bearseungmin · 3 years
ooh tell me about unplugged!
unplugged!: the general idea i have for it rn is that y/n works at a bowling alley with an arcade section. the game tales in 3d has long been run down and seen better days. since it's been considered an eyesore, y/n is asked to unplug it at the end of a shift, but a man emerges from the sparks of the power cord. changbin has no concept of the real world (aka the comedy bits that will be in the mix), and y/n's new task is to teach him how to be human and hopefully save him before he dissolves into pixels!
the context behind the story idea comes from the movie 'wreck it ralph'! i thought it would be a hilarious concept for a video game character to become human (an idea I've had for over a year now), but it'll be meshed with romance also!
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bearseungmin · 3 years
this is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals! <3 (i still don't know if i believe we're mutuals like WHAT??)
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bearseungmin · 3 years
dawn!! the collab masterlist looks so good, it must have taken a while to prepare. i’m so excited to read everyone’s contributions, including yours!! also, may i be added to your general taglist pls? ❤️
aaa hii love! thank you so much!!! i was so nervous about how it was organized (like i really hope it's sectioned off well and readable lmao). i had to bite my tongue SO MANY TIMES just to not talk about everyone's fics like i'm so happy the mlist is out and i'm not the only one boasting about them anymore!
also, of course you can be added love! thank you for joining it and if you ever want to be unadded please just dm me or send me an ask!
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bearseungmin · 3 years
Freeze! You're under arrest for being so lovely. Keep smiling and be healthy! Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!!! 💕💕
~hehe ily dawn!
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bearseungmin · 3 years
congrats on the milestone!! i would love to see what you have planned for a month of skz 👀 but pls be sure you’re not overworking yourself 🥺
vote added! and thank you so much love 💖🥺! trust me, I'll manage SJODNFJ
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bearseungmin · 3 years
Under your skin sounds so interesting😬
I'm late but! under your skin: is basically a marvel villian venom! au where-in seungmin is the alien virus using y/n's body as a host, but he can also change into his own human-ish form. the stories's basic idea is seungmin needing a host to help him survive on the planet whilst y/n's less-then-ideal life suddenly becomes durastic due to the alien's possession. the two basically duke it out for a long while until a serious situation causes both of them to need each other!
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bearseungmin · 3 years
you’re good! my older brother is very similar to that as well😂🤧 but also just read your story who has the controller and didn’t know i needed that story in my life🥴🤪🤪😂
AYOOOOOO that was the first fic i ever posted on this blog aaa! I'm glad it's still going strong. but i mean, it's a binsung poly smut so,,, kinda hard not to be owooga tbh
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bearseungmin · 3 years
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ BLIS 🙇😆
i actually just confused myself is this a response to the last ask or to join my overall taglist LEN I'M LOST
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bearseungmin · 3 years
this is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals! 💖💕💗💝💓💞💘💜❣️
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bearseungmin · 3 years
this is an Amazing Creator Award! your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! 💖🌸💫
hazel get over here and lemme give you a hug
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bearseungmin · 3 years
Thank you for that appreciation Dawnie, you're such a talent yourself and the nicest human istg- ❤😘 Sending all the lob your way~
mica i love you aaa thank you for this !!! 🥺
this is so funny coming from you bc i literally love your work and you inspire me REGULARLY like thank you for being an actual fucking mastermind with so much talent in every finger that you make content That brilliant 💕💕💕
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bearseungmin · 3 years
it’s okay! i am pretty bad at responding too because of college💀💀🤡😂
mine is randomized work shifts so we vibe! hope you're doing okay today though love :))) remember to drink water!
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bearseungmin · 3 years
i just saw that you mentioned me in your writer list????? slkhglskhglskhg i feel unworthy thank you so much :((( /insert big eyed emoji im on desktop rip
jokes on you because you are an amazing writer that Does deserve to be recommended + mentioned + supported + and you're lovely ok
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bearseungmin · 3 years
thank you so much for tagging me in the skz writer rec list! i really enjoy your work and seeing you mention me really made my day🥺💕 I would love to be friends!!🥺💕💕💕
it's no problem at all love!!! you're very well deserving of being mentioned 🥺🥺🥺 and aaa thank you love! of course i want to be friends !!!!!!
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bearseungmin · 3 years
dawn omg CONGRATS ON 1K 🎉🎉🎉 also your message really touched my heart, you’re so kind 🥺💕
THANK YOU SM LOVE 🥺💛 you're literally such a wonderful writer that I can't not thank you for being so cool and talented. it's literally a rule that i must appreciate you. it's in the rulebook. i looked it up!
(i really do appreciate you as a writer tho love. thank you so much for being here and sharing your works with everyone. please keep going strong!)
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bearseungmin · 3 years
DAWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 MA'AM PLEASE. congrats on 1000 though omigosh queen! I'm so. Emotional. Ilysm. I'm gonna CRY. WHAT. 🛌 [REST] 😭😭😭😭😭
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