#hope rw devs are happy
nnomsu · 29 days
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pansear-doodles · 3 months
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Let me get things out of the way first: I've seen a lot of misinformation being passed around, on twitter especially where a lot of folks jump into conclusions more so they can find a reason to be angry. This thread will clear things up.
Yes. Ludeo is very much a company with zi*nist views. This is a screencap of a post made AFTER Is*ael made an attack on Palestine. For those who think initially: "they're just run by folks from Is*ael" then here's proof that they're actively agreeing with genocide.
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Videocult and Akupara DID NOT KNOW Ludeo had zi*nist views at the time they started collaborating, which dates from last year. It's only NOW that it's brought to attention by the RW community. They are working on arrangements in private as we speak.
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The collab has caused a lot of complications, as it is pretty much one of the reasons why the game's price is upped. Our voices have already reached them- they're very well aware that we are NOT happy with this.
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The feedback has of course reached the RW official server mods as well, and guess what: They didn't know until they were told. This is the first time they heard of this and they are very much making is very obvious that they do not agree with zi*nist views.
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Unfortunately a lot of people thought them shutting down the server and any discussions of this whole event is "silencing" Let's be real here. NOBODY in the community wanted this, and it is very stressful to deal with all of this. Mods are 1% of the server population and-
-they are human too. People have called them spineless which is pretty pathetic. They have to babysit 50K+ MEMBERS everyday and they don't need to deal with anymore upsets. And sending your concerns to them is pointless- give your feedback to videocult and akupara instead!
As someone with modding experience elsewhere, I cannot imagine handling a server as big as that. People were sent FUCKING DEATH THREATS and they think this will solve anything??? At this point, it's just people trying to find the closest proximities to be mad at.
It is pointless and I am so tired of mods being called weak when they're just doing their job and hate Ludeo as much as everyone else. I doubt these people don't know what its like to be a mod. Creating a strike in a server where its supposed to be chill isn't the way.
The mods even directed the people more useful and more impactful ways to send the feedback across. This isn't silencing. People are just too angry to think straight and just wanted chaos as the option- when in reality its going to do more damage than good.
The server is a getaway place- it is not a server about politics- it is about a fucking video game. It is not the way to get the feedback in the way that actually matters. The staff openly announced the situation and showed their views so they're not trying to hide it.
Anyway, if it isn't clear. I hate zi*nists too. I hate colonialism. I hate using religion as an excuse to hurt and belittle people. I want people of Palestine to be free and I am hopeful that their freedom will come.
Yet people are ripping out those who are on the same team as them, spreading vitriol and misinformation. Please, twitter, think and cite your sources. To think only in anger will fog your senses and do more harm than good.
The mods are passionate folks and they do their job for free, just to make a safe environment. You may disagree with them sometimes, but I think it is stupid to outright call them ignorant or zi*nists themselves.
It *is* unfortunate that the devs and publishers didn't do enough background check, but at least they took our feedback into incredible consideration. We are not stopping our disagreement of integrating Ludeo, until something is done about it. Let's wait for more updates.
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dmercer91 · 3 months
happy tanner charlotte to the devs day to all who celebrate (ik in the og post i said her first game w them was on a wednesday against colorado, but i don't time travel and they don't have a wednesday game ever)
as a treat, here's a hockey deep dive on our girls (+ their relationships cause i'm nosy and i hope you are too)
tanner charlotte [charlie] NJD #19, RW
very physical player, felt the need to overcompensate when she was young cause she always heard that women never made it pro due to lack of hitting/ability to absorb- she just grew into the reputation and now it’s her thing. makes a point to be clean about it 
her and dawson used to always be 18 and 19, him being 19, but when he originally had 18 for the devs she decided to take 19 with the rags. now that they’re together again, they say it’s 91 and 19 inverted for each other
goal scorer with solid playmaking ability, definitely not a pk player but holds her own defensively. pp1 and 2 depending on rags or devs and also who’s hurt, how she’s playing 
really really good in the corners/puck battles 
not the speediest but it’s very obvious that she wants to get better and when she wheels, she’s pushing 
chirps like it’s the whole sport (her mouth gets her in so much trouble) and they’re usually funny ones she’ll throw around mid play. when she’s mad she doesn’t use her words as much as her body
drafted 19th overall in 2020
usually on a line with jhughes and bratt, but dawson begged and begged for them to line up together and it worked really well. as per usual, lindy fucked it up by separating them the next game
as of like three days from today, she’s in a long term relationship with jack. we all know the lore
jamie lochlyn [locho] SBY #12, C
she doesn’t particularly enjoy throwing the body but she’s so overprotective of her teammates that she’s like.. do u want me to kill that guy for you? and sometimes she does. do not, under any circumstances, get in her goalies crease. she’ll deck you. very often found jerking someone away from her goalie by the back neck of his jersey
as a kid her girls teams would give her whatever number was on the jersey that fit her best, and so when she got to her first rep hockey team and they had jerseys made to fit players with like last names and stuff, she was like,, twwwwwelllve (?). and so now she’s twelve, for funsies (listen. i wanted to give her a small number but tml has 2 and 3 taken, and 1,4,5,6,7,9, and 10 are retired. eight, one might say. but then the fuckass sby wolves retired her, too. they both have an 11)
she is one with the art of playmaking. so hockey smart it hurts. she was whipping plays out of her ass one could only hope to think up at like the ripe age of 9. goal scoring is rarely her friend, but when it is the goals are either gorgeous or a disaster, no inbetween. slays the pk and second pp unit
her and the boards are best friends
so fast that she creates a chill throughout the sudbury community arena, and her skating is absolutely beautiful 
she has anger issues on the ice so sometimes it’s witty and hilarious and other times shes reading you to filth. only whips out the chirps when she's really heated 
drafted in the 2022 draft, 95th overall (sry nicky you still exist i swear)
she works well with goyette, dvorsky and mccallum, so they usually toss her in the top 6 (sometimes on a wing) and hope for the best.
her love life is a complex thing (she refuses to admit she has a thing for a teammate)
due to her name, she can also go by JLO. this, in combination with dvorsky getting coined mr shortside, makes for a lot of content getting made with on the floor by jennifer lopez, ft. pitbull (this was 1000% why i gave her the name i did and why she plays for the wolves, sue me)
rylie scott [scotty] LDN #96, LD
will not hurt a fly, but can, if provoked. really good at absorbing hits cause the opposing boys in her first rep league were essentially told by their coaches to get her off the ice 
her big brother was a star forward about twelve years older than her, who never thought he was going to make it professionally. he wore 96 because her birthday was may sixth and his was april ninth. she always said she was a defenceman because she wanted to be able to stop him from scoring. he passed in a car crash a few months before he would’ve been drafted to the nhl, she was hardly six years old. when she made her first rep team and the jersey numbers went high enough, she chose 96.
shut down d all the way, a good handful or sometimes two of assists annually and four total ohl goals so far. pp time is through the roof but she will never see the ice on the man advantage 
good at digging the puck out but she rarely needs to exercise the skill cause she protects the puck so well, wonderful work at getting the puck out of the zone and guarding the line but she definitely won't be going on any breakaways.
she’s fast and her skating is very unique but she cannot go a game without banana peel falling at least once. edges are flawless… until they’re deeply flawed.
can’t chirp, doesn’t want to. someone will try to intimidate her and she’ll get nervous and laugh in their face.
127th overall in the 2023 draft
usually paired with bonk or dickinson, so they can help out on offence and she can focus on her role
love life? in her professional opinion, she has none. in my professional opinion, her and mackie samo met in dev camp this past summer and he’s hardcore pining. she argues that nightly facetime calls that can go on for several hours ‘don’t mean anything’ (EXTREMELY LOUD AND SORT OF OBNOXIOUS INCORRECT BUZZER)
:) enjoy! <3
pls send lore questions if you have any cos i love my trio to death
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fadebolt · 2 months
Oooookaaayyy, I've checked out the stream and the news, and to say that I'm pumped would be putting things quite lightly.
Of course, it was fun to see the devs talk about stuff, some lovely folks I know from the Container popping up in the museum, and the Sanshee restock (that I'm contemplating about ordering from, even though my preordered Slugpup plushies haven't even been sent out yet).
But most importantly, we have the thing that everyone's been raving about....
A new DLC centered around Nightcat!
I very much adore this for many reasons.
The wording, as well as the screenshots in the Steam post imply that we're gonna be in a completely new area, away from the long abandoned facility grounds of LttM and FP. The new regions/areas were the absolute best part of Downpour, and having a DLC that is seemingly centered around them on an even bigger level just sounds incredible (Jadzio might also have some fun polling them, too :D).
The animation of the trailer is also pretty neat. It's short, sure, but there's just something about seeing Rain World in this new style that makes me smile. Style alternating is what makes me love League's animated media so much, and I'm very happy that RW is starting to dip its toes into that too.
The naming of the new Slugcat, as well as its stationary stealth ability... dude is a Slugcat Night Elf, fair and square. This could be a coincidence, sure, but I would absolutely not be surprised if there're some Warcraft fans amongst the devs, because that's a very obvious connection that I've made pretty much immediately. And I'm not saying that as a way of criticism - because I freaking love Night Elves, not just from a story and thematic perspective, but also their gameplay in Warcraft 3 (Terror of the Tides being an incredible campaign, and Eternity's End having a bunch of awesome moments helps a ton, too).
As for how me and the rest of the fandom will handle the Watcher in headcanons and potential content going forward, well...
It's gonna be a bit tricky, for sure. I imagine the DLC will not come out for quite a while, but it'll most likely shatter all my headcanons and lore ideas to pieces, and any plans of me writing stories about Nightcat just got even more complicated now. But I don't mind this too much, as I'm confident I'll be more than capable of figuring out how to integrate the official content into my stuff, and the same applies to the rest of the fandom, too (and if all else fails, I can always pull the "Nightcat and Watcher are two entirely different characters" card, but that sounds uncreative and boring, and I wanna avoid that, even if Enot was pretty much globally accepted as a different character, despite their color, and them mentioning 'being removed from Arena').
One other positive to mention is that Nightcat X Spearmaster might actually blow up a decent bit now. And if that happens, I'll get to claim the royal title of being someone from the original Inkblot gang, which will be amazing. Plus, more content about my favorite pair, who wouldn't be happy about that?
I just hope that the fandom isn't going to get into crazy arguments/dramas over the Watcher/Nightcat stuff. Everyone is going to change their content around the new revelations differently, and that's ok. I'm probably worrying about nothing here, but I have seen folks pick bones with creators over minor harmless stuff before, so my concerns are probably valid. Let's just let everyone have fun with whatever approach they wish to take, m'kay?
That's all my thoughts regarding the new revelations for now. If this post came off as a bit mixed, then I want to clarify that I'm still absolutely excited about the new content, and I'm very glad that this forgotten scug is getting its well deserved resurgence.
Everything is gonna be great and fun, and I am very much hyped about it! (I'm already in love with all the fan content, btw. The speed at which everyone is showing appreciation is simply staggering. You guys are impressive as all hell!)
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rainworldslugcats · 2 years
whoa there we got a pretty hefty update this time around! taken both from the RW server as well as MSC
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and from MSC
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all text in post form under the cut, here you can also find the links:
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Hello everyone! Hope things are going well! We have some exciting news from Videocult!!! @RW News
Rain World is receiving DLC called Rain World: Downpour! We have been excitedly working with The More Slugcat Mod team and are happy to finally announce that the mod will be a part of Downpour! Downpour adds five new slugcats each with their own story and unique abilities. Use those abilities to traverse through over 1000 new rooms and investigate the mysterious world around you while learning how to survive with the new threatening creatures of the world.
If you missed the trailer of Downpour, you can view it here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77z9Pi9crSE
We’re planning on releasing Downpour on Steam later this year! If you'd like to wishlist Rain World: Downpour, head over to the Steam page here. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1933390/Rain_World_Downpour/
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Akupara Game is now Rain World’s new publisher! The Akupara team ported Rain World to the Nintendo Switch so they've known Rain World for years. Akupara's library includes games like Mutazione, Behind the Frame and Kardboard Kings, so Rain World fits right at home with Akupara
Join the Akupara Discord community! https://discord.gg/akuparagames
New Rain World merch has been announced! Get a Rain World shirt or limited time hoodie! For today only you can use the code: RW5 for $5 off orders of $30+ of Rain World Products!
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One more thing is that I (@riv otter ) am now officially the community manager of Rain World working for Akupara Games! I have added an akupara-faq channel for common questions. If you have any questions, feel free to message me!
I want to give thanks to the community as a whole! Without you guys, I wouldn’t have been given this amazing opportunity and I am excited to continue working with Rain World!
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More Slugcats is coming to Rain World as DLC! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV_4sYpc3YQ
Key points from today's developer stream:
• More Slugcats is part of a new official DLC coming out for Rain World, called Downpour, which you can wishlist on Steam now! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1933390/Rain_World_Downpour/
• You can watch a recording of the 5th anniversary dev livestream here if you missed it: https://youtu.be/Z_fqF9x6jdM?t=426
• Downpour will be a paid DLC (price not known yet)
• Downpour will be coming to consoles. This will be part of the effort to have all platforms on the same version of the game.
• Hence the above two points, while parts of Downpour will be DLC, other parts of Downpour will be an update to the base game. These will release together.
• The release date for Downpour is not known yet.
• Rain World now has a new publisher, Akupara Games. You may know them as the ones who previously did the console ports for Rain World. They are now overseeing the Downpour project.
• The development of Downpour has no influence on the development of the Signal project. Videocult is continuing to put their full focus on Signal development, while I am serving as the lead developer for Downpour in the meantime under the support of Akupara Games.
• Downpour will have other content beyond More Slugcats; what that content is will be the subject of future announcements and streams.
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iyarpage · 7 years
iOS Apprentice Updated for Swift 4 & iOS 11
Happy Wednesday – it’s book release day during the iOS 11 Launch Party!
This week’s book release is the iOS Apprentice, Sixth Edition. This is our book for complete beginners to iOS 11 development, where you learn how to build four complete apps from scratch.
In this edition, team member Fahim Farook has taken Matthijs Holleman’s classic and completely updated the entire book iOS 11, Swift 4 and Xcode 9.
This is a free update for existing PDF customers, as our way of thanking you for supporting our site.
Don’t have a copy yet? Read on to see how you can get one during our limited-time sale!
What’s Inside the iOS Apprentice
Did you know that iOS Apprentice was first written for iOS 5, and it’s been updated for every version of iOS since then for free? You can’t beat that value!
Here’s what one of our readers has to say:
“Over the years, I have read iOS books/ebooks by Dave Mark, Big Nerd Ranch, Wei-Ming Lee, Neil Smythe, Matt Neuburg, many RW tutorials and probably several others, but Matthijs Hollemans’ tutorials absolutely tower over the rest. . . .Matthijs’s knowledge is profound and his presentations are flawless, but his detailed explanations are pure dev gold.” –chicago in a recent forum post
The iOS Apprentice is one of our best-selling books of all time. Over 10,000 people have begun their iOS development adventures with this book since it was released.
Here’s what’s contained inside:
Section I: Getting Started
In the first tutorial in the series, you’ll start off by building a complete game from scratch called “Bull’s Eye”.
The first app: Bull’s Eye!
Here’s what you’ll learn:
How to use Xcode, Interface Builder, and Swift 4 in an easygoing manner.
How to use standard UIKit components
How to customize them to make them look good!
By the time you’re done, you’ll have created your own iOS app from scratch, even if you’re a complete beginner!
Section II: Checklists
In the second section, you’ll create your own to-do list app. In the process, you’ll learn about the fundamental design patterns that all iOS apps use and about table views, navigation controllers and delegates. Now you’re making apps for real!
The second app you’ll build: Checklists!
Here’s what you’ll learn:
How to use Storyboards to design user interfaces
How the Model-View-Controller design pattern works in iOS
How to use table views, including the new prototype cells and static cells capability
How to create your own data model objects
What refactoring is, why you should do it, and how to do it
How to use Navigation Controllers
Using text fields and the keyboard
Sending data between view controllers using delegates
Saving your app’s data into files in the app’s Documents folder
Using NSUserDefaults to store application settings
How to use arrays and dictionaries
How to set reminders using local notifications
Most importantly, you’ll learn more than just how to program with the standard iOS components — you get to see what it takes to build a quality app. You’ll learn about all the little details that set great apps apart from mediocre ones. After all, you need to make a great app if you want it to be a success on the App Store!
Section III: MyLocations
In the third tutorial in the series, you’ll develop a location-aware app that lets you keep a list of spots that you find interesting. In the process, you’ll learn about Core Location, Core Data, Map Kit, and much more!
The third app in the book: MyLocations!
Here’s what you’ll learn:
More about the Swift 4 language
How to use the Tab Bar Controller
Using the Core Location framework to obtain GPS coordinates and do reverse geocoding
How to make your own UIView subclasses and do custom drawing
How to use Core Data to persist your objects
How to make your own table view cell objects
How to embed the Map View into your app
How to use NSNotificationCenter
How to use the camera and photo library
How to use “lazy loading” to improve the responsiveness and memory usage of your apps
How to play basic sound effects
How to make your app look more impressive with UIView-based animations and Core Animation
Of course, all of this is just an excuse to play with some of the more alluring technologies from the iOS SDK: Core Location, Map Kit, the camera and photo library, and Core Data. These are frameworks you’ll use all the time as a professional iOS developer!
Section IV: StoreSearch
Mobile apps often need to talk to web services and that’s what we’ll do in this final tutorial of the series. We’ll make a stylish app that lets you search for products on the iTunes store using HTTP requests and JSON.
The fourth and final app you’ll build: StoreSearch!
Here’s what you’ll learn:
How to use a web service from your apps and how to download images
View controller containment: how to embed one view controller inside another
Showing a completely different UI after rotating to landscape
Cool effects with keyframe animations
How to use scroll views and the paging control
Internationalization and supporting multiple languages
Changing the look of navigation bars and other UI elements
Making iPad apps with split-view controller and popovers
Using Ad Hoc distribution for beta testing
And finally, submitting your apps to the App Store!
By the time you have finished this fourth part in the series, you will have the core skills that it takes to make your own apps, and will be ready to make your own apps and submit them to the App Store!
Best of all, the book comes complete with all source code for the apps in the book. That way, you can always compare your work to the final product of the authors at ay point in your journey through the book!
About the Authors
Of course, our book would be nothing without our team of experienced and dedicated authors:
Matthijs Hollemans is a mystic who lives at the top of a mountain where he spends all of his days and nights coding up awesome apps. Actually he lives below sea level in the Netherlands and is pretty down-to-earth but he does spend too much time in Xcode. Check out his website at http://ift.tt/2xmVZxz.
Fahim Farook is a developer with over 25 years of experience in developing in over a dozen different languages. Fahim’s current focus is on mobile development with over 80 iOS apps and a few Android apps under his belt. He has lived in Sri Lanka, USA, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, France, and the UAE and enjoys science fiction and fantasy novels, TV shows, and movies. You can follow Fahim on Twitter at @FahimFarook.
Now Available in ePub!
And as another exciting announcement, by popular request, the iOS Apprentice is now available in ePub format. Take it on the go with you on your iPad, iPhone or other digital reader and enjoy all the mobile reading benefits that ePub has to offer!
Where To Go From Here?
iOS Apprentice, Sixth Edition is now 100% complete, fully updated for Swift 4, iOS 11 and Xcode 9 — and is available today!
If you’ve already bought the iOS Apprentice PDF, you can log in to your account and download the new book in PDF and ePub format immediately on our store page.
If you don’t have the iOS Apprentice yet, you can grab your own very own copy in our online store.
And to help sweeten the deal, the digital edition of the book is on sale for $49.99! But don’t wait — this sale price is only available for a limited time.
Speaking of sweet deals, be sure to check out the great prizes we’re giving away this year with the iOS 11 Launch Party, including over $9,000 in giveaways!
To enter, simply retweet this post using the #ios11launchparty hashtag by using the button below:
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We hope you enjoy this update to one of our most-loved books. Stay tuned for more book releases and updates coming soon!
The post iOS Apprentice Updated for Swift 4 & iOS 11 appeared first on Ray Wenderlich.
iOS Apprentice Updated for Swift 4 & iOS 11 published first on http://ift.tt/2fA8nUr
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