#hope this was okay !
dearpyramus · 1 month
congrats on 100+ !!! i would love to see "can you please come get me?" + "delicately putting your hand on their back" with lip <33 maybe college!lip, and the reader is at a party and feels unsafe?
tags/warnings: overstimulation (not the sexy kind), reader is implied to be neurodivergent, soft!lip, college!lip and reader, pining
a/n: sorry I got a bit carried away LMAO. tysm for ur request I enjoyed writing this a lot.
(fic btc)
Your friends had invited you to some frat party and you made the mistake of agreeing to go. 
The music wasn’t your vibe, the beer was sub-par, and your friends ended up ditching you. At one point you went to go to the bathroom to find that they basically left without you. 
Some fucking friends, you thought. You can’t say you were surprised, though. In all honesty, you only went because you had nothing else to do. Anything to procrastinate on your schoolwork during a Friday night, you thought.
Suddenly, the music started getting louder, as if someone was fiddling with the volume. The crowd of people seemed to get more congested by the minute; strangers shoving past you in a drunken haze. You felt like too much was happening at once. You need to fuck out of there.
You didn’t even have that much to drink but suddenly the room felt like it was spinning. Too many people. Too much noise. Too many flashes of lights. Your sense felt like they were in overdrive.
You skin practically burned as bodies pressed against you. You frantically begin searching for your friends. Your calls to them proved fickle as it was drowned out by the music and clamoring of people. 
You knew it was coming again right when you felt your breath catch in your throat. You need to get the fuck out.
You pushed your way through the crowd, each contact with a stranger burning through your skin. You hated how easily overwhelmed you got in situations like this. More importantly you hated your friends for ditching you.
You all but flopped down on the steps outside, trying to calm yourself. You knew you wanted to go home, but didn’t bring a car. Uber was too expensive at this hour, not to mention.
An idea popped in your head. If it were any other day and you weren’t tipsy and overstimulated, you would think of it as crazy. He was studying for an important exam, you knew that.
The urge got the best of you, however, and you were quickly fumbling through your phone. You paused at his contact: Lip Gallagher. The guy you were hooking up with. 
Did this seem clingy? Probably. Was he busy? Yeah. But something deep down inside you. You didn’t know why. You didn’t think you wanted to know why. What you had with Lip was casual, nothing more. You didn’t dare to open those can of worms.
The abrupt cut off of the dial tone causes your stomach to clench. You couldn’t back out now. 
You sighed, realizing you were probably making a big deal out of nothing. Regardless, you needed an out. 
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. You hated how much you needed to heat his voice. God, you felt pathetic. You swallowed your pride and willed yourself to choke out a few words, trying to bury the sensory overload that lingered.
You mentally kicked yourself for that question. Obviously it was Lip. Before he had a chance to reply, you introjected with a shaky voice.
“C-can you p-please come get m-me?”
You cringe at how your voice trembles. Your right hand begins to fidget at the fabric of your shirt.
“Hey, woah. Is everything okay?”
You want to cry at how soft his voice is, something you’ve rarely heard but want to keep hearing. It feels like a warm blanket being wrapped around your body.
“My friends—“, you begin to pinch the bridge of your nose and try to calm down.
“They ditched me, I think. I just want to get out of here”
You feel you sound like a whiny kid. You go to choke out frantic apologizes before Lip shushes you softly, reassuring you that it was okay and he didn’t mind. He didn’t miss the worry and care in his voice, and told yourself not to think about it too deeply.
“I’ll be there shortly, just hang in there, okay?”
He stays on the phone with you, the comfortable silence helping you relax. You stay slouched on the stairs, the sounds of the party a background haze. 
You hang up when he arrives, the headlights of his car piercing your eyes. He’s sporting a button up over a long sleeve shirt, the sleeves bunch up by his elbows. You had to jerk away your eyes at the sight of his forearms. 
You looked down, fidgeting with your hands. He kneels down infant of you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulders. It feels warm.
“Is everything okay? Did anything else happen?”
You shake your head.
“No, just overwhelmed. Sorry”
You know you should probably offer more of an explanation, but you’re just so exhausted. Lip seems to understand, though, which makes you want to melt even more. God, why was he like this?
“Don’t apologize. ‘M sorry your buds are dicks”
You shake your head, not wanting to fret about that right now. He then stretches out a hand or you to take, helping you up. You try not to think about how protective his larger and calloused hand feels against yours.
He pulls away and you already miss the contact. You mentally curse yourself at how clingy you were being. Casual. It’s nothing more.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the hand that previously grasped yours moved to the small of your back. It was firm but gentle, guiding you to the car.
You kept trying to ignore how much your heart fluttered at that interaction. Lip Gallagher was going to be the death of you.
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avastyetwats · 8 months
Gone with the Inn
"I can't believe my trapped worked! Oh, Ed's gonna be so proud. Got us a good one here, didn't I? Sorry about this little guy." He apologizes to the dead prey in his hand, having just cut it from the trap he set overnight. He holsters his knife before dropping the squirrel into the brown sack, separate from the one that holds the numerous berries he found in some bushes earlier. "If this one worked, maybe the others--"
A swarm of birds erupts from the trees all around Stede after that gunshot rings out. A gunshot that made his own heart jump into his throat, not only because it scared the shit out of him, but because of how close it was. Because of the direction it came from. "Ed..."
Dropping both sacks from his hands, Stede takes off in a run back towards the cabin where Ed had stayed behind while he came out to check traps and gather resources. He doesn't remember the last time he's ran so fast, if he's ever ran this fast, but the panic coursing through his veins, the adrenaline pumping through him, is what gets him back to the cabin within seconds. But just as he's about to emerge from the forest another gunshot rings out and he drops to the ground to take cover, hidden behind some bushes. After another second or two, Stede peeks out over the bush he's hidden behind and his eyes widen at what he sees out on the water. A large ship some miles out and an empty dinghy perched right on the sand. It's then that Stede notices movement on the right side of the cabin... a soldier comes from around the corner, movements slow and quiet as though to avoid detection, while aiming his weapon right at the window. At their bedroom window.
Stede doesn't hesitate. He surges from out of the bushes and the soldier turns just before Stede can grab him. Instead he grabs onto the soldier's rifle and uses it to push him up against the wall before kneeing him in the stomach. He drops to his knees and, using the butt of the rifle, Stede knocks the man unconscious and face first into the sand. He drops the rifle and heads towards the front only to realize his stupidity. How could he leave the weapon behind!? Idiot, Stede, come on! He berates himself before grabbing the rifle again, then he makes his way to the front of the cabin. "Ed!?" He calls out his name not once, but twice, as he approaches the steps and then more gunshots ring out, as well as screams. "Ed!? AHHH." Stede lets out a high pitched scream when a bullet flies right by his head, hitting one of the wooden support beams, but when he realizes it didn't come from inside the building, he looks behind him and finds another dinghy with more soldiers approaching the beach, still a good few minutes out but clearly close enough to shoot from afar.
"ED SAY SOMETHING IF YOU'RE ALIVE!" He yells over the gunshots from inside, knowing if he ran in, he'd be doing it blind considering he didn't know where the soldiers were or Edward even was. But the constant gunfire was a good sign, wasn't it? It meant he had to be alive and was still fighting.
...Is that smoke? Oh, god, REALLY?
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lieutenant-speirs · 2 years
For the valentine’s prompts, only if you don’t have too many already and only if you have the time/want to - and no worries if you don’t :)
21. “I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.” With Joe Toye x Reader. Maybe where they’ve been real close friends for a long time - heavy mutual pining and one of them just can’t hold it in anymore.. Thank you 💛
“𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑒? 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘….𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘….” “𝐴𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠? 𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑦? 𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑤𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑?” “𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠ℎ𝑢𝑡 𝑢𝑝….?”
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𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏: 𝐽𝑜𝑒 𝑇𝑜𝑦𝑒 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄: 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐/𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓: Valentines Day | Valentines Platonic Joe was a long way from frayed and stained army greens and browns as he was waiting in the living room, dressed in formal black pants, plain button up and suit jacket to match. Hair slicked back into a neat style since he had grown it out a bit, getting a feel for his own style since being stateside.
Flicking his wrists to readjust he cuffs more comfortable, he sighed as his eye caught the time on is watch. His head turned towards the stairs that lead to the upstairs rooms, “Come on Y/N!”
Joe had met you a few months before he went to war. You moved in next door and the rest was history. However, your first interaction, outside a friendly wave, had been when you were stubbornly trying to carry all the shopping bags in one go…and of course one bag broke and the rest fell out of your arms like dominos. Joe, being who he was, came running over - while laughing - but still offered to help. He helped carry your groceries inside, maneouvering between packed boxes that are waiting to be sorted into their designated rooms. To which, he also offered to help move them upstairs for you. From there… the friendship just…clicked. You two were never short of a conversation, always making the other laugh… everything just felt… natural. 
And then the war broke out… Joe showed up at yours in his uniform to state that he’s leaving soon. Your heart dropped and it visibly showed on your features. That’s when you both promised to write. 
And that’s exactly what you did. Both of you slowing falling for the other through years of correspondence. Both of you open and vulnerable in your letters because noone else was reading them and there was just that comfortableness in friendship that you could express your inner thoughts and feelings without judgement. Him too. 
There was a period where you weren’t getting letters and then you finally received one from a hospital. It was shorter than normal but Joe didn’t have the strength to write lengthy letters while recuperating from having lost his leg. Your heart broke but was also relieved that he was just alive. That’s all you ever prayed for…
You heard Joe’s voice call out and huffed in annoyance; either at him or yourself, you weren’t sure, as you stared at yourself in the full-length mirror. You weren’t happy with your outfit. Three other dresses lay haphazardly on the bed and the chair as you had tried those on and deemed them not suitable enough. Joe technically wasn’t yours to worry about looking decent beside him, but he was your everything. Which was what made today, of all days..harder to choose with the outfit. It was Valentines. A day for couples. You two aren’t a couple. You’re just going along for the joy ride because you both don’t have official plans anyway.
Your makeup made your features look softer than what your expression is letting on, your hair done up but, just like the dress, you weren’t satisfied with the result. “I’ve been trying to get ready for, like, an house and a half! Because I know you’re going to look good and I need to try and match up!” you called back down. 
Joe’s now frowning up at the stairs, not having heard anything more ridiculous in his life. “Will you just come down? We’re going to be late. Whatever you wear is gonna be fine.” 
You rolled your eyes as Joe’s annoyed voice filtered through. Men just didn’t understand. To you, Joe was one of the most handsome people you ever met… His brown eyes twinkled when he laughed, they darkened when he was angry (and you won’t admit this, but you find it hot), he had the most gorgeous smile, his eyebrows were expressive and made his features soft when they knitted together in concern when you would talk to him about certain things. So, of course whatever he wears will just accentuate his handsome features and you’ll end up looking like ‘plain jane’ next to him. He was deserving more of that. Especially with you two going out on, what’s supposed to be a couples-only celebration. 
You scoffed at your appearance before finally doing as requested and making your way down the stairs to see Joe fiddling with the cufflinks, his crutches resting under his arms against his side. Brown eyes finally looked up as he heard one particular stair creak beneath your step and his face went blank. You didn’t realise you held your breath as you all but floated down the stairs (he thought you floated like an angel, you thought you clunked down like a not-so-graceful rhino). 
Using his crutches, he made his way over to you just as you reached the last step and stood in front of him. His features gave nothing away. His lips were parted, his brown eyes just staring at the ghastly get up that you’re in. “I’ll never look nice compared to you.” the heartbreak was evident in the disappointment in your voice. You turned on your heel and was about to make your way back upstairs when a tight grip on your wrist stopped you in your tracks.
Joe still didn’t know his own strength at times, whilst he wasn’t hurting you, it still surprised you what this man might be capable of with just his bare hands. “Are you shitting me? You look….you look….” “Atrocious? Silly? Like a woman menstruated?” “Will you shut up….?” His voice, not at all harsh, but soft and exasperated. You just weren’t getting it. He was at a loss of words. His facial expressions… well… He’s Joe. He’s not the best with the ladies unless he’s wooing them for sex. Which is something he wouldn’t dream about doing with you. He respects you too much. His voice softened and a hushed, “You look beautiful, Y/N.” filtered past his lips, as though he were afraid it was inappropriate to say and some unforgiving Godly figure might smite him a second time causing him to loose the only other leg he has. 
His eyes gazed over you, up and down, drinking your entire being in. “Anything you wear, you look radiant in. I don’t understand -” “Because it’s you, Joe. You’re the handsome one. The funny one. The charismatic one. And I’m just… me.” I’ll never be good enough for you Went unspoken on your red-painted lips. 
But it felt heavy in the air that it made Joe snap. He had enough of dancing around this, he had enough of waiting, and he was too impatient to tell you over dinner how he was feeling about you. Hobbling forward a step or two. He hooked a finger beneath your chin and lifted your head up. “You…are one of the most beautiful broa-ladies, I’ve ever met. No matter what you wear, you’ll look drop dead gorgeous. I think you look gorgeous… I always have…”
Without asking permission, Joe dropped his head and his lips pressed against yours. He felt the small gasp part from your lips before pressing his lips more firmly against yours. One hand one the end of the stair rail to steady himself, the other hand lighty resting against your cheek…which now dropped to wrapping around the middle of your back and pressing you firmly against him. Your own arms snaked around his neck, as your lips melted against him. 
He had already mentioned you two were pushing for time… but now… neither of you could care less. 
You were happy that he was finally yours. Officially.
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eepymonstrr · 2 days
7. Favorite album(s) of all time?
9. Favorite concert you’ve attended?
21. A song that needs to play loud?
28. Put your music app on shuffle.. what is the 1st song?
7.) alright i’ll give you 7 of them because i don’t have ONE fav
Sundowning - Sleep Token
Suck It and See - Arctic Monkeys
For Emma, Forever Ago - Bon Iver
Dark Sun - Dayseeker
End of Silence - Red
Covenant - Unprocessed
The Art of Drowning- AFI
9.) ummm copenhell festival 2015 (as for an actual concert, it would be the first time i saw sleep token)
21.) idk i’ll pick a random one that comes to mind. Bury Me - Breathe Carolina
28.) Lovesick - Aurora View
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malnutx · 1 month
↷ closed ╳ Hope Mikealson & Klaus Mikealson @ofniightshade ↷ muse playing x Hope Mikealson ↷ location ╳ French Quarter /hopes bedroom ↷ plot ╳Chasing Shadows: Hope's Relentless Search for Answers"
In a cluttered room illuminated by a soft desk lamp, Hope Mikaelson is consumed by chaos. Papers cover the floor, books pile high, and snack wrappers litter the room—a testament to her tireless search for answers. With dark circles under her eyes and tangled hair, she pores over an old leather-bound book, muttering to herself in concentration. Unaware of a soft knock at her door, Hope immerses herself in her research, her mind racing with theories and possibilities.
As she delves deeper into her notes, frustration, fear, and determination brew inside her. The arrival of a concerned figure goes unnoticed as Hope scribbles furiously, lost in her pursuit of the truth. Oblivious to the passing time, she remains fixated on unraveling the mystery and finding those who have disappeared, her heart weighed down with responsibility.
Caught in a whirlwind of thoughts and urgency, Hope forgoes rest, driven by the need to bring the missing back home. In this moment, her sole focus is on deciphering the enigma that surrounds her, her determination unwavering.
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braveryhearted · 7 months
❣ (Byakuya because i have an obsession. tell us tell us :3)
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Send me ❣ for 3 pros & 3 cons of dating my muse!
( for multimuses be sure to specify the muse! )
@auburniivenus said: ❣ (Byakuya because i have an obsession. tell us tell us :3)
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He's really loyal and will fight tooth and nail with his best power to keep them safe. This is increased tenfold because of what happened to Hisana. He's overprotective, silently of course, but that just shows he cares.
If you can't make it to a meeting or a group project, he's your man. He did this for his sister Rukia and has no problems going to places that requires a mandatory presence. They don't question him because he's always polite and writes down notes and relays information quite fast and precisly.
Since he has hobbies as in his calligraphy and the garden in the estate, Byakuya isn't opposed to anyone that dates him to have their own hobbies occupy the place and will actually help out the best he can.
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He's somewhat of a neat person and demands anyone to clean up after themselves. It's very taxing on someone who loves to live in a mess or disorganized and hates rules.
He's a textbook loner from losing his first wife and has a lot of internal baggage from going through all of that trauma. It's so bad that he mistakenly would call someone he is closest to that name, which would be a tough pill to swallow if they are bothered by him calling his dead wife's name out like that.
He hates losing, even though externally he doesn't show this. This causes him to become very petty and have some small type of grudge towards anyone, even his significant other and can be a deal breaker.
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ravarui · 1 year
Have a drink with my muse Accepting @ofsokovianbaronesses
🍷 - for our muses to have an honest conversation about life while drinking
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How had they ended up in the current situation? Tony wasn't so sure about it, but he partly blamed the Accords and Ross who was breathing down his neck because of it. And while he didn't drink as much as he did before his unwanted vacation in Afghanistan, there were certain moments he just needed a drink. Preferable a strong one that made him forget about all the stress a little bit.
When Heike had joined him he didn't really remember, but he wasn't complaining either. She was at least a good listener while he rambled on about different things.
"Do you ever wonder if the things we do are really worth it in the end?"
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that-angry-noldo · 2 years
maedhros, resignation and/or isolation?
(from this character prompt list!
sorry it took a bit longer; I wasn't sure how I wanted to write it but I think I figured it out.)
Maedhros was alone.
He was alone in the dark, the only sensation being the cold stone beneath him, the only sound being the one of his own hitched breath and water dropping somewhere in the deeps of dungeon.
Maedhros was alone, Maedhros was alone, alone, a-
Maedhros opened his eyes.
He gasped, clenching his sheets, trying to convince himself they were real, and the light falling out of the window was real, and the sounds of people going about their morning routine down in the yard was real, and-
It was too much.
He still was missing a hand, though. That must've meant something, right?
He got up and tried to ready himself for another day.
He was alone. He was alone, aside from the Vala prying him with indifferent eyes - he was alone alone alone no where were Kano and Finno and Uncle he can't be alone, he can't, he ca-
"Did you really think you could escape me that easily, slave?"
Maedhros screamed.
He was in his room. Tilion's light was falling from the window.
Maedhros was shaking, trying to breathe, breathe, breathe - but he couldn't and he was alone alone alone-
He spent the rest of the night curled against the corner, his breath shaky and his eyes prying the threat that wasn't even there.
Maedhros flinched, raising his hands instinctively. Maglor took a step back, his eyes falling to the ground, arms raised in the sign of surrender.
When did they reduce to this?
"I'm sorry," Maglor, said, still not looking up - still waiting for a sign that Maedhros didn't see him as a threat. Maedhros swalloved, crossed his arms on the chest.
"You... wanted something?"
"Can we talk? In private?"
"I hear you scream, Nelyo."
Maedhros looked away, pursed his lips. Maglor was looking straight at him, his gaze dark and heavy.
"You can't blame me for having nightmares, Kano," Maedhros finally said, his tone low and quiet. Maglor shivered.
"I don't- Nelyo, I don't blame you, it's not- you haven't told anybody."
"There's no need," Maedhros cutted. "No need, Makalaure."
"There is a need and you know it," Maglor hissed, leaning over the table - Maedhros resisted the urge to run, to fear his own brother. "You can't keep doing this. You can't."
"You," Maedhros growled, "have no idea what I can and can't."
"Look at you, Maitimo. Doing what I want. Locking yourself in the cage crafted by your own hands."
Maedhros looked away, too weak to answer. Moringotto tilted his head.
"Perfect, perfect. I love this thing you're doing: pushing others from yourself, playing martyr while in reality just hurting them."
Maedhros was shaking. "Please. Can't you be silent? You're not real. You're not real, you're in my head-" his whispers were quiet, mixed with sobs. "Be quiet. Be quiet."
"Maitimo," the voice croons, "you've chosen my company over the company of your brothers. There's no one to blame but yourself."
When Maedhros woke up, he didn't have a strenght to rise and start living.
When Maedhros woke up, he wished he stayed dead.
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korvyna · 1 year
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Heels that clacked against the marble floors, a saunter that followed, putting up a show. Determination filled her sparkling teal orbs, lips pursed reflecting a glossy rose. Her hair of sheer gold, curled at the ends- a model in the making, looks to kill. Towards the receptionist, the former popstar hastily made her way, urging to see the company’s manager in the hopes her dreams could be re-lived once more. It had been only recent in which unfortunate events unfolded, and just like the passing of the seasons, Ahri was no longer known to the public.  Popstar Ahri was a dead muse. A desire for being reborn burn bright. This was a chance for redemption, another opportunity to make herself known. To rise to fortune and fame was but a contract away- a contract she would gain no matter what. A sweet taste of cherry filled her tongue, a taste of success.
Nothing would stand in her way- not yet.  Granted access, the muse made her way eagerly to the elevator, where she would soon enough meet the person that (hopefully) would help her rise to the top.
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simplegenius042 · 1 year
Two roses for two sentences? Thank you!
Here's a tiny snippet of a little FC5 WIP I'm calling The True Sinners. Starring my FC5 OC Deputy Silva Omar herself, a little before she has a chance encounter with one of the Seed brothers in the woods.
Here's the snippet below:
The sandbags tied to the cheap mannequin had barely been nicked by her fourth shot. Silva could almost imagine the shitty pink smile she had shoddily painted on its blank face open wide, if only to wordlessly laugh. Mocking her.
Reload. Rinse and Repeat. Silva repeated the mantra in her mind, methodically accomplishing each task she set out. Layout the ground. Scan the area. Set the scope. Line the shot. Breathe.
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shipperqueen6 · 2 years
Ginny for the character ask <3
First impression: a little annoying but likeable
Impression Now: haven't watched season two but good sister but needs to work on being a better friend
Favorite Moment: anything with her and austin
Idea for a story: something where she's queer maybe paired with Abby 🤷‍♀️
Unpopular Opinion: not a big fan of her with Marcus, I like them better separate
Favorite Relationship: friendship with max, Abby romantically maybe
Favorite Headcanon: she likes to read to Austin sometimes about princes and princess ' other times about princes and princes or princess' and princess'
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@ghostlyscribes​ liked for a starter ! ( eleanor bishop )
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“mom...” kate was stunned to say the least. seeing her mother in front of her after.. well.. after sending her to jail. wasn’t something she pictured herself doing, but she had to do what was right. did she still love her mom? no doubt about it. but how was she supposed to react? “you’re.. you’re out.”
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rcsrrectedwitch-a · 2 years
@ignisxcor​ liked for a starter
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“please tell me your holiday was better than mine.” davina spoke as she entered the store. a little huff rolling from her chest as she now stood in front of him at the register. elbows resting on the surface as her blue hues blinked up at him. “the amount of drama i had to deal with. i swear, i just want one normal holiday without me potentially getting murdered.”
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dcsiderixm · 2 years
🪴 - for your muse to lean on my muse for support .
For as skilled as Nishiki is when fighting, his style isn't so calculated most of the time. Especially in a situation where he has to act quickly. Which was the situation that had just passed. Now he knew people in Kamurocho were cruel of course, but trying to fight Akiyama in his situation is a new form of cruel. Naturally, he quickly came to his aid, it was only fair. Nishiki had his own set of morals, and harming those weaker than him was not included in that. The fight itself went alright, sure, but the two of them were certainly not without injury. Ignoring his own injuries to go to assist Akiyama was expected. He'd be fine, Akiyama was a bit more important. ❝ Why don't we head to my office? I can help with those injuries. Are you alright by the way? ❞ He questioned, helping Akiyama with standing. Which, did help himself with keeping his own balance. ❝ It isn't too far of a walk, I promise. ❞ Nishiki hardly left room for Akiyama to answer, he probably wouldn't say it himself but he was a bit concerned.
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malnutx · 1 month
↷ closed ╳ Reagan Salvatore & Klaus Mikealson @ofniightshade ↷ muse playing X Reagan Salvatore↷ location ╳ Street's of New Orlens ↷ plot ╳"Unexpected Encounter in the Crescent City"
Reagan strolled down the bustling streets of New Orleans, the sound of jazz music filling her ears through the headphones she wore. Lost in the melodic rhythm, she rounded a corner and accidentally collided with a tall, imposing figure. Annoyed by the sudden interruption, she swiftly removed her headphones and looked up to see a perplexed expression on the man's face. Her tone brusque, she scolded, "Hey, watch where you're going." Her guarded demeanor softened slightly as she waited to see how he would react.
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elvain · 2 years
I don’t know if you write for them but can you do #6 “things you said under the stars and in the grass” for thorjane? (If not, can you do #7 for mattelektra?) I love ur writing <3
i just did 7 for someone else so lets do thorjane! and if you want another mattelektra send me another number bestie
6. things you said under the stars and in the grass
"Do you know them?" Jane whispered, her breath fanning across Thor's bare chest. The blanket they were using wasn't doing enough to keep the cold away, but Thor's immense body heat was.
"Know who?" he murmured, shifting slightly underneath her. He trailed his fingers along her ribcage, tracing bites and bruises from earlier.
"The stars. Do you know them personally? Are they your friends?" Jane pressed kisses along his shoulder.
Thor laughed. "Are you quite well?"
"I might be a little woozy from what we just did." She grinned.
Thor chuckled. "I do not, in fact, know the stars, my love." He leaned down to kiss her slowly. "I don't need to."
"Why not?" she whispered.
"Because every time I look in your eyes, I see stars, my love. And they are the only ones I want to see."
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