#hope this mess is redable
residentevil2remake · 4 years
wanted to ask about tomb raider but someone got ahead. so, top 5 laras?
Damn this is not easy, because it’s a bit hard to distinguish classic Lara (but she did chaged models and voices) and LAU did had the same voice actress but didn’t changed that much if you think about it. And general she’s mostly consistent, but like with, unlike Resident evil which makes chages not because of consistency, she does progress and chages naturally so I hope you not minding me ranking this by looks and overall appearance. 
1. Angel of darkness. Literally my favorite Lara - the shades, the outfits (HELL YEAH DENIM), my favorite classic Lara VA. Some of her lines is so good in the game: “it’s gonna be a real pleasure to shut you up”, “If I had a coconut for everytime some lunatic said something like that” (GIRL WHAT), “Am I talking too fast for you?” and others. She’s an edgy thot in this and I love it with all my heart.2. Underworld. I think this Lara has my favorite face of all and probably my favorite body type (like she’s still hourglass but the build up muscle is cute), she’s also very done with everyone in this game and in LAU trilogy she’s a bit softer (but still snarky and deadly), but in this particular title she’s the most close to her classic appearence but still has a few emotional scenes that work organically into her arc. I do love unused ending, but the ending that was in the game is much more perfectly balanced and writte for this Lara.3. Anniversary. A great change and look for classic Lara, I also think she blends perfectly in her Legend incarnation. She also has great lines in this - “I only play for sport” is just iconic AF. Has a great character and I think the outfits they did for her are great, like the default one is understandable, but I think she also looks great in AoD camo (WELL I’M BITCH FOR AOD OKAY?), the catsuit, the artic tr3 one, even Legend outfit is good, fits like a glove. 4. TR 4 or Chronicles. I think, while TR1 is iconic in it’s own way (like not having a braid yet, her top is more like a wet suit) this incarnation of classic procceds to be my favorite. Perfect voice, face is looking the best (they perected engine at the time), some of the my favorite outfits of Lara are from this version - winter camo, evening dress, young lara. 5. Reboot Lara. I’d say she looked the best in RotTR, but I like 2013 and SotTR for various reasons as well. In tr2013 I think I liked her original one (not the rerelease on nexget, I even have a figurine of her!), like this messy blue top and overall look did started a trend with new women desings and i’m glad about it. Also her look with ice red hook and bow became iconic and I agree with it being so.I like SotTR for allowing Lara to have muscles, such a blessing. Also this version has a lot of fantastic outfits ranging from gear to armor and even witch clothes (all of them looks great on her), it’s a treasure if you love hunting for that kind of stuff. My personal fave is leather jacket. I think there is good lines from time to time (can’t remember from my head), but I think there is an iconic stuff. I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of her voice if I’m being real honest, but that’s not about acting or anything like that, just not a fan of accent (like i know it’s british but it’s a strong one?). I’d say she’s a bit underdeveloped, it’s just a shame that her games are a mess, because like I said a few days ago so much wasted potential, but let’s hope it will change ;)
ask me top 5 anything
thank you for taking time to send this
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