#hookhausen come back soon though
jungleho0k · 1 year
junglehook breaking up during pride month is homophobic
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chvcklefvck · 2 years
[Hookhausen x Reader]
Tony Nese is sure he has some great advice for you, about someone he seems to suspect you have a crush on. That is until he finds out you have more than one crush.
[not me writing 2.5k words of pure self indulgence lmao. the warnings for this are mentions of blood, swearing, and broken bones (ouch) slight innuendo and me not having someone to prooferead lmao. i haven’t written for wrestling in like. 4 years. also i have never, ever written these wrestlers before, please go easy on me! i’m just enjoying myself an havin some fun! hopefully y’all can have fun with me!! REPOSTING THIS AS FOR SOME REASON IT WASN’T SHOWING IN TAGS!]
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“Fuck off,” You mumble under your breath, eyes rolling.
“What was that?” Nese questions you, stopping in his tracks.
You take the chance to turn around and face him, eyes narrowing and hand going to your hip. You stare at him for a moment, watching him closely, waiting for his next move. He doesn’t seem to know what to say though. For once.
“Why are you doing this? Especially now?”
“I’m just trying to tell you, Hook is gonna break-”
You want to rip your hair out. You want to stomp and scream and flail. Instead of yelling, or ripping your hair out, you tune him out, before finally interrupting him.  “I never, ever said anything about liking anyone around here. Especially Hook!”
You never had to say anything. Not really. The way your eyes wandered up and down him when he was around. How you seemed to be speechless, mostly only around him. Tony Nese found one of your only weak spots. But he couldn’t seem to pick out the other.
“I’m looking out for you-”
You had enough. You want to swing, you want your own match with Tony Nese, you want to teach him a lesson. But, once again, you don't do what you want. You do the only other thing you can think of, which happens to be fucking sprinting away at maximum speed.
You can hear Tony yelling for you to come back, but you are gone. Footsteps echo behind you and you turn your head over your shoulder. Tony is close to you, but you refuse to get within arms reach. That is not fucking happening, not today. As you begin to grow tired, someone steps out in front of you.
You slam into him, full force. Your arms instinctively wrap around him as the both of you topple down and as soon as you hit the ground, you realize your awkward position. You’re straddling him, hands on either side of his head. You give him a soft smile and forget that Nese is currently in hot pursuit of you.
“Hi.” Your voice comes out barely above a whisper.
“Get back here!” Tony is closing in.
Before Danhausen can say a word, you pull him up and brush him off. You mumble a sorry as Tony reaches you and you go to take off again. Sadly, you’re stopped.
“Stop running, I’m trying to give you advice!”
Danhausen realizes something is off and is quick to step in front of you. You, without thinking, grab his arm. Maybe, hopefully, Tony will leave him alone if you’re there and possibly get in the way. Your hold is gentle, and hopefully reassuring.
You’re staring at Tony over Danhausen’s shoulder, brows furrowed and glare intense. Tony seems like he is about to go in on Danhausen, but he observes you first. You can see something clicking as he watches you. Your stomach flips and suddenly you’re fighting the urge to run again. But you don’t want to leave Danhausen alone with Tony. Instead, you try to look unbothered and keep a level head.
“Oh…” Tony takes a step back, his confusion turning into a smirk, “Oh~ This is good- This is gold!”
“What are you on about?” Danhausen is the only one confused now. He looks around at you, seeing your calm demeanor change quickly to something that is quite the opposite. “Do you know what he is yelling about?”
You don’t answer, wide eyes never leaving Tony, and grip tightening on Danhausen’s arm. Deeply inhaling to steady yourself doesn’t even seem to work. The feeling in your stomach only worsens, and briefly, you think you are going to vomit. Your eyes search the area for a restroom and you see one behind Tony.
“Do you want Danhuasen to curse him?” Danhausen whispers to you, his hands rubbing together. His eyes move from you and back to Tony.
“No!” Tony yells, “Do not curse me!” Tony is ready to throw hands immediately. That is until another enemy enters his sights.
Footsteps come from behind you and you turn, eyes hitting the middle of someone's black hoodie. Your heart is back in your throat as your eyes wander up to see Hook standing right there, glaring at Tony.
“Um, I have a match soon-” You try to keep from being sick, that isn't a good look in front of someone you like. “so I should probably-”
You are completely at Hook and Danhausen’s mercy though. They aren’t budging, Tony isn’t budging, you can’t budge.
“What’s the problem?” Hook’s voice is steady, but there is something there, something that really hits you. You hope it hits Tony too.
“There is no problem.” Tony smirks at you, “Not anymore, anyway.”
He turns to leave and you want to sigh, really, you do. But something doesn’t sit right. Not with how he excused himself. You are stuck watching him leave, until Danhausen turns around and begins to wave his hand in your face.
“Should Danhausen get involved in whatever this is?”
‘You’re both involved already,’ You think with a groan. “Hopefully not,” You give Danhausen a small smile.
“What was that about, Y/N?” Hook cocks his head at you, causing you to give him an awkward toothy grin. You don’t get a chance to tell him to not worry about it, he seems to know what you’re going to say, “and don’t tell me to not worry about it.”
“Yes, you did tackle me to the ground after all. If you wanted to give Danhausen a hug, all you had to do was ask.”
You stop momentarily, “I can give you a hug?”
“Of course!” Danhausen lights up.
“Now is not the time.” Hook gives you a deadpan look, causing you to not ask for a hug. “What did he want?”
You don’t want to lie, so you decide to be as vague as you can be, “He was, um, giving me advice. Some advice I didn’t even need.”
“Like what?”
Your eyes slightly widen, and you look at your phone, “I have a match to get ready for!” You shimmy out from being sandwiched between Hook and Danhausen and rush for your dressing room. Once you reach it you immediately calm down. You need to be as ready for your match as possible, and Tony needs to be the least of your worries.
Once you’re finally ready, you make your way from your dressing room and try to not think about Tony, or Hook, or Danhausen. You try to think about your match with Kris; about how you need to maneuver, about her weak spots. Not yours, just hers. As long as Danhausen or Hook don’t somehow get involved you’ll be fine. You just know it.
That’s until you’re stopped.
“Hey!” Tony… Again.
You don’t want to stop walking, but something in you seems to stop you. “What?” you snap at him, almost snarling.
“Okay, whoa, no need for hostility.” Mark seems to come out of nowhere. “Tony is just trying to help you, that’s all.”
“That’s all? Mark, get outta here. This has nothing to do with you!”
“Actually, it does now,” Mark smiles down at you, “I mean, how the hell do you like Hook and Danhausen.” He is dealing damage, and he knows it.
“Shut up.” You hiss at him, stepping closer. You point your finger up at him and growl, “I have not said a single word about either of them since coming here, why do you even think I’d like them?”
“Look how defensive you’re getting.” Tony joins in.
“What the hell? What are you tag teaming me like this?”
“I was just trying to look out for you, you know-”
“I know!” You almost bust, your voice raising slightly. “You’ve said it a thousand times now!”
“Let me finish,” Tony steps towards you, making you take a step back, “I don’t want to look out for you anymore.”
Your theme hits as soon as your stomach drops. Mark shoos you away and you take a moment to realize you need to go. You nod, and swallow hard. You turn and make your way towards the entrance, trying to ignore whatever that meant. You do not want to know, you have too many coals on the fire as it is, you do not need another one. But yet, you can’t help but throw it on the fire and watch it burn.
The sound of cheers coming from the crowd when you start towards the ring brings you back down and you’re able to focus, even if only momentarily. You're rushing the ring, siding under the bottom rope, and facing Kris in what feels like only seconds. Adrenaline is high and you’re not coming down.
Kris is eyeing you, up and down, and you’re standing in front of her, as cocky as ever. The bell rings and the referee is quick to move away from the both of you and you go to town. You’re almost on autopilot; hitting, dodging, and taking every chance you have to get the upper hand. But then your brain wanders off.
‘I don’t want to look out for you anymore.’ What did he mean? And just like that, you're stuck. You’re frozen, even if only for a second, and that’s all Kris needs. Suddenly, you are lifted into the air and a loud ‘no’ rips from your throat. You’re kicking, but only momentarily, when you’re dropped face first onto the mat. The breath is knocked out of you and you're wheezing for a minute.
You want nothing more than to run, but you can’t. You’re pulling yourself towards the ropes when you’re grabbed again. Your hand pulls from the rope and you’re being dragged back towards the middle of the ring.
You’re pinned, and too dazed to even fight her off of you. Your adrenaline is wearing thin and you realize there is warmth covering your face. Your eyes stare up at the lights, and only one thing crosses your mind as the bell rings, and Kris is announced victorious.
‘What the fuck did Tony mean?’
After being checked out you find a quiet place and sit against the wall. You’re thinking, fidgeting, and still trying to make sense of Tony. You hear Danhausen speaking, sounding worried. The voice nears you and as soon as you spot Hook and his partner, you can’t help but smile. Hook isn’t saying much to Danhausen, instead he seems to be looking for something. His eyes hit you and his walking becomes faster.
“Are you alright?” Hook rushes to your side.
You give him a thumbs up and a smile. This helps nothing. You can see panic on his and Danhausen’s faces, so you decide to speak. “Yes, I’m good. Just a little… beat up.”
“Your nose is broken,” Danhausen butts in.
You nod, letting out a little laugh. You don’t get to respond though. You can see Mark walk by, his eyes cutting towards you as he does so. Tony is in front of him and you stand, ready to run up and attack them both.
“Hey,” Hook puts a hand on your shoulder, “What are you-” His eyes look around and he spots Tony in your line of sight.
“Danhuasen, stay here with Y/N.” Hook grumbles and begins to walk towards Tony. You have no time to stop him.
“No!” You run your fingers through your hair and your eyes widen with fear. “He’s going to tell him…” Your voice is a whisper, but your friend catches it.
“Tell him what?” Danhausen’s hands grab each other and he cocks his head at you.
You want to run and hide under a rock. Your back hits the wall and you slide down with a groan. You let out a guttural noise, and Danhausen seems more confused than before.
“You mind cursing Tony for me now?” You cock your head as you look up at Danhausen.
His eyes go wide, and he seems full of joy. He turns to find Tony and Mark, but Hook has already made his way back to the both of you. His eyes staring down at you, his face almost expressionless.
“Great.” You throw your hands up, and put your head down between your knees, but quickly sit back up as your broken nose hits the exposed skin.
“Be careful.”
You look up at Danhausen and make a face. One he does not seem to like too much. He has no time to respond to the expression though, Hook speaks before he can.
“It didn’t take a lot to make Mark talk.” Hook puts his hand out towards you, wanting you to stand up. You reluctantly take it and he easily pulls you up.
“What did he tell you?”
“Yes, Danhausen wants to know what has Y/N so upset!”
You pout at your friends and Hook seems reluctant to answer. He obviously doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but there is some emotion there you can’t quite read. He definitely knows something you do not.
“Go ahead,” You sigh, “Please let me down easy though.”
Danhausen only grew more confused. But, Hook smiled at you. A, hopefully, genuine smile. There was an awkward silence at first. You pushed yourself up and looked between Danhausen and Hook.
“Who said we were going to let you down?”
Your face heats up. Immediately you are on fire. You feel like you’ve been cursed. And momentarily you want to ask for it to be undone. You give Danhausen a terrified look, and he stares at you in confusion.
“Guess I should tell you,” Hook puts his arm around Danhausen’s shoulder, bringing him closer to the two of you. “Tony and Mark seem to know why Y/N was so off tonight.” Danhausen’s interest was immediately piqued and he was listening intently, his eyes on you. He nodded and waited so impatiently for Hook to continue. “Apparently, Y/N seems to have a crush. On both of us.”
“You want to crush Danhausen?”
‘Actually, I’d prefer to be crushed by Danhausen,’ You think, but definitely do not say that. You shake your head violently, “Quite the opposite.” You keep your eyes on the ground, not even able to look at either of them.
“So it’s true?” Hook knew the answer, probably before Tony told him. You glance up at him and furrow your brows. You groan and nod your head.
“Yes. I like both of you. Can I please- please let me go-”
Danhausen lights up. He looks at Hook and back at you. He begins to grow antsy, his hands fidgeting more than usual.
“Wait.” you relax, momentarily, “You guys aren’t mad, or like, annoyed?”
“Mad?” Hook questions you. He lets out a laugh, arm still around Danhausen. “You frequent our conversations-”
“Yes! I talk about you often!” Danhausen nods, “Danhausen has no want to curse you-”
“Don’t make this weird.” Hook’s grip on Danhausen seems to tighten.
“No, that’s so nice!” You clutch your chest. “What does Hook say about me?” You question Danhausen, as if Hook is not right there.
Danhausen gets no chance to speak, “Don’t answer that. How about we all talk about this over dinner.”
You can only nod. “Yes!” Before running off to get ready, your eyes shoot to Danhausen, “Can I have that hug now?”
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youngbuckisms · 2 years
Prompt concept (promptcept): 5 times (or however many you think is reasonable, if we can call "clown demon and a moody twunk" reasonable) hookhausen almost kissed and one time they actually managed to - 🐶💀
3 times hookhausen almost kissed and 1 time they did; drabble
It had been weeks. Weeks of staring, weeks of Danhausen following Hook, weeks of Hook ignoring him when he thought he’d be noticed, and weeks of close kisses that never happened.
The first time. Danhausen tried yet another strategy to get Hook’s attention, which had resulted in getting shoved against the wall, so close that it made Danhausen’s heart stop for a second as he froze. Hook wanted to. Danhausen wanted to. But neither made a move. It felt like time slowed, but it was only a few seconds before Hook stepped away.
The second time. Hook ran into Danhausen at the gym. Well — Donovan, actually. Without the makeup, Hook didn’t see him as Danhausen. Still, he greeted Hook in his very Danhausen way, waving and smiling like an idiot. And somehow it had turned into the two working out together, spotting each other, and talking. Or really it was Danhausen talking, Hook listening. And when Hook had dropped his water bottle, both of them bent down to pick it up and their heads had knocked together, making them both hiss. But as they looked up, they were so close that Danhausen had that same feeling again. The only thing that had stopped Hook from leaning forward was the sound of Ricky calling his name.
The third time. It was right after Hook ran out to save Danhausen. He saved him, shook his hand, and went backstage. But he still waited for Danhausen behind the curtain. He wasn’t sure why he waited, but when he had shook his hand again and stepped a little closer, he wasn’t sure what to do besides mutter a ‘see you later’ as Danhausen hesitantly nodded his head, letting them linger like that for a little longer before Taz walked by and Hook pulled away so he could leave to avoid being questioned as to why he saved the man.
But the fourth time .. neither of them backed out the fourth time. Danhausen had locked himself out of his hotel room, sitting by the door as he waited for Ethan Page to return since he was his roommate.
“What are you doing out here?” Hook asked, hands in his hoodie pockets, making the other look up with a slight pout.
“I left my keycard inside.” He admit shyly, glancing back down at his lap. Hook didn’t bother to wait for an invite to sit, instead just sitting down next to Danhausen, putting his bag aside.
For awhile, it was just silence. But it was comfortable. A silence that neither of them minded. Which Hook had to admit was weird, not hearing Danhausen speak was like the sky turning green. Hesitantly, Danhausen rested his head down on Hook’s shoulder, which caught him off guard enough to pull away.
“S — Sorry, I —“ Danhausen started but when Hook looked over, he cut him off by placing a hand against his cheek to pull him into a kiss. He didn’t give it a second thought. With Danhausen blushing and stuttering his apology that wasn’t necessary, it was too cute. And Hook had been hesitating too long. Hook was gentle, which was surprising, but it didn’t last long. Soon enough, it turned hungry, rough, teeth bumping against the other man’s lip. And Danhausen tried to match his energy, but he was a little flustered.
“What are you two doing?” Ethan’s voice interrupted, making Hook pull away, giving him a smirk. Ethan was only smiling though, chuckling softly from catching the two.
“Jeez get a room.” Ethan teased, unlocking the door once Danhausen moved out of the way. Hook helped the man up to his feet, but didn’t let go of his hand.
“Grab your things. You’re coming with me.”
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
AEW Double or Nothing 2022 - Quick Thoughts and Review
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So here we are again, half-spoiled and controversies aside, we are here again.
I told myself I wouldn't do one of these because it never gets much attention, but I like talking about it. I'm gonna make it shorter but here's my thoughts on AEW's latest 13-match PPV.
Spoilers for the PPV, watch first then come back
So firstly, the Buy-In was a tad disappointing in that it only had 1 match. Rampage can fit 3 matches so you can always have more.
Hookhausen = Good fun, Sterling and Nese did do their roles well but there was only one winner. Still though, that was 10 minutes of 1 hour.
MJF and Wardlow was first. I feel weird about it still, it's good he showed but what was the whole no-show about? Reports say he was in and then out, which fits his expression and the perfectly valid crowd reaction. Ironically, I'd bet without this stuff it wouldn't have been a pseudo-squash. There was at least catharsis, so maybe Max was working us (but he could also be playing Pillman, and if he is then AEW should just let him go, he isn't irreplaceable), I doubt we'll find out. In hindsight though, good call to make it the opener, get the awkwardness out of the way.
Liked Caprice Coleman's energy in the Elite vs Delete. I liked the match but I felt like it only got out of second gear. Definitely could've gotten more out of them
Jade with the pink and green hair was neat, the match was scrappy bit exceeded expectations, Stoke being Jade's new representation is interesting, and Athena showing up was a great addition for the roster (Jade could not hide her joy). But lowkey I was hoping Statlander would stare down Jade rather than Red Velvet, maybe she'll be after Athena.
It was cute to have a kid entering and PAC with a mask too, but the HoB's ghost paint was rightfully creepy. This Trios match was the energy injection the PPV needed though, I was hoping this'd segue into a Trios title announcement but the Julia turn finally paid off - still sad we didn't go with Abadon though she had the perfect look for it.
In case you didn't know; Adam Cole is really good at the selling, and Samoa Joe is good at the strikes, and both men are good at the graps. It was odd that this was before Darby/KOR, since his intent was to stop them from interfering, and it turned to be a downfall since Bobby Pescado assisted in the abrupt W.
Positioning was key for the Women's final though. The musical performances were good, the match built up as it went along, but I feel like this was the wrong call. Ruby has now lost 3 big matches now, TK must've known this'd draw heat too. It just instigates zero change; Kris lost to Ruby again, Ruby lost to Britt again, so all their progress they've made feels for naught because they're still in the same place they were, even though Baker's not champion and had no interference this time.
How can you doubt that Sammy and Tay aren't knowing heels when they did the Cody entrance with Tay dressed as Maleficent? Muddled storyline aside there was no doubts that 5/6 of these wrestlers could work a good match, the 6th PVZ may need to work on her theatrics but her technique was solid. As expected it was Frankie and Sammy's rift that led to their downfall, and it is finally over. No Miro, but maybe soon, if not give the TNT title to Cinnabon man (Takeshita)
Darby/KOR should've been the Buy In, it was well worked and physical, but it felt a like filler (especially since the matches Darby threatened to get involved in already happened).
The Women's title match went OFF, wonderful technical wrestling, there was no doubt Deeb and Rosa could pull off a good match
'Shit's about to hit the fan' was apt. Chaos personified with so many cuts, props to Menard for blading to a fork super early. Gnarly fucking spots too, car crash wrestling at its finest. Finish I think was mixed, I knew Danielson and Kingston would implode them, but I felt like Kingston should've been the one taking the fall.
El Toro Blanco!? Just make Los Ingobernables already
Dante vs Sky? Okay fair
I think I could've had an hour of that triple threat tag and not been disappointed; it got speed, it got beef, it's got everything you gonna need. Surprised the champs retained though.
We ended with a good match, but I still think they picked the wrong winner, especially since neither turned heel
Match Results (Italics for who I predicted to win) Hookhausen def Tony Nese & 'Smart' Mark Sterling (Pinfall by Danhausen on Sterling) Wardlow def. MJF (Pinfall via Powerbomb Symphony) The Hardys def The Young Bucks (Pinfall by Jeff on Matt via Swanton Bomb) Jade Cargill (c) def Anna Jay (Pinfall via Avalanche Jaded) House of Black def Death Triangle (Pinfall by Black on PAC via Sin Eater) Adam Cole def Samoa Joe (Pinfall via Boom) Dr. Britt Baker DMD def Ruby Soho (Pinfall by reversed Victory Roll) American Top Team def Sammy Guevara, Tay Conti & Frankie Kazarian (Pinfall by Sky on Kazarian via TKO) Kyle O'Reilly def Darby Allin (Pinfall via Flying Knee Drop) Thunder Rosa (c) def Serena Deeb (Pinfall via Fire Thunder Driver) JAS def BCC, Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz (Ref stoppage) Jurassic Express (c) def. Team Taz & Swerve in their Glory (Pinfall on Swerve by Jungle Boy via Thoracic Express) CM Punk def 'Hangman' Adam Page (c)
Like man was I wrong with my predictions XD I was like a stack of dominoes really, the moment one went wrong it unraveled the others. I thought they'd loophole Wardlow into ROH by having Max win, have the Undisputed Elite stay strong by having the Bucks win alongside Cole, give Death Triangle and Ruby a much-needed and much-owed high-profile W. I also expected the Christian heel turn a year since JB eliminated him in the Casino Royale. I also felt that Hangman would overcome the inner evil and Punk stooping to where he wouldn't. But alas, me and TK were not on that wavelength.
I liked this PPV, but I can't say I loved it, I think a lot comes down to me not agreeing with a fair amount of the victors. The MJF stuff and 3 consecutive interferences (Fish, Julia and Stoke) hurt it too, but also the card positioning and pacing, it did feel like everyone was in a hurry. That being said, it was still a solid showing worth people's money.
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