jjuneviere 2 years
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jjuneviere 2 years
I just need to rant about this for a bit because this type of thing just pissed me off like.
So in the conference for my philosophy class, while waiting for it to start, this guy says something along the lines of: "The thing about a minor in philosophy at this school is that you have to meet requirements in a bunch of groups and some of those groups are useless," as well as (in reference to this class), "This one was the least useless/boring of the, what, three in this group." Now like, look, I get it if you don't like a subject, I really do, you don't have to like anything, but if you don't like or understand why you are taking key components of your minor, then why the fuck did you choose this minor? Like I'm sorry, just because you couldn't see the merit and utility in something doesn't mean it is in fact useless. I promise, the people who put together the requirements for the degree didn't just throw a bunch of shit down on the page to fuck with you. This is philosophy, maybe you should take some of those critical thinking skills you should be learning by examining these texts and actually apply them, like come on.
People undermining certain disciplines (most especially anything in the arts/humanities) just ticks me off. They're always like: what's the merit in that? And like, the fact that you can't find the merit in these subjects suggests to me that you do not actually understand the underpinnings of these subjects, which would you looks at that, basically always boils down to critical thinking skills, which, wow, ironic. Like, no, philosophy isn't just meaningless, pedantic, overdone fluff, it's the basis of all your precious fucking sciences, and it teaches you how to interact critically with the world and sharpens your communication and argumentative skills. The same goes for english, just the focus is on the critically examining media instead. Like, fuck. Just fuck off.
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jjuneviere 2 years
~veggie pho, veggie pho~
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jjuneviere 2 years
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jjuneviere 2 years
A NEW FERRY SONG?!!! omg omg omg yes!
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jjuneviere 2 years
why does literally every bag in existence have the cut here line in the wrong place
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jjuneviere 2 years
reading about phonetics is so much fun. like you'll be looking at like voiced/voiceless consonants or whatever and suddenly you're sitting there going fffffvvvvvfffffvvvvv
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jjuneviere 2 years
i buried a butterfly today
broken wings a splay
i hope it's sleeping fine
in its place under the pine
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jjuneviere 2 years
driving in the rain, driving in the rain, careful i don't crash and die, driving in the rain
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jjuneviere 2 years
off topic but nayeon's pop! def reminds me of girl's day
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jjuneviere 2 years
shouting into the void
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jjuneviere 2 years
staring at a plot bunny so old it's just a dust bunny at this point
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jjuneviere 2 years
what to write next
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jjuneviere 2 years
echo "Hello World"
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