#hope i was at least vaguely entertaining to all the passers-by
jjuneviere · 2 years
reading about phonetics is so much fun. like you'll be looking at like voiced/voiceless consonants or whatever and suddenly you're sitting there going fffffvvvvvfffffvvvvv
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myfriendpokey · 4 years
the 2019 my friend pokey year in review!!
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released a game i was happy about. started work on a new game i'm not sure about yet! went through a few months of false starts, switching game engines and ideas and approaches.
at one point i decided i wanted to spend about 2 years making nothing but "clown games", games where you played as a little mr. do figure navigating these abstract tile mazes a la chip's challenge. these games would all have titles like clown thing, clown city, moon clown, clown deluxe. i put this idea on hold when it was pointed out to me that all of my games were clown games.
at a different point i decided to try making an rpg maker horror game. i spent a month reading as many ghost stories as i could but then when i actually started the work i realised i'd immediately lose interest when the game was meant to become scary as opposed to just being a strange space full of funny text descriptions. but, one day i hope i can return to this game.
i made physical cd rom boxes for 10 beautiful postcards and took them to a zine fair. i think i forget the extent to which cds are a legacy format, now... people seemed interested but noncommital. i need to remember the last time i tried doing this was in 2014!! still interested in the idea of more "local" ways of releasing these things but will need to reconsider my approach.
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also for the fair i made a short zine of romantic comedy reviews from my big romantic comedy review thread. i think i started that last year... over time i've become more jaded... i think i want to put that aside for a while so that i don't become the romcom equivalent of a joyless youtube guy. i don't know if it comes across in anything i've written about them but i do get a certain charge from the studio romantic comedy format. these things were on TV all the time when i was a kid. they fit sort of the same role as horror films and action movies to me, in that the real appeal wasn't so much the nominal genre as the weird vague visions of "everyday life" that the genre had to clothe itself in. the idea that these could be examined for clues to that life... and of course romcoms offer up a different version of that terrain than other genre movies, one that's almost studiedly bland in such a stylised and artificial way that it becomes seductive. when i was a kid i dreamed about being one of the night watchmen patrolling the warehouse in the opening minutes of a horror movie; now i have at least some kind of fascination with the eerily benign and conflictless parallel universe of spunky yet hapless romcom heroines running around accidentally dumping coffee on people.
i wrote another few big blog things. my favourite is probably the one on easy games - as prolix as ever but basically light and drifting in scope. my attempt to get at what i find exciting about the specific category of "videogame writing" in Monster Party... i dunno, we always kill the thing we love etc. writing on modernism and vgames i found interesting though it's possibly unintelligible to anyone who doesn't have my particular haphazard reference points for what modernism even refers to (more biased to writing than painting etc). i enjoyed trying to figure out what morality means in this weird context.
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I also wrote dictionary to the known world for emilie reed’s lost histories jam. this was an attempt to get across the sort of strange insular reference systems which existed in hobbyist game spaces at a point immediately before they were all grouped under “indie”. 
i spent the last two years kind of obsessively returning to the idea of videogames as speculation, videogames as financialisation, videogames and the market. videogames thru the lens of the crash in 2008. i don't completely know why i got so fixated for so long, but feel like i was finally able to burn myself out on the subject in the course of this long piece. i dunno, maybe in future i can swing more into the other direction - the non-economic, mystical, etc. this year i bought a little clear glass pyramid with a star embedded into it for £1.50, and if you look through it and turn it around you get these vivid translucent fields of colour... it's interesting and it's pleasant to look at. clear glass pyramid is the game of the year.
oh, I also did the ball with feet fanpage this year. come with me and appreciate one of the format’s most powerful critters.
books: i can never remember what i read, but here are the ones i most remember out of 2019.
val wilmer - as serious as your life: a beautiful book about free jazz, or "the new music", worthwhile less for the descriptions of same than for the careful contemporary reportage of how it came about: the people involved, the influences and ideas that moved and changed from place to place, disagreements and developments, across rehearsals and performances and such clubs as would book it at all: what sun ra refers to here as the "unmanufactured avant garde", the kind that emerges when people in a commercially disregarded form quietly find space to explore their own interests. and to respond to one another's work - possibly the most surprising aspect of this book in 2019 is the way seemingly none of the musicians felt the now inescapable obligation to respond to the commercial culture of the day, to describe their work in the preferred language of that culture rather than on their own terms. instead we get reportage of black avant-garde musicians attempting to unionise in hopes of extracting concessions  from a white pop media establishment - think about reconciling THAT with the recieved ideas of culture 2019, in which anything that's not a disney movie is presented as elitist. solid paperback reissue means it's suitable for throwing at the heads of passers by.
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other books i remember:
jane bowles - collected works. these are very mysterious and funny - i don't know how to describe them other than as sort of having the tone of a screwball katherine hepburn comedy in which she gets the job of becoming a beckett protagonist. max haiven - art after money, money after art. a feast on every page... extremely sharp and restless thinking about art, financialisation, the shifting and ongoing interdependence of the two. roberto calasso - the marriage of cadmus and harmony. content warning for greek myths and all that this implies. got this one on a whim not caring anything about the subject but was immediately drawn in by the terrifying strangeness of the symbolic universe that he explores. jean debuffet - cultural asphyxiation. collection of miscellaneous debuffet writings. vengeful attacks upon official culture. ford madox ford - memories & impressions. an extremely unreliable but entertaining memoir about growing up in the circle of the pre-raphaelites. there's a good bit where he describes the terror of walking around london as a child when you've been made to dress like a cross between little lord fauntleroy and oscar wilde. b.s. johnson - christy malry's double entry. the title character applies the basic principle of double entry bookkeeping - for every debit, a credit - to work and life, killing thousands in the process. funny and  strangely melancholy in the manner of at swim-two-birds.
other 2019 things: first time visiting sligo, saw some megaliths, got some nice books. first time casting a vote for a political program i was sincerely enthusiastic about! they got crushed!! tomorrow is another year.
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sunshine-pup-fics · 5 years
Secret Santa 🍁🍁
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
 (This post will be here for you whenever you wake up!)
Hiya @normiewrites​ , it’s me 🍁 you’re secret Santa! So hi, hello, I’m SaladShark, or Sam! I’ve had this blog for a little while, and as you can see, I mostly write for my sunshine boi kirishima! Of course, feel free to browse my stuff, but you should probably read your fic first!
It’s got lots of references to your answers, and I really hope your character is at least somewhat like you! I’ve had so much fun talking to and messaging you, even reminiscing about old shows that apparently no one else has seen 😂
And speaking off, whilst doing my rewatch of Deltora Quest, I happened to write a short Lief fic at like 2am, so I’ve decided to include that as a little bonus (for past you and first crush 😉)
 Alas, without further ado, here is your 6000 word fic. I have no regrets. none. It’s long and that’s how it be!
 (P.S. the maple leaf has no relevance or correlation to me. I just wanted to use an emoji and I thought it looked pretty 😂)
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Chapter 1: Gifts 
 Just one week into the school break and (Y/n) had already run out of things to do. One by one her friends seemed to disappear, off to see family, train and just generally take time to be normal teenagers. It felt like everyday (Y/n) was waving goodbye to one more classmate, and with them went her chances for fun and freedom.
Today she had no choice but to mope around the common room and wait for Eijiro. He'd claimed that he'd set up a date, but no amount of pestering had gotten him to crack on the exact details of what he'd planned. So waiting patiently, she was holed up in the common room, awaiting adventure.
(Y/n) shifted her position, throwing her legs over the edge of the couch, grumbling as it did little to relinquish her restlessness. She shifted again, rolling onto her stomach before almost immediately reverting back. A laugh echoed from the dining table. (Y/n) shot up, propping herself on her elbows as she peered over the back of the couch. Kaminari was seated at the table, eating breakfast whilst eyeing her from across the room. "Are you comfortable there, (Y/n)" He chided. She stuck her tongue out. "I want something to DO! But Eijiro hasn’t been down all morning! I'm dying of boredom here Denki!" He laughed again. "Just chill, I'm sure he'll be done soon. Plus you're gonna wanna be ready for everything he has planned." Kaminari got to his feet, collecting his bowl and disappearing into the kitchen, leaving behind an exasperated (Y/n).
 Another half an hour passed and (Y/n) had contemplated just going back to bed for another few hours. She had sent no less than 28 messages to Eijiro, and so far had only received one vague reply. A simple “Almost time.”
So she nearly had a heart attack when her phone lit up with a new message. She snatched it from the table and hastily unlocked it, bouncing in her seat as she read the message.
“Everything is all set. Meet at your dorm.”
 (Y/n) felt her pace quicken as she spotted Eijiro down the hall. She called out to him, pushing her speed as she tore down the hall. He called back, opening his arms as (Y/n) skidded to a halt, slamming into him. He grunted but managed to keep both of them upright. "Sorry!" She chimed, "I'm just a little bit excited." Kirishima raised a brow. "A little?" He asked. (Y/n) smack him lightly on the arm. He simply smiled, then nodded toward her door. "Well, we can't get going until we're both dressed properly for the occasion." He picked up a bag from the ground, holding it out to her. (Y/n) squinted at him, hesitantly taking it. "Should I be scared of what's in here?" Kirishima was quick to shake his head. "No, it's some new clothes for you. I had to ask Tsu to help with your sizing." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay, let's get changed and then go! I'm dying to see what you've been planning for so long!" Without waiting for an answer, she hastily entered her dorm, waving off Eijrio to his own room.
 She placed the bag on her bed, kneeling down on the floor to begin unpacking it. She swore her hands were trembling. Her nerves seemed to be alight, causing excitement to whirl up inside her. She knew Kirishima had been planning this for weeks, and to think now it was finally happening. She paused, taking a deep breath, before reaching in and pulling out the top item. The first thing she noticed was how soft it was. She pulled it out, falling backward onto the ground. It was a beautiful (f/c) colour. She unfolded it, a smile etching itself on her face as she looked down at a brand new hoodie. She would have been content with that, but she quickly realised there were still more items in the bag. She gently placed the hoodie on the floor beside her before fishing for the next item.
Next was a T-shirt and a pair of track pants, both incredibly comfortable and a perfect fit. (Now she knew why Tsu had decided to have an impromptu fashion show the other day) There was also a new pair of runners and even a small range of accessories she could choose from.
From everything he had given her, she had at least deduced that they probably weren't going to a fancy restaurant. Regardless, she quickly changed into her new outfit, stashed her phone in her pocket and proceeded to entertain herself with her floppy jumper sleeves.
 "Okay, are you ready?" Kirishima asked, glancing at his girlfriend as they headed down the hall. She energetically nodded. "Our bags are by the door, so we can head straight out." "Bags?" She questioned. Kirishima bit his tongue, keeping his mouth shut. (Y/n) huffed, realising she wasn’t getting an answer. "You'll have to tell me what we're doing eventually." She teased.
They continued on their way, descending into the common room and heading for the door. Two backpacks were sitting by the entrance, one (f/c) and one dark red. (Y/n) skidded over, picking one and up and immediately rifling through it. There were snacks, water, battery packs, the usual stuff you'd take on a day trip. She sighed, slinging the bag onto her back and watched Eijiro do the same. "So, you ready to go?" He asked. "Ready as I'll ever be, considering I don't know where we're going."
Chapter 2: The City
(Y/n)s eyes continued to jump from person to person as they wandered down an unknown city street. Her hand was intertwined with Eijiros, and both were drinking in the sites of the city around them. The buildings towered above them, the glass reflecting the sunlight far overhead. There was constant noise, car engines and unintelligible chatter of passer-byers.
(Y/n) glanced up at the red head, pursing her lips. "So, what's the plan huh?" He simply smiled, gesturing out before them. "To wander the city until we find something interesting." "Sounds good to me!" She chimed. They fell back into comfortable silence before (Y/n) shot a confused glance at him. "Then what was  that whole week of planning for?" Kirishima laughed, lightly pulling her closer to him before turning a corner. "Trust me! Everything will make sense later." "Fine, fine." She mused.
  They continued to stroll, idly chatting and taking turn after turn. The sun had peaked in the sky over an hour ago and had begun it's decent. Warm breezes swept between the buildings, carrying the scents of the city. Everyone they passed seemed to be full of life and personality, it became almost a game to try and guess someone's quirk as they passed.
"What about them? They look a little… angry? So my guess would be fire." Kirishima glanced across the street, seeing a middle-aged man in a business suit, however, his blonde hair was tousled and he looked to be in a sour mood. "You're just saying that because they look a little like Bakugo." (Y/n) nodded "Exactly. They look angry." Kirishima nudged her arm, a playful frown pulling at his lips. (Y/n) simply giggled, already looking around for their next target. "Oh, what about her?" She nodded her head toward a lady walking toward them. She was older, wrinkles beginning to pull at her features. She was smiling, nodding at those who met her gaze. Kirishima hummed. "She looks kind, some sort of healing quirk." He suggested. (Y/n) blew a raspberry, "You're no fun. I recon she has something amazing. Something like being able to manipulate peoples dreams." Kirishima stared at her. (Y/n) ignored him, waving to the lady as they passed her. "How do you just come up with something like that? Especially when looking at her. She looked so sweet and innocent…" (Y/n) leant her head on his shoulder, looking up at him with a sly smile. "Because it's always the people you wouldn’t expect to be the most amazing, strongest and kindest people. Looks aren't everything." Kirishima let his mouth hang open, unable to find any words. "Though, your hair is cute any colour you dye it." She ruffled his hair, earning a mumble in protest.
Eijiro opened his mouth to speak before he realized (Y/n) was slowing down. He stopped a few paces ahead, cocking his head to the side. She was staring down a small street, gaze fixed on something. He gently squeezed her hand. She slowly turned her head toward him, but her eyes stayed locked on whatever had caught her interest. Eijiro returned to her side, peering down the alley. There was a glass roof, sunlight filtering through from the sun peeking over the building. There were a few neatly trimmed bushes and flowerbeds lining the right side, and the left had a few tables and chairs. An ornate looking sign hung out from above a doorway. (Y/n) began toward it, Eijrio having not much choice but to follow. A few steps closer and they were able to discern the words.
'Sweet Talkin'
The two peeked through the glass door. It seemed to be a quaint looking café, mostly wood interior with a surplus amount of plants. "Do you want to check it out?" Kirishima leaned forward to gauge (Y/n)s reaction. She opened her mouth, only for her stomach to grumble. She sheepishly smiled. "I guess there's your answer."
 The shop smelled like fresh bread and cinnamon. They'd found out that the store was a small bakery and café, and was located just on the edge of the shopping district. They'd taken seats outside, basking in the warmth of the sun, chatting and sipping their drinks.
The day wore on, the sun dipping lower and was easily lost behind the towering buildings of the city. The breeze now caused chills, urging the some of the afternoon dwellers back inside. Kirishima and (Y/n) had gotten so lost in conversation, enjoying each other's company that they didn’t notice the darkening sky, nor the creeping cold.
It was only when Kirishima's phone started ringing that he realised the time. He pressed the answer button, bringing it up to his ear. "Hey dude, you need anything?" He asked. There was no reply, but a distant thud and a yelp. Then Mina answered. "Hiiiiiii! How's the date? Where are you? What are you doing? I bet it's something SUPER romantic!" She chimed. Kirishima rolled his eyes, mouthing 'It's Mina' to (Y/n), who immediately stifled a giggle. "It's going fine Mina, though I could have sworn this was Denki's number." "Pshhh, it's fine. He let me borrow it!" There was a yell of protest from behind her. "Okay I gotta go, but hurry up and be ROMANTIC KIRISHIMA!" A beeping rung in his ears and he lowered the phone. "The usual?" (Y/n) asked. "The usual." He confirmed.
 The two swiftly finished their drinks, paid, and left, continuing their trek to nowhere in particular. They headed further into the shopping district, beginning to window shop until the street lamps switched on.
The sky continued to darken, but despite it, the crowd never seemed to thin. (Y/n) and Eijiro wandered down the street, peaking in different stores. By the time the stars had flicked to life, their feet had begun to ache. Their pace had slackened, and conversation dwindled.
“There’s a game store over there, how about after that one we call it a day?” Kirishima guided her over and held the door open, then slipped inside behind her. They split up, scouring the shelves of games and hunting through the bins of toys and t-shirts. Aft a good while, they met back up at the store entrance, stepping back out into the streets.
“(Y/n)… I just wanted to thank you.”
She cocked her head, brows furrowed. “What for? If it’s just walking around the city with you, then there’s no need for that. I’d go anywhere with you.” He let out an airy laugh. “I’m counting on it. But really, you’ve been here for me through so much, you’ve never given up, and there’s no way I can repay you for that… but this trip is my best shot at it.” He slowed to a stop, taking both her hands in his. “I know you love adventure, and I know you’ve always liked this idea…” he broke away, rifling through his bag for a moment. He pulled something out, (Y/n) only catching a glimpse of black. “It’s not quite as good as the real thing, but I’m taking you on your Pokémon journey.” He smiled, revealing the object to a small Umbreon Plushie. (Y/n) covered her face, nearly curling in on herself as she felt heat flush her cheeks.
How had she managed to find such an adorable dork?
She then realised she hadn’t actually said anything and launched herself at him. For the second time that day, she’d nearly knocked both of them down. Eijiro caught her, wrapping his arms around her as she buried her face into his shoulder. “You’re the absolute best, you know that?”
“Mmhmm. Now how about we head to our hotel? We’re going to need as much rest as possible.”
Chapter 3: The Forest
Morning came, and (Y/n) found herself rocking with the train, staring out the window as she watched the world blur past, Umbreon plush in her lap. They’d left the hotel in the early morning and headed for the train station. The view had started with high rise buildings, soon falling away to more quaint suburban neighbourhoods, then with each passing minute they seemed to become more and more spaced out, trees and shrubbery becoming more prominent than houses or people.
“This is our stop.” Kirishima hauled himself to his feet, swaying with the train as it slowed to halt. He offered his hand, to which (Y/n) gladly took. They collected their bags, now packed with camping gear they’d picked up at the hotel, and quickly ducked out of the train.
The air was cool, rustling the trees nearby and sending leaves spiralling into the air. Everything felt clearer and brighter than it had in the city, the air almost seemed easier to breathe. “There’s a camping spot I’ve picked out for us, it’s about an hours walk. You ready to go?” (Y/n) nodded, and the two began their hike.
 The sunlight filtered through the canopy of leaves overhead, casting shadows across the blanketed ground. The path the followed was vague and rough, leaving them more adventuring than just simply walking.
“So what kind of Pokémon do you think would be out here?” (Y/n) ducked under a branch, glancing over her shoulder to watch Eijiro nearly smack into it. “There’d definitely be a lot of grass types, maybe even some bird Pokémon too.” (Y/n) hummed, a smirk growing as she innocently turned toward him. “Sooo does that mean my next Pokémon will be a grass type?” "I should have known you were fishing for information." Kirishima pouted, swatting away one of the ferns that lined the path. (Y/n) jut giggled, turning on her heel and continuing on their way.
 It didn't feel like long before they stumbled into a small clearing. The trees encircled the small campsite, the lush grass was soft underfoot and flowers had sprung up in patches, dancing with the breeze. There was a cleared area where someone had once previously set up a campfire, and a small pile of logs was neatly stacked by one of the trees. Kirishima strode out into the centre, dropping his bag to the ground as he basked in the sun and breeze. His was hair down, and was losing its colour, fading to a dull red colour. Despite that, it rippled in the wind, looking nothing less than enchanting. He turned his head toward her, flashing his teeth as he held out his hand. (Y/n) returned the smile, taking his hand. They were warm, perhaps a little calloused from hours of rigorous training, but it was comforting. She yelped when Kirishima plopped onto the ground, nearly bringing her down with him. She managed to balance herself, staying upright. Eijiro pouted, letting go of her hand as he flopped backward, sprawling out on the grass. "C'mon, join me for a bit!" (Y/n) hummed, before strolling away toward one of the trees. Eijiro propped himself up on his elbows, watching her silently. She reached on the trees, glancing up into its branches as she circled it. She looked back at her red-head, shooting a grin before she pulled herself up onto one of the low hanging branches, disappearing up into the leaves. Her laugh seemed to echo around the forest, carried by the breeze. Kirishima's gaze trailed up the tree, watching the flashes of (f/c). He lay back down, turning his attention to the clouds overhead, lazily drifting across the vibrant blue sky. (Y/n) had found a branch to perch on, letting her feet dangle below, back against the tree trunk. She could see flashes of the sky from gaps in the leaves, and when the wind blew right, she could glimpse Eijiro still sprawled out on the grass.
Far off birds songs drifted along the wind. The pollen of flowers mingled together, creating a sweet scent that seemed to flavour the air. The leaves were lively colours of green, stretching up into the sky. It was a different kind of beautiful compared to the man-made city of gleaming lights and comfort of civilisation.
  "(Y/n)! You gotta help me set up our stuff!" Kirishima called, haphazardly pulling their tent out of its bag. He paused when he didn't hear anything in response. He dropped the bag and turned around, scanning the clearing for her. "(Y/n)!" He called out again. He felt the panic well up inside him. Why wasn't she answering? Had she hurt herself? He sprinted over to the tree he watched her climb. He hadn't seen her climb down, had something happened? What if she'd needed help and it was his fault? He glanced up, squinting as he tried to discern if she was still up there. He couldn’t see her, so he stumbled around the base of the tree to see if she had moved to another side.
He scrambled to the left and promptly yelled as something dropped down right in front of his face. He fell to the ground, his quirk flaring to life as he prepared for a fight. Until (Y/n)s laugh graced his ears. He looked up, gaze falling upon (Y/n), hanging upside down from one of the tree branches. She was laughing, using one hand to cover her mouth whilst the other kept her shirt in place. Kirishima deactivated his quirk, pouting as he got to his feet, dusting himself off. "Not funny, (Y/n)! I thought you had gotten hurt or something." He crossed his arms, and looked away, pretending to be mad. "I'm sorry Eiji! But it was STILL kinda funny." He peaked an eye open to look at her, before tapping his chin in thought. "I might just have to enact revenge then." He watched in amusement as the colour seemed to drain from her face. "You wouldn’t dare hurt you're loving, doting girlfriend, would you?" she put one hand on her heart, feigning hurt. Kirishima inched closer, their faces now close. "You brought this on yourself."
 (Y/n) could only watch as Eijiro raised his arms and mercilessly began tickling her. She immediately started laughing, trying to squirm away and swot his hands away without falling off. "EI-EIJIRO! STO-STOP PLEASE! I’M-" "Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t quite catch that." He relented on his onslaught enough for her to speak a coherent sentence. "I'm sorry! Okay! Please let me free from your tyranny!" He finally stopped tickling, allowing (Y/n) to catch her breath. She hastily pulled herself back up onto the tree branch, letting the blood rush from her head. “I’m going to remember this, Eiji, I hope you know.” He simply laughed, offering a hand to help her down. She raised her brows, turning her nose up at his offer and dropping down off the branch herself. “I’ll never trust again, I swear it.”
 The night turned cold, but it bothered neither of the teens, as both were huddled up by their campfire, sharing a blanket as they happily chatted. Eijiro had provided a bag of marshmallows, and a regretful number of them had already been lost to the fiery pit.
“Truth or dare?”
“Give me your next good marshmallow.”
Eijiro sighed, throwing a dirty glare at (Y/n). “I should know better by now than to choose dare when there’s food around.” (Y/n) simply grinned, watching the flames lick their marshmallows, turning them a soft delicate brown.
“Okay while I wait, you can go.”
Eijiro paused for a moment.
“What do you keep in that box in your desk drawer?”
“My Beyblades. Truth or dare.”
“Wait what? You mean the box you’ve never let me open and nearly fought Bakugo over just has Beyblades in it?” Kirishima stared incredulously at her as she shrugged. “Yeah, they’re hype. Though I think I have a few Bakugan in there too.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“The only ridiculous thing here is how good your marshmallow is. Now hand it over!” She made grabby hands for it, swiftly robbing him of his marshmallow. “Okay, my turn again, truth or dare?”
“Did you not learn from last time?”
“What? Picking dare is the manly option!”
“Fine, this is just working in my favour. I dare you to give me my next Pokémon!”
Eijiro rolled his eyes, nudging her arm as he learnt over to his bag. “You’re not meant to be able to do that. But here, enjoy your new friend.” He handed her another plushie. “A Torterra! Dude he looks so cool!” (Y/n) raised the plush up, examining it in the firelight. After deeming it good, she cradled it to her chest.
“Oh, wait a sec-“ (Y/n) reached for her own bag, pulling out her Umbreon. She handed Kirishima her Torterra. He sent a confused look, hesitantly taking it. “Now we both have buddies!” She shuffled over, leaning on Eijiro as she clutched the Umbreon in her lap. She finally turned her attention to the sky. It was now inky black, speckled with hundreds of stars. “It’s amazing how pretty it looks. We see the same sky from our dorms and it doesn’t look half as full as this.” Eijiro hummed in response.
“Though of course, you know that you’re more beautiful.”
“You wouldn’t let me forget it.”
Chapter 4: The River
(Y/n) awoke the next morning to the pleasant smell of bacon and eggs. She sat up, stretching out and then groggily stumbled out of the tent. “Morning.” She mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Eijiro greeted her back. He was sitting on the grass by a dwindling fire, tending to the pan of food. She took a seat beside him, leaning back on her hands. “Y’know I would have been happy to cook.”
 “You’re the Pokémon trainer here, it’s customary that the companion cooks.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
Breakfast continued, the two eating their fill before packing up camp. Eijiro said they’d be heading east, toward their next camp spot. They began their trek, and it wasn’t long before (Y/n) became giddy at the sound of running water. She’d grabbed Eijiros hand and began tugging him along as she picked up the pace. And to her delight, the path came to run alongside a charming river. It was rather shallow but still wide, and the water cast dancing patterns on the pebbled banks, with ferns and plants growing either side, dipping their leaves into the water.
(Y/n) has immediately slid down to the water's edge. Dipping her hand in and watching the water ripple and weave around it. Eijiro couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face and the warm feeling that spread through his chest at the sight of her. She was so childishly giddy about seeing a river, he was glad he got to see this part of her.
 (Y/n) closed her eyes, hand still in the river as she activated her quirk. She thought for a moment before a smile broke out on her lips. She felt a numbness creep up her arm, but as fast as it came, it disappeared. She opened her eyes, gaze sweeping the water. There was a moment of silence before something sprang from the water. It made a dash for Eijiro, running around his feet as he spun on his heels to try and catch it. (Y/n) laughed, getting up from the water's edge and rushing over to them. She grinned when a small bear cub, made entirely of water, reared up to lean on her leg. The water shimmered and glistened, holding it’s form as if filling a container. The cub dropped back down, bolting into the foliage, only to come sprinting back out a few seconds later.
“All that training must have paid off! It’s holding its shape really well! And you formed it so quick.”
“It’s definitely easier than it used to be and doesn’t take as much energy. I’m still struggling to maintain larger animals though.” She watched as the bear cub headed back for the river, and released its form once it was far enough in. The water collapsed, returning to from once it came.
“Come on, a little further down and we’ll be at our next site. And the river is deep enough you can swim in it-“ Eijiro didn’t even have time to properly finish his sentence before (Y/n) had taken off again, calling over her shoulder for him to hurry up.
 (Y/n) watched from the water as Kirishima finished putting up their tent. She submerged herself further into the water, just her eyes peeking above the water. He kept shooting her glances as if he was afraid she’d just disappear at any moment. Though he knew her tendency to lose track of everything when she was swimming.
“Come ooooon! Hurry up Eiji!”
He rolled his eyes, pulling off his shirt and tossing it to the side. He turned back around, only to come face to face with himself. A perfect water copy of himself, except it was wearing a U.A uniform. He stood in awe for a moment, catching the details as the sun rippled through it. He focused on the scenery behind it, watching as the trees shifted and wavered, the water distorting it. He reached a hand up to touch it, pushing lightly on its shoulder. It stayed solid, reacting as if it were human.
Then, it took a few steps back, wading into the water before it collapsed.
“So, what do you think?”
He stared at (Y/n), who was floating nonchalantly as she looked at him. He opened his mouth a few times, shaking his hands in an effort to will himself to speak.
“That… that was incredible! How long have you been able to do that? Can you do anyone else?” He rushed to over, looking down at (Y/n) who had floated over to him. She sat in the shallow water, scratching the back of her head. “Only just recently. And no, I can’t do anyone else. You’re the very first person I’ve been able to recreate, really.” She felt her cheeks flush as Kirishima stared down at her with the utmost adoration. “I can make rough depictions of people if I’ve seen them enough, but nowhere near that level of detail. You… y’know, just happen to be around a lot.” She smiled, floating on her back and pushing back out into the river.
Eijiro followed, effortlessly diving in under the water. He swam up behind her, popping up and pushing a wave of water over her. She immediately shot up, a perplexed look, before it melted into one of a mischievous smile. “Are you sure you want to challenge me at this game?” She quirked an eyebrow, daring him to accept. Eijiro kept a calm expression, simply nodding. “Maybe I do dare challenge you.”
Eijiro immediately lost as (Y/n) summoned a large horse. It stood atop the water behind her, staring down at him as its mane dripped water, causing ripples across the surface. (Y/n) simply clicked her tongue. “I can spare you this loss if you step down now.”
Eijiro sighed, lowering his head in defeat. “I always know when I’m defeated…”
“And that isn’t now!”
Eijiro sprang forward, sweeping his arms around beside him, causing a wave of water to go crashing into (Y/n). She sputtered for a moment, before throwing her hand out. The horse sprang forward, only to collapse its entire volume of water on Eijiros face.
 This went on for some time, Eijiro trying to deny defeat and (Y/n) laughing victoriously every time she crashed another water beast atop him. Though she had to admit, he put up a strong fight. After Eijiro had claimed a tie, they'd ended up sitting in the shallows by the bank, with (Y/n) 'practising' her quirk. She'd made a range of animals, both small and large, and even tried making a couple of her classmates.
"Hypothetically speaking, would you be able to make something that's not real?"
"Depends on what you mean. If you're implying what I think, then…" She trailed off, trailing her hand in the water as she concentrated. She felt the numbness creep up her arm, and the exhaustion start to settle in. She let her eyes flutter back open when she felt it. Eijiro watched in awe as an Umbreon emerged from the water. Its eyes seemed to swirl with darker water, giving it the air of life. It padded across the water's surface, walking in a few circles before making its way to Eijiro. He reached out to pet it, noticing how the tips of his fingers went through it. Once he retracted his hand, it fell away, back into the river. "As long as I've seen it enough and know its shape, I can make it out of water." "I see it all the time but you always seem to find a way to amaze me." He got to his feet, offering a hand to her. "But I have seen it enough to know when you're starting to use it too much." (Y/n) sighed, taking his hand. "I know, I know." They headed back toward their tent, Eijiro tossing a towel over (Y/n)'s head, much to her protest.
And after drying off, (Y/n) was gifted her next pokemon.
With Feraligator in hand, she promised Eijiro that she'd make a full-sized water one for him by the end of the break.
Chapter 5: The Beach
In the morning, they'd once again set off east, following the river. By the time the sun had just about peaked in the sky, the trees had started to thin, giving way to more low shrubbery and looser soil. The distant chirping and sound if running water had begun to mingle with the sounds of traffic and the ever so faint sound of crashing waves. However, the salty breeze was a dead giveaway. They kept walking, cursing when the dirt turned to sand and they sunk every step. (Y/n) expected to see the ocean much before they reached it, but was pleasantly surprised when they stepped foot out of the trees to find they were just a sand dune away. It was the perfect day, bright blue sky with puffy white clouds. The two hobbled out onto the sand, taking in the vibrant sand and stretching sea before them. Further down the beach on their right was a wooden walkway that lead to what seemed to be a row of shops and cafes, all facing the sea. Further down was also a a giant stone jetty, waves lapping at the sides.
“Race you to the water.”
Eijiro didn’t even get a word out before (Y/n) had dropped her bag and had hightailed it for the sea. She wasted no time diving in, already wearing her bathing suit as per Eijiros hint. Itching to do the same, Eijiro dropped his bags too, scrambling across the hot sand toward the clutches of the endless sea.
 By early afternoon, they’d already worn themselves out. Races, splash wars, even wowEd the other beach dwellers with (Y/n)s quirk. And made the best sandcastle.
They’d haphazardly set up their tent as an escape from the sand and sun, watching the few young kids chase and flee from the rolling waves.
“Okay, what about that kid's quirk.”
“They literally have the head of a seahorse, (Y/n).”
“Think of Tokoyami! He has a bird head but that’s not his quirk!”
“Okay, fair point. But if he didn’t have a bird head… what would darkshadow look like?”
“I…” (Y/n) paused, brows furrowed as she tried to find an answer. She looked more confused with each passing second. Eijiro laughed, moving to clamber out of the tent.
“How about you debate it over ice cream?”
“Sounds good to me.”
  Staring into the swirling depths of the sea with ice cream was always a good pass time.
(Y/n) swung her legs rhythmically as she worked away at her ice cream. Eijiro was right beside her, always stealing glances at her. He swore he’d never seen her so happy, so carefree. It was hard not to be swamped by work, not to lose motivation as they got attacked, over and over. No one had been prepared for agar their first year at U.A would be like, but Eijiro was just glad to have had (Y/n) by his side.
“-jiro. Eiiijiii.”
He blinked rapidly, realising he’d been staring off. “Oh, uh, yeah?” He turned toward her. With a swift flick, (Y/n) smeared a dollop of ice cream on his nose. She giggled to herself, trying to stifle them as Eijiro went cross-eyed to look at it. ”Here-“ (Y/n) offered a napkin, to which he gladly accepted. “You were looking so serious, staring off into the distance.” She weaselled one of her hands into his, and he grasped it without even noticing. “This won’t last forever you know.” (Y/n) stuck the rest of her ice cream in her mouth, using her now free hand to fish something from her pocket.  She pulled out her phone, unlocking it and manoeuvring to select an app. “But you know what will last forever?” She raised her phone, moving to lean further on Eijiro as she tried to fit both of them in frame. He panicked, quickly smiling as (Y/n) hit the capture button. She brought the phone closer to them, checking out the photo.
“I’m not even sure you noticed, but I’ve been taking pictures of our whole journey.” She handed him her phone but began flicking through all the photos.
Eijiro had to admit, he hadn’t noticed. There were plenty from each day, many of just scenery, but without failure, every day she had taken a picture of him, with the plushie from that day in the corner. The first had been him holding her hand as they wandered the streets of the city. The second was him by the fire, Torterra clutched to his chest. The third was him sitting by the riverbank, imitating the Feraligator that sat by his feet.
“You took all these?”
“Of course. I wanted to save the memories of each place. And the plushies, and you, were the biggest part of all of them.”
“Then you’ll need one for today, right?”
It was Eijiros turn to fish for something, quickly sorting through his backpack.
He pulled out yet another plushie; a Swampert.
He handed it to (Y/n), watching as she smiled to herself, running her fingers along its fins.  
In a split second decision, Eijiro raised (Y/n)s phone. She glanced up at it for a second before smiling.
And then he leaned in, planting a kiss on her cheek. He clicked the capture button, sealing the moment in time. He pulled away, leaving a sputtering (Y/n).
“I think that’s the best photo yet.”
“You could have warned me!”
And that's it! I do hope you like it, now have a wonderful holiday! And of course, feel free to send a message anytime!
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But don’t think I didn't forget your bonus ;3
Lief was not prepared for this. Considering everything they’d faced along their quest, he was confused as to how this was the scariest thing he had to face.
He’d read ‘The Belt of Deltora’ from cover to cover, forward and backward and memorised it. He trained with his father, honed his skill with the sword. He was quick, agile and witty. He thought he was prepared for his quest.
So why was talking to (Y/n) such an impossible feat? He’d been perfectly fine until now. It felt as if anytime she was near, anytime she looked at him, and suddenly his heart was racing. He always tried to excuse himself, and in the beginning, it was fine. Barda would give him a curious glance but would shrug it off. Except now (Y/n) had started acting differently. She spoke less, and barely even started a conversation with him anymore. And Lief had deduced pretty quickly that he was the problem.
 Lief stared back at his reflection, his eyes boring into himself. He clutched his empty water bottle in his hands, idly fiddling with the cap. Barda and (Y/n) were close by, setting up camp for the night. He felt his cheeks flush from even the thought of her. Perhaps he should consult the belt. Though he felt that to be an irresponsible thing to do.
His hand hovered over the gems, contemplating what to do.
 He jumped when a twig snapped behind him. He jerked around, eyes wide and free hand on the hilt of his sword. His gaze found (Y/n)’s. She stood a few feet away, her own water bottle in her hands. She stared back at him for a few seconds, before her gaze dropped to the ground. She scuffed the ground with her boot, beginning to speak. “Oh, sorry for scaring you, Lief. I was just coming to fill my water… I can do it later though.” She turned away. “Wa-Wait!” Lief reached out for her, quickly becoming embarrassed as she turned back to look at him with a quizzical expression. He gestured to the stream beside him, averting his gaze. “It’s fine, there’s no reason not to.” He tried to smile, then turned back to the stream himself. He uncapped his bottle and began filling it.
(Y/n) hesitantly kneeled down beside him, wordlessly staring into the rippling water.
 Lief felt his stomach tighten. This would be the perfect opportunity to explain himself, to tell her how he felt. Yet the words wouldn’t come. And drained with his breath was his confidence.
There were a range of things that could go wrong. So many ideas swirled through his head that he almost didn’t realise (Y/n) had spoken to him.
She was looking at him expectantly, brows knit together. He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry, what did you say?” He watched as she sighed, a sad glint in her eye, almost as if she’d been expecting it.
“I wanted to know… why you’ve been avoiding me… shutting me out.” She glanced at him, (e/c) clashing with blue. He sputtered for a moment. “I-I haven’t been!” (Y/n)s gaze hardened. “Oh? Cause that’s what I’ve been reading the situation as.” She finished filling her water bottle, getting to her feet and towering over Lief. “What’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with me? What did I do, Lief? I’ve made more conversation with a squirrel than I have with you recently.” She huffed. Lief staggered to his feet.
“You- you haven’t done anything wrong- apart from just being yourself-“
(Y/n) scoffed at him. “Oh so just being myself is a problem now?”
“No! That’s not what I meant! I just- you’re making go crazy!”
(Y/n) sharpened her glare.
“That came out wrong too! Agh, I swear-“
(Y/n) threw her hands up. “Whatever, I get when I’m not wanted around. I’ll be with Barta for a bit. See you later. Maybe.”
With a final huff, she fled back into the forest.
He watched her go, eyes trailing after her. He wanted to call to her, to apologise, do anything. But he remained silent, head hung in shame.
 Leif stumbled his way back to camp, cursing himself for being so stupid. All he’d had to do was coherently explain his feelings, and all he’d managed to do was make (Y/n) hate him.
He came upon their camping ground, only to see Barda seated by the campfire. Lief opened his mouth to ask, but Barda answered. “(Y/n) said she’d be back in the morning. Had some business she needed to take care of.” Lief nodded, taking a seat by the fire, watching the flames dance and flicker. He knew she was a capable fighter, but he couldn’t be rid the worry in his stomach.
 Morning came, and there was no sign of (Y/n). Lief and Barda delayed breakfast, idling around until neither could wait any longer. They ate, leaving some food aside for when (Y/n) returned. If she returned. The sun continued to rise, and both men were growing impatient. They’d packed up camp, resorting to scouting the immediate area.
And they’d nearly given up hope, until yelling drifted with the breeze.
They immediately fell to alert, swords drawn. The yelling sounded as if they were being attacked, gasping shouts and pained yells. With a glance of agreement, the two barrelled through the forest.
 (Y/n) huffed, swiftly dodging another Grey Guard before lunging forward and impaling them on her spear. Another charged her from behind, and she ducked to the ground and swept her spear under his legs, leaving him as a heap on the ground. Grey Guards littered the floor, but there seemed to be no end to them. She mentally kicked herself for storming off to have a tantrum. Sure she was mad, but a petty argument was nothing to storm off about. There were more important things to be doing.
But here she was, fighting off two entire pods of Grey Guards. She hissed as one tried to swipe at her with his sword. 3 more guards had moved to take the fallen guards place.
She launched at another one, piercing him in the arm. He grunted in pain, dropping to the ground. She parried a blow from another, bracing for impact as another one charged from behind.
A yell tore from her throat as their sword sliced her leg. She crashed to the ground, gaze following the sweep of blonde that blazed past her. She knew who had come to protect her. They always did.
She quickly sliced a strip of fabric from her cloak, wincing as she tightened it around her leg.
“(Y/n)! Are you alright?” Barda spared a glance behind him, locking gazes with her. She nodded, carefully getting to her feet. She leant on her spear, gritting her teeth as the pain flared through her leg.
Suddenly Lief was by her side, fending of a guard all whilst looking at her. “This is all my fault, I’m so sorry (Y/n)!”
She rolled her eyes. “We’re both at fault here. Let’s just fight these guys so we can live another day.” She stabbed a guard trying to attack her.
“But if I had just told you that I loved you, none of this would have happened!”
“Nows not the time Lief- wait, what did you just say!?” She shot him an incredulous look as she tried her best to evade the guards.
“You two can sort that out later! We need to get out of here before more arrive!” Barda bellowed. Leif yelled in agreement. “I suggest we knock off these guys fast then, I’m not about to run anywhere!” (Y/n) shot back.
Barda didn’t hesitate, quickly making a signal to Lief. (Y/n) didn’t get the chance to ask, as what seemed with not an ounce of effort, Lief swept (Y/n) up into his arms, making a mad dash after Barda.
 The three collapsed on the ground, heaving heavy breaths as they tried to collect themselves. (Y/n) wriggled off Lief, sprawling out on the grass.
“What in all of Deltora possessed you to fight them (Y/n)?”
She picked her head up and stuck her tongue out at Barda.
“They were hunting you, so I figured I’d distract them for awhile until maybe you knuckleheads moved on. There was another pod nearby though and they managed to corner me.” She rolled over, now facing the sky. She flinched as her leg brushed against the grass.
“Let me look at that cut.” Lief was by her side immediately, concerned gaze fixed on her makeshift bandage.
 (Y/n) propped herself against a tree, eyes closed as she twitched with every touch. Barda has disappeared to fetch more water.
She cracked one eye open to watch Lief. He was crouched beside her, carefully cleaning her wound. His touch was delicate, as if he was afraid of hurting her. She gazed at his face. There was anger swirling in his eyes.
“Did you mean what you said back there?”
Leif didn’t respond, and for a moment she thought he hadn’t heard her.
“I did…” he paused, hand hovering over her leg. “You’re amazing, (Y/n). And I let you get hurt.” He clenched his fists; knuckles going white.
He jumped when something caressed his shoulder. He turned to look at her. She was smiling softly.
“But I’m here now, right? You did save me.”
Leif nodded, returning to cleaning her wound. He swiftly applied their ointment and rewrapped it with bandages.
(Y/n) pat the ground beside her, to which Leif hesitantly sat down. They sat in silence, simply taking in the forest around them, until (Y/n) leaned up, pressing a kiss to his cheek. His hand flew to the spot and his mouth hung open, but when he looked to her, her eyes were closed, but a sly smile graced her lips.
  Barda returned to camp, carrying the filled water bottles. It was oddly quiet and he nearly feared the worst.
Until he reached their camp and realised they were fine. He smiled, settling down beside their belongings.
Both teens were peacefully asleep, hands intertwined.
12 notes · View notes
It’s better that we feel something for each other rather than behave like corpses toward one another, the more so because as long as one has no real right to be called a corpse by being legally dead, it smacks of hypocrisy or at least childishness to pose as such.
The hours we spent together in this way have at least assured us that we’re both still in the land of the living. When I saw you again and took a walk with you, I had the same feeling I used to have more than I do now, as though life were something good and precious that one should cherish, and I felt more cheerful and alive than I had been for a long time, cause in spite of myself life has gradually become or has seemed much less precious to me, much more unimportant and indifferent. 
When one lives with others and is bound by a feeling of affection one is aware that one has a reason for being, that one might not be entirely worthless and superfluous but perhaps good for one thing or another, considering that we need one another and are making the same journey as traveling companions. Proper self-respect, however, is also very dependent on relations with others.
A prisoner who’s kept in isolation, who’s prevented from working would in the long run, especially if this were to last too long, suffer the consequences just as surely as one who went hungry for too long.
Like everyone else, I have need of relationships of friendship or affection or trusting companionship, and am not like a street pump or lamp-post, whether of stone or iron, so that I can’t do without them without perceiving an emptiness and feeling their lack, like any other generally civilized and highly respectable man.
I would rather die a natural death than be prepared for it by the academy, and have occasionally had a lesson from a grass-mower that seemed to me more useful than one in Greek.
Improvement in my life — should I not desire it or should I not be in need of improvement? I really want to improve. 
Such idling is really a rather strange sort of idling. It’s rather difficult for me to defend myself on this score, but I would be sorry if you couldn’t eventually see this in a different light. 
I also don’t know if I would do well to counter such accusations by following the advice to become a baker, for example. That would really be a sufficient answer (supposing it were possible for us to assume the guise of a baker or hair-cutter or librarian with lightning speed) and yet actually a foolish response, rather like the way the man acted who, when accused of heartlessness because he was sitting on a donkey, immediately dismounted and continued on his way with the donkey on his shoulders.
Sometimes in winter it’s so bitterly cold that one says, it’s simply too cold, what do I care whether summer comes, the bad outweighs the good. But whether we like it or not, an end finally comes to the hard frost, and one fine morning the wind has turned and we have a thaw. 
What moulting is to birds, the time when they change their feathers, that’s adversity or misfortune, hard times, for us human beings. One may remain in this period of moulting, one may also come out of it renewed, but it’s not to be done in public, however; it’s scarcely entertaining, it’s not cheerful, so it’s a matter of making oneself scarce.
Instead of giving way to despair, I took the way of active melancholy as long as I had strength for activity, or in other words, I preferred the melancholy that hopes and aspires and searches to the one that despairs, mournful and stagnant.
On the road that I’m on I must continue; if I do nothing, if I don’t study, if I don’t keep on trying, then I’m lost, then woe betide me. That’s how I see this, to keep on, keep on, that’s what’s needed.
But what’s your ultimate goal, you’ll say. The goal will become clearer, will take shape slowly and surely, as the croquis becomes a sketch and the sketch a painting, as one works more seriously, as one digs deeper into the originally vague idea, the first fugitive, passing thought, unless it becomes firm.
One of the reasons why I’m now without a position, why I’ve been without a position for years, it’s quite simply because I have different ideas from these gentlemen who give positions to individuals who think like them.
If you now can forgive a man for going more deeply into paintings, admit also that the love of books is as holy as that of Rembrandt, and I even think that the two complement each other.
In my unbelief I’m a believer, in a way, and though having changed I am the same, and my torment is none other than this, what could I be good for, couldn’t I serve and be useful in some way, how could I come to know more thoroughly, and go more deeply into this subject or that? 
Do you see, it continually torments me, and then you feel a prisoner in penury, excluded from participating in this work or that, and such and such necessary things are beyond your reach. 
Because of that, you’re not without melancholy, and you feel emptiness where there could be friendship and high and serious affections, and you feel a terrible discouragement gnawing at your psychic energy itself, and fate seems able to put a barrier against the instincts for affection, or a tide of revulsion that overcomes you.
Someone has a great fire in his soul and nobody ever comes to warm themselves at it, and passers-by see nothing but a little smoke at the top of the chimney and then go on their way. 
So now what are we to do, keep this fire alive inside, have salt in ourselves, wait patiently, but with how much impatience, await the hour, I say, when whoever wants to, will come and sit down there, will stay there, for all I know?
I’m always inclined to believe that the best way of knowing the divine is to love a great deal. Love that friend, that person, that thing, whatever you like, you’ll be on the right path to knowing more thoroughly, afterwards; that’s what I say to myself. But you must love with a high, serious intimate sympathy, with a will, with intelligence, and you must always seek to know more thoroughly, better, and more.
One who has been rolling along for ages as if tossed on a stormy sea arrives at his destination at last; one who has seemed good for nothing, incapable of filling any position, any role, finds one in the end, and, active and capable of action, shows himself entirely differently from what he had seemed at first sight.
There are idlers and idlers, who form a contrast.
There’s the one who’s an idler through laziness and weakness of character, through the baseness of his nature.
Then there’s the other idler, the idler truly despite himself, who is gnawed inwardly by a great desire for action, who does nothing because he finds it impossible to do anything since he’s imprisoned in something, so to speak, because he doesn’t have what he would need to be productive, because the inevitability of circumstances is reducing him to this point. Such a person doesn’t’ always know himself what he could do, but he feels by instinct, I’m good for something, even so! I feel I have a raison d’être! I know that I could be a quite different man! For what then could I be of use, for what could I serve! 
In the springtime a bird in a cage knows very well that there’s something he’d be good for; he feels very clearly that there’s something to be done but he can’t do it; what it is he can’t clearly remember,and he has vague ideas and says to himself, “the others are building their nests and making their little ones and raising the brood,” and he bangs his head against the bars of his cage. And then the cage stays there and the bird is mad with suffering. “Look, there’s an idler,” says another passing bird — that fellow’s a sort of man of leisure. 
And yet the prisoner lives and doesn’t die; nothing of what’s going on within shows outside, he’s in good health, he’s rather cheerful in the sunshine. But then comes the season of migration. A bout of melancholy — but, say the children who look after him, he’s got everything that he needs in his cage, after all — but he looks at the sky outside, heavy with storm clouds, and within himself feels a rebellion against fate. I’m in a cage, I’m in a cage, and so I lack for nothing, you fools! Me, I have everything I need! Ah, for pity’s sake, freedom, to be a bird like other birds!
You know, what makes the prison disappear is very deep, serious attachment. To be friends, to be brothers, to love; that opens the prison through sovereign power, through a most powerful spell. But he who doesn’t have that remains in death. But where sympathy springs up again, life springs up again.
Vincent van Gogh
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