kicktocapture · 10 years
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"Sorry I was gone for a while. I finally traveled to Unova and Kalos to study the Pokemon there. But I'm back!"
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kicktocapture · 10 years
It’s Halloween and your muse is home alone, except for mine who is in the closet with a knife.
Xander was all alone in his house on Halloween, watching TV monster movies they played every year. Why he wasn't out trick-or-treating was anyone's guess. Maybe he had no friends to do anything with. Maybe he had no costume to wear and didn't want to be embarrassed. Or maybe he thought he was too old and mature to dress up and ask for candy or teepee a house.
Crystal could agree with the last one. She wanted something more rewarding than teeth rotting candy.
This Halloween, she had put on a short kimono dress and sandals, her hair twisted at the back of her head with colored pins and a mask on her face. She was a female ninja this year, a kunoichi, and she decided to play up the part, grabbing a real pair of daggers along with a loaded handgun from her attic and sneaking into the one house on the block with their lights off. Pulling out a single dagger, she quietly sneaked up behind her target with her knife out, swiftly putting it to his throat.
"Get me the treats I want, or you'll get the trick, understand?"
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kicktocapture · 10 years
Our muses are gender for a week.
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OutOfPokeballs: I'm sorry, and I'll type up the starter in a separate post once I understand this, but does this mean switched genders or are the same gender or what? I think it meant switched genders, but it's written really funny. Sorry!
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kicktocapture · 10 years
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"Oh! Are you Yellow's brother? My name is Crystal. I'm a Dex Holder from Johto."
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"Someone talking about me?"
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kicktocapture · 10 years
Without looking, put a number between 1-42 in my ask box! [grab bag edition]
So you all know how these go, below the cut is a list of 42  RP prompts that came to me. If you’re feeling extra brave, reblog without looking! This list has a nice mix of shippy, non-shippy, fluffy, cracky, angsty, nsfw, and sfw and such forth. Who knows what you’ll get?  *Also gender and sexuality neutral!
Read More
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kicktocapture · 10 years
How'd you know Yellow has a brother?
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"I didn't, but then again, I haven't met much of her family, so I can believe it. Does that make sense?"
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kicktocapture · 10 years
Have you met Yellow's twin brother yet?
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"No, I haven't, but I'd like to."
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kicktocapture · 10 years
Abuse this.
For the next five questions my Muse can not tell a lie.
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kicktocapture · 10 years
Send me a (Φ w Φ) for my muse's reaction to seeing yours shirtless.
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kicktocapture · 10 years
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Daily Clefairy!
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kicktocapture · 10 years
Send me a word plus 'Headcanon' and I'll give a headcanon based on that word.
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kicktocapture · 10 years
"I lied."
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"What did you lie about, Sapphire? Why did you even lie?"
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kicktocapture · 10 years
send me a 'dibs' if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner
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kicktocapture · 10 years
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Hey guys! Xixi here with an update!
Okay, in all seriousness, I realize I rarely get on some of these accounts (like Satori…poor baby…) but this doesn’t mean I don’t still have all of these muses and won’t get back on in the future. I just have to run by real life first, and most of the time, this means I can hop on a single blog.
As of 6/12/14, this is how my followers look:
Leon: 823
Satori: 251
Longinus: 107
Crystal: 57
How do I even start thanking you all for this?! Well, I have a plan…
Follow Forever
A Meet the Mun
A giveaway of icons, drabbles, and/or music
A recording of me singing/dancing/voice acting
Yeah, that all sounds kind of lame, but when you can’t draw, have no money, and can only compose music, sing, dance, act, write, or crop pics for icons, you have to make do with what you have. I can assure you I’ve sung, danced, and voice acted for years as well as composed small and large pieces of music, and I can even try to sample them if you wish. As for my writing and iconing…well, Leon’s blog has a tag with some drabbles, and all four icons above were done by me.
So simple rules for every item:
You must be following me. Don’t think I don’t know who’s following on what blog!
Following just for the giveaway is terrible. Do that, and you won’t get the prize.
All of my ask boxes are open for questions/votes as well as my personal.
MtM Rules:
Ask anything for any muse! I will answer anything for them!
Mun questions will be answered, too. Just keep them as far from personal or private info as possible.
Even random questions are allowed!
No limit on how many you send in.
Questions end on June 16 at 12 AM CST
Giveaway Rules:
I will make another post for that, so don’t start reblogging this post.
Likes don’t count, but liking it to keep it archived is fine.
No limit on reblogs, but be considerate of your dash
Recording Rules:
You get to vote on what you want from me!
Samples will be up in the near future.
One vote per mun (not blog!)
Voting ends June 20 at 12 AM CST
Again, thank you all for putting up with a derp like me! I love you all! Have a wonderful day!
~Xixi ♥♥♥
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kicktocapture · 10 years
reblog if you want anonymous opinions of you
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kicktocapture · 10 years
I Need Entertainment
ANONYMOUS TIME!!!! (or ask in character!)
HYE have you ever?
FMK fuck marry kill
KHC kiss hug cuddle
NML a night, a month or for life?
AMA ask me anything
HON hot or not?
WWY well would you?
WYR would you rather? 
TOD truth or dare?
SMW ship me with?
TOT this or that?
WIS who I ship? (with myself, or with others — specify) 
or anything else hilariously entertaining you can think of! 
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kicktocapture · 10 years
Pick an age or point in time, and ask a question. The character will respond as that age.
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