#hopefulbagtan ill be your eyes
hopefulbangtan · 8 years
I’ll be your eyes (4) - Kim Taehyung (fluff/angst)
Masterlist (links to all previous chapters there!)  Previous
Y/N is a lonely 14 year old girl who is blind. She doesn’t have any friends until she gets a new neighbour, Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung shows her the world in his own way.
3rd Persons Pov
“Well, it looks delicious.” Y/N joked as Tae was getting ready to open the pizza box.
Tae snorted and opened the box. The two ate in comfortable quiet as the radio lulled in the background.
“What time is it?” Y/N asked after they’d ate.
“Time you bought a watch,”
“Wow. SO original,” Y/N chuckled and rolled her eyes.
“Its 9pm.”
“Shall we go lay on my bed and talk? It’s comfier,”
So, the two went upstairs. Taehyung went to the guest room to get changed into his pyjamas. He opted for wearing a plain white cotton tee, and grey sweatpants.
He was confused, really confused. He doesn’t know why whenever Y/N was close his heart skipped beats, why whenever she smiled he felt his stomach flip. Even her laughing could send him in a haze. Was he getting sick?
He shakes these thoughts away and goes back to Y/N’s bedroom. She’d changed into a black ¾ sleeved top and grey shorts, he gulped silently and went to go sit on the opposite side of the bed to her. She heard him and shot a smile in his general direction. She had turned the TV on, and the big bang theory was running, quietly. The main light had been turned off and instead she had turned on a lamp (not that it changed anything to her, she only did it for Taehyung), giving the room a very cosy feel.
“Let’s lay under the covers, its comfier.” Taehyung suggested and they both moved under the duvet, they still laid on opposite sides of the bed, but they faced eachother, Tae’s heart sped up.
“Why don’t you go to school? There are people there who would be able to help you,” Taehyung said, nothing much louder than a whisper (and it didn’t need to be any louder).
“I hear some of the towns kids snickering about me when I passed them on the street. I wouldn’t like that 5 days a week,” She replied, voice no louder than Tae’s was.
“Have you ever had a boyfriend?” Taehyung asked suddenly, then internally scolded himself for asking such an absurd question.
“No. Actually, you’re my first real friend. I had a few friends a while ago, but I don’t think they actually liked me. They made fun of me and then stopped contacting me after a few weeks,”
Taehyung felt his heart swell.
“I’ll never leave you, I promise,” He said quietly, and took one of Y/N’s small hands into his big ones.
Y/N smiled wide, and then closed her eyes. The two stayed quiet for a bit, content to just be laid there. They paid little attention to the television.
“Tell me what its like to see,” Y/N said quietly after a while, and Taehyung took a moment to respond.
He talked about how he associated different colours with different feelings, and how they could change, ‘Red. Sometimes it makes you feel really bad, but, sometimes it’s like elegance, and it’s something fancy and calming then. It can also mean love; hearts are red.’. He had difficulty explaining colours at first, but it got easier and easier. Y/N listened intently.
Neither of them really noticed, but as Tae explained, the two got closer and closer, until Y/N was wrapped up in Taehyung arms, and suddenly they both felt sleepy.
Taehyung woke up feeling warm, in his heart, he had Y/N in his arms, and he swears he’s never seen perfection like it. He pulls his arms tighter around her and she snuggled further into his chest. He peered at the clock- 10am. They had two hours before her dad came back.
He closed his eyes again and smiled to himself as he thought of Y/N.
When he felt her stir in her sleep, he opened his eyes and watched as she woke up.
“Morning,” His husky voice rung out.
“Morning.” Y/N said, voice still sleepy.
“I’ll make us breakfast in a bit. You like pancakes?”
“Who doesn’t?”
“You gotta meet them. You’d love them all I promise. They’re loud but hilarious.” Taehyung spoke through bites.
“If you insist that they’re all that great then sure. You just pick the time and place.”
“I’ll have a good think about that,”
The two sat and talked about their favourite bands for a while, both stretched out on separate sofas.
“Are there any more? Colours I mean…” Y/N sheepishly asked
Taehyung went through other colours; he went through loads until Y/N interrupted.
“I want to see, Taehyung,” She said sadly.
“You don’t need your sight for that.” Taehyung said, “I’ll be your eyes, show you the world in my own way.”
Y/N smiled to herself and turned to where Tae’s voice had been coming from the entire time. He smiles back. When they hear the front door open, both teens sit up. They hear Y/N’s dad in the kitchen and so they head there.
“Hello kids!” Y/N’s dad calls out to them, in a very good mood.
“How was work?” Y/N took a seat at the counter and Taehyung moved to do the same.
“It was good, I finished my shift at 10 but then I went out for coffee with Jenny,” He commented as he poured himself a glass of water. “Did you two have fun last night?”
“Yeah- we went for a walk around the park, then came back and had pizza and watched a few films,” Y/N replied, leaving out certain details (and for good reason). “Taehyung’s going to introduce me to his school friends sometime,”
“That’ll be nice. I’ve been thinking about school lately- Don’t you think you might like to go for a bit? Test the waters?”
Y/N shook her head, replying in a small voice that she ‘doesn’t want to take any risks’ and her dad nods understandingly.
“You’re in an intoxicatingly good mood” Jin narrows his eyes at the younger.
The seven of them are in the school canteen. It’s loud, and smells but they have a comfortable spot where they sit in the corner, the table far away enough from where all the freshman sat (who would mercilessly spray aftershave, creating a disgusting smell as it mixed with the scent of greasy food.
“I am?” Taehyung hummed as he took a bite of his sandwich.
“Yeah, you are. Is it a girl?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow.
Taehyung hummed in response, affirmative. The guys all made a small sound of shock and Jimin leaned closer to Taehyung to hear the story. Taehyung was oblivious to how intrigued they were and continued to hum contently and eat his ham & cheese sandwich. After a few minutes of this (his friends gawking at him and him just being the happy kid he is) Yoongi had had enough and slapped Taehyung at the back of his head.
“Owww hyung you meanie!”
“You like a girl? You never talk about this sorta stuff, is she pretty?” Jungkook asked in shock.
“She’s really pretty- and cool too.” Taehyung said through a mouthful of food. “I spent the weekend at her house, her dad works night shifts so I stayed with her, she only lives next door.”
“You were home alone with her, all night?” Namjoon spoke out, eyes wide. “What did you two do together?”
Taehyung had a slight blush and he laughed a little to himself. This had the boys going a whole different level of curious.
“Yeah, we were home alone all night. What do you mean what did we do together? Er, we went for a walk, watched some movies, then we went to her bedroom and we slept together.”
Jin choked on his milk.
“You two what?” The eldest spluttered out
“Slept together? Yeah we both fell asleep. She fell asleep on my chest it was really cute.” Taehyung said, eyes wide with innocence.
Taehyung’s mind wasn’t innocent, but it took him a couple of moments to realise what he had said, and had giggles for the next few minutes.
“So, you like her? You’re going to ask her to be your girlfriend?”
“Huh? I thought you meant like a girl as in just like. I didn’t say I wanted to ask her out.” Taehyung rolled his eyes, “I haven’t known her that long. I want you guys to meet her, I was thinking we could all do something next weekend”
“Yah, this kid…” Yoongi sighed.
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