maybe-arts · 6 months
Hi maybeher0! If I’m not too late for the ask game, any combo of ⚡️💥🪄🔮🦋 for any oc(s)?
nononono you're not late at all!! in fact yall are welcome to send more, i haven't got a lot of those and would love to ramble (the post is here for anyone wondering)
anyways, let's spin the wheel and see who comes up!
(legitimately gonna set up a pickerwheel for this thing lmao)
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(the reason the wheel is uneven is those who i actually have designs on hand or drew at least once are given more priority)
⚡️ (Lightning Bolt) - Which Power Effects [Blizzard, Bluster, Sizzle, Splash, Zap] would their attacks grant? Do they have any particular weaknesses or resistances, elemental or otherwise?
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spinny wheel said this one is for Nova
Nova has the same Copy ability Kirby does, so by default their attacks have no elemental property and depend on whichever ability they currently possess. Given how by the time Nova arrives, Kirby is capable to switch abilities without needing a catalyst (aka without swallowing anything/anyone) and Gooey is able to do the same, but within a single moveset, I'd imagine adult Nova would be able to infuse their own weapon abilities with element from get go. Yknow, best of all worlds!
In the same vein, they don't have many elemental weaknesses. Astrals are tough creatures by their nature, made to be able to withstand absurdly extreme enviroments, so Nova isn't affected a lot by temperatures. in terms of matter/magic, they may be a touch weak to Dark as of now, due to their origin/core memory, but I'd imagine they will grow more resistant to it in the future.
💥 (Collision) - What’s your OC’s combat style like? Do they adhere to any particular code of honour or ethics in a fight, or are they totally unfettered by that sort of thing?
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a big surprise! I don't think i've showed Debbie on this blog yet XD (for reference, she's Kawasaki's daughter that i based on the disguise Kirby and Dedede did in the first novel)
Debbie is more of a support fighter, like her dad, Vividria or Adeleine. She prefers to stay away from direct combat and use her baking/cooking skills to keep her allies alive and well. Not exactly a healer, but somewhere around that matter.
I do imagine a frying pan to the noggin as emergency self-defense would still hurt a lot tho.
🪄 (Magic Wand) - Are they capable of wielding magic? Is it a learned skill, or is it innate? What sorts of spells can they cast? Do they possess any magical items or artifacts? [e.g. the Dimensional Mantle]
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wheel, why. I already talked a lot about Beamee's hurdles with magic, I wanted to choose someone else PLEASE.
Beamee is half-Doo, as you may know. In my kirbyverse, Waddle Dees, despite having strongly Zap-inclined Waddle Doos as closest relative species, are strongly magically insulated, meaning they're naturally incapable of wielding or conducting magic of any type on their own. (Tool-based abilities like Parasol, Archer or Spear do not count, this is all skill and/or weapon enchantment.)
And then there's Beamee.
Technically she can wield Zap elemental magic in form of Beam, but her Beam is... wonky at best. Plus her magical insulation as a Dee means she's having a hard time to actually focus and release the pent-up energy, leading to frequent migraines.
Tabitha made a small rod for her to help alleviate these issues, thankfully. Also the tiny girlfriends did talk at length about Beamee's magical troubles here:
(Tabitha LOVES to infodump about research.)
🔮 (Crystal Ball) - Out of all the treasures in the Great Cave Offensive, Kirby is letting your OC pick one from his stash to keep! Which one do they pick, and why?
If the wheel picks Beamee, Nova or Chiffon, I'm rerolling this thing.
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...and it's none of those! It's Hooddini, my marxolor accidental fankid.
Hoodie would probably really like this thing:
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He's a firm believer in luck, given circumstances or his "birth" (that being a "happy accident") so he collects a lot of things that bring good luck. Plus, this one reminds him of his cat dad!
🦋 (Butterfly) - Does your OC ‘fear the reaper’, so to speak? If they fused with Morpho Knight, what sort of form would they take on?
(offtopic but it's funny how on mobile app this emoji is a blue butterfly, but on website it's an orange one)
Almost wanted to not spin bc I actually do have a character in mind, but...
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it's not the one I thought of, but it'll do.
As a child, Mona doesn't essentially fear death - mostly because they didn't encounter it personally. They did felt some sort of longing whenever a certain red butterfly was around.
As an adult tho, Mona still feels the same longing, but actively understands that it's not missing her mother, as she initially thought. It's more like she's missing being around a person that this butterfly reminds her of. (Gooey gets the same feeling, by the way. A trip to a certain retired knight does clarify some things once they learn about Nihil.)
As for the fused form, I gotta whip up CSP, hold on-
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Here we go! A quick-ish sketch done. Morp becomes a magic witchknight bc I said so.
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habitsfantrials · 7 years
If Houdini wore a hoodie he’d be HOODdini
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