the-everqueen · 3 months
5 - Corinthian, Rose Walker, Desire of the Endless
9 - Donald Pierce, Ty Shaw, Steve Murphy
5 - go on a six hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives), sit next to on a six hour plane flight, sit across from on a six hour train journey mm...once i placed the Corinthian i felt good about deciding the other two. CLEARLY gotta get in a car with the Corinthian. will that road trip end with me dead? yeah, probably. BUT i think he'd have a fun phone playlist. also he'd be the one driving, most likely, not because i can't but because i assume he'd have a much cooler car than i ever will. ideal road trip partner, imho. Jed obviously had a fun time!
Rose for the flight. i HATE flying, esp. "long flights" (for me, that's anything 4+ hours), i usually get red-eyes when possible so i can sleep. so i trust that either Rose and i could politely do our own things for most of the flight (also we're both on the petite end - VERY handy because, uh, sorry to her but she will be in the middle seat because i always get a window seat but at least we won't be cramped like every time i end up sitting next to a dude who's 6 ft and miserable). OR we could talk about books/whatever she's writing. i'd happily rubber duck for Rose Walker. if the flight is 6 hours, are we going to the UK? i'd have a bunch of questions for her if she's going for family history stuff, so long as she's cool with that.
Desire for the train. this is mostly because i assume any sort of extended trip with Desire involves sex and i'd be less squicked out about that in a train bathroom vs a plane bathroom. i do NOT trust Desire's taste in music, so no car playlist privileges. we'd have fun gossiping about the other passengers. if this is a six hour train trip through some part of the U.S., they'd be a fun distraction from All Of The Farmland (inevitable).
9 - watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favourite movie with soap opera goes to Pierce. that bitch loves a good telenovela, i'm sure. we could make it a weekly thing. he's got theories about where Vanessa's arc is going, i've got the latest chisme on his coworkers. win-win.
Steve Murphy is so...old-fashioned, in some respects, that i'd want to go to a play with him. OBVIOUSLY it would be something queer (maybe we just go all out and see "Angels in America"). unlike Pierce, he doesn't gab the entire time, and he buys me a drink at intermission. he's quiet and profoundly, visibly uncomfortable the entire time. afterward we go to the nearest diner and he makes awkward comments on the parts he thinks were done well. i eat a stack of pancakes and stare at him.
(even more ideal than a play...a musical. i DO think Steve Murphy would low-key enjoy a musical, even if he pretended it was silly. what musical would i take Steve to? the 2023 revival of "Merrily We Roll" or maybe a Dave Malloy thing)
i'm trying to decide what my favorite movie is in this context but regardless it goes to Ty Shaw. if it's something overwhelmingly sincere, like LOTR, he's definitely already seen it and goes into the rewatch with sweet enthusiasm. if it's something in the vein of "made just for me, horse," i.e. The Social Network or Challengers, then we end up having really intense sex somewhere around Act 2. either way, he brings beer/popcorn and i either bake cookies or smuggle a bunch of candy into the local theater.
send me a number and three names
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shieldofiron · 1 year
A Christmas (In July) Misunderstanding
Steve doesn’t want to doubt Billy’s trustworthiness. He knows after being flayed, Billy’s changed a lot. He’s even kind of friendly now, a little quieter, a little calmer.
So Steve feels like a jackass when he notices Billy going over to Claudia Henderson’s house every night for a whole week, and he immediately jumps to the worst case scenario.
It’s just that... he heard through the grapevine about what happened with Nancy’s mom, how her parents are getting a divorce and how Ted Wheeler is fighting for custody because of what happened. Steve doesn’t think it was Billy’s fault, not when he heard from Nancy how upset they all were.
When he asks Dustin, and Dustin says he’s sworn to secrecy he starts to worry. Because he really doesn’t want to think of Claudia Henderson that way, and he really doesn’t want to think of Billy that way. They just got to be friendly, and Steve doesn’t... he can’t believe...
Well, he’s a little jealous to tell the truth. Because Robin’s been saying Billy flirts with him, and honestly Steve was starting to feel a little flattered. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it exactly, but Robin seemed to think it was harmless and nice and he’d started looking forward to when Billy would come in to drop off his requisite pile of action and horror movies at the store. Billy’d given Steve his number, and he’d been debating if he might text him. Ask him what he was up to or try to start some kind of conversation. Maybe...
But then he noticed the Camero was often parked outside of Henderson’s place when Steve would drop Dustin off after when Mrs. Henderson was supposedly at her knitting group.
And that’s how Steve found himself waving to Dustin and Claudia on the porch, parking his beemer around the corner, and trying to creep around Mrs. Henderson’s house without getting in front of the big front windows. Tews noticed him, swishing her tail warily, but otherwise, no one seemed to be aware.
“C’mon, it’s starting,” Dustin was parked on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn.
“Hold your horses,” Billy’s voice was startling to hear in the Henderson house, where Steve had frequently had hot cocoa and watched Henderson do homework while they waited for Claudia to come home. Steve had a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, like he’d had too much dairy.
“I fucked it all up,” Billy practically yelled.
“You didn’t mess it all up,” Mrs Henderson said softly, “Just be patient with yourself.”
Steve crept away from the living room, following the noise to the kitchen. Where Billy Hargrove was covering his face, a pile of snarled dark green yarn sitting in front of him.
“It’s okay,” Mrs Henderson said, undoing some of the yarn with a motherly smile.
“Christ,” Billy put his head down into the pile, “I suck at this.”
“It’s just a practice piece,” Mrs Henderson said.
“Yeah but it was going so well... I thought I might,” Billy looked up at her with a red face, “Give it to someone.”
“We’ll get it fixed,” Mrs. Henderson nodded reassuringly.
“Guys, it’s starting,” Dustin yelled from the other room.
“Come on, we’ll untangle while we watch,” Mrs. Henderson piled the yarn into his arms.
Steve frowned when he thought he heard another woman’s voice from the other room but as he made his way closer to the living room window.
“-allmark’s Christmas in July Summer Movie Marathon. We’re playing twenty brand new movies, as well as all your cozy Christmas favorites around the clock. Next up: A Christmas Misunderstanding,” The voice chirped cheerfully.
“Billy it’s your pick,” Dustin bounced on the couch.
“Okay, Henderson, but I’m trusting you with my bingo card,” Billy frowned at the yarn pile as he flopped down next to Dustin on the couch, “Gotta fix this for St-someone.”
“I like the green,” Dustin reached towards the yarn pile.
Billy just pouted, “Yeah, I did too.”
“Looks like...” Dustin glanced up at Billy’s face, and then he laughed a little, “Nevermind. It’s starting.”
“You want to stay through this one and the next one?” Mrs. Henderson asked Billy.
“Yeah. My dad’s not in the best mood,” Billy shrugged.
She just nodded, “As long as you like, sweetie.”
Steve didn’t much feel like staying and listening to a whole hallmark movie just to prove it to himself. Come to think of it, Lucas had mentioned that Billy was going to knitting to help with his dexterity, because the scars on his hands had messed him up a little.
Steve felt like a world class jerk. Even more so when Billy had come to family video the next day and returned Timecop with a weird look on his face when he looked at Steve. He asked Steve to meet after work, and Steve’s stomach sank. He knew. He didn’t know how he knew but he knew.
He had to just apologize before it got too bad, before Billy pushed him to the ground like so many years ago. Not that Steve didn’t deserve it. He felt like shit, and he didn’t know how to explain that he just had the most suspicious mind ever.
“Hey, pretty boy,” Billy crooned when Steve finally got off, catching and returning Keith’s glare as he shuffled to his car. He sucked on his cigarette hard.
“Hey,” Steve shuffled on his feet, wishing locking up had taken a lot longer so he has something to do with his hands.
“I had a question to ask-”
“I’m sorry,” Steve blurted out.
An expression streaked across Billy’s face, “I didn’t even ask you yet.”
“I’m sorry that I thought you and Mrs. Henderson had something going on. I was so fucking stupid, I just thought... I saw your car, and I’m so fucking sorry.”
Billy’s face was red, “You saw us.”
“Yes, I thought-”
Billy tossed his cigarette to the side, “Mrs. Henderson isn’t like that.”
“I-” Steve choked out.
“I’m not like that anymore,” Billy huffed.
“I know,” Steve muttered.
“Then why,” Billy’s voice rose, and he clenched his hands at his sides, “Would you-”
“I like you,” Steve whispered desperately, “I like you and I got all up in my head because the last time I liked someone like this they liked... someone... else.”
He trailed off when Billy opened his door as if he was preparing to go.
“I’m sorry, I’m really fucking sorry, please-”
Billy cut him off by throwing a pile of knotted green yarn at his face.
Before Steve could even fully figure out what was going in, Billy had his hands in Steve’s lapels, dragging him forward.
“You jealous, Harrington?”
“Yeah,” Steve blinked.
Kissing Billy Hargrove was maybe the third most surprising thing that had happened to Steve in the past 24 hours. The second being that he found out Billy Hargrove secretly liked knitting and watching Hallmark movies, and the first being that Steve had said he liked him, and meant it.
Steve hadn’t been much for Hallmark movies but he swore he could hear the music swell.
Billy kissed him slowly, knee-weakeningly, his soft lips dancing over Steve’s with a hunger that Steve hadn’t imagined. When he pulled back Steve actually whimpered and tried to follow, leaning forward and stumbling into Billy’s space.
“You don’t need to be jealous,” Billy said with a frown, “Don’t be jealous. Don’t...”
Steve fell into another kiss, sliding his hands up to Billy’s jaw to hold him in place.
Turns out the knitting project was for him. Family Video green, though Steve noticed it also worked well as a Christmas scarf.
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sir-achimus-prime · 2 years
Daily Dose Of Sundrop :
Summary : Sunny's Sulking and Y/n knows how to deal with him . Sides is butthurt but glad his bro has a friend .
Note : Pure Chaos , I was inspired recently and decided to write it out . Might delete but , enjoy it . Feel free to send prompts as i'm a procrastinator and would love some feed back and direction/inspiration.
Anyway , Enjoy and Have a good day/night !!
And enjoy 😊🙂
* Y/n's Phone and Contact names *
Sundrop : Where are you !?
Me : Somewhere .... why ?
Sundrop : Sideswipe provoked Prowl.
Me : Bitch , I'm at work 😒 🙄
~~~~Message to Sidewinder ~~~~
Me : Bitch , I'm at work 😒🙄
Me : Why'd you piss off prowl ?
Sideswinder is typing .....
~~~~Message to Jazz-man ~~~~~~~~~
Me : What'd Sidewinder do and why's Sundrop made
Jazz-man : Sides , used all Sunny's new fancy paints on Prowler. Prowlers slagged off and Sunny's been in their Quarters since Saturday . Why ? We've been trying to get to comm.'em , but He's ignoring all hails . You talked to'em ?
Sundrop : The Slag you saying !!
Me : Sorry , meant to send that to someone else 😅 .
Sundrop : Whatever. Where are you ?
Me : I'm at work .
Sundrop : Work !? I thought you worked with Prowl?
Me : No. I have bills and kids !
Sundrop : You reproduced ?! Primus help us all !
Me : O.o Wtf ! Did Sideswipe Spike the energon dispenser again !?
Me : Not what i meant , aft.
Sundrop : ....
Sundrop : You must be horrible at your job ! I would not hire you
Me : ... Good Thing I don't work for you 🙂🙃🙂
Sundrop : The Slag are those :smile: ?
Me : I'm on Lunch . It's ending in 30 mins. I'll be at Inn-n-out if ya wanna talk or talk smack about the stock domestic cars/trucks ?
Sundrop : They should know better ! Why should i grace them with my presence ?!
Me : I'm not going to base this week. Prowl's pairing both Prowl and you with someone else.
Sundrop : I'll be there in .... 15 mins.
Me : Your 3 hours away ?!
Sundrop : .... And your a stupid human ...
Me : O.o ... damn ... Want a stool for that horse ?
Sundrop : What Horse !!
Me : Hehe , Stupid Alexa
Sundrop : Who the frag is Alexa !
Me : I'm here . I'm grabbing some food .
Sundrop : Disgusting.
Me : Are you texting and driving!
* Many Stock Mustangs/Chargers/Cameros were critizied by a Car Nerd and her Car Ninja Turtle 🐢 *
1 day later
Me : Sunstreaker!!
Sundrop : So you live ! YOU DIDN'T ANSWER ME !!
Me : Bruh , Caplocks is on
Sundrop : What !
Me : Ummm , I gave Jazz something to give ya . Can ya open the door ?!
Sundrop : `~`
Me : Damn ... Whelp i guess Dinobots are gonna enjoy some new Linseed oil , mortar/pestel , Pigments and muller , brushes and a canvases , huh ?
Sundrop : .....is typing
~~~Message from The Jazz-man~~~~
Jazz-man : He's got it. Hopefully he uses it before Sideswipe gets out .
Me : Don't stress about it , Jazz
~~~~~~Message to Sideswinder~~~~
Me : I swear to god , If you mess with his new paint set , Ratchet will know !!
Sideswinder : Jeez ! ALRIGHT !! What's my brother do ?
Me : Nothing. Just don't fuck with his paints ! Also good-luck 🥰😘
Note : Thank you for reading !!!!!!
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Sheltering Wild Ponies - Assateague. Deborah Camero (b.1942). Pastels on paper. Signed and dated 1987.
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bipercabeth · 3 years
50. I’m scared but won’t admit it so you take my hand 😘
Percy spends his thirteenth birthday with his mom in their new apartment, his stomach stuffed full of blue cookies and his chest full of love. There are only a few days between the end of summer and the start of the school year, and he isn't sure how he feels about the sudden disparity of Sally Jackson hugs he's staring down. Summers used to be theirs, and now they belong to camp, to the gods, to trying not to die.
His mom's eyes flicker to the scar from the pit scorpion every time she thinks he isn't looking.
That doesn't mean it isn't a happy day. The Jacksons are home under the same roof, sea breeze blowing through the open window and all. That's always a happy day.
Percy tells her about Waterland, his face heating up as he skips over the Tunnel of Love; he tells her about the zoo truck and the fact that he can apparently talk to horses now; he tells her about Gladiola the poodle—“Did you know dogs can read?!?" He doesn't tell her about Medusa, the Furies, Crusty, the Lotus Hotel, or any of the other monsters that tried to kill him along the way. They don't need those names echoing in this little apartment, where the air smells like the sea instead of smog, where there are no smoke stains on the walls. Gabe and all the other monsters are behind them. It is a new beginning, one Percy doesn't want to ruin.
His mom looks at him like he's never ruined a thing in his life.
"Thirteen," she says, a bit weepy in a my-son-is-a-teenager way, which was a miracle before the monsters. "I am so proud of you, Percy. Happy birthday."
And he hears everything that doesn't say. You are everything to me. You are so much like your father, and I lost him too. And perhaps loudest of all, You are my son. Anything that hurts you will have to go through me.
Percy lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, one that has ballooned in his lungs since Gabe's Camero flipped at the start of the season. He was right to go home. He has never felt safer than he has in his mother's arms, which open without him having to ask. She takes his hand—or maybe he takes hers—and the breeze sighs in relief alongside them.
It’s a happy day.
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toastedkiwi · 4 years
Summary: Chris facetimes you.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Roommate!Reader
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“Bubba, I think your cats are trying to kill me,” Chris said the second you pick up his call.
“What do you mean?” You asked placing your phone up against the wall.
“I mean that I woke up this morning to Marie on my face trying to keep my mouth closed as Berlioz strangled my throat,” he said.
You watched as he paced around getting the house ready for him to go to bed. You know he’s fond of having natural light coming in and he loves opening up the curtains in the morning to get his day started.
“They also keep tripping me,” Chris said. “I’m scared for my life.”
You laughed. He finally looks at his phone screen to see that you’re in his big bathroom with wet hair and one of his t-shirts.
“It’s true, Munchkin! I got so many scratches on my arm. They are out for blood, Y/n, and I’ll be their first victim. Then Dodger will be next,” he said.
“We both know that Dodger gets along with Berlioz,” you said. “He even lets that cat eat some of his food.”
“It’s gonna be a fat cat. I also have scheduled an appointment for your cats so they can get their shots,” Chris informed. “And we can figure out when Berlioz can get his balls cut off and Marie can get spayed.”
You giggled, “balls.”
“You’re such a child,” he said shaking his head.
“You’re such a whiny little bitch,” you said.
“That is not nice— Dodger, bedtime,” Chris said.
“Do we ever call each other nice things?” You asked.
“I call you Bubba—,” he said heading down the hallway to his bedroom.
“You also call Dodger that,” you said.
“Yeah. I also call you Honey, Darling, Sugar— oh yeah! I fucking figured out what a sugar baby is, you fucking cunt,” Chris hissed.
You covered your mouth hysterically laughing.
“You fucking jackass! You embarrassed me on a fucking live. My baby sister had to tell me what the fuck a sugar baby is,” he ranted oozing his Boston accent. “I’m getting fuckin’ DMs asking me if I can be their sugar daddy! I’m not that fuckin’ old! Im only 39 living with a fuckin’ 20 something year old popstar, 2 fuckin’ cats, and a dog! I don’t have anytime for a sugar baby nor you suggesting that you are mine! It’s outrageous! It’s horse shit! Some people fuckin’ believe it too! But your ass makes more money than me!”
“Are you good?” You asked as he takes a deep breath.
“Yeah,” he mumbled.
You grinned and put your hair up. He climbs into his bed where a kitten is already on one of his pillows.
“How was filming?” Chris asked seeing that you’re starting your nightly routine.
“It was fine,” you said.
“Was it for... the one song that you and Machine Gun Kelly did or...?” He asked.
“Nah, I did the angsty song that you haven’t heard yet,” you said.
Chris yawns loudly and asked, “when can I hear it?”
“You’ll hear it with everyone else in the world,” you said.
“Lame. I live with you. I’m your emotional support animal,” he said. “I deserve to hear your masterpiece.”
“Dude, you can wait,” you said.
He groaned and pouted like a little kid.
“That look will not work on me,” you said pointing at the camera.
“But, Huuuuuuney,” Chris whined.
“Baaaaaaaby,” you mocked.
“I can put you on the streets, you turd,” Chris said making you laugh.
“Oh, but you see I’m in your mansion while you’re in your suburban white mom’s house,” you said. “All of your expensive shit is here, pretty boy, along with your Camero.”
“That was a gift from RDJ,” he said. “I should probably get it shipped out here.”
“I can make that happen. I was thinking about getting my car out there as well so I’m not stealing yours all the time,” you said.
“You might as well move all your shit out here,” Chris suggested.
“You sure you want that?” You asked.
“I’m pretty fucking sure we’re stuck with each other, Y/n,” he said.
“I knew that the second you practically kidnapped me and made me dog sit Dodger the night we met,” you said making Chris smile at the memory.
“I guess I have been kidnapping you since the beginning,” he said.
You laughed and said, “I told ya.”
“Don’t get snotty,” he sassed.
“How am I being snotty?” You asked.
“You just are— what are you putting on your face?” Chris asked.
“It’s a mud mask,” you said.
“Shouldn’t it be brown?” He asked.
“It’s blueberries and yogurt,” you said showing him the package.
“Then it’s not a mud mask,” Chris said. “That’s just blueberries and fuckin’ yogurt smushed together in that little weird packaging. I can make it myself.”
You giggled and continued to apply the pale blue colored mask upon your skin. He rolled onto his side and propped up his phone on the nightstand. He grabbed his book as well. There’s a comfortable silence between the both of you as you’re finish applying your mask and cleaning up. Chris has Dodger cuddling up with him and he’s flipping to the right page of his book.
“What are you reading this time?” You asked.
“A book,” Chris stated.
He doesn’t need to look that your blue face isn’t too happy about his answer. It makes him smile.
“So,” you said heading into his bedroom.
Chris puts down his book flat on his chest and looks at you. He can’t help but reach over and take a screenshot.
“Why the fuck did you just take a screenshot?” You asked.
“‘Cause I need to look back on that face,” Chris said. “When you look like the chick from Charlie & The Chocolate Factory.”
“Oh my god,” you groaned. “You. Are. Not. Posting. It!”
“Don’t provoke me,” he said.
“You’re so sassy,” you said. “Oh! Guess what!”
“I’m not guessing,” Chris said.
“Please? Please just guess,” you pleaded with a pouted lip.
“Fine... you’re... getting lip injections,” Chris said.
You end up hanging up on him. He laughed and tried to call you back but you don’t pick up. It takes him three tries until you pick up.
“No, Chris, I’m not getting lip injections. I’m going on the VMAs and I’m gonna fucking shit on your name,” you said.
“I can’t wait to watch it,” he smiled.
“I hope you eat shit,” you said.
“That’s my line,” he snorted.
“Whatever,” you sassed going back into the bathroom.
“Are you sleeping in my bedroom?” Chris asked.
“Yeah,” you said.
“‘Cause I miss you,” you mumbled.
“Awww, I miss you too,” he cooed. “You’ll be back soon.”
“I know,” you said.
“Oh, there’s Satan,” Chris said.
Marie jumps up on the bed. Chris is quick to flip the camera around and show you your little white kitten.
“She isn’t Satan,” you said.
“Yes she is! You just don’t believe me,” he said as the kitten made its way up to him.
“Cause you’re a liar,” you said.
“You’re the liar, you fucking blueberry,” Chris said.
“Am I a blueberry or a liar?” You asked turning on the faucet.
“I’m gonna put that on a shirt and sell it,” he said flipping his camera back on him.
Your cat curls up in between the space between his neck and shoulder. You wash away the mask off your face. Chris waits patiently for you to finish up and come back on the screen. He yawned loudly.
“You tired, Bear?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he mumbled.
“Oh look at you three!” You squealed seeing them.
You take a screenshot of them of course making Chris huff.
“Where’s Berlioz?” You asked.
“I dunno. Probably destroying our house,” Chris said. “Or plotting my murder.”
“Why would the cats murder you? You feed them,” you said and turned off the bathroom lights.
“I don’t know their motives,” he said.
You laughed and climbed into his big bed. You get under the covers and lay on your side looking at your phone.
“You’re looking comfy in my bed,” Chris said.
“It’d be better with Dodger and my kitties,” you said.
“Well, Honey, you just outta come back to Boston,” he said.
“And I will,” you said.
You both continue talking until he ultimately crashes. You screenshot your roommate who looks so peaceful in his bed filled with animals.
“Goodnight, Chrissy. Goodnight, Marie. Goodnight, Dodger. Goodnight, Berlioz,” you said.
You watch them for a good minute before hanging up.
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@thefallenbibliophilequote @notbrooklynsblog @plokyu23 @anacrcarvalho
Credit to @firefly-graphics for the divider.
A/N: DM me or send a message to my inbox to be in this series’s taglist. It’s easier to track instead of comments.
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isayamasideblog · 4 years
Hey there!! Could you do headcannons for what cars the 104th would drive? And how they would be as drivers? I imagine Eren would be an insane driver that gets tickets all the time, but Mikasa isn’t much better 😂
!I know next to nothing about cars....but we need some positivity so:
Eren is driving with a suspended liscence.
Reason is that he’s a bit of an angry driver (road rage). If someone cuts him off, he will cut them off too.
He’s always flipping the bird at bad drivers, “Learn to drive asshole!” even if he himself is driving badly.
Drives over the speed limit a lot!
But when he’s calm, he’s a calm driver. 
He’s the type that looks at the needle approaching E and he’s like “I won’t get gas until it’s on the red line”
He probably drives a rare old school car from the 90′s, you know like those cool racing cars.
He actually keeps it clean, he hates leaving trash in it and takes care of it.
Lots of people always take pictures of it and he thinks he’s the sh*t for that.
He plays bad music, he’s the driver that’s blasting music in his car at 2am
Mikasa sticks to a bike and public transportation for some time. 
She just enjoys not worrying about what’s on the road. 
But really it’s because Eren always gives her rides since she “doesn’t know how to drive” (she does, but shhh Eren promised to teach her) 
But when she does get a car, it’ll be a jeep, something that can handle tough roads.  
She’s a calm driver. But if there are no cars in sight, she might hit the accelarator just a tiny bit and have some fun. 
She has her sunglasses, her driving gloves, and obviously the scarf flying freely in the wind, because she tends to put all the windows down. 
She’s that one driver that catches your attention on the road and you can’t help but stare at.
She has great music playing in her car and clean car.
His car is something average, but reliable. 
He plays classical music with the windows rolled up and the AC on blast.
Eren tries to get him to get a car like his, but Armin’s like “I’m good”
He surprisingly has a sort of messy car. Not dirty, but he keeps lots of papers and books there. 
He’s the type to always have everything in his car. Waters in the back, chairs, extra tire, etc, People don’t know how he keeps everything in there. 
He’s always going to his car to get stuff lol
He grips the wheel when a cop drives by even when he’s following the speed limit. 
He always accidentally makes eye contact with the driver next to him. 
Jean has a similar car to Eren, and Eren hates it. “Why’d you copy me?”
However, he does tend to keep trash in it. 
He’s a decent driver, but let’s say Eren coincidentally is driving next to him, then you bet he’ll be challenging him for a race. 
They both get stopped immediately by the cops LOL
He offered to teach Mikasa how to drive, but she’s like “I already know??” 
He always keeps his gas tank full. 
He enjoys late night drives
Has good music taste, and he knows it!
He takes over the top care of his car. He’s always shining it and he takes a lot of pictures of it. 
He calls it his baby. 
She has a pick up truck and it is filled with take out food.
Her truck oftentimes breaks down on the side of the road, and she just texts Mikasa and sits there without a care in the world while sipping on her drink
People stop to offer help, but she shakes her head. “Mikasa’s on her way”
She gets a lot of tickets for parking in the wrong spots. 
She too plays very very loud music, but it’s always fun pop songs, so people hear her and they sing along. 
She purposely makes eye contact with other drivers as she sings to them
She has funny bumper stickers
Connie skateboards everywhere. Eww cars. 
Actually he has failed his liscence too many times and he has just given up!
Sasha is his go to driver, sometimes Armin. (Mostly Sasha)  
If Connie goes anywhere, Sasha goes with him. 
He brings the aux cord and plays rap music.
If Connie promises to play his music, everyone is willing to give him a ride. 
Reiner rides a horse, he’s never heard of a car
Historia and Ymir drive a pink camero
Annie doesn’t drive, she teleports to where she wants to go. JOKING. 
Hange drives a station wagon. She loves group car trips!
Levi and Erwin drive matching luxury cars. Erwin waves at you if he sees you in the street and offers you a ride. Levi sees you and ignores you completely, thinking, “Walk bitch.”  
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bhadpodcast · 7 years
Nah Mustang is a horse. The story behind Camaro is weird as hell and vague. The closest thing to Camaro being a horse is that someone named their race horse Camero after the car
Huh, I always thought it was a horse.  This was interesting: http://www.carbuzz.com/news/2016/4/28/The-Mustang-Is-Named-After-A-Plane-Or-Horse-But-What-The-Hell-Does-Camaro-Mean-7733283/
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ao3feed-stydia · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2FkgLR0
by theangelsarefalling
It's the middle of November when Lillian Stager moves back to Beacon Hills; the crisp autumn air stirring a strange strength deep in her chest. After a near-deadly mishap involving a jet-black Camero, Lillian meets Derek Hale.
As a tight bond builds between the two, the tranquillity is totalled by a murder and the revelation of more than a few secrets. Derek and Lillian are forced to face that staying together becomes a challenge when you don't know who to trust.
Words: 2113, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinki, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Melissa McCall, Alan Deaton
Relationships: Derek Hale/Original Female Character(s), Lydia Martin/Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent/Scott McCall
Additional Tags: Horses, Supernatural - Freeform, Werewolves, Werewolf, super powers, Original Character(s)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2FkgLR0
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whateverem · 6 years
My list of pets I have:
8 Dogs their names and breeds
German Shepherd, Lady
White German Shepherd, Castiel
Boxer, Rowdy
Pitbull, Sugar
Black Lab, Camero
Papillon, Mia
Mastiff mix, Buddy
German Shepherd Mix, Hannah
6 Cats
Calicos: Boo, Fiona, Rouge, Aria
Grey and white Male, Falcore
Tabby, Red
3 Turtles:
Water turtles, Beast, Max, Sam
3 Horses:
Paint, Chavo
Palominos, Trigger, Highway Gold
Idk how many fish tbh... a lot lol
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johnny---cash · 7 years
This man... This was a man who had confided in me, who became a companion in such a short time. I’d joked and even put his name in my phone as New Dad, because he’d shown more kindness than my own father had despite having lived in close quarters with one another for the last eighteen years. He asked for my thoughts, like I was not a youth, but an equal. He would hang on my every word as though it were some rich, Biblical gospel with the capability of saving the world. 
She held no job. She used his money to get the latest stylish clothes, designer handbags, lavish trips to ski lodges and tropical islands. He foots the bill for her to keep not one, but three horses at a luxury stable, a new Camero from the previous year with her name on it.
He gave her everything and she took, and took, and took, giving nothing back.
I wondered how he could still love her, a woman who had repeatedly abused his trust of her and ran around having fun and drinking profusely and leaching off the wallet of another man-- men, there had been more than my dad before-- and now, now the game wasn’t so fun when there was a prospect of actual, serious, real consequences being thrown in her face. I wanted to ask him, Jack, why in the name of all good things are you staying? She has been dragging you around by the heartstrings, manipulating you, exploiting you and playing you better than even Beethoven played the piano. 
I hit the breaks a little harder than necessary when the realization hit me: my god, he’s a fool in love even still. 
(Here’s the thing: I can forgive, but I’ve got a steel trap in my head-- I’ll never forget. She can’t use his money to buy herself a place in heaven and that’s good enough for me. I’m a patient soul aware karma is everything.)
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bhadpodcast · 7 years
You know, one of my biggest pet peeves is on how people misspell Camaro for camero, which for some reason then I see Derek as a Lawrence of Arabia type.. A simple Google search would fix the misspelling
The problem is that it doesn’t always autocorrect and most people don’t know.  Isn’t a camero a horse?  And wasn’t that what the car was named from? 
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