretends to not look at the documents he’s diligently burning. And there’s some sort of deepset elegance in his form that you can’t help but admire. You turn away quickly, something undefined swirling in your chest. Sometimes, the best way to deal with thoughts like these are to just not think them.
The sun is set when you walk back to the shed. The sky’s lost its color, just a night, the stars like freckles at the end of summer, the moon a dirty orange, reflecting the smoky wildfire you’d passed on the way up the gorge.
Honestly, this work should have been done years ago, when you first joined Celestial Being. They’d asked you to get rid of unnecessary records, minimize potential damages and information leaks, but it was all too fresh and you couldn’t come back to just destroy all of this: Medical records, bills, college transcripts, bank statements, proof you had a life, family. Your mother kept records diligently, and you tossed them all in boxes when you left.
You pull a drawer out, and begin walking back to Tieria. The lights in the house are on, and you see Elizabeth and her family moving about like shadows puppets, Two parents, two children, a boy and a girl, sitting around the dinner table. You wonder if they have as many memories of this place as you do, if their bones consider this their home also. If the kids will grow up climbing out of their bedroom windows and meeting friends in swimming holes.
You join Tieria once again at the fire pit, set the drawer down next to the original box, and he’s staring down at something. It casts a shadow over his face, and then he hands whatever he’s got to you.
It’s a photograph – the child obviously you, and the woman your mother. You’re eight, maybe nine, sitting on her lap as you beam at the camera. She’s smiling, hair tucked behind her ears, and the neckline her tank top hanging low as she bends over to hug you. Pressing the side of her face to yours.
You never knew your father. You never needed to.
She reminds you of Linda, kind eyes framed by glasses, delicate hands – she’s always got her nails painted, but the polish is always chipped – and a strength under her skin, such a shock when most of what you remember of her is a tired soldier’s smile and a body riddled with cancer – the cancer she suffered through at the hands of radiation exposure – exposure that happened while she was serving her government, exposure that the government refused to treat on the grounds that there’s no proof they’re at fault - and so they just let her slip instead, refused to pull the plug out of the drain when you both were drowning in the bathtub. 
Fuck wars, fuck The Union, fuck the people who let the world be this way. Nothing means anything anymore.
You fold the picture in half and shove it in your back pocket, afraid to meet Tieria’s gaze – and you look back to Elizabeth’s silhouette and you’re struck by the urge to keep burning everything - to finally get rid of everything you were too weak to before. It would be too easy, to just keep going. 
Your chest burns, your eyes burn, the forest burns. You want to make it all disappear, like if you can get rid of the evidence, then it never happened in the first place, then you never had a life, never had a family before Celestial Being. You could forget about all of this, just let yourself be swept up by the tide of a new era, a new world, Celestial Being is a new beginning, and they’ve given you something to believe in, given your life a direction for the last couple of years.
You’re shaking as begin ferrying boxes back and forth. You watch a teddy bear dissolve into nothing. Tieria swells with quiet contempt. 
The night isn’t nearly dark enough, the air is choked by a smokey haze, and all you can see is the fire as the wood of a jewelry box warps, then crackles. 
Your high school diploma catches wonderfully, so do the binders full of notes from university. The blankets take longer. The heat of the fire is sweltering, and it makes you sweat.
You return with a stack of photo albums. The faux-leather melts off a front. The cover photo, a family portrait, bubbles and melts into nothing. Your throat tightens, but you don’t stop.
Family recipes become lost, notes left in lunch boxes float away as ash under the stars. A picture drawn for you by your cousin, cards spelling I-heart-you, your mother’s face, your mother’s face, your mother’s face.
Finally, you go back into the shed, and find nothing left but the car and the dresser, both gutted, the drawers tossed and turned over. You return empty handed to the bonfire, staring into the flames like it holds the answer, and watch the last of the plastic toys melt, the faces of heroes shifting into nightmares to mirror the family mementos, your life, and then you remember the photo in your pocket.
You pull it out, unfold it with your thumb and stare at your mother’s face, and you find kindness there, but it makes you feel weak, and you cannot be weak, so you hold the photograph out, towards the flames, ready to let it go, let everything burn, and fade into something new when Tieria reaches out and places his hand over yours. He doesn’t pry the photo from your hands, but doesn’t let it fall.
You stare at your hands, joined - His hand is warm, soft, his nails are manicured and his grip is gentle; you could have told him to wait for you, if you really wanted. You could have thrown a bigger fit, there really isn’t a reason for him to be here, every word out of his mouth is just thinly veiled justifications, so weak you doubt he believes them himself. 
You stare at your mother’s face, and can’t help but feel like there is all the reason in the world for her to be here, standing next to you, but she’s not. It’s unfair, like most things.
You pull your hand towards you, fold the photo and tuck it in your back pocket, afraid to meet Tieria’s gaze, and regret swells as you watch everything else dissolve and leave you alone in the dust. 
A/N: Ketchum, ID, Boygenius. This is just self-indulgence. I’m not sorry.
Masterlist in desc.
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Three Rules ~ Leon Kuwata (1/?)
AN: I’m finally making a whole fanfic! I have no idea how many parts this’ll be. But this is set in the canon universe, maybe sometime later I’ll make a happier fic set in a non!despair AU
I never had any ultimate talent, and I'd never attended Hope's Peak either, but I still felt I could have somehow prevented the inevitable. I'd made friends with lots of students who went there, like a nice girl named Chihiro who attended my creative writing class, and another boy named Gundam who I'd met while volunteering at the animal shelter. I'd met both of their friends, even managing to sneak conversation with people as they left school grounds while waiting outside for one or the other.
Meeting them was both the worst and best things that have ever happened to me. Chihiro was a kind girl I grew attached to very quickly, my introduction to her friends resulting in me meeting my boyfriend, Leon Kuwata. We didn't get along at first, until I'd gotten comfortable in the group and Leon got to know the louder and much more humorous side of me hidden behind my timid first impression. He'd eventually asked to get ice cream after school one day.
Gundam I'd met nearly a year and a half later. We'd also not gotten along at first. I was quick to shut out his longwinded words, smiling and nodding absentmindedly when he started conversations. Seeing how he treated the animals was what opened my mind. His eyes melted like butter, smile soft and friendly. It was then Gundam and I exchanged numbers, and I'd began hanging out with him outside of volunteering with a mixture of our own friends.
I really did hit it off with Junko the couple of times we'd met. I admired her photoshoots majorly, being awestruck when I saw her in person. Junko claimed to like my makeup, and from that, I'd decided we'd bonded.
Knowing Gundam and all his classmates, knowing Junko as well, is what hurts the most. I'm trying to reassure myself, looking down at my phone as it rings and goes to voicemail, that he’s okay. The disaster outside will be tended to and Leon is safe and hiding out somewhere, waiting for me to find him.
I know this isn't true. It doesn't stop me from reassuring myself, though. I can't remember what street I'm on, they all look the same. People are running, things have already been destroyed, and robots are roaming about.
Receiving a call makes a grin come to my face, breathing ragged as I press the phone to my ear. "Leon!" I wheeze, tears running down my cheeks. "I-Oh my Gods, are you okay? Where are you?"
"I'm okay," There's rustling in the background, but it's nothing compared to the shrieking and honking of cars on my end. "You remember that park, right? The one where someone stole one of the swings, with that really shitty basketball court."
"Yeah," I breath out, "On my way. Stay with me,"
Leon breaths in and out steadily, and I can't tell who he's trying to calm down more, me or himself. "Is there anyone with you?" He pauses, continuing when I don't respond. "Do you know how your family is?"
"My parents aren't answering their phones," I tell him briefly, turning a corner. I see a familiar restaurant, knowing the next turn to the park is just up ahead. "I tried going home-" I gasp for air, "-Road's blocked."
There's more rustling, and I consider maybe he's pacing. "My parents weren't fucking picking up either," Leon's voice is obviously frustrated, steadily rising in volume. "My cousin, Kanon, picked up, though. She said she needs to go fucking check on her dad, can you believe her? She's fucking crazy,”
I shriek as a robot barrels towards me. I drop to my knees, crawling rapidly away. Rising to my feet as fast as I can, I sprint to where I see the park. I even see Leon, his red hair sticking out against the greenery. He's standing against the foliage of the trees surrounding the park, pacing back and forth as he twirls a baseball bat in his hand idly. This is a change of scenery, rather peaceful, and I deduct the robots must have not managed to reach here as of yet.
"Here!" I scream into my phone, waving one of my hands in the air.
He looks up, dropping his phone from his hand in the process as he matches my pace towards me. I know he isn't running towards me, rather at the machine that follows behind me. Leon raises his bat above his head, leaping at the robot. Straddling it, Leon bashes it until I can see sparks.
The robot is still being smashed to smithereens long after it's stopped moving and it's only laying on the ground. I watch as I catch my breath. Just seeing Leon in person, despite him being covered in grunge with a blooming bruise on his cheek and blood running somewhere in his scalp. Even looking this worn down, chest heaving and eyes wide with rage, I'm able to admire him. My family is gone, I know that already. I have no one left besides Leon, and I'm grateful he's alive and by my side.
When Leon rises, his breathing is rapid and his shirt is sticking to his abdomen. He turns to me in a daze, pulling me into a delicate hug. Leon touches me like I'm glass, but my grip is like iron when I throw my arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder. We stand like this for a long time, both of us crying in absolute relief.
"I thought I lost you," Leon speaks quietly, voice deep as he tries to ensure it won't break. "You screamed-You..."
"I'm okay," I say rapidly, "We're okay. We're doing great."
Leon nods silently, pulling me closer if that were somehow possible. "The school," He croaks out, "There's a gate. We can go there, maybe it'll help. Naegi, you know him, the small one. It was his idea to go back to the school, board it up and hide out until things settle."
"Oh Gods," Comes out my raspy response, shaking my head lightly. "Poor Chihiro, she must be losing their mind right about now." Leon is silent, only stroking my back slowly in reassurance.
"Let's get going," He tells me firmly, pulling us apart and holding my biceps firmly, looking into my eyes with a gaze that matches his rough tone. "The longer we stay out here, the longer we're in danger. Once we get in the school, we can lounge around and do whatever we want, okay?"
My nod is delayed, but it does come. With it, relief floods into Leon's pale eyes. We're both unable to speak as we turn, overlooking the wreckage before us with dread. I follow behind my boyfriend obediently, albeit much slower than he would have liked, but we're still moving forwards whether I want to or not.
It's a shame that I see many recognizable faces as I move along. The woman whose input I asked for when I was buying a dress not too long ago, which was now probably burned and covered under the debris of my house. My shoulder is brushed as a waitress comes barreling past me, sobs wracking her body. I remember she served me pizza three days ago, she let me leave even though I was a whole four dollars short, paying for the shortage herself with a blinding grin.
While Leon and I make short and steady progress, he avoids fights with relative ease. The robots are focused on uncovering the debris, attempting to find survivors which are hanging onto their last frayed threads of life, ready to be snuffed out in an instant. Survivors rush past the robots easily while they're distracted.
Once the academy is in view, it feels like a weight is lifted off my shoulders. We near the closed gate, and when we finally reach it, I half expect it to swing open invitingly. Instead, it stays in place, and I stare at it rather dumbly. "Here, up on my shoulders," Leon tells me, though I only blink back at him. "We're climbing it."
It takes a while for me to process that, but eventually I nod silently. I suddenly feel stupid. People are out there, fires surrounding them, on the brink of death, yet here I am. Intimidated at the idea of climbing a damn fence.
There's a bit of a struggle, and I can practically hear Leon's legs quaking as I stand up, but we press on. I make it to the top, and throw myself to the other side. I land unceremoniously on the ground, though make it to my feet swiftly, face glowing crimson. After checking if I was okay, Leon scales the fence with ease.
Within only a couple seconds, he's by my side, landing on his feet and grinning back at me. After he slings an arm over my shoulder, I hear his heavy breathing and deduct he most certainly rushed in order to show off. My blush deepens.
Inside the school, the familiar faces make my spirits lift abruptly and welcomingly. "Mondo, I haven't seen you in forever!" I boast, running over to the biker. His spirits aren't as high as mine, but he sends me a forced smile, giving a nod in Leon's direction. Greetings to everyone else ensues afterwards, and Chihiro and I decide to stay glued at the hip. Leon is hesitant, but him, Mondo, and Sakura head off to tend to harder labour.
“Maybe we should get you some clothes,” Chihiro suggests. Upon my confused look, she adds on. “We have a lot of supplies. We portioned them out right before Leon left to get you. Everyone else brought a bit of their own things, so I guess you can have a uniform or some gym clothes.”
I smile, relieved and tired. “Thank you so much,” I wish I could express how much I meant those words. That I could transfer my feelings to Chihiro, that they didn’t feel so empty. “What else is there to do?”
We begin walking, Chihiro leading the way. “We’re just making sure everything’s boarded up. We’ve got most of the windows, now we’re doing the doors.” I nod along. Chihiro’s large eyes are void of tears, I wonder if they’ve cried too much to have any left. “Here it is.”
Shelves are stacked neatly with supplies in this room. I spot gym uniforms immediately, as well as several other spare articles of clothing. Besides what we came here for, there’s many other useful things, like snacks, tools, and much more.
Chihiro turns her back as I change into track pants and a white tank top. They hand me a towel and wet it with a nearby water bottle, and they help me wipe soot and dirt off my skin.
Celeste enters as we do this. “You look terrible,” She states bluntly.
Her and I have gotten along rather well, and I do like her, but that doesn’t stop me from snapping. “Thanks, I didn’t notice,” I put as much venom into the short words as possible. “You’re a real help.”
Celeste pauses, holding a small hammer. She puts it down, walking over slowly. Celeste takes a towel of her own, wets it, and begins cleaning my face.
“Have you talked to the principle yet?” She asks, “He made us record videos before we started doing all these... renovations.”
I take in a breath, knowing I’m on the verge of using Celeste as a verbal punching bag. Instead I smile, toothy and forced. “No,” Her raised eyebrows tells me she knows how irritated I am. “I just got here. I really just want to change and get everything done as soon as possible.” Internally I don’t want to do anything, but I know I have to do my part. My feet hurt and the side of my stomach is cramped.
Chihiro reads me well, and I’m reminded of how I wear my feelings so obviously on my sleeve. “Let’s go see the principle,” She tells me, smiling wide. She takes a pair of leggings and a white t-shirt off the shelf handing it to me. “Right after you change. Everything should be done after that.”
Relief floods through me. I take the clothes wordlessly, the two of them turning as I change. Once I’m done, Celeste says her farewells and is off to wherever that hammer of hers is needed.
I can’t say I’ve been in the halls of Hope’s Peak very often. I’ve been to a talent show in support of Leon. I remember telling him I wasn’t going, then seeing the ecstasy flare into his pale eyes as he caught my gaze. I wish such happy memories couldn’t be overrided, but they are, by much more profound feelings of sadness, fear, and despair.
Chihiro and I eventually come up to the door of what must be the principle’s office. I never really thought anything of the video I recorded that day. It was a no brainer for me. Hope’s Peak was safe, with most of the people I cared about close by. I thought we’d escaped tragedy, but it’s very obvious that I was very wrong.
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I haven’t seen a whole lot of angst up in here how about (makoto, Nagito, Mondo,gundam, Hajime,fuyhiko) Save s/o from getting hit by a truck right after they had a fight the boys either go into a coma or die
Why- why I want to make a bad joke aka same I did last time? And idk what's worse them being in coma or dying- like you have hope that they will wake up but they won't or they die you knowing that you were argued with them. And fuck me for making a bad reference joke in Mondos.
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Makoto Nagito Mondo Gundham Hajime Fuyuhiko Save s/o from getting hit by a truck right after they had a fight and they die or are in coma.
Makoto Naegi
You were walking back home and you started arguing over everything that happened on your date. It was terrible.
Makoto didn't took aggressive side as he was more passive. What happened there was just the worst.
Yes you felt bad for being like this after you shouted something you shouldn't have you two were continuing walking in silence.
Clearly you hurt his feelings and as you were to apologize Makoto shoved you out of trucks way that happened to drive quite fast. After hitting Makoto the driver quickly stopped the truck as they couldn't earlier.
There was no possible way that Makoto survived it. You went to his corpse waterfalls coming out of your eyes.
You didn't knew what you should do but you called an ambulance anyways even though you knew it was pointless...
He was confirmed dead. You couldn't stop crying you were all alone in this.
While you thought about how horrible things you said and still he protected you... No DIED for you... You kept thinking it should be you instead of him.
As memories him came through your mind your tried to think of something else but you couldn't. You will never see his adorable smile hear his voice- there was nothing but some memories left.
Nagito Komaeda
You two never argued but this time it was different.
You were earlier introducing him to your parents. For the beginning it went smoothly as they began to like him. It was a matter of time before he went crazy...
You were so embarrassed as he rambled but lived through it. Your parents had mixed feelings but they defended to accept him as your boyfriend anyways.
You were mad and had rights to be since he promised you to not go crazy about hope and stop himself.
He understood your anger and let you yell at him. Thinking he whould calm you down he said something too. It only made situation worse...
Then you got shoved out of the way and after you looked up Nagito was on the ground with truck in front of him...
You couldn't believe it as you ran to him. Luckily he was alive as you checked his pulse. You shouted at driver to call an ambulance as you checked if he was breathing.
He was and so you waited.
After you got to the hospital there were good and bad news. Good were that he was alive bad that he was in a coma and there was almost no chance of him waking up.
You had hope since Nagito allways was lucky with low possibilites. You couldn't lose him. Not after what you said.
Nagito wasn't mad at you at all and you knew that yet you couldn't believe yourself.
Each day you visited Nagito but his condition never changed for better as it got only worse...
After it was confirmed he won't wake up the despair just crushed you. You knew he whould not want you to fall into despair but it was impossible...
Mondo Oowada
You did argue but never this loud. This might be the biggest fight you ever had (and ever will have).
It was about his gang. He had big responsibility for it and you respected that but lately because of it you became more distant...
Mondo said that he never wanted you to feel like this but his gang is something he needs to lead at least for now...
You knew about it. Yet you yelled back at him while you didn't thought what you siad.
When you said something you regretted the fight got more intense...
But Mondo heard a honk (:o) FUCKING DAMMIT IM SORRY) and he had to act fast. You didn't notice as you were away from him and saw truck hit him.
You yelled his name terrified and went towards him.
As you reached your phone you called an ambulance as you checked if he was breathing. For your luck he was.
After call was made you saw him move but it was small fidget. You heard him whispering your name. HE WAS ALIVE!
This hope turned into despair when you saw him trying to reach out to you and his hand dropped when he closed his eyes "No nononono! MONDO! DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES STAY STRONG! THE AMBULANCE IS COMING STAY STILL JUST FOR A LITTLE BIT!" after you shouted it you started crying and said "P-please don't leave me!".
He was taken to the hospital. He was confirmed to be in a coma but he might not make it.
You had hope as you cried near his hospital bed saying sorry repeating it over and over.
After very long time you had no longer hope as it was confirmed that he won't wake up as his condition got only worse.
Gundham Tanaka
You were fighting over what he did today on your date. You told him to leave his devas but he wouldn't listen and he ended up arguing with the staff causing you to get kicked out.
He thought he did nothing wrong. You were extremely irritated. And so was he.
As you walked home both of you tried to make up but both of your attempts were going wrong way.
Both of you said many things you whould regret but it never stopped your fight. You felt more and more bad.
He tried to apologize but he couldn't as his words were taken the wrong way.
Suddenly he saw a truck coming at your direction. When he shoved you away and his devas jumped on you he took the hit.
You were shocked as you and his devas ran towards him. You quickly ordered truck driver to call an ambulance while you checked if he was alive.
His devas nuzzled his face trying to get him to wake up while you checked his pulse and if he was breathing. He was alive but you didn't knew for how long...
When he was in the hospital the news hit you... He was dead...
You couldn't believe it as you cried. You said so many bad things to him and yet he saved you... "I should be the one dead not him" was what you thought as his devas tried to cheer you up even though they were just as sad as you.
Hajime Hinata
You and Hajime almost never argued. He was amazing boyfriend and you couldn't ask for anything more.
This time however both of you crossed the line.
What happend? Hajime thought about saying yes to Kamakura project. You couldn't believe him.
He promised to not agree on this. This was just too risky! But then he said if he should do it.
Of course not! The last thing you wanted was to lose him and this project seemed just too shady.
But the way you spoke wasn't too convincing. He knew that you wanted good for him yet what he said back was mostly insulting.
After a while he saw a truck and quickly got you out of its way. He didn't had time to move away as he got hit.
When the driver was shocked you took out your phone and called an ambulance while examining his body. He wasnt breathing! You did what you needed to do but it didn't work!
While you desperately tried to help him ambulance finally came.
When both of you were in hospital you nervously waiting for news... You had so many thoughts running through your mind...
The doctor looked at you and you knew what this kind of look ment. You had to hear it. As you started tearing up it was confirmed. He was dead you cried and couldn't belive it.
As you didn't knew what was worse... Him dying or him dying after all those things you said... You weren't able to apologize to him... He wouldn't know how sorry you were and that you rather to take his place as a dead one.
Fujuhiko Kuzuryu
Arguing was nothing new for you but this time it was more loud and aggressive.
He when you were on your date he yelled at staff making you feel embarrassed. The staff didn't do anything wrong but yet he was furious.
You told him many times how this was uncalled for. He on the other hand tried to proof himself right.
You were keep yelling at each other to this point where you weren't aware of what was surrounding you. Fujuhiko was focused lm you too but he looked around from time to time.
That's how he noticed the truck. You got pushed away while he didn't had time to catch up and he ended up on the ground.
You were shocked as you made your way towards him... He was dead you couldn't feel his pulse and he wasn't breathing...
Yet the driver called for ambulance anyways. You cried and thought that it was your fault and yours only.
You realized what terrible things you said and felt even worse. Your sobbings were loud as you knew he won't ever come back...
~Mod Chiaki
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sophiescarlet · 5 years
my anime boston recap
i told a few people i’d write this, so here. warning, it’s long as fuck.
rebecca black - friday
while waiting for artists’ alley to open, i sat in a corner and watched people go by and saw a group cosplaying the main characters from the extremely underrecognized game the arcana, which was awesome and i totally would have asked for a picture but i’m way too shy. even though i’ve asked cosplayers for pictures before but i seem to have regressed in that sense...
i also saw (and this happened throughout the con) a bunch of hot, fit, really thin girls, which made me feel gay (as expected) but also really envious and sad and insecure about my body. cause i wish i looked more like them.
i also saw two girls cosplaying snow halation!honoka and kotori from love live, and the honoka had a giant honk nesoberi that i totally envy, and then right afterward a hate na heartbeat!eli and nozomi came around the corner and they were the coolest. i wish i’d had the guts to ask them for a picture too.
finally i went to artists’ alley and i got to buy a print from one of my favorite persona 5 fan artists but unfortunately she didn’t have the postcard set i wanted to buy. BUT right across was another fan artist whose stuff i really like so i bought a BUNCH of her prints - one of each of the p5 girls for me, and an extra makoto for my friend - and she came over to thank me and we chatted a little and it was nice. i am fucking determined to befriend some of these people and now at least one of them knows who i am.
i went to a panel on “fandom as coping” presented by a social worker which was really cool. she talked about how even though she’s a social worker, she still went through a severely suicidal period this past year and survived because of yuri on ice. i left partway through because then she turned it over to the audience to share our stories and i didn’t need to hear from a bunch of people talking about bad things that had happened to them.
the next thing i went to, after hanging around the vendors for a while, was tara platt’s (mitsuru and elizabeth from persona 3) q&a. she was really cool, and i actually managed to ask her a question, which was which one she preferred. (she said she can’t choose a favorite, but had more fun with elizabeth.)
i went to a presentation by sunrise, the studio that made love live among other things, but it was boring and i left early again because they were talking about gundam and other action stuff i don’t care about.
i’d planned on going to johnny yong bosch’s (makoto from free, kitamura from toradora, yu and adachi from p4) q&a, but it had a hella long line and it was obvious i wasn’t going to get in since the room wasn’t going to accommodate that many people. so i went over to a panel greg ayres (kaoru from ouran, nagisa from free, monokuma from the danganronpa anime) was doing on “it gets better.” come to find out he is openly bi! and is good friends with his ex who’s a trans woman and confronted her family about misgendering her! he is my new fav ngl and a far cry from hikaru’s va whom i met at tora-con a few years ago and was kind of an ego. it was a conversation sort of panel and we talked about a lot of stuff around queerness and bullying. i had to leave that one early too, but wished i could have stayed for the whole thing. also, there was a girl across the aisle from me who mentioned she was trans, and at one point i happened to catch her looking at me, and i think she was checking me out! sadly, i did not run into her again.
the reason i had to leave early was to get johnny’s autograph. he was really cool and i totes wish i could’ve gone to his q&a. since i don’t actually have any free! or toradora! or p4 merch, i had him sign my p3/p5 dancing game since it did at least come with p4 dancing as a free download. he took his daughter with him to the con which i find adorable though i have to wonder how bored she was sitting there for an hour and a half while he signed autographs.
katy perry - last friday night
at this point, i had a couple hours to kill, so i walked out to newbury comics in the hopes they’d have the bananarama vinyl reissues from the british record store day. they didn’t (though weirdly they did have the shakespears sister one), but they had kacey musgraves’ golden hour on sale, and i’ve been waffling on buying that for ages, so i finally snapped it up. then i went back to the mall where the con (sort of) was and got some godiva ice cream, which was even more overpriced than you’d expect but still very good.
so my last agenda item for the day was yuri lowenthal’s (makoto/minato from p3, yosuke from p4) q&a, which tara crashed because they’re married, which i love because it means that mitsuru is irl the canon waifu. once again i managed to ask a question, which was which p3 girl he’d like to have minato end up with, which made everyone laugh, and of course he said “i want to preserve my marriage, so either mitsuru or elizabeth.”
then i went home and felt like death.
i don’t know any songs that have “saturday morning” in the title
i took an uber to the con for saturday because the T was being replaced with a shuttle bus and i decided i’d rather pay $17 each way for a 15-minute trip than $2.50 each way for a 90-minute trip.
i went to a panel on “idols in anime” that was kind of interesting but i didn’t take much away from it, other than that i should maybe watch revue starlight. but then i went to a panel on “diversity in the magical girl genre” that was really cool. it was hosted by a queer latina woman and she talked about racial, gender, sexual, and ability diversity. it was interesting because she has a very negative view of yuuki yuuna, which i can certainly understand but don’t really share. but it was a great panel and i feel like i learned a lot. one neat idea she had was that what comes across as queerbaiting (or whatever-baiting) to western audiences can be really progressive representation in japan, and vice versa.
after that i went to another panel on “magical girl fashion” and literally got up and left because i couldn’t stand how wrong the presenter was.
i’d missed out both days on the free autograph passes for yuri and tara, so i went to their paid session, which to make a long story short was an absolute fucking disaster, and i ended up making a complaint, during which i cried in front of the con’s assistant director. so there’s something i can check off my bucket list. i also met the director, who came over to reassure me they were fixing things and said, “i keep saying i need a machete to take off people’s heads this year.” so obviously i immediately liked her! in the end, i did get their autographs (on the same p3d/p5d game) for fifty fucking dollars... i’d been expecting more like thirty. and they didn’t even personalize them. sad trombone noise. they were nice though.
then i rushed over to the free autographs and saw kara edwards (chihiro in the danganronpa anime) and had her autograph a wall scroll i’d bought from a vendor. i wish i could’ve gone to her q&a because she seemed sweet.
and right after THAT, i got in line for tara sands (a bunch of pokemon) and had her sign a manga volume i bought for my friend. she was also awesome and i really wish i could have gone to her q&a because we had this exchange:
me: this is for my friend who’s a huge bulbasaur fan
sands: oh, you’re such a good friend!
me: i know. and i won’t let them forget it.
sands: [laughs] that’s good! keep it up, i like your style!
i then went to greg’s q&a, which was fun. he mentioned that while recording the audio commentary for ouran, caitlin glass (haruhi) and todd haberkorn (hikaru) got really uncomfortable during one of the twincest scenes and started talking about anything else they could so they wouldn’t have to talk about the twincest, and in the commentary you can just hear greg laugh a little because he’d made himself laugh by thinking of saying “i just think it’s hot” but kept himself from saying it out loud. the hero we deserve tbh.
whigfield - saturday night (i actually don’t like that song btw)
at this point, it was time for the 18+ panels to start, so i went to one where yuri, tara platt, lisa ortiz (idk her), and billy kametz (same) did in-character readings of various scripts. they did a couple of star wars ones which obviously did nothing for me, except that tara did bb-8 in a christopher walken voice, which was fucking hysterical. the other one i remember was lisa doing a southern belle voice narrating the notebook, with yuri as sasuke (i think) as noah, and billy as lelouch (?) as ally. but the best one, of course, was the last one, which was the iocane powder scene from the princess bride, performed by yuri as spider-cop (iirc) as the sicilian and tara as elizabeth as westley. it was AMAZING.
then i went to greg’s 18+ panel where he recounted risqué stories like when his mom wanted to watch an anime where his character has anal sex. i remember it being hilarious but unfortunately don’t remember any specifics other than him affectionately calling his lawyer the C-word and a story about beating up an asshat in the o’hare airport after asshat broke a jigglypuff ornament his friend made him.
blondie - sunday girl
so having stayed out past 11:30 for greg’s panel the night before, and forgetting to take melatonin before bed... i actually couldn’t wake up sunday morning so didn’t end up going back to the con at all. which was really sad and disappointing as it meant i missed getting greg’s autograph, a panel on autism in anime fandom, and the voice actor roundtable panel, all of which i really wanted. so after finally getting up at 2:30pm i spent the rest of the day super depressed and mad at myself and just sad and disappointed.
the end.
0 notes
dusty-jester · 7 years
I was reading the comments on the tiny clone honk clip from sunshine and everyone is just throwing theories about how it’s a honotsuba love child or how the ghost student girl is Kotori’s daughter even though she quite clearly looks like a rinpana love child so I decided to respond to those by replying to them with my own ridiculous theories such as how love live is just a spinoff of gundam and how in the next season of sunshine they’ll find the mobile suits and get attacked by the zeon forces and how it’ll become sunrise’s version of macross or how there’s a secret cloning facility under the otonokizaka where Kotori’s mom clones herself to keep herself young I mean could be possible they could just take like a really dark turn next season of sunshine and they have to fight off aliens or space colonist and a clone army of Kotoris I mean Honoka can have a have a full grown child size child within those 5 years all of this could happen right?
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Haunted Honk Updated Bones 2 - Return of the Honk
Hello Internet Stranger looking up G Gundam on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a Horror Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
It is based on the idea in the post that is linked above.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my and other's Headcanons for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
Also the majority of the brainstorming is happening in the replies if you're so inclined.
Behold! The Second Update! 🎉🎊🎉🎊
Some of this is just straight copy and pasted from the notes and other bits have been lightly reworded or built upon to connect to other bits.
I'll see y'all in the replies for ideas on new plot points! 🪦💥🌩
This is backstory and general outline for the most part. There are some sort of written bits mixed in.
It is barely edited. Typos abound.
The dialogue is extremely minimal and it is a framework upon which to build the fic. 💖
I am giving this explanation for the benefit of internet strangers as all parties working on this fic are already familiar.
Hello Internet strangers! 👋
Wherever the tendrils of the Devil Gundam hovered over the earth, and subsequently were destroyed, are places that may have had DG cells distributed through the atmosphere.
Atmospheric DG plumes have lead to DG infection in those areas. There's also likely tendril debris.
Neo-Japan, since the Devil Gundam's destruction,  has been working with Neo and world governments on a cure for DG infection.
At the moment the current treatment involves Kyoji or Schwarz controlling the DG cells of the individual and shutting them down; however, they are making breakthroughs with advancements on a nanocite injection that they're synthesizing with an executable program that shuts the DG cells down.
The biological compatibilities are the hurdle at the moment as evidenced in animal testing.
Kyoji and Domon are traveling to some sites in the USA that were affected by tendrils. Domon is there as a body guard since Schwarz is handling infection cases elsewhere (unspecified). 
Chibodee is their escort. America is a Different Beast to Japan even in the future. So they'll need an escort to get through the militant landscape and across the sheer distance of it all. 
Rain wanted to come with them, but with the volatility of the current landscape of the US - Especially where they're going - Kyoji didn't want to needlessly risk her safety.
He's assured her that Domon, Chibodee, and Chibodee's team will be watching his back.
Dr. Kasshu will be with them for the first days in New York to help with setup of the mobile lab before heading back to Neo Japan to continue working alongside Rain.
Once they've rested and are ready to head out, Domon, Chibodee, Kyoji, and The Gals will take Neo America's Core Lander and a mobile lab to the TD Site and it should be a fairly straight forward affair since they've gotten permission from the national and state governments, as well as permission from Gunsinto to be in the area.
They shouldn't be more than a few days travel to get there and retrieve samples and data and get back. He should be gone a week at the absolute most.
Kyoji gives rain the contact info to their hotel in New York as well as their sponsored Gunsinto accommodations in the Midwest and lets her know that he'll call once they've arrived palnetside.
He makes good on that promise the next day, letting Rain know that their shuttle landed, Chibodee and the girls picked them up without hassle, and lets them know that they're set to have a great dinner at a favorite restaurant of Chibodee's that evening. 
Seeing Chibodee is like a breathe of fresh air that Domon didn't know he needed. Life has been so needlessly complicated lately but after Chibodee releases him from the bear hug given in greeting and throws an arm over Domon's shoulders they fall into step as if they'd never been apart. 
Keeping in touch wasn't exactly easy. Domon doesn't respond quite as often as Chibidee would like, but every message Chibodee left was listened to and saved. 
Ever since they got wind of this mission it's all either of them has had on their minds for days. 
I need some help here with feelings and dialogue and inner thoughts but Basically 
They both independently realize with clarity over the days leading up and the time in New York how much they've missed each other and how easy and comfortable it all is - being teamed up again.
Domons semi-recent revelations and feelings fresh on his mind. Chibodees crush ever looming.
Hearts racing. Feeling lighter than they have in God Knows How Long. Chibodee smiling so much his face cramps. Domon feeling so comfortable and nearly zen he loses his permanent frown from constantly thinking and just vibes. Smiling occasionally even!
Chibodee proposes they spar real quick before dinner "To work up an appetite! And C'mon! I wanna see what I'm up against in the upcoming Gundam Fight!" With a grin slamming his left fist into his open right hand. (He's left handed right? Or was that someone else?)
They Spar and there's Feelings 
@thedragonchilde has written a beautiful scene that I've linked below
Then they have dinner together and later part to settle in their hotel rooms for the evening. 
The next day they focus on briefing the expedition and setting up the Mobile Lab that The Gals will be in charge of transporting. 
Once the lab is set up, they see Dr. Kasshu off on his shuttle back to Neo Japan that has been on standby since they arrived.
Kyoji volunteers to ride with The Gals under the excuse of getting a head start on some data processing - but really it's to give Domon and Chibodee some time alone together. 
Chibodee is not about to let himself be alone in a Core Lander with Domon for HOURS. He may blurt out something he regrets. He insists that Kyoji ride with them and leave the Gals to themselves.
As they make their way out west, Chibodee starts explaining why they'll want to keep their guard up. 
There's been a lot of unrest recently and especially the last 10 years since Gunsinto bought out the last of their land and displaced so many communities. 
Domon asks occasional questions but Kyoji isn't saying much of anything at all. Opting to rest most of the journey. 
Domon seems tense, which is understandable considering the events before they left New York. 
A thought: can Kyoji and Schwarz communicate via cellular connection similar to a human cell phone situation? They'd both be planet-side so I feel like it ought to be possible 
With that in mind - maybe Kyoji and Schwarz have been catching up whenever they have free time and part of Kyoji being to silent is he's messaging Schwarz and lamenting his fate being stuck in the Core Lander with these two. 
Schwarz pities Kyoji but can't help the schadenfreude at what Kyoji is going through. Kyoji is understandably less amused but sees the humor in it and they start discussing progress that Schwarz has made with calming and healing people abroad. 
Kind of a nod to what will come in the scary bits. 
I'm thinking that when the emp goes off, maybe a signal scrambler starts after that interferes with cell and radio signal in the area so when Kyoji tries to reach out to Schwarz he's cut off. 
Suddenly they hear gunfire and what might be a canon of some kind. 
They expected resistance outside of Gunsinto territory but they didn't expect it after they crossed the border!
Aren't the Greenlords supposed to be patrolling the area???
So they're on the run from a group that blames Domon and Kyoji for all the bullshit post DG Incident. The group is made up of various parties working together to hold Neo Japan responsible for their crimes against humanity since nothing held up in court and Neo Japan is currently in control. Plus near endless bitterness at America's loss of Super Power status for decades and the effect that that has had on their economy and natural resources put under stress from these Big Space Battles. 
Chibodee and The Gals are aware of THIS group of violent individuals… but they're not aware of the OTHER group of violent individuals. (The Clown gangs are kept under wraps by the Greenlords - Gunsinto's private militia similar to to the Pinkertons as going public would be an embarrassment and an open invitation to more trespassers.)
They have a good idea of what weapons they have at their disposal and what their general tactics are. 
They decide to split up and have The Gals create a distraction to lure the majority of the aggressors off before rendezvousing close to the TD Site in this region.
After they split, the core lander has some issues and breaks down in the middle of nowhere. As they break down Kyoji has an awful headache. There's a terrible signal he can feel and he knows it affected the core lander's processors but he's not sure what it is. 
(It's a device that broadcasts a malicious signal that infects the processing units of hovering vehicles - was gonna be an emp but realized that would mess up their gps. It has only a very mild effect on DG cells it seems. Their GPS was made by the Kasshus with DG tech so it's unaffected. - Their communicator was issued by Gunsinto and was not so lucky - it's dead.)
Luckily for them their map data integrated into their GPS shows there should be a former town nearby.
The nearest town is seemingly abandoned. There's simply not enough water here according to Chibodee. 
The only building not completely crumbled is a lone Motel. Chibodee curses his Rotten Fucking Luck. (Clown Music!)
They're exhausted from carrying their emergency supplies through the heat of the day. They're not going any further. This will have to be it. Domon is clearly tense and Chibidee seems about to jump out of his skin but Kyoji doesn't really know why. He could be over sensitive after sitting with their tension in the core lander and then walking with them through the heat. 
Chibodee considers attempting to convince them to camp outside but with the wind picking up as bad as it is, he has no leg to stand on. They'll be sleeping inside. 
Strange though. There's a light on. That's odd.
While the guys were crashing and walking The Gals have incapacitated the pursuers after radioing in help from the Greenlords who are cooperating on this mission. 
They're of course like “Whaaaaaat? That's Crazyyyyyyyyy.” And don't breathe a word of The Other Issue Inside The Fields. Instead electing to simply refuel the mobile lab and send some extra men with The Gals as an escort.
The Gals start back on their journey to Rendevous with the guys. 
They arrive at the TD Site with no sign of the guys. After waiting 2 hours they decide to try and ping Chibodee's location. 
There's no result. What they assumed was poor signal is worrying them now.
As they double back in the direction the guys should have been coming from they discover the crashed Core Lander and some prints headed South West.
They check their maps of the area which indicate a former town a few miles south west. They hop in their mobile lab and head that way. 
When they make it to the town, the only standing structure is a Clown Themed Motel that looks like it was pulled straight out of a historical classic horror film. 
They share a look then laugh. There's no way Chibodee would be here. They decide to check for other towns and head further south.  Eventually as it starts to get dark the escort advises that they head to the designated accommodations for the evening and the Greenlords will start a search.
Meanwhile, Kyoji kept his word to Rain that he and his father would check in when they arrived in New York. When the second day stretches on with no word - Rain starts to worry.
Her father has made it home, but she's still heard no word from Kyoji.
On Rain's 5th call in as many hours -at about 2:00 AM- The Gals answer.... it's Bad News. 
They've been separated by a roaming militia group hellbent on serving American Justice to these Neo Japan Planet Destroyers. The Gals were supposed to Rendevous with Chibodee and the guys at the TD site but they never showed and they didn't find them on their way to the Gunsinto Accomodations either.
The Gals reassure her that the Greenlords and Gunsinto are starting a search and they should have word soon.
Dread starts to settle in the pit of Rain's stomach. 
Meanwhile The Guys walk into the Hotel expecting it to be abandoned. It certainly looks that way from the outside. 
As they walk in though, they meet a rather average looking man smoking a cigar and watching some movies on a TV in the corner of the dark Lobby. 
He looks surprised (he isnt) and quickly stubs out his cigar in the ash tray nearby before walking into the only light in the lobby by the front desk.
He welcomes them with a smile and asks how many guests. Letting them know that unfortunately he's only got one room available and There's Only the One Bed. He asks if that's alright.
Chibodee sputters. Shocked that there's someone here at all. He asks as much and the man says that the Hotel is a side business of the Greenlords’ for “Employee Services” if you catch his drift.
Average guy asks after them as he's never seen them before. Kyoji has a bad feeling and smooths things over by advising that they're there as horticultural graduate students studying genetic modification with their Professor and a few other students. Kyoji tells a tale of how they got separated in the fields and this was the closest area with shelter according to their map data.
The Average guy is surprised to hear that they have a functioning GPS and says that this area has bad signal. It's a blessing they can find their way.
He directs them to their room and leaves back toward the lobby.
Kyoji has a bad feeling. He can sense a ton of corrupted DG cells nearby. Somewhere underground, but isn't sure why or what it means. 
He also keeps getting flashes of screaming men and women in clown costumes….
He relays as much to Domon privately as Chibodee is clearly already on edge and doesn't need any more stress. 
Kyoji asks Domon if Chibodee is alright. Domon informs him that clowns and clown imagery is a problem but there's really nothing they can do about it in this situation. His fists are clenched. Domon i's pissed they have to stay here.
Kyoji takes a moment to let Domon know he'll take the floor and for Chibodee and Domon to take the bed. This throws Domon for a loop, but before he can argue Kyoji insists that out of the 3 of them he can probably take the most stress and that Chibodee looks like he needs someone to sleep next to. 
Kyoji also mentions that he'll be blocking his hearing on a nano level to give them privacy in case they need to talk. Domon is a bit flustered by this but decides to take it in stride and go to Chibodee who is pacing and silently melting down. He looks like he's about to both through the window and back into the fields. 
Domon puts a hand on Chibodee’s shoulder and suggests they go ahead and bunk down for the night. 
He and Domon each take a seat on the end of the bed while Kyoji remains standing and they discuss Watch Rotation.
It'll probably be better to have 2 people awake and 1 person resting at any given time.
None of them trust this guy at the front desk. Especially not Kyoji.
Not sure how to segue from bunking down to the horror bit below gracefully; but I know we need to. 
I feel like it's the perfect time for Domon and Chibodee to take Kyoji up on his offer of audible privacy to have a quick heart to heart..... before it's unfortunately and terrifyingly interrupted. 😨
Mostly because I'm mean. 😂
Domon clumsily offers comfort / encouragement. 
(Watch him actually offer to beat up any clowns that show up.) That allows for a nice bit of irony when things suddenly get Worse.
Idk how Domon would say it but something along the lines of "I'd never let another clown near you" or "I'd beat down any clown any day. Don't worry.”
That would actually get a shaky laugh out of Chibodee, and maybe a joking "my hero", a sincere thank-you, and an apology for being so on edge (kind of a "thanks for putting up with me" type of deal)
Domon takes both of Chibodees hands in his much smaller ones and Chibodee really feels So Safe in that moment
"Hey, I mean it. You're not doing this alone.”
My first thought for 4 is that it probably looks like a normal-ass bed but in the middle of the night when both the guys are like half asleep, a clown hand bursts up from the center of the mattress in a classic zombie style Then an improbable amount slowly crawl out of that same hole as Chibodee drags Domon to the door (Domon for his credit is ready to beat a clown with another clown)
Since the FC does have the lightest touch of Newtype bullshit (mostly seen in the Schwarz/Rain chase scene where Schwarz gets the newtype flash), I'm interested in it being ghosts because the NT thing sometimes goes that way.
Ghosts usually have some kind of backstory as to why they're around, and I think it fits the setting to have a sort of clown culture war going on
so you have gangs like the one that killed Chibodee's mom, and then you get ordinary clowns going vigilante to hunt the ones that do that down for flagrant violation of the clown code
But the problem with vigilantism is you sometimes get the wrong guy, so that eventually happens and another group of clowns goes vigilante to go after the first group because they've gone bad (doesn't matter whether or not this is true for our purposes). And then you get more guys like the original circus terrorists playing themselves off as vigilantes as an excuse to kill people.
So now you have a clown gang war and more clown terrorists than you started with. And with the other problems Earth and the Colonies have it isn't *really* a big enough deal for anyone outside of the business to really care, so you get a sort of uneasy status quo with occasional bursts of clown violence.
The motel in question has a ghost problem because it's a former base of operations of a clown gang, where they would frequently dispose of their clown victims.
Chibodee is not at all aware of this. Or else he never would have agreed to this. He would have had some sort if Military backup. Gunsinto and The Greenlords have kept this under wraps to avoid broadcasting their farm territory as terrorist territory.
The clowns were affected by DG cells pre-murder and with Kyoji nearby they seem to be activating.
Kyoji can affect DG cells in a lof of situations... but can he affect them to his advantage now?
 Here's the scene: 
The guys are getting comfortable and about to sleep when suddenly the lamp they'd left on switches off and they start to hear a circus melody from somewhere out in the hallway. 
Chibodee freezes up and starts to breathe heavier. Domon figures the music may be part of the model's gimmick and tries to turn the lamp back on. It doesn't turn back on. He tries again. It doesn't respond.
Concept: the arrival of the clowns is preceded by *laughter*. Just voices getting louder and nearer and more numerous, building up to a goddamn chorus of infernal cackling that triggers Chibodee halfway to a panic attack, with Domon's tight grip and shouts of "stay with me" just barely keeping him in the present, and as the laughing reaches a fever pitch, THAT'S when the first hand bursts through the bed.
Kyoji hears it first via Newtype tomfoolery but shrugs it off as just not controlling his cells well or something at first and maybe Domon getting Chibodee to laugh or something. 
Then as it becomes more numerous and he's like "Uh Oh!" And stands up to alert the guys. 
While he's searching for a way to warn them that won't immobilize Chibodee the guys start hearing it and it's sort of too late.
 So for this section we have 2 different options from two different post threads. 
In the first post thread we had the idea of kyoji having the newtype flash awareness of the zombies mentally
In the second post thread we have the idea that since Kyoji has closed his hearing off that he doesn't hear the clowns laughter so he's unaware of their approach and Domon has to alert him when he jumps put of bed. 
This specifically: 
It might be more effective to have Domon forget this and be really confused over why the noise doesn't seem to have woken his brother.
And yeah well have Domon jump out of bed at the first sign of the noise and shake kyoji awake with his foot while he keeps a hand on Chibodee to try and ground him 
We can find a way to combine these or we can go with one or the other. 
I'm cool with all 3 options but I will say that I'm finding it hard to combine them.
The only idea I've had for combining them is that Kyoji has genuinely fallen asleep first while Domon and Chibodee are on watch and interprets his Newtype Flash of the horde as a stress nightmare.
And then when Domon jumps out of bed and kicks him awake he turns on his hearing and realizes it was real after all. 
He doesn't have time to explain what's coming before the hand pops out if the bed between where Domon is standing at the edge of it and Chibodee is laying and panicking. 
I'm good for any of the 3 options though.
Domon's instincts are screaming at him to get standing and in a ready position to fight but he's trying to get Chibodee - who has frozen- to snap out if it and stand with him when BOOM!!! 💥✊🦾🧟 The hand and several others follow. 
Domon would have been focused on Chibodee and Kyoji’s hearing would have been terminated so they wouldn't have heard a large metal bar latch into place while the laughter was building. 
Because lobby guy is outside their room's exit door planning to come in through the door to the adjoining room - not knowing his past victims have come shambling back into existence. (He can't hear them from his position in the hallway and the music he's got playing)
Chibodee's flight instinct finally triggers when the hands pop out and he's off the bed and across the room at the door in a flash, struggling to open it - finding it locked. Domon is hot on his heels with Kyoji close behind and he kicks the door when he gets to it. 
What they thought was a normal metal door seems to be solid - not hollow - and won't budge. Domon takes half a step back, and looks to the window. On the way in they noticed it was boarded up. Tornado precaution the Lobby Guy had earlier explained. That couldn't be hard to break through! 
He opens the curtains to steel panels bolted into the reinforced steel window frame. Domon is stunned. 
Someone planned this. Someone is trying to kill them.
He slowly looks behind him at the bed and the platform beneath it jumping wildly. They're trapped in here, with something Truly Awful, and There's No Escape.
He has to protect Chibodee and Kyoji at All Costs. His crest is flaring as he steps between them and the bed.
(Figured that was a good place to note the state of the Crest Connection)
But at that moment when Chibidee is frantically slamming and kicking the door and Lobby Guy thinks that all of them are focused on that door he busts open the adjoining door with a knife in hand planning to stab and kill these mid twenties and early 30s college kids.
So the room is pitch black when they hear the other door fly open and slam against the wall while they hear the bed jumping and ripping apart and what sounds like giant metal doors straining under the platform that the bed is on top of.
When lobby guy lunges at them, Domon blocks him and kicks him towards the bed. The knife falls out of his hands and as he reaches for it the platform and bed bursts apart and he's grabbed and pulled back by what is clearly a dead clown into what sounds like a crowd of clowns behind them. 
As Lobby Guy disappears screaming into the tangle of limbs clamoring for him,our guys get an eyeful of the threat. 
Chibode bolts through the door Lobby Guy came from and into a dark winding corridor. The only thing on his mind is putting as much distance between himself and these clowns as possible 
But this guy has made some awful maze to chase people through the remains of the motel and the surrounding town in case his victims slip past him.
And it's absolutely heinous with bits of the people he's taken for trophies and very saw-esque. Just like truly Nightmare Fuel that NONE of them would be prepared for.
Chibodee, however, is already running through the flames of his own personal hell- so he's still just booking it down the tunnel and straight into the start of the maze while Domon and Kyoji have taken a moment to try to fight off the pursuing horde. 
I think the part where Chibodee starts booking it might be a good time to have Domon beat a clown with another clown. Rather than freezing, he gets distracted and doesn't realize they're getting swarmed. 
Kyoji is yelling at Domon to move and finally physically grabs and turns Domon's head towards more clowns than even he can keep back.
Chibodee doesn't stop running until he reaches some bullshit puzzle barrier that Lobby guy had set up.. when he turns around he's ALONE. 
But not for long, as another arm shoots out from his right!
Chibodees screams of course
It might be scarier to have Chibodee's scream get Domon hurt; The scream comes from an unexpected direction (because maze) and Domon whirls back around trying to locate Chibodee just in time to get a good zombie claw rake down the arm. 
Ooh, might be one of those cases where adrenaline keeps him from registering the extent of the injury at first?
At this point Kyoji's retreating, telling Domon to get moving, and given no alternative direction - Domon rockets down the tunnel after them both.
Domon rockets forward full tilt into the darkness down into the tunnel (it goes down) to find Chibodee fighting for his life at the end of this nightmare tunnel in front of some strange gate in the middle of what seems to have been a section of a have caved In basement laundry room.
After a bit of distance Kyoji stops to try and corral his mind to think for half a moment. He's had a feeling that he's connected to these things and wonders if it might be DG related somehow. 
And so he starts trying to tear some of his surroundings down to slow approaching clowns and shambling corpses. If he can test on one of them, then he might stand a chance of figuring out a way to get them out of here in one piece.
meanwhile, scattered across the cosmos, George, Sai, and Argo wonder why their crests are going crazy.
They're all wondering what the hell is happening and I bet George calls Rain up to be like "What In The World???" And once Rain hears that their crests are going off she knows for sure that something is going down and tries to get in contact with the girls again.
They don't have any updates. :(
Schwarz Meanwhile has gotten to a phone and lets Rain know that his contact with Kyoji was cut off and he hasn't been able to reach him for hours. 
Rain gives him the bad news. 
Previous brainstorming:
I think once they get to the SAW PARTY gate they should be together for a little bit, but the maze should either have a puzzle or a trap that splits them up again after a room or two.
Could be a classic wall or bars drop down, isolating one person and forcing them to go a different way, could be some kind of enclosed space with some bait (a key? a fuse?) that drops the person who enters to retrieve it through the floor, could be a fucked-up puzzle that doesn't let you continue unless you split up (forked "airlock" with buttons that need to be pushed at the same time maybe?)
Tumblr media
Work that in as a trap room
...I wonder how it might affect the traps given that there's no longer a person controlling them. Will that make them easier or harder to get through?
Yeah I think the fact that Murder Manderson is dead will absolutely be a problem for them but I also think that Chibodee has the lock picking skills necessary to get them through some basic doors should they have the opportunity to get to some more normal locks which may or may not be scattered in the maze to allow him easy and quick ambush access to his victims. The added bonus if they can notice one of these is that there would be few to no dead bodies in those passageways.
So it would make their final escape just a matter of blocking the passage - dodging incoming bodies from the other doors (if they're weak or open) and speed.
IF THEY NOTICE. if not it's All Maze All The Time. GREATEST SAW HITS *BZZZZZZ*
All right, here are some notes I took between patients: 
-as well as the outside Shuffles, the crests are definitely burning on our maze boys for each other. (How do the shuffle empathy powers work anyway?) They also may indicate the presence of DG cells with the zombies?
-is the manager at risk of becoming a DG zombie?
-can they magically cleanse DG cells where Kyoji can't cover with his tech? -i mentioned to you before that there's likelihood of a Moment under fire,
an "I can't lose you" confession or "thank God you're alive" embrace or something -ohh we're gonna have fun with personalized torture methods for each of them, aren't we
I definitely think that has to happen! It would be so sweet and also I don't think either of them has the impulse control to stop themselves at this point lmao
Hmmmmm. I'll have to check the wiki for that one. 
A) I believe he would be prime for a zombie yeah because he just died and got jumped by all the cells but I also think that because of that he'd be much more sentient and Kyoji may even be able to sense his thought which might be how he finds one of the doors in the first place. 
B) I think they'd be limited to what he's directly in front of them
And anyone else thay wants to jump in! Feel free! I've tagged in the replies before but I want to tag as many people in thebpost itself.
All of my mutuals are welcome in on this!
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