solitaria-fantasma · 3 years
Zap Attack
*still vibing to the opening theme*
Animation school may have ruined me a bit for cartoons bc I keep meerkating out of my childish immersion to go ‘hey! I know that technique!’ 
How long have the ducks been on Earth at this point? When did Tanya go to ‘Lectric Land/meet Dr. Hookerman?
Also….’Hookerman’? Really Disney???
As a kid I didn’t really appreciate the consistent differences in body shape between Tanya and Mallory, but by gosh do I appreciate it now
Dragonus: “DON’T go in blasting.”
Chameleon: “Go in blasting, got it, boss!”
I’m still too young to really understand Chameleon’s shapeshifting cameo references
What do the human authorities think of the ducks just showing up, fighting alien lizards in a government parking lot, and then blasting off to play hockey? Is there anything they really CAN do?
Does anyone else see a very strong resemblance between Dragonus’ electric creature and Kremzeek from the 80s Transformers cartoon? No? Just me thinking up crossover vibes? Oh well…
I actually have to look this up now. IS it considered a legal goal if the shot knocks the goalie clean off their skates AND dislodges the goal simultaneously?
Edit: I can’t find any rule against it, so it looks like it’s legal!
Electricity generates an awful lot of heat - how is this creature not melting the ice as it zips around?
Alright, the ducks just did their superhero change in the middle of the ice, mid-game, in front of a packed house. Any hope of them being any kind of secret in-universe is completely gone now.
Oooh, we’ve got a modern sci-fi hydra situation going on! That’s a cool take!
Yo kudos to those two humans who’s first reaction upon seeing these crackling, jabbering, electricity goblins is to square up with whatever they had on hand.
Do the human police just lock up the precinct when there’s duck-related shenanigans happening in this city? You hardly see anyone out on the streets, so I can only imagine that the citizens see the ducks all armed up and say “You know what? It’s a lovely day to stay inside let’s use some of that PTO I’ve got saved up”.
Klegghorn is going to have an aneurysm over that exploded tanker…
Dr. Hookerman calmed right tf down when Grim kicked in his door and he realized it was Tanya knocking. As if there are other humanoid alien ducks he could confuse her for.
Did they change Thrash’s design from the pilot? I didn’t realize he was plus size. I like that!
“Help your fellow man or I’ll rearrange your face.” why Grim! I didn’t know you had it in you!
Nosedive has a tear in the thigh of his suit that stays consistent in size and placement for the rest of the episode. Not a high bar for animation, but a nice bit of consistency that some kid’s shows didn’t always bother with.
Oh wow that is a LOT of little zappy creatures. We only see they multiply a few times onscreen - where did they all come from?!
The ducks can just casually listen in on private government broadcast signals. The military is totally okay with this, I’m sure.
The ducks kick in the door of the control room for a powerful government space laser with a hermit scientist, and the human employees are just startled, at best.
“What faith in humanity? You’ve restored my faith in ducks!” You know what Dr. Hookerman? That’s valid. Enjoy your self-imposed island isolation.
How does Dragonus get anything done with those ridiculous thumb talons? Good lord, man, go get a manicure, or something.
The ducks turning the last remaining energy creature back against Dragonus - karma at its finest!
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lvdseu · 3 years
The Mystery of New Jersey’s Hookerman – GoZ
The Mystery of New Jersey’s Hookerman – GoZ
https://goz.icu/the-mystery-of-new-jerseys-hookerman/ The Mystery of New Jersey’s Hookerman – GoZ
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fullgrade-blog · 7 years
 Read “The Hook” http://urbanlegendsonline.com/hookermans-proof/ and “Boyfriend’s Death”   
 Writing Prompt:  What are these tales supposed to teach us/represent?  Why do you think that these
     kinds of urban legends are becoming more violent?
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spoookyscary · 11 years
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Long ago, when the trains were still the main commerce transportation in the state, an accident occurred on the tracks of Budd Lake. Now these tracks, which run through Netcong, Flanders, and Budd Lake, were said to carry coal, and other industrial fuel sources.
One night, while repairing a railroad track, one man had the extreme misfortune of getting his arm, shirt, skin and all, stuck on the tracks. In this hand he held the latern that was helping to light his way.
And although the trains were not supposed to be running at this time of night, one did, and the conductor of this very train did not see the trapped man struggling by the side of the tracks, nor did the conductor see the faint glow of his latern. Within a matter of minutes, but what surely seemed like hours for the trapped man, the train had passed and made its way towards the next town. But with this train went the man’s hand and lantern.
He died that evening from blood loss and shock, his body found later the next day by town locals. But to the dismay of everyone, his hand, and his latern, were missing. Some say that it was swept up with the force of the train, others say an animal took it as dinner.
But if you stand on the tracks in the middle of the night, close to the time when the unfortunate man lost his hand, you will see a green light hanging above the tracks, bobbing up and down the same stretch of land.
And that green light is no other than the man’s latern, being held on to fastly by the man’s hand, searching and searching in vain for it’s body.
Now, for all intents and purposes, there actually is a green light that seems to hang over the tracks in this area – but unscarily enough it is supposedly due to chemical deposits in the soil, either due to pollution or natural mines. Still, the sight of the green light on the tracks in the middle of the night will always recall the tragic tale of the Hookerman.
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