#hope this works <3
draconicfool · 3 months
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It was quiet as the Emanator stared up at the boy at the end of the alley. What the night had been concealing in that dark corner was a vidyadhara hunched over something. Unclear what it was in the darkness. His bright purple eyes all but glowing as he inched forward on all fours. Staring at the boy quietly.
"I think...y'er somewhere y'shouldn't be...li'l cloud knight~."
@iceswords || sc.
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lullaebies · 1 year
Hey! Can you do some headcanons on what it would be like for Helaena and Aegon as parents if the Dance never happened? They were really young when they both died, so would they have more babies if they lived? What would it be like for the twins and Maelor to grow into teenagers, what would the marriage plans for them be like? Love your content btw ❤️
Oh sure!! This should be very fun. The Dance not happening AU could mean a lot of things so there would be many variables, so bear with me a bit haha. (And thank you for the compliment, dear! <333) [also I'm sorry for the length of this if you ask me about the kids I really can speak for HOURS about my hcs.] Helaegon as Parents, Part 2 - No Dance AU Headcanons
⁎ For the if they had more babies question - probably yes! I don't see them abstaining. I think as the first kids grow older Helaena might specifically want more childen, but generally they would just happen as it is the way of life, regardless of planning or not planning. ⁎ Speaking about more children - Helaena and Aegon would be so bad at naming, lmao. They wait until the baby is out to decide, lol. I think Jaehaerys was named after the Old King via Alicent influence and Jaehaera was named in tow to fit, so Maelor would've been the first true name they've chose (I personally imagine that was from Helaena; also for the record, I genuinely don't believe it had anything to do with Maegor lol). Anyways, they would suck at it, and I imagine they'll have a lot more joke names they talk about. Imagine Aegon coming to Helaena like "Daemon the Younger. To piss uncle off." (He got very inspired from Aegon III's naming pettiness😂) and Helaena is like "I should kill you and make our son Aegon the Youngest" LMAO. ⁎ I always said this, but I do feel like there would be a cycle of hardship in the family; Aegon and Helaena were both not exposed to the best of parenting and Aegon will continue to struggle with his substance abuse/vices, which will obviously have effect. I have gone on several tangents on how I can see him and Jaehaerys butting heads like crazy as the father vs the oldest son. I do think there are times Aegon would try harder to be an active parent, especially after Jaehaerys and him get into a big fight, or Jaehaera mediates, or Maelor being visibly upset. I also think there inherent guilt in Aegon for a lot of things, I do think he will try to be better after he gets a few slaps from his first children, as he doesn't want to be like Viserys. His younger children will get the better of it, likely. I like to think he could find power in the fact his kids believe in him still despite everything. ⁎ Helaena would be such a sticky mom ahhh. Jaehaerys could grow taller than Otto and she would still look at him like he's a baby, Jaehaera she would want kept close too (As Alicent wanted her close, cough) and not even speaking about Maelor! I do believe all the kiddos would have her side on most things - Jaehaerys and Maelor being Biggest Defender no. 1 and Intern Smoll Defender no. 2. Jaehaera is The Conciliator coded and she tends to be midway, she'll probably be the one who is most honest with Helaena. ⁎ If Helaegon have more kids, needless to say the first three would be a pretty hands on crew of sibling help. Probably particularly the twins. I think Maelor might have to go through an ick phase at having a younger sibling always on his toes, though really he was just the same to the twins when he was born.
⁎ Some Teenage personality headcanons: Jaehaerys - mr. Trying to be good enough and work hard to be good enough. Extrovert using humor to cope, can be shady and also defensive like dad. Feels like he has a very big responsibility to help mom and family. He takes to a warhammer as a weapon in the future as he has a grip of six✨ Jaehaera - Careful in her steps, emotional intellegence based girl who is a bit too kind on other people sometimes. Likes to sew, and she makes her own dolls as she grows older. Introverted but Tries. Can be awkward when she's not used to someone or can't tell what they're like. Maelor - forever the first family baby, but he is the type to try and push against it LOL. I actually imagine him a bit more bookish and curious. Skinnier kid but has quips and he talks back. I think he's shyer outside of the family, people that don't know him gaslight Aegon his son is not a menace at all, "all he does is read books in the library and be cute are u fr" vibe, but in reality he learned from brother to not take shit. He's a Grandma kid for sure, I like to think he reads to Alicent back when she's elderly. ⁎ To end this off, on marriage proposals and the likes: I think no matter what AU spoken of, one thing that Helaegon would always agree on is that they would prefer their kids to find a love marriage, and I very much believe they would not be into putting them into Targ incest shenanigans unless the kids express they want it. this is one thing they want to break the chain in and are in full agreement - helaegon do not want the kids to have the same burdens they had to deal with. Overall this topic is muddy because its very much depends on the cirucmstances of things, but in the grand scheme of things - if helaegon are not pressured for alliances/not reigining king and queen, love marriages would be preferred if not at least arranged marriages where the prospective spouse is well regarded and of fitting status. If they are pressured for alliances as king and queen - Houses like House Lannister that are Green supporters will likely be considered first, then general houses that can benefit the crown and stability of the realm (possibly even Rhaenyra's family if its to keep the peace), and only then proper houses where the kids find someone they like. It is the feudalistic monarchy way. At the end there would be an attempt to give the best for them, one way or the other.
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xreynadel · 7 months
where: Masquerade when: New Orleans trip - Single's Party - February 14, 2024 who: Reyna & @aminarocks
Reyna was making the rounds, saying her hellos and enjoying the party at Masquerade. One of the many familiar faces she spotted was Amina, someone Reyna adored. Perfect opportunity to catch up, she figured. "Hi gorgeous!" Reyna greeted them, offering a warm smile and a hug.
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xsylcuenco · 1 month
WHO: Sylvia & @sunnynardelli
WHERE: home - downtown
WHEN: August 2024
Sylvia had just gotten home, dropping the groceries that she had purchased on the counter top beside the stove. "Sunny!" she called out, hoping that her roommate had already made it home as well. It was time for Sylvia to touch up Sunny's hair, and what better to eat while processing than homemade pizza? While they would miss Stelly, who was out for the night, the plans for the night would still be fun.
Spotting Sunny enter the kitchen, Sylvia waved in her direction. "I wasn't sure what exactly you wanted for toppings so I went a little crazy," Sylvia gestured to the bags of groceries as she walked over to the nearby cabinet to find the pizza pans and other kitchen utensils they would need.
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xjaylahopkins · 2 months
where: Ren Faire when: July 27th, 2024 who: Jayla & @irisxanthe
For Jayla, the Ren Faire felt like home. She was making it a point to enjoy her day to the fullest, experiencing all the Faire had to offer with as many friends as possible. Having split from her previous companion for the afternoon, Jayla headed to the previously agreed upon meeting place to find her roommate. Spotting Iris, Jayla rushed her way. "Isn't this so cool?!" she exclaimed, with all of the excited energy of a small child experiencing the sugar rush of their lives.
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wcrriorhearts · 1 month
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Her limbs were stiff when Ser Criston helped her down from his horse, eyes burning from unshed tears and the wind that had whipped around them as they rode. Small fingers flexed and balled into fists to chase away the numbness in them as she stood beside the horse, gently digging them into its fur. Her heart felt like an unbearable weight in her chest, dragging her towards the ground and unsteady legs barely kept her upright. Everything she had ever known lay behind them, everyone she ever loved dead in the ground. The girl's fingers tightened around a tuft of fur, a shaky breath drawn into aching lungs. She wanted to run back home, to find her mother in their sitting room with an embroidery needle in hand, her twin brother playing at her feet with his wooden toys. Hell, she even wanted to hear her father tell drunk stories from in the presence of his guards, laughing at his own jokes. But they were all gone and Jaehaera couldn't understand why she wasn't. She should have been. There was no sense anymore in being...here.
While Cole busied himself with the small amount of luggage they had hastily packed before their departure, which had mostly been an escape, Jaehaera stared at the small house they would inhabit. She had never lived in a house this tiny before, but it mattered not. Nothing did. He had taken her with him out of the goodness of his heart, but she wished he hadn't. Perhaps her aunt, the evil Queen, would have had her executed as well. At least then she could have been with her family. Her fingertips brushed over the fabric of her dress, intricate embroideries made by her mother of moths and little butterflies. She had always done this for her children, embellished their clothes and blankets. Never had Jaehaera imagined it would be all she would have left of her one day. Not now, when she was only a child.
Her hand finally let go of the horse, already missing her poor fat little pony Malice, whom they had left behind. Her stubby little legs wouldn't have been able to keep up, but Jaehaera worried what would happen to her. Perhaps her cousin Aegon would take care of her. The two children had only briefly met after Rhaenyra took the capital, but he had seemed a kind and quiet boy.
@kingmaketh liked for a starter from Haera <3
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xalecjacobs · 7 months
where: Cemetery Tour when: New Orleans trip - February 2024 who: Alec & @irisxanthe
Alec was looking forward to check out some more of the spooky side of New Orleans. Even more so when he found himself among familiar faces, heading on a ghost tour for the evening. Spotting Iris, he approached with a smile. "What's up?"
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sacredpyre · 13 days
Starter for @soulsuckrrs Leroy
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" They've been staring at you all night, "Her Honey voice was barely more than a whisper as she leaned in close to her husband, glancing over at the stranger in question without turning her head away from the vampire. A hand gently touching his forearm she continued. " You know you can go if you wish, have fun with them. "
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merekhopper · 9 months
Once he'd wrapped up everything that he needed to for the day, Merek had decided that what he could really use at the moment were a couple of drinks. The pyromancer locked up his office, checked his phone to make sure that nothing else was required of him, and started to make his way toward the castle's bar. Halfway there, he came across one of the guards who had talked to a couple of times before. "Evening Hwan. How are things in the Undercroft today?"
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swtsours · 29 days
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“   he’s   not   good   enough   for   you   !   i   would   be   !   ”
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theirmadness · 3 months
@dreamgrlevl kneels before the queen. ♡
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❝ and you are certain that this will work? ❞ daenerys looked up at the older woman, silver hair loose as she searched for any sign of... things she should be wary of, upon the other's face. but all she saw was an enticing woman who claimed she could help her. heal her womb, that she may quicken with child again. daenerys wanted a child to call her own since she had lost her son. she brushed her hair off her shoulder, exposing her pale white neck to the other. she tilted her head to the side, offering herself up to sirena. was she foolish for trusting her? was she making the same mistake she had made with the witch, when she had lost her husband, her son, and everything else they had? no. this wasn't just for the promises that the other had made. sirena had said that the venom she carried within her might work, might heal some part of her, but she had also said she hungered for a taste of dragon blood. and daenerys would be lying if she said she is not interested. when was the last time she had taken a lover? she could not remember the last time someone had made her forget about the troubles of ruling. so when she offers herself up to the other, it's not just with the hopes of being able to carry an heir: she wants to be touched, to feel wanted for more than dragons and titles.
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attroxx · 6 months
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@sosordid liked for valentine. | closed starter.
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not one for drinking valentine isn't exactly sure why is feet carried him here. it'd been at least a month since a beer had hit his lips, yet here he stands now feeling obligated to order something. sliding onto the stool he glances around before eyes catch the man.
❛ you got any recommendations ? ❜
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lucie-newman · 3 months
Where: Lou's apartment Who: @james-adams
"It's like homework," Lou said, kicking her feet up on the coffee table. (One foot still stuffed into her black and yellow compression socks.) "Because I was fucking stellar at that in high school." It felt natural by now to have James over, to let the spill of a workday drop over into her apartment. She'd pulled out treats from the pantry before relaxing and bringing up her Lamaze class and the playlists they were supposed to be making. "And I just know everyone's going to show up with these Bryan Adams "Everything I do" songs. And I've got," she looked at her list, "Metallica's 'Enter Sandman.'"
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ruinouss · 3 months
@ferinehuntress said: "Debates are stupid because why would I want to sit down and argue with someone blatantly dumber than me." - Caitlyn / Faye
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Her head was propped up on her hand as she watched Caitlyn with a bemused expression. Faye's opinions on debates reflected Caitlyn's but it was always nice to hear someone else verbally say it. Especially, when that person came from Piltover as she often imagined they all enjoyed debating one another when there were easier solutions. Of course, having grown up in Zaun she found the fastest solutions came with action. There had been occasions when she could talk her way out of a bad situation but due to her small appearance, she was often looked down upon — literally.
At least, until she showed where her true talents lay. She wasn't particularly strong but she had a keen eye and could easily find someone's weak spot and go for it with her speed. But, this wasn't Zaun. They were in Piltover and needed to do it the boring way.
"Well, there are few things I enjoy more than sayin' 'I told ya so'," Faye finally responded, offering a playful smirk. Though, with the blatantly dumb ones it'd be easier to argue with a pile of rocks. "There's also always the option of bypassin' the debate altogether and just provin' your point. I think the sayin' goes "better to ask for forgiveness than permission?" or somethin' like that." Faye waved her hand in the air dismissively before resting her cheek on it once again.
"I am here to assist if you'd like. I don't mind doin' the dirty work or causin' a scene if you need it," she grinned, her smirk widening into a full smile. Causing a little mayhem was always enjoyable, and seeing the bewildered faces of the people in Piltover always brightened her day.
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xcorikhang · 11 months
when: halloween masquerade - october 28, 2023 who: Cori & @mcgreyson
Cori had been wandering the mansion for some time, ultimately finding herself upstairs at the bar. After grabbing a drink, she made the rounds in the lounge, seeing who all of her friends or acquaintances she found. Spotting Greyson, she walked over with the kind of energy that could only be attributed to already being a couple of drinks in. "Enjoying this shindig?"
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xjaylahopkins · 5 months
where: Horseback Riding at Harmony Ranch when: Earth Week - April 2024 who: Jayla & @irisxanthe
Jayla spent most of her weekends at Harmony Ranch with her horse, Misty, as it was. It was always exciting when she managed to convince someone else into tagging along. This trip to the ranch was even more exciting as her companion for the day was her roommates, Iris. While Jayla would be riding her own horse, they had to find a horse for Iris first. "This is Lucky," she introduced Iris to one of the ranch horses she often helped care for.
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