#even tho its quite a ways away from where i live
rubyreduji · 1 year
i got 127-ed *head in hands sobbing* IM NOT EVEN AN NCT STAN and i still was like "exit WHAT?!?" while driving 😭
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neckromantics · 4 months
Can we please talk about how often vampires are seen having infatuations with the living, simply because they’re… well, living? How Astarion's vampiric nature would have him frequently mesmerized by just how alive you are??
(nsfw warning. oops. It's mostly fluff tho. there is kinda breathplay in this. i didn't mean to, but-)
Astarion who, smitten as he is, rests his head against your chest during one of your regular lazy morning cuddles. He’s not so covertly listening in on the pounding of your heart. Bare skin sensitive to every brush of his fingertips as he traces them up and down the softness of your side, tapping along to each solid thud as it beats away for him. You try not to squirm too much in fear of jostling him out of whatever dreamlike state he’s fallen into, but you’ve no need to worry. Your soft breathing—the subsequent rise and fall of your belly— is only lulling him further and further into that rare state of tranquility.
After a while, he’ll relocate a little further down. One pointed ear presses tight to the tender skin of your ribs as he seeks to be even closer to the sound, and this time, you can’t stop yourself from squirming. It’s his hair that does you in. The pale curls at the back of his neck are so silky soft against your flesh that it just about tickles, and the goosebumps that start to crawl their way up your arms only get worse each time he readjusts. He sounds so drowsy when he shushes your giggles, and when you insist you can’t help it, that it's his fault, he shushes you a second time. As if the sound of your laughter isn’t precious to him all on its own.
Astarion, who often finds himself with his lips to your pulse point without really knowing how he got there. You’ll be sat by the fire having idle chit-chat, and the next thing you know, he’s pulling your joined hands up toward his mouth as it’s your turn to speak. The first time it’d happened, you thought maybe he wanted a bit of a snack or something (not that he’s really ever done so without asking, first. Even though you’ve said about one thousand times that the offer is always on the table), but when you turned to glance at him, there wasn’t an ounce of hunger in those ruby eyes of his. He was listening to you as intently as always. Even nodded to encourage you when your sentence trailed off a bit in your confusion.
You’re not entirely sure he knows he’s doing it, or why he’s doing it for that matter, but you couldn’t be more wrong.
There’s a general warmth radiating from you that, despite Astarion’s best efforts in the past, he’s always been magnetized to. But here? Where his mouth stays poised? It’s a heat like nothing else. The steady pulse of blood—of life—calls out to him like a siren song, and while the hunger is there (will always be there), there is also something else. Something more, perhaps? A feeling he can’t quite put a name to. It’s a comfort, maybe. An assurance, he reasons to himself. That steady thump of life beneath his lips is proof enough that you’re still here with him.
Conversations continue without a hitch now-a-days, despite his voice being a little more than muffled with his lips jammed against whatever pulse point he can find. But, you don’t mind because while you can’t see him smiling, you sure can feel it.
Astarion, who gets struck with such a strange, desperate need to feel your breath that he has to lift his hand to your lips as he sinks deep into your warmth. Mouth half-open from your previous slack-jawed whining, not even a moment passes before you’re pressing sloppy, wet kisses to the cool skin he’s offered up to you, lids heavy with lust as you try and fail to keep your eyes focused on your lover. It still baffles him how you never miss a beat—not with him, anyway—not even when he’s got the entire bottom half of your face cupped beneath a firm hand.
His own mouth can't stop exploring every inch of flesh it can reach. He says your name but it sounds more like a thank you, fangs pricking against the inside of the arm you've got wrapped around his neck as your heels dig into the meat of his ass to nudge him forward still. Your fingers curl into his hair, getting a good handful that you'd never dare to pull. It's a gentle guiding that drives him mad—the way you herd him ever closer with such a tender touch—as if he isn't pinning you into the mattress with the majority of his weight already.
While his breaths are unneeded, they quickly match pace with the ones you’re puffing against his hand. Hitching into a gasp that he can’t think to contain when your moaning sends vibrations all the way up to his elbow. Your quick gulps of air stutter beneath him as the two of you get your bearings, and your next exhale is so sharp as his hips jerk against yours that it practically whistles out between the spaces of his fingers.
Astarion doesn't think he's ever heard anything more perfect in all his undeath.
(Me quietly to myself: what kind of kink is this.)
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chocosvt · 2 months
HER | part three (m).
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✧✎ synopsis: wonwoo, a heartbroken and burnt out writer nearing the end of his math degree, wants nothing to do with the seemingly perfect, intimidating girl who has everyone under her thumb. you. unfortunately, his literary talent has got him shoved him between a rock and a hard place when you want to write a book and require his expertise. you two are the furthest from compatible. wonwoo can’t see this going well. at all.
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pairing: wonwoo x fem!reader word count: 24.8k genres/tropes: writer!wonwoo, university!au, plug!vernon + boyfriend!mingyu as prominent side characters, SLOWBURN (i am not fucking around this is my slowest burn yet), relationship drama, soul searching, strong angst/hurt (i’m coming for the jugular), comfort, romance, smut, a smoothie of every emotion on earth.
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(!) warnings: drug use (weed, cocaine, ecstasy), wonwoo has anxiety + anxiety attacks + fairly dark thoughts, prescribed medication, gambling, intense language, infidelity, throwing up.
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✧✎ a/n: just some quick things i want to make apparent!
the fic is told from wonwoo’s pov, not the reader’s! 
all major timeline events are organized through chronological dates
any smut or potentially triggering scenes are NOT MARKED bc the content is already quite mature, so just plz be aware of that! 
bolded and italicized text implies the characters are conversing in korean, tho it doesn’t happen often!
the fic in its entirety is 140k, so it has been split into 6 parts.
THE MIDWAY POINT 🎉 now i've just gotta prepare the last 3 parts! this is a chunkier chapter. it contains one of the longest scenes i've ever written (not even the full thing lol, it had to be split). but you'll see why, a lot had to "occur" :p
happy reading!! 💕
⇢ part one | part two | part four | part five | part six ⇢ soundtrack for those curious! ⇢ read at ur own pace! :)
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“Holy fuck—you really did lose your shoe.”
He hadn’t actually noticed until you were both inside his dim apartment, puddles of water now forming on the floorboards.
“I told you!”
Looking down, you had on just a black, sodden sock. With a suctioning and uncomfortably wet squelch, you managed to toe off your remaining sneaker, flinging it carefully onto the shoe mat.
Wonwoo did the same.
Thunder continued rumbling outside, with lightning hitting no more than a few seconds after. The strikes were like white knives in the sky, ripping and shearing apart the storm clouds of summer humidity.
“Jesus,” you huffed, hands moulding down your face to wipe away all the droplets, “I can’t believe you got me to run, first of all. Second of all, I can’t tell if I absolutely hated or thoroughly enjoyed that.”
“I liked it,” Wonwoo said.
“Of course you did.”
He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a dish towel to begin cleaning off his glasses and phone, not caring about all the water he was dragging so liberally everywhere. Once Wonwoo fit the frames back to his face, he was able to clearly see you still standing by the door, and he appreciated that you didn’t want to make a mess of his living room even though it wouldn’t matter to him one teensy tiny bit.
Your fingers picked in a distracted manner at the clusters of your dripping hair, meanwhile soft, watery mascara dappled down your arched cheeks, framing you akin to a detailed and evocative painting. That hemmed, white t-shirt was clinging in soaked wrinkles to your heaving torso and chest, revealing subtle imprints of all the bare skin underneath. And Wonwoo found himself looking. Not in a lecherous, tainted way, but in the simple fact that you were…
He suddenly bit down on his inner cheek, curled his hand into a fist where he could easily dig at the scars on his thumb.
To Wonwoo, you were so indescribably beautiful, standing near his doorway, soaked to the bone in the rebirth of rainfall.
He had always thought you were pretty, but in that moment, he knew it was more than just that—it was a realization that stopped the breath in his lungs and the heavy beats his heart was just barely making. At least, that was how it felt. Wonwoo sensed his panic flare up for a split second, and then it simmered away into casual nervousness. Before his eyes could linger long enough to get caught, he remembered to take a deep inhale and reground his thoughts. You stopped fiddling with your hair and sniffled.
“Um, is it okay if I jump in your shower? I mean—well, it’s your place, so if you want to get yourself sorted first, that’s fine.”
He shook his head. “No, it’s okay. I don’t mind at all.”
You smiled back at him, adjusting the small leather bag strewn over your shoulder. He hoped your journal wasn’t soaked.
“Are you sure?”
“Well—okay, let me just run into my room and grab some clothes. I’ll dry off real quick in the washroom and change. I promise it’ll take me less than like, five minutes.”
“That’s probably best. I’ll just keep standing here.”
Hopping his way across the apartment, Wonwoo made it into his bedroom where he began ripping open the dresser drawers, pulling out some basic clothes like sweatpants and a hoodie. Then, he slipped into the washroom, peeling all the sopping, disgustingly sticky articles from his body and throwing them into the sink. Once he rubbed off with a towel, Wonwoo quickly got dressed—probably the fastest he’d ever put on clothes in his entire life. You were still standing patiently by the door when Wonwoo returned to the living room, having dumped his wet outfit into the laundry hamper.
“I’m making a colossal sized puddle right now.” You laughed.
“Ha—that’s okay,” Wonwoo answered, handing you a clean towel he’d pulled from his toiletries closet. “I’ll take care of it.”
You started walking toward the corridor, and then stopped.
“Do you think you have any clothes that might fit me? It’s just—I obviously don’t want to wear this again," you said, gesturing to the t-shirt and long skirt damply flush to your figure.
“Oh, yeah. I’ll look through my dresser and closet and pick out some stuff—you can see which fits best. I’ll throw your clothes and mine into the laundry as well—get it all clean and warmed up.”
“I’d love that, thank you.”
While you started undressing in his washroom, Wonwoo began sorting through all the clothes he had, pulling out older t-shirts and even some shorts, though he knew they most likely wouldn’t fit you. He heard you turn on the shower and wait for it to start heating.
Once Wonwoo was satisfied with all the options he’d picked, he knocked a few times on the washroom door. It was pulled open rather quickly, and he saw you standing in the threshold of thickening, hot steam, holding the spare towel closed at your chest.
“For you. There’s a whole bunch of sizes.”
“Okay, thank you so much. Do you want my clothes?”
“Yeah—that’s all of it?”
“Okay. Take your time. I’m gonna run to the basement and get these in the laundry. I’ll probably be back up in like, five minutes. If you need anything else, just shout. I’ll be able to hear it.”
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Wonwoo wasn’t sure how long it took you to shower, mostly because he was too occupied with looking out the windowpanes from his seat at the couch, watching the downpour continue, the evening dimness that flooded the room, and the liquified twinkling of city lights flickering behind all the rain. However, once you emerged from his bedroom and padded into the living area, dressed in a dark blue, logoed shirt from the neatly folded pile he’d handed you, Wonwoo had snapped back to the present. You smiled at him, and he saw that your face was now cleaned of the runny mascara and makeup.
“Oh—uh, our clothes are still in the laundry.”
“That’s okay,” you answered while walking around the coffee table. “I knew they wouldn’t be done right away. I’m fine to wait.”
Wonwoo proceeded to sit up straighter against the couch, rather than his slouched, wide spread position that he’d unconsciously sunk into before when staring vacantly into the rain.
“And, uh—just so you know, I’m wearing an embarrassing lack of clothes right now,” you admitted through your teeth, taking a ginger seat beside him. “So, like, not that I’m saying you’re going to be weird about it ‘cause I know you won’t be, but, do you have a blanket or something that I can toss over my lap?”
Immediately, Wonwoo got up from the couch.
“Yeah, there’s one in my room. I’ll grab it.”
He saw that your bag was also left in his bedroom, so he took it out with him, a few remaining droplets still bulbed on the surface.
“It’s probably not as soft as the one at your place.”
“Doesn’t matter.” You flapped the blanket out and settled it primly over your legs. “And thanks for grabbing my bag, too.”
Wonwoo collapsed back onto the sofa.
“I hope your journal’s not ruined.”
After fishing around inside the pouch, you pulled out your phone, and then the leather notebook, which was completely dry.
“Oh, thank God. I’d actually be so pissed if it was wet, probably more so than my phone.” You flipped through the pages, feeling for any splotches or tears. “I prevail, after all.”
Wonwoo smiled, and fluffed a hand through his hair.
“If you decide to stay longer because the rain won’t let up, I can always try to make you supper, or something. I can’t promise that it will be the best meal of your life, but I’m not that incompetent.”
“Oh—but what if I want something extravagant?” You smirked while flitting through your text messages. “Like buttery lobster with garlic mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables?”
He scratched under the pad of his glasses.
“Is that what you usually eat?”
“No. Only when I’m feeling super fancy. I force Mingyu to cook it for me because he’s good at that stuff. Really, I shouldn’t have to ask him—” you glanced at Wonwoo, smiling, “—he should just do it.”
“Well, if you decide to stay, I can make the next best thing.”
“Yeah? What’s that?”
Looking into his kitchen, Wonwoo laughed at himself.
“Oh! I actually love ramen,” you exclaimed, shuffling up your legs under the blanket. “And I would totally stay, but I promised Princess that I’d come to her new place at six o’clock-ish to help do some unpacking. Once my clothes are all done, I’ll probably get her to come pick me up. I don't know when the rain's gonna stop."
“That’s fine,” Wonwoo replied with an accepting, warm expression, even though on the inside, he was rotting in disappointment because he would have given anything for you to stay and eat supper, maybe watch a movie afterward, order ice cream.
He hated when you would leave. It left him to swim alone with his own thoughts—mostly consumed by you—and dreadfully wait until he could see or hear from you again. As Wonwoo stared off into space, he felt the phone in his pocket buzz.
It was a text from Vernon.
[ Vernon | 5:05 pm ]: hey sir-dork-a-lot
[ Vernon | 5:05 pm ]:  you asked her about the party yet?!
Fuck. The stupid party. The Solar Pop incident with Mingyu.
Wonwoo had completely forgot that was somehow supposed to wedge his way into receiving an invite, when he didn’t even want to go in the first place. Parties genuinely weren’t his scene.
Especially the kind that Mingyu and his friend, Seungcheol, would throw. But, at the same time, there was this very small seed of curiosity planted in his stomach—that, maybe, Wonwoo should just shoulder off his hatred of loud, cramped spaces and obnoxious university students chugging all their drinks straight from the bottle. If he just tried his best to stay calm, stay level-headed, breathe, then perhaps Wonwoo could survive a night partying with Vernon, as fucking ridiculous and deluded as it sounded.
He glanced over at you, who was texting someone.
God. Did he really want to ruin this calm, comfortable moment right now to ask about your boyfriend’s big slosh-fest?
“So, I noticed in your schedule, like, two weeks into June, you’re gonna be off the call for three days, I think.”
You scratched your cheek, continuing to text.
“Oh, yeah. I thought I already brought that up, but maybe I’m thinking of a conversation with someone else.” Shutting off your phone, you started sliding it around the blanket while talking. “It’s this big party that Mingyu’s helping to host with his friend from basketball, Seungcheol. I don't know if you're familiar with him. They do it every summer. It’s always so much fun, but I get so fucked up that I need at least two days recovery.”
Wonwoo swallowed, feeling how dry his throat was.
“Yeah. I know Mingyu’s trying to get coke from Vernon.”
You stopped playing with the phone, instead looking immediately to Wonwoo through the rays of gradual light that began easing past the gentler rain. He held his breath.
“Right, Vernon.” You almost shuddered.
“If he can get his hands on it, then, fuck, I’m fine with that. Whatever. Mingyu invited him, of course. As long as he doesn’t slink up to me and try to convince me the ten different ways he can give me the best orgasm I’ve ever had, I guess I shouldn’t whine.”
Wonwoo was embarrassed for his friend—it was a pretty rough situation, he would imagine. Not his most shining moment.
“I know he’s your bestie,” you said, stretching your legs out onto the coffee table, “and I’m not going to judge you to your face, but I will be judging you, silently, in the recesses of my own mind.”
Snickering, Wonwoo rubbed a hand down his neck.
“The transparency’s nice, I suppose. But, yeah. I understand why you’d have a gripe with him. To be fair, he’s not that bad. He’s a good guy that’s wrapped up in some shitty habits. I’m sure you taught him a lesson that night. It gave him a serious degree of humbling.”
“Pfft. Did it, now?”
Wonwoo opened his mouth, but he didn’t speak, and it was then you doubled over in laughter at him, patting a hand on his knee.
“No, no. It’s okay. I’ll just deal.”
“I know you will… and, like, be safe and stuff.”
You grinned, shaking your head.
“Oh, yeah. No need to worry. I know my limits… okay—well, actually, I shouldn’t say that—I have a vaguely good idea of where my limits are, and sometimes I happen to surpass them. Not by ignorance, though. My mind is just too mushy at that point to care.”
“How incredibly rambunctious,” Wonwoo replied. “You’re probably blacklisted everywhere; a walking threat, actually.
“Oh, shut up,” you chuckled, folding your arms. “If you were trying to wiggle your way into being invited, I’m revoking it now.”
“Well, that soils my next question.”
You raised your eyebrows, “… which is?”
For a moment, Wonwoo couldn’t process that he was about to ask such a pathetic question. He tried thinking about it more as an out-of-body experience, where it wasn’t really his true conscience taking the sails. You kept watching him, waiting for his response.
Thankfully, you didn’t grant him the breadth to speak, and he was certain a lively hue of colour had just flushed back to his face.
“Oh, you’re being serious. You want to go?”
“Not really,” Wonwoo admitted, pushing up his glasses. “But, uh, I don’t know. It helps that Vernon will be there. I’m sure you can tell, I’m not a party person—not at all. Just, it could be a good opportunity for… um… well, I really can’t explain why, actually.”
“Hm.” Your eyes narrowed. “I assume it’s Vernon pushing you into it for some stupid reason… I mean, I have no issues with you going, of course!” He watched you adjust your legs under the blanket, tucking them back beneath you. “But just so you know, these parties are kinda intense and can be a major sensory overload—even for me! And I know that you don’t like talking about it but I’m not sure how well it bodes to put you in a position where you might have… uh, never mind, actually. I shouldn’t speak on stuff that doesn’t concern me. I just care about your wellbeing.”
Wonwoo pushed his lips together. A slight rush of something warm and tingly flowered at his core and he couldn’t tell if he absolutely loved it or wanted the feeling to wither up and die. More light streamed through his windows as the rain weaned off and the sky morphed from grey back to a softer, evening powder blue.
“I appreciate your concern,” he answered after an almost questionable silence, “I’m sure it will be fine.”
“Oh, sorry—I just wanted to be sure.”
“It’s okay.”
Neither of you spoke for a moment. Wonwoo twiddled his thumbs while you stared down at the blanket, presumably thinking.
“I would love for you to come, then.”
He caught you smiling at him after extending the offer in a quiet voice. The outside light filled up your eyes like a glass of swirling gold and Wonwoo believed your earnesty. And while he knew Vernon would be elated that he was able to come, Wonwoo was fighting to understand if he felt more relieved or terrified.
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Coming home from his long shift at the pharmacy, it was some time past eleven at night. The day hadn’t been extremely busy, but Wonwoo found it always slowed down the most dramatically when he was absolutely itching to leave. He tried his best to get relaxed, jumping into a warm but short shower, making himself a cup of chamomile tea, looking back on some favourite excerpts from the journal he kept buried away in the first drawer on his nightstand.
Wonwoo willed himself not to look at any screens. And, yet, as he sat in his bed, drinking the last few sips of tea from his hot, porcelain cup, Wonwoo’s eyes flickered across the room to his desk where his laptop was placed, and he felt this ticking urge to write.
At first, he wasn’t sure what to do.
After all, he’d been putting in a significant effort to fix that godawful, nightmarish sleep schedule of his, and while his ventures weren’t always the most successful, Wonwoo was making notable strides. To throw that all away—just to pick open his laptop and most likely end up staring straight into a lurid, white screen, while nothing of actual substance came to his fingertips—it was fruitless, and perhaps a bit stupid. He knew he needed to let that story die.
The longer it sat, collecting pixelated dust on his desktop, the more it made sense to simply delete it. Move on. Acknowledge the fact that this relationship he once perceived as so perfect and glimmering had ended, and trying to find some wisps of closure in forcing himself to complete a fizzled romance was pointless. It made so much sense. Besides, Wonwoo was happier now than he had been back in March, April, May. And, he could attribute much of that to someone he once feared and poorly understood—you.
It was hard to describe, but you had been this flare—a comet more like—that kind of blazed with an uncontrolled fire into his very bleak life. And while he’d definitely felt your scorching, uncomfortable sting more than once, he was able to realize there was something so unique and enriching about you. Because you weren’t just an uncontrollable fire, you were a full body laugh that made it hard to breath, but in the best, most treasured way. You were the quiet stillness of a pond, deep in the woods, listening to all the sounds that thrived around you, even though it didn’t always seem like it.
And you were this very soft, caressing breeze that always found Wonwoo, even when he was at his lowest valleys, giving him that sensation of a shiver to let him know that he was still alive and breathing and not so horribly numb as he thought himself to be.
That was something he’d never experienced before.
It scared him somewhat, but there was comfort in the thought, nonetheless. True, warm, and pure comfort.
Wonwoo sighed, blinking away from his laptop.
He should probably just go to bed.
Once he washed his teacup out in the kitchen, Wonwoo started brushing his teeth. That big summer party he was supposed to attend with Vernon was tomorrow night, and to call him nervous was a complete understatement. Wonwoo wouldn’t be surprised if he threw up. He would probably have to smoke a bit before leaving, just to mellow out. Of course, Vernon was overflowing with excitation, and maybe that was a good thing—he could be Wonwoo’s buffer.
Since your day together at the museum, Wonwoo had revisited your apartment twice to help with further proofreading and editing. He would be downright lying if he claimed that having to read through a memoire of your fulgurant love for Mingyu wasn’t disheartening or turning him occasionally bitter. Wonwoo wanted to be happy that you were so devoted to him, you could write an entire book detailing all your sweetest moments and fondest memories and the overall history of your love. But he wasn’t happy in the slightest.
You made him happy—not you, plus Mingyu
Continuing to brush his teeth, Wonwoo heard his phone ding once, and then again from his bedroom. And while he hadn’t wanted to look at any screens tonight, he figured that responding to a couple texts wouldn’t thwart all his progress. With the toothbrush still hanging from the corner of his mouth, Wonwoo flopped backward onto the bed and yanked his phone off the charger. While he was expecting the messages to be from Vernon due to their late sending, he was quite surprised to see they were actually from you.
[ Her | 11:50 pm ]: IMG.2102
[ Her | 11:50 pm ]: do I look pretty?
Immediately, Wonwoo shuffled up onto his elbows, tapping at the picture you had sent him. When he nearly choked on the excess of minty foam stuck in his mouth, Wonwoo quickly ran into the washroom to spit it all out. He recognized the outfit you were wearing in the photo—it was that white two-piece from the boutique in the mall that you had tried on, with the high-waisted, short, tight skirt and the strapped top that wrapped around the back of your neck and criss-crossed over your chest. Coming back to his bed to sit down, Wonwoo leaned over with an elbow digging into his knee.
Did you mean to send that to him?
For a moment, his thumbs just hovered above the keyboard, attempting to concoct a coherent thought in his mind. He recognized the large, silver-bordered mirror from your bedroom. And while the phone was slightly covering your face, you had this leg crooked up in a sweet, almost delicate pose despite the open and revealing nature of the outfit. Wonwoo rubbed under his glasses, huffing out deeply.
[ Wonwoo | 11:55 pm ]: Did you mean to send this?
He prayed you didn’t take his text the wrong way.
[ Her | 11:55 pm ]: um yes
[ Her | 11:55 pm ]: ur wonwoo, aren’t u?
[ Her | 11:55 pm ]: I just wanted to know what u thought of the outfit I’m gonna wear. I know u have already seen it. but just in case u forgot I wanted to send another pic lol
[ Her | 11:56 pm ]: u think it’s bad? :(
Sitting back against his pillows, Wonwoo completely forgot all about his ‘no screens’ rule, texting you as quickly as possible.
[ Wonwoo | 11:56 pm ]: No, it doesn’t look bad at all.
[ Wonwoo | 11:56 pm ]: You look gorgeous.
[ Her | 11:57 pm ]: and ur not just saying that?
[ Wonwoo | 11:57 pm ]: No, of course not.
[ Wonwoo | 11:57 pm ]: You’ll be the prettiest there.
[ Her | 11:57 pm ]: omgg thxx <3 okay I feel better now
[ Wonwoo | 11:57 pm ]: Why? What happened?
At that moment, Wonwoo actually received a text from Seokmin, but he rapidly flicked it away. Another text followed, and Wonwoo swore he flicked it away even faster, as though Seokmin was actually talking into his ear despite the quietness of his bedroom.
[ Her | 11:59 pm ]: Mingyu told me he doesn’t really like it bc the skirt part is too short and he doesn’t like the top. he says it’s too revealing and that everyone will just be looking at my boobs lol. but I don’t want to change it :/ I like how it fits and it’s not like i’m going to be doing cartwheels or gymnastics
[ Her | 11:59 pm ]: idk he just made me feel bad about it
Wonwoo proceeded to rub a hand through his locks of clean, black hair, pulling them messily all over his head as he thought.
[ Wonwoo | 12:00 am ]: Hm. Well I do agree that it’s revealing and you probably will have people staring at you. I mean, if you’re not uncomfortable by that it’s fine. You’ll just have to be careful if you bend over or dance around, that’s all :) But I’m sure you already know that. You look beautiful. Don’t worry too much.
[ Her | 12:00 am ]: okayy thank you so much! :)
[ Wonwoo | 12:00 am ]: No problem.
[ Her | 12:01 am ]: I’m so glad that ur coming
[ Her | 12:01 am ]: it makes me feel better
[ Wonwoo | 12:01 am ]: Hopefully I can find you.
[ Her | 12:02 am ]: I’ll text you, no worries
[ Her | 12:02 am ]: mkay well I should go to bed now!
[ Her | 12:02 am ]: goodnight <3
[ Wonwoo | 12:02 am ]: Goodnight.
At last, Wonwoo clicked off the bright glare from his phone, setting it down against his chest. For at least five minutes, he did nothing but lay remarkably still in his bed and stare up at the ceiling, thinking—as he usually did—about why he was feeling that way.
That very certain, specific way that was so demanding in his heartbeat to be acknowledged, except for the fact Wonwoo wouldn’t acknowledge it because then he’d throw up and probably lose himself entirely as he panicked.
Eventually, his thoughts were becoming too loud for his liking, and Wonwoo promptly tossed his phone aside and crawled underneath the covers before turning off the bedside lamp.
Even then, Wonwoo was restless. When he tried rolling onto his side, the uncomfortable poking against his nose reminded him he hadn’t even removed his glasses. At first it was too hot, and Wonwoo pointed his leg out from beneath the blankets, pushing all the sheets down to rumple at his waist. But then it was notably cold after a few more minutes, and Wonwoo angrily stirred all his blankets back up to mask over his face. No matter what he did or how he positioned himself or what limb he decided to sacrifice to the hot-cold air, he wasn’t going to fall asleep. Wonwoo’s eyes popped open again.
Patting around the surface of the bed, his fingers eventually brushing the phone and glasses he’d discarded, Wonwoo decided he didn’t care about going to sleep anymore if that was how his body was going to so painfully treat him. He shuffled up more against the pillows splayed at his back and checked the messages sent by Seokmin about half an hour ago—the two boys hadn’t spoken in a while, almost since their exams ended in May, and while Wonwoo would have ideally liked to keep in touch with his friend, he was laughably horrible at it. At least Seokmin seemed chipper.
[ Seokmin | 11:57 pm ]: Hey Wonwoo!
[ Seokmin | 11:57 pm ]: I heard you were going to Mingyu and Seungcheol’s party! I didn’t think that would be something you’re into but I’ll also be there, probably for a couple hours
Wonwoo swiped out from the texts, not really feeling anything or thinking much about their content, and opened some messages from Vernon that he’d received at work but forgot to read.
[ Vernon |  9:55 pm ]: need a drive 4 the party?
[ Vernon | 9:55 pm ]: let me know beautiful xo
He couldn’t help but muster a chuckle at the teasing nature of his friend’s texts, though Wonwoo didn’t respond, making a mental note to answer the next day, instead. For another moment or two, he continued sitting in the dark shadows of his room, staring down at the only light which caught the reflection in his glasses. Wonwoo’s thumb at first hesitated, but then he was reopening his earlier conversation with you, and with a few upward flicks, he was back on that cute photo you’d sent him. It hadn’t left his mind at all.
This huge lump of guilt had come to sit in his gut like an anchor for a reason that Wonwoo didn’t begin recognizing, that is until he finally felt the pull from somewhere deep inside him—the thought had entered his mind and he knew if he just ignored it for even a second it would dissipate. But then, Wonwoo didn’t ignore it, because he didn’t truly want that. He was going to be selfish in that instance and sink into the pull, the heat—not dismissing the thought but the guilt he would later drown in—the shame of it all.
Wonwoo kicked off his mask of bedsheets, letting them settle in a slow puff around his ankles.
In the beginning, all of it felt so bizarre. The hand that twisted underneath his sweatpants, and then his boxers, coming to softly graze fingertips along his hardening shaft—he hadn’t done this in weeks. Wonwoo rarely experienced sexual frustration. It just wasn’t something that bothered him. But the absent tendency would always build up and inevitably break at some point and he hated that you were the cool, breathtaking breeze to push him over that cliff.
With the edges of his fingers, Wonwoo continued to stroke along himself, up and down, just barely touching. It would make his knee jolt or his thigh twitch, but the longer he teased, the more each touch transformed. The pleasure was soaking through and leading him in deeper until Wonwoo tilted up his hips in order to shove down the elastic waist of his sweatpants and underwear. The air was so cold but dually welcomed against his erection that he began pumping to full length in his hand, feeling it throb and grow and stiffen.
Wonwoo let his eyes flutter toward the phone he was holding at his stomach, examining your figure from head to toe. It was wrong and he fucking knew it, but as he rubbed a palm at his most sensitive head and felt the cum start to leak down his cock, Wonwoo couldn’t bring himself to scale the acceptableness of his actions.
In that moment, Wonwoo looked at you in all the ways he shouldn’t. He pressed his head back into the pillow, eyes falling shut while he lubricated himself in squeezing, slow strokes with his own arousal. His fingers gripped the phone tighter, refusing to drop it.
You were bright and flashing in his mind and Wonwoo wanted to know all of it—he wanted to know the feeling of your silk, swollen lips leaving warm kisses up his shaft. He wanted to know the sensation of your tongue laving messy circles around his tip, teasing him, purring at him, staring up at him with those intimidating, sharp eyes that had always seemed beyond frightening. He wanted to know the sounds you would make if you ever so kindly allowed him to settle between your thighs. He knew how fucking beautiful your cunt would be and he could only imagine your taste would utterly melt him.
His fist wrapped tighter, pumped faster, and despite his usual quiet temperament in bed, a throaty, deep whine caught in Wonwoo’s throat. He took another look at your picture, and somewhere amongst the smog of pleasure that thickly hazed his logic, Wonwoo felt this transient, selfish anger, because in that moment, he wanted you. He needed you. He would do fucking anything you asked him and more because there was so much weight you held in his life. Wonwoo just wanted to make you happy and he couldn’t help but burn with the desperation to treat you better than anyone else ever had.
Knowing he was going to shatter soon, Wonwoo braced himself through the torture that was removing his hand and letting the intense, throbbing accumulation of pleasure ebb from his cock.
He gritted his teeth at the frustrating feeling.
But there was a reason for his decision. Looking back to the phone still aglow, Wonwoo swiped out from your picture and began scrolling higher up in the conversation, seeking out something particular that had jumped into his memory. And once he found it, there was an even denser feeling of guilt he had to ignore.
Last week, you ended up sending him a voice note because you were too exhausted to even bother typing. It wasn’t that the audio contained anything even relatively lascivious, since you were mostly just rambling about your day and never quite finishing a thought.
However, Wonwoo loved your voice. He loved hearing it in person and through his phone’s crappy speakers, especially when you sounded so sleepy, and your tone would soften, the occasional sigh or gentle breath hitting his ear just perfectly. Placing his hand back around his erection, Wonwoo hit play on your voice note and laid the phone beside his head on the pillow. He managed to smile through the pleasure that was rebuilding inside him as he intently listened.
“Um, hi, so—ah! Sorry, my phone just fucking slid under the covers, oh my God. But, yeah, I’m sending a voice note ‘cause I’m drop dead exhausted from today. It was the worst. My legs hurt so bad that I could hardly carry myself to bed. Ugh. Anyway… okay, sorry, I forgot what I was gonna say… oh yeah! So—”
It all felt too euphoric—too warm and overwhelming and the more Wonwoo listened to your sweet voice the more he felt himself pulsate with how badly he needed you. He planted one foot to his mattress, using it for stability and leverage as his hips thrust upward and he began unbridled fucking into his own hand. More than anything in the universe he wanted it to be your cunt—your pretty, wet, soft cunt cushioning him in and gushing all over him. He was going to drive himself fucking crazy at the thought, so much that Wonwoo began begging for you in his husky, deep, quivering voice.
Most was complete incoherency, dipping into confusing, jumbled whimpers of his English and native Korean tongue. Your voice was right there by his ear, though he was hardly processing a word. His orgasm was going to collapse over him like a tidal wave and all Wonwoo could do was succumb as he continued pumping his strained cock. His breathing was laboured, heavy. He kept stuttering and pleading for you into the sheer darkness of his bedroom.
Lots of “pl-please” and “f-ffuck, fuck, fuck!” and “m’gonna cc-cum for you, I want t’cum for you, I need it all inside of you, put it all so deep in your p-perfect cunt”—and plenty more tainted things he would take to his grave before he would ever confess to uttering.
As the voice note came to its end, Wonwoo had slammed his fist down for the last time. He immediately turned his cheek to the pillow, ignoring how the rounded glasses dug into his face, simply because his moan was too broken and shamefully loud. His cock started throbbing with the most intense pleasure he’d ever felt against his palm. The cum dribbled down his ghost-white knuckles. Wonwoo refused to even glance at the mess he was making. With a few more shaky pumps of his fist, he’d milked out all he possibly could, some spurts landing on his rumpled t-shirt. At last, he could exhale.
Lifting himself up with his clean hand, Wonwoo took a few moments to simply breathe. His entire body was still racing with adrenaline and hormones and the pure rush of his self-orchestrated ecstasy. But, pushing between all the energy was his guilt—the fact of what he’d just done and how he’d so blatantly used you to make himself feel good. Wonwoo glanced back at his phone and the voice note in the conversation. Immediately, he clicked the device off, and there was strictly still, shapeless blackness that surrounded him.
What the fuck had he just done?
How was he supposed to text you, look at you, talk to you, knowing he’d officially jerked off to your picture and your voice. Even worse—it was probably the best his masturbation had ever felt. It was all so fucking heavenly in the moment that he thought he might die.
Wonwoo had no idea what to make of his actions.
His feelings for you.
But he thought he should at least tidy himself up.
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Before Vernon had come by in his car, Wonwoo was caught in an exhausting and sickening guessing game of whether or not he needed to throw up. His lower stomach was in complete knots, prompting him to pace back and forth outside the washroom door, because sitting down was going to make him ruminate even more over how terribly nervous he was. Thankfully, however, Wonwoo never threw up, and he was able to calm himself a bit by rolling a blunt, sparking it while sat at the open windowsill in his bedroom.
There was also help from the nighttime breeze that touched against his warm face, a sensation he had always found so soothing.
Just before ten at night, Wonwoo received the critical text from Vernon—he was parked outside on the street. He’d fully smoked his blunt at the time of the message, and he pathetically prayed to himself that his nerves wouldn’t sizzle back up at the worst possible time as he locked his apartment door. Once Wonwoo had stepped outside, he spotted Vernon’s old vanilla Camry stalled beside the postal box across the street. He was kind enough to reach over and push the door open for Wonwoo, who quickly shuffled into his seat.
Immediately, Wonwoo received his usual greeting.
“Hey, Glasses.”
He gave a nod back in response, buckling on the seatbelt.
“So, you smell like confusin’ mix of straight cannabis and a fuckin’ breezy Caribbean Ocean tide. How the fuck does that work?”
“Uh, I put on cologne. And then I smoked?”
“You nervous, then?” Vernon asked through his trademark conniving smirk, meanwhile he began steering out onto the street.
“Of course I’m fucking nervous,” Wonwoo almost laughed back at the obvious nature of the question and habitually checked his friend’s blind spot. “I don’t even go to like, dinner parties.”
“Pfft, I’m sure you’ll be fine. The good thing about parties like these—everyone gets so fucked it’s unlikely they’ll remember some nervous dweeb like yourself. Amongst all that chaos, you’ll blend straight in. There’s nothin’ to be shaked up about. I promise ‘ya.”
Wonwoo merely huffed in response, opting to let Vernon focus on driving and working the car’s outdated stereo while he checked his phone. Actually, Wonwoo had wanted to text you before he left the apartment, but he was still stomaching all the rigid guilt that came with jerking himself off to your pretty picture and voice note the night before. It was a stupid, stupid choice.
All those thoughts that had been stampeding through his head—wanting you and needing you and craving to belong with you in a way that could never reach true fruition—Wonwoo had to convince himself it was all meaningless. His mind had conjured those ridiculous sentiments when his logic was razor thin and overcome by the deception of his lust, and, therefore, he refused to accept those urges were even close to his actual feelings for you. He clicked his phone back off, not meaning to sigh aloud but doing so anyway.
Vernon then shot him a speculative glance through the rear-view mirror, though Wonwoo barely caught it. He looked out the window instead, at all the passing lights and people who were eager to spend their Friday night doing something stimulating.
“So, I know you’re probably just thinkin’ to yourself over there, as you usually do,” his friend said, fiddling with the radio until the static noise died back into music, “but I think it’s all too funny.”
Wonwoo scrunched his nose, continuing to watch the nightlife slip by his tracing eyes outside the window.
“Hm? What’s funny?”
Vernon chuckled. “All that shit you said to me, like, over a month ago. We’re not friends. And now, you n’Her hang out all the time. I think she’s pumpin’ some actual life back into you. You’re not like you were before, y’know? Which is good to see. So, what I wanna know now is—would you say the same? Or is she your friend?”
Right, Wonwoo remembered the conversation Vernon was referring to—the night his friend drove him home after a tiresome shift at the pharmacy. With his entire chest, Wonwoo had claimed you two weren’t friends. There had been a lot of truth to it, at least from his perspective. Or, maybe, he’d crushed down the prospect of it so vehemently because Wonwoo had just assumed someone like you would have no interest in honestly befriending him.
He could offer you something, and that was it.
But, now…
“You’d have to ask her,” Wonwoo answered, shrugging.
Instantly, Vernon groaned.
“God, that’s such a fuckin’ cop-out answer, Glasses.”
“Well, what the fuck should I say? Yes, we’re friends, but then you might go and ask her, and she’ll say otherwise.”
“So what?” Vernon engaged, raising his hand partially off the steering wheel in a half-gesture. “So fuckin’ what if she says that? If you think of her as a friend then commit to that. There’s nothin’ wrong with it.” His voice became firmer, more convictional.
Wonwoo tilted his head back against the seat. It’s not that he didn’t think you were friends—it was more so that he might to admit it, and then the relationship could all fall apart, crash like a burning, charred asteroid at his feet. And then Wonwoo would be back in the same self-inflicted crater he was before, thinking he had a genuine connection in his life only to have the rug pulled out from under him.
“… I don’t know.”
“No, you do know. But I see you wanna be all secretive about it and keep your cards close to the chest. So, whatever.”
Rubbing at the edge of his nose, Wonwoo took a quiet moment for himself to muse. He wanted another blunt.
“I don’t think she’ll be that excited to see me.” Vernon said.
Turning his head, Wonwoo looked to his friend and laughed.
“Yeah, can’t imagine why.”
“Think she’ll rip my head off?” Vernon joked with a big, gummy grin, relaxing back into his seat. “That might be kinda hot.”
“No—it would be traumatizing, actually.”
“She better not,” his friend answered, slapping his glove compartment and smirking pridefully. “I’ve got her goddamn coke.”
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“Jesus fuckin’ Christ… I’ve never seen a street this packed…”
Vernon couldn’t help his awe from spilling out as he navigated at a snail’s pace down the road, each and every available spot that lined the curb being occupied by a vehicle. Wonwoo spotted a few groups making their way up the sidewalks, toward the colossal sized house to the distant right of the street. Seungcheol lived in Hill Crest, just like your parents, but he seemed poised at the neighbourhood’s opposite end—probably ideal for throwing an outrageous party that would otherwise magnetize the entire police task force to the door.
Wonwoo glanced down at his phone.
Seokmin had sent him a text a few minutes ago, inquiring if him and Vernon were close by or at the house. He sent a message back about the worrying lack of parking spaces, and then continued to help Vernon search through the overcrowd for a hopeful pocket.
“Fuck… this isn’t lookin’ good…” Vernon lamented.
“I doubt there will be anything close to the house,” Wonwoo sighed, folding his arms in doubt. “It could be best to make a turn or go around the block? We might just have to take a hike.”
“Hansol Vernon Chwe doesn’t take fuckin’ hikes,” his friend jabbed, antsy fingers sculpting into his bitten lip while the other hand catered to steering the wheel. “I have this dude’s blow. Doesn’t that earn me a VIP-guest-list-skip-the-line type plot?”
Wonwoo scoffed. “Should’ve sorted that out earlier, man.”
“Shut your dorky ass up. I’ll figure somethin’ out.”
At that moment, the phone slid between his thighs vibrated with another text from Seokmin. His eyes widened at the invite.
[ Seokmin | 10:40 pm ]: Oh dw about street parking!
[ Seokmin | 10:40 pm ]: Use the gate at the house
“I think you’re right. I might have to turn,” Vernon announced in a defeated breath, brushing a hand through his dust black hair. “Get ready to see the best three-point turn that’s ever been turnt.”
“Just wait one minute,” Wonwoo then answered, leaning forward in his seat as he began to text Seokmin for more details.
[ Wonwoo | 10:41 pm ]: Gate?
[ Seokmin | 10:41 pm ]: Seungcheol’s got a gate that leads to this little underground parking thing. Some of his and Mingyu’s close friends are using it. Her’s friends, too
[ Wonwoo | 10:42 pm ]: Uh… I don’t know haha.
[ Seokmin | 10:42 pm ]: I asked Seungcheol, it’s fine!
[ Wonwoo | 10:42 pm ]: You sure?
[ Seokmin | 10:42 pm ]: Yup
[ Seokmin | 10:42 pm ]: Gate code is #1142!
“Don’t turn around, go up to the driveway and look for a gate,” Wonwoo instructed. “Apparently, this dude’s got an underground parking space. Seokmin gave me the code for it.”
“Jesus Christ,” disbelieving laughter swelled up from Vernon’s chest as he proceeded along the street. “This guy’s like, rich-rich. I wanna see all that fuckin’ cash up front. Bills in every colour.”
Wonwoo was just relieved that Seokmin was telling the truth, though he was nonetheless extremely anxious about using the parking space, and something sharp in his abdomen tightened upon reaching that bronze gate. Vernon had to roll down his window and partially lean outside to press in the code read from Wonwoo’s phone.
They both cast each other a bewildered glance when the gate separated automatically, allowing them access down the slant.
“Rich people can just do whatever they fuck they want, can’t they?” Vernon laughed, shaking his head. “Remind me not to steal anything while we’re wanderin’ around in there.”
But Wonwoo couldn’t say anything even half-conscious in response to his friend’s lazy joke. He was too busy focusing his breathing.
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“Jeez, it's about time, huh?” Vernon’s words sounded rife with electricity as they approached the main entryway to the house, the brisk, nighttime air blowing back against their heated faces.
They had already witnessed several people slipping inside and out, to which the shuddering, clear blurt of the music would escape the doorway—not that they couldn’t hear it already. The deep and rhythmic bass was emanating from within Seungcheol’s house like a growl caught in a beast’s belly, and Wonwoo could only fathom what kind of damage his eardrums might sustain after the night was over.
Right before Vernon could touch the handle, the doors abruptly burst open with an aggressive swing, revealing two girls who were latched hand in hand, giggling to each other. The distinct stench of marijuana clouded after them down the steps.
Vernon opted to catch the left door before it could close.
“After you, Glasses,” he invited with an almost glimmering smirk, then gesturing inward at the practical void that awaited him—auroras of flashing light, loud conversation, and pounding music.
It seemed like stepping into another universe.
“Thanks for the chivalry,” Wonwoo answered.
He then forced himself into the mansion, not allowing the empty space in his mind to concoct ample regret or doubt. Vernon followed suit, the large door slamming shut in a forbidding manner behind the two boys, akin to a shoving a cork on a glass bottle and capturing all the sand grains inside. Wonwoo knew he could leave, though it didn’t feel like it. However, he didn’t want to act defeated before even starting the night. Maybe some of Seokmin’s miraculous optimism gloss would rub off on him before it was too late.
The thing was, Wonwoo had no idea what to think or do nor could he develop one sensible, sound thought that he might express to Vernon—the house was alive with what seemed to be a mighty sea of people. Some were mingling with their drinks loosely held in an attempt to feign casualness, pitching conversation despite the unrelenting music. Others were clashed together, dirty dancing, hands carnally wandering, probably thinking nothing other than how good it felt to be a part of the moment. Everything was so dim and dark. Lights blotched around the room in deep purples and blues.
Wonwoo had suddenly forgotten how to even move.
Until Vernon’s hand slapped his shoulder.
“Hey, what should we start with?!” His friend had practically shouted over the music and its hypnotizing synths. “Do you wanna get a drink? Smoke one out? Or should we find Seokmin?”
For a moment, Wonwoo just stared at him, trying hard through the murkiness and heat to match the words he was hearing with Vernon’s lips. The environment would take a bit getting used to.
“Also—,” he then grabbed Wonwoo’s shoulder, “—let’s move away from the door before we get fuckin’ trampled, yeah?”
Vernon helped guide Wonwoo further into the main living area, down a few stairs and toward the large square of couches. There was hardly any room to sit without being uncomfortably close to someone else—they were either in another person’s lap, swapping a disgusting amount of liquored spit, or completely faded and about as coherent as a rock. Wonwoo didn’t want to sit, anyway. He looked down at his phone, noticing that Seokmin had texted him again.
“Um, what do you want to do?” He decided to flip the question on Vernon, not wanting to be tasked with the decision.
Besides, he assumed his friend would know better.
“Me? I want a fuckin’ drink!” Vernon began to look around, though the air was notably veiled with a thin smoke and all the bodies were obstructing much view of anything. “Oh—I told you already, didn’t I?! That I’m definitely intendin’ to get shitfaced?! Did you figure out a ride in case you wanted t’go home later on?”
As Vernon began his quest to find a drink, Wonwoo was right behind him, remembering that Vernon had mentioned it already.
“I know!” He called out while reading Seokmin’s text.
[ Seokmin | 11:00 pm ]: There’s like two big living spaces
[ Seokmin | 11:00 pm ]: We’re not in the main one tho, easiest way is to go through the kitchen and out the other side!
Wonwoo had thought you would text him, and he couldn’t evade his disappointment at the expectation. He decided to assume that maybe you just didn’t know he was there yet. At most, he hoped you weren’t too blasted and at least cognizant enough to hold a conversation with him. Though, Wonwoo had not one inkling as to what you were like at parties. He could only imagine from the scattered bits and pieces he’d heard from yourself and Vernon. 
As Wonwoo followed Vernon down a foggy corridor, he suddenly bumped into the boy’s hard back with a bothered grunt. A girl had stepped out from a threshold that led into the kitchen and he realized that Vernon was only letting her leave before they entered.
She leaned in rather close to Vernon’s face, stroking a quick, flirtatious hand along the divots in his defined chest as she lilted aloud, “thanks, gorgeous.”
Her gaze switched to linger on Wonwoo for what felt like a long, excruciating eternity before proceeding past them in a confident stride down the dark and narrow hallway. Vernon kissed his teeth, staring back at Wonwoo with that hedonistic twinkle in his eyes.
“Okay—she was fine, not gonna lie.”
“Mmhm,” Wonwoo mumbled, adjusting his glasses, “can we at least get a drink first before you decide to start fucking people?”
“Why do you think we’re at the kitchen, smart ass?”
Shaking his head in dismissal at Vernon’s snarky comment, he urged the boy impatiently into the kitchen area (which was admittedly larger than Wonwoo’s entire living space).
One side of the room was lined with arrays of salty snacks, while the opposite contained big, rounded punch bowls of pre-mixed alcohol that people were dipping into with ladles. Vernon had noticed the option to mix your own drink, and thus Wonwoo was dragged toward the kitchen island where the boys waited to pick from the various bottles of alcohol and soft drinks left scattered about.
Wonwoo peeped down at his phone again while Vernon got easily caught up in conversation with a girl preparing a lemon shot.
He finally answered Seokmin’s texts.
“Hey, Glasses!” Vernon’s hand latched onto his shoulder, giving it a shake. “This is Sierra! She’s gonna make us our drinks!”
It took him a moment to properly decipher the girl Vernon had been speaking to, though, the longer he squinted through the shifty kitchen lighting, the more he could separate her silhouette and features from the dimness. She had a comfortable smile, full and warm, trustworthy, and so Wonwoo merely shrugged his agreement.
“Don’t worry,” the girl shouted, pulling aside two solo cups and then twizzling off the bottlecap to the rum, “I’m a bartender, actually. I used to work Room 319. Now I’m at Honeymoon.”
Vernon leaned his elbows on the granite, watching with intrigue as she sloshed a decent amount of alcohol into each cup.
“Room 319? You’ve definitely seen some shit,” he cackled.
“Oh, yeah. One-hundred percent.”
“Y’know, I tried getting this cunt to go—” Vernon jabbed an accusing thumb back at Wonwoo, “—but he’s such a flake!”
Sierra proceeded to grin quite demurely, flashing a quick, barely detectable glance toward Wonwoo, who had just managed to catch it while shoving the phone back into his pocket. She then grabbed a sweetener from amongst the clutter, tucking a short tuft of hair behind her ear before adding a small drizzle to each solo cup.
“Hey, it’s not for everybody!” Her cheeks flushed in the galactic, purplish light that flickered around the kitchen. “And, uh, this may sound weird, actually. But I recognize you, I think.”
“Oh, me?” Wonwoo was finally forced to speak.
“Yeah, uh—” she stumbled over her words a bit as she swirled the sweetener around inside the cups, “—from Bradbrook’s calculus. I think you sat a few rows ahead of me, or something. I just know because I, um—I was really close to failing the class. When I went to her for help, she gave me a ton of resources, even said I could try asking you about tutoring. She said you’re like, her best student.”
“Hm,” Wonwoo hummed, cracking his neck, “I’ve never tutored anyone—don’t know why she’d think to recommend me.”
“It’s okay! I never asked because you seemed like the type who didn’t want to be bothered,” Sierra responded, beginning to top off the drinks with some bubbling soda. “I figured it out, anyway.”
“Good for you,” Wonwoo commended.
“Yeah, I wasn’t sure if it was you, ‘cause your hair would always be down over your forehead in class. But you’ve got it all brushed and styled and stuff. It looks super nice!”
He smiled at her and mumbled, “thanks.”
“Well, I’m gonna get running! No matter where I end up, I always seem to be everyone’s mixologist at some point.”
Vernon dragged the alcohol over, maintaining his slouched position onto the island granite. Upon taking an experimental sip to taste the flavours and potency, his face momentarily soured, and then all his features relaxed. He was glowing like an ember, almost.
“No, that’s good. Tastes a bit like a… gummy bear?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s so delicious,” she agreed, shoving hands into her back pockets. “Tastes even better kissing it off someone.”
As Wonwoo stared down at his fizzling drink, debating his first sip, he again felt the transient flittering of her eyes ghost him.
“Go figure,” Vernon rasped, smiling, “appreciate it, player.”
“M’kay,” Sierra chirped and waved, ”bye!”
Not even a few seconds after she left, and someone else swooped in like an eagle to clasp the bottle of rum she’d once been handling, Vernon turned his head to Wonwoo with a raised brow.
“She was DTF for you, holy shit.”
“Hm?” Wonwoo sounded muffled with the solo cup now perched at his lips, allowing the drink to seep into his mouth, tasting the smoothness of the rum, and then the sweet. “What’s that mean?”
“DTF?” Vernon echoed. “Down to fuck!” He smacked his arm.
“That’s stupid and absurd.”
“Well, Glasses, you’re fuckin’ stupid and absurd if you didn’t see it. I mean, if you’re not gonna get a chance with Her, mine as well start seekin’ out what you can. Might make you less uptight.”
“No—that’s what makes you less uptight, not me.”
“I’m just sayin’, man—you’re hot and you don’t even take advantage of it. In no shapes or figures… forms? Whatever the stupid sayin’ is. You’ve got to live a little. But, whatever. Where’s Seokmin?”
“Through there, I think?” Wonwoo nodded toward a high-arched exit opposite to the side they entered the kitchen from. “That’s what he texted me. But I’ll double check anyway, to be sure.”
Flashing on his phone, Wonwoo finally saw your messages.
[ Her | 11:11 pm ]: wonwooooooo
[ Her | 11:11 pm ]: LIVING ROOM! I'm waiting!!!!
And just like that—like a splitting snap of the fingers—he felt everything all over again, and those nerves steamrolled him in the most pathetic way possible.
He stared down at his phone, moonfaced.
Wonwoo was happy you had remembered to message him, embarrassingly giddy at the thought, even. But he was also downright nauseous to reunite with your inquisitive friends, to meet Seungcheol, to again push through the intangible, brooding weight of seeing Mingyu. He took a gulp from the red cup, swishing the tart but sugared concoction between his cheeks before swallowing, hoping the rum burned down all his nerves in the throaty sting it left behind.
“Yeah,” Wonwoo rediscovered his voice, “through there.”
At first, he couldn’t identify you anywhere. The room was even bigger than the kitchen, just as poorly lit, with a high, pointed ceiling that somehow reminded him of the church he attended when he was too little to even properly grasp religion. But Wonwoo continued squinting through the jumbled crowd, making slow steps and surveiling the room each time alongside Vernon.
“I don’t see ‘em!” He shouted overtop the music, grabbing Wonwoo’s elbow to stop him from moulding into all the warm bodies.
“He said they’re in here!” Wonwoo raised his voice, checking his phone for another text, but seeing nothing. “Fuck, I don’t know.”
Sensing that fluttering, unsteady wind in his chest, Wonwoo was eager to indulge in another sip from his cup, desperately yearning for the alcohol to fucking hurry up and take its floating effect. Yet, as the taste subdued on his tongue, Wonwoo was able to notice a slight fissure that formed in between the congregation of people—a rather perfect alignment that revealed a home bar across the room, with familiar faces seated at the stools and more laughing behind the counter. That was when Wonwoo saw you, captured in a brush stroke of sweeping, amethyst light that dappled down your body.
You were leaned leisurely against Mingyu’s chest, holding onto his arm that draped like a protective sling over your shoulder, and Wonwoo supposed it was laid there with a not-so-subtle purpose.
Mingyu was speaking to his friend and co-host, Seungcheol, who was on the other side of the home bar, his lower back digging against the counter while he had quirked his head to still see Mingyu.
One face that Wonwoo had yet to discern was Seokmin, though, in all his honestly, Wonwoo wasn’t that fixated on further searching the low dusk and marijuana plumes hanging tacky in the air. He’d found you. All those nerves dissolved into comfort.
Maybe it was shallow, but that’s what he cared about most.
“Oh!’ Vernon piped up. “Damn. They’re right down there.”
And, before the crowd could readjust themselves to drown the slivered space between yourself and Wonwoo, your head turned.
In the nick of time, you seemed to recognize him, because that hazy, unfocused nature about your countenance shifted in a mere second, and he saw a smile pick its way along your mouth, like a springtime garden at last twirling abloom. You proceeded to nudge Mingyu’s arm aside, whispering something into his ear that he didn’t quite seem to hear correctly as he maintained his lengthy talk with Seungcheol.
Wonwoo knew he was smiling, too, bigger and bigger.
You wove your way through the crowd, to which Wonwoo couldn’t help himself from the short chuckle he spat out as you impatiently shoved aside the guy that had stepped into your way.
“Move! Oh my fucking God—”
But your flash of contempt didn’t last long.
A second later, you were buckling into Wonwoo.
Your arms reached up to curl tightly around his neck, and he felt the grooves of your warm, soft body press firm against him for the first time. Wonwoo was scared at the proximity, though his pounding heart ever so gradually calmed as he took in a deep breath and smelled that faint, fresh scent—strawberries. While it was undoubtedly integrated with some sort of spicy liquor, Wonwoo didn’t care. He pulled himself into the moment—realized how fucking badly he wanted to drop the solo cup and splay his hands at the open, revealing back of your outfit and feel your bare, supple skin.
But he couldn’t. Because Wonwoo wasn’t your boyfriend.
And you weren’t his to so unabashedly touch.
“I’m so fucking happy you made it!” He heard you squeal into his ear, his smile somehow widening at your animated voice.
“Yeah? Bit of a hassle, not gonna lie," Wonwoo answered.
“Parking? I’m sorry! I should have texted you about the gate!”
“No, no,” he laughed, trying his best and gentlest way to somehow ease some space in between you, “it’s okay. Everything worked out perfectly fine in the end. Don’t worry about it, alright?”
“You sure?”
Wonwoo looked into your eyes, so enchantingly bright and glistering as you blinked at him sympathetically, wearing a tiny pout.
Fuck—he wanted to kiss you.
It was such a blatant, jarring thought that Wonwoo couldn’t respond to your worry straight away, instead pushing down his urges.
“… I’m sure.”
“Well,” you then hummed, at last relaxing your hold around his neck and making some very unwanted but necessary space between your bodies, “is it still true?” You bit your lip afterward.
“Hm? Is what still true?”
Upon Wonwoo furrowing his brow, you pressed into him again, reaching up to his ear where you could comfortably talk and not worry about whether the music would muffle every syllable.
He felt the warmth of your breath tickle at his skin. And then—shivers, everywhere. Trickling down his spine. His nape. Not the kind from chilly, cold weather, or a scary movie, but a different kind that prompted his sense to disintegrate in a simple second.
“Do you still think I’m the prettiest here?”
Wonwoo sensed the grin paint his face, as easy as melting butter, though he hid it well in your sweet-scented hair.
“Mmhm, ‘course you are,” he answered, purposefully deepening his already deep voice. “You’re always the prettiest.”
One of your charming, seraphic giggles feathered at his ear and Wonwoo had never been so convinced that he would exchange just about anything in his life to call you his for the entire night.
“Um, hey, so… I don’t want to fuckin’ ruin your guys’ little reunion or nothin’, but I am still here, unfortunately!”
Damn—Wonwoo had kind of forgotten that Vernon was even there, and hearing his gruff voice break through the room’s drumming bass had quickly removed him from his fantasy. In a way, he was relieved, because Wonwoo knew he’d been thinking with unprecedented delusion and he needed something to draw a ripple through his thoughts before he became too meek to ignore them.
You then slotted yourself against Wonwoo’s side, adjusting the white strap grooving around the back of your neck. One arm remained around his wideset shoulders, latching him into place.
“Well, that’s an immaculate face I haven’t seen in a while,” you deadpanned at poor Vernon, sculpting him up and down with shameless judgement. “And what have you been up to? Selling MDMA from behind porta-potties to dumb, gullible first years?”
But Vernon took it well, as he was most likely expecting it.
“So, I won’t say no or yes to that.”
“Hm. Figures.”
Vernon shook his head, mustering up a husky laugh. “Should I assume you haven’t gotten over our incident, yet?”
Wonwoo felt your ovaled, sharp fingernails dig into his shoulder, and he settled his hand on your upper back to relax you.
“I’ll get over it when I want to get over it.”
“Okay, okay." A smile bled across Vernon’s face. “And I respect that, yeah? How ‘bout we both agree to keep it lax? That work at all?”
Despite your narrowed, seething eyes, you agreed.
“It works, for now.” You were in the midst of turning around, as though to begin pulling Wonwoo toward the bar, but you suddenly stopped on a dime, returning your glared focus back toward an unsuspecting, more lenient Vernon. “By the way, Princess is in a relationship with Seungcheol, so paws off. And don’t even think about trying to fuck Clara or Bells again or else you’ll need to take every single pill you fucking own in order to feel even a fraction of anything after I’m done beating your breaks off. Understand?”
“Uh, yes. I do. I understand.”
And then you grinned, though it was colder than outer space, and Wonwoo was more than pleased he wasn’t on the receiving end.
“Perfect! Now, let’s get everyone all introduced. I promise, though, there’s not many strangers. I guess just Seungcheol? Some of his friends are around here somewhere, I don’t know where.”
You curled an arm around Wonwoo’s elbow and began tugging him into the barricade of people, most stepping aside for you without request, like you were a princess or some other type of respected royalty. Wonwoo glanced back at Vernon who was already giving him a wide-eyed, skeptical expression, and so he made sure to dip his head close to Vernon’s ear to murmur some encouragement.
“At least your head isn’t ripped off.”
However, it might have not been the most thoughtful.
“Yeah, meta-fuckin’-phorically it is,” Vernon laughed back. “I forgot how scary the chick is. How have you not pissed your pants yet?”
“You get used to it after a while. N’hey—when the hell did you have sex with Clara and Bells?" Wonwoo couldn’t help himself from asking over his shoulder as he was further pulled along by your persistent guide.
“It was before you got to know Her, alright? But—” Vernon had suddenly leaned closer, his breath at Wonwoo’s ear, “—Bells is a fuckin’ homie hopper. Guaranteed she’ll try to get into your pants. I know she’s tried it with Seungcheol, Seokmin, probably you, tonight.”
“Well, you two sound like a match made in heaven.”
“Ha! Funny, man,” Vernon cackled, shoving his friend’s back in a teasing way. “No—she’s actually crazy. Gives good head, though.”
Wonwoo opted to ignore the last comment. He was soon at the bar alongside you, Vernon, and all the others, to which he noted your arm was still clasped around his elbow, a gesture that Wonwoo found himself greatly appreciating as everyone began pausing their own conversations to acknowledge the two newcomers. He didn’t know who to look at or greet first as his heartbeat thundered, though he recognized Clara and Bells seated together on two leather stools, a few emptied shot glasses aligned before them like dominos.
Princess, the friend Wonwoo always thought you were closest to, was behind the counter with Seungcheol, staring Wonwoo down through her hooded and smooth brown eyes. He felt Mingyu watching him too, though it discomforted him much more than Princess.
“Hey, nice to meet you guys, finally.” Seungcheol was leaning over the luminated countertop, bumping his fist against Wonwoo’s, and then Vernon’s. “Hope you’re finding it alright.”
Wonwoo had never met Seungcheol despite hearing his name frequently throughout campus, especially during the prime months for partying. The consensus was that everyone seemed to like and respect him for his cordial, easygoing attitude and sportsmanship, since he played a lot of basketball for the university’s principal varsity team. Wonwoo had never once heard anything concerning or relatively malicious about the guy. He was almost akin to a celebrity.
“We got in not too long ago,” Vernon explained, and Wonwoo was grateful he took the conversating initiative, “seems crazy. And thanks for lettin’ us use your garage! Street parkin’ was ass.”
“Shit, yeah. I get it.” Seungcheol shrugged in agreement, meanwhile drawing a shallow glass over to himself. “It’s no problem, man. You did us a favour with the blow. I’ll pay upstairs, yeah?”
“Hey, it’s all good. What’re you pourin’ up?’
Princess suddenly reached around Seungcheol’s shoulder, removing the large, maple bottle he was about to twist open.
“He’s not pouring up anything,” she smiled, placing the alcohol on a shelf behind her, “because whiskey gets him beyond hammered, and I need him coherent for at least another hour.”
Seungcheol turned around, his mouth hung open.
“Okay—I was gonna pour out a splash.”
The girl grabbed his sharp jaw, giving Seungcheol’s face a tender shake before pushing her lips against his. His previous objection suddenly disappeared like morning dew. For a couple that had recently started dating according to your allegory, they seemed remarkably comfortable with each other.
“Okay—shot, shot!” Bells yelped excitedly, slapping her hand against the polished countertop as Clara grabbed a tequila bottle.
“Oh, god.” Your eyes rolled, and Wonwoo heard the exhaustion in your tone. “Have fun getting alcohol poisoning.”
Mingyu scoffed, crossing his broad, buff arms. “They’ll be blackout in less than an hour.”
“What for?” Vernon asked.
You finally let go of Wonwoo, grabbing your own solo cup off the countertop and taking a fast swig before answering.
“Whenever Seungcheol and Princess kiss, they take a shot.”
“And they kiss a lot—" Clara hiccupped, a very inebriated fog cast across her gaze, “— even more than Her n’ Mingyu!”
“Oh, don’t bring us into this,” you snapped from behind your drink, leaning an elbow onto the bar, “take your shot and can it.”
“I’m starting to not even taste it!”
The giggling spilled from Bells’ mouth like a waterspout, to which both her and Clara leaned in close to each other’s faces, their expressions warping with breathless, dry gulps of laughter.
“Excuse them,” Princess then muttered, resting an arm along Seungcheol’s firm back, waves of moonlit blue dancing across her dark skin while she eyed her cackling friends with bits of judgement and concern. “I’m starting to believe they have an alcohol problem.”
“So, if I lose you later, should I assume you’re in the washroom holding back their hair?” Seungcheol then huffed into his clasped hands, flicking soft eyes up toward his sighing girlfriend.
She pulled at a long braid of her hair, nodding.
“If I’m not, I’ll buy you dinner.”
“Fuck, I like those odds, baby," he rasped, leaning back.
Princess smiled, squeezing his shoulder.
“No, you absolutely don’t, sweetheart.”
Wonwoo smiled at them, exercising his best effort to follow all the conversation even though his brain was whirring on overdrive. He was in the midst of sipping from the sweetened rum when Clara’s eyes snapped akin to a locket with his own, and she immediately squealed.
“Oh! You! From Spring Street! Mr. Deep Voice!”
Lowering the cup from his face, Wonwoo’s heart dropped.
He was more than perfectly okay with sitting on the sidelines and contributing nothing to the flow of conversation other than trivial nods and agreeable half-smiles. But Clara had singled him out, and now Bells was at last squirming around in her seat, her eyes patted with a popping, brilliant lime green as opposed to shimmery blue.
You tilted your head in questioning at Clara. “Yes, yes, we’ve been over this, girl. He’s been standing here the past five minutes.”
“Wonwoo!” Bells shrieked. “Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“He doesn’t need to say anything.” Wonwoo heard the irritable grit rub through your voice as you straightened your posture and propped a hand to your hip, glaring at your friends. “Why don’t you let him enjoy his drink instead of shouting at him?”
From behind, Mingyu’s large hand slid around your waist and stopped at your lower stomach, pulling you a step back into his chest.
“Relax. She’s drunk as fuck, alright?” He murmured by your temple, planting a reassuring kiss.
“Nah, it’s okay.” Princess was quick to diffuse any degree of tension before it could morph into a terrifying flame. “He’s just quiet, that’s all. Nothing wrong with it. I like your hair, Wonwoo.”
He clenched his fist tight, nodding at her.
It was only one goddamn word, but he’d choked it out with all the strength harboured in his chest and lungs. Princess smiled at him.
“Glasses is cool. All his jokes will come out later.” Vernon teased despite the instant, needling stare Wonwoo shot his way.
“Hey, no pressure,” Seungcheol laughed, swiping his phone off the bar countertop. “Should we all head upstairs? I’ve got a nice little room set up for us—can smoke and mellow out a bit, play some cards, finally get to that blow—whatever you guys think is best.”
“Fuck, I’m down.” Sliding off the leather stool, Mingyu came to his feet and agreed, his hand still settled at your stomach.
His utterance was met with a chorus of likewise answers.
Wonwoo suddenly felt your fingertips graze his hand.
“Are you okay with that?” You asked him personally, smiling in a reassuring, nonchalant manner that helped ease his stiltedness.
“Yeah,” he answered, delighted to see the sparks that jumped into your eyes through the shadows and nebulas of lavender light.
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The room Seungcheol had referred to was quite separated from the party booming onward downstairs, though he claimed not to be worried about it much since his other friends were keeping tabs on all the action. Wonwoo appreciated the quieter, more laidback atmosphere that allowed him to actually think and analyze his situation, which he unfortunately could not help himself from doing.
It was a cozy and personally developed space—probably the room Seungcheol spent most of his time in. Large, pristine movie posters were perfectly tapered to covering an entire wall, with stringed, dull-glowing lights swooped around the wooden infrastructure of the ceiling. A billiard ball table was toward the left, and then a circular table to the right, stacked with miscellaneous things such as playing cards, textbooks, and poker chips.
There were some shelves by the windows, mostly to hold decorative items, though Wonwoo saw a number of trophies from what he assumed to be Seungcheol’s past sports competitions. 
Everyone began to settle.
As Vernon waltzed over to the couch by the cluttered table, he’d suddenly looked down at the cushions with a gruff shout.
“Fuck! Jesus Christ, Seokmin! What the fuck are you doin’?”
“Oh, yeah—the poor baby got a headache,” you crooned, walking toward the couch with a teasing smirk. “He thought he’d try and avoid all of us by coming up here and taking a nap.”
“I wasn’t napping,” Seokmin grumbled while pushing himself to sit up, swatting back your hand that rifled through his dark brown tresses disarrayed in every direction, “I was relaxing, that’s all.”
“Dude, you looked like you were dead,” Vernon laughed, stepping around from behind the couch to sit on the arm.
Leaning against a desk with two large speakers on it, Mingyu folded his arms, smiling at Seokmin whose face was beginning to tint red from all the attention. “That’s just how he looks when he sleeps.”
“Thanks…” Seokmin answered, standing up and dusting himself off. “Guess I’m never staying the night at your place again.”
“Well, if you’re not going to take the couch, I think these two should simmer down for a hot minute,” Princess said, shuffling the stumbling, giggling duo, Bells and Clara, to take a much needed seat.
“Okay, yeah. Mingyu, throw on some music. Give everyone a chance to get nice n’ comfy.” Seungcheol then beckoned toward Vernon. “Over here, man. Let’s get this shit sorted out.”
“Ah, right, right.”
His friend was quick to rise from the couch and meet Seungcheol in the corner of the room, by the billiard table as well as a small black safe. Mingyu pulled out his phone, linking up his Bluetooth with Seungcheol’s expensive sound system, and music soon replaced the empty air in the room. He then joined Seungcheol and Vernon in the corner. Wonwoo opted not to sleuth and glanced elsewhere.
He saw that you were already talking to Princess, the two of you pulling out some beers and other drinks from a fridge he hadn’t noticed before, and while he positively wanted to make time for a conversation with you, Wonwoo thought he should bother Seokmin first. The boy was shoving open a windowpane across the room.
“Hey, liar,” he announced in a dragging but not overly serious tone. “Not downstairs like you said you were, huh?”
Seokmin turned around, rubbing his face.
“I know, I know. I got a headache at the last minute. But I knew everyone would come upstairs. Glad you could make it!”
“Well then, how much of a headache should I be expecting?”
“Eh, depends,” his friend answered.
Wonwoo shrugged. “Depends on what?”
“I can’t imagine you jumping around on a countertop with your shirt off and a whippet in your hand.”
He snorted. “Is that what you were doing?”
“No—I was the one trying to get them off the counter.”
 “I think you’ll be fine. At most, you’ll step outside for some air and get a nice breeze in your hair. No biggie… what’s that?”
“Uh, just a drink this girl whipped up. Sierra.”
“Oh.” Seokmin’s eyes brightened. “You mean Sierra Gomez?”
Wonwoo shrugged. “Dunno.”
“Did she have like, chin length, sort of coarse and frizzy brown hair? Freckles all over her cheeks? ‘Cause that’s Sierra Gomez. She works at the… the, um… Honeymoon! Yeah. The Honeymoon. She’s nice—used to stare at the back of your head all the time in calculus.”
“Anyway—whatever—random thought.”
“Who used to stare at the back of your head in calculus?”
Turning around, Wonwoo noticed that you had approached their conversation at the open window, an abrupt flourish of wind sweeping back unto your inquisitive yet slightly firm expression. A bottle was in your hand, and you took a quick, easy sip from it.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Seokmin dismissed.
“No, tell me.”
Your eyes then flitted between himself and Seokmin. There was an innocent smile on your face that nursed the beer bottle.
“A girl who used to look at Wonwoo all the time during calculus with Bradbrook. She made him his drink, that’s all.”
“Really? Is that so?”
Wonwoo shrugged. “Apparently.”
“Who?” You asked, still maintaining that polished smile.
Seokmin chuckled, “nah, you wouldn’t know her.”
“Maybe I do.”
“No,” he was persistent on convincing you, pulling at the flushed cusp of his ear, “I know you don’t. It’s not a big deal.”
Your focused gaze then lasered into Seokmin, and much of the airy politeness to your voice had gradually sharpened out.
“If it’s not a big deal then tell me.”
Music from the speaker system atop the nearby desk drowned the momentary silence that lasted between the three. Wonwoo concentrated on the lyrics and the depth of the sensual beat, trying his hardest to mentally escape the odd tension smouldering up.
Seokmin was biting his lip, hard.
“Tell me.” You now were demanding rather than asking.
“It’s not—”
“Okay, okay! Sierra Gomez. That’s the girl.”
Wonwoo shifted his eyes to you, observing the manner in which you quirked your head, pursed your bottom lip, and began staring around the room in an honest attempt to place the name that Seokmin had so frighteningly blurted, almost like a suspect under interrogation. And then you were shrugging, sipping from your cold drink.
“Hm, don’t know her.”
“Like I said...” his friend sighed, leaning backward into the cool breeze and settling his hands against the windowsill.
“She’s here? And she made you that?” You asked.
Wonwoo looked down at his cup, almost completely emptied.
“… Um, yeah.”
There was a nearly imperceptible falter that spilt across your face, though it travelled so quickly, like a blink of light, and Wonwoo was starting to think that maybe he hadn’t even seen it at all.
“Well, that was really nice of her.” A strange breathiness lingered in your tone. “I mean, I don’t know her but she sounds really… nice. I’ll have to chat with her someday. I don’t know what we’ll talk about… something nice, probably. Yeah. We’ll do that.”
Upon sensing your very unusual discomfort, Wonwoo thought he might try to quell whatever series of emotions must be taking shape behind those glassy eyes. But almost from thin air, Mingyu was at your side, sliding an arm around your waist and his head poking down to kiss your cheek. Wonwoo ate his words right back up.
“Sorry to bite the conversation,” Mingyu excused himself, removing the arm from your waist to hang off your shoulder instead, where it covered the same revealing patch of your cleavage. “But I like keeping an eye on this one—” he pecked your temple, “—one sip she’s normal, the next she’s on top of the damn table giving everyone a fuckin’ show they don’t deserve. Hard to tell what she’s gonna do.”
Your uptight posture melted habitually against Mingyu’s chest, meanwhile a slight snarl forged across your lips.
Wonwoo knew that his drink was getting empty, and he didn’t want to waste the remainder on trying to survive the unfortunate conversation he’d been whisked into. He realized how much he hated talking to Mingyu, especially now that Wonwoo was closer to you.
“Alright, you don’t need to overembellish.”
“Ha! Overembellish?” A heavy laugh flew off Mingyu’s tongue as he gave your shoulder a soft shake, staring down at you with his curious, twinkling eyes. “What am I overembellishing, pretty girl? Huh? You don’t remember that dance with Clara? Kicking that dude’s drink off the table? High out of your fuckin’ mind, weren’t you?”
“Yes, I remember. My problem is that you’re painting me out to be a mindless slut just waiting to show off. It’s not like I go into these situations, intending to get on a table and kick people’s drinks and shit. I’m just going with what I feel in the moment. I mean, I’m sure it gets a bit slutty. But that’s part of the fun. At least, I think.”
Okay—Wonwoo didn’t give a fuck about preserving his drink any more. He immediately dove in to take a generous sip, staring down the cup like there was something profoundly captivating scribbled on the bottom. Now that he was thinking about it, Wonwoo realized this is his first time witnessing your dynamic with Mingyu.
Mingyu sighed, tongue prodding against his inner cheek.
“Can’t make it easy, can you?”
At that, you cackled, tipping your head against his neck.
“Never. You should know that by now.”
“The important thing is, everyone has a good time.” Seokmin decided to add his two cents, not seeming as stiffened by the conversation as Wonwoo, probably since he was accustomed to it.
Nonetheless, it prompted your signature eye roll.
“Hey everyone! Seokmin thinks the most important part of a party is that everyone has a good time!” You mockingly chided, proceeding to raise the bottle to your mouth for another sip while Mingyu rubbed his nose, laughing. “Did that really need to be said?”
Partially closing the window, Seokmin chuckled. “I’m just saying it ‘cause you guys always bicker and bring the mood down.”
Your grip around the beer bottle visibly tightened.
“Bicker?! We don’t bicker!”
“Are you serious?” Seokmin folded his arms, a disbelieving smile mixed with puzzlement carving his mouth. “You just did!”
“No, that wasn’t bickering," you stated. “That was Mingyu saying something stupid and me correcting it. Purely factual.”
Shaking his head, Mingyu merely smirked. “Mmhm. Let’s go with that.” Though, it was quite obvious he was holding back what he actually wanted to say, but didn’t want to prove Seokmin’s point.
“Anyways, I’m not trying to make you look bad,” Seokmin mumbled, brushing a hand along an itch on his arm. “So, whatever you see here, Wonwoo, take it with a grain of salt, I guess.”
God, no.
He’d wanted so desperately to remain invisible—to not be summoned into the conversation in any way, shape, or form.
“Please,” you sounded exasperated, messing about with your hair, “I’m sure Wonwoo’d be the last person to care, anyway.”
At the worst possible time, he’d completely exhausted his soda and rum, and there was not even a single drop for him to make a lame show of sipping up. Wonwoo didn’t know whether or not to say anything. Maybe, if he just smiled genuinely, nodded his head, then everything would keep moving and he could somehow escape the burdensome pressure. However, what he failed to realize was that his overthinking gave him a very dazed expression that made it seem as though he wasn’t listening at all. Seokmin suddenly slapped his arm.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. Dude’s not even paying attention. Mentally checked out ‘cause of your arguing.”
“No. I’m listening,” Wonwoo answered, knowing the longer he stayed quiet the more guilty and strange he’d appear. “I just figure it’s better to let you guys hash it out. I’d rather not get involved.”
“Smart,” Mingyu huffed, to which Wonwoo found himself in the crosshairs of his intimidating gaze. “Best not to pick sides, right?”
“Oh my gosh, there are no sides.” Elbowing the tall, dark-haired boy gently in his rib, you shook your head. “And even if there were, I’m forcing him to take my side. You obviously have Seokmin.”
“When you are going to stop saying that?” Mingyu sounded notably annoyed at your comment, though you merely shrugged it off, instead wrapping a small hand with his in a successful attempt to pull him away from the conversation at the breezy window.
“Don’t whine, Gyu. Let’s go talk to Princess.”
Once you were gone, Wonwoo looked to Seokmin with some vague hope that he would share his astonishment at the situation. He couldn’t tell if you and Mingyu just clashed so naturally because your relationship was the long lasting, weathered kind where there were lots of little quips due to your shared comfortability. Or, maybe there was something else he was missing. But Seokmin didn’t seem even relatively phased, which lead Wonwoo into thinking that it was his overanalyzing brain picking things apart unnecessarily.
“Oh, I’ve gotta talk with Vernon for a sec.” His friend remembered, pointing out the tattooed boy who was closely admiring all the expensively framed film posters. “Nice to see you, though!”
The second Seokmin had slipped away, Wonwoo occupied his old position against the windowsill, letting his head tilt back until it bumped with the glass. A timidly building sickness ached in his stomach at the worry of all his conversations feeling like that��so agonizing, uncomfortable, with his mind racing a mile a minute.
He sighed aloud, attempting to steady his breathing.
Things would get better. They had to.
“Hey, Wonwoo! You wanna sit?”
Following the abrupt voice over to the now organized, tidied table, Wonwoo saw that it was Seungcheol who called his name. He tilted his head at an empty seat and Wonwoo decided to take the boy up on the offer rather than stumble into the undertow of his self-inflicted panic. Besides, Seungcheol was fairly relaxed and seemed easy to converse with—a much needed repose from Mingyu. As he sat down, setting his empty cup aside, Seungcheol leaned forward with his chin pressing down between his thumb and index finger.
“You okay?” He asked, lifting an eyebrow.
Wonwoo nodded. “I’m good.”
Relaxing back into his seat, Seungcheol smiled.
“Just making sure. I know it’s not always the easiest trying to make it through a Her-Mingyu-Seokmin three-way—pause—ignore how weirdly I phrased that,” he laughed, rubbing along his jaw.
The air around Wonwoo tinged with an immediate sense of relief, and he found himself relaxing, too, stretching out his legs.
“Yeah,” he then breathed out deeply, the tension in his chest loosening up. “I assume it’s best to just shut the fuck up.”
“Mmhm.” Seungcheol was eager to nod in agreement. “Yeah, exactly. Shut the fuck up, and give the most neutral answers if needed. It’s honestly a skill. You’ve gotta be a world class fence sitter.”
“So it seems.”
“Anyway, I’m curious—what’re you studying?”
“Nothing exciting. Mathematics, specifically calculus. I like a bit of data and statistics, too. I don’t know. Just, analyzing stuff.”
“Hm,” Seungcheol crossed his arms, grinning, “can’t say I’d be very good at all that. You want to be a data analyst or something?”
Wonwoo shrugged. “Maybe. I’ve thought about teaching, too.”
“Yeah… I heard you’re in biomedical now.”
“Mmhm—switched my whole degree—can thank Junhui for that. He’s around here, somewhere. I like it, though. No regrets about it or anything. Besides—” Seungcheol turned his head toward the billiard ball table where Princess was chatting with you and Mingyu, a fond, amorous expression softening his face, “—that’s how I met Princess. I mean, she’s so intelligent, level-headed, thoughtful. Finally worked up the courage to ask her out, like… two months ago, now? Things have been smooth sailing since.”
“I can see that. You guys mesh together well,” Wonwoo answered, at first staring at Princess, but sensing his eyes naturally drift toward you and that tight hold Mingyu had at your bare waist.
“Thanks, man. Hey—I should say congrats, by the way.”
“Hm?” Wonwoo mumbled, spreading his legs. “What for?”
“Frontiers. You got a super good score.”
“Oh, that… uh, thanks. I mean, it was last year.”
Seungcheol’s face immediately scrunched with laughter.
“Shit. It’s nothing.” Seungcheol was still chuckling a bit between his breathy words. “I love how you shrug it off. Like, whenever your name comes up, it’s always next to how smart you are, man. I love that you don’t even fucking care. If that were me, I’d be the most pretentious piece of shit—it’s actually insane.”
Wonwoo paused for a second to think, looking at his sneakers, and then back at Seungcheol, the cogs in his mind beginning to whirr.
“I didn’t think my name would come up much. If at all.”
“No, no, it does,” he answered, bouncing his fist off the table with another chuckle. “Hey—you get around more than you think.”
Maybe Seungcheol’s words were supposed to be uplifting, or rewarding to hear, but Wonwoo felt his stomach drop and a horrible, papery dryness spread throughout his mouth. He absolutely hated the thought of people talking about him, discussing him, perceiving him.
“Oh, yeah! Shit, I’ve been meaning to ask—” Seungcheol brightened and shuffled further up in his seat, “—Mingyu says you speak Korean? Were you born there, or from your parents, maybe?”
Wonwoo picked at his thumb slightly.
“Uh, yeah, I do. I was born there.”
“Same. Daegu.”
Seungcheol smiled, and when he switched so fluidly from his English to Korean, Wonwoo needed a moment to comprehend the different syllables and speech patterns hitting his ear. It was almost like a glitch, but it was infinitesimal, and Wonwoo processed it quick.
“Mingyu didn’t know where you were born. He just said he’d spoken Korean with you. It’s nice to hear, right?”
“It is. My parents still live in Changwon. Though their English is limited so I hardly ever use it with them.”
Nodding his head in understanding, Seungcheol then propped a leg onto his knee and began to grin. “It’s the same for me. I don’t know if Mingyu’s told you—he wasn’t born there but his parents spoke it around him growing up.”
“I’ve heard…”
“So Seokmin says you like to write?”
“Yes. Reading and writing.”
“I’m not much of a writer. I used to love reading. I still do, actually. But it’s difficult to make time for it.”
Wonwoo agreed. He would have never pegged Seungcheol as someone who enjoyed reading, mostly due to his reputation and his plethora of outlandish, jock friends, though he was pleasantly surprised to hear it.
“I haven’t been reading much myself. Or writing. I’m in a burnout, I suppose.” A sigh fell defeatedly from Wonwoo’s mouth. “It’s frustrating. What kind of books did you read?”
“Nothing unique. Lord of the Rings. I went through a period of really liking Goosebumps, too.” He  then bit his inner cheek in contemplation as he thought harder about his catalogue. “The weirdest book I remember reading was Walking Practice by Dolki Min. It gave me nightmares.”
“I’ve heard lots of mixed opinions about it.”
“It’s a book you read once, somehow manage to enjoy, but know you’ll never revisit… hm, it’s got me thinking…” Seungcheol was suddenly leaning forward, an arm dangling off the table as his forehead wrinkled with effort at placing a certain memory. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you used to date that girl who worked at the university library? I think her name was… shit—” he snapped his fingers a few times, bit down hard on his rosy lip while his dark brow furrowed, “—Jeanie? I believe that’s it. She always wore a little pin on her pullovers. Didn’t really talk much. At least not to me. She was shy but seemed sweet.”
For a second, Wonwoo thought he misheard Seungcheol—that the music from the speaker system was blaring much too loud and he somehow misinterpreted a word or sentence. He even dug into his ear for a second, sat up in his chair instead of casually leaning backward.
Wonwoo hadn’t even realized he’d dropped his Korean.
“Oh, I was asking about that girl you used to date. It was Jeanie, right? She worked at the university library.” When Wonwoo kept staring at him without so much as a sound, blink, or even a tiny twitch, Seungcheol waved his hand in the air dismissively. “Fuck, my bad. I’m probably confusing you with someone else.”
“No... you’re not.”
It had felt like a gunshot—realizing the specific pronunciation and shaping of Seungcheol’s lips hadn’t been misinterpreted at all. He was in fact saying what Wonwoo dreaded, feared, like the ghost stories from his childhood that his brother would utter through a white, dying flashlight until Wonwoo uncontrollably wept. Like the last step at his parents’ house he used to constantly miss, his heart practically jamming into his throat each and every time. It was that slow, nauseating accumulation of anxiety in his stomach, coming to buzz and rumble akin to a beehive. It was all those stupid mistakes.
Jeanie. To hear her name in another person’s mouth was almost sickening. To think about her again was pure heartache.
“That’s what I figured,” Seungcheol said. “She was nice, but I don’t think she came back in the fall… I don’t want to assume anything. Just a memory.” He reeled back on the topic as Wonwoo sat adjacent to him, paler than an alabaster pearl.
“Yeah…” he managed to croak out, feeling a rasp develop somewhere deep in his throat, “we’re not together anymore.”
“Hey, it is what it is,” Seungcheol affirmed, putting on a sincere smile that Wonwoo found a pinch of solace in. “We don’t have to fuckin’ mull over it or anything. All that shit’s in the past, yeah?”
“Right. You’re here now, amongst friends, I hope.”
Wonwoo swallowed, thinking about what Seungcheol said.
He then shifted his head toward the billiard ball table. Vernon was now involved in a very passionate conversation with Mingyu that Wonwoo was unable to hear from his distance. The two boys were bouncing back and forth, animated in their hand motions and expressions, meanwhile you and Princess were passing the most subtly judgmental looks between each other. For a moment, Wonwoo’s gaze caught your own, to which you shot him an innocuous eye roll paired with a small but tenderly growing smile. That thick uneasiness in his chest pulled back like a receding ocean tide and Wonwoo knew he was okay again.
Seungcheol took note of the glance, and he grinned.
“It seems you’re pretty close with Her.”
Turning his attention back to Seungcheol, Wonwoo nodded.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. She’s… um…”
“Hard to describe, isn’t she?” Seungcheol answered for him, now observing the scene at the billiard ball table as well.
Wonwoo almost hesitated asking his next question, but before his brain could make much sense of it, he was already speaking.
“Does Mingyu always do that?”
Seungcheol chuckled, “do what?”
“He’s on her like a fucking sticker.”
Undoubtedly, his heart sank in at the predictable answer.
“Yeah, Gyu’s always got his eye on her. I understand where he’s coming from. She attracts a lot of attention. He straight up socked this dude in the face last year for hitting on her. I mean, to be fair, he was drunk and Her can tend to be a little… well, she likes to push his buttons. It was high tension all night. Bound to explode.”
Remembering his meal at Solar Pop with Vernon a few weeks ago, Wonwoo knew how anxious his friend had been at the thought of getting ungracefully decked in the face by Mingyu’s knuckles. While it never happened—and Wonwoo was certain then that it wouldn’t—he would hate to be on the receiving end of whatever power Mingyu did pack behind a serious punch. Wonwoo despised fighting and conflict. There was often a cutting, wolfish nature wading about Mingyu’s dark gold eyes that quite frankly petrified him enough.
Considering how fearful Vernon had seemed, Wonwoo was surprised the boy was even talking with Mingyu so freely. But that forgiving, never-take-anything-too-seriously gene was just embedded straight into Vernon’s core. He could get along with anybody.
“Hm,” was all Wonwoo hummed in response.
Since he had been laser-focused analyzing the cordial, humorous conversation between Vernon and Mingyu, he failed to note that Princess had joined her boyfriend at the table. Upon turning his head out of worry he might be caught staring, Wonwoo finally saw the beautiful girl leaning against Seungcheol’s back from behind; her arms draped comfortably around his neck and her cheek pressed to his midnight black hair. Wonwoo flashed an awkward half-smile.
“You guys getting to know each other?” She asked.
Seungcheol exchanged an agreeing glance with Wonwoo.
“Mmhm. We’re basically two peas in a pod now,” the boy proceeded to joke while Princess grinned down at him, her eyes gleaming. “Yeah, he’s pretty cool. One smart cookie, y’know?”
“Wow. Smarter than you, yeah?” She laughed, now straightening up and resting just a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, can’t be a winner in everything.”
“Oh. Maybe you can’t.”
“Shit—watch yourself, missy.”
Seungcheol quickly twisted around in his chair, managing to catch Princess by the waist and playfully wrestle her onto his lap. She hardly fought in retaliation against him, a huge, warm smile glowing from her face as she let herself get wrapped in his squeezing arms.
Wonwoo wasn’t sure if he wanted to throw up. It’s not that he was some spiteful, self-loathing recluse who couldn’t stand seeing others in healthy relationships—it wasn’t that at all. What he despised was the loneliness it reflected unto himself, and the deeply unsettling thought that he was just too damaged, insecure, and unlovable to ever truly warrant the pure trust of another. He feared he could never bring his inner self to fruitfully open in such vulnerable ways.
“Hey, Wonwoo. I just noticed your cup’s empty.”
When he connected with the earnest gaze of Princess, he realized she was pointing at the red cup left untouched by his elbow.
“Oh, yeah.”
“Do you want a beer? Or a chaser?” She offered in a polite tone as Seungcheol gently moved her long braids aside to drape over her far shoulder. “We have lots of stuff in the fridge over there.”
He bit into his lip, thinking.
“Doesn’t have to be a drink,” Seungcheol said, shrugging. “If you smoke, I’ve got some stuff already crushed up. Uh, I’ve got a bong around here somewhere. I think it’s on the shelf. Rolling papers, too. Don’t know how you prefer to smoke it.”
“Papers, usually,” Wonwoo answered.
“Cool. I’ve got that.”
With two soft, careful hands gliding up her waist, Seungcheol sweetly urged Princess to her feet and then pitched an announcement that anyone interested in smoking could come to the table.
Princess swiped the blue bong from Seungcheol’s shelf.
“I’m going for a bowl,” she said, clicking her tongue.
“Ou, me too!” Clara chirped, using Bells’ arm to help shove herself off the sofa, ignoring the way her friend whined.
“I’ll come sit with you guys,” Princess added, “just make a little room. And try not to throw up on me if you can help it.”
Wonwoo was in the midst of being accompanied at the table, with Vernon dragging out the chair to his left while Mingyu occupied the seat across from him. He watched the boy’s arm stretch out to accommodate you onto his lap, and Wonwoo assumed the hand he couldn’t see was groping your thigh underneath the table. In the pit of his stomach, Wonwoo knew what that slimy, bitter feeling was, though he refused to acknowledge it—he wouldn’t even look at you.
Seungcheol tossed a ziplock bag filled with weed onto the table and spread out an array of thin, dull, white rectangular papers.
Immediately, Vernon was tugging on Wonwoo’s sleeve.
“Can you roll mine, dude?”
“Hm?” Mingyu grunted, seeming amused. “You’re asking Wonwoo to roll your joint? You're a fucking drug dealer.”
“I’ve never met anyone who can roll as good as him,” his friend complimented, leaning back in the wooden chair and firmly shaking Wonwoo’s shoulder. “If he’s in the room, I’m gettin’ him to roll. He’s got nice, talented, dexterous fingers. Isn’t that right?”
Reaching for a translucent paper and smoothing out the crinkles, a suspect arch made its way to Wonwoo’s brow, meanwhile the tips of his ears burned with all the eyeballs examining his every fucking move. Wonwoo opened the baggie, beginning to shake out the pre-grinded bud as he held the paper in a curled shape.
“Please don’t talk about my fingers like that,” he muttered, pushing up his glasses. “Check that. You want a little more or less?”
“Nah, leave it at that,” Vernon answered.
Brushing a hand through his hair, Seungcheol then crossed his arms, smirking. “I wanna see it when you’re done rolling.”
“Me too,” Mingyu agreed, staring Wonwoo down like a hawk.
“Great. Why don’t we pass the joint around the table when he’s done with it, and we can all grade it. How fun,” you mumbled sarcastically, slumping forward and resting your chin against a palm.
“You gonna smoke or not, sweetheart?” Mingyu asked.
“I don’t know yet…”
Wonwoo knew you were staring at him while he fiddled with removing a crease in the partially rolled paper, because there was an itch crawling along him, like a sunburn, but not quite. Though, he opted to continue focusing on the joint, even with your eyes breathing him in from across the table, craving his acknowledgement.
“Lick there,” he instructed, holding the paper for Vernon.
From the couch, Wonwoo heard a bubbly laugh. It was Bells, her legs kicked up onto Princess’ lap without a care in the world while Princess sparked a lighter to help Clara ignite the sapphire bowl.
“Wonwoo, if you make one for me, can you lick it?”
He simply ignored her while carefully tucking at the joint.
Wonwoo turned to Vernon again. “Lick.”
After some finely tuned adjustments that required his utmost focus, Wonwoo was at last satisfied with the roll, then handing the joint off to Vernon for him to further pack and twist up. Once his friend finished the job, he passed the joint back to Wonwoo, who further gave it down to Seungcheol. The boy glanced over it closely.
“Damn… that’s pretty fuckin’ good, can’t lie.”
“Let me see," Mingyu practically demanded, granting Seungcheol the slimmest opportunity to even pass the joint along.
He’d snatched it up and settled back in his seat—nearly sliding you straight off his lap in the process—squinting to find some stupid imperfection or mistake he could point out, though, there was nothing. Without a word, he passed the smoke to Vernon.
“See? Told ‘ya. Glasses never fails me.”
“If you don’t mind—” Seungcheol rubbed at his bottom lip, staring at Wonwoo with a quirked eyebrow, “—could I get one?”
“Yeah, no problem.”
“Mingyu won’t say it but you should roll one for him, too.”
As Wonwoo pulled another paper toward him, he managed to look at you, and the little spark that jumped into your pretty eye. He smiled because you were smiling, and that always made him feel so inexplicably warm inside, like the soft melting of browned caramel.
“I can do that,” he said, to which Mingyu nodded his head.
“I’ll roll one for you, too, Her. I mean, if you want it.”
“Okay. That’s sweet. Maybe later.”
You smiled at him again.
He smiled back.
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Wonwoo wasn’t sure how it happened or who initially decided the idea, but someone had suggested poker, and now the entire table was cleared off with the exception of Seungcheol’s playing cards and the multi-coloured chip stacks. They decided on classic Texas Hold’em because everyone who’d decided to join was most familiar with the style, though Wonwoo cared to dabble more in Blackjack as there was a mathematical basis to it that scratched a satisfying itch in his brain. Nonetheless, he was fairly good at Texas Hold’em, too.
Vernon hated playing with him, and he made that extremely apparent through his moaning while Princess shuffled the card deck. There was a decent number of people playing—only you, Clara, and Bells chose to sit on the sidelines and observe. Wonwoo had wanted you to play, but you kept declining, even without a concrete reason.
“Okay, everyone’s familiar with the rules, right?” Princess asked for clarification, at first burning the top card off the deck. “I’ll play dealer first round. That makes Seungcheol the small blind and Wonwoo the big blind. N'remember, you guys signed up for this, so if you can't afford to blow some money then you better be good.”
Everyone collectively agreed, and Princess began dealing the cards to all contenders until there was two before each person. Wonwoo wasn't exactly in the best position to be owing people cash, but he was a pretty solid player in his experience, though he was most comfortable going against Vernon and Seokmin. They had done a few poker nights at the random houses Vernon always claimed he was looking after for a friend. He had no idea what Seungcheol or Mingyu would be like as players. It did scare him a little.
Seungcheol made his move first—just a dollar, the equivalent of a single white-coloured chip. Wonwoo had to double the bet, so he moved out two white chips instead. Vernon decided to raise the amount to four chips, and Seokmin called the bet, matching it. Mingyu went next, his figure appearing foggy from across the table as the air became increasingly tinged with ruffles of smoke.
He called.
Seungcheol and Wonwoo both called at their turns, and thus, the first round of betting had ended. Everyone pushed forward their chips for Princess to collect, creating their small, measly looking pot.
Wonwoo kept the joint poised between his pointer and middle finger as he slyly gleaned the suit and ranks of his hand, keeping both cards flush against the table, just lifting their corners.
It didn’t seem like much and would probably result in little reward—an eight of clovers and a three of spades—but Wonwoo wasn’t looking to show out in the very first game, anyway.
He glanced toward the couch, where you were squished almost shoulder to shoulder against Clara and Bells. The bong was sat in your lap as you leaned down over the mouthpiece and sparked at the cannabis packed into the bowl. Bells curled at her long, black hair, heels dug into the edge of the coffee table, eyes glazed as pastries.
“I didn’t get anything from that,” she mumbled.
“That’s ‘cause you don’t know how to play,” Princess chuckled, again burning another card off the deck before setting down three more at the centre of the table, creating the flop.
Nine of diamonds, seven of hearts, and six of clovers.
Everyone took a minute to examine the flop, comparing it with the cards they had stowed close to their chests. Wonwoo, however, didn’t even bother comparing, as he already knew his move.
“Hm…” Seungcheol paused, rubbing at his chin and sucking in his bottom lip. “I think I’ll check.” He then leaned back, placing forth no bet at all, and instead looked to Wonwoo for his decision.
“Ha!” Vernon practically choked beside him, the joint almost spat from his mouth, and Wonwoo felt the boy’s hand push in a teasing pressure at his shoulder. “You’re such a piece of shit, man.”
“Why is he a piece of shit?” Bells wondered.
“Just, uh—ah, never mind,” Vernon capitulated, still somewhat chuckling under his breath as Wonwoo smiled at him. “I’m gonna bet. I’ll put out some of these.” He slid out the required chips, forest-green in colour, each valued at twenty-five dollars.
Nibbling on his fingertip, Seokmin shook his head.
“I’m sorry, I’m folding.”
Princess smiled. “No, it’s okay! Mingyu next.”
“Hm, call,” he responded, matching Vernon's dare.
The attention returned to Seungcheol, who was rooted in his indecisiveness, pressed fingers masking half his face as he stared down at the three community cards, brow furrowed with thought.
Eventually, he shrugged. “Fuck it. I’m folding too.”
“Not feeling lucky, babe?” Princess grinned, collecting the bets placed by Vernon and Mingyu to the growing pot.
“I’m treading cautiously, let’s just say that.” He smirked.
After revealing the fourth community card, another round ensued between Vernon and Mingyu. Wonwoo relaxed back into his seat, an analyzing eye shifting from his tattooed, face-pierced friend to the stoic and collected Mingyu who was awaiting Vernon’s turn.
Wonwoo held his bottom lip between sharp teeth, then staring down at his lap in an attempt to smother that prying, wide smile, knowing the exact move his friend would make. It was Vernon, after all. And he always played big, even when he shouldn’t.
“Bet. Here you go.”
More of those green chips were moved out.
Mingyu huffed, tongue curling against his pronounced canine. “I don’t believe you, dude.”
Vernon cackled, propping up his knee and setting the heel of his sneaker onto the chair. He exhaled a smooth hit from his joint.
“Okay. Raise, then.”
Seungcheol chuckled, sharing a laugh with Seokmin who was sipping at a beer bottle from across the table.
“Fine—have it your way.”
"I’ll call.”
“Not feeling so confident, yeah?” Mingyu proceeded to laugh, eyeing Vernon closely with a testing, intrigued expression.
“I’ll let the showdown speak for itself,” Vernon pitted back.
Again, Princess collected their chips and rid the deck of its top card, and then placed down the fifth and final community card, establishing the river and the arrangement from which Vernon and Mingyu would need to create the most powerful hand. Each boy at last turned over their deck, and it was clear cut who was the winner.
“Mingyu’s got a full house,” Princess explained, standing up and leaning forward to swivel the card combination into place. “Take these three from the river, plus his nine of hearts and seven of clovers—that’s a three of a kind and a pair. Vernon can at most make a straight.” She then sat back down, pushing the entire pot to Mingyu.
“Did you win, baby?” After remaining silent for the entire game, you had finally perked up from the couch, admittedly buzzed.
Brushing back his hair, he smirked. “I won. Mr. Drug Dealer owes me about three-hundred dollars. But I guess you've just got that laying around somewhere? Stuffed up your pillow case?”
Vernon laughed, then took a deep, long drag from his joint. "If you're not sleepin' against a pillow case full of cash, I'm happy to officially give you the opportunity. Takes away all your stress."
“Congratulations,” you flashed a hazy smile at your boyfriend, courtesy of the smoke wafting through the air, like you were caught in a reverie, “I'm glad all those Sundays were well spent.”
“Okay, we’ll move down now,” Princess announced, reorganizing the cards into a deck. “Seungcheol’s the dealer, Wonwoo is the small blind, and Vernon’s the big blind this time.”
They continued to play until everyone at the table had a chance at being the blinds and the dealer. Wonwoo folded every round. He knew it might've been ignorant and distrustful, but to him, it was the perfect opportunity to see inside everyone's bag of tricks.
He’d developed a fairly foolproof inkling toward their tactics and gives. Seokmin was by far the easiest player to make fold, though Wonwoo was already well aware—he would only hold his ground if there was confidence in his hand, but even then, anyone else calling Seokmin’s bet always engendered him to squirm. And while Vernon was still a more seasoned player by comparison, his brashness and tentative nature toward folding was often his downfall.
Seungcheol and Princess were a bit harder to read.
They were alike in their more cautious, calculating style of play, and Princess clearly had experience with orchestrating poker matches. Seungcheol, however, would routinely make the same mistake that Wonwoo had noticed straight away—touching or covering his face. When he was most confident, his fingers would sit more around his chin, or jaw, and when he was dealt a shitty hand with little to no promise of creating something notable from the community cards, those fingers etched further toward his lips.
You had still refused to join the match when offered by Princess, though you were paying greater attention to the game—even stopping by to hover with interest at Mingyu’s shoulder.
Princess was back to being the dealer.
Seungcheol was again the small blind. “I’ll put up twenty.”
Wonwoo grabbed two stacks of his chips and slid them outward to double the boy’s forced bet. “Forty.”
Everyone called.
Since the pot had gone unraised, Wonwoo decided to push forth more of his chips, adding on another twenty in small stacks. “Raise.”
The eagerness to increase the bet had drained. Again, all parties at the table simply called, and Wonwoo was feeling quite confident.
“Flop time,” Princess said with a smile, neatly setting out three cards at the table’s centre for everyone to glean.
Seungcheol checked. So did Wonwoo.
“Raise.” Vernon was persistent in his choice.
Everyone matched the increased bet, now sitting at eighty chips, until it fell upon Wonwoo’s turn. Expectant eyes were drilling holes into him like he was plywood at a construction site. Under normal circumstances, Wonwoo would abhor it more than anything else, but he was otherwise relaxed and in tune with his decisions as the joint smoke warmly fluttered around him. Coughing out a tickle from his throat, he grabbed another stack of his chips.
“It’s at eighty, so I’ll push to a hundred.”
“Cunt,” Vernon coughed, though he matched the raise without so much as a leg shake or a bite at his glinting lip ring.
“Fold,” Seokmin sighed, forfeiting his hand to Princess.
Wonwoo looked across the table, watching your fingertips squeeze into Mingyu’s thick shoulders as he pondered his choice.
“Call.” He eventually decided with a shrug.
Seungcheol agreed.
By the fifth community card, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seungcheol, and Vernon were still engaged in the match. From his analysis, Wonwoo was sure he would take the pot. Seungcheol was rubbing just below his lip using a slow thumb—there was uncertainty and doubt in the gesture. Vernon’s willingness to raise was merely intended to pressure out the others, but it hadn’t worked, and his quietness suggested there might be regret, and still, confidence, that he could somehow get away with it. Finally, Wonwoo saw Mingyu.
He'd played a handful of poker—specifically Texas Hold’em—with Mingyu when they had taken that probability elective last year.
The thing was, Mingyu had this gold-plated guise of believing his casual, unbothered demeanour couldn’t be disrupted under any circumstance—that no one would catch that transient slip of credence in those molten brown eyes or note the way he cracked the wood in the chair from fidgeting when the silence was too heavy and all-encompassing. But Wonwoo would notice. He could see it clearer than glass. The more Mingyu disguised it, the easier it poured out.
“Alright, showdown. Let’s see your hands.”
Everyone flipped their cards.
A moment of silence ensued, and then—
“Fuck you, Wonwoo,” Vernon grunted, jabbing his side.
Both him and Seungcheol could make a straight flush, but since the rank of Wonwoo’s cards were higher, he took the win.
Not to mention the rather large, admirable pot. He was pretty pleased to see those colourful bills being forked out from the losers' wallets. It truly did pay off to play with rich people, and Mingyu and Seungcheol's pockets seemed endless.
By Wonwoo's third joint of the night, he’d won more rounds than anyone sitting at the table. Vernon had cursed at him a fair amount, Seokmin hardly wanted to play anymore amongst the serious tycoons that surrounded him, and wallets were running drier than any desert. The effects of all that smoke wafting through the air and meddling with his senses was starting to take effect.
He could potentially last another round before his most concrete thinking would get whittled down to thoughtless guesses.
Before the final round had started, Wonwoo glanced down at his phone to check the time. Holy shit—one in the morning. He’d been at the party for almost three fucking hours and he was miraculously still functioning and somehow not crawling with the desperation to leave. You were seated back at the couch, head leaning on Clara’s shoulder as you waited, misty-eyed, for the final game to start. Wonwoo decided to text you even though you were sitting no less than five feet away.
[ Wonwoo | 1:02 am ]: Play the final round.
He watched as you picked up the phone from your lap to read the text message, and then, you were squinting at him in judgement.
[ Her | 1:02 am ]: um no
His thumbs fired back a response.
[ Wonwoo | 1:02 am ]: Why?
[ Her | 1:02 am ]: bc I don’t want to
[ Wonwoo | 1:03 am ]: You don’t know how to play?
[ Her | 1:03 am ]: ik how to play
[ Wonwoo | 1:03 am ]: So play.
[ Wonwoo | 1:03 am ]: Take Seokmin’s place.
[ Wonwoo | 1:03 am ]: Please? Should I beg for it?
Your scoff could be heard from the couch, and Wonwoo had to remind himself to steam out the smile twitching on his lips.
[ Her | 1:04 am ]: is it really that important to u?
[ Wonwoo | 1:04 am ]: Yes.
[ Her | 1:04 am ]: fine
[ Her | 1:04 am ]: just don’t come crying to me when u lose
Feeling especially triumphant that he was able to convince you, Wonwoo observed with a pleased smirk your quest to Seokmin’s place at the table, where you tapped his shoulder and told him to take five. The boy didn’t need to be told twice, allowing you his seat almost gratefully.
“Awe, you’re not gonna stay for the finale?” Princess asked in a crooning voice while shuffling the card deck between her hands.
Seokmin grabbed his skinny bottle of beer off the table and shook his head, his face glowing and his eyes beginning to hood.
“I’ve learned my lesson about this game: I’m not good at it, I don’t have the money, and that I should never play with Wonwoo.”
“Or me?” Vernon gestured, turning out a palm expectantly.
“Uh, right. And Vernon.”
Picking a fluff from Seokmin’s shirt and flicking it into the air, you merely shrugged, flashing him a comforting smile.
“Y’know, it’s a good thing you suck,” you said, then leaning back in the chair and folding your arms. “It means you’re a bad liar.”
“Nice to play with you, alright?” Seungcheol added, grabbing onto the boy’s hand and giving it a firm clasp as he walked by.
“Thanks. I think I’ll go back downstairs and see if I can find more people I know. Enjoy the game, guys! Tell me who wins!”
“Probably me,” you answered, waving him goodbye.
“Hm, I didn’t think you’d play at all,” Mingyu remarked while Princess began sorting out cards to everyone, and Wonwoo noted the boy's leg jostling underneath the table. “Feeling confident, are you?”
Poking out your tongue playfully at Mingyu, you smiled. “Yes. Don’t even think about trying to riddle me. I’ll see right through it.”
The game started out as usual. Seungcheol and Wonwoo offered the blind bets, and everyone at the table called. No one seemed keen to fold, even when Princess revealed the flop and his heart smacked in another resounding thump. An eight of spades, a king of spades, and an eight of clovers. Wonwoo then slipped his gaze around the table, particularly studying you, who hadn’t stopped grinning since the game started. Of course you would be grinning. There was nothing very coy or subtle about you upon any first glance.
Wonwoo discreetly lifted the corners to his playing cards. He caught the wind in his chest. There was an ace of spades, his very first all night, paired with a nine of spades. It took all his self-control to remain muted on the outside and let his joint continue burning.
At the fourth community card, the pressure was starting to seep through, and the intimidating, stacked size of the pot collected before Princess was only making the fold especially tempting.
Every time it seemed like a call was in order, someone would raise, and the bets kept climbing until the glass ceiling was at last hit.
Seungcheol brushed antsy hands down the back of his head, scattering his hair and puffing out his chest in a large, accepting sigh.
“I’ve gotta fold. There’s no way.”
Balancing a joint at the corner of his mouth, Wonwoo grabbed another stack from his chips and slid it outward, knowing there was little to no chance he would lose the round.
“Raise,” he announced, exhaling a deep breath.
“Oh my God,” Vernon mumbled into his palm, taking a moment to tap his fingers against the wood, “… I have to fold. Yeah, I’ve gotta. A smart man like myself knows when to quit. You got me. Fucker.”
Unphased by the hopeless, daunting feeling that swelled around the table, you merely crossed a leg and dared to not only match, but raise the amount of chips that Wonwoo had audaciously put forth. Mingyu was slumped in his chair with a musing expression, eyes stung red and the thick fronds of his hair messily strewn about from how often his fingers dug through them. He eventually cleared his throat from the hot prickle and shook his head in conviction.
“No, you’re lying. I don’t believe it.”
But you just smirked and fluttered your lashes.
“What’s your move then, babe?”
“I’ll check.” Mingyu shrugged, agitated by his own response.
And to that, Wonwoo poured more gasoline on the fire.
“There is no fuckin’ way your cards are that good,” Vernon grumbled between half-sealed lips, attempting to hold the joint still with his mouth while he sparked the end using his lighter.
“I’m raising your raise,” you challenged, “one-hundred.”
As his hand fell onto the table with a loud rattle, Vernon started to cackle. “There’s no way your cards are that good, either.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You lilted.
“Mingyu?” Seungcheol hummed to get the boy’s attention. “It’s your move, man. What’re you gonna do?”
Wonwoo could see it scribbled all over Mingyu’s face. He didn’t want to get caught in the intense bidding flare between you, because he obviously knew his cards weren’t high enough rank to claim the pot at showdown. Wonwoo wasn’t planning to fold because the community cards were aligned in his favour. That steely, brash façade of the golden boy across from him was wearing increasingly thinner and Mingyu had seemed to realize it himself. After an almost agonizing silence, he pushed his cards away from him, forfeiting.
“Yeah, I can’t do it. Fuck you guys.”
“Oh, that’s too bad, sweetheart. That’s too bad, ” you giggled, leaning over to sling an arm around his shoulders and stipple his cheek in small kisses that Mingyu wriggled from.
“Alright, just fuckin’ get to the showdown already,” he tutted.
Wonwoo couldn’t have been happier that Mingyu removed himself from the game. It was solely between him and you, now.
“You raised to one-hundred?” He asked for clarification.
Nodding your head, you agreed. “Yes. One-hundred.”
The thing was, Wonwoo knew he was going to win. Even without Princess revealing the final community card, there was an opportunity for him to make a straight flush. Unless an unprecedented stroke of luck had fallen into your own hand and you could somehow make a royal flush, the game was already decided.
Unless Wonwoo folded.
“I’ll raise,” he answered, wanting to test your limits.
“Jesus, this is gonna take all fuckin’ night, isn’t it?” Vernon proceeded to groan while exercising his stiff shoulder.
You smiled, and a glint illuminated in your eyes like a fallen star the size of a perfect sand grain.
 “Should I make it more interesting?”
Uncrossing your leg, you sat up straight, pressing tight against the table as you braced an arm behind your remaining chips and shoved them forward slowly, right into the table’s centre. Everyone began to mumble excitedly at the brazen act, though Wonwoo could only focus on you and that mischievous but beautiful curve to your lips, ignoring everything else in the room.
“All in.”
He felt a fist lightly strike his chest.
“Glasses! You’ve gotta match that!”
Seungcheol was rubbing along his chin, grinning.
“That’s gonna make a huge pot… lotta money…”
“He’s been making moves all game,” Princess laughed. “Not that I’m pressuring you, Wonwoo. I mean, it’s your call.”
Mingyu shook his head. “She’s so bluffing.”
“Hush up so he can think!” Vernon cackled.
There was so much sound and noise and voices. But, through the cacophony and haze of all those distractions, Wonwoo could see into you so clearly it was like you had become magically transparent. In turn, you were staring at him, awaiting his response, and he felt those sharp eyes shearing at his fabricated thoughts, picking them all apart into little corners and strips and threads. It was impossibly subtle, and only Wonwoo caught it—your head just beginning to shake in disagreement.
However, Wonwoo had already made his decision.
“I’m folding.”
Vernon’s fists struck down on the table like a thunderous clap, and the tension nailed into the atmosphere suddenly burst.
Before Wonwoo could even make sense of the exploding conversation, his cards were pulled away from him by Princess. She flipped over both yours and his hand.
“Wonwoo, you stupid fuck!” Vernon practically leapt from his chair, wriggling at the boy’s shoulder. “That’s a straight fl—oh my god! I’m actually so—you could have easily won that!”
“Okay, okay. She’s got a straight flush, too!” Princess called, pointing down at your cards. “But Wonwoo’s rank is higher.”
“Doesn’t matter, anyway,” Mingyu said, pushing back in his chair and stretching out his muscular arms. “He folded. Her wins.”
Seungcheol sifted through the colourful chips.
“Looks like he owes you about five-hundred bucks.”
Continuing to smile at you, Wonwoo picked the joint back between his lips, borrowing Vernon’s lighter to fizzle the end and keep the paper burning. Your arms were crossed, hardly pleased.
“Looks like I do.” Wonwoo accepted through a wispy exhale of smoke, rolling out his shoulders and further quirking his lips.
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After the final poker match, everyone decided to disseminate and take about half an hour to excuse themselves. Mingyu went back downstairs with Seungcheol so they could keep an eye on the general rowdiness, making sure people hadn’t started rioting or smashing vases, swinging from chandeliers and drinking questionable concoctions out of high-heeled boots.
Vernon wandered off in search for a washroom since Princess had occupied the nearest one down the staircase, at first helping nurse Clara through her incoming bout of alcohol sickness, with Bells joining them a few minutes afterward when that last sip decided to lurch back up her throat.
Only you and Wonwoo remained in the attic.
He was sat widespread at the sofa, slumped down, eyes closed, attempting to appreciate the high that could be attributed to the third joint he was now halfway through smoking. But then he felt the cushion beside him dip, and there was a pinch sinking rather harshly into the flesh on his hand that made his eyes fling back open.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Wonwoo moaned, rubbing over the small, crescent shaped branding dug by your fingernail.
Settling down notably close to Wonwoo, your knee prodded into his thigh while your one leg folded over the other. That scowl had yet to be ironed out from your countenance, and he could only suspect you were about to come down hard in regards to his stunt.
“Boo hoo. You’re such a lying liar who lies.”
Wonwoo stretched out a hand to his face, massaging slow against his temples while he sighed, “lying’s part of the game...”
“No—” the retort shot out with an electrifying quickness, “—not your type of lying. Your double-crossed lying. You’re a fraud.”
“A fraud?” He echoed, letting the hand fall into his lap. “Okay, that’s a bit accusatory. I wouldn’t call what I did fraudulent.”
Shifting his elbow off the arm of the couch, the joint was poised back at his lips, and Wonwoo couldn’t help but chuckle at your glaring, stiff face. He swiftly blew out his hit, smirking hard.
“I hate you for what you did. I mean, you should have gone all in and matched me. But, no! You took the wuss route and made me look stupid! It taints everything. And you better wipe away that jovial curl in your lip before I sock it off your face and steal your cig.”
Wonwoo tilted his head at you, perking an eyebrow.
“How’d you know my cards were better?”
At first, the question visibly stumped you. There was a lag in your response—an open mouth but not a single word to follow.
Then, it seemed as though you breathed out all your rage.
“Don’t ask such a dumb question,” sounded your calm sigh, with a leg bobbing up and down, “you made it so obvious.”
“I did? Hm.”
“Yeah…I know your tactic. You make everyone feel and nice and comfortable playing with you. Then, you totally flip the script and pull out the rug.” Your shoulder was digging into his and you two were now squished together so closely that he could feel your radiating warmth and smell the fragrance in your hair. “For someone who’s so damn quiet, your eyes are like a book. They just swim and trash with everything you’re thinking. So, don’t think you’re all that.”
Wonwoo switched the joint to his other hand, instead leaning against his fist and peering aside at you who seemed so certain of everything. Admittedly, he’d never heard that before, and if he weren’t beyond drowned in the watery red glowing behind his hooded gaze, your spiel would have downright terrified him.
It wasn’t that you just knew Wonwoo, it was that you were beginning to understand him and the way his mind operated.
No—if he were sober, that thought would obliterate him.
He shrugged. “I don’t think I’m all that.”
“Blah, blah. Y’know, the one thing about you that bothers me—you’re actually not a loser. People like you Wonwoo. People are impressed by you. They want to know you. And you just keep them at bay with your stinging hot fireplace poker, jabbing at them in case they get too close. I see it. And—I don’t know, maybe you’re right to keep all those people out. Maybe it gives you more control.”
Wonwoo dragged a hand along his face, laughing. “I think I’m a little too high to be having that conversation with you.”
“No, you’re not. You just don’t want to talk about it as usual. I don't suppose you've got five-hundred big ones in your wallet, do you?”
He shot you an obvious glance while chuckling, "absolutely fucking not. But sit tight, though. I can get it to you somehow."
Your head shook. "I don't care about the money."
He stared down at the joint aglow in his hand.
And then he was holding it out in front of you.
You hesitated, but ultimately grabbed it, positioning the joint between your index and middle finger akin to a cigarette. Wonwoo watched intently at the soft inhale you breathed in, and the gradual relaxing of your chest as the smoke was gently puffed outward.
“Not so tough, is it?” He hummed in his deep, velvet-smooth voice, to which you squinted at him and scrunched your nose.
“I just studied how you did it, that’s all.”
Your knee was now pressed atop his lap. Wonwoo felt that momentary, passionate itch to settle his palm flat against your warm skin—ignore all boundaries that existed between you as well as their scalding consequences just for the sake of sweetly touching you, the one visible hope in his life. Still, Wonwoo was too afraid. As much as he wanted all your light and love to himself, it could never be true.
“We’re doing lines next,” you said, “… are you gonna do it?”
“Oh, no.” Wonwoo shook his head. “I tried it once and it went fucking terribly. I’m not gonna bother messing with it again.”
You looked relieved.
“That’s good. It’s so weird for me. Like, when it first enters my system, everything feels strange and I get this spinning, nauseating sensation. But it always passes. And then I let everything go.”
Wonwoo quirked at you a barely-there smile.
“I know it’s obvious—just be careful, alright?”
You puffed out another hit.
“I will.”
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It was a bit strange—to just stand there, off to the side, as an observer of someone who was lining up a perfect streak of white powder using their credit card. And yet, that’s what Wonwoo had found himself doing, staring without much shame as you, Mingyu, Vernon, and Seungcheol began pressing shut one nostril and inhaling the cocaine through the other. Wonwoo never bothered to ask Vernon how he acquired the coke, or what he paid for it, or how he even knew someone that could baggie it up for him so nicely—Wonwoo didn’t ask anything of the sort because he’d rather avoid prison.
Though, that might be inevitable in the bigger picture. His closest friend was a drug dealer. By nature, he was already associated.
Princess had walked over to him, dropping off some bottled water from the fridge that he immediately uncapped and gulped down. It seemed his efforts to mend that broken circadian rhythm of his had done some actual good, because Wonwoo was feeling the tire spread over his eyes and the energy deplete from his body like an inflatable with an air leak. You had snorted the coke almost a little too naturally. He remembered an old conversation with Vernon—she takes that shit like it’s pixie dust—and he supposed it made sense.
He helped Princess shove the window open again to let some freshness back into the warm attic space. She spent a moment or so staring down at the driveway, watching the people come and go.
“How are Bells and Clara?” Wonwoo asked.
She glanced at him, though her brown eyes eventually wandered back to the ongoing buzz outside and below.
“Clara is totalled,” Princess sighed. “She’s lying down in one of the spare bedrooms. A friend is looking after her. Bells on the other hand...” she glimpsed over her shoulder, scanning the room, “I’m not sure where she went. I thought she came back upstairs, but it’s likely she wandered down to the living room. That girl is all gas, no breaks. Throws up one second, back to sloshing the next.”
Wonwoo swallowed more of his cold water.
“I take it Seungcheol owes you a dinner?”
“Ha—yeah, he owes it to me big time,” she muttered, at last turning her back to the breeze. “Good thing I didn’t let him drink that fucking whiskey. Holy shit. It would be worse than Clara.”
“Hm…” Wonwoo hummed, suddenly wondering aloud as he watched you cough into your fist at the table while Mingyu rubbed his nose and patted your cheek. “He doesn’t do it all the time, though?”
Princess folded her arms and smiled.
“No, she doesn’t.”
“Oh. I was asking—”
“I know what you were asking. You don’t have to hide it.”
Wonwoo thought about further countering Princess’ assumption, but the way she was watching him—head knowingly tilted with that smitten crook so rightfully framed on her glossed, shiny lips—he knew it would be futile to even try. He felt relief at the confirmation, too. As long as you were careful. Really fucking careful.
“Sorry,” he answered, shrugging.
“Nah, apology not needed.” Princess shook her head.
The girl proceeded to look down at her feet, remaining silent and pensive—toying with the idea of saying something important but ultimately weighing its consequence before involving Wonwoo.
He was sipping from his water again when Princess at last cleared her throat, then holding the swig between his cheeks.
“Um, I don’t know, exactly, what it is you and Her talk about, or what you write about, or what you two do, ever. Just, uh, whatever it is—and maybe it’s best I don’t know—she’s really… happy. Not that she wasn’t happy before. But… it’s different, y’know? The energy is different. And I see this really, really beautiful light in her that I’ve never seen before. So, yeah. I’m glad you two are friends. And that you listen to her and stick by her and help her with this new craft even when she’s not the most cooperative, or… well… y’know… it’s Her after all. You don’t really know which version you’ll get.”
Wonwoo still hadn’t swallowed. The water was becoming uncomfortably lukewarm in his mouth but he held it there.
Princess dusted off her shirt, smiling again. “Anyway, I’ll go check on Seungcheol. Probably try to find Bells. Ah, later.”
Only when the girl had left him alone at the windowsill did he finally choke down that large sip, bracing through it as though he’d just downed some especially bitter cough syrup. His mind was replaying pieces of Princess’ speech in addition to that appreciative, even admirable look she had been giving him. He didn’t know what to take from it. He didn’t even know what he was feeling. All his emotions were cooking in one big heap at the pit of his gut like a disproportioned stew. Wonwoo rubbed a hand along his face in partial confusion and agony, hearing a giggle from you somewhere across the room, as he attempted to sort everything out.
Wanting to move somewhere a bit quieter, Wonwoo thought he might try his luck with the rooms down the staircase, and hopefully not waltz into anything he so clearly shouldn’t have. Yet, just as his hand ghosted along the wood railing, Wonwoo was suddenly colliding with someone and the rapidly permeating, muddled scent of daisies, cannabis, and fireball was filling his nose.
His water bottle dropped to the floor and rolled to the base of the stairs. Fingers scraped deep into his shirt. He grabbed onto the person’s waist with instinct, helping to steady them.
“Fuck—holy shit. Thanks, Wonwoo.”
But then the realization had metaphorically slapped him.
“My bad. Sorry.”
It was Bells who’d been stumbling up the stairs and plowed straight into his chest. She didn’t seem the most present, either.
“No, no, no. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
The last thing he wanted on planet Earth was to get sucked into a conversation with her—not that he had any sort of grudge or concrete reason to dislike the girl—but his head was starting to ache and he craved peace and quiet for just five fucking minutes.
Her fingers were still wound into his shirt, almost holding him there, against the banister of the stairs, and Wonwoo couldn’t help but stare straight into her intensely dilated eyes that studied him like a shark.
“Uh, all good...”
Wonwoo honestly wanted to grab the girl by her shoulders and physically set her aside. At the same time, he didn’t think it was the best protocol to act so uncouth with one of your close friends.
“Oh, sorry!” It seemed to dawn on her that she was pinning him against the handrailing. “I just didn’t want to fall.”
She at last loosened her fingers, though Wonwoo noted how she somewhat dragged her hands along his chest in the process of doing so, like that girl had done earlier to Vernon. It was unnecessary, but she was drunk, and Wonwoo thought he could end the conversation quicker if he remained pleasant. Stood at the top of the stairs, Wonwoo smiled at her, knowing how exhausted he was inside.
“I hope you’re feeling okay.”
Bells smiled, swaying her shoulders, “I’ve never felt better.”
“… Are you… sure about that?”
“Do you need water or anything?”
“Don’t think so.”
“Uh, alright, cool. Well, I’m gonna go—”
“Wonwoo, wait.” She latched onto his arm, fast and sharp.
He paused, not so much because of her grip but mostly from shock, as she had suddenly moved in closer and he could now feel her strength squeezing against his bicep. She batted her eyelashes up at him demurely, and there was nothing he stomached but discomfort.
“What are you doing after this?” The girl hummed, lowering her voice and intentionally smoothing it to add a sultry effect.
Dry swallowing, he debated whether or not he should even respond and instead simply peel her unwanted hand off his arm.
“… Going to bed?” He croaked, shifting in his place.
“Would you want to do something with me?” She bit her lip. “My apartment’s in South Elm. Have you ever been there?”
“It’s not a good idea.” Wonwoo was losing his patience.
“Awe, not a good idea? Why’s that?” She giggled, slowly massaging her hand down the length of his bicep and nibbling on her inner cheek. “We can do anything you want at my place… I live alone… so, I’m up for it. Anything at all.”
“Okay, uh, look. I don’t want to be—”
All of a sudden, Bells was ripped from Wonwoo like a sticky bandage, and while he was more than confused at the situation, he was nonetheless relieved. He assumed it was Princess who’d done the deed, and thus Wonwoo was very surprised to learn that it had been you—you, who did not appear happy in the slightest, and his relief was starting to transform into thick concern because it seemed as though you were going to ricochet Bells head off the banister.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” You shouted, shoving a belittling hand against Bells' shoulder and tugging her away. “Why are you fucking cornering him like that?!”
“Uh—what? Cornering him? Her, I’m so confused.”
“Confused? About what, Bells? You’re fucking harassing him! Like, why are you in his face and putting your hands on him?!”
“Woah, woah, woah. What’s your fucking problem? I wasn’t in his face; I’m talking to him. Just talking. You’re jumped up again.”
“Jumped up?! You're one to talk!”
Wonwoo at first tried to intervene, mostly out of serious worry for Bells safety, because you were steaming. However, every time he attempted to speak up, his words would drown out in the echo of your squabbling. It didn’t help that you two were both mentally degraded in your own right—all that anger was shooting straight from your chest to your mouth with no thought involved.
“Just leave him alone!” You jabbed a finger at her chest.
Bells slapped your hand away. “Don’t touch me!”
“Oh, why? Does it make you uncomfortable, having someone in your fucking face, touching you without permission? Does that make you upset, Bells? Hm, wow. So funny you would say that.”
Wonwoo settled a hand at your shoulder, tugging at you once, then twice, wanting to pull you back without being too forceful.
“It’s okay,” he assured, though his heart was pounding and he wished someone else would help or even take note of what was happening, “it’s not a big deal, alright? Nothing worth all this.”
Again, he was completely ignored.
“So, that’s it?” Bells laughed, throwing up her arms. “Only you can talk to him, and look at him, and breathe around him? That’s all you? No one else is allowed to like, have a conversation with him?!”
“You don’t want to have a conversation with him!” Your fists balled up tight as you screamed at her. “You want him to fuck you!”
“Okay, okay—!” Wonwoo jolted with panic when you pushed the drunken girl, immediately coiling his arms around your waist and lurching you backward before a flailing hand could strike Bells’ face.
Bells stumbled for no less than second until she regained her balance and looked to you with the most seething, nettled eyes.
The situation seemed on the precipice of exploding beyond control, with you wriggling and thrashing against his arms, employing a strength he couldn’t have expected amidst your sluggish state. You were shouting at him to stop intervening, though, he knew letting go meant you would most likely beat the girl’s breaks off.
Thankfully, at the nick of time, Mingyu had sprinted across the room, catching Bells' arm just before it lashed out in a strike.
“What the fuck is going on?!” Mingyu grunted while wrestling the smaller, feisty girl away despite all her manic squirming.
Wonwoo almost got nipped by the unbridled swinging of your elbow as he gritted through his teeth, “I wish I knew.”
He did know. However, it wasn’t the time to discuss it.
“Fuck! Just take Her downstairs!” The boy shouted.
Jesus Christ—that was easier said than done. Trying to haul you backward down a staircase as you twisted, kicked, and screamed a very colourful litany of profanities at your friend was the exact nightmare it sounded like. Vernon’s head had suddenly popped over the banister, staring down at you and Wonwoo, his eyes blown wide with pure befuddlement, as though he wasn’t sure if it was real life or a narcotic delusion. Princess had gone to help Mingyu calm down Bells. Seungcheol had joined the commotion, too, though he didn’t come across the most intelligible. His mind was all fog.  
And yet, somehow, Wonwoo managed to ply you away from the stairs and into the corridor with hardly a breath to spare.
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301 notes · View notes
catssluvr · 21 days
hiii if ur still looking for emily prentiss requests… could u possibly do like i dunno something about a playlist? sorta where you & emily make a playlist for your relationship and each sonh correlates with a different memory… perhaps….
p.s. thank u so much for writing my first request, it couldnt have been better ❤️❤️
- 🐞
hi again, bug!! (hope its ok i call u that 💗) i’m so glad you liked the other one 🫶🏻
this was so fun to write, ur ideas are just superior 💌
𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒔 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒚, emily prentiss
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emily prentiss x sunshine!wife!reader
you and emily remember your relationship by making a playlist <3
warnings: mentions of pregnancy (no pregnancy tho), emily's fake death, bit of angst, r likes the smiths and stevie nicks?
note!: i used laufey and taylor for this cause they're what i've been listening to, i'm not implying em would listen to them!
·˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛
Emily pads towards the balcony as soon as she finishes the laundry, eager to get her late night cuddles with you.
You lay on the hammock, city lights illuminating the balcony and making your face glow nicely. She takes a moment to take in your appearance. Fuzzy pink socks, an old yale hoodie of hers and pyjama pants that don't match even the slightest bit. Yet you look better than ever.
Your gaze is focused on your phone, thumb scrolling slowly and brows furrowed in concentration.
"You'll get wrinkles if you keep frowning." She chuckles and your face immediately softens when you look at her.
"I'd stop frowning if my wife was laying with me and not doing boring chores." You joke back, hand reaching out and signalling for her to join you.
Emily complies without a question, clumsily laying behind you so that you're now between her legs. Her hands rest on your stomach as she peeks over your shoulder to get a look at your phone screen.
"What are you so focused on?" She asks in confusion as she looks at the list of songs on the screen.
"Well, since we are planning on having a plus one on the family soon, at some point i'll be way to pregnant to get on the jet. And i know i'll miss you too much so i thought that maybe i could make a playlist of songs that remind me of us. Just so i can have a bit of you while you're away." She finds herself at a loss of words. It's not that she doesn't know you're quite loud about your love for her, but it never ceases to make her speechless. It always has and always will be that way.
"Can i have that after you're finished?" She asks. The idea of finally starting a family with you might be thrilling, but you are right on one part. It will definitely suck to be away on a case for days while you're here all by yourself.
"Mhm, but only if you help me make it." You fingers toy with her ring, head turning to kiss her jaw before returning to look at your phone.
"Deal." She smiles in return.
·˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛
from the start, laufey
"me and you and awkward silence, don't you dare look at me that way"
"when i talk to you a cupid walks right through and shoots an arrow through my heart"
Emily takes one last glance around the living room, searching frantically for anything out of place. It's probably the fifth time she's doing it in the spawn of minutes. But to be fair, it's your first time coming over and she feels the need to have everything perfect for you.
Her apartment is usually very tidy, she tends to do things more easily if the space around her is organized. But it has to be specifically perfect today. The floors are shining, no dust can be found on the shelves and she has a vanilla scented candle on just to make a nice ambiance.
It's probably weird that she's doing all of this just for a sleepover with a friend, but you're not really just that. Unless friends kiss on parties and just whenever they feel like it. She tries to think of it as something 'casual', it just feels quite impossible to do so when she's pretty sure she's had feelings for you from the start.
A knock on the door has her taking a deep breath, rubbing her already sweaty hands on her jeans. Opening the door, she's met with your excited smile.
"Hi, Em!" You're practically bouncing off your feet with happiness.
"Hey, come in." She returns the smile just as excitedly, taking the bag slung over around your shoulder and setting it on the nearby sofa.
"Your place is so nice. Is that vanilla?" Her smile brightens up so much her cheeks hurt, she's so glad you noticed.
"Yeah, i found this candle somewhere in a drawer and remembered it's your favorite smell." She actually went to the store earlier to buy it just for you, but that would be too weird to admit.
"That's nice." You note, a slightly awkward silence following.
It's almost inevitable, you've never been here and the fear of saying something wrong is definitely present. You look around the living room, desperate to find something to say so you can hear her voice again. Your eyes land on the record player on the corner of the room, a collection of vinyl's on it's side.
"You collect?" You ask pointing to them.
"Oh, they're mostly from when i was a younger. But yeah, i buy one or two occasionally." She chuckles nervously before adding, "Do you wanna take a look?"
"Yeah, yeah of course!" You answer a bit too enthusiastically, cursing yourself internally from embarrassment.
"I should warn you, they might not really be your taste." She comments as you start looking through the generous collection of vinyls.
"S'okay, i wanna know what you like." You smile warmly, looking at her with those damn eyes that make her melt into a puddle.
You chuckle as you come across one of them, "Siouxsie and the Banshees? The cool punk kids at my school used to listen to them."
"I guess you can call it that." She grimaces slightly at the image of it. "You know, i actually went to their concert. Pretty sure i have a shirt somewhere."
"Cute." You mumble before going back to your search, not noticing the way her cheeks grow red at the simple compliment.
"Oh my god- Fleetwood Mac?!" You gasp, delighted to finally find one that you both might like.
"Yeah- do you like them?" She smiles surprised. Her fingers hitch to tuck the strand that falls on your face but you beat her to it.
"Are you kidding? Die hard Stevie Nicks fan." You pull out the vinyl and she encourages you to play it.
"Hm, guess you did find something your taste after all." She says, making note to remember that you like them.
A few months later when your birthday arrives, she gifts you a vinyl signed by Stevie Nicks herself. She knew you'd tell her not to spend that much for a gift, but it was worth for your smile.
·˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛
paper rings, taylor swift
"now i've read all of the books beside your bed"
You enter the bullpen with a small smile on your face, bag of italian food in your hands. You're sure that if Hotch sees you here on your day off, he'll probably drag you outside himself so you quickly look around for your raven haired girlfriend. Because your day off doesn't always mean Emily's day off - unfortunately.
"Hey Spencer, have you seen Ems?" You ask the boy who seems awfully concentrated in the magic cube in his hands, occasionally taking bites off a sandwich.
"Pretty sure i saw her entering the break room a few minutes ago." He answers, not really looking up from whatever he was doing.
You frown at that, you know she didn't bring her lunch today. It was in the counter this morning, so you assumed she just forgot it,
"Thanks." You ruffle his hair as walk by, heading to the break room before you can hear him grumbling.
As silently as possible, you open the door. Emily sits by a desk in the corner and doesn't seem to notice your presence at all. She has a book in her hands and you assume she's listening to music by the mp3 laying on the table.
Once you're close enough to see better, you recognize the book cover immediately. It's one of your favorite romances, it's so dear to you that it has it's special place on your nightstand - along with a few others. And now that you think about it, you don't remember it being on it's place this morning. A surprised smile makes way to your face, amusement all over your expression.
You tiptoe to stand right beside her before settling the bag on the table. She jumps, visibly frightened, before she sees you and her cheeks flush in embarrassment. Her hands reach to take off the earphones.
"Are you reading my romance book? I didn't quite take you for a romance girl." You tease.
"Well- i'm full of surprises." She answers, trying to hide her flustered expression but failing at lying - as always. You don't show any signs of being convinced at all, arms crossing and eyebrows raising.
"Fine, you win." She grumbles, closing the book and turning slightly to get a good look at you. "I thought it would be nice to read the books you always talk about." You think your heart might just explode at that.
"Em, that's so sweet-" Your eyes flicker to her mp3, a small gasp leaving your lips. "Emily Prentiss, are you listening to the smiths?" You laugh. This definitely comes as an even bigger surprise to you, she's never been a big fan of them.
"Yeah? You like them, right?" She looks confused and you can't help but think she looks more adorable than ever. She's probably doing the romantic thing someone has ever done to you and doesn't even realize it.
"You're perfect." You confirm with nothing but sincerity.
Emily groans in annoyance when her cheeks grow flushed again, dropping her head against your stomach and smiling against it. You chuckle quietly, fingers running through her hair while the food starts getting cold in the table.
"I brought you some food. Your favorite." You sit in the chair next to hers, bringing it closer to her.
"You're perfect." She remarks while reaching out for the bag.
·˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛
fresh out the slammer, taylor swift
"fresh out the slammer i know who my first call with be to"
"now that i know better i will never lose my baby again"
You feel overwhelmed with emotions, just as many as when you were sitting on a hospital chair while a doctor was telling you your girlfriend didn't make it. You don't exactly remember how long ago that was, too long. Months of denial and grief that feel like a blur now.
It doesn't really matter now. Not after finding out Emily was actually very alive.
You don't know how you're supposed to react. What does someone do when they find out their girlfriend had to fake her death because of a serial killer?
You feel betrayed, how could she not tell you? You feel anguished, because you might have been mourning her for all this time but now it feels like you're mourning for what you had before. It's never going to be the same again.
And you want to feel angry at her, you really do. But it always drifts off to thinking about all of the things she's probably went through since the last time you saw her. You think about what he could have done to her, how bad it must have been for her to have to run away to Paris.
You want to hate her for ruining it, but you love her because she's her.
She's dead. Emily's dead. The untouched clothes on your shared closet and dusty record player are proof. You don't dare to touch her things, you can't.
The knock on your door isn't unexpected at all. You knew she'd come, you just couldn't pretend you knew how it was possible.
The sight of her face makes your breath get stuck in your throat, knot returning and making it impossible for words to come out. Tears bream in your eyes and all you can get yourself to do is let her in and rest against the door once it's closed. After all it's her house too, her home. Or at least you thought so.
Emily only looks at you for a moment, not getting any luck at locking eyes with you as you look at anything but her.
"I-" Her voice cracks before she gets a chance to speak, taking a deep breath before trying again, "I'm sorry- god, i'm more than sorry. I had to, i promise you. There was no other option. I couldn't- he would've-" She cuts herself off when you finally look at her. She expected anger, she wants you to be angry her. It's what she feels like she deserves. But if anything, you look sorrowful.
"I need you to know why i did it. I needed to protect you. I know i hurt you, you have no idea how much it cost. But it would've ended way worse if i hadn't done it. I did what i did because i love you, as much as it doesn't seem like it." She forces herself to keep a steady voice, it won't help her at all to breakdown right here.
"You could've told me." Your voice is small and strained. But she's never felt more glad to hear your voice before.
"You would've come after me." She whispers with a shake of her head.
"I would've." There's no room to lie, not right now. You know why she did it, you understand. But that doesn't make it hurt any less. What now? Are you supposed to pretend that nothing happened?
"Please- i know i'm asking so much of you already. But don't give up on me, i know i won't give up on you. Let me try to fix it, i want to try." She sounds almost desperate, tears freely running down her face. "Please."
"I want to. But i can't just pretend nothing happened all of the sudden. Not yet." You answer. It pains you to almost reject her, never in your wildest dreams you would have thought this would happen. But it's not a 'no', just a 'not yet'.
"You don't have to, i'll wait for you. I'll wait for my whole life if i have to. It's worth it, i know it is. There's no one i could ever love as much as i love you." She's sure of what she's saying and you don't have to try hard to know it.
You nod, your own tears leaving your eyes. It would never be the same, not after all you've been through. But there's always the option of starting over and forming something even better.
˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛
bewitched, laufey
"wrapped me in your arms, leaned in and whispered 'keep me in your heart'"
"you bewitched me, from the first time that you kissed me"
You rub your tired eyes, quickly adjusting to the dim light illuminating your room. You feel groggy and messy, but that nap was definitely a good idea. This case had been particularly draining and right after you landed all you needed was a nap. Going to sleep at daylight to wake at night feels weird, but that means Emily is probably already home. She insisted on staying at the bau to get her report done.
Getting up and quickly fixing your clothes, you walk down the hall. The delicious smell of lasagne (Emily's speciality) reaches your nose and you smile contently.
When you approach the living room you come across your lovely girlfriend settling a fresh out the oven tray of lasagne in the table. The table is set in a weirdly fancy way, two scented candles adding up to the romantic mood and there's jazz humming softly from the vinyl player.
"Hi, love. Well rested?" She asks softly, walking up to you and kissing your forehead lightly.
"Mhm...what's the special occasion?" You wrap her in a hug and nuzzle against her neck. Still feeling slightly drowsy from the nap as you place lazy kisses there.
"Can't i just want to do something nice for my amazing girlfriend?" She teases. You believe that she would do something nice for you, she does that even way too much. You don't believe that's the case though, it feels strangely planed. You know her enough to realize that quickly.
"You can, m'love." You decide to play along, not wanting to ruin whatever it is that she's planning. Besides, it does look really nice. Mainly the lasagne that's starting right at you, your stomach growling in anticipation.
"C'mon let's eat, don't want you to get grumpy." She laughs as you scoff, it is true that you tend to get grumpy when hungry.
Emily pulls the chair for you and you're even more sure now that she's got something up her sleeve. Either that or the glimmer in her eyes that she has specifically when she's excited about something.
Dinner goes by peacefully, you mostly just eat silently as she talks about what you should both do tomorrow since it's your day off. You settle on visiting the new bookstore that's just around the corner and have a nice walk at the park after. Even after almost a decade of being her girlfriend it still amazes you that even when she should be resting at home, she prefers to spend the precious time she has in her days off with you.
Emily is your company for life, your coworker, your bestfriend, your family, your girlfriend. It almost feels silly to simply call her your girlfriend, she's the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, that's one of the only things you're absolutely sure in your life.
You're doing the dishes when you hear the volume of the music playing in the living room turn up. Seconds later, two familiar arms are wrapping themselves around you from behind. You feel her kiss the spot right behind ear before nuzzling against your neck.
"Dance with me." It's more of an affirmation rather than a question. You raise your eyebrows but comply anyway, drying your hands quickly on a towel before she's dragging you to the living room.
The music is more clear now, the soft melody promoting a small smile to your lips. Emily's hands find your waist once more, this time in front of your. You immediately wrap your arms around her, face almost involuntarily resting against her shoulder as you both start gently swaying with the music.
Your heart beats almost wildly in your chest, and yet you feel more at peace that ever. It's not often you get to just enjoy her company like this. You feel incredible lucky to get to work with her everyday but it feels good to have Emily all to yourself even if just for a few moments.
She hums softly with the song, head resting against yours and occasionally leaving a kiss or two on your hair. Her hands are against the small of your back, warm enough for you to feel it through your sweater.
"Marry me." She says it so casually, as if it's a sentence just like any other. Your feet come to a halt, moving your head so you can look her in the eye. You search for any kind of hesitation or regret, yet you only find tenderness and the same glimmer from before.
"I know this is not a lot," Emily reaches into her pocket, pulling out a velvet box. Inside there's a beautiful golden ring, a small gem adorning the middle. "but i don't think i can wait anymore. I know you're the one i want to spend my life with, i know you're the only one who would ever go through all of that for me and you have no idea how much i love you. Everyday i wake up next to you i feel incredibly lucky and i find myself dreaming about having a family with you. And most of all i dream about being your wife. Will you marry me?" She asks and you can feel the happy tears threatening the spill from your eyes.
"Yes!" You answer excitedly, grabbing her face to place multiple clumsy pecks on her lips. She pulls apart momentarily to encourage you to slip on the ring, beaming once it contrasts perfectly with your skin - even more than she had imagined.
"Ugh, i love you." You smile brightly, lips find hers once more, but this time with a shiny ring adorning your finger.
˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛
a/n: had so much fun with this <33
love you,
cat 🤍
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wjehfshs · 1 year
Keegan and Logan relationship HCs both fluffy and smutty bc I’m on a kick for them rn (seperate)
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This is gonna contain NSFW, also don’t ask me why I put hello kitty as the GIF I just felt like it
I think everyone can agree this man’s cuddly
I saw someone hc (I can’t remember who) that he bites affectionately
Like will just bite your shoulder or smth
Also he rides a motorcycle (he’s better at driving it than a car, thankfully), and he loves to take you on rides at night for a date
First getting with him you probably had to confess, look he’s not insecure or anxious it’s just that he didn’t pick up on you liking him as well
Kinda just stood there after you asked him out like “😦”
“Kid stop messin’ with me it’s not funny”
“I’m not messing with you Keegan”
“Oh… Oh!” Got all excited internally but tried to keep that stoic demeanour
First time cuddling with him (which was probably right after you confessed) he lay on top of you, putting his full weight on you (if safe to do so ofc), and basically just melted, almost fell asleep if you didn’t have to get up to use the bathroom
Anytime before he has to go on a mission he’s extra cuddly, basically glued to you
And if you work day or night he’s devastated
Part of him wants to convince you to quit your job so he can have you all to himself when he’s home and he also makes very good money, but if you genuinely like your job/career. He’s supporting you 110% and won’t say anything
Will have you on his lap as he plays games or watches TV with you
If you also play games even better, sometimes he lets you win just to see you happy
But if you naturally beat him at a game where we didn’t let you win he’s all pouty and shit
Still can’t help but let his heart skip a beat when he sees you all excited, even if you’re rubbing your win in his face
If you have a cat, the cat and him are standoffish at first, kinda fighting for your attention but now they can’t be separated
Spends like a good 2 hours saying good bye to the cat before he is deployed
Falls asleep with it on his chest
If you have a dog he’s all over it immediately, treats it like it’s his childhood dog or smth
You catch him cuddling with the dog while watching TV, sometimes even falls asleep while watching and the dog just sits there with a smile on its face
Probably prefers big dogs but doesn’t mind either way
After he gets home from a mission no matter how long he was away, he’s hugging you, kissing you, and lifting you up in his arms in the middle of the airport like you haven’t seen each other in 5 years, doesn’t care if people are staring at all
If you get embarrassed he may tone it down a bit but he just can’t help himself
If you two get married/have a traditional wedding, he’s so impatient, just wants to kiss you
When he’s told he can he just wraps you in a bear hug and kisses you, he’s just so happy that he gets to be with you
If you don’t want to get married/don’t want a traditional wedding he’s also totally fine with that
Doesn’t care if you’re married or not, doesn’t care if the wedding is traditional or not he’s just so happy to be with you
You two don’t make out for very long when you do because he’s also impatient in that area, can’t control himself sometimes he gets so worked up
He’s into some very kinky stuff (only with consent and very long talks from you two)
He also likes biting in the bedroom, if you aren’t ok with it he won’t draw blood or hurt you two bad but if you give him the ok, or even better want it, he’s having a field day
When he’s away he lives for phone sex with you
When domming he’s rough (unless you ask him not too or you’re more vanilla), but if either of you are having a bad day or smth he’s soft and very vanilla
When he’s having a bad day tho he prefers to sub, I think he’s pretty quiet when subbing, not for any particular reason, just is
Covers his mouth when subbing because even when being dommed he loves to hear you moan
Not above being pegged/anal
I’ve mentioned this in a couple of past posts but I fully believe that Keegan is a tit man
Doesn’t matter if they’re big, small, uneven, different sizes, covered in stretch marks, have hair, fake, or on a man HE. LOVES. TITS.
Will bury his head in them when cuddling and Will also occasionally cover them in hickeys
Also loves cumming all over them
If you don’t say otherwise, he’s all over them. You cannot detach this man from your boobs
If you’re insecure about them his mouth is not leaving them until you feel better
He would never admit this but he loves when you make him cum all over his clothes/in his pants
If you’re ok with it, he’ll do stuff like choking, spitting, specifically in your mouth/on your tongue, and the occasional ass slap (but remember consent is key guys)
He LOVES to eat you out, female genitalia or male genitalia he doesn’t care
Eye contact>>>
A bit of a dirty secret of his but he loves when you look away so he can hold your face and force you to look at him
Dirty talk dirty talk dirty talkkkkk
Oral fixation
He’s a bit of an anxious lover
Also less experienced than Keegan
He’s not clueless but you may have to guide him on some stuff
Very protective of you
Unlike Keegan, he can actually be trusted behind the wheel of a car
He prefers to show his love through acts of service
That’s not to say he doesn’t love any kind of affection giving or receiving
But there’s just something about being able to cook you breakfast while you’re asleep, taking care of you while you’re sick, and helping you pick out an outfit
Although I do have to admit he does also enjoy being taken care of
But he prefers to take care of you than be taken care of
Please cuddle this man likes he’s the most precious thing ever made, he needs it
He’s too embarrassed to admit it but he loved when you whisper and coo at him
And if you cuddle him while playing with his hair, this man is out COLD
But equally he loves when you fall asleep on top of him
I believe since he’s the youngest of the Walker family, he probably feels insecure about his strength so if you fall asleep wrapped in his arms it’ll make him feel big and strong
Cold days where you can cuddle with him>>>
His kisses are soft and calm
He was the one to confess, well kinda
Hesh did it for him
Hesh just kinda strolled up to you casually one day with Logan silently standing behind him
“Hey [name]! How are you? Cool cool. Anyways just letting you know Logan’s in love with you… bye!” And then he walks off leaving you and Logan alone
And it just went from there
Hesh wasn’t stupid, he knew you both liked each other but Logan wasn’t convinced
The only reason he let Hesh confess to you for him was because Hesh promised to treat him to a “sorry dinner” if he was wrong and you didn’t feel the same
Luckily Hesh was right
While Keegan is a biter, Logan is more of a licker
He won’t just randomly lick you like Keegan but he’ll probably kiss you somewhere and leave a little lick for shits and giggles
I do believe he’s selectively mute
So most of the time he doesn’t talk at all but I’m rare occasions he’ll whisper something to you and only you
Probably something like “baby I’m tired… can we go home?”
Or “I love you so so much”
It’s like a special treat just for you
He tries to take as many photos of you and the both of you together, prints it out, and takes the little photo with him on missions
Prefers to soft dom
But either way he will absolutely destroy your insides as he kisses all up and down your torso
If he’s subbing, please crush this man’s head in between your thighs
Doesn’t matter if they’re thick, thin, fatty, muscly, whatever please just crush him
He wants to suffocate between them
He would happily die in between your legs
Also gets whiny when subbing
Jerk this man off while he whines and begs, bucking his hips up into your hands
Not really as kinky as Keegan but loves being rough or you being rough on him
Doesn’t matter if you have a dick yourself or use a strap on, he wants to deep throat it
Will bend you in half when fucking you
Especially when he’s close
If he’s feeling mean one day he will manhandle you
Flipping you from position to position on the bed, basically throwing you around like a rag doll
Sometimes he’ll wear his mask while you two will do it
Aftercare with him is top tier tho, kisses, maybe a bath or shower, food if you’re hungry, water, maybe even a hot chocolate
As I said earlier he loves to take care of you
Prefers things clean but does like cumming on your face
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filtharchives · 9 months
a sfw piece! finally! yippee! happy new year!
four parts total, mostly short aside from the third 
summary: cove x reader - you presented as your secondary sex and now you and cove have to cope; just small moments in the omegaverse
tags: sfw, fem/afab reader, omega!reader, alpha!cove, omegaverse, minor implications of predatory behavior towards reader, slight reimagination of the intro to Step 3, kind of possessive cove (very minor tho), blood mention (during bond marking), not edited lol i don’t do that lmk if i missed any tags tho
at fourteen years old, you figured you got the hang of the whole ‘puberty’ thing—or at least understood it enough to live with it. of course, you weren’t done with new changes, according to your parents and your middle school health teacher. you still had to present, which would come sooner or later by now.
it came sooner rather than later. you went to bed feeling a little weird but woke up this morning feeling normal again, only to run into your sister on the way to the bathroom and for her to freeze in her tracks and stare at you in surprise for a moment as she sniffs the air. 
“oh, hey. you’re an omega. congrats,” she’d said before quickly entering the bathroom and locking you out as she went about her morning routine.
despite elizabeth’s lackluster reaction, your moms were much more enthusiastic about your presentation, and your ma even taught you how to nest, bringing you to now. 
you’re waiting on cove’s bed while he digs through his closet, looking for things to give you for your first nest, as per your request. he was incredibly flustered when you asked and the blush on his face still hasn’t quite gone away. 
“is a blanket okay?” cove asks, holding one up and avoiding eye contact. 
“ma says that when people give their omega stuff for their nest, it’s usually used clothes,” you say matter-of-factly, pretending not to notice cove’s flinch when you say ‘their omega’. “cause it still has their scent and stuff on it.”
“w-why do you even want my stuff anyways?” cove asks shyly, putting the blanket back.
“ma said that for younger omegas who don’t have mates, their nest usually has stuff from their family and friends, and you and i are best friends, so i need your stuff too.” 
cove nods in understanding, a little less embarrassed now, but only enough to look up at you from his place on the floor. 
“alright, then. so… wanna look through my laundry basket?” he chuckles a bit, finding the proposition a little weird. you giggle as well but nod, scooting up the bed and out of the way as cove grabs his laundry basket and dumps its contents across his sheets. you grab one of the shirts and sniff, feeling butterflies in your stomach. you don’t even notice you’re smiling as you do, and cove doesn’t have the guts to point it out, instead electing to turn away and pick out another shirt for you. 
you put the two shirts to the side and return your attention to the laundry pile, a small snort escaping you before you can cover your face. 
“what’s up?” cove asks, raising a brow. you snicker and point to a spot in the pile, where a few of cove’s underwear are visible. cove let’s out an embarrassed sound and quickly grabs at them, throwing them back into his laundry basket. he tosses one more shirt your way before clearing the rest of the laundry off the bed. “i think that’s enough!” his voice cracks at the end but you decide to be merciful and ignore it, thanking him for the clothes instead and asking if he wants to come over and see your work-in-progress nest. 
when you return to school after summer–your first day of high school!--cove anxiously sticks by you as you both wave goodbye to mr. holden before he drives off to his shop. after you presented, his father told him to look out for you–a young omega is a target for new and seasoned alphas alike–and even if you would only be on school grounds for majority of the day, anywhere that wasn’t sunset bird suddenly made cove hyper-aware of how others looked at you; especially upperclassmen alphas. it didn’t help that he was a late bloomer who still hasn’t presented yet, as it made him feel like a younger kid who wouldn’t be able to defend you if need be, despite his height and athletic build. 
the two of you hang around outside the school building, not wanting to overwhelm your nose with the amount of presented alphas and omegas within before it was time. cove sympathized with you, as even without presenting, his nose had always been pretty keen and for some reason he had a weird feeling in his gut since he woke up this morning. still, even waiting outside hardly comforts him as he watches alphas look at you as they pass by or sit outside. cove holds your hand–whether for your sake or his is debatable–and groans when the bell rings, warning students they have five minutes to get to class. 
“do we have to go?” he practically whines as the others outside make their way into the building. 
“we don’t wanna be late on the first day,” you say, chuckling at his behavior. 
“we’re freshmen–we can just tell them we got lost,” he shrugs. despite that, he relents and stands from his seat along with you. he puts both hands on your shoulders and looks you in the eyes. “text me if anything happens, okay? if anyone makes you uncomfortable or anything, i’ll come over, even if i’m in class.” you don’t doubt he would–he’s your best friend and didn’t care too much about school so long as he passed. 
“alright,” you nod. cove hesitates for a moment before pulling you into a hug and you can feel how worried he is to be apart from you in such a big, new school and your perceived vulnerability. if only you had the same schedules, but unfortunately, your counselors didn’t get the memo that you two were a package deal. 
cove gives you another squeeze as you hug him back and suddenly something catches your nose, making you sniff a few times. led by your senses, you bury your nose into the side of cove’s neck, making him yelp and pull back in surprise. 
“what are you doing?” he squeaks out. you don’t have the mind to be embarrassed as you look up at him in surprise. 
“cove,” you say with wide eyes. “i think you just presented. i think you’re an alpha.” cove’s eyes match yours. 
“wait- seriously?” he gapes. “wha- how? just now? an alpha.” instead of answering, you pull the collar of your top to your nose and inhale.
“... and i think you just scented me,” you add. cove’s face is pink at that revelation and before he can continue sputtering and apologizing, the second bell rings, meaning the two of you are officially late to your first classes. you grab cove’s arm and all but drag him into the school.
“hey, wait!” cove’s brain catches up and he matches your steps. “uh- what now?”
“now, we go to class,” you say. “we can talk about this all at lunch, but i really don’t wanna be later than we are.” you flash him a grin. “besides, since you’ve scented me, i’m sure no other alpha’s gonna wanna come near me, so that’s good, right?” cove blushes deeper but nods. 
“r-right. yeah. that’s good.” 
cove is beyond delighted to be an alpha. yeah, he wouldn’t have minded being a beta like his mom and his new friend terri, but being an alpha almost guaranteed that he could keep you safe from other alphas just by his scent laying a soft claim on you. 
so, after that first incident, it became routine for you to have cove’s scent on you. even now, in your sophomore year of high school, cove would scent you in the back of his dad’s car on the drive to school. cliff fully supported this morning routine out of concern for how high school alphas would act towards you without this kind of deterrent, even calling cove a ‘good kid’ for looking out for you so heavily. if only he knew cove’s actions were a little less platonic than he let on since the two of you confessed your mutual feelings at 13 (but even without being officially dating yet, cove was pretty sure his dad wouldn’t be surprised). 
summer of 2016 rolled around and now you were with cove on the steps outside his house, waiting for the new tenant(s) of the donnells’ former summer home. finally, the sound of a car grabs your attention, followed by the sight of a taxi turning into the street. 
“this has to be them, right?” cove asks, eyebrows raised. 
“the only people who come out here, live here,” you grin, a chuckle leaving your lips. “it has to be!” 
cove let out a small, surprised “oh” when the taxi door opened, revealing a young man around your age, dressed in black and white with swoopy hair to match.
“hello, folks,” the young man greets with a smooth voice. “who might you be?” 
“um- we’re the neighbors,” cove replies, only slightly recovered from the surprise. the new tenant’s smile grew in a cocky yet non-malicious way. 
“hallelujah,” he says. you and cove share a bewildered look before looking at the young man again, watching as he grabs his suitcase from the taxi and thanks the driver. when he saunters over, you and cove stand up from the steps. 
“i’m baxter ward,” the new neighbor, now known as baxter, says. “it’s excellent to meet you, neighbors.” he turns his attention to you and holds out his hand to shake. feeling no bad vibes from him–a sense of familiarity filling you instead–you hold your arms open for a hug instead, which baxter accepts without missing a beat. 
“welcome to sunset bird, baxter,” you say before introducing yourself. baxter greets you in kind as you both pull away from each other. 
“we’ve met before,” he says, making your boyfriend ask, “what?! when?” baxter continues to smile widely, head tilted slightly to the side as he studies your visage. “it’s embarrassing, but i haven’t remembered that part yet,” he admits with a cordial laugh while cove continues to stare in disbelief. “i’m getting there. don’t tell me. i know you want to, but do not. it’ll come to me.” he sniffs the air from his polite distance, trying to recall where he’s smelled you before, and suddenly recognition appears in his eyes. he announces his revelation with a snap of his fingers. “the cypress, at the summer soiree! of course. mm, that had to have been before any regionals, so, ah, at the time i was about fourteen years old. that makes it… five years ago from now, right?” cove’s mouth fell open. 
“are you kidding me?” your boyfriend asks with a raised eyebrow. “is he serious? did you really meet this guy at that country club five years ago?”
“yeah,” you say with a small, disbelieving smile–a little speechless about said guy being right in front of you again. “i told you about him, remember? the mysterious boy who danced with me that night? lee was all over that story.” cove’s eyes widen a little more, both in surprise and realization. he let’s out another little “oh” before baxter speaks again. 
“it’s good not to forget a face,” he says. “you see, my parents are members of the cypress. they happened to be passing through on a trip across different states when they heard about the event. funnily enough, the entire reason they joined was for the connections they could make with other members there. looks like that perk has finally hit for me too. originally, i thought it was only any good since i could occasionally dance there.”
“dance?” cove asks. 
“yes,” baxter nods. “i’m a ballroom dancer. ah- forgive me. i started talking about myself before you even had the chance to introduce yourself.” he holds out his hand for cove to shake. you see your boyfriend straighten up to his full height–on purpose or not, you can’t tell–as he shakes baxter’s hand, eyeing him carefully. 
“i’m cove,” he says. “i don’t know much about dancing, but that’s pretty cool.” 
“you have a wonderful name,” baxter grins. “dancing isn’t hard once you get the basics down.” cove doesn’t seem convinced, raising a skeptical brow once more. baxter decides to continue with that same cocky grin. “well, if either of you are looking for a partner, i’m available.” cove involuntarily stiffens, instinctively pulling you closer by the waist. 
“i already have a partner,” he says, relaxing as you lean into his side with a hand on his torso. “(y/n) is the only one i’d wanna dance with. she’s my girlfriend."
“you’re both together?” baxter asks with only a little surprise.
“yeah, we are,” you confirm with a soft smile. 
“now that’s crushing; but makes sense,” he says with a small chuckle. “i got here too late. should’ve taken a semester off sooner.” cove’s smile flattens out and his eyes narrow at his new neighbor. you can’t help but snort at the sudden flare-up of his scent, lightly patting your hand on his chest. on the other hand, baxter looks unoffended, instead offering another apologetic smile. “that’s a joke,” he clarifies. “really, i didn’t mean to intrude on anything you have with the offer.” cove reels in control of his scent, placated. 
“i’ll take you up on that offer sometime,” you chirp with a cheeky smile, giggling to yourself as cove rolls his eyes with an exasperated smirk and a huff through his nose at your agreement coming right after his refusal. 
“i really am qualified to give lessons,” baxter says, looking at cove for his blessing. 
“yeah, it’s fine,” cove relents, playfully pinching your side. “so, um. what made you decide on sunset bird?” 
“oh, yes,” baxter nods, taking in the question. “well, my parents rented a condo so i had a place to stay while i’m off for a semester from college and not living in the dorms.” there’s a playful glint in his eyes as he continues. “ideally, they wanted to send me somewhere that wasn’t too exciting, but, lucky for me, they picked the wrong street. considering the two of you live here.” baxter then preemptively lifts his hands up in front of his chest, giving the gesture for meaning no harm. “it’s nice not to be the only one my age around the neighborhood for an entire summer, nothing more.” 
“you could’ve phrased it like that in the first place,” cove sighs. 
“i don't feel the need to keep words of praise to myself, but they’re not romantic come-ons,” baxter explains. “i see that you two are very much a committed pair. i’d like to be friends, if we can. but that’s all.” 
“it’s… okay,” cove says with a small smile, an attempt at friendliness. on the other hand, you can’t help but grin. 
“i’m finding it pretty entertaining.” baxter laughs at that, due to your own amusement or the difference in how you and your beloved receive him you don’t know.
“glad we’re working things out,” he says. shifting his weight to his other foot, baxter tries to move forward. “so, which condo is yours? how long have you been living together?” 
“oh- no!” cove sputters again, making you laugh. “we’re… we’re both your neighbors, but we live in different houses with our parents.” the two of you point to your homes directly across the street from each other with your free hands. 
“you’re neighbors who started dating?” baxter asks with wide eyes before sighing with a sort of satisfied smile. “what a couple of lovebirds. you’re the backbone of romantic society! honestly, i hope you never break up. if you can make it work, there might be a chance for the rest of us.” cove sighs in exasperation despite the bit of amusement on his face. baxter continues, “well, if either of you are free, i’d be thrilled to hang out this summer, but we can save the schedule talk for later. goodbye for today.” he gives you both a small nod and a dazzling smile. you and cove both give your “bye”s and the newcomer turns around to go to his new, temporary home with his belongings. 
with him out of the scene, coves lets out a long breath. 
“well,” he says, looking at you with a tired smile. “i don’t know how i’m gonna explain that guy to my dad.” you burst into a fit of laughter trying to imagine the conversation. “at least the job is done. we saw the new neighbor, and now we can go meet up with terri and miranda.”
“yeah, we should get going,” you nod. as you and cove start to walk up the street, you feel him give your waist another squeeze, his arm not having left you at all since he first placed it. 
“don’t think i’ve forgotten about how much of a brat you were just a minute ago,” he smirks. “i’ll pay you back eventually.” 
“i have no clue what you’re talking about,” you snicker, only for cove to stop walking and pull you into his chest, both arms now wrapped around you. he holds you in a tight embrace as he takes his time rubbing the sides of his neck against yours. 
“i should’ve scented you the moment you crossed the street,” you hear him mutter, making you snort at his protectiveness–or is it possessiveness? either way, you can’t say you hate it when you tilt your head to give him easier access. miranda and terri may have to wait a little longer. 
it’s a week after your shared heat/rut that cove decides to bring it up. the two of you have been engaged for some time now and he feels like he might just burst. 
“you want to bond?” you repeat, a little slack-jawed. “now?”
“yes,” he nods firmly despite the apprehensive look on his face and the awkward squirming in his seat. “not unless you do, of course. but i’ve been thinking about it a lot these past few months, even before we got engaged, and… a-and it was all i could think about doing during- …during my rut.” his face goes even redder at that admission but he forces himself to maintain eye contact with you. “we’re already engaged and honestly… i don’t wanna wait until after the wedding. i wanna be yours, forever, now.” you can’t help the blush that creeps up your neck nor  the way your heart pounds, just like you can’t help the smile that spreads on your lips. 
“okay,” you breathe out softly, as if not trying to scare your fiancé. “okay. i wanna bond too. i’m ready.” 
“r-really?!” cove squeaks out, surprised you agreed so soon. “are you sure?” you chuckle, nodding. 
“yup. positive,” you affirm with a smile. “do you wanna go first?” cove gulps as you run a hand through your hair, slightly moving it away from your neck. you bite your lip to keep from laughing when you see the look on his face: eyes wide and focused on your neck while his mouth is slightly open, maybe even close to drooling. 
without even responding, cove leans towards you, his strong arms simultaneously pulling you into his lap. he looks you in the eyes again and without a trace of doubt on your face, he smiles shyly before opening his mouth and going right for your closest scent gland. you wince and let out a whimper as you feel his teeth sink in, but you know it has to be done–the bite needs to be strong enough to bleed in order to leave a proper mark. cove gently rubs over your back when he feels you wince, a silent apology for the pain as he gently releases your neck and laps up the drops of blood that remain. 
“you did so good,” he says softly, licking and kissing at the new mark on your neck. you meet his eyes for a moment to see the tears welling up, your softie alpha crumbling at how permanent your intertwined lives have become, before he returns to burying his face in your neck and soothing the purposeful wound. “thank you.” 
“don’t thank me yet,” you muse, running a hand through his seafoam locks. “i still have to mark you.” 
“i know,” he says with a watery chuckle. “and i’ll thank you again after that. just… in a moment. just let me finish with the blood. i don’t like seeing you hurt, even if it’s for this. but thank you for trusting me to do this. for wanting to be with me forever and stuff. for being with me all this time.” 
“you’re always thanking me,” you laugh, now just as watery as his voice. “you did the same thing during the proposal.” 
“i know,” he repeats, looking at you with a smile despite the tears now falling down his cheeks. “i just have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to you. and i want you to know that. how much i appreciate you and need you and… and love you. i love you so much. and thanks to you, i know it’s not ‘too much’.” 
“i love you too,” you whisper, not trusting your voice to not break if you spoke any louder.
“i know.”
BONUS my omegaverse hcs
alphas: liz, cove, cliff, gregorio, jorge
omegas: noelani, lee, miranda, derek, irene, shiloh
betas: pamela, kyra, terry, baxter, nicolas, jeremy
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ressjeon · 1 year
fish out of water | jjk
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pairing: human!jungkook x mermaid!reader summary: your routined excursion to the above world is at risk thanks to the harmless-looking stranger who might still be a threat to the discovery of your existence. rating: nc-17 | word count: 1k genre/au: fluff, modern retelling, fantasy, dark comedy, little mermaid!au warnings/content: alcohol consumption, threats (playfully tho), near-death experience
a/n: to celebrate the official release of the Little Mermaid live-action movie and MerMay, here’s a small thing from me ig cuz i can’t just let this jungkook go. poll who atp sorry y’all i wrote this when i was missing him sm 😭
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The moon has always enamoured you.
The clouds around it add to the picturesque of what you could have painted if artworks can be perfectly stored underwater.
Watching it from above water is unparalleled when you’re observing it from underneath. You bask in the moonlight, occasionally closing your eyes and imagining being able to moon gaze like this every night. That would be impossible including staying here any longer as it is strictly forbidden for you to be out here in the open on land.
It doesn’t matter as long as no one discovers you here—
“omg, a giant fish!”
You whirled right away in the direction of the loud voice, spotting its owner, a man walking sluggishly by the seashore towards you. Panic rushes through you at the prospect of being identified, your mind prompting you to think of possible ways of escape.
The position you are currently, sitting on top of the huge rocks unfortunately doesn’t give you much of an advantage to attack him unless he comes near. And he was slurring words that you’re trying to decipher. He doesn’t appear to have any weapons with him except for that strange transparent object in one hand with gold liquor in it. 
You ready your stance the closer he gets, bracing both your clawed hands in front of you. He might use that object or the liquor against you. One of your advantages is the lack of enough light where the scenario would’ve been different had it been during the day. You move your tail behind you so he won’t be able to see it further. 
“oh wait, you’re pretty for a fish!” the strange man starts to giggle as a points at you and you’re in confusion.
Did he just compliment you? Aren’t humans supposed to be scared of your kind?
“i’m not a fish” you declare calmly despite the wave of anxiousness bubbling in you. He may be just a human but he could also be acting all innocent, a perfect bait to lure you to his other comrades that may be hiding somewhere.
Waiting to capture you.
Your father warned you of how vicious humans are so you must not trust him even though he seemed harmless. You’ve looked around and a bit of relief washes through you when you found no one on the shore aside from him. Still, you mustn’t lower your guard. 
You continue to observe the man as he continues to walk where you’re sitting by the rocks. Only then you can see his face more clearly. He’s pleasing to look at, different from the humans that you’ve seen in fishing boats before. Wearing only a plain white shirt, its top buttons are undone which makes him more dashing than he already is. 
The simple loose pants he’s wearing perk your interest as you quite can’t figure out what material it was made of yet. 
“i must be drunk holy shit, i’m talking to a fish” he continues to laugh, smiling brightly while looking up to the sky and you’re getting warier of what he is planning.
You’re running out of time and this man is wasting it. You promised the others that you won’t be that long. You wouldn’t want them to come back and find you in a company of a human boy.
He’s right in front of you now, drinking what’s left of the strange object he’s holding before placing it on the dark sand. You’re surprised that he was able to stand up again, wobbly, sure, but it did not affect how he’s acting around you.
Quite the opposite for you the closer he gets.
Your eyes couldn’t help but follow his right arm, adorned with dark markings, some with colour but you couldn’t see the rest of it since he rolled his sleeves up until his elbows.
“how can i be a fish and talk to you like this?”
The man stares at you with furrowed eyebrows, confusion evident on his face.  Only then that you notice his hair, slightly damp curly that almost reaches the base of his neck.
“i can see your tail” he responds with a bit of clarity now, still confused but his curiosity overpowered it. He’s now trying to see behind the rocks, to see more of what the moonlight can show. He looks adorable, tip-toeing to get a glimpse of your tail and you’re tempted to show him just so he can leave you alone.
Fully revealing yourself could scare him or not but you’ll try. It worked with others before along with many threats. If not, then you could kill him though he doesn’t look like he can harm you in this state.
“i could eat you, but i'm full already” you hiss, trying to sound threatening and staring him down with a glare but the man starts laughing hysterically instead.
"i'm supposed to be eating you since you're a fish" he wheezes as he shakes his head, enough for him to lose his balance.
You catch him just in time and you have no idea why you did. You could’ve just let him fall on the rocks in front of you and call your sisters for another feast but you couldn’t find it in you to let it happen.
“damn..strong..fish” he slurred before losing consciousness in your arms. In a strange way, you find yourself smiling at the stranger’s remarks. He might be well-built but he weighs like nothing to you with your inhuman strength.
Up close, his rosy cheeks are glowing and you’re unable to avoid touching them, feeling the warmth coursing through you. Albeit your body’s much colder than humans, it piques your interest that he feels warmer than the others you’ve held before. You can also smell the bitter scent wafting off of him, leading you to think that all this was because of that golden liquor that he consumed.
You eye the glassy object, looking back and forth between him and it on what to do next. But his face distracts you again, noticing the pieces of jewelry on him. A silver necklace is peeking out underneath his shirt and only his right ear has silver bands on them. You’ve also noticed a ring-like silver metal attached to the right corner of his lower lip.
Is this a new way of putting on jewelry? 
It seems that you have plenty of things to catch up on and this man might help you with it. 
But will he when once wakes up or will he turn out just like the others? 
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e/n: i have big plans for this one but we’ll see lmao. lmk what you think tho!
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bobbydagen24 · 7 months
some Head Cannons about Bro zone inspired by the fact literally everyone else has been doing these posts lol.
I think Floyd and Clay would end up trying to live with Branch in the Bunker but would find it too hard for multiple reasons one being Branch actually has loud night terrors often. that no one knows about but its actually one of the reasons why he still chooses to live so far away from everyone else in the village and Floyd and Clay are kept awake at nights just hearing him loudly screaming and shouting.
and one on occasion when they did try to wake him it resulted in Branch springing up and attacking them throwing one of them to the ground and pulling a weapon out of his Hair and nearly hitting them with it until Branch finally snapped out of it and realised where he was.
kinda helping Floyd and Clay realise for the first time how deeply affected Branch is by his past to the point he's still on such High alert even in his own home.
2. whenever Bro zone have any sort of arguments even if their not 100 percent serous and just mostly petty sibling Banter Branch still gets visibly afraid.
and nervous maybe even trying to defuse the situation but his voice and body language making it clear he's genuinely nervous which actually stops the other bros in their tracks.
and they try to reassure him the family isn't breaking up and its just normal sibling banter but regardless Branch isn't able to tell the difference between serous family shattering arguments and just normal day to day sibling banter.
so the bros try and make it more clear in the future that their just mostly joking around as opposed to seriously fighting amongst each other.
3. John Dory used to be a pretty social party animal but after spending over 20 years traveling with just Rhonda for company he's actually a pretty anti social person now.
tho he doesn't like to admit it and he tries to put on the persona of the social party animal in front of his Brothers he actually finds big crowds and meeting new people to be super stressful.
4. Bruce gained most of his extra weight in the immediate aftermath of his and JDs big fight as he stress ate for quite a while afterwards tho in present day he tries to hide this fact to avoid making JD feel bad since he can tell he's genuinely changed since then.
5. Floyd would be the one to try and encourage his Brothers to actually talk about their more negative feelings towards each other meanwhile the others just want to leave it as they are seem to be doing fine in present day.
and they don't want to bring up the uncomfortable stuff from the past again but Floyd would think its healthy that they do so.
6. if/when Branch and Poppy do get engaged each of the Bros will be excitedly waiting in anticipation to see which of them Branch picks to be his best man and Teasing each other over it.
only for Branch to shatter their Dreams when he announces that he's chosen Gary to be his best man ( this HC assumes that Gary gets added to the movie cannon at some point ).
and his bros are all weirded out and confused and some of them even think its just a Joke at first but when it becomes clear he isn't Joking.
some of them even sorta angrily confront Branch on how he could choose a friggin Remote Control over any of them only for Branch to cut the none serous casual attitude he'd had up to this point and tell them.
that yes he knows Gary is an inanimate object but he's been a more consistent comfort in his life than any of them ever have and well its his wedding so if they can't accept that then he doesn't want them there.
7. Branch would be a little bit resentful about the fact that Bruce went off and started a new family forgetting all about him while he waited for all of them to come back over the years.
he wouldn't outright tell him this due to fear of stirring the pot amongst the family when they've only just gotten things back on track.
but it'd end up coming out one way or another and Bruce would show a bit of growth and actually be understanding of why Branch would feel this way Rather than judging him for it.
meanwhile JD would would say he also felt pretty hurt by this only for Bruce to casually brush it off since he really doesn't give a crap if it hurt John's ego 😂😂😂😂
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
I know we see alot of post book Ponyboy HC’s and how he acts after and how he takes Dallas and Johnny’s death. HOWEVER do you think you could give us some Two-Bit after they’re deaths?
(I like to think he was the second closest to the both of them after pony.)
two bit,,,the fella that u r,,,,
•now w johnny, i think two bit was so hopeful about johnny, he wanted to believe that johnny would get better and he just tricked himself into believing that genuinely, bc the world is cruel to johnny, but surely not THAT cruel
•when pony announced johnny died, nobody noticed, but that was the first time two bit just truly didnt say anything at all, not a singular peep
•two couldnt even bring himself to walk by johnnys house bc he refuses to see the people who made johnnys life a living hell, in a weird way, he would always hope that johnny would one day come out the house running so he could save him like he always did before
•once tho, he did get drunk and was throwing rocks at johnnys house cause he was so angry, steve found him and had to drag him away
•two bit constantly thinks about how he was so ready to go all the way to texas for em and even now, he wants to know where johnny is now so he can follow
•the nurse gave two bit johnnys SOME part of johnnys clothing that wasnt too damaged, and two bit carries it in his pocket
•and then when it comes to dallas, its like two bit KNEW, dally was gonna die young, but that doesnt make how or when it happened any easier for him, he thought he’d have a few years left w the guy
•just like w johnny, two bit had hope that maybe the world wasnt THAT cruel and he lived in a bit of denial that the world would show dally at least a BIT of mercy in his life time
•he did hang out w dally quite a bit, going to bars, very rarely going to class together and joking around in the back of class, he feels like theres this part of him missing and it hurts him to see that empty seat next to him knowing dally used to sit there
•considering the rep dally had, it wouldnt surprise me if two had heard whispers of ppl being like “finally he got what he deserved” or “it was about time it happened”, and no matter how truthful they were to an extent, it always set two off, and he’d come off as erratic bc his mood would change DRAMATICALLY and depending in if there was someone w him or not, he’d want to fight them
•two feels bad for sylvia, he knows that her and dally werent the best of couples, but he knows they were still close to some degree, ppl assume sylvia didnt care, but he’s seen her cry over it and he knows just like tim, sylvia took things from dallys temporary bedroom at bucks bar
•speaking of bucks bar, after dallys death, he knows tim and sylvia took the small bit of things dally had, so unfortunately, he couldnt take something and go “an eye for an eye” w dally after dally got his switchblade and he never got it back, but sometimes he does sleep in that room, and as time goes on, the scent of dally is fading away and that upsets two
•two bit still has that newspaper clipping of when they saved the kids from that fire and just stares at it
•for a small amount of time, two bit would stay at him and and when it comes to his own family, especially his younger sister, two bit tries to hold onto them and not forget their faces or smells
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marvelmusing · 1 year
Keep Your Judgement is another masterpiece in the making, and it’s helping me immensely with the stages of my grief 🥲
This tho, I saw and thought…. What if years after marriage, IAL Aleksander has had many conversations about the Reader’s world, including what men of that world wore. For an anniversary, he has Fabrikators create what he understood to be the approximation of said fashion and, voila… i mean, he meant well and all 😅☺️
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I’m so in love with every piece of bts content we get, seeing the actors just chilling or messing around while in costume is one of my favourite things
anyways, here’s a little something for you...
New Wardrobe
Featuring IAL!Aleksander x Reader
For a solid five seconds you stare at your husband, not quite comprehending what you are seeing. Whatever words had been half out of your mouth are now forgotten as you stand at the threshold of the former war room after wandering through your bedroom in search of him.
Once your body settles on a reaction, you find yourself pressing your palm to your mouth to stifle your laughter.
“Are- are those sunglasses?” you ask.
Aleksander turns to look at you from where he’s seated at his desk, a pair of shaded glasses perched on his nose as he flashes you a wide smile. At that, you can’t help but turn away to laugh.
With every day you spend living in Ravka, everything here becomes more and more real to you. What was once fantasy is now your normality. But seeing the Darkling wearing sunglasses - indoors - is too amusing and absurd for you to remember that he is also your husband.
A hand against the door frame steadies your folded body as you bend over with your laughter. Every time you push back the amusement, you turn to look at Aleksander, only to continue laughing.
Only when you see him pouting, pushing his chair back to leave, do you manage to somewhat stop yourself.
“No Sasha, love, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you,” you tell him. Moving quickly towards him, you wrap your arms around his middle as you press your forehead against his back. “I promise. You just surprised me, that’s all.”
“Surprised you?” he repeats drily.
“I wasn’t expecting it.” After a small pause, you ask tentatively, “Why are you wearing them inside?”
“I heard you coming and just wanted to show you them.”
“What if I was actually Ivan?” you ask teasingly, imagining the heartrenders face attempting to remain neutral at the sight of Aleksander wearing sunglasses - a previously unheard of accessory in Ravka.
“Ivan would knock on the door, not walk through our bedroom.”
Aleksander pulls the glasses away from his eyes as he turns to face you, finding a fond expression on your face though the amusement still sparkles in your eyes as he places them down on his desk.
Then your gaze falls down to the rest of his outfit. He’s wearing his summer kefta, a lighter fabric than the thick wool of its winter counterpart, and his thin black tunic. The cut of the neckline for both of these articles of clothing is quite low cut, something you particularly enjoy.
But today you spot something underneath, black fabric with a rounded neckline, almost like a t-shirt. Frowning, you look at the rest of him.
“Are you wearing sweatpants?”
He looks away almost sheepishly, brows pulling together slightly in resignation, as if he knows his answer will give you even more entertainment than the sunglasses.
Instead of laughing, you suppress the twitch at the corner of your mouth and slowly slide your hands under the lapels of his kefta, slipping it from his shoulders. He tilts his head aside, watching you as his kefta is draped over the back of his chair by your careful hands.
Unclasping the hidden hooks of his tunic, you reveal the full ensemble he has created. Black t-shirt and black sweatpants. The smile on your face widens, which makes Aleksander sigh as he narrows his eyes at you in warning.
“Still surprised?” he teases, but a pretty pink is dusting its way over his cheekbones.
Seeing Aleksander wearing clothing that had once been so ordinary for you, instead of ornate keftas of silk and wool, sends a thrill through you.
He looks just as handsome as ever and you can’t stop yourself from imagining him in your old world, a charming stranger that you run into one sunny day in a park. Perhaps that’s how you meet in some other reality.
Standing on tiptoe, you place the sunglasses back on his face, smile softening as you press a kiss to his cheek.
“Very surprised.”
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katerina-marie · 5 months
Bathtub Confessions (Eres Tú)
Sukuna x Reader
Part 4
The one where you learn that certain confessions don't always have to be romantic, but others certainly do.
Word Count: 5.7k
Notes: Sukuna x Reader celebrity!au. Takes place directly after part three. Song of inspiration: Eres Tú by Carla Morrison
Content: bandmember Sukuna x actor female Reader (referred to as such, but left descriptively vague), no y/n, manager Nanami, bodyguard Toji, actor Gojo, found family vibes, some angst, fluff, crack, humor, out of character Sukuna (he's so fluffy), suggestive, maybe lightly explicit, tho no sex actually occurs (sorry), so please avoid accordingly.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
“Should I change my name?”
A beat of silence. A drop of water.
“Should I get a wig?”
Another beat of silence. A clink of glass on tile.
“Should I flee the country?”
A minuscule half second of silence.
“Not if you’re going to quit paying me,” Toji grumbled. 
His response made the frown on your face dip down further on your lips, and you rolled your head against the back of your porcelain tub to stare at the ceiling.
“Is that all you see me as?” you whined, “A paycheck?”
“You want me to lie?” 
“That’s it, I’m going to drown myself.” 
That gets a long, heavy sigh from your bodyguard and you can hear him readjust himself on the chaise lounge seated in the middle of your expansive bathroom before he carries on.
“First off,” he grunts, “no you’re not. That would require me to pull your sad self naked from the tub, and we both know we don’t want that. Second…you know you’re not just a paycheck.” Toji goes quiet for a moment. “I’d like to think that we’ve become a sort of family over the last couple years, you, me, and Nanami. Shoot, even Megs too when he’s around.” 
His soft confession brings a smile to your face, and you turn your head to the right to look in his direction from behind a large mahogany privacy screen. It stands tall, wrapping just barely around the ends of your tub where your feet and head lay, keeping you securely tucked away from any prying eyes. It found its way there long ago, because this wasn’t the first time that Toji had played therapist from his dedicated chaise while you lounged in a hot bath and the two of you shared a bottle of wine. 
“Thank you,” you whispered to him, “I’m grateful you’re my friend…and my family.” 
“Don’t worry about it, I know you are. But don’t go on getting too upset or sentimental just because you’ve had a rough day. Things haven’t been that bad,” Toji said, and you groaned at the reminder.
After finally arriving home safely—no thanks to you—Toji immediately went into damage control mode and spent the afternoon fielding phone calls and text messages, though nothing too serious had been blown your way yet. 
You had received a none-too-pleased email from the producer of the movie you and Satoru were co-starring in, accusing you of sabotaging the release by not waiting to reveal your relationship with Sukuna until after the movie premiered in a few short months (as if he couldn’t tell that what happened today wasn’t by choice). Luckily, Satoru swooped in with his sweet-talking words and buttered the producer right back into promising extra money for a job well done. Though Satoru’s idea of fixing things was convincing the producer that the only premise that sold better than a classic love story was the angst of a good ol’ fashioned love triangle, and he was more than happy to play the jilted lover dead set on winning you back. You wondered what it must be like to live in such delusions. 
What really put the cherry on top of a bad day was the text you received from Sukuna shortly after arriving home. It wasn’t anything particularly worrisome, a straight to the point, “I’ll call you this evening, busy smoothing a couple things out, x,” but it had you in a fit nonetheless. After sending a quick affirmation back, you threw your phone across the couch in your living room and flung yourself onto the nearest surface to bemoan your miserable existence. Toji was not amused when that nearest surface happened to be his chest, and he only offered you five minutes of soaking his shirt with snot and tears before he drug you upstairs to your bedroom, turned on the hot water to your tub, and shoved you into the bathroom with a promise to return with wine if you quieted down for just a second. 
So here you were, an hour later, soaking under a mountain of peppermint scented bubbles while you toed at the hot water handle at the end of the tub. 
“You think if I begged hard enough Nanami would let me come stay with him for the rest of his vacation? I’m afraid I’m in need of a tropical escape,” you told Toji, already calculating in your head how quickly you could pack your bags and be on the next plane to Malaysia. 
Toji chuckled, “No, I don’t think he would, considering he refused to tell us anything more about his trip other than what country he’d be in and when he’d be back. You showing up would take seven years off his life. Add three more if he opens up the door to you sobbing like you’ve been all day. Besides, running away to another country just because you’re afraid to talk to your boyfriend is a cowardly move.” 
You ‘tsked’ at him for calling you out on poor behavior and slouched further down into the hot water in shame-filled defeat. Instead of wallowing in it further though, you popped your ankles up on the rim of the tub, tossed your arms back to hang behind your head, and clapped twice to get Toji’s attention.
“Another glass of wine, please,” you mocked in as snobby an accent as you could manage.
“What do you take me as? I’m not your damn butler,” he complained, but you could hear the quick successive cracking of his back as he stood up from the chaise and stretched. 
“Just one more and that’ll be it, I promise.” You considered what else could entice him into doing your bidding. “I’ll let you be done for the evening and take the day off tomorrow if you also bring me a plate of cheese and crackers, please.” 
Toji was silent before letting out a begrudging “fine” and shuffling out the door without another complaint. 
You marveled in the silence, nothing but the occasional lap of water as you adjusted yourself in the tub to break it. After a few minutes, however, you realized the absence of conversation was the perfect environment for your thoughts to run unhindered, and that was not something you cared to partake in at the given time. Trying to concentrate on anything else though was futile, and perhaps trying to wade through your own head for a few minutes would leave you feeling better when you chose to pointedly ignore it once your butler…ahem, Toji, returned with your snacks.
Besides falling on national television—and underneath Gojo Satoru nonetheless—you had a particularly difficult time deducing from yourself what exactly about the accidental revelation of your relationship with Sukuna caused you so much embarrassment. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be associated with him or that you always intended for the relationship to remain secret until it had reached its course; your desire was quite the opposite, actually. It was a feeling best left to baser animals and bedroom activities, but the idea of staking a claim, proving that he belonged to you in a way, was not unappealing and not something you could talk your way out of thinking, especially with the world the two of you lived in. 
If you got down to it, the real problem lay in your unfortunate habit of caring what people thought. You didn’t want Sukuna to see you as childlike, only a few years younger than him in age but miles behind in maturity. You didn’t want him to view today’s incident as a misfortunate foreshadow into the “what if’s” of your relationship. Neither did you want the world looking at the two of you and questioning how exactly something like it came to be. Where Sukuna was all sharp angles and dark colors, suave nonchalance and carrying a presence that demanded to be seen, you felt painfully opposite. You wouldn’t self-deprecate and believe that you were unworthy of standing beside him, but just cognizant of how different you felt. More like something that could be just as appreciated, but more likely to be overlooked and favored over something brighter. A “mismatched pair” is what they would call you, something that struck you so vividly that the pressure in your chest increased ten-fold. You knew he would hear it, see it, be made aware of it, and while he may not agree right away, you wondered how long it would take for the sphere of influence to get to him too. The anticipatory grief (as your actual therapist called it, usually followed by anxiety) of waiting for someone you valued so much to realize that he had better options was enough to make you consider running away from the whole thing entirely. 
And that’s how you came back to scheming your departure from the country. If you hurried, you could probably towel off, pack a bag, and slip out the back before Toji realized (you wondered if the big oaf had decided to take a nap instead of bringing you snacks for how long it’d been since you last heard him). Surely Nanami wouldn’t abandon you in your time of need if you were wailing at him over the phone in the airport of a foreign country. 
But alas, you heard your bathroom door open, effectively cutting off any means of escape.
“It’s about time, Toji. What took you so long?” He neither spoke, nor took another step. “Eh, no matter. Bring me my snacks, please.” 
Footsteps continued again and before you could chastise Toji further, a voice spoke up from right behind your privacy screen. 
“Should I be concerned with the normalcy of your bodyguard attending to you while you’re naked in the bath?” 
The shock of hearing Sukuna’s voice caused you to jolt, sending your legs into the water with an unmistakable splash and leaving you to scurry back into a sitting position from where you had slipped dangerously close to submerging your whole head underwater. The indecency of it all would kill you if this conversation that was about to happen didn’t.
“I assure you,” you started, hoping you didn’t sound as wrecked as you felt, “it is not nearly as salacious as you made it out to be.” 
Sukuna hummed. “Really? Because it sounded as if you were expecting him, and when I ran into him downstairs he told me to tell you that he would be back up to deliver wine and cheese shortly. Sounds like a romantic evening to me if I’ve ever heard one.”
You were relieved to hear a hint of amusement in your boyfriend’s voice, but horrified at what he was saying. 
“Please stop implying things that’ll make me gag.” 
Sukuna chuckled, but was quiet for a minute until, “You have five seconds to tell me to stop before I move this privacy screen so we can talk face to face.” 
You shot upwards, looking around hurriedly as you tried to scrape the remaining bubbles in the tub to strategic places in order to maintain your dignity, though you realized a moment later that it was probably unnecessary. With a second left, you brushed tendrils of your hair away from your face and wiped your thumb across the top of your lip to remove any remnants of a wine stain from your skin. In the next, Sukuna was pushing aside the privacy screen and looking down at you with a blank—but not unkind—expression. You eyed him warily as he walked up to the edge of the tub and dropped a cushion from the chaise Toji was sitting on earlier to the floor. He settled himself down onto it and then placed his elbow on the edge of the tub so he could lean in close to you. 
“Hello,” you whispered to him, settling both your arms down next to his and then resting your head against them. A small smile crossed his face.
“Hello to you too.” 
You were surprised at the lack of tension in his face, no clenched jaw or heavy brow to be seen, and as you trailed your eyes further down his torso you noticed its absence there too. His shoulders were relaxed, and his chin was cupped in the hand propped up on the tub so he could gaze at you with those unnervingly observant eyes of his. You wished he’d been wearing a t-shirt instead of the thin navy turtleneck he currently had on so you could focus your stare on the black tattoos decorating his body. Aside from being intricate, and distracting, they always gave you something to look at when meeting his eyes felt like too much. 
The tenderness of Sukuna’s knuckles meeting your temple forced you to look back up at him, only to see that he was following the path his fingers were making over your skin. They grazed over your cheekbone, feathered down the bridge of your nose, and then were skimming over your mouth, his thumb catching ever so lightly on your bottom lip. His hand didn’t linger there, and it was quick to skate over your jaw before his thumb landed under your ear and the rest of his fingers tangled in your hair while his palm cupped your neck. With a slide of his other hand up your arm and down your back to press between your shoulder blades, Sukuna brought you close enough to him that he was able to reach the rest of the way over the tub and kiss you. His lips remained pressed against yours for a second or two before he broke away, hesitated, and then leaned in to do it once more, twice, and a third time. 
You were the one that put space between the two of you, sitting back in the water and drawing your knees to your chest. You desperately needed to inhale without smelling the crispness of his aftershave or the spiced warmth of his cologne, both of which were guilty of making your head spin. 
“You’re not mad at me?” you asked, breaking the silence before he had a chance to, before you lost your nerve. You watched as his head tilted slightly to one side, his expression a touch befuddled, but full of disbelief. 
“Why would I be mad at you?” He questioned slowly, moving himself to his knees on the cushion so he could go back to resting his arms on the tub. 
“I don’t see why you wouldn’t be,” you told him, your voice a bit sharp. “I inadvertently told anyone with access to the internet that we were dating, without even talking to you about it, and then proceeded to flee the scene like a coward instead of getting back out there to present myself as confident enough to own up to my mistakes. Not to mention the fall with Satoru right before. It’s embarrassing. The whole thing made us—me—look like a giant mess!” 
Your voice cracked on the last word, and you bit down on the inside of your cheek until you tasted iron. Sukuna looked pained, and he reached a hand out to play with your fingers as they sat at the top of your knees. 
“You’re not a mess,” he said, rubbing his thumb in small circles over the middle knuckle of one of your fingers, “and I’m not embarrassed either. I never intended to keep us a secret, and I’m not trying to implicate you when I say this, but I don’t think I ever implied doing so that evening.” 
“Well, yeah,” you huffed, the twinkle in his ochre-brown eyes and the mischievous grin on his face as he hinted to the night the two of you cemented your relationship into the category of “official” making your face get warm, “we didn’t do a whole lot of talking after that point.” 
You tried to jerk your hands out from under his to cover up your cheeks, but Sukuna was unrelenting in his hold, and you gave up before continuing on, “I know you never implied that you wanted to keep our relationship hidden, but that’s been the theme of whatever we’ve had going on these last ten months. We were sneaking around from the very beginning, we lied about it to Yuji and Choso, and then let’s not forget about the whole incident of being caught by Satoru,” you pointed out to him, feeling the slightest bit smug when he looked chagrined. 
“I apologized for that,” he reminded you, his voice tone faintly defensive. You squeezed his hand in comfort. 
“You did, and I’m not upset about it.” 
You took a deep breath and cast your eyes everywhere except Sukuna, taking in the details of your bathroom as you tried to muster the courage to share your insecurities with him. He never let his attention on you deviate, and between that and the heat of the water you had been in for almost two hours, you were beginning to feel lightheaded, and everything finally came rushing out of your mouth.
“I feel like we’re mismatched! It feels like everytime someone looks at us, they’re going to wonder why, like we don’t fit well together. And I’m not saying I believe that, or that you would believe that, and I know this whole thing sounds ridiculous because it is ridiculous, but it’s hard to get outside of my own head about this when I already love you so mu—,” 
The startled look on Sukuna’s face is what clued you in to the fact you had said something you had not intended to. You snapped your mouth shut with an audible click of your teeth and used your feet to push away from him and to the otherside of the tub, wrenching your hands out of his grasp. 
If someone asked why you never liked to talk about your feelings, this was why. Why the words that came out were never as eloquent—or as sane—as the thoughts in your head was something you’d pay so much money to figure out. And Kento was about to have no choice in letting you hide out with him for the rest of his vacation because you were no longer asking, and if he was interested in keeping his job he would do so without complaint. Even so, you considered that forcibly releasing Kento from the grip of a career that was so wrought with overtime would be another mercy for the overworked sal—,
“You know what I think,” Sukuna murmured, bringing you out of your own head to focus with rapt attention on the blissfully contented expression he wore. His fingers curled around the tops of your arms as he reached out to slide you back to his side of the tub, and when you were close enough again, he pushed his nose into the plushness of your cheek to nuzzle there affectionately. You were transfixed by a small tan freckle on the edge of his eyebrow that you somehow hadn’t noticed before.
“I think this whole time you’ve been so focused on pleasing everyone around you—which isn’t necessarily unadmirable, I promise—and treading with extreme care to take into consideration my feelings about our relationship that you haven’t noticed what’s been going on…or I haven’t been doing a very satisfactory job of making it apparent.” 
He said the last part more under his breath, but didn’t give you a chance to interject with an objection before he carried on, making intently sure your eyes were on his. “From the very beginning, even when all I had of you were fleeting touches and secret meetings in questionable places, I was always bound to fall in love with you.” 
You didn’t know what to say, what to think, and trying to wrap your head around the fact that what you considered to be one of the worst days of your life was ending with unintentional confessions of love in your bathtub wasn’t helping. So you did what you could and traced a finger down one of the tattoos under his eyes, hoping he would keep talking.
“We aren’t a mismatched pair,” he insisted, his eyelids fluttering slightly at your gentle touch, “I think we compliment each other quite well, so please, don’t try to hide or run away.” He fixed you with a pointed look that told you Toji had warned him of your current status as a flight risk, and you ducked your head slightly and in a way that you hope conveyed repentance.  
“Because you must know, I will always be chasing after you.”
You wasted no time in hurrying to crush your lips against his and throw your arms around his neck, because what else was there to do when words couldn’t suffice, other than to surrender to the melding of bodies? 
Sukuna reciprocated in fervor, breaking apart from you only to stand up from his place on his knees, and reached down to cup his hands under your bottom, lifting you out of the tub and securing your thighs around his hips while his mouth found yours again.
He seemed to care not that you were dripping water on the floor and soaking the front of his clothes from where you were pressed tightly against him. He stumbled back a couple steps until the back of his knees made contact with the chaise, and the two of you fell back onto it. Sukuna adjusted you to straddle his lap, his hands clasping at your hips while your hands scrambled down his back to pull up his shirt. You ground your pelvis down against him as he dropped his head to mouth at your neck, and the rough groan that elicited from his throat had you deciding that your bed was too far away to justify taking time to separate, and that the convenience of the chaise was worth going to the trouble of having to buy Toji a new one. You had no more than let the thought flutter through your head when an obnoxiously loud knock resounded through the bathroom. 
“You two haven’t drowned yet, have you?” 
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. 
Sukuna ripped his lips away from where he was sucking a mark into the space where your shoulder blended into your neck, and met your gaze with one that dared you to intervene. 
“Don’t even think about it,” he growled, using the grip he still had on your waist to hold you in place while he rolled his hips up into yours, and you prayed that the moan you let out wasn’t as loud as it sounded. Even if it was, you hoped Toji would get the hint and make himself scarce.
“Look, I get it,” your bodyguard remarked, sounding both amused and vaguely uncomfortable, “but it’s kinda, maybe important.” 
With both the mood dashed and your anxiety spiked again, you patted Sukuna on the shoulder in a bid to get him to let you slide off his lap. He rolled his eyes, exasperation—and lustful desperation—painted clearly on his face, but he helped you down without giving you any grief and grabbed a black fluffy robe from where it was draped over your privacy screen. He held it out so you could thread your arms through it, and then he proceeded to tie the belt securely around your waist. 
“Come in, Toji,” you called, moving to sit on the chaise while Sukuna came to stand at your back.
Your bodyguard waited a moment before opening the door, peeking his head around first and then sauntering in with his normal arrogance to lean against your bathroom counter just a couple feet in front of you.
“Glad to see that nobody’s drowned. There’s only one of you I’d be willing to do mouth-to-mouth on,” Toji joked, clearly proud of what he had come up with. You felt Sukuna’s hands come to rest on the tops of your shoulders, his fingertips digging into the muscles lightly. They relaxed when you bought one of your hands up to twine your fingers with his. 
“So, to what do we owe the interruption?” you asked. The amusement on Toji’s face vanished, and in its place came weariness. 
“I just got off the phone with Nanami, and—,” 
“You called him?!” You yelped, springing up from your seat, “I begged you not to!”
“Whoa, Whoa,” Toji cautioned, raising his hands up in a surrender, “easy with the accusations. He called me. He knew.” And before you could open your mouth to ask how, Toji’s expression darkened and his eyes flicked up over you to glare at Sukuna. “Uraume called him.” 
You whirled around to look at Sukuna, who—thankfully—seemed just as surprised by the news as you did. 
“I didn’t ask them to do that,” he assured you, then turned to Toji, “did Nanami say what they wanted?” 
“Just to talk about the whole situation, more or less. Nanami said they only talked for about ten minutes, but they’re planning to discuss things more when he comes back in five or six days.” Your bodyguard sighed and crossed his legs as he leaned back further against your counter. “He was nearly ready to hop on the first plane home, but I managed to convince him to finish his vacation. Told him it’d damn near break your heart if he came back early.” 
You plopped back down on the chaise, bone tired and completely ready for this whole day to be over. 
“Thank you, Toji. I’m sorry for jumping down your throat like that.” 
“Don’t sweat it, Princess,” he said, pulling a vaguely familiar set of keys out from his pocket and pushing himself off the counter to walk towards the door. “You two going to be okay if I head out? I have some errands to run and then I’ll probably crash at Megumi’s tonight instead of the staff quarters.” 
You nodded at him, sending him off with a wave before shifting to look back at Sukuna. 
“Stay with me?” you pleaded. He answered with a kiss to your hair, and then offered his arm so you could stand from the chaise. He followed after you into your bedroom, and the faint flutter of clothing made you glance back over your shoulder. Your heart began to race at the sight of his bare chest, tattoos displayed in full glory. You must have made some kind of noise because he looked up at you from where he was draping his shirt over the back of a lounging chair in the corner of your room.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he said sheepishly, “my clothes are wet.” 
You shook your head, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth as you watched the muscles in his back flex as he bent down to push his jeans to the floor, leaving him in simple grey underwear. There must have been something written all over your face as he began to walk towards you, for he was reaching out to pull you into him as soon as he got close enough.
“I’m tired, Sukuna,” you warned as he pressed your cheek to his chest, though you wondered if you could muster up the energy to continue where the two of you had left off in the bathroom. Surely he would make it worth your while. 
“I know,” he told you, voice light and good-natured, and he tightened his arms around you briefly before stepping back and nodding in the direction of your bed, “why don’t you go get comfortable. Toji left your snacks on your dresser. Want to finish them off before bed?” 
With a grateful nod, you turned to leap onto your bed, sitting down in the middle and wiggling with excitement as Sukuna came to join you. He sat the tray of food and wine in between the two of you and crossed his legs underneath himself before picking up a piece of cheese and offering it to you. You smiled in thanks and began to nibble on it while he surveyed his options. 
“Mhm,” you started, an errant thought popping into your head, “I’m assuming since Uraume knows that Yuji and Choso know now as well?” Sukuna raised his head slowly from where he had been studying the various snacks, and the hint of guilt on his face wasn’t confidence inspiring. 
“They do,” he drew out, observing you carefully, “they were both watching the interview with me.” 
You groaned as white-hot embarrassment flooded your body, and you fell back against your pillows, grabbing one to shove over your face to muffle the bitter laughter you couldn’t control. “What do they think?” 
“It’s nothing you should be worrying about,” Sukuna said, suddenly sitting by your head and lifting the pillow off your face to set it above your head, “you know they adore you. Choso was his normal, level-headed self. He’s happy for us. Yuji was just as ecstatic once he got his laughter under control, if a bit disappointed that we hadn’t told him.” Your boyfriend paused, his face darkening suddenly, and you watched with interest as a muscle feathered in his jaw. 
“What?” you asked, pushing yourself back into a sitting position and poking him in the arm to urge him to explain. He shook his head, clearly annoyed.
“You know what that little shit said immediately after? He thought that you and Gojo had been secretly dating and were waiting till after your movie was over to say anything.” 
Obnoxious laughter erupted from you, and you hurried to slap your hands over your mouth to try to conceal it as Sukuna’s face fell. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you rasped out in between giggles, unable to stop it as you watched Sukuna sit back against your pillows with a huff and a crossing of his arms. 
“The little idiot is just dense. And delusional. Anyone could see that you and the q-tip don’t have any real chemistry.” He sounded an awful lot like he was trying to convince himself of the truthfulness of his own statement. You wondered, affectionately, at which brother was a touch deluded. You were a fine actor, thank you very much. And you were about to open your mouth and say so when something ‘plinked’ off the window next to your bed. 
Strange. Your bedroom was on the second floor. 
Sukuna jerked his head up, all traces of humor forgotten, and the two of you listened for the noise again. 
“What the hell,” he muttered, pushing off the bed so he could go inspect the noise, “stay right there.” 
You appreciated the concern in his voice as he began to lift the window pane open, and he had just begun to stick his head out to look around when something small smacked him right between the eyes, sending him butt-first to the floor. 
“Sukuna!” you gasped, rushing over to kneel by his side and lift his hand from where he had it pressed to his forehead. You didn’t get a chance to fawn over him any further before he was up on his feet and striding to your bedroom door. 
“Be right back,” he growled, throwing the door open and cursing all the way down the stairs. 
You heard something land next to you on the floor, utterly perplexed when it turned out to be a rock from your flower beds. You got up and tiptoed over to the window, just barely lifting your head over the pane as to avoid becoming another victim of a flying projectile, then shot to your feet when you caught sight of a familiar white-haired costar outside beneath your window.
“Satoru!” You screeched, dumbfounded by his mere presence and the way he waved up at you, completely unbothered, “How in the world did you get through the gate?!”
“Hey! There you are!” He called, with a lazy grin on his face, “that’s not really important right now.” 
“I would disagree!” You yelled back down to him, making a mental note to have Toji go over all the security points around your property after his day off. “What are you doing here?” 
Satoru laughed sarcastically before the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he propped his hands up on his hips. “Where is my car?” 
No. Way. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Satoru.” 
“Nope! Give me back my car. It’s one of a kind!” 
You groaned, reaching up to massage the burgeoning headache you could feel at your temples. “Are you sure it’s not out there in the driveway? Toji left just a bit ago, so you shouldn’t be boxed in or—,” you cut off when the memory of your bodyguard twirling an unfamiliar set of his keys around his finger as he left your bathroom flashed across your memory.
Oh god, that absolute bastard. 
Satoru must have caught the horrified look on your face, as well as how you suddenly stopped talking after mentioning Toji because his face blanched even paler than usual, and his voice was two octaves higher in distress when he hollered back up at you.
“Does that criminal have my car?!” 
You deserved a vacation at this point. 
“I’ll call him in the morning, Satoru, I promise. And I’ll make sure he washes it for you or whatever you want, just come back tomorrow.” You hoped placating him with the prospect of torturing Toji would convince him to leave, but no, he still stood rooted to his spot down below. 
“As fun as that sounds,” he mocked back up at you, “I can’t.” 
“What do you mean you can’t?”
He looked a bit like a toddler caught with his hand somewhere it shouldn’t be. “Suguru dropped me off and then left in a hurry. He said he had something to do.” 
You couldn’t believe that the universe thought that pairing those two together in any capacity was worth the absolute chaos they unleashed on the poor, unsuspecting population. 
The slamming of your front door caught your attention, and you figured your boyfriend was about to make himself known.
“Look,” you sighed, backing away from the window slightly, “you can borrow one of my cars and swap it tomorrow when Toji brings yours.” You ignored Satoru’s protests and started to close the window. “Just apologize to Sukuna for hitting him between the eyes with a rock and he’ll open the garage for you.”
You caught the confusion on Satoru’s face, and just barely heard his panicked remark as you shut the window.
“Oh, fu—.”
Whew, that one took it out of me, not gonna lie. Angst and I are not friends.
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struck-by-the-rain · 4 months
was inspired by a few other ppl on here to drop some of the kind of cringy tropey lore I made up about these 2,,, mostly how they met n stuff and how I personally see emm.... im v normal about them I prommy
maintagging this perhaps but it's under the read more so if u dgaf u can just look at the silly picture
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ok sooo
they meet completely by accident because This Space Kicker In Particular (who I'm calling SK) gets a try again in space soccer and crash lands outside the karate family residence. he's fine though, probably because he's subject to cartoon physics or something (might rewrite this bit of the lore bc it's kinda goofy but it's the first thing I thought of).
v predictably they start out playing soccer together, like they take a ball to the park or whatever n just having a kick around. but they move on to hanging out in a non-soccer context pretty quickly. i imagine sk's really curious to see what earth is like (it's probably his first time there), like he's filled w whimsy and joy just to go to the cafe n stuff :) joe is meeting him behind seniors back!
sk isn't joes only friend - hes friends w yuka n the wandering samurai n a few others, but i don't know if he's actually close with them? partially because he's busy training, partially because he's quite a reserved person, n to me at least I think he struggles a lot with self-doubt/feeling inadequate for anyone around him (partially as a result of the way he was raised). not to get Angsty on main but I think he ascribes wayyy too much of his self worth on his training... I think he has a tendency to try and isolate himself from others, both physically and emotionally
sk is the opposite (tropey ik lmao) - he's v outgoing, silly n carefree almost to the point where he gets on people's nerves sometimes (he's cowboy sk's "annoying little brother" to me). I don't think he fully gets/realises exactly why joe is v reserved but I think he manages to grow close w him in spite of that... idk how to word it. but I think he's such a ray of sunshine he's able to break through whatever exterior joe has put up for himself (ik how cheesy that sounds but yeah)
ive made a post about this before but joe is v v v affection starved (because Basement) and does a terrible job at hiding it to the point where he just melts over the smallest things. sk meanwhile is suuuuuper physically affectionate so yeah
I haven't worked out exactly when this happens but I think they just kinda fall for each other over time, it takes a while for both of them to realise its mutual tho....
joe alsooo gets flustered veryyyy easily (source: karate man 2 ds superb screen). sk probs picks up on this right away lmao
im thinking sk is out here dropping the most obvious hints... but joe refuses to believe that sk would see him in that way. idk he probs does the wildest mental gymnastics assuming that sk is just being nice or it's like,,, a social norm up on his planet lmfao.
but yeah he eventually works it out too in the end... probably partially because he begins to learn to be a bit more confident in himself over time. i think they get to a point where they both v much know it's mutual but r too awkward to do anything about it/don't wanna mess up their close friendship/are too worried about the logistics/implications of living on other planets n senior. so they don't like acc Say anything or whatever for a while. but it's obvious n only gets worse over time lmfao. see the pic above the cut
blehhh silly thought but I hc sk to be besties with 6switcher who I think gets fed up of his shittt... like hes just like "Oh My God Please Just Tell Him. Like Please".
in my mind palace they end up going to the battle of the bands (joes a huge fan of the rockers but he's never been able to see them live before). and ummm after the concert they end up sitting outside live house ogu watching the stars together,,,, and u kno,,,, they kith.... woaw,,,,, but yeah I think because botb is the 1 time in game they "meet" (if u can even call it that) I thought it would be cute if it's where they end up getting together as a couple :)
hmmm like inconsequential shit unrelated to the main story but they find remix 9 cat as a stray kitten at some point during all of this n joe takes it in... i think I could do a follow up post about what happens next in the lore after botb because this is already mega long but they eventually end up living together on sk's planet and the cat comes w them :)
oh adding this on acc after I posted it, but I think when joe meets sk it's like,,, the first time in his life where he hasn't felt lonely...
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omgg disney princess FL kickstarted my own brain, you're so good at this💜💜
imagine little ducklings following him in a neat little line!! (since iirc tartaglia in cn is close to the word duck). the little escapades you could get into from trying to stop them from following him, the ducklings nipping at his wings to stop him from leaving them and of course his soft heart won't be able to even think of leaving these little guys. just an adventure of trying to find mama duck around Liyue, taking naps in his fluff when the ducklings are too tuckered out!!! (imagine their little butts sticking out his fluff as he purrs), maybe go on a swim too, tho probably stand back when they're all soggy and shaking off the water
small yellow fluffy babies getting led by a bigger, fluffier, sparkly baby (at heart) and the noise! the cutest chorus of noises from both FL and the ducklings 🥹
- mothnip anon again, sorry for constantly babbling here
hope you have a nice day 👉👈
okay okay small story this place near-ish to where i live sells gardening equipment and in the springtime they get live chicks so people can raise them into chickens and ahhhh they're so cute!!!!!
all the ducks can fit in his hands, no questions asked. he kneels and holds out his claws and the ducks all pile on, much to your amusement and slight dismay- where was their mother? there's no way you and Legacy can take care of all the ducklings, neither of you are nearly qualified enough! yet the tiny fledglings seem quite content in his grasp, and Legacy purrs at them contently as they quack, looking from you to the ducklings and back again pleadingly. with a sigh you relent and nod, met with a chorus of happy chirps and quacks from Legacy and your new little friends- of course, you make Legacy promise to help you find the ducks' mother, and to look after them while you're gone at work. he chitters in agreement, a few ducks already nesting in his fluff, and you can't help but smile at the adorable scene
taking care of the ducklings actually goes smoother than you expected, with Foul Legacy taking care of them when you're gone and everyone waiting to greet you in the evening. the little birds get into the habit of following Legacy in a single file line, having conversations of trills and quacks as they putter around the house. or if they get tired, the ducks bury themselves in his hair and fluff for a quick nap, as soft as the nest they're used to. and finally, after a few weeks of searching, you come across a distressed mother duck looking for her babies- it's actually one of the ducklings that alerts you, the one that likes sleeping in your pocket, quacking and squirming until you set it down and it waddles over to its relieved mother. you're both sad to see them go, Legacy letting out a low whine and pouting as he watches his little friends trot away into the water to follow their mom, and you give him a gentle squeeze of reassurance
but a few days later you find a collection of ducks standing outside your door, the mother gracefully herding her little ones along- seems the babies wanted to visit :)
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sandraharissa · 1 year
I’m kinda bummed we’re for sure never gonna see certain interesting characters team up or even really interact. For me it’s Mel and Silco cos they seem the best political players but also share this connection that’s kinda subtle and not a lot of ppl talk about it but arcane is chock full of parallels and one of them are Ambessa and Mel vs Silco and Jinx. Those are two very similar pairs but in the crucial aspects that arcane explores they’re the exact opposite.
We’ve got these brutal leaders with their political goals with daughters that are quite sensitive and good-natured even tho both are raised to be violent.
On one hand we have Mel with her good heart who has a mom who wants her to ‘be a wolf’ however Mel is basically a princess (definitely lives like a princess) and has an older brother who she looks up to who also doesn’t want to be a wolf and so it doesn’t work. All we see is Ambessa trying to teach 10yo Mel this lesson by decapitating a 10yo princess just like her that Mel sympathized with in front of her. And predictably all it does is traumatize her and start the rift between the duo.
On the other hand I can’t imagine Silco ever behaving like this in front of Jinx or treating her like that. Moreover in Jinx’s case it’s unnecessary cos her whole world is violent and she needs to be violent to survive. Long before Silco she saw her siblings glorify violence and Vander praise Vi for doing good in a fight. So even tho the narrative goes out of its way to show us how Powder is afraid of violence she is also very successfully conditioned to want to be violent herself from a very young age, waiting excitedly for her bomb to blow up in a teenager’s face.
Secondly Ambessa at some point in her past is put in front of a decision where she has to choose between her daughter and their relationship and her political goals, so basically the exact same conflict Silco is later put through, and she chooses to exile Mel so she can do her thing peacefully. In contrary, Silco gives up his political goals for the sake of not sending his kid away from him to prison, which I think is comparable to exile.
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And then in The Moment of Truth the both daughters are put in the positions to make world-changing decisions. Their choices are enforced by the slightest move of their fingers. Mel pulls off her Medarda ring for the sake of following her values and ignoring her mother’s ambitions, meanwhile Jinx pulls the trigger for the sake of following her own values so to speak, and in a way to honor her dad’s memory/avenge his death/fulfill his dream.
So we see how the two duos who are in drastically similar situations play out the exact opposite way based on the polar opposite type of relationship present between each parent and child. And that results in the polar opposite choice each daughter makes between war and peace in the piltover/zaun conflict. So basically my point is that if Mel ever met Silco she’d cry tears full of mommy issues.
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dangermousie · 1 year
Their chemistry is epic but also their scenes never go in an expected direction. He asks for a kiss and she slaps him. And then she goes for a second slap and grabs her hand.
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When he praises her and tells her to do this if a barbarian tries to get to her...
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He leaves (and she's left clutching her arm where he held her; her body is a lot more honest about her feelings towards him than her mind) but what strikes me here is that he is the sole person in this whole village of ideals who is actually trying to equip her, in however limited a fashion, with some measure of survival tips in a world about to go mad.
Look at the scene of the village saying farewell to their men - the women are giving men little presents and everyone is exchanging love tokens and it's all so charming but he gives her a dagger that means business.
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It all goes along with the idealism - doesn't it - of course the barbarians will not get to the village so why would a woman, let alone an upper class one, need a weapon - the whole order of the world is their chivalric men protect. But he is a pragmatist, he sees the world the way it is, not the way he wants it to be or the way it is ought to be (once again, I really would love to know of his past) and so, once again, much more strongly now, he gives her means to help survive if the things don't go the way people wish - a weapon, a warning about when to get out etc. If she survives it will be in part because of his approach and not because of all the platitudes about duty mouthed by scholars who will all be far away when the raiders arrive. (Earlier, he pointed out to FL that the man she likes will never marry her because he can't handle a woman with a reputation and she rejoined the man she likes is brave because he's off to fight. Leaving aside the fact that both volunteering for battle and not wanting to marry her are driven by the same root actually - propriety, this statement and its truth point to something else as well - the man she crushes on, like everyone else in the village, cannot see past convention and "things should be this way because they should" - propriety trumps all - potential dating prospects, their own common sense and lives, even lives of their loved ones. They, in a way, cannot conceive of an unjust world and surviving in same, going for essentials, where in survival or love, because that's what truly matters.)
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Kind of telling tho her first objection is idealistic and she sounds like anyone else from the village:
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Her second is eminently pragmatic and very much not what anyone else would think:
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I love him!
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I do get the sense he cares for so few people because life has taught him this is the most he can afford.
Btw, I love the SFL who is lovely and is quite suited to SML and is probably the first to notice who it is GC really fancies and it's not the stick in the mud perfect young master.
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This killed me. The look on his face!
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 year
HI! im the same person who asked for the mary kim reader! this one is quite simillar to that except what is mary kim had a cousin? romatic please, like reader dosent ackowladge them at all because their bullies (the gangbuk leaders) but is forced to. so its the Leader's of each school and west gangbuk gang please, reader also took interest in judo but also kickboxing she never fought outside the ring so imagine their surprise to see her fight utilizing judo and kickboxing and they feel like they just i dunno fell inlove, there arent many female fighters so its quite hard to fin anu who are willing so in short Baddassfem!reader who can kickass that they want to be friends and get acquitted (is that how you spell it?) with
My Type of Woman.
Female Reader.
Request Rules.
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"Shut the fuck up Vin Jin!"
She yelled out as the blonde female only chuckled at the sight in front of her, [Name] groaned as she walked away from the two as Mary yelled out.
"Bye [Name]!"
She waved back to the two and continued walking back to her home, she took out her phone and headphones and was about to play some music but got stopped when she heard a annoying voice call out to her.
She turned around and saw the blonde male walking towards her, she kissed her teeth in annoyance. "What?" [Name] asked as Jaeha smirked and leaned closer to her.
"So... when are you going to give a answer to my question?"
The female rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No, I already gave you my answer from the guy, you ordered to ask for my answer." She said and walked away as Jaeha chuckled and followed behind her.
[Name] was not having a good day at all, mostly thanks to Vin Jin and now because of Jaeha. She really hated him, mostly because of he was just a bully and a leader of a gangster around in Gangbuk, it was annoying.
And Jaeha was the 2nd annoying unlike the other leaders except for Seok, who was absolutely way more annoying than Jaeha himself, which was a shocker as itself.
She sighed as she was finally be able to get Jaeha away from her, she continued walking home but then hit a hard and big chest. She stumbled backward and looked at front.
"Oi! What the hell!"
[Name] complained as she looked up and saw Hanju, her lips formed into a line as she heard what had happened to him. Apparently he was beaten down by one guy who was not even experience in any fighting or whatsoever. She felt bad really, she looked down and pursed her lip, not knowing what to say to him.
Hajun stared at her making her uncomfortable, she sweatdropped as she then heard a sigh from the male. "Never mind." Hajun walked away as [Name] was in a state of shock but then let it go and continued walking back to her home.
"So weird..."
[Name] looked at Suhyeon in disbelief. "Are you stupid..." [Name] said to the man kneeling in front of her door, Suhyeon looked at her, confused. "HUh?"
She sighed as she kneeled down on Suhyeon height. "I said, are you fucking stupid?" Suhyeon was left speechless. "Umm....." [Name] sighed.
"Look, I don't want to join you alright? Now, fuck off." She said going back inside her house and closing the door, Suhyeon stood up. "Well, if you ever change your mind. You know where to find us." Suhyeon shouted.
[Name] sighed as she heard Suhyeon walking away, she walked back to the living room and groaned. She can't believe that she got every leader in Gangbuk to ask her to join them.
All she wanted was a peaceful school life but now that was ruined... she sighed heavily and laid down back on her bed.
The others stared in shock as the H/C haired woman appeared.
Suhyeon yelled out after realizing it was [Name] who turned to him. "What?" She let out as she punched another dude.
"I-I tho-"
"Shut it Suhyok, be glad that I actually took up on your offer!" She said as kicking another dude as Suhyeon shut his mouth and just let it be as Seok chuckled as he saw [Name].
"I'm quite sadden that you didn't took up my offer [Name].." Seok said as [Name] sighed and shook her head as she did a trunk squeeze on another guy who tired to attack her.
"Oh, Suhyeon offer and situation was better."
"Yup, at least he didn't sell drugs." [Name] kicked another guy on the ankles as Seok chuckled. "Well, that's sad." Seok said, quite irritated that [Name] didn't agree to join him.
Jaeha cackled as he heard the conversation, he already knew that [Name] wad not going to join Seok either way but was indeed irritated that [Name] joined Suhyeon and not his.
After the fight was finally over and they went their separate ways, with two other leaders feeling pissed that [Name] did not join them while the other was feeling ecstatic that he managed to make [Name] join which means he gets a card!!
But Suhyeon of course asked.
"But why did you join us [Name]?" He asked as [Name] just shrugged. "Nothing..." She said as the bright F/C color glared back at her face.
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