#hope there arent many mistakes here its 6 am and i havent slept at all !!!
takasgf · 2 years
Dance lesson
its 6 am and im writing silly stories !!!!!! warning this happens in a killing game universe; obviously nothing bad happens but the athmosphere is a bit creepier than usual O_o also there's a slight reference to the 1st chapter victims in the beginning paragraph. otherwise, its just the silly people being very sweet and dumb
  Kiyotaka and Frogeru were walking through the hallways. After being forced into a situation as stressful as a "killing game" can be, getting to know every part of your surroundings is key to survival. Dusty empty classrooms wouldn't have been such an eerie sight if it wasn't for the overwhelming feeling of terror that trapped the students into their own thoughts. The air was almost suffocating. Every particle of dust carried a weight comparable to a small baseball ball. No one had the power to look at a baseball ball with the same eyes ever again however. 
  Each step they took scared them into thinking they might just sink into the floor if they weren't careful. Luckly, the other would have been there to catch their friend, if that ever happened. Their friendship is what kept them strong. If they were truly on their own, all this would have been so much harder to confront. Despite meeting not so long ago, the two felt a strong connection from the moment they introduced themselves. And so, they decided to stick together. Even now, neither realized they've been holding hands for the past few minutes as they were exploring the school. It was more of a subconscious need to protect each other from danger. 
- Hey, let's go there! Seems interesting enough. 
  Frogeru pointed towards a room not so far away from them. At first glance, you couldn't have differentiated it from the other classrooms. Upon entering, that was the case for the most part. 
- What's this thing? Is it supposed to be a music player or something? Frogeru sprinted towards the device and gently shook it, maybe expecting a snack to fall out of it, like in a vending machine. 
- I believe so. Perhaps they used to host school events here... Hey! Don't shake it like that! The annoyance in Taka's voice was enough to convince Frogeru to let go of the music player. 
- Meh. It's pretty dusty anyway. I saw it shining through the window and thought it might be cool.
- Running around after shiny things is not the best thing to do right now. Personally, I don't think it's a good thing to do in general! Be focused, Frogeru. We must be very mindful of our actions if we don't want any strange device exploding in our faces! 
- Fair enough. Huh! Dude, wait! There's a cassette in here! Should I play it? I'm gonna play it. 
- No! What did I just say?! Please, just leave it be! 
  Frogeru's curiosity couldn't wait. She pressed the play button impatiently. A few mechanical sounds exited the speakers. Kiyotaka sat protectively in front of Frogeru, expecting something terrible to happen in the next seconds. 
  A soft, monotone tune started to play. No explosions, no evil teddy bears, no traps. Just an old cassette, trying its best to bring the classroom back to life with its sounds. Despite the damage, the song kept going. 
- See? Calm down, man. Just a plain old music player. That song sucks so bad… Frog gave a slightly frightened Taka a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 
- True, definitely not worth the reaction. I apologize. Still, isn't it quite suspicious? Can we be sure this isn't a trap? 
- Well, we aren't dead yet, so I guess it's not. Dang, this song is really bad. You were right not to start playing it. It reminds me of elevator music. I don't think you could dance on this even if you wanted to, haha! 
- It seems fit for slower kinds of dances. The kinds that test one's elegance and class, perhaps. It's not very remarkable. We should turn it off and quit wasting time here! There's plenty of rooms to look through. 
- Wait, wait, wait! Where's the rush, my friend? We're stuck here. We can listen to this dumb song all day if we wanted to. See, how it tickles our ears with its stupidity? Haha!
- Where are you going with this? Are we leaving or not? Just like you said, there is absolutely no reason to stay here and listen. 
- That's why I want to dance instead. You can't just mention it and not elaborate on that! I think we learned one of those fancy dances in kindergarten. I remember I kept getting paired with dumb kids and I would step on their feet on purpose. Great times, am I right? I am! 
- You need two people for a slow dance. Currently I am your only option, but I thoroughly refuse to dance in these serious circumstances. Taka crossed his arms and looked directly at Frogeru. 
- Come on, I'm not going to step on your feet, I promise! I think you are one of the people that needs to have a bit of fun the most around here. Look at you, all stressed and worried! It makes me so sad just to think what's going on inside your head. 
- Frogeru, now is not the time to have fun. Ask me again when we get out of here and I'll think about it. Maybe I'll even get some practice until then. 
- Practice..? Oh! You don't know how to dance! That's why you keep refusing me! Haha, don't worry, dude. I don't know what I'm doing either. I just want to see you smile once. 
- I appreciate your concerns! But I don't dance. Not now. It's not the right time. 
- When will be the right time? What if we get hurt? What if we don't escape? 
- …
- W-What if we don't get to dance together ever again? Please, Ishi. Dance with me… Please.
  The energy in Frog's tone slowly faded as she spoke. Her stuttering voice and her trembling eyes and mouth made Taka raise his arm and place it on his heart. It was hurting. 
- I thought…I thought you didn't like the song… 
- It really doesn't matter what song it is, does it? 
- …It doesn't. Take my hand. 
 The light came back in Frogeru's sparkly eyes. Once they held hands again, even Taka felt more calm than before. His friend's soft smile assured him that they'll be okay. 
- Um, may I have some directions first? I wouldn't want to step on your feet either. 
- Yeah, sure! You need to place your other hand on my back, and I'll place mine on yours! It's more fancy than just holding hands, heh. 
- Ah! I think so! You're the expert here. 
 Kiyotaka listened to Frogeru's explanations and tried his best to follow along. The two would move around the room in a slow spinning and walking motion, as the terrible song kept playing in the background. 
- Are you okay? You look kinda red..? Stupid dust! Keep getting in my friend's face and I'll show you! No, but seriously, are you okay?
  Being so close to his best friend colored Kiyotaka's face bright red. He was so focused on trying his best to dance correctly he didn't even notice how silly he looked.  
- I-I'm fine! Yes, dust, it's everywhere! Ha-ha! 
- You look like a tomato…You are weird. I like that you are weird; you're just like me. I'm glad that we became friends! 
  The previous statement almost had Taka lose all his balance. He was incredibly glad as well. 
- Careful!! It's so awesome that you accepted to dance with me, but please don't get yourself hurt because of it! 
- I'm alright! I trust you, Frogeru. I don't think I could get hurt with you here to catch me. 
  The room was filled with giggles, awkward dance moves and a terrible song. For just a few minutes, the two students could take a break from the terror that awaited them once they left the classroom. There is no certainty whether they'll return there to dance once again, so it's better to cherish the moment while it lasts. Outside the classroom, a spiky brown haired boy, that had made the scandalous fashion choice to wear a blazer over his hoodie, is observing the situation through a window. 
- At least they're having fun…!
OKKK thank you SO MUCH for reading!!! I like this a lot more, I think it's my best short story so far :] thank you so much for all your support!!! Im a bit paranoid I might have accidentally copied the plot from someone else without realising, i hope it's just an irrational fear😭 ive had this idea for quite a while, so im happy i finally wrote about it !!!
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