#hooolis bb!!
madraleen · 1 year
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.20-21: A Commentary (the one where I seem to be having a religious experience)
(*ignore the change to lower case letters-only mid-commentary)
-Levi is hurt on the cover of volume 20, help!
-I like angry Eren. That’s when he’s at his most passionate.
-I bet all the survivor’s guilt Levi fanfics are stellar.
-Please, just not... not Levi. Not yet. I don’t want to see Levi fighting the Beast Titan, I’m emotional.
-What is Levi, he is magnificent, he shredded Beast to pieces.
-I am shouting violent words during this difficult time!
-...Don’t take Armin from us, please not yet.
-LISTEN, Levi is looking for someone to turn into a Titan, so if Armin’s near death but doesn’t die-die...
-The hero we needed but didn’t expect, Hange.
-Omfg, Eren attacking Bertolt as a human!! Iconic, epic, and also, goddammit, it was a good plan, damn you Armin
-”I should have known this would happen”??! What else did you think would happen, Eren?!
-Levi the avenger. Why is he smoky though
-Look at Mikasa seeing Armin likes this.
-What the shit is this. You’re making Levi choose between Armin and Erwin, what the fuck, WHY ARE YOU OUT FOR THE KILL, SENSEI?!?!?!?? The most painful thing! The creatively greatest thing! Oh my GOD MY EMOTIONS
-I am also “th-thump,” kids, I am also “th-thump.”
-I hadn’t realized the Eren and Levi built difference, ehehe.
-No matter what happens, this Levi vs Eren and Mikasa on who to save is so good.
-Look at Mikasa, man. Just Mikasa. To know pain.
-Bb. Bb Armin. Bb Levi. Just. This part has been so. Satisfying. So good. The raw emotions on Eren and Mikasa, how much they love Armin. Levi. I feel peace? I feel like I’ve witnessed something sacred. Something cathartic.
-It’s okay. We’re okay. It’ll be okay. Seriously tho, those survivor’s guilt Levi fanfics, I bet they’re gut-wrenching.
-And it was nice seeing Eren fight for something again for a prolonged length of time unequivocally, unwaveringly, no hesitation, just passion.
-The thing is. I never want fictional characters to die, I’ve just vaguely accepted it as a necessary evil in manganime. In this case, I’d have been devastated if Armin had died. But for me, the mark of a good character death is when you drive the reader to a point that they accept the death on the page, basically saying “I don’t want this, I hate this, but I understand.” And this did that. It would have done that if it had gone either way, whether it were Armin or Erwin.
-(We’ve yet to see how Levi joined the Corps and grew this close to Erwin, y’know.)
-Smh, Squad Levi has been through so much together. Together in the truest sense of the word, they’ve always had each other’s back.
-eren rushing to hug armin as soon as he's awake, my heart. and how armin just hugs him even though he has no idea what's happening, just like he's always welcomed eren in his world no matter what
-okay on the “humanity has not perished” part, but a REFINED existence? Whoa.
-i'm reading grisha's story with baited breath, lol
-hoooly shit, we're actually talking eugenics and genocide. i mean. i guess we've been talking about genocide from volume one, just not in so many words.
-SNORT zeke is playing with a stuffed ape, lol why
-okay but i don't understand why our ymir is named after the founding titan, oh my god this history is so interesting i can't wait to connect dots
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un-chico-trans · 1 year
hooolis bb💖 cómo estás aparte de hermoso?🙈🙈💖 yo aquí con muchas ansias de verte🙈🙈🙈🙈
holi bb, me pones nerviosojj😳
también estoy muy ansioso x verte🫣
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zompompurin · 3 years
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Are you fucking kidding me
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my-one-true-l · 3 years
Hoooly shit that summer angst👀👀👀👀
Number 12 for L???👀👀👀👀👀👀
"I don’t want to lose you, too."
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L stood before the large, single pane window, staring out over the Tokyo skyline one last time. It was finally over. His well-played game of cat and mouse with the world’s most notorious and simultaneously loved serial killer had come to an end…
A well-earned, but unsatisfactory end…
He had lost a lot along the way…12 good FBI Agents, BB, Naomi, Ukita, Chief Yagami…all joining the ghosts of his parents and his past haunting his mind, not to mention the one person that endlessly challenged him in ways most others never could.
It was then a sudden, gentle hand grasped his softly. “You did very well, Detective. The world owes you a very large thank you.”
He turned to look down at her, a thin smile hinting at his lips. “I’m glad you think so.”
“I do think so. I’m glad to see the end of this case. Now we can all get on with our lives.” She intertwined her fingers with his.
His eyes darkened with a sadness she had never seen before. “I assume you’re excited about your return to your home.”
“Yeah, I mean, it’s been a while.” She leaned her shoulder against him tenderly. “Aren’t you ready to get back to England and other cases?”
“No,” he stated flatly. “I’m not. Frankly, I’m not ready to part ways with you.”
She blinked her eyes a couple of times in disbelief. “Me? I’m playing a part in this?”
He tightened his grip on her hand. “Yes. I’ve lost so much already. I don’t want to lose you, too.”
She reached up, softly caressing his cheek with her free hand. “Maybe you don’t have to.”
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kayvsworld · 7 years
“if you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it” is fucking me up so much?? tony is giving his superson life tips based on his own experiences oh my god i love this so much,,if there’s absolutely nothing else going on in your life that you’re invested in and there’s nothing else you feel like you can define yourself as outside of this highly specific potentially life-threatening thing that can and will become an obsession and Fuck Up Your Situation then you’re in dangerous territory,,,big man in a suit of armour,,take that off, what are you?
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agent-nemesis · 7 years
The Last Jedi! Review! Opinions!
I haven’t had a chance to really write about the movie due to travel, etc., but here I am now. I’ve watched the movie four times now and will probably go see it in the cinema again!
Spoilers below!
The midnight experience
I saw the movie at midnight. I was cosplaying Kylo and my sister was cosplaying Rey. There were a few other people dressed up too, including a guy I know who was cosplaying Chewy and was like “Hey!!” to me when I was in the line for drinks, and I was like “??? I don’t know who you are because you’re in a mask???” and he was like “It’s me!” and I’m like “???” and he’s like “Chris!” and I’m like “oohhhh!” and we hugged.
I was visiting my old grad school town which is kind of a small place, so I also saw a girl I know from Taekwon-Do, and we were in the line next to the owner of a Japanese restaurant we used to go to all the time when we lived there. He was there with his daughter and recognised us immediately. Then I saw another friend as well, who had taken a photo of me from across the lobby, thinking that I was my own doppelganger because he thought I was in the UK and not in town.
My sister and I engaged in shenanigans with our lightsabers and took photos and videos. Lots of people photographed us as well. They filled up the whole theater (6 cinemas). The atmosphere was great. The audience was lively, and I think a good time was had. Unfortunately, it was cooking in the theater and I was wearing full Kylo regalia, sans helmet. I was too warm.
The film
As soon as “Star Wars” appeared on the screen, everyone clapped. I realised that I forgot to put my glasses on, and scrambled to find them in the dark during the first few minutes!
Notable observations and things throughout the movie:
I thought the Hux prank call was overly cheesy for an opening. I appreciated the jab at Hux’s mother, but the scene was too cringey for my liking.
The cinematography! Holy shit, the cinematography!
I practically jizzed in my pants when the Supremacy appeared. It comes out of hyperspace at the top of the screen, and it really feels like it’s right over your head.
I lived in fear for Hux’s life for the ENTIRE MOVIE. Any scene could have been his last, and I was terrified.
Snoke ripping into Kylo and telling him that his mask was stupid.
Luke and Rey on the island and Rey trashing everything <3
When Luke milked that creature, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. If anyone would have told me that TLJ would include a lactation scene, I would never have believed it. Expect the unexpected, indeed.
Rey reaching out with her arm when Luke says “reach out”.
“Wipe that nervous expression off your face, 3PO!”
Lots of excellent dialogue. So many good quotes.
I thought the Leia flying through space scene was too cheesy.
Chewy spit-roasting porgs XD
Force Skyping. I absolutely loved this. I found Rey gaining sympathy for Kylo believable. He remained his usual self-absorbed self throughout the encounters.
There were a lot of gasps from the audience when the tiddies appeared.
I’m of two minds about Luke’s confrontation with Ben. Was it in line with Luke as a character? My interpretation was that it was Snoke’s hold on Ben that terrified Luke so much and caused him to ignite his lightsaber on impulse. I can live with that. I don’t think Luke would have turned on Ben otherwise.
Rey calling Kylo “Ben”.
Return of the Jedi music from the Luke/Vader/Palpatine scene in the Rey/Kylo/Snoke scene.
HOOOLY SHIIIIIT I didn’t expect Kylo to kill Snoke. I loved it!
Kylo and Rey fighting together was absolutely fucking amazing. Rey shouting while fighting, all of it! Full credit to Daisy. She’s amazing!!
I thought that maybe Kylo was slightly more chill during this movie, but then he lost his shit when Rey rejected him, and it was glorious.
Hux showing up in the throne room and reaching for his gun, then stealthily un-reaching for it was spectacular. The theater roared with laughter. Brilliant scene.
Kylo lying to Hux about who killed Snoke XD
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.
Rose is the sweetest. However, some of her lines were too good and kind of cheesy.
While I liked the idea of Rose and Finn going undercover, i thought the Canto Bight quest was a bit contrived. However, I enjoyed BB-8 and DJ teaming up. “What’s your story, roundy?”
Overall, I felt like the Canto Bight section was there to overtly tell the audience that weapons dealers are bad and people who profit off of war are bad with an obvious nudge nudge to our present day situation. It’s a direct reflection of aspects of the real life military industrial complex, which I don’t think is a bad thing to portray, but it felt too in-your-face to me.
Unpopular opinion? I liked DJ.
The ironing droids made me crack up.
Hux is a pipsqueak noodle, so it makes sense that all he can do is slap Finn across the face.
Why so little BB-H8???
Holdo lightspeeding the ship into the Supremacy. Holy fuck. Most. Beautiful. Space. Explosion. EVER.
Finn was amazing throughout.
Poe was a dick! He meant well, but everything got even more screwed up by the infiltration plan.
Yoda is a little shit. Rey had the books already when he burnt the place down!! And he didn’t tell Luke!!
BB-8 saved the day???
Crait was so pretty.
“They hate that ship!”
Kylo and Hux co-commanding. All of their interactions were a gift. Though I didn’t like Hux being Force-thrown!!
I thought Finn was gonna die and I was freaking out!
I don’t know how I feel about this kiss? Rose was enamored with Finn from the start, so I’m not surprised, but Finn sure was!
I lost my shit when Luke appeared. I didn’t pick up all the hints that he was an apparition until Kylo slashed him with his lightsaber and nothing happened. I was hands-down wowed when the reveal happened.
Hux’s glare at Kylo at the end.
Rey lifting rocks. i was like, “YOU GO, GIRL!!”
Overall, I loved the movie. I was a ball of nerves during my first viewing, both from two years of built-up anticipation, and also fear for Hux’s safety! On top of that, the pacing of the movie was too frantic for my liking. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire fucking movie. I watched it again the next morning, and it was way better on the second viewing. I could actually sit back and enjoy it!
Everyone’s acting was phenomenal! Kylo Ren wouldn’t work as a character without Adam Driver. Daisy was amazing!! The contrast between her portrayal of vulnerability after her cave experience to raw aggression when she’s fighting is quite a feat. I’m in total awe. Her and Adam work so well. Domhnall was great. Carrie was brilliant. The whole cast is really superb.
Despite liking the movie, there are things I didn’t like. A little too much cringey humour, a bit too much in-your-face morals in the casino bit (even if I agreed with them, I didn’t like the presentation). They essentially crammed together The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi (for better or for worse!), leaving a total unknown for the next movie. I’m looking forward to it! There are so many scenes and lines I loved, and so many great interactions between the characters that it’s a movie I can watch over and over, just like I did with the original trilogy as a kid.
Okay, but what about kylux??
I feel sad that Kylo pushed Hux around so much! A lot of my old “secretly dating” headcanons don’t really apply in light of this, at least not in the context of a somewhat healthy relationship. However, there is a lot of new material to fuel my kylux fires, with angst on the menu!
The verdict? Onwards!
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