#hope defirrd
tamtam-go92 · 2 years
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Claire loved what she did for those lost girls. She refrained to have her own career and family to be a surrogate mother for seven troubled girls and she couldn't think of anything better to do. If only money wasn't so tight. But that horrible person of a Mayor Rafferty wanted to see "results" before founding the project further.
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Results, what results? Should the girls have splendid grades and go off to college within one season? That was totally impossible.
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All the girls were giving their best, but they still were children that had endured horrible things in their lives their were more important things than grades and money, Claire knew. So she was happy to see the girls interact with normal kids after school having friends and being friend with one another too. That was more rewarding to watch that any money Cesar Rafferty could offer her.
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Even if it mean sleeping on a sofa at night.
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
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The mornings are always hectic with only two bathrooms in the house.
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Claire is really glad to see that the girls are slowly getting better results in school and to see they can establish lasting friendships.
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That evening Maddy even makes a special friend.
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Maddy: Hey little one, you don't have anywhere else to go to, too, don't you? I see you around the house everyday. Come here little one, I'll take care of your fur, I'm sure you're actually a really pretty boy, aren't you? Come in with me, Miss Voyante loves animals too, she'll be fine with you.
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So Daishi the stray joins the family! Dashi is an independent coward and will fit in just right with the girls.
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Holly: Bad boy, you're not allowed to rob the bin! Maddy got you a bowl, didn't she? Hope: Maybe he's spoiled...
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That night Paige volunteered to sleep on the couch. If she knew, that Daishi had a better place to sleep then her, she would probably be against the pet...
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
Group Home
The city recently acquired this formerly-upscale residence for use as a group home for at-risk girls. But will the city budget actually provide sufficient funds to keep it going? Can dedicated social worker Claire Voyante, a product of the system herself, keep the house afloat and help her girls find a future? The recent addition of Holly Wood, a thrownaway girl, is straining her resources to their limits.
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Claire doesn't worry about her tragic past, and neither should you. Nope, she's worried about these girls that people have never given a chance to be good - the abused, the downtrodden, the hurt. The girls say she's got eyes in the back of her head, and aren't sure they can trust her. That's okay. They will when they're ready. Meantime, Claire's got some battles to fight on their behalf.
Claire Voyante: female, adult, Sim Popularity/Fortune (Become Captain Hero) Gemini (4/8/8/3/2) Unemployed, OTH: Sports Traits: Natural Born Performer, Brave, Footballer, Animal Lover, Ambitious
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Yeah, so, she stole something. It was just lipstick, don't have a cow. You've got to have the right things and do the right things and say the right things to hang with the right people. That's the only way to stay safe and get what you want.
Maddy Kroud: female, teen, Sim Popularity (Become General) Taurus (3/5/3/10/4) High School, OTH: Nature Traits: Easily Impressed , Couch Potato, Eco-Friendly, Cat Person
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Someday, her father will come get her. Unlike some of the girls, Hope knows who her father is. He said he'd come get her, and he will. Any day now. She's not like these other girls. She has a future. And a family. You'll see. You'll see. You'll see.
Hope DeFirrd: female, teen, Sim Fortune (become Criminal Mastermind) Aquarius (4/4/6/7/4) High School, OTH: Nature Traits: Exciteable, Daredevil, Gatherer, Born Salesperson
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Leti was abandoned into the system as an infant. If there's one thing she's learned, it's that the system is government of the kids, by the grownups, for the grownups. You can't trust Them. The nicer They seem, the harder They betray you.
Leti Go: female, teen, Sim Fortune (Become Hall of Famer) Sagittarius (2/3/10/6/4) High School, OTH: Sports Traits: Light Sleeper, Slob, Soccer Player, Frugal
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Rose is afraid. If you ask her what she's afraid of, she'll be afraid to tell you. So please don't ask!
Rose Airey: female, teen, Sim Family (Graduate 3 Children from University) Cancer (6/0/6/5/8) High School, OTH: Tinkering Traits: Loner, Friendly, Perfectionist, Jealous
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Paige has never been well a day in her life. Yeah, it sucks how inconvenient that is for the adults around her. Go away and let her read.
Paige Turner: female, teen, Sim Knowledge (Become Chief of Staff) Capricorn (10/1/0/10/4) High School, OTH: Film and Literature Traits: Neat, Inappropriate, Bookworm, Perceptive
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Ronda has a heart full of love. So far everyone she's tried to give it to has taken it and run. She's never good enough, pretty enough, smart enough - whatever. How long before she has nothing left to give?
Ronda Corner: female, teen, Sim Romance (Become Celebrity Chef) Leo (1/10/4/5/5) High School, OTH: Music and Dance Traits: Schmoozer, Slob, Star Quality, Dislikes Children
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Holly tried to like guys. She did. But girls are just...so...and guys aren't. So it appears that, after years of being a Good Girl, her entire existence is Wrong and she has no choice but to be Bad. So to hell with all of them and to hell with her too! To hell with everybody! Except Birnam. OMG what if Birnam somehow grows up Wrong, too?
Holly Wood: female, teen, Sim Family (Become Captain Hero) Virgo (10/0/10/2/3) High School, OTH: Science Traits: Neat, Adventurous, Bot Fan, Jealous
Challenges rolled for - round: Regular round: No special events - season: Large pet adoption: Your sims have decided it's too quiet without the pitter-patter of furry paws and have decided to adopt a pet. Make a visit to the local pet shop, call the pet adoption agency, or make a pet in CAS. - week: Regular Week: Nothing Major Happens -> The house will adopt a cat!
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
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The Group House is always full of life with seven girls that couldn't be more different. Some felt more drawn to each other while others stayed away from each other. Only Holly, the newest addition, had always the feeling she would never really fit into this group. Though she had no idea all the girls tried to deal with their demons.
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Holly was so glad, she had Maribel though. Miss Voyante said, it was okay to love another girl. She would make sure Maribel and Holly could meet in peace (as long as they weren't too inappropriate) and Holly was so glad about this. But not all of her house mates were as understanding as Miss Voyante.
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Leti: Urg, look at you two freaks! That's so disgusting!
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Holly didn't even see Leti attack her girlfriend the moment she went to use the bathroom...
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Claire had to deal with other problems too. A Mrs. Davenport, a mother of three and recently widowed, had a breakdown on their porch as she was trying to hear if there would be an opening for her only daughter Taffy (there wasn't) and Maribel's step-dad asked for a four eyes conversation.
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David: Listen, Miss Voyante, I don't want you to get the wrong impression about me and my partner. We support Maribel and only want her to be happy. But she tends to spend a lot of time out of our house at the moment and... I guess you can understand that we would like to keep a closer eye on our children? Claire: Of course Mr. King. But Maribel is in a difficult age now, she has to find her place in the world and she's going through a really difficult phase now. She lost her dad, she got a step-father and a half sibling, she found out she's homosexual. That's a lot to process for a young girl so please give her the time she needs. Be assured, that she's safe in my house. I keep a close eye on all the girls.
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Well her eyes couldn't be everywhere and the quiet Hope was causing more problems than it would seem to the outside.
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That night Holly had to sleep on the sofa in the hobby room. Money was tight for the program and a new bed couldn't be afforded at the moment... She didn't care though. Everywhere was better than with her parents.
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