#horace desmoulins - cutest
One of [Brissot’s] son was placed at the École Polytechnique. By then the imperial scepter weighed on France, and one seemed to have forgotten the martyrs of liberty. All the pupils were solemnly convoked to individually take an oath of fidelity to the emperor. The president called the boys one by one. When the turn of the young Brissot came and the president asked: ”You swear fidelity to the emperor?” the young man answered with a firm voice, ”No!” The president, as you may well imagine, was absolutely taken back by this brusque declaration, and the whole company was stupefied with astonishment. Finally they ventured to ask Brissot what was the reason for his refusal. ”I am too young,” he answered, ”to pass judgment on political matters; what I know is that my father died on the scaffold for the Republic, and I am a republican.” It is difficult to say what the countenance of the presiding dignitary was; but I was assured that the whole school, transported by one of those sudden movements which so easily penetrate young hearts, crowded around the culprit, lavished upon him a thousand assurances of attachment, and followed him as a body when he withdrew. The next day he did not wait for his resignation, he offered it himself. I received all these details from the mother of Madame Brissot, Madame Dupont, who told me about them the day after they happened.
Souvernirs de la Révolution française (1827) by Helen Maria Williams, page 23—24
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sketches-of-stories · 4 years
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Camille, Lucile, and Horace Desmoulins being cute as usual. Inspiration from one of my friends who put me in an extra good mood and made me wanna draw something cutesy.
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