#hopped over the Schleis bay and partied in Schleswig
werspinna · 8 months
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In Wolfs World there is no "Magic" or supernatural elements: All of those elements are explained by Asgardian technology and people tampering with that technology. So how does Nikolaus of Colognes Story fits into it? The Original Myth of Nikolaus is like the Herrmann Mythos probably a historic happening (The peregrinatio puerorum) that had been caused by a lot of different people, yet those people had been molten into one character. Like Herrmann of the Cheruski was probably not one figure but many who lived through the Varusbattle and were molten together in one character (for propaganda reasons by the Nazis and) to make the historic event more epic and easier to remember. Accordingly there had never been one Nikolaus of Cologne, but many living through the peregrinatio puerorum. Its even more obvious for the peregrinatio puerorum, because there were two: The german one lead by Nikolaus of Cologne and the one of france lead by Stephen Ethienne of Cloyes, so there were probably molten together a lot of different people in these two boys together with a lot of different groups of people making a pilgimages on different times to Jerusalem to "take is back peacefully". The mythos of Nikolaus of Cologne is like this: Nikolaus is a young sheperd living in the area around Cologne (Area of Nordrhein Westphalen). One day he has a dream about an Angel telling him that he should gather other children who shall march to Jerusalem and peacefully take over Jerusalem. So Nikolaus takes on the Tau-cross as his symbol, sews it on is clothes, gathers other children (although historically the pueri were probably teenagers who couldn´t find work and even more often beggers, because Pueri does not directly translates to "children" but "servant" /"Farmhand") and shortly after eastern of 1212 he embrakes on the Journey to Genua in Italy where the Angel said the ocean should sepperate before him so he and his followers would travel through the mediterrane sea with dry feet. This miracle never happned, from 30.000 followers 7000 of Nikolaus followers reached Genua. The others died crossing the alps, others half was sold into slavery as they were in a foreign land without any family and easy victims. Nikolaus travels to Rome to be freed of his not even by the pope blessed crusader-duty. Then he travels back to Cologne and dies while crossing the alps. Back in Germany Nikolaus Father is hunted down and hanged by the families of the other members of the peregrinatio puerorum for killing their chidren. None of the Pueri ever reachs Jerusalem.
So how can this story fits into the "only sci-fi technology"-part of Wolfs story? In Wolfs story there is most prominently the "Signal" a distress call from a Asgardian who had crashlanded a few thausand years ago in italy and whos ship is buried under the earth. The signal can not be caught by Baldur, but it causes the people in Pisa and the area around it to always "seek out" , "move forward" and "help". Which obviously, depending on the person, can be interpreted in many different ways. Nikolaus himself is the son of a sheperd and a forestwoman: In other words a asgardian woman visited earth for a few hundres years, had a vacation in the forests around Cologne, met Nikolaus father, had a child and eventually left when she was too bored after a vacation of a few hundred years. Nikolaus therefor is especially "keen" to hearing the signal even if the source of that signal was countries away. However Nikolaus is also a child of his time, so he interprets the signal to "seek out", "move forward" and "help" as a message given to him by the angels he believes in. So his "visions" and the "calling" he feels did happned, but they were definitive not godly or devine. This "calling" also continutes in his adult years,aes the Nikolaus of Wolfs story survives. In his case he finds shelter in a cloister in rome to become a monk and even renames himself Martin because St.Martin is the personification of a good monk and he wants to be that. But he can´t let go of his "calling". In the coming ten years he starts thinking that the reason the miracle of Genua did not happned was because his followers were not pure enough and had sinned and that if he makes sure that those followers are nolonger there, if he "puts it back on zero", then the miracle would eventually happen. So he becomes this worlds mysterio and tries to murder every of the few left followers to "set everyhing on zero". Fourteen years later, by the time Wolfs regular story happens, Nikolaus/ Martin had already been hunting down his former surviving followers who had managed to build up themself a life in countries that they had been stranded in, for four years in different cities set around the mediterrane sea.
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