#hopefully without the teenagers throwing glasses at people and burning flags (which i believe got under control quickly and noone got hurt)
newtness532 · 2 years
Favorite memories from today:
The (mostly elderly) people coming out on their balconies and waving and cheering for us and the little children on the street waving their pride flags
The people in the most amazing outfits and makeup looks, including the iconic person who was wearing an unbuttoned shirt and had pride stickers on their nipples
Waving flags. Like when a nice song was playing or when the parade-van would honk or for whatever reason, it just gave me so much serotonin
That one dude going back and forth chanting "I'm a virgin and I'm proud" while holding a bible
"Not everyone with colored hair is queer. I mean here they are but y'know"
Seeing so many ace folks
Feeling so comfortable that I was happily dancing and singing in the middle of the street with so many people watching and cameras being everywhere
All the signs!!!!!
The sunset being so beautiful while we were marching
The fireworks at the end of the parade
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