#honorable mention to the puzzle where the solution is to toaster bath a monster with a hair dryer
annelidist · 2 years
silent hill 3 is really good about characterising heather through little incidental touches, much more than 1 or 2 were about harry or james imo. something about her personality, tastes, or habits can be gleaned from most interaction text or inventory descriptions, and it all has this tone of weary disdain to it that's just really funny and charming to me when the object of that mundane "ech :/" is, y'know, the events and settings of silent hill 3. my favourite instance of this is a throwaway bit of text when examining an ashtray, where heather says she used to smoke (presumably as a fairly young teenager) before quitting some time ago. my second favourite example is how many of heather's puzzle solutions imply a broad but specific knowledge of how to injure others and yourself with practical chemistry, like that time she makes chlorine gas in a bucket or the bit where she smears disinfectant on pork liver in order to start a gallery fire. she's the best
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