#hoping this photo doesnt doxx me
rubyreduji · 1 year
i got 127-ed *head in hands sobbing* IM NOT EVEN AN NCT STAN and i still was like "exit WHAT?!?" while driving 😭
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evilterf · 7 years
It used to infuriate me when people would say that this generation is full of a bunch of babies but it's true. Like fuck.
People don't debate to debate anymore they argue to win. They won't take any new information, new research, and apply it to their opinions and views and shit maybe learn something new and change their mind. They don't give a fuck about that.
My friends will argue with me over bullshit that I USED TO BELIEVE. They'll try to convince my that porn is good and empowering. Like shit dude you don't have to convince me I used to believe it too back when I was a fuckig idiot. But I listened to sex workers who left the business and what they have to go through. I looked at statistics. I looked at society. And I changed my fucking mind.
Because I found out new information that was completely against everything I believed in, but it made sense so I took that to heart and decided to go with what I thought was right.
Instead of my friends listening to me they just use the same exact arguments on me that I used to use on others. Instead of listening they just wait until I say anything that they have "the perfect argument for" and just interrupt me with that. I'm not going back to believing what I used to believe because I have reasons to never go back to those ideas again.
If they said something that made the slightest about of sense then yes I would take that into consideration and perhaps form a new opinion. Even if 1% of sex workers find porn empowering and genuinely want to do it, I will never support it because of the majority who are constantly abused in the industry.
Everyone now just looks at the minority instead of the majority. shit some people don't have all their limbs. Some people are blind. Doesn't mean we change our WHOLE VOCABULARY just to make them feel included. And they don't have entire movements against phrases like "can I lend a hand, hey look over there, wow don't you hate it when you stub your toe"
And we don't go out of our way to make these people feel less isolated and they don't expect us to and don't get offended over stupid bullshit like that because everyone knows we don't say things like that in order to exclude and offend them, we're just saying it because hey most people can see. Most people have two arms and two legs. It doesn't mean we hate the people who don't and want them to die.
Mainstream media is fucking bullshit. "Believe what I say otherwise I'm going to doxx you and ruin your life!!!" They use fear tactics constantly in order to get their opinion heard. Everyone is so scared of pissing someone off that they walk on eggshells and accept everything they're told without hesititation. No one looks into or researches anything anymore they just go with the popular idea.
How many people actually looked into Bernie sanders and what his plans were for president??? I'll bet a HELL of a lot less than the amount of people actually planning to vote for him. Why? Because they saw a meme on Facebook and believed it whole heartedly. I supported Bernie but not blindly. Not everything you see on social media is true. Anyone can post a photo with a caption.
Like fuck. The mainstream liberal feminist bullshit is literally just full of cry babies. They've gone so far left they act more extreme that republicans half the time. At least republicans are just assholes and have shitty opinions instead of literally telling 16 year old that they hope they get raped and killed and their family too. Shits fucked.
These people so whole heartedly believe what they've been told they want people who disagree with them TO DIE. and their FAMILIES.
I'm just fucking sick of it and there's a reason I never express my political opinions outside of this blog. There's no fucking point in getting into a discussion with someone when they just want to win. It's all about winning. There's a reason everyone thinks millennials are whack and entitled.
Whatever dude I'm a millennial and I don't have those opinions but I can see why people think it just because the people who scream the loudest ARE fucking entitled and crazy and big ass cry babies. They're the ones making this opinion truer every day
This post isn't about radical feminists it's about liberal feminists. Because theyre the ones with the widespread beliefs and the ones shoving opinions down people throats without explanation. We don't shove our opinions down people's throats, at least I don't. whenever someone comes into my inbox saying they're libfem but confused about a certain subject but scared to ask their friends, I kindly explain it to them. I don't tell them what to think. I tell them what I think and why. If they take all that information and STILL decide to be a libfem I'm still not going to wish death upon them. All I want is for people to actually think about shit and get information from both sides before blindly picking a belief. Just fuck. Stop telling people what to fucking think without even EXPLAINING WHY YOU THINK THAT WAY. EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO A FUCKING OPINION AND IF YOU WANT TO BELIEVE SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN ME FINE. THERES ALWAYS GONNA BE SHITTY PEOPLE OUT THERE BUT AT LEAST FUCKIJG RESEARCH IT BEFORE SHOVING IT DOWN PEOPLES THROATS ON THE FUCKING INTERNET. JUST BECAUSE SOMETHING OFFENDS YOU DOESNT MEAN THAT YOU ARE RIGHT.
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